1 | /*
2 | * Copyright 2002-2015 Drew Noakes
3 | *
4 | * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 | * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 | * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 | *
8 | * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 | *
10 | * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 | * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 | * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 | * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 | * limitations under the License.
15 | *
16 | * More information about this project is available at:
17 | *
18 | * https://drewnoakes.com/code/exif/
19 | * https://github.com/drewnoakes/metadata-extractor
20 | */
21 | package com.drew.metadata.exif.makernotes;
22 |
23 | import com.drew.lang.annotations.NotNull;
24 | import com.drew.metadata.Directory;
25 |
26 | import java.util.HashMap;
27 |
28 | /**
29 | * These tags are found only in ORF images of some models (eg. C8080WZ)
30 | *
31 | * @author Kevin Mott https://github.com/kwhopper
32 | * @author Drew Noakes https://drewnoakes.com
33 | */
34 | @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess")
35 | public class OlympusRawInfoMakernoteDirectory extends Directory
36 | {
37 | public static final int TagRawInfoVersion = 0x0000;
38 | public static final int TagWbRbLevelsUsed = 0x0100;
39 | public static final int TagWbRbLevelsAuto = 0x0110;
40 | public static final int TagWbRbLevelsShade = 0x0120;
41 | public static final int TagWbRbLevelsCloudy = 0x0121;
42 | public static final int TagWbRbLevelsFineWeather = 0x0122;
43 | public static final int TagWbRbLevelsTungsten = 0x0123;
44 | public static final int TagWbRbLevelsEveningSunlight = 0x0124;
45 | public static final int TagWbRbLevelsDaylightFluor = 0x0130;
46 | public static final int TagWbRbLevelsDayWhiteFluor = 0x0131;
47 | public static final int TagWbRbLevelsCoolWhiteFluor = 0x0132;
48 | public static final int TagWbRbLevelsWhiteFluorescent = 0x0133;
49 |
50 | public static final int TagColorMatrix2 = 0x0200;
51 | public static final int TagCoringFilter = 0x0310;
52 | public static final int TagCoringValues = 0x0311;
53 | public static final int TagBlackLevel2 = 0x0600;
54 | public static final int TagYCbCrCoefficients = 0x0601;
55 | public static final int TagValidPixelDepth = 0x0611;
56 | public static final int TagCropLeft = 0x0612;
57 | public static final int TagCropTop = 0x0613;
58 | public static final int TagCropWidth = 0x0614;
59 | public static final int TagCropHeight = 0x0615;
60 |
61 | public static final int TagLightSource = 0x1000;
62 |
63 | //the following 5 tags all have 3 values: val, min, max
64 | public static final int TagWhiteBalanceComp = 0x1001;
65 | public static final int TagSaturationSetting = 0x1010;
66 | public static final int TagHueSetting = 0x1011;
67 | public static final int TagContrastSetting = 0x1012;
68 | public static final int TagSharpnessSetting = 0x1013;
69 |
70 | // settings written by Camedia Master 4.x
71 | public static final int TagCmExposureCompensation = 0x2000;
72 | public static final int TagCmWhiteBalance = 0x2001;
73 | public static final int TagCmWhiteBalanceComp = 0x2002;
74 | public static final int TagCmWhiteBalanceGrayPoint = 0x2010;
75 | public static final int TagCmSaturation = 0x2020;
76 | public static final int TagCmHue = 0x2021;
77 | public static final int TagCmContrast = 0x2022;
78 | public static final int TagCmSharpness = 0x2023;
79 |
80 | @NotNull
81 | protected static final HashMap<Integer, String> _tagNameMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
82 |
83 | static {
84 | _tagNameMap.put(TagRawInfoVersion, "Raw Info Version");
85 | _tagNameMap.put(TagWbRbLevelsUsed, "WB RB Levels Used");
86 | _tagNameMap.put(TagWbRbLevelsAuto, "WB RB Levels Auto");
87 | _tagNameMap.put(TagWbRbLevelsShade, "WB RB Levels Shade");
88 | _tagNameMap.put(TagWbRbLevelsCloudy, "WB RB Levels Cloudy");
89 | _tagNameMap.put(TagWbRbLevelsFineWeather, "WB RB Levels Fine Weather");
90 | _tagNameMap.put(TagWbRbLevelsTungsten, "WB RB Levels Tungsten");
91 | _tagNameMap.put(TagWbRbLevelsEveningSunlight, "WB RB Levels Evening Sunlight");
92 | _tagNameMap.put(TagWbRbLevelsDaylightFluor, "WB RB Levels Daylight Fluor");
93 | _tagNameMap.put(TagWbRbLevelsDayWhiteFluor, "WB RB Levels Day White Fluor");
94 | _tagNameMap.put(TagWbRbLevelsCoolWhiteFluor, "WB RB Levels Cool White Fluor");
95 | _tagNameMap.put(TagWbRbLevelsWhiteFluorescent, "WB RB Levels White Fluorescent");
96 | _tagNameMap.put(TagColorMatrix2, "Color Matrix 2");
97 | _tagNameMap.put(TagCoringFilter, "Coring Filter");
98 | _tagNameMap.put(TagCoringValues, "Coring Values");
99 | _tagNameMap.put(TagBlackLevel2, "Black Level 2");
100 | _tagNameMap.put(TagYCbCrCoefficients, "YCbCrCoefficients");
101 | _tagNameMap.put(TagValidPixelDepth, "Valid Pixel Depth");
102 | _tagNameMap.put(TagCropLeft, "Crop Left");
103 | _tagNameMap.put(TagCropTop, "Crop Top");
104 | _tagNameMap.put(TagCropWidth, "Crop Width");
105 | _tagNameMap.put(TagCropHeight, "Crop Height");
106 | _tagNameMap.put(TagLightSource, "Light Source");
107 |
108 | _tagNameMap.put(TagWhiteBalanceComp, "White Balance Comp");
109 | _tagNameMap.put(TagSaturationSetting, "Saturation Setting");
110 | _tagNameMap.put(TagHueSetting, "Hue Setting");
111 | _tagNameMap.put(TagContrastSetting, "Contrast Setting");
112 | _tagNameMap.put(TagSharpnessSetting, "Sharpness Setting");
113 |
114 | _tagNameMap.put(TagCmExposureCompensation, "CM Exposure Compensation");
115 | _tagNameMap.put(TagCmWhiteBalance, "CM White Balance");
116 | _tagNameMap.put(TagCmWhiteBalanceComp, "CM White Balance Comp");
117 | _tagNameMap.put(TagCmWhiteBalanceGrayPoint, "CM White Balance Gray Point");
118 | _tagNameMap.put(TagCmSaturation, "CM Saturation");
119 | _tagNameMap.put(TagCmHue, "CM Hue");
120 | _tagNameMap.put(TagCmContrast, "CM Contrast");
121 | _tagNameMap.put(TagCmSharpness, "CM Sharpness");
122 | }
123 |
124 | public OlympusRawInfoMakernoteDirectory()
125 | {
126 | this.setDescriptor(new OlympusRawInfoMakernoteDescriptor(this));
127 | }
128 |
129 | @Override
130 | @NotNull
131 | public String getName()
132 | {
133 | return "Olympus Raw Info";
134 | }
135 |
136 | @Override
137 | @NotNull
138 | protected HashMap<Integer, String> getTagNameMap()
139 | {
140 | return _tagNameMap;
141 | }
142 | }