1 | /*****************************************************************************
2 | * Copyright (C) The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved. *
3 | * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
4 | * This software is published under the terms of the Apache Software License *
5 | * version 1.1, a copy of which has been included with this distribution in *
6 | * the LICENSE file. *
7 | *****************************************************************************/
8 |
9 | package com.kitfox.svg.batik;
10 |
11 | import java.awt.Color;
12 | import java.awt.Rectangle;
13 | import java.awt.RenderingHints;
14 | import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
15 | import java.awt.geom.NoninvertibleTransformException;
16 | import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
17 | import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
18 | import java.awt.image.ColorModel;
19 |
20 | /**
21 | * Provides the actual implementation for the LinearGradientPaint
22 | * This is where the pixel processing is done.
23 | *
24 | * @author Nicholas Talian, Vincent Hardy, Jim Graham, Jerry Evans
25 | * @author <a href="mailto:vincent.hardy@eng.sun.com">Vincent Hardy</a>
26 | * @version $Id: LinearGradientPaintContext.java,v 1.2 2007/02/04 01:28:05 kitfox Exp $
27 | * @see java.awt.PaintContext
28 | * @see java.awt.Paint
29 | * @see java.awt.GradientPaint
30 | */
31 | final class LinearGradientPaintContext extends MultipleGradientPaintContext {
32 |
33 | /**
34 | * The following invariants are used to process the gradient value from
35 | * a device space coordinate, (X, Y):
36 | * g(X, Y) = dgdX*X + dgdY*Y + gc
37 | */
38 | private float dgdX, dgdY, gc, pixSz;
39 |
40 | private static final int DEFAULT_IMPL = 1;
41 | private static final int ANTI_ALIAS_IMPL = 3;
42 |
43 | private int fillMethod;
44 |
45 | /**
46 | * Constructor for LinearGradientPaintContext.
47 | *
48 | * @param cm {@link ColorModel} that receives
49 | * the <code>Paint</code> data. This is used only as a hint.
50 | *
51 | * @param deviceBounds the device space bounding box of the
52 | * graphics primitive being rendered
53 | *
54 | * @param userBounds the user space bounding box of the
55 | * graphics primitive being rendered
56 | *
57 | * @param t the {@link AffineTransform} from user
58 | * space into device space (gradientTransform should be
59 | * concatenated with this)
60 | *
61 | * @param hints the hints that the context object uses to choose
62 | * between rendering alternatives
63 | *
64 | * @param start gradient start point, in user space
65 | *
66 | * @param end gradient end point, in user space
67 | *
68 | * @param fractions the fractions specifying the gradient distribution
69 | *
70 | * @param colors the gradient colors
71 | *
72 | * @param cycleMethod either NO_CYCLE, REFLECT, or REPEAT
73 | *
74 | * @param colorSpace which colorspace to use for interpolation,
75 | * either SRGB or LINEAR_RGB
76 | *
77 | */
78 | public LinearGradientPaintContext(ColorModel cm,
79 | Rectangle deviceBounds,
80 | Rectangle2D userBounds,
81 | AffineTransform t,
82 | RenderingHints hints,
83 | Point2D dStart,
84 | Point2D dEnd,
85 | float[] fractions,
86 | Color[] colors,
87 | MultipleGradientPaint.CycleMethodEnum
88 | cycleMethod,
89 | MultipleGradientPaint.ColorSpaceEnum
90 | colorSpace)
91 | throws NoninvertibleTransformException
92 | {
93 | super(cm, deviceBounds, userBounds, t, hints, fractions,
94 | colors, cycleMethod, colorSpace);
95 |
96 | // Use single precision floating points
97 | Point2D.Float start = new Point2D.Float((float)dStart.getX(),
98 | (float)dStart.getY());
99 | Point2D.Float end = new Point2D.Float((float)dEnd.getX(),
100 | (float)dEnd.getY());
101 |
102 | // A given point in the raster should take on the same color as its
103 | // projection onto the gradient vector.
104 | // Thus, we want the projection of the current position vector
105 | // onto the gradient vector, then normalized with respect to the
106 | // length of the gradient vector, giving a value which can be mapped into
107 | // the range 0-1.
108 | // projection = currentVector dot gradientVector / length(gradientVector)
109 | // normalized = projection / length(gradientVector)
110 |
111 | float dx = end.x - start.x; // change in x from start to end
112 | float dy = end.y - start.y; // change in y from start to end
113 | float dSq = dx*dx + dy*dy; // total distance squared
114 |
115 | //avoid repeated calculations by doing these divides once.
116 | float constX = dx/dSq;
117 | float constY = dy/dSq;
118 |
119 | //incremental change along gradient for +x
120 | dgdX = a00*constX + a10*constY;
121 | //incremental change along gradient for +y
122 | dgdY = a01*constX + a11*constY;
123 |
124 | float dgdXAbs = Math.abs(dgdX);
125 | float dgdYAbs = Math.abs(dgdY);
126 | if (dgdXAbs > dgdYAbs) pixSz = dgdXAbs;
127 | else pixSz = dgdYAbs;
128 |
129 | //constant, incorporates the translation components from the matrix
130 | gc = (a02-start.x)*constX + (a12-start.y)*constY;
131 |
132 | Object colorRend = hints == null ? RenderingHints.VALUE_COLOR_RENDER_SPEED : hints.get(RenderingHints.KEY_COLOR_RENDERING);
133 | Object rend = hints == null ? RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_SPEED : hints.get(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING);
134 |
135 | fillMethod = DEFAULT_IMPL;
136 |
137 | if ((cycleMethod == MultipleGradientPaint.REPEAT) ||
138 | hasDiscontinuity) {
139 | if (rend == RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY)
140 | fillMethod = ANTI_ALIAS_IMPL;
141 | // ColorRend overrides rend.
142 | if (colorRend == RenderingHints.VALUE_COLOR_RENDER_SPEED)
143 | fillMethod = DEFAULT_IMPL;
144 | else if (colorRend == RenderingHints.VALUE_COLOR_RENDER_QUALITY)
145 | fillMethod = ANTI_ALIAS_IMPL;
146 | }
147 | }
148 |
149 | protected void fillHardNoCycle(int[] pixels, int off, int adjust,
150 | int x, int y, int w, int h) {
151 |
152 | //constant which can be pulled out of the inner loop
153 | final float initConst = (dgdX*x) + gc;
154 |
155 | for(int i=0; i<h; i++) { //for every row
156 | //initialize current value to be start.
157 | float g = initConst + dgdY*(y+i);
158 | final int rowLimit = off+w; // end of row iteration
159 |
160 | if (dgdX == 0) {
161 | // System.out.println("In fillHard: " + g);
162 | final int val;
163 | if (g <= 0)
164 | val = gradientUnderflow;
165 | else if (g >= 1)
166 | val = gradientOverflow;
167 | else {
168 | // Could be a binary search...
169 | int gradIdx = 0;
170 | while (gradIdx < gradientsLength-1) {
171 | if (g < fractions[gradIdx+1])
172 | break;
173 | gradIdx++;
174 | }
175 | float delta = (g-fractions[gradIdx]);
176 | float idx = ((delta*GRADIENT_SIZE_INDEX)
177 | /normalizedIntervals[gradIdx])+0.5f;
178 | val = gradients[gradIdx][(int)idx];
179 | }
180 |
181 | while (off < rowLimit) {
182 | pixels[off++] = val;
183 | }
184 | } else {
185 | // System.out.println("In fillHard2: " + g);
186 | int gradSteps;
187 | int preGradSteps;
188 | final int preVal, postVal;
189 | if (dgdX >= 0) {
190 | gradSteps = (int) ((1-g)/dgdX);
191 | preGradSteps = (int)Math.ceil((0-g)/dgdX);
192 | preVal = gradientUnderflow;
193 | postVal = gradientOverflow;
194 | } else { // dgdX < 0
195 | gradSteps = (int) ((0-g)/dgdX);
196 | preGradSteps = (int)Math.ceil((1-g)/dgdX);
197 | preVal = gradientOverflow;
198 | postVal = gradientUnderflow;
199 | }
200 |
201 | if (gradSteps > w)
202 | gradSteps = w;
203 |
204 | final int gradLimit = off + gradSteps;
205 | if (preGradSteps > 0) {
206 | if (preGradSteps > w)
207 | preGradSteps = w;
208 | final int preGradLimit = off + preGradSteps;
209 |
210 | while (off < preGradLimit) {
211 | pixels[off++] = preVal;
212 | }
213 | g += dgdX*preGradSteps;
214 | }
215 |
216 | if (dgdX > 0) {
217 | // Could be a binary search...
218 | int gradIdx = 0;
219 | while (gradIdx < gradientsLength-1) {
220 | if (g < fractions[gradIdx+1])
221 | break;
222 | gradIdx++;
223 | }
224 |
225 | while (off < gradLimit) {
226 | float delta = (g-fractions[gradIdx]);
227 | final int [] grad = gradients[gradIdx];
228 |
229 | int steps =
230 | (int)Math.ceil((fractions[gradIdx+1]-g)/dgdX);
231 | int subGradLimit = off + steps;
232 | if (subGradLimit > gradLimit)
233 | subGradLimit = gradLimit;
234 |
235 | int idx = (int)(((delta*GRADIENT_SIZE_INDEX)
236 | /normalizedIntervals[gradIdx])
237 | *(1<<16)) + (1<<15);
238 | int step = (int)(((dgdX*GRADIENT_SIZE_INDEX)
239 | /normalizedIntervals[gradIdx])
240 | *(1<<16));
241 | while (off < subGradLimit) {
242 | pixels[off++] = grad[idx>>16];
243 | idx += step;
244 | }
245 | g+=dgdX*steps;
246 | gradIdx++;
247 | }
248 | } else {
249 | // Could be a binary search...
250 | int gradIdx = gradientsLength-1;
251 | while (gradIdx > 0) {
252 | if (g > fractions[gradIdx])
253 | break;
254 | gradIdx--;
255 | }
256 |
257 | while (off < gradLimit) {
258 | float delta = (g-fractions[gradIdx]);
259 | final int [] grad = gradients[gradIdx];
260 |
261 | int steps = (int)Math.ceil(delta/-dgdX);
262 | int subGradLimit = off + steps;
263 | if (subGradLimit > gradLimit)
264 | subGradLimit = gradLimit;
265 |
266 | int idx = (int)(((delta*GRADIENT_SIZE_INDEX)
267 | /normalizedIntervals[gradIdx])
268 | *(1<<16)) + (1<<15);
269 | int step = (int)(((dgdX*GRADIENT_SIZE_INDEX)
270 | /normalizedIntervals[gradIdx])
271 | *(1<<16));
272 | while (off < subGradLimit) {
273 | pixels[off++] = grad[idx>>16];
274 | idx += step;
275 | }
276 | g+=dgdX*steps;
277 | gradIdx--;
278 | }
279 | }
280 |
281 | while (off < rowLimit) {
282 | pixels[off++] = postVal;
283 | }
284 | }
285 | off += adjust; //change in off from row to row
286 | }
287 | }
288 |
289 | protected void fillSimpleNoCycle(int[] pixels, int off, int adjust,
290 | int x, int y, int w, int h) {
291 | //constant which can be pulled out of the inner loop
292 | final float initConst = (dgdX*x) + gc;
293 | final float step = dgdX*fastGradientArraySize;
294 | final int fpStep = (int)(step*(1<<16)); // fix point step
295 |
296 | final int [] grad = gradient;
297 |
298 | for(int i=0; i<h; i++){ //for every row
299 | //initialize current value to be start.
300 | float g = initConst + dgdY*(y+i);
301 | g *= fastGradientArraySize;
302 | g += 0.5; // rounding factor...
303 |
304 | final int rowLimit = off+w; // end of row iteration
305 |
306 | if (dgdX == 0) {
307 | // System.out.println("In fillSimpleNC: " + g);
308 | final int val;
309 | if (g<=0)
310 | val = gradientUnderflow;
311 | else if (g>=fastGradientArraySize)
312 | val = gradientOverflow;
313 | else
314 | val = grad[(int)g];
315 | while (off < rowLimit) {
316 | pixels[off++] = val;
317 | }
318 | } else {
319 | // System.out.println("In fillSimpleNC2: " + g);
320 | int gradSteps;
321 | int preGradSteps;
322 | final int preVal, postVal;
323 | if (dgdX > 0) {
324 | gradSteps = (int)((fastGradientArraySize-g)/step);
325 | preGradSteps = (int)Math.ceil(0-g/step);
326 | preVal = gradientUnderflow;
327 | postVal = gradientOverflow;
328 |
329 | } else { // dgdX < 0
330 | gradSteps = (int)((0-g)/step);
331 | preGradSteps =
332 | (int)Math.ceil((fastGradientArraySize-g)/step);
333 | preVal = gradientOverflow;
334 | postVal = gradientUnderflow;
335 | }
336 |
337 | if (gradSteps > w)
338 | gradSteps = w;
339 | final int gradLimit = off + gradSteps;
340 |
341 | if (preGradSteps > 0) {
342 | if (preGradSteps > w)
343 | preGradSteps = w;
344 | final int preGradLimit = off + preGradSteps;
345 |
346 | while (off < preGradLimit) {
347 | pixels[off++] = preVal;
348 | }
349 | g += step*preGradSteps;
350 | }
351 |
352 | int fpG = (int)(g*(1<<16));
353 | while (off < gradLimit) {
354 | pixels[off++] = grad[fpG>>16];
355 | fpG += fpStep;
356 | }
357 |
358 | while (off < rowLimit) {
359 | pixels[off++] = postVal;
360 | }
361 | }
362 | off += adjust; //change in off from row to row
363 | }
364 | }
365 |
366 | protected void fillSimpleRepeat(int[] pixels, int off, int adjust,
367 | int x, int y, int w, int h) {
368 |
369 | final float initConst = (dgdX*x) + gc;
370 |
371 | // Limit step to fractional part of
372 | // fastGradientArraySize (the non fractional part has
373 | // no affect anyways, and would mess up lots of stuff
374 | // below).
375 | float step = (dgdX - (int)dgdX)*fastGradientArraySize;
376 |
377 | // Make it a Positive step (a small negative step is
378 | // the same as a positive step slightly less than
379 | // fastGradientArraySize.
380 | if (step < 0)
381 | step += fastGradientArraySize;
382 |
383 | final int [] grad = gradient;
384 |
385 | for(int i=0; i<h; i++) { //for every row
386 | //initialize current value to be start.
387 | float g = initConst + dgdY*(y+i);
388 |
389 | // now Limited between -1 and 1.
390 | g = g-(int)g;
391 | // put in the positive side.
392 | if (g < 0)
393 | g += 1;
394 |
395 | // scale for gradient array...
396 | g *= fastGradientArraySize;
397 | g += 0.5; // rounding factor
398 | final int rowLimit = off+w; // end of row iteration
399 | while (off < rowLimit) {
400 | int idx = (int)g;
401 | if (idx >= fastGradientArraySize) {
402 | g -= fastGradientArraySize;
403 | idx -= fastGradientArraySize;
404 | }
405 | pixels[off++] = grad[idx];
406 | g += step;
407 | }
408 |
409 | off += adjust; //change in off from row to row
410 | }
411 | }
412 |
413 |
414 | protected void fillSimpleReflect(int[] pixels, int off, int adjust,
415 | int x, int y, int w, int h) {
416 | final float initConst = (dgdX*x) + gc;
417 |
418 | final int [] grad = gradient;
419 |
420 | for (int i=0; i<h; i++) { //for every row
421 | //initialize current value to be start.
422 | float g = initConst + dgdY*(y+i);
423 |
424 | // now limited g to -2<->2
425 | g = g - 2*((int)(g/2.0f));
426 |
427 | float step = dgdX;
428 | // Pull it into the positive half
429 | if (g < 0) {
430 | g = -g; //take absolute value
431 | step = - step; // Change direction..
432 | }
433 |
434 | // Now do the same for dgdX. This is safe because
435 | // any step that is a multiple of 2.0 has no
436 | // affect, hence we can remove it which the first
437 | // part does. The second part simply adds 2.0
438 | // (which has no affect due to the cylcle) to move
439 | // all negative step values into the positive
440 | // side.
441 | step = step - 2*((int)step/2.0f);
442 | if (step < 0)
443 | step += 2.0;
444 | final int reflectMax = 2*fastGradientArraySize;
445 |
446 | // Scale for gradient array.
447 | g *= fastGradientArraySize;
448 | g += 0.5;
449 | step *= fastGradientArraySize;
450 | final int rowLimit = off+w; // end of row iteration
451 | while (off < rowLimit) {
452 | int idx = (int)g;
453 | if (idx >= reflectMax) {
454 | g -= reflectMax;
455 | idx -= reflectMax;
456 | }
457 |
458 | if (idx <= fastGradientArraySize)
459 | pixels[off++] = grad[idx];
460 | else
461 | pixels[off++] = grad[reflectMax-idx];
462 | g+= step;
463 | }
464 |
465 | off += adjust; //change in off from row to row
466 | }
467 | }
468 |
469 | /**
470 | * Return a Raster containing the colors generated for the graphics
471 | * operation. This is where the area is filled with colors distributed
472 | * linearly.
473 | *
474 | * @param x,y,w,h The area in device space for which colors are
475 | * generated.
476 | *
477 | */
478 | protected void fillRaster(int[] pixels, int off, int adjust,
479 | int x, int y, int w, int h) {
480 |
481 | //constant which can be pulled out of the inner loop
482 | final float initConst = (dgdX*x) + gc;
483 |
484 | if (fillMethod == ANTI_ALIAS_IMPL) {
485 | //initialize current value to be start.
486 | for(int i=0; i<h; i++){ //for every row
487 | float g = initConst + dgdY*(y+i);
488 |
489 | final int rowLimit = off+w; // end of row iteration
490 | while(off < rowLimit){ //for every pixel in this row.
491 | //get the color
492 | pixels[off++] = indexGradientAntiAlias(g, pixSz);
493 | g += dgdX; //incremental change in g
494 | }
495 | off += adjust; //change in off from row to row
496 | }
497 | }
498 | else if (!isSimpleLookup) {
499 | if (cycleMethod == MultipleGradientPaint.NO_CYCLE) {
500 | fillHardNoCycle(pixels, off, adjust, x, y, w, h);
501 | }
502 | else {
503 | //initialize current value to be start.
504 | for(int i=0; i<h; i++){ //for every row
505 | float g = initConst + dgdY*(y+i);
506 |
507 | final int rowLimit = off+w; // end of row iteration
508 | while(off < rowLimit){ //for every pixel in this row.
509 | //get the color
510 | pixels[off++] = indexIntoGradientsArrays(g);
511 | g += dgdX; //incremental change in g
512 | }
513 | off += adjust; //change in off from row to row
514 | }
515 | }
516 | } else {
517 | // Simple implementations: just scale index by array size
518 |
519 | if (cycleMethod == MultipleGradientPaint.NO_CYCLE)
520 | fillSimpleNoCycle(pixels, off, adjust, x, y, w, h);
521 | else if (cycleMethod == MultipleGradientPaint.REPEAT)
522 | fillSimpleRepeat(pixels, off, adjust, x, y, w, h);
523 | else //cycleMethod == MultipleGradientPaint.REFLECT
524 | fillSimpleReflect(pixels, off, adjust, x, y, w, h);
525 | }
526 | }
527 |
528 |
529 | }