[8132] | 1 | /*
[10862] | 2 | * Copyright 2002-2016 Drew Noakes
[8132] | 3 | *
| 4 | * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
| 5 | * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
| 6 | * You may obtain a copy of the License at
| 7 | *
| 8 | * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
| 9 | *
| 10 | * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
| 11 | * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
| 12 | * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
| 13 | * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
| 14 | * limitations under the License.
| 15 | *
| 16 | * More information about this project is available at:
| 17 | *
| 18 | * https://drewnoakes.com/code/exif/
| 19 | * https://github.com/drewnoakes/metadata-extractor
| 20 | */
| 21 | package com.drew.imaging.tiff;
| 22 |
| 23 | import com.drew.lang.RandomAccessReader;
| 24 | import com.drew.lang.Rational;
| 25 | import com.drew.lang.annotations.NotNull;
| 26 |
| 27 | import java.io.IOException;
| 28 | import java.util.HashSet;
| 29 | import java.util.Set;
| 30 |
| 31 | /**
| 32 | * Processes TIFF-formatted data, calling into client code via that {@link TiffHandler} interface.
| 33 | *
| 34 | * @author Drew Noakes https://drewnoakes.com
| 35 | */
| 36 | public class TiffReader
| 37 | {
| 38 | /**
| 39 | * Processes a TIFF data sequence.
| 40 | *
| 41 | * @param reader the {@link RandomAccessReader} from which the data should be read
| 42 | * @param handler the {@link TiffHandler} that will coordinate processing and accept read values
| 43 | * @param tiffHeaderOffset the offset within <code>reader</code> at which the TIFF header starts
| 44 | * @throws TiffProcessingException if an error occurred during the processing of TIFF data that could not be
| 45 | * ignored or recovered from
| 46 | * @throws IOException an error occurred while accessing the required data
| 47 | */
| 48 | public void processTiff(@NotNull final RandomAccessReader reader,
| 49 | @NotNull final TiffHandler handler,
| 50 | final int tiffHeaderOffset) throws TiffProcessingException, IOException
| 51 | {
| 52 | // This must be either "MM" or "II".
| 53 | short byteOrderIdentifier = reader.getInt16(tiffHeaderOffset);
| 54 |
| 55 | if (byteOrderIdentifier == 0x4d4d) { // "MM"
| 56 | reader.setMotorolaByteOrder(true);
| 57 | } else if (byteOrderIdentifier == 0x4949) { // "II"
| 58 | reader.setMotorolaByteOrder(false);
| 59 | } else {
| 60 | throw new TiffProcessingException("Unclear distinction between Motorola/Intel byte ordering: " + byteOrderIdentifier);
| 61 | }
| 62 |
| 63 | // Check the next two values for correctness.
| 64 | final int tiffMarker = reader.getUInt16(2 + tiffHeaderOffset);
| 65 | handler.setTiffMarker(tiffMarker);
| 66 |
| 67 | int firstIfdOffset = reader.getInt32(4 + tiffHeaderOffset) + tiffHeaderOffset;
| 68 |
| 69 | // David Ekholm sent a digital camera image that has this problem
| 70 | // TODO getLength should be avoided as it causes RandomAccessStreamReader to read to the end of the stream
| 71 | if (firstIfdOffset >= reader.getLength() - 1) {
| 72 | handler.warn("First IFD offset is beyond the end of the TIFF data segment -- trying default offset");
| 73 | // First directory normally starts immediately after the offset bytes, so try that
| 74 | firstIfdOffset = tiffHeaderOffset + 2 + 2 + 4;
| 75 | }
| 76 |
| 77 | Set<Integer> processedIfdOffsets = new HashSet<Integer>();
| 78 | processIfd(handler, reader, processedIfdOffsets, firstIfdOffset, tiffHeaderOffset);
| 79 |
| 80 | handler.completed(reader, tiffHeaderOffset);
| 81 | }
| 82 |
| 83 | /**
| 84 | * Processes a TIFF IFD.
| 85 | *
| 86 | * IFD Header:
| 87 | * <ul>
| 88 | * <li><b>2 bytes</b> number of tags</li>
| 89 | * </ul>
| 90 | * Tag structure:
| 91 | * <ul>
| 92 | * <li><b>2 bytes</b> tag type</li>
| 93 | * <li><b>2 bytes</b> format code (values 1 to 12, inclusive)</li>
| 94 | * <li><b>4 bytes</b> component count</li>
| 95 | * <li><b>4 bytes</b> inline value, or offset pointer if too large to fit in four bytes</li>
| 96 | * </ul>
| 97 | *
| 98 | *
| 99 | * @param handler the {@link com.drew.imaging.tiff.TiffHandler} that will coordinate processing and accept read values
| 100 | * @param reader the {@link com.drew.lang.RandomAccessReader} from which the data should be read
| 101 | * @param processedIfdOffsets the set of visited IFD offsets, to avoid revisiting the same IFD in an endless loop
| 102 | * @param ifdOffset the offset within <code>reader</code> at which the IFD data starts
| 103 | * @param tiffHeaderOffset the offset within <code>reader</code> at which the TIFF header starts
| 104 | * @throws IOException an error occurred while accessing the required data
| 105 | */
| 106 | public static void processIfd(@NotNull final TiffHandler handler,
| 107 | @NotNull final RandomAccessReader reader,
| 108 | @NotNull final Set<Integer> processedIfdOffsets,
| 109 | final int ifdOffset,
| 110 | final int tiffHeaderOffset) throws IOException
| 111 | {
[10862] | 112 | Boolean resetByteOrder = null;
[8132] | 113 | try {
| 114 | // check for directories we've already visited to avoid stack overflows when recursive/cyclic directory structures exist
| 115 | if (processedIfdOffsets.contains(Integer.valueOf(ifdOffset))) {
| 116 | return;
| 117 | }
| 118 |
| 119 | // remember that we've visited this directory so that we don't visit it again later
| 120 | processedIfdOffsets.add(ifdOffset);
| 121 |
| 122 | if (ifdOffset >= reader.getLength() || ifdOffset < 0) {
| 123 | handler.error("Ignored IFD marked to start outside data segment");
| 124 | return;
| 125 | }
| 126 |
| 127 | // First two bytes in the IFD are the number of tags in this directory
| 128 | int dirTagCount = reader.getUInt16(ifdOffset);
| 129 |
[10862] | 130 | // Some software modifies the byte order of the file, but misses some IFDs (such as makernotes).
| 131 | // The entire test image repository doesn't contain a single IFD with more than 255 entries.
| 132 | // Here we detect switched bytes that suggest this problem, and temporarily swap the byte order.
| 133 | // This was discussed in GitHub issue #136.
| 134 | if (dirTagCount > 0xFF && (dirTagCount & 0xFF) == 0) {
| 135 | resetByteOrder = reader.isMotorolaByteOrder();
| 136 | dirTagCount >>= 8;
| 137 | reader.setMotorolaByteOrder(!reader.isMotorolaByteOrder());
| 138 | }
| 139 |
[8132] | 140 | int dirLength = (2 + (12 * dirTagCount) + 4);
| 141 | if (dirLength + ifdOffset > reader.getLength()) {
| 142 | handler.error("Illegally sized IFD");
| 143 | return;
| 144 | }
| 145 |
| 146 | //
| 147 | // Handle each tag in this directory
| 148 | //
| 149 | int invalidTiffFormatCodeCount = 0;
| 150 | for (int tagNumber = 0; tagNumber < dirTagCount; tagNumber++) {
| 151 | final int tagOffset = calculateTagOffset(ifdOffset, tagNumber);
| 152 |
| 153 | // 2 bytes for the tag id
| 154 | final int tagId = reader.getUInt16(tagOffset);
| 155 |
| 156 | // 2 bytes for the format code
| 157 | final int formatCode = reader.getUInt16(tagOffset + 2);
| 158 | final TiffDataFormat format = TiffDataFormat.fromTiffFormatCode(formatCode);
| 159 |
[10862] | 160 | // 4 bytes dictate the number of components in this tag's data
| 161 | final long componentCount = reader.getUInt32(tagOffset + 4);
| 162 |
| 163 | final long byteCount;
[8132] | 164 | if (format == null) {
[10862] | 165 | Long byteCountOverride = handler.tryCustomProcessFormat(tagId, formatCode, componentCount);
| 166 | if (byteCountOverride == null) {
| 167 | // This error suggests that we are processing at an incorrect index and will generate
| 168 | // rubbish until we go out of bounds (which may be a while). Exit now.
| 169 | handler.error(String.format("Invalid TIFF tag format code %d for tag 0x%04X", formatCode, tagId));
| 170 | // TODO specify threshold as a parameter, or provide some other external control over this behaviour
| 171 | if (++invalidTiffFormatCodeCount > 5) {
| 172 | handler.error("Stopping processing as too many errors seen in TIFF IFD");
| 173 | return;
| 174 | }
| 175 | continue;
[8132] | 176 | }
[10862] | 177 | byteCount = byteCountOverride;
| 178 | } else {
| 179 | byteCount = componentCount * format.getComponentSizeBytes();
[8132] | 180 | }
| 181 |
[10862] | 182 | final long tagValueOffset;
[8132] | 183 | if (byteCount > 4) {
| 184 | // If it's bigger than 4 bytes, the dir entry contains an offset.
[10862] | 185 | final long offsetVal = reader.getUInt32(tagOffset + 8);
[8132] | 186 | if (offsetVal + byteCount > reader.getLength()) {
| 187 | // Bogus pointer offset and / or byteCount value
| 188 | handler.error("Illegal TIFF tag pointer offset");
| 189 | continue;
| 190 | }
| 191 | tagValueOffset = tiffHeaderOffset + offsetVal;
| 192 | } else {
| 193 | // 4 bytes or less and value is in the dir entry itself.
| 194 | tagValueOffset = tagOffset + 8;
| 195 | }
| 196 |
| 197 | if (tagValueOffset < 0 || tagValueOffset > reader.getLength()) {
| 198 | handler.error("Illegal TIFF tag pointer offset");
| 199 | continue;
| 200 | }
| 201 |
| 202 | // Check that this tag isn't going to allocate outside the bounds of the data array.
| 203 | // This addresses an uncommon OutOfMemoryError.
| 204 | if (byteCount < 0 || tagValueOffset + byteCount > reader.getLength()) {
| 205 | handler.error("Illegal number of bytes for TIFF tag data: " + byteCount);
| 206 | continue;
| 207 | }
| 208 |
[10862] | 209 | // Some tags point to one or more additional IFDs to process
| 210 | boolean isIfdPointer = false;
| 211 | if (byteCount == 4 * componentCount) {
| 212 | for (int i = 0; i < componentCount; i++) {
| 213 | if (handler.tryEnterSubIfd(tagId)) {
| 214 | isIfdPointer = true;
| 215 | int subDirOffset = tiffHeaderOffset + reader.getInt32((int) (tagValueOffset + i * 4));
| 216 | processIfd(handler, reader, processedIfdOffsets, subDirOffset, tiffHeaderOffset);
| 217 | }
[8132] | 218 | }
| 219 | }
[10862] | 220 |
| 221 | // If it wasn't an IFD pointer, allow custom tag processing to occur
| 222 | if (!isIfdPointer && !handler.customProcessTag((int) tagValueOffset, processedIfdOffsets, tiffHeaderOffset, reader, tagId, (int) byteCount)) {
| 223 | // If no custom processing occurred, process the tag in the standard fashion
| 224 | processTag(handler, tagId, (int) tagValueOffset, (int) componentCount, formatCode, reader);
| 225 | }
[8132] | 226 | }
| 227 |
| 228 | // at the end of each IFD is an optional link to the next IFD
| 229 | final int finalTagOffset = calculateTagOffset(ifdOffset, dirTagCount);
| 230 | int nextIfdOffset = reader.getInt32(finalTagOffset);
| 231 | if (nextIfdOffset != 0) {
| 232 | nextIfdOffset += tiffHeaderOffset;
| 233 | if (nextIfdOffset >= reader.getLength()) {
| 234 | // Last 4 bytes of IFD reference another IFD with an address that is out of bounds
| 235 | // Note this could have been caused by jhead 1.3 cropping too much
| 236 | return;
| 237 | } else if (nextIfdOffset < ifdOffset) {
| 238 | // TODO is this a valid restriction?
| 239 | // Last 4 bytes of IFD reference another IFD with an address that is before the start of this directory
| 240 | return;
| 241 | }
| 242 |
| 243 | if (handler.hasFollowerIfd()) {
| 244 | processIfd(handler, reader, processedIfdOffsets, nextIfdOffset, tiffHeaderOffset);
| 245 | }
| 246 | }
| 247 | } finally {
| 248 | handler.endingIFD();
[10862] | 249 | if (resetByteOrder != null)
| 250 | reader.setMotorolaByteOrder(resetByteOrder);
[8132] | 251 | }
| 252 | }
| 253 |
| 254 | private static void processTag(@NotNull final TiffHandler handler,
| 255 | final int tagId,
| 256 | final int tagValueOffset,
| 257 | final int componentCount,
| 258 | final int formatCode,
| 259 | @NotNull final RandomAccessReader reader) throws IOException
| 260 | {
| 261 | switch (formatCode) {
| 262 | case TiffDataFormat.CODE_UNDEFINED:
| 263 | // this includes exif user comments
| 264 | handler.setByteArray(tagId, reader.getBytes(tagValueOffset, componentCount));
| 265 | break;
| 266 | case TiffDataFormat.CODE_STRING:
| 267 | handler.setString(tagId, reader.getNullTerminatedString(tagValueOffset, componentCount));
| 268 | break;
| 269 | case TiffDataFormat.CODE_RATIONAL_S:
| 270 | if (componentCount == 1) {
| 271 | handler.setRational(tagId, new Rational(reader.getInt32(tagValueOffset), reader.getInt32(tagValueOffset + 4)));
| 272 | } else if (componentCount > 1) {
| 273 | Rational[] array = new Rational[componentCount];
| 274 | for (int i = 0; i < componentCount; i++)
| 275 | array[i] = new Rational(reader.getInt32(tagValueOffset + (8 * i)), reader.getInt32(tagValueOffset + 4 + (8 * i)));
| 276 | handler.setRationalArray(tagId, array);
| 277 | }
| 278 | break;
| 279 | case TiffDataFormat.CODE_RATIONAL_U:
| 280 | if (componentCount == 1) {
| 281 | handler.setRational(tagId, new Rational(reader.getUInt32(tagValueOffset), reader.getUInt32(tagValueOffset + 4)));
| 282 | } else if (componentCount > 1) {
| 283 | Rational[] array = new Rational[componentCount];
| 284 | for (int i = 0; i < componentCount; i++)
| 285 | array[i] = new Rational(reader.getUInt32(tagValueOffset + (8 * i)), reader.getUInt32(tagValueOffset + 4 + (8 * i)));
| 286 | handler.setRationalArray(tagId, array);
| 287 | }
| 288 | break;
| 289 | case TiffDataFormat.CODE_SINGLE:
| 290 | if (componentCount == 1) {
| 291 | handler.setFloat(tagId, reader.getFloat32(tagValueOffset));
| 292 | } else {
| 293 | float[] array = new float[componentCount];
| 294 | for (int i = 0; i < componentCount; i++)
| 295 | array[i] = reader.getFloat32(tagValueOffset + (i * 4));
| 296 | handler.setFloatArray(tagId, array);
| 297 | }
| 298 | break;
| 299 | case TiffDataFormat.CODE_DOUBLE:
| 300 | if (componentCount == 1) {
| 301 | handler.setDouble(tagId, reader.getDouble64(tagValueOffset));
| 302 | } else {
| 303 | double[] array = new double[componentCount];
| 304 | for (int i = 0; i < componentCount; i++)
| 305 | array[i] = reader.getDouble64(tagValueOffset + (i * 4));
| 306 | handler.setDoubleArray(tagId, array);
| 307 | }
| 308 | break;
| 309 | case TiffDataFormat.CODE_INT8_S:
| 310 | if (componentCount == 1) {
| 311 | handler.setInt8s(tagId, reader.getInt8(tagValueOffset));
| 312 | } else {
| 313 | byte[] array = new byte[componentCount];
| 314 | for (int i = 0; i < componentCount; i++)
| 315 | array[i] = reader.getInt8(tagValueOffset + i);
| 316 | handler.setInt8sArray(tagId, array);
| 317 | }
| 318 | break;
| 319 | case TiffDataFormat.CODE_INT8_U:
| 320 | if (componentCount == 1) {
| 321 | handler.setInt8u(tagId, reader.getUInt8(tagValueOffset));
| 322 | } else {
| 323 | short[] array = new short[componentCount];
| 324 | for (int i = 0; i < componentCount; i++)
| 325 | array[i] = reader.getUInt8(tagValueOffset + i);
| 326 | handler.setInt8uArray(tagId, array);
| 327 | }
| 328 | break;
| 329 | case TiffDataFormat.CODE_INT16_S:
| 330 | if (componentCount == 1) {
| 331 | handler.setInt16s(tagId, (int)reader.getInt16(tagValueOffset));
| 332 | } else {
| 333 | short[] array = new short[componentCount];
| 334 | for (int i = 0; i < componentCount; i++)
| 335 | array[i] = reader.getInt16(tagValueOffset + (i * 2));
| 336 | handler.setInt16sArray(tagId, array);
| 337 | }
| 338 | break;
| 339 | case TiffDataFormat.CODE_INT16_U:
| 340 | if (componentCount == 1) {
| 341 | handler.setInt16u(tagId, reader.getUInt16(tagValueOffset));
| 342 | } else {
| 343 | int[] array = new int[componentCount];
| 344 | for (int i = 0; i < componentCount; i++)
| 345 | array[i] = reader.getUInt16(tagValueOffset + (i * 2));
| 346 | handler.setInt16uArray(tagId, array);
| 347 | }
| 348 | break;
| 349 | case TiffDataFormat.CODE_INT32_S:
| 350 | // NOTE 'long' in this case means 32 bit, not 64
| 351 | if (componentCount == 1) {
| 352 | handler.setInt32s(tagId, reader.getInt32(tagValueOffset));
| 353 | } else {
| 354 | int[] array = new int[componentCount];
| 355 | for (int i = 0; i < componentCount; i++)
| 356 | array[i] = reader.getInt32(tagValueOffset + (i * 4));
| 357 | handler.setInt32sArray(tagId, array);
| 358 | }
| 359 | break;
| 360 | case TiffDataFormat.CODE_INT32_U:
| 361 | // NOTE 'long' in this case means 32 bit, not 64
| 362 | if (componentCount == 1) {
| 363 | handler.setInt32u(tagId, reader.getUInt32(tagValueOffset));
| 364 | } else {
| 365 | long[] array = new long[componentCount];
| 366 | for (int i = 0; i < componentCount; i++)
| 367 | array[i] = reader.getUInt32(tagValueOffset + (i * 4));
| 368 | handler.setInt32uArray(tagId, array);
| 369 | }
| 370 | break;
| 371 | default:
[10862] | 372 | handler.error(String.format("Invalid TIFF tag format code %d for tag 0x%04X", formatCode, tagId));
[8132] | 373 | }
| 374 | }
| 375 |
| 376 | /**
| 377 | * Determine the offset of a given tag within the specified IFD.
| 378 | *
| 379 | * @param ifdStartOffset the offset at which the IFD starts
| 380 | * @param entryNumber the zero-based entry number
| 381 | */
| 382 | private static int calculateTagOffset(int ifdStartOffset, int entryNumber)
| 383 | {
| 384 | // Add 2 bytes for the tag count.
| 385 | // Each entry is 12 bytes.
| 386 | return ifdStartOffset + 2 + (12 * entryNumber);
| 387 | }
| 388 | }