/* * This is public domain software - that is, you can do whatever you want * with it, and include it software that is licensed under the GNU or the * BSD license, or whatever other licence you choose, including proprietary * closed source licenses. I do ask that you leave this header in tact. * * If you make modifications to this code that you think would benefit the * wider community, please send me a copy and I'll post it on my site. * * If you make use of this code, I'd appreciate hearing about it. * drew@drewnoakes.com * Latest version of this software kept at * http://drewnoakes.com/ * * Created by dnoakes on 26-Nov-2002 11:00:52 using IntelliJ IDEA. */ package com.drew.metadata.exif; import com.drew.metadata.Directory; import java.util.HashMap; /** * */ public class GpsDirectory extends Directory { /** GPS tag version GPSVersionID 0 0 BYTE 4 */ public static final int TAG_GPS_VERSION_ID = 0x0000; /** North or South Latitude GPSLatitudeRef 1 1 ASCII 2 */ public static final int TAG_GPS_LATITUDE_REF = 0x0001; /** Latitude GPSLatitude 2 2 RATIONAL 3 */ public static final int TAG_GPS_LATITUDE = 0x0002; /** East or West Longitude GPSLongitudeRef 3 3 ASCII 2 */ public static final int TAG_GPS_LONGITUDE_REF = 0x0003; /** Longitude GPSLongitude 4 4 RATIONAL 3 */ public static final int TAG_GPS_LONGITUDE = 0x0004; /** Altitude reference GPSAltitudeRef 5 5 BYTE 1 */ public static final int TAG_GPS_ALTITUDE_REF = 0x0005; /** Altitude GPSAltitude 6 6 RATIONAL 1 */ public static final int TAG_GPS_ALTITUDE = 0x0006; /** GPS time (atomic clock) GPSTimeStamp 7 7 RATIONAL 3 */ public static final int TAG_GPS_TIME_STAMP = 0x0007; /** GPS satellites used for measurement GPSSatellites 8 8 ASCII Any */ public static final int TAG_GPS_SATELLITES = 0x0008; /** GPS receiver status GPSStatus 9 9 ASCII 2 */ public static final int TAG_GPS_STATUS = 0x0009; /** GPS measurement mode GPSMeasureMode 10 A ASCII 2 */ public static final int TAG_GPS_MEASURE_MODE = 0x000A; /** Measurement precision GPSDOP 11 B RATIONAL 1 */ public static final int TAG_GPS_DOP = 0x000B; /** Speed unit GPSSpeedRef 12 C ASCII 2 */ public static final int TAG_GPS_SPEED_REF = 0x000C; /** Speed of GPS receiver GPSSpeed 13 D RATIONAL 1 */ public static final int TAG_GPS_SPEED = 0x000D; /** Reference for direction of movement GPSTrackRef 14 E ASCII 2 */ public static final int TAG_GPS_TRACK_REF = 0x000E; /** Direction of movement GPSTrack 15 F RATIONAL 1 */ public static final int TAG_GPS_TRACK = 0x000F; /** Reference for direction of image GPSImgDirectionRef 16 10 ASCII 2 */ public static final int TAG_GPS_IMG_DIRECTION_REF = 0x0010; /** Direction of image GPSImgDirection 17 11 RATIONAL 1 */ public static final int TAG_GPS_IMG_DIRECTION = 0x0011; /** Geodetic survey data used GPSMapDatum 18 12 ASCII Any */ public static final int TAG_GPS_MAP_DATUM = 0x0012; /** Reference for latitude of destination GPSDestLatitudeRef 19 13 ASCII 2 */ public static final int TAG_GPS_DEST_LATITUDE_REF = 0x0013; /** Latitude of destination GPSDestLatitude 20 14 RATIONAL 3 */ public static final int TAG_GPS_DEST_LATITUDE = 0x0014; /** Reference for longitude of destination GPSDestLongitudeRef 21 15 ASCII 2 */ public static final int TAG_GPS_DEST_LONGITUDE_REF = 0x0015; /** Longitude of destination GPSDestLongitude 22 16 RATIONAL 3 */ public static final int TAG_GPS_DEST_LONGITUDE = 0x0016; /** Reference for bearing of destination GPSDestBearingRef 23 17 ASCII 2 */ public static final int TAG_GPS_DEST_BEARING_REF = 0x0017; /** Bearing of destination GPSDestBearing 24 18 RATIONAL 1 */ public static final int TAG_GPS_DEST_BEARING = 0x0018; /** Reference for distance to destination GPSDestDistanceRef 25 19 ASCII 2 */ public static final int TAG_GPS_DEST_DISTANCE_REF = 0x0019; /** Distance to destination GPSDestDistance 26 1A RATIONAL 1 */ public static final int TAG_GPS_DEST_DISTANCE = 0x001A; protected static final HashMap tagNameMap = new HashMap(); static { tagNameMap.put(new Integer(TAG_GPS_VERSION_ID), "GPS Version ID"); tagNameMap.put(new Integer(TAG_GPS_LATITUDE_REF), "GPS Latitude Ref"); tagNameMap.put(new Integer(TAG_GPS_LATITUDE), "GPS Latitude"); tagNameMap.put(new Integer(TAG_GPS_LONGITUDE_REF), "GPS Longitude Ref"); tagNameMap.put(new Integer(TAG_GPS_LONGITUDE), "GPS Longitude"); tagNameMap.put(new Integer(TAG_GPS_ALTITUDE_REF), "GPS Altitude Ref"); tagNameMap.put(new Integer(TAG_GPS_ALTITUDE), "GPS Altitude"); tagNameMap.put(new Integer(TAG_GPS_TIME_STAMP), "GPS Time-Stamp"); tagNameMap.put(new Integer(TAG_GPS_SATELLITES), "GPS Satellites"); tagNameMap.put(new Integer(TAG_GPS_STATUS), "GPS Status"); tagNameMap.put(new Integer(TAG_GPS_MEASURE_MODE), "GPS Measure Mode"); tagNameMap.put(new Integer(TAG_GPS_DOP), "GPS DOP"); tagNameMap.put(new Integer(TAG_GPS_SPEED_REF), "GPS Speed Ref"); tagNameMap.put(new Integer(TAG_GPS_SPEED), "GPS Speed"); tagNameMap.put(new Integer(TAG_GPS_TRACK_REF), "GPS Track Ref"); tagNameMap.put(new Integer(TAG_GPS_TRACK), "GPS Track"); tagNameMap.put(new Integer(TAG_GPS_IMG_DIRECTION_REF), "GPS Img Direction Ref"); tagNameMap.put(new Integer(TAG_GPS_IMG_DIRECTION_REF), "GPS Img Direction"); tagNameMap.put(new Integer(TAG_GPS_MAP_DATUM), "GPS Map Datum"); tagNameMap.put(new Integer(TAG_GPS_DEST_LATITUDE_REF), "GPS Dest Latitude Ref"); tagNameMap.put(new Integer(TAG_GPS_DEST_LATITUDE), "GPS Dest Latitude"); tagNameMap.put(new Integer(TAG_GPS_DEST_LONGITUDE_REF), "GPS Dest Longitude Ref"); tagNameMap.put(new Integer(TAG_GPS_DEST_LONGITUDE), "GPS Dest Longitude"); tagNameMap.put(new Integer(TAG_GPS_DEST_BEARING_REF), "GPS Dest Bearing Ref"); tagNameMap.put(new Integer(TAG_GPS_DEST_BEARING), "GPS Dest Bearing"); tagNameMap.put(new Integer(TAG_GPS_DEST_DISTANCE_REF), "GPS Dest Distance Ref"); tagNameMap.put(new Integer(TAG_GPS_DEST_DISTANCE), "GPS Dest Distance"); } public GpsDirectory() { this.setDescriptor(new GpsDescriptor(this)); } public String getName() { return "GPS"; } protected HashMap getTagNameMap() { return tagNameMap; } }