[2808] | 1 | #! /usr/bin/perl -w
| 2 | # short tool to find out all used icons and allows deleting unused icons
| 3 | # when building release files
| 4 |
| 5 | my @default = (
[16006] | 6 | "resources/styles/standard/*.xml",
| 7 | "resources/styles/standard/*.mapcss",
| 8 | "resources/data/*.xml",
[2808] | 9 | "src/org/openstreetmap/josm/*.java",
| 10 | "src/org/openstreetmap/josm/*/*.java",
| 11 | "src/org/openstreetmap/josm/*/*/*.java",
| 12 | "src/org/openstreetmap/josm/*/*/*/*.java",
| 13 | "src/org/openstreetmap/josm/*/*/*/*/*.java",
| 14 | "src/org/openstreetmap/josm/*/*/*/*/*/*.java"
| 15 | );
| 16 |
| 17 | my %icons;
| 18 |
| 19 | my $o = $/;
| 20 |
| 21 | for my $arg (@ARGV ? @ARGV : @default)
| 22 | {
| 23 | for my $file (glob($arg))
| 24 | {
[13277] | 25 | my @defs;
[2808] | 26 | open(FILE,"<",$file) or die "Could not open $file\n";
| 27 | #print "Read file $file\n";
| 28 | $/ = $file =~ /\.java$/ ? ";" : $o;
| 29 | my $extends = "";
| 30 | while(my $l = <FILE>)
| 31 | {
[13277] | 32 | if($l =~ /private static final String ([A-Z_]+) = ("[^"]+")/)
| 33 | {
| 34 | push(@defs, [$1, $2]);
| 35 | }
[7668] | 36 | next if $l =~ /NO-ICON/;
[13277] | 37 | for my $d (@defs)
| 38 | {
| 39 | $l =~ s/$d->[0]/$d->[1]/g;
| 40 | }
[10069] | 41 | if($l =~ /icon\s*[:=]\s*["']([^"'+]+?)["']/)
[2808] | 42 | {
| 43 | ++$icons{$1};
| 44 | }
| 45 |
[7670] | 46 | if(($l =~ /(?:icon-image|repeat-image|fill-image)\s*:\s*(\"?(.*?)\"?)\s*;/) && ($1 ne "none"))
[4172] | 47 | {
[10566] | 48 | my $img = $2;
[4172] | 49 | ++$icons{$img};
| 50 | }
[13857] | 51 | if($l =~ /ImageProvider(?:\.get)?\(\"([^\"]*?)\"(?:, (?:ImageProvider\.)?ImageSizes\.[A-Z]+)?\)/)
[2808] | 52 | {
| 53 | my $i = $1;
| 54 | ++$icons{$i};
| 55 | }
[4172] | 56 | while($l =~ /\/\*\s*ICON\s*\*\/\s*\"(.*?)\"/g)
| 57 | {
| 58 | my $i = $1;
| 59 | ++$icons{$i};
| 60 | }
| 61 | while($l =~ /\/\*\s*ICON\((.*?)\)\s*\*\/\s*\"(.*?)\"/g)
| 62 | {
| 63 | my $i = "$1$2";
| 64 | ++$icons{$i};
| 65 | }
[2808] | 66 | if($l =~ /new\s+ImageLabel\(\"(.*?)\"/)
| 67 | {
| 68 | my $i = "statusline/$1";
| 69 | ++$icons{$i};
| 70 | }
[10069] | 71 | if($l =~ /setIcon\(\"(.*?)\"/)
[2808] | 72 | {
[10069] | 73 | my $i = "statusline/$1";
| 74 | ++$icons{$i};
| 75 | }
[13857] | 76 | if($l =~ /ImageProvider\.get(?:IfAvailable)?\(\"(.*?)\",\s*\"(.*?)\"(?:, (?:ImageProvider\.)?ImageSizes\.[A-Z]+)?\s*\)/)
[10069] | 77 | {
[2808] | 78 | my $i = "$1/$2";
| 79 | ++$icons{$i};
| 80 | }
[10069] | 81 | if($l =~ /new ImageProvider\(\"(.*?)\",\s*\"(.*?)\"\s*\)/)
| 82 | {
| 83 | my $i = "$1/$2";
| 84 | ++$icons{$i};
| 85 | }
[2811] | 86 | if($l =~ /getCursor\(\"(.*?)\",\s*\"(.*?)\"/)
| 87 | {
[2808] | 88 | my $i = "cursor/modifier/$2";
| 89 | ++$icons{$i};
| 90 | $i = "cursor/$1";
| 91 | ++$icons{$i};
| 92 | }
[2811] | 93 | if($l =~ /ImageProvider\.getCursor\(\"(.*?)\",\s*null\)/)
| 94 | {
| 95 | my $i = "cursor/$1";
| 96 | ++$icons{$i};
| 97 | }
[2808] | 98 | if($l =~ /super\(\s*tr\(\".*?\"\),\s*\"(.*?)\"/s)
| 99 | {
| 100 | my $i = "$extends$1";
| 101 | ++$icons{$i};
| 102 | }
[2981] | 103 | if($l =~ /super\(\s*trc\(\".*?\",\s*\".*?\"\),\s*\"(.*?)\"/s)
| 104 | {
| 105 | my $i = "$extends$1";
| 106 | ++$icons{$i};
| 107 | }
[13277] | 108 | if($l =~ /setButtonIcons.*\{(.*)\}/ || $l =~ /setButtonIcons\((.*)\)/ )
[2808] | 109 | {
| 110 | my $t = $1;
| 111 | while($t =~ /\"(.*?)\"/g)
| 112 | {
| 113 | my $i = $1;
| 114 | ++$icons{$i};
| 115 | }
| 116 | }
| 117 | if($l =~ /extends MapMode/)
| 118 | {
| 119 | $extends = "mapmode/";
| 120 | }
[7668] | 121 | elsif($l =~ /extends ToggleDialog/)
[2808] | 122 | {
| 123 | $extends = "dialogs/";
| 124 | }
[10069] | 125 | elsif($l =~ /extends JosmAction/)
| 126 | {
| 127 | $extends = "";
| 128 | }
[2808] | 129 | }
| 130 | close FILE;
| 131 | }
| 132 | }
| 133 |
| 134 | my %haveicons;
| 135 |
[16006] | 136 | for($i = 1; my @ifiles = (glob("resources/images".("/*" x $i).".png"), glob("resources/images".("/*" x $i).".svg")); ++$i)
[2808] | 137 | {
| 138 | for my $ifile (sort @ifiles)
| 139 | {
[16006] | 140 | $ifile =~ s/^resources\/images\///;
[10561] | 141 | # svg comes after png due to the glob, so only check for svg's
| 142 | if($ifile =~ /^(.*)\.svg$/)
| 143 | {
| 144 | if($haveicons{"$1.png"})
| 145 | {
[13279] | 146 | print STDERR "$1: File exists twice as .svg and .png.\n";
[10561] | 147 | }
| 148 | # check for unwanted svg effects
[16006] | 149 | if(open FILE, "<","resources/images/$ifile")
[10561] | 150 | {
| 151 | undef $/;
| 152 | my $f = <FILE>;
| 153 | close FILE;
[13384] | 154 | for my $sep ("'", '"')
[10561] | 155 | {
[13384] | 156 | while($f =~ /style\s*=\s*$sep([^$sep]+)$sep/g)
[10561] | 157 | {
[13384] | 158 | for my $x (split(/\s*;\s*/, $1))
| 159 | {
| 160 | print STDERR "$ifile: Style starts with minus: $x\n" if $x =~ /^-/;
| 161 | }
[10561] | 162 | }
| 163 | }
| 164 | if($f =~ /viewBox\s*=\s*["']([^"']+)["']/)
| 165 | {
| 166 | my $x = $1;
[13279] | 167 | print STDERR "$ifile: ViewBox has float values: $x\n" if $x =~ /\./;
[10561] | 168 | }
| 169 | }
| 170 | else
| 171 | {
[13279] | 172 | print STDERR "$ifile: Could not open file: $1";
[10561] | 173 | }
| 174 | }
[2808] | 175 | $haveicons{$ifile} = 1;
| 176 | }
| 177 | }
| 178 |
| 179 | for my $img (sort keys %icons)
| 180 | {
[7668] | 181 | if($img =~ /\.(png|svg)/)
| 182 | {
[16006] | 183 | print STDERR "$img: File does not exist!\n" if(!-f "resources/images/$img");
[7668] | 184 | delete $haveicons{$img};
| 185 | }
| 186 | else
| 187 | {
[16006] | 188 | print STDERR "$img(.svg|.png): File does not exist!\n" if(!-f "resources/images/$img.png" && !-f "resources/images/$img.svg");
[7668] | 189 | delete $haveicons{"$img.svg"};
| 190 | delete $haveicons{"$img.png"};
| 191 | }
[2808] | 192 | }
| 193 |
| 194 | for my $img (sort keys %haveicons)
| 195 | {
[13279] | 196 | print "$img: Unused image.\n";
[2808] | 197 | }