/* * Copyright 2002-2016 Drew Noakes * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * More information about this project is available at: * * https://drewnoakes.com/code/exif/ * https://github.com/drewnoakes/metadata-extractor */ package com.drew.imaging.tiff; import com.drew.lang.RandomAccessReader; import com.drew.lang.Rational; import com.drew.lang.annotations.NotNull; import com.drew.lang.annotations.Nullable; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Set; /** * Interface of an class capable of handling events raised during the reading of a TIFF file * via {@link TiffReader}. * * @author Drew Noakes https://drewnoakes.com */ public interface TiffHandler { /** * Receives the 2-byte marker found in the TIFF header. *

* Implementations are not obligated to use this information for any purpose, though it may be useful for * validation or perhaps differentiating the type of mapping to use for observed tags and IFDs. * * @param marker the 2-byte value found at position 2 of the TIFF header */ void setTiffMarker(int marker) throws TiffProcessingException; boolean tryEnterSubIfd(int tagId); boolean hasFollowerIfd(); void endingIFD(); void completed(@NotNull final RandomAccessReader reader, final int tiffHeaderOffset); @Nullable Long tryCustomProcessFormat(int tagId, int formatCode, long componentCount); boolean customProcessTag(int tagOffset, @NotNull Set processedIfdOffsets, int tiffHeaderOffset, @NotNull RandomAccessReader reader, int tagId, int byteCount) throws IOException; void warn(@NotNull String message); void error(@NotNull String message); void setByteArray(int tagId, @NotNull byte[] bytes); void setString(int tagId, @NotNull String string); void setRational(int tagId, @NotNull Rational rational); void setRationalArray(int tagId, @NotNull Rational[] array); void setFloat(int tagId, float float32); void setFloatArray(int tagId, @NotNull float[] array); void setDouble(int tagId, double double64); void setDoubleArray(int tagId, @NotNull double[] array); void setInt8s(int tagId, byte int8s); void setInt8sArray(int tagId, @NotNull byte[] array); void setInt8u(int tagId, short int8u); void setInt8uArray(int tagId, @NotNull short[] array); void setInt16s(int tagId, int int16s); void setInt16sArray(int tagId, @NotNull short[] array); void setInt16u(int tagId, int int16u); void setInt16uArray(int tagId, @NotNull int[] array); void setInt32s(int tagId, int int32s); void setInt32sArray(int tagId, @NotNull int[] array); void setInt32u(int tagId, long int32u); void setInt32uArray(int tagId, @NotNull long[] array); }