1 | /*
2 | * Copyright 2002-2017 Drew Noakes
3 | *
4 | * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 | * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 | * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 | *
8 | * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 | *
10 | * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 | * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 | * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 | * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 | * limitations under the License.
15 | *
16 | * More information about this project is available at:
17 | *
18 | * https://drewnoakes.com/code/exif/
19 | * https://github.com/drewnoakes/metadata-extractor
20 | */
21 | package com.drew.metadata.exif;
22 |
23 | import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
24 | import java.io.IOException;
25 | import java.util.Arrays;
26 | import java.util.Set;
27 |
28 | import com.drew.imaging.jpeg.JpegMetadataReader;
29 | import com.drew.imaging.jpeg.JpegProcessingException;
30 | import com.drew.imaging.tiff.TiffProcessingException;
31 | import com.drew.imaging.tiff.TiffReader;
32 | import com.drew.lang.Charsets;
33 | import com.drew.lang.RandomAccessReader;
34 | import com.drew.lang.SequentialByteArrayReader;
35 | import com.drew.lang.annotations.NotNull;
36 | import com.drew.lang.annotations.Nullable;
37 | import com.drew.metadata.Directory;
38 | import com.drew.metadata.Metadata;
39 | import com.drew.metadata.StringValue;
40 | import com.drew.metadata.exif.makernotes.*;
41 | import com.drew.metadata.iptc.IptcReader;
42 | import com.drew.metadata.tiff.DirectoryTiffHandler;
43 |
44 | /**
45 | * Implementation of {@link com.drew.imaging.tiff.TiffHandler} used for handling TIFF tags according to the Exif
46 | * standard.
47 | * <p>
48 | * Includes support for camera manufacturer makernotes.
49 | *
50 | * @author Drew Noakes https://drewnoakes.com
51 | */
52 | public class ExifTiffHandler extends DirectoryTiffHandler
53 | {
54 | public ExifTiffHandler(@NotNull Metadata metadata, @Nullable Directory parentDirectory)
55 | {
56 | super(metadata);
57 |
58 | if (parentDirectory != null)
59 | _currentDirectory.setParent(parentDirectory);
60 | }
61 |
62 | public void setTiffMarker(int marker) throws TiffProcessingException
63 | {
64 | final int standardTiffMarker = 0x002A;
65 | final int olympusRawTiffMarker = 0x4F52; // for ORF files
66 | final int olympusRawTiffMarker2 = 0x5352; // for ORF files
67 | final int panasonicRawTiffMarker = 0x0055; // for RW2 files
68 |
69 | switch (marker)
70 | {
71 | case standardTiffMarker:
72 | case olympusRawTiffMarker: // Todo: implement an IFD0, if there is one
73 | case olympusRawTiffMarker2: // Todo: implement an IFD0, if there is one
74 | pushDirectory(ExifIFD0Directory.class);
75 | break;
76 | case panasonicRawTiffMarker:
77 | pushDirectory(PanasonicRawIFD0Directory.class);
78 | break;
79 | default:
80 | throw new TiffProcessingException(String.format("Unexpected TIFF marker: 0x%X", marker));
81 | }
82 | }
83 |
84 | public boolean tryEnterSubIfd(int tagId)
85 | {
86 | if (tagId == ExifDirectoryBase.TAG_SUB_IFD_OFFSET) {
87 | pushDirectory(ExifSubIFDDirectory.class);
88 | return true;
89 | }
90 |
91 | if (_currentDirectory instanceof ExifIFD0Directory || _currentDirectory instanceof PanasonicRawIFD0Directory) {
92 | if (tagId == ExifIFD0Directory.TAG_EXIF_SUB_IFD_OFFSET) {
93 | pushDirectory(ExifSubIFDDirectory.class);
94 | return true;
95 | }
96 |
97 | if (tagId == ExifIFD0Directory.TAG_GPS_INFO_OFFSET) {
98 | pushDirectory(GpsDirectory.class);
99 | return true;
100 | }
101 | }
102 |
103 | if (_currentDirectory instanceof ExifSubIFDDirectory) {
104 | if (tagId == ExifSubIFDDirectory.TAG_INTEROP_OFFSET) {
105 | pushDirectory(ExifInteropDirectory.class);
106 | return true;
107 | }
108 | }
109 |
110 | if (_currentDirectory instanceof OlympusMakernoteDirectory) {
111 | // Note: these also appear in customProcessTag because some are IFD pointers while others begin immediately
112 | // for the same directories
113 | switch(tagId) {
114 | case OlympusMakernoteDirectory.TAG_EQUIPMENT:
115 | pushDirectory(OlympusEquipmentMakernoteDirectory.class);
116 | return true;
117 | case OlympusMakernoteDirectory.TAG_CAMERA_SETTINGS:
118 | pushDirectory(OlympusCameraSettingsMakernoteDirectory.class);
119 | return true;
120 | case OlympusMakernoteDirectory.TAG_RAW_DEVELOPMENT:
121 | pushDirectory(OlympusRawDevelopmentMakernoteDirectory.class);
122 | return true;
123 | case OlympusMakernoteDirectory.TAG_RAW_DEVELOPMENT_2:
124 | pushDirectory(OlympusRawDevelopment2MakernoteDirectory.class);
125 | return true;
126 | case OlympusMakernoteDirectory.TAG_IMAGE_PROCESSING:
127 | pushDirectory(OlympusImageProcessingMakernoteDirectory.class);
128 | return true;
129 | case OlympusMakernoteDirectory.TAG_FOCUS_INFO:
130 | pushDirectory(OlympusFocusInfoMakernoteDirectory.class);
131 | return true;
132 | case OlympusMakernoteDirectory.TAG_RAW_INFO:
133 | pushDirectory(OlympusRawInfoMakernoteDirectory.class);
134 | return true;
135 | case OlympusMakernoteDirectory.TAG_MAIN_INFO:
136 | pushDirectory(OlympusMakernoteDirectory.class);
137 | return true;
138 | }
139 | }
140 |
141 | return false;
142 | }
143 |
144 | public boolean hasFollowerIfd()
145 | {
146 | // In Exif, the only known 'follower' IFD is the thumbnail one, however this may not be the case.
147 | // UPDATE: In multipage TIFFs, the 'follower' IFD points to the next image in the set
148 | if (_currentDirectory instanceof ExifIFD0Directory || _currentDirectory instanceof ExifImageDirectory) {
149 | // If the PageNumber tag is defined, assume this is a multipage TIFF or similar
150 | // TODO: Find better ways to know which follower Directory should be used
151 | if (_currentDirectory.containsTag(ExifDirectoryBase.TAG_PAGE_NUMBER))
152 | pushDirectory(ExifImageDirectory.class);
153 | else
154 | pushDirectory(ExifThumbnailDirectory.class);
155 | return true;
156 | }
157 |
158 | // The Canon EOS 7D (CR2) has three chained/following thumbnail IFDs
159 | if (_currentDirectory instanceof ExifThumbnailDirectory)
160 | return true;
161 |
162 | // This should not happen, as Exif doesn't use follower IFDs apart from that above.
163 | // NOTE have seen the CanonMakernoteDirectory IFD have a follower pointer, but it points to invalid data.
164 | return false;
165 | }
166 |
167 | @Nullable
168 | public Long tryCustomProcessFormat(final int tagId, final int formatCode, final long componentCount)
169 | {
170 | if (formatCode == 13)
171 | return componentCount * 4;
172 |
173 | // an unknown (0) formatCode needs to be potentially handled later as a highly custom directory tag
174 | if(formatCode == 0)
175 | return 0L;
176 |
177 | return null;
178 | }
179 |
180 | public boolean customProcessTag(final int tagOffset,
181 | final @NotNull Set<Integer> processedIfdOffsets,
182 | final int tiffHeaderOffset,
183 | final @NotNull RandomAccessReader reader,
184 | final int tagId,
185 | final int byteCount) throws IOException
186 | {
187 | // Some 0x0000 tags have a 0 byteCount. Determine whether it's bad.
188 | if (tagId == 0)
189 | {
190 | if (_currentDirectory.containsTag(tagId))
191 | {
192 | // Let it go through for now. Some directories handle it, some don't
193 | return false;
194 | }
195 |
196 | // Skip over 0x0000 tags that don't have any associated bytes. No idea what it contains in this case, if anything.
197 | if (byteCount == 0)
198 | return true;
199 | }
200 |
201 | // Custom processing for the Makernote tag
202 | if (tagId == ExifSubIFDDirectory.TAG_MAKERNOTE && _currentDirectory instanceof ExifSubIFDDirectory) {
203 | return processMakernote(tagOffset, processedIfdOffsets, tiffHeaderOffset, reader);
204 | }
205 |
206 | // Custom processing for embedded IPTC data
207 | if (tagId == ExifSubIFDDirectory.TAG_IPTC_NAA && _currentDirectory instanceof ExifIFD0Directory) {
208 | // NOTE Adobe sets type 4 for IPTC instead of 7
209 | if (reader.getInt8(tagOffset) == 0x1c) {
210 | final byte[] iptcBytes = reader.getBytes(tagOffset, byteCount);
211 | new IptcReader().extract(new SequentialByteArrayReader(iptcBytes), _metadata, iptcBytes.length, _currentDirectory);
212 | return true;
213 | }
214 | return false;
215 | }
216 |
217 | if (HandlePrintIM(_currentDirectory, tagId))
218 | {
219 | PrintIMDirectory printIMDirectory = new PrintIMDirectory();
220 | printIMDirectory.setParent(_currentDirectory);
221 | _metadata.addDirectory(printIMDirectory);
222 | ProcessPrintIM(printIMDirectory, tagOffset, reader, byteCount);
223 | return true;
224 | }
225 |
226 | // Note: these also appear in tryEnterSubIfd because some are IFD pointers while others begin immediately
227 | // for the same directories
228 | if(_currentDirectory instanceof OlympusMakernoteDirectory)
229 | {
230 | switch (tagId)
231 | {
232 | case OlympusMakernoteDirectory.TAG_EQUIPMENT:
233 | pushDirectory(OlympusEquipmentMakernoteDirectory.class);
234 | TiffReader.processIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, tagOffset, tiffHeaderOffset);
235 | return true;
236 | case OlympusMakernoteDirectory.TAG_CAMERA_SETTINGS:
237 | pushDirectory(OlympusCameraSettingsMakernoteDirectory.class);
238 | TiffReader.processIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, tagOffset, tiffHeaderOffset);
239 | return true;
240 | case OlympusMakernoteDirectory.TAG_RAW_DEVELOPMENT:
241 | pushDirectory(OlympusRawDevelopmentMakernoteDirectory.class);
242 | TiffReader.processIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, tagOffset, tiffHeaderOffset);
243 | return true;
244 | case OlympusMakernoteDirectory.TAG_RAW_DEVELOPMENT_2:
245 | pushDirectory(OlympusRawDevelopment2MakernoteDirectory.class);
246 | TiffReader.processIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, tagOffset, tiffHeaderOffset);
247 | return true;
248 | case OlympusMakernoteDirectory.TAG_IMAGE_PROCESSING:
249 | pushDirectory(OlympusImageProcessingMakernoteDirectory.class);
250 | TiffReader.processIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, tagOffset, tiffHeaderOffset);
251 | return true;
252 | case OlympusMakernoteDirectory.TAG_FOCUS_INFO:
253 | pushDirectory(OlympusFocusInfoMakernoteDirectory.class);
254 | TiffReader.processIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, tagOffset, tiffHeaderOffset);
255 | return true;
256 | case OlympusMakernoteDirectory.TAG_RAW_INFO:
257 | pushDirectory(OlympusRawInfoMakernoteDirectory.class);
258 | TiffReader.processIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, tagOffset, tiffHeaderOffset);
259 | return true;
260 | case OlympusMakernoteDirectory.TAG_MAIN_INFO:
261 | pushDirectory(OlympusMakernoteDirectory.class);
262 | TiffReader.processIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, tagOffset, tiffHeaderOffset);
263 | return true;
264 | }
265 | }
266 |
267 | if (_currentDirectory instanceof PanasonicRawIFD0Directory)
268 | {
269 | // these contain binary data with specific offsets, and can't be processed as regular ifd's.
270 | // The binary data is broken into 'fake' tags and there is a pattern.
271 | switch (tagId)
272 | {
273 | case PanasonicRawIFD0Directory.TagWbInfo:
274 | PanasonicRawWbInfoDirectory dirWbInfo = new PanasonicRawWbInfoDirectory();
275 | dirWbInfo.setParent(_currentDirectory);
276 | _metadata.addDirectory(dirWbInfo);
277 | ProcessBinary(dirWbInfo, tagOffset, reader, byteCount, false, 2);
278 | return true;
279 | case PanasonicRawIFD0Directory.TagWbInfo2:
280 | PanasonicRawWbInfo2Directory dirWbInfo2 = new PanasonicRawWbInfo2Directory();
281 | dirWbInfo2.setParent(_currentDirectory);
282 | _metadata.addDirectory(dirWbInfo2);
283 | ProcessBinary(dirWbInfo2, tagOffset, reader, byteCount, false, 3);
284 | return true;
285 | case PanasonicRawIFD0Directory.TagDistortionInfo:
286 | PanasonicRawDistortionDirectory dirDistort = new PanasonicRawDistortionDirectory();
287 | dirDistort.setParent(_currentDirectory);
288 | _metadata.addDirectory(dirDistort);
289 | ProcessBinary(dirDistort, tagOffset, reader, byteCount, true, 1);
290 | return true;
291 | }
292 | }
293 |
294 | // Panasonic RAW sometimes contains an embedded version of the data as a JPG file.
295 | if (tagId == PanasonicRawIFD0Directory.TagJpgFromRaw && _currentDirectory instanceof PanasonicRawIFD0Directory)
296 | {
297 | byte[] jpegrawbytes = reader.getBytes(tagOffset, byteCount);
298 |
299 | // Extract information from embedded image since it is metadata-rich
300 | ByteArrayInputStream jpegmem = new ByteArrayInputStream(jpegrawbytes);
301 | try {
302 | Metadata jpegDirectory = JpegMetadataReader.readMetadata(jpegmem);
303 | for (Directory directory : jpegDirectory.getDirectories()) {
304 | directory.setParent(_currentDirectory);
305 | _metadata.addDirectory(directory);
306 | }
307 | return true;
308 | } catch (JpegProcessingException e) {
309 | _currentDirectory.addError("Error processing JpgFromRaw: " + e.getMessage());
310 | } catch (IOException e) {
311 | _currentDirectory.addError("Error reading JpgFromRaw: " + e.getMessage());
312 | }
313 | }
314 |
315 | return false;
316 | }
317 |
318 | private static void ProcessBinary(@NotNull final Directory directory, final int tagValueOffset, @NotNull final RandomAccessReader reader, final int byteCount, final Boolean issigned, final int arrayLength) throws IOException
319 | {
320 | // expects signed/unsigned int16 (for now)
321 | //int byteSize = issigned ? sizeof(short) : sizeof(ushort);
322 | int byteSize = 2;
323 |
324 | // 'directory' is assumed to contain tags that correspond to the byte position unless it's a set of bytes
325 | for (int i = 0; i < byteCount; i++)
326 | {
327 | if (directory.hasTagName(i))
328 | {
329 | // only process this tag if the 'next' integral tag exists. Otherwise, it's a set of bytes
330 | if (i < byteCount - 1 && directory.hasTagName(i + 1))
331 | {
332 | if(issigned)
333 | directory.setObject(i, reader.getInt16(tagValueOffset + (i* byteSize)));
334 | else
335 | directory.setObject(i, reader.getUInt16(tagValueOffset + (i* byteSize)));
336 | }
337 | else
338 | {
339 | // the next arrayLength bytes are a multi-byte value
340 | if (issigned)
341 | {
342 | short[] val = new short[arrayLength];
343 | for (int j = 0; j<val.length; j++)
344 | val[j] = reader.getInt16(tagValueOffset + ((i + j) * byteSize));
345 | directory.setObjectArray(i, val);
346 | }
347 | else
348 | {
349 | int[] val = new int[arrayLength];
350 | for (int j = 0; j<val.length; j++)
351 | val[j] = reader.getUInt16(tagValueOffset + ((i + j) * byteSize));
352 | directory.setObjectArray(i, val);
353 | }
354 |
355 | i += arrayLength - 1;
356 | }
357 | }
358 | }
359 | }
360 |
361 | private boolean processMakernote(final int makernoteOffset,
362 | final @NotNull Set<Integer> processedIfdOffsets,
363 | final int tiffHeaderOffset,
364 | final @NotNull RandomAccessReader reader) throws IOException
365 | {
366 | // Determine the camera model and makernote format.
367 | Directory ifd0Directory = _metadata.getFirstDirectoryOfType(ExifIFD0Directory.class);
368 |
369 | String cameraMake = ifd0Directory == null ? null : ifd0Directory.getString(ExifIFD0Directory.TAG_MAKE);
370 |
371 | final String firstTwoChars = reader.getString(makernoteOffset, 2, Charsets.UTF_8);
372 | final String firstThreeChars = reader.getString(makernoteOffset, 3, Charsets.UTF_8);
373 | final String firstFourChars = reader.getString(makernoteOffset, 4, Charsets.UTF_8);
374 | final String firstFiveChars = reader.getString(makernoteOffset, 5, Charsets.UTF_8);
375 | final String firstSixChars = reader.getString(makernoteOffset, 6, Charsets.UTF_8);
376 | final String firstSevenChars = reader.getString(makernoteOffset, 7, Charsets.UTF_8);
377 | final String firstEightChars = reader.getString(makernoteOffset, 8, Charsets.UTF_8);
378 | final String firstNineChars = reader.getString(makernoteOffset, 9, Charsets.UTF_8);
379 | final String firstTenChars = reader.getString(makernoteOffset, 10, Charsets.UTF_8);
380 | final String firstTwelveChars = reader.getString(makernoteOffset, 12, Charsets.UTF_8);
381 |
382 | boolean byteOrderBefore = reader.isMotorolaByteOrder();
383 |
384 | if ("OLYMP\0".equals(firstSixChars) || "EPSON".equals(firstFiveChars) || "AGFA".equals(firstFourChars)) {
385 | // Olympus Makernote
386 | // Epson and Agfa use Olympus makernote standard: http://www.ozhiker.com/electronics/pjmt/jpeg_info/
387 | pushDirectory(OlympusMakernoteDirectory.class);
388 | TiffReader.processIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset + 8, tiffHeaderOffset);
389 | } else if ("OLYMPUS\0II".equals(firstTenChars)) {
390 | // Olympus Makernote (alternate)
391 | // Note that data is relative to the beginning of the makernote
392 | // http://exiv2.org/makernote.html
393 | pushDirectory(OlympusMakernoteDirectory.class);
394 | TiffReader.processIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset + 12, makernoteOffset);
395 | } else if (cameraMake != null && cameraMake.toUpperCase().startsWith("MINOLTA")) {
396 | // Cases seen with the model starting with MINOLTA in capitals seem to have a valid Olympus makernote
397 | // area that commences immediately.
398 | pushDirectory(OlympusMakernoteDirectory.class);
399 | TiffReader.processIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset, tiffHeaderOffset);
400 | } else if (cameraMake != null && cameraMake.trim().toUpperCase().startsWith("NIKON")) {
401 | if ("Nikon".equals(firstFiveChars)) {
402 | /* There are two scenarios here:
403 | * Type 1: **
404 | * :0000: 4E 69 6B 6F 6E 00 01 00-05 00 02 00 02 00 06 00 Nikon...........
405 | * :0010: 00 00 EC 02 00 00 03 00-03 00 01 00 00 00 06 00 ................
406 | * Type 3: **
407 | * :0000: 4E 69 6B 6F 6E 00 02 00-00 00 4D 4D 00 2A 00 00 Nikon....MM.*...
408 | * :0010: 00 08 00 1E 00 01 00 07-00 00 00 04 30 32 30 30 ............0200
409 | */
410 | switch (reader.getUInt8(makernoteOffset + 6)) {
411 | case 1:
412 | pushDirectory(NikonType1MakernoteDirectory.class);
413 | TiffReader.processIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset + 8, tiffHeaderOffset);
414 | break;
415 | case 2:
416 | pushDirectory(NikonType2MakernoteDirectory.class);
417 | TiffReader.processIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset + 18, makernoteOffset + 10);
418 | break;
419 | default:
420 | _currentDirectory.addError("Unsupported Nikon makernote data ignored.");
421 | break;
422 | }
423 | } else {
424 | // The IFD begins with the first Makernote byte (no ASCII name). This occurs with CoolPix 775, E990 and D1 models.
425 | pushDirectory(NikonType2MakernoteDirectory.class);
426 | TiffReader.processIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset, tiffHeaderOffset);
427 | }
428 | } else if ("SONY CAM".equals(firstEightChars) || "SONY DSC".equals(firstEightChars)) {
429 | pushDirectory(SonyType1MakernoteDirectory.class);
430 | TiffReader.processIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset + 12, tiffHeaderOffset);
431 | // Do this check LAST after most other Sony checks
432 | } else if (cameraMake != null && cameraMake.startsWith("SONY") &&
433 | !Arrays.equals(reader.getBytes(makernoteOffset, 2), new byte[]{ 0x01, 0x00 }) ) {
434 | // The IFD begins with the first Makernote byte (no ASCII name). Used in SR2 and ARW images
435 | pushDirectory(SonyType1MakernoteDirectory.class);
436 | TiffReader.processIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset, tiffHeaderOffset);
437 | } else if ("SEMC MS\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000".equals(firstTwelveChars)) {
438 | // force MM for this directory
439 | reader.setMotorolaByteOrder(true);
440 | // skip 12 byte header + 2 for "MM" + 6
441 | pushDirectory(SonyType6MakernoteDirectory.class);
442 | TiffReader.processIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset + 20, tiffHeaderOffset);
443 | } else if ("SIGMA\u0000\u0000\u0000".equals(firstEightChars) || "FOVEON\u0000\u0000".equals(firstEightChars)) {
444 | pushDirectory(SigmaMakernoteDirectory.class);
445 | TiffReader.processIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset + 10, tiffHeaderOffset);
446 | } else if ("KDK".equals(firstThreeChars)) {
447 | reader.setMotorolaByteOrder(firstSevenChars.equals("KDK INFO"));
448 | KodakMakernoteDirectory directory = new KodakMakernoteDirectory();
449 | _metadata.addDirectory(directory);
450 | processKodakMakernote(directory, makernoteOffset, reader);
451 | } else if ("Canon".equalsIgnoreCase(cameraMake)) {
452 | pushDirectory(CanonMakernoteDirectory.class);
453 | TiffReader.processIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset, tiffHeaderOffset);
454 | } else if (cameraMake != null && cameraMake.toUpperCase().startsWith("CASIO")) {
455 | if ("QVC\u0000\u0000\u0000".equals(firstSixChars)) {
456 | pushDirectory(CasioType2MakernoteDirectory.class);
457 | TiffReader.processIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset + 6, tiffHeaderOffset);
458 | } else {
459 | pushDirectory(CasioType1MakernoteDirectory.class);
460 | TiffReader.processIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset, tiffHeaderOffset);
461 | }
462 | } else if ("FUJIFILM".equals(firstEightChars) || "Fujifilm".equalsIgnoreCase(cameraMake)) {
463 | // Note that this also applies to certain Leica cameras, such as the Digilux-4.3
464 | reader.setMotorolaByteOrder(false);
465 | // the 4 bytes after "FUJIFILM" in the makernote point to the start of the makernote
466 | // IFD, though the offset is relative to the start of the makernote, not the TIFF
467 | // header (like everywhere else)
468 | int ifdStart = makernoteOffset + reader.getInt32(makernoteOffset + 8);
469 | pushDirectory(FujifilmMakernoteDirectory.class);
470 | TiffReader.processIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, ifdStart, makernoteOffset);
471 | } else if ("KYOCERA".equals(firstSevenChars)) {
472 | // http://www.ozhiker.com/electronics/pjmt/jpeg_info/kyocera_mn.html
473 | pushDirectory(KyoceraMakernoteDirectory.class);
474 | TiffReader.processIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset + 22, tiffHeaderOffset);
475 | } else if ("LEICA".equals(firstFiveChars)) {
476 | reader.setMotorolaByteOrder(false);
477 |
478 | // used by the X1/X2/X VARIO/T
479 | // (X1 starts with "LEICA\0\x01\0", Make is "LEICA CAMERA AG")
480 | // (X2 starts with "LEICA\0\x05\0", Make is "LEICA CAMERA AG")
481 | // (X VARIO starts with "LEICA\0\x04\0", Make is "LEICA CAMERA AG")
482 | // (T (Typ 701) starts with "LEICA\0\0x6", Make is "LEICA CAMERA AG")
483 | // (X (Typ 113) starts with "LEICA\0\0x7", Make is "LEICA CAMERA AG")
484 |
485 | if ("LEICA\0\u0001\0".equals(firstEightChars) ||
486 | "LEICA\0\u0004\0".equals(firstEightChars) ||
487 | "LEICA\0\u0005\0".equals(firstEightChars) ||
488 | "LEICA\0\u0006\0".equals(firstEightChars) ||
489 | "LEICA\0\u0007\0".equals(firstEightChars))
490 | {
491 | pushDirectory(LeicaType5MakernoteDirectory.class);
492 | TiffReader.processIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset + 8, makernoteOffset);
493 | } else if ("Leica Camera AG".equals(cameraMake)) {
494 | pushDirectory(LeicaMakernoteDirectory.class);
495 | TiffReader.processIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset + 8, tiffHeaderOffset);
496 | } else if ("LEICA".equals(cameraMake)) {
497 | // Some Leica cameras use Panasonic makernote tags
498 | pushDirectory(PanasonicMakernoteDirectory.class);
499 | TiffReader.processIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset + 8, tiffHeaderOffset);
500 | } else {
501 | return false;
502 | }
503 | } else if ("Panasonic\u0000\u0000\u0000".equals(reader.getString(makernoteOffset, 12, Charsets.UTF_8))) {
504 | // NON-Standard TIFF IFD Data using Panasonic Tags. There is no Next-IFD pointer after the IFD
505 | // Offsets are relative to the start of the TIFF header at the beginning of the EXIF segment
506 | // more information here: http://www.ozhiker.com/electronics/pjmt/jpeg_info/panasonic_mn.html
507 | pushDirectory(PanasonicMakernoteDirectory.class);
508 | TiffReader.processIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset + 12, tiffHeaderOffset);
509 | } else if ("AOC\u0000".equals(firstFourChars)) {
510 | // NON-Standard TIFF IFD Data using Casio Type 2 Tags
511 | // IFD has no Next-IFD pointer at end of IFD, and
512 | // Offsets are relative to the start of the current IFD tag, not the TIFF header
513 | // Observed for:
514 | // - Pentax ist D
515 | pushDirectory(CasioType2MakernoteDirectory.class);
516 | TiffReader.processIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset + 6, makernoteOffset);
517 | } else if (cameraMake != null && (cameraMake.toUpperCase().startsWith("PENTAX") || cameraMake.toUpperCase().startsWith("ASAHI"))) {
518 | // NON-Standard TIFF IFD Data using Pentax Tags
519 | // IFD has no Next-IFD pointer at end of IFD, and
520 | // Offsets are relative to the start of the current IFD tag, not the TIFF header
521 | // Observed for:
522 | // - PENTAX Optio 330
523 | // - PENTAX Optio 430
524 | pushDirectory(PentaxMakernoteDirectory.class);
525 | TiffReader.processIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset, makernoteOffset);
526 | // } else if ("KC".equals(firstTwoChars) || "MINOL".equals(firstFiveChars) || "MLY".equals(firstThreeChars) || "+M+M+M+M".equals(firstEightChars)) {
527 | // // This Konica data is not understood. Header identified in accordance with information at this site:
528 | // // http://www.ozhiker.com/electronics/pjmt/jpeg_info/minolta_mn.html
529 | // // TODO add support for minolta/konica cameras
530 | // exifDirectory.addError("Unsupported Konica/Minolta data ignored.");
531 | } else if ("SANYO\0\1\0".equals(firstEightChars)) {
532 | pushDirectory(SanyoMakernoteDirectory.class);
533 | TiffReader.processIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset + 8, makernoteOffset);
534 | } else if (cameraMake != null && cameraMake.toLowerCase().startsWith("ricoh")) {
535 | if (firstTwoChars.equals("Rv") || firstThreeChars.equals("Rev")) {
536 | // This is a textual format, where the makernote bytes look like:
537 | // Rv0103;Rg1C;Bg18;Ll0;Ld0;Aj0000;Bn0473800;Fp2E00:������������������������������
538 | // Rv0103;Rg1C;Bg18;Ll0;Ld0;Aj0000;Bn0473800;Fp2D05:������������������������������
539 | // Rv0207;Sf6C84;Rg76;Bg60;Gg42;Ll0;Ld0;Aj0004;Bn0B02900;Fp10B8;Md6700;Ln116900086D27;Sv263:0000000000000000000000��
540 | // This format is currently unsupported
541 | return false;
542 | } else if (firstFiveChars.equalsIgnoreCase("Ricoh")) {
543 | // Always in Motorola byte order
544 | reader.setMotorolaByteOrder(true);
545 | pushDirectory(RicohMakernoteDirectory.class);
546 | TiffReader.processIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset + 8, makernoteOffset);
547 | }
548 | } else if (firstTenChars.equals("Apple iOS\0")) {
549 | // Always in Motorola byte order
550 | boolean orderBefore = reader.isMotorolaByteOrder();
551 | reader.setMotorolaByteOrder(true);
552 | pushDirectory(AppleMakernoteDirectory.class);
553 | TiffReader.processIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset + 14, makernoteOffset);
554 | reader.setMotorolaByteOrder(orderBefore);
555 | } else if (reader.getUInt16(makernoteOffset) == ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.MAKERNOTE_VERSION) {
556 | ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory directory = new ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory();
557 | _metadata.addDirectory(directory);
558 | processReconyxHyperFireMakernote(directory, makernoteOffset, reader);
559 | } else if (firstNineChars.equalsIgnoreCase("RECONYXUF")) {
560 | ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory directory = new ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory();
561 | _metadata.addDirectory(directory);
562 | processReconyxUltraFireMakernote(directory, makernoteOffset, reader);
563 | } else if ("SAMSUNG".equals(cameraMake)) {
564 | // Only handles Type2 notes correctly. Others aren't implemented, and it's complex to determine which ones to use
565 | pushDirectory(SamsungType2MakernoteDirectory.class);
566 | TiffReader.processIfd(this, reader, processedIfdOffsets, makernoteOffset, tiffHeaderOffset);
567 | } else {
568 | // The makernote is not comprehended by this library.
569 | // If you are reading this and believe a particular camera's image should be processed, get in touch.
570 | return false;
571 | }
572 |
573 | reader.setMotorolaByteOrder(byteOrderBefore);
574 | return true;
575 | }
576 |
577 | private static Boolean HandlePrintIM(@NotNull final Directory directory, final int tagId)
578 | {
579 | if (tagId == ExifDirectoryBase.TAG_PRINT_IMAGE_MATCHING_INFO)
580 | return true;
581 |
582 | if (tagId == 0x0E00)
583 | {
584 | // Tempting to say every tagid of 0x0E00 is a PIM tag, but can't be 100% sure
585 | if (directory instanceof CasioType2MakernoteDirectory ||
586 | directory instanceof KyoceraMakernoteDirectory ||
587 | directory instanceof NikonType2MakernoteDirectory ||
588 | directory instanceof OlympusMakernoteDirectory ||
589 | directory instanceof PanasonicMakernoteDirectory ||
590 | directory instanceof PentaxMakernoteDirectory ||
591 | directory instanceof RicohMakernoteDirectory ||
592 | directory instanceof SanyoMakernoteDirectory ||
593 | directory instanceof SonyType1MakernoteDirectory)
594 | return true;
595 | }
596 |
597 | return false;
598 | }
599 |
600 | /// <summary>
601 | /// Process PrintIM IFD
602 | /// </summary>
603 | /// <remarks>
604 | /// Converted from Exiftool version 10.33 created by Phil Harvey
605 | /// http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/
606 | /// lib\Image\ExifTool\PrintIM.pm
607 | /// </remarks>
608 | private static void ProcessPrintIM(@NotNull final PrintIMDirectory directory, final int tagValueOffset, @NotNull final RandomAccessReader reader, final int byteCount) throws IOException
609 | {
610 | Boolean resetByteOrder = null;
611 |
612 | if (byteCount == 0)
613 | {
614 | directory.addError("Empty PrintIM data");
615 | return;
616 | }
617 |
618 | if (byteCount <= 15)
619 | {
620 | directory.addError("Bad PrintIM data");
621 | return;
622 | }
623 |
624 | String header = reader.getString(tagValueOffset, 12, Charsets.UTF_8);
625 |
626 | if (!header.startsWith("PrintIM")) //, StringComparison.Ordinal))
627 | {
628 | directory.addError("Invalid PrintIM header");
629 | return;
630 | }
631 |
632 | // check size of PrintIM block
633 | int num = reader.getUInt16(tagValueOffset + 14);
634 | if (byteCount < 16 + num * 6)
635 | {
636 | // size is too big, maybe byte ordering is wrong
637 | resetByteOrder = reader.isMotorolaByteOrder();
638 | reader.setMotorolaByteOrder(!reader.isMotorolaByteOrder());
639 | num = reader.getUInt16(tagValueOffset + 14);
640 | if (byteCount < 16 + num * 6)
641 | {
642 | directory.addError("Bad PrintIM size");
643 | return;
644 | }
645 | }
646 |
647 | directory.setObject(PrintIMDirectory.TagPrintImVersion, header.substring(8, 12));
648 |
649 | for (int n = 0; n < num; n++)
650 | {
651 | int pos = tagValueOffset + 16 + n * 6;
652 | int tag = reader.getUInt16(pos);
653 | long val = reader.getUInt32(pos + 2);
654 |
655 | directory.setObject(tag, val);
656 | }
657 |
658 | if (resetByteOrder != null)
659 | reader.setMotorolaByteOrder(resetByteOrder);
660 | }
661 |
662 | private static void processKodakMakernote(@NotNull final KodakMakernoteDirectory directory, final int tagValueOffset, @NotNull final RandomAccessReader reader)
663 | {
664 | // Kodak's makernote is not in IFD format. It has values at fixed offsets.
665 | int dataOffset = tagValueOffset + 8;
666 | try {
667 | directory.setStringValue(KodakMakernoteDirectory.TAG_KODAK_MODEL, reader.getStringValue(dataOffset, 8, Charsets.UTF_8));
668 | directory.setInt(KodakMakernoteDirectory.TAG_QUALITY, reader.getUInt8(dataOffset + 9));
669 | directory.setInt(KodakMakernoteDirectory.TAG_BURST_MODE, reader.getUInt8(dataOffset + 10));
670 | directory.setInt(KodakMakernoteDirectory.TAG_IMAGE_WIDTH, reader.getUInt16(dataOffset + 12));
671 | directory.setInt(KodakMakernoteDirectory.TAG_IMAGE_HEIGHT, reader.getUInt16(dataOffset + 14));
672 | directory.setInt(KodakMakernoteDirectory.TAG_YEAR_CREATED, reader.getUInt16(dataOffset + 16));
673 | directory.setByteArray(KodakMakernoteDirectory.TAG_MONTH_DAY_CREATED, reader.getBytes(dataOffset + 18, 2));
674 | directory.setByteArray(KodakMakernoteDirectory.TAG_TIME_CREATED, reader.getBytes(dataOffset + 20, 4));
675 | directory.setInt(KodakMakernoteDirectory.TAG_BURST_MODE_2, reader.getUInt16(dataOffset + 24));
676 | directory.setInt(KodakMakernoteDirectory.TAG_SHUTTER_MODE, reader.getUInt8(dataOffset + 27));
677 | directory.setInt(KodakMakernoteDirectory.TAG_METERING_MODE, reader.getUInt8(dataOffset + 28));
678 | directory.setInt(KodakMakernoteDirectory.TAG_SEQUENCE_NUMBER, reader.getUInt8(dataOffset + 29));
679 | directory.setInt(KodakMakernoteDirectory.TAG_F_NUMBER, reader.getUInt16(dataOffset + 30));
680 | directory.setLong(KodakMakernoteDirectory.TAG_EXPOSURE_TIME, reader.getUInt32(dataOffset + 32));
681 | directory.setInt(KodakMakernoteDirectory.TAG_EXPOSURE_COMPENSATION, reader.getInt16(dataOffset + 36));
682 | directory.setInt(KodakMakernoteDirectory.TAG_FOCUS_MODE, reader.getUInt8(dataOffset + 56));
683 | directory.setInt(KodakMakernoteDirectory.TAG_WHITE_BALANCE, reader.getUInt8(dataOffset + 64));
684 | directory.setInt(KodakMakernoteDirectory.TAG_FLASH_MODE, reader.getUInt8(dataOffset + 92));
685 | directory.setInt(KodakMakernoteDirectory.TAG_FLASH_FIRED, reader.getUInt8(dataOffset + 93));
686 | directory.setInt(KodakMakernoteDirectory.TAG_ISO_SETTING, reader.getUInt16(dataOffset + 94));
687 | directory.setInt(KodakMakernoteDirectory.TAG_ISO, reader.getUInt16(dataOffset + 96));
688 | directory.setInt(KodakMakernoteDirectory.TAG_TOTAL_ZOOM, reader.getUInt16(dataOffset + 98));
689 | directory.setInt(KodakMakernoteDirectory.TAG_DATE_TIME_STAMP, reader.getUInt16(dataOffset + 100));
690 | directory.setInt(KodakMakernoteDirectory.TAG_COLOR_MODE, reader.getUInt16(dataOffset + 102));
691 | directory.setInt(KodakMakernoteDirectory.TAG_DIGITAL_ZOOM, reader.getUInt16(dataOffset + 104));
692 | directory.setInt(KodakMakernoteDirectory.TAG_SHARPNESS, reader.getInt8(dataOffset + 107));
693 | } catch (IOException ex) {
694 | directory.addError("Error processing Kodak makernote data: " + ex.getMessage());
695 | }
696 | }
697 |
698 | private static void processReconyxHyperFireMakernote(@NotNull final ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory directory, final int makernoteOffset, @NotNull final RandomAccessReader reader) throws IOException
699 | {
700 | directory.setObject(ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_MAKERNOTE_VERSION, reader.getUInt16(makernoteOffset));
701 |
702 | int major = reader.getUInt16(makernoteOffset + ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_FIRMWARE_VERSION);
703 | int minor = reader.getUInt16(makernoteOffset + ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_FIRMWARE_VERSION + 2);
704 | int revision = reader.getUInt16(makernoteOffset + ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_FIRMWARE_VERSION + 4);
705 | String buildYear = String.format("%04X", reader.getUInt16(makernoteOffset + ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_FIRMWARE_VERSION + 6));
706 | String buildDate = String.format("%04X", reader.getUInt16(makernoteOffset + ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_FIRMWARE_VERSION + 8));
707 | String buildYearAndDate = buildYear + buildDate;
708 | Integer build;
709 | try {
710 | build = Integer.parseInt(buildYearAndDate);
711 | } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
712 | build = null;
713 | }
714 | if (build != null)
715 | {
716 | directory.setString(ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_FIRMWARE_VERSION, String.format("%d.%d.%d.%s", major, minor, revision, build));
717 | }
718 | else
719 | {
720 | directory.setString(ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_FIRMWARE_VERSION, String.format("%d.%d.%d", major, minor, revision));
721 | directory.addError("Error processing Reconyx HyperFire makernote data: build '" + buildYearAndDate + "' is not in the expected format and will be omitted from Firmware Version.");
722 | }
723 |
724 | directory.setString(ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_TRIGGER_MODE, String.valueOf((char)reader.getUInt16(makernoteOffset + ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_TRIGGER_MODE)));
725 | directory.setIntArray(ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_SEQUENCE,
726 | new int[]
727 | {
728 | reader.getUInt16(makernoteOffset + ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_SEQUENCE),
729 | reader.getUInt16(makernoteOffset + ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_SEQUENCE + 2)
730 | });
731 |
732 | int eventNumberHigh = reader.getUInt16(makernoteOffset + ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_EVENT_NUMBER);
733 | int eventNumberLow = reader.getUInt16(makernoteOffset + ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_EVENT_NUMBER + 2);
734 | directory.setInt(ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_EVENT_NUMBER, (eventNumberHigh << 16) + eventNumberLow);
735 |
736 | int seconds = reader.getUInt16(makernoteOffset + ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_DATE_TIME_ORIGINAL);
737 | int minutes = reader.getUInt16(makernoteOffset + ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_DATE_TIME_ORIGINAL + 2);
738 | int hour = reader.getUInt16(makernoteOffset + ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_DATE_TIME_ORIGINAL + 4);
739 | int month = reader.getUInt16(makernoteOffset + ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_DATE_TIME_ORIGINAL + 6);
740 | int day = reader.getUInt16(makernoteOffset + ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_DATE_TIME_ORIGINAL + 8);
741 | int year = reader.getUInt16(makernoteOffset + ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_DATE_TIME_ORIGINAL + 10);
742 |
743 | if ((seconds >= 0 && seconds < 60) &&
744 | (minutes >= 0 && minutes < 60) &&
745 | (hour >= 0 && hour < 24) &&
746 | (month >= 1 && month < 13) &&
747 | (day >= 1 && day < 32) &&
748 | (year >= 1 && year <= 9999))
749 | {
750 | directory.setString(ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_DATE_TIME_ORIGINAL,
751 | String.format("%4d:%2d:%2d %2d:%2d:%2d", year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds));
752 | }
753 | else
754 | {
755 | directory.addError("Error processing Reconyx HyperFire makernote data: Date/Time Original " + year + "-" + month + "-" + day + " " + hour + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds + " is not a valid date/time.");
756 | }
757 |
758 | directory.setInt(ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_MOON_PHASE, reader.getUInt16(makernoteOffset + ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_MOON_PHASE));
759 | directory.setInt(ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE_FAHRENHEIT, reader.getInt16(makernoteOffset + ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE_FAHRENHEIT));
760 | directory.setInt(ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE, reader.getInt16(makernoteOffset + ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE));
761 | //directory.setByteArray(ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_SERIAL_NUMBER, reader.getBytes(makernoteOffset + ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_SERIAL_NUMBER, 28));
762 | directory.setStringValue(ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_SERIAL_NUMBER, new StringValue(reader.getBytes(makernoteOffset + ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_SERIAL_NUMBER, 28), Charsets.UTF_16LE));
763 | // two unread bytes: the serial number's terminating null
764 |
765 | directory.setInt(ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_CONTRAST, reader.getUInt16(makernoteOffset + ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_CONTRAST));
766 | directory.setInt(ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_BRIGHTNESS, reader.getUInt16(makernoteOffset + ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_BRIGHTNESS));
767 | directory.setInt(ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_SHARPNESS, reader.getUInt16(makernoteOffset + ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_SHARPNESS));
768 | directory.setInt(ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_SATURATION, reader.getUInt16(makernoteOffset + ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_SATURATION));
769 | directory.setInt(ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_INFRARED_ILLUMINATOR, reader.getUInt16(makernoteOffset + ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_INFRARED_ILLUMINATOR));
770 | directory.setInt(ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_MOTION_SENSITIVITY, reader.getUInt16(makernoteOffset + ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_MOTION_SENSITIVITY));
771 | directory.setDouble(ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_BATTERY_VOLTAGE, reader.getUInt16(makernoteOffset + ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_BATTERY_VOLTAGE) / 1000.0);
772 | directory.setString(ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_USER_LABEL, reader.getNullTerminatedString(makernoteOffset + ReconyxHyperFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_USER_LABEL, 44, Charsets.UTF_8));
773 | }
774 |
775 | private static void processReconyxUltraFireMakernote(@NotNull final ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory directory, final int makernoteOffset, @NotNull final RandomAccessReader reader) throws IOException
776 | {
777 | directory.setString(ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_LABEL, reader.getString(makernoteOffset, 9, Charsets.UTF_8));
778 | /*uint makernoteID = ByteConvert.FromBigEndianToNative(reader.GetUInt32(makernoteOffset + ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TagMakernoteID));
779 | directory.Set(ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TagMakernoteID, makernoteID);
780 | if (makernoteID != ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.MAKERNOTE_ID)
781 | {
782 | directory.addError("Error processing Reconyx UltraFire makernote data: unknown Makernote ID 0x" + makernoteID.ToString("x8"));
783 | return;
784 | }
785 | directory.Set(ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TagMakernoteSize, ByteConvert.FromBigEndianToNative(reader.GetUInt32(makernoteOffset + ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TagMakernoteSize)));
786 | uint makernotePublicID = ByteConvert.FromBigEndianToNative(reader.GetUInt32(makernoteOffset + ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TagMakernotePublicID));
787 | directory.Set(ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TagMakernotePublicID, makernotePublicID);
788 | if (makernotePublicID != ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.MAKERNOTE_PUBLIC_ID)
789 | {
790 | directory.addError("Error processing Reconyx UltraFire makernote data: unknown Makernote Public ID 0x" + makernotePublicID.ToString("x8"));
791 | return;
792 | }*/
793 | //directory.Set(ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TagMakernotePublicSize, ByteConvert.FromBigEndianToNative(reader.GetUInt16(makernoteOffset + ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TagMakernotePublicSize)));
794 |
795 | //directory.Set(ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TagCameraVersion, ProcessReconyxUltraFireVersion(makernoteOffset + ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TagCameraVersion, reader));
796 | //directory.Set(ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TagUibVersion, ProcessReconyxUltraFireVersion(makernoteOffset + ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TagUibVersion, reader));
797 | //directory.Set(ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TagBtlVersion, ProcessReconyxUltraFireVersion(makernoteOffset + ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TagBtlVersion, reader));
798 | //directory.Set(ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TagPexVersion, ProcessReconyxUltraFireVersion(makernoteOffset + ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TagPexVersion, reader));
799 |
800 | directory.setString(ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_EVENT_TYPE, reader.getString(makernoteOffset + ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_EVENT_TYPE, 1, Charsets.UTF_8));
801 | directory.setIntArray(ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_SEQUENCE,
802 | new int[]
803 | {
804 | reader.getByte(makernoteOffset + ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_SEQUENCE),
805 | reader.getByte(makernoteOffset + ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_SEQUENCE + 1)
806 | });
807 | //directory.Set(ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TagEventNumber, ByteConvert.FromBigEndianToNative(reader.GetUInt32(makernoteOffset + ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TagEventNumber)));
808 |
809 | byte seconds = reader.getByte(makernoteOffset + ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_DATE_TIME_ORIGINAL);
810 | byte minutes = reader.getByte(makernoteOffset + ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_DATE_TIME_ORIGINAL + 1);
811 | byte hour = reader.getByte(makernoteOffset + ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_DATE_TIME_ORIGINAL + 2);
812 | byte day = reader.getByte(makernoteOffset + ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_DATE_TIME_ORIGINAL + 3);
813 | byte month = reader.getByte(makernoteOffset + ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_DATE_TIME_ORIGINAL + 4);
814 | /*ushort year = ByteConvert.FromBigEndianToNative(reader.GetUInt16(makernoteOffset + ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TagDateTimeOriginal + 5));
815 | if ((seconds >= 0 && seconds < 60) &&
816 | (minutes >= 0 && minutes < 60) &&
817 | (hour >= 0 && hour < 24) &&
818 | (month >= 1 && month < 13) &&
819 | (day >= 1 && day < 32) &&
820 | (year >= 1 && year <= 9999))
821 | {
822 | directory.Set(ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_DATE_TIME_ORIGINAL, new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds, DateTimeKind.Unspecified));
823 | }
824 | else
825 | {
826 | directory.addError("Error processing Reconyx UltraFire makernote data: Date/Time Original " + year + "-" + month + "-" + day + " " + hour + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds + " is not a valid date/time.");
827 | }*/
828 | //directory.Set(ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TagDayOfWeek, reader.GetByte(makernoteOffset + ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TagDayOfWeek));
829 |
830 | directory.setInt(ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_MOON_PHASE, reader.getByte(makernoteOffset + ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_MOON_PHASE));
831 | //directory.Set(ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TagAmbientTemperatureFahrenheit, ByteConvert.FromBigEndianToNative(reader.GetInt16(makernoteOffset + ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TagAmbientTemperatureFahrenheit)));
832 | //directory.Set(ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TagAmbientTemperature, ByteConvert.FromBigEndianToNative(reader.GetInt16(makernoteOffset + ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TagAmbientTemperature)));
833 |
834 | directory.setInt(ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_FLASH, reader.getByte(makernoteOffset + ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_FLASH));
835 | //directory.Set(ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TagBatteryVoltage, ByteConvert.FromBigEndianToNative(reader.GetUInt16(makernoteOffset + ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TagBatteryVoltage)) / 1000.0);
836 | directory.setStringValue(ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_SERIAL_NUMBER, new StringValue(reader.getBytes(makernoteOffset + ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_SERIAL_NUMBER, 14), Charsets.UTF_8));
837 | // unread byte: the serial number's terminating null
838 | directory.setString(ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_USER_LABEL, reader.getNullTerminatedString(makernoteOffset + ReconyxUltraFireMakernoteDirectory.TAG_USER_LABEL, 20, Charsets.UTF_8));
839 | }
840 | }
841 |