// License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file. /** * Compare and analyse the differences of the editor imagery index and the JOSM imagery list. * The goal is to keep both lists in sync. * * The editor imagery index project (https://github.com/osmlab/editor-imagery-index) * provides also a version in the JOSM format, but the JSON is the original source * format, so we read that. * * How to run: * ----------- * * Main JOSM binary needs to be in classpath, e.g. * * $ groovy -cp ../dist/josm-custom.jar SyncEditorImageryIndex.groovy * * Add option "-h" to show the available command line flags. */ import javax.json.Json import javax.json.JsonArray import javax.json.JsonObject import javax.json.JsonReader import javax.json.JsonValue import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.imagery.ImageryInfo import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.imagery.Shape import org.openstreetmap.josm.io.imagery.ImageryReader class SyncEditorImageryIndex { List josmEntries; JsonArray eiiEntries; def eiiUrls = new HashMap() def josmUrls = new HashMap() def josmMirrors = new HashMap() static String eiiInputFile = 'imagery.geojson' static String josmInputFile = 'maps.xml' static String ignoreInputFile = 'maps_ignores.txt' static FileWriter outputFile = null static BufferedWriter outputStream = null int skipCount = 0; String skipColor = "greenyellow" // should never be visible def skipEntries = [:] def skipColors = [:] static def options /** * Main method. */ static main(def args) { parse_command_line_arguments(args) def script = new SyncEditorImageryIndex() script.loadSkip() script.start() script.loadJosmEntries() script.loadEIIEntries() script.checkInOneButNotTheOther() script.checkCommonEntries() script.end() if(outputStream != null) { outputStream.close(); } if(outputFile != null) { outputFile.close(); } } /** * Parse command line arguments. */ static void parse_command_line_arguments(args) { def cli = new CliBuilder(width: 160) cli.o(longOpt:'output', args:1, argName: "output", "Output file, - prints to stdout (default: -)") cli.e(longOpt:'eii_input', args:1, argName:"eii_input", "Input file for the editor imagery index (json). Default is $eiiInputFile (current directory).") cli.j(longOpt:'josm_input', args:1, argName:"josm_input", "Input file for the JOSM imagery list (xml). Default is $josmInputFile (current directory).") cli.i(longOpt:'ignore_input', args:1, argName:"ignore_input", "Input file for the ignore list. Default is $ignoreInputFile (current directory).") cli.s(longOpt:'shorten', "shorten the output, so it is easier to read in a console window") cli.n(longOpt:'noskip', argName:"noskip", "don't skip known entries") cli.x(longOpt:'xhtmlbody', argName:"xhtmlbody", "create XHTML body for display in a web page") cli.X(longOpt:'xhtml', argName:"xhtml", "create XHTML for display in a web page") cli.m(longOpt:'nomissingeii', argName:"nomissingeii", "don't show missing editor imagery index entries") cli.h(longOpt:'help', "show this help") options = cli.parse(args) if (options.h) { cli.usage() System.exit(0) } if (options.eii_input) { eiiInputFile = options.eii_input } if (options.josm_input) { josmInputFile = options.josm_input } if (options.ignore_input) { ignoreInputFile = options.ignore_input } if (options.output && options.output != "-") { outputFile = new FileWriter(options.output) outputStream = new BufferedWriter(outputFile) } } void loadSkip() { FileReader fr = new FileReader(ignoreInputFile) def line while((line = fr.readLine()) != null) { def res = (line =~ /^\|\| *(\d) *\|\| *(EII|Ignore) *\|\| *\{\{\{(.+)\}\}\} *\|\|/) if(res.count) { skipEntries[res[0][3]] = res[0][1] as int if(res[0][2].equals("Ignore")) { skipColors[res[0][3]] = "green" } else { skipColors[res[0][3]] = "darkgoldenrod" } } } } void myprintlnfinal(String s) { if(outputStream != null) { outputStream.write(s); outputStream.newLine(); } else { println s; } } void myprintln(String s) { if(skipEntries.containsKey(s)) { skipCount = skipEntries.get(s) skipEntries.remove(s) if(skipColors.containsKey(s)) { skipColor = skipColors.get(s) } else { skipColor = "greenyellow" } } if(skipCount) { skipCount -= 1; if(options.xhtmlbody || options.xhtml) { s = "
" } if (!options.noskip) { return; } } else if(options.xhtmlbody || options.xhtml) { String color = s.startsWith("***") ? "black" : ((s.startsWith("+ ") || s.startsWith("+++ EII")) ? "blue" : "red") s = "
" } myprintlnfinal(s) } void start() { if (options.xhtml) { myprintlnfinal "\n" myprintlnfinal "JOSM - EII differences\n" } } void end() { for (def s: skipEntries.keySet()) { myprintln "+++ Obsolete skip entry: " + s } if (options.xhtml) { myprintlnfinal "\n" } } void loadEIIEntries() { FileReader fr = new FileReader(eiiInputFile) JsonReader jr = Json.createReader(fr) eiiEntries = jr.readObject().get("features") jr.close() for (def e : eiiEntries) { def url = getUrl(e) if (url.contains("{z}")) { myprintln "+++ EII-URL uses {z} instead of {zoom}: "+url url = url.replace("{z}","{zoom}") } if (eiiUrls.containsKey(url)) { myprintln "+++ EII-URL is not unique: "+url } else { eiiUrls.put(url, e) } } myprintln "*** Loaded ${eiiEntries.size()} entries (EII). ***" } void loadJosmEntries() { def reader = new ImageryReader(josmInputFile) josmEntries = reader.parse() for (def e : josmEntries) { def url = getUrl(e) if (url.contains("{z}")) { myprintln "+++ JOSM-URL uses {z} instead of {zoom}: "+url url = url.replace("{z}","{zoom}") } if (josmUrls.containsKey(url)) { myprintln "+++ JOSM-URL is not unique: "+url } else { josmUrls.put(url, e) } for (def m : e.getMirrors()) { url = getUrl(m) if (josmUrls.containsKey(url)) { myprintln "+++ JOSM-Mirror-URL is not unique: "+url } else { josmUrls.put(url, m) josmMirrors.put(url, m) } } } myprintln "*** Loaded ${josmEntries.size()} entries (JOSM). ***" } List inOneButNotTheOther(Map m1, Map m2) { def l = [] for (def url : m1.keySet()) { if (!m2.containsKey(url)) { def name = getName(m1.get(url)) l += " "+getDescription(m1.get(url)) } } l.sort() } void checkInOneButNotTheOther() { def l1 = inOneButNotTheOther(eiiUrls, josmUrls) myprintln "*** URLs found in EII but not in JOSM (${l1.size()}): ***" if (!l1.isEmpty()) { for (def l : l1) { myprintln "-" + l } } if (options.nomissingeii) return def l2 = inOneButNotTheOther(josmUrls, eiiUrls) myprintln "*** URLs found in JOSM but not in EII (${l2.size()}): ***" if (!l2.isEmpty()) { for (def l : l2) { myprintln "+" + l } } } void checkCommonEntries() { myprintln "*** Same URL, but different name: ***" for (def url : eiiUrls.keySet()) { def e = eiiUrls.get(url) if (!josmUrls.containsKey(url)) continue def j = josmUrls.get(url) if (!getName(e).equals(getName(j))) { myprintln " name differs: $url" myprintln " (EII): ${getName(e)}" myprintln " (JOSM): ${getName(j)}" } } myprintln "*** Same URL, but different type: ***" for (def url : eiiUrls.keySet()) { def e = eiiUrls.get(url) if (!josmUrls.containsKey(url)) continue def j = josmUrls.get(url) if (!getType(e).equals(getType(j))) { myprintln " type differs: ${getName(j)} - $url" myprintln " (EII): ${getType(e)}" myprintln " (JOSM): ${getType(j)}" } } myprintln "*** Same URL, but different zoom bounds: ***" for (def url : eiiUrls.keySet()) { def e = eiiUrls.get(url) if (!josmUrls.containsKey(url)) continue def j = josmUrls.get(url) Integer eMinZoom = getMinZoom(e) Integer jMinZoom = getMinZoom(j) if (eMinZoom != jMinZoom && !(eMinZoom == 0 && jMinZoom == null)) { myprintln " minzoom differs: ${getDescription(j)}" myprintln " (EII): ${eMinZoom}" myprintln " (JOSM): ${jMinZoom}" } Integer eMaxZoom = getMaxZoom(e) Integer jMaxZoom = getMaxZoom(j) if (eMaxZoom != jMaxZoom) { myprintln " maxzoom differs: ${getDescription(j)}" myprintln " (EII): ${eMaxZoom}" myprintln " (JOSM): ${jMaxZoom}" } } myprintln "*** Same URL, but different country code: ***" for (def url : eiiUrls.keySet()) { def e = eiiUrls.get(url) if (!josmUrls.containsKey(url)) continue def j = josmUrls.get(url) if (!getCountryCode(e).equals(getCountryCode(j))) { myprintln " country code differs: ${getDescription(j)}" myprintln " (EII): ${getCountryCode(e)}" myprintln " (JOSM): ${getCountryCode(j)}" } } /*myprintln "*** Same URL, but different quality: ***" for (def url : eiiUrls.keySet()) { def e = eiiUrls.get(url) if (!josmUrls.containsKey(url)) { def q = getQuality(e) if("best".equals(q)) { myprintln " quality best entry not in JOSM for ${getDescription(e)}" } continue } def j = josmUrls.get(url) if (!getQuality(e).equals(getQuality(j))) { myprintln " quality differs: ${getDescription(j)}" myprintln " (EII): ${getQuality(e)}" myprintln " (JOSM): ${getQuality(j)}" } }*/ myprintln "*** Mismatching shapes: ***" for (def url : josmUrls.keySet()) { def j = josmUrls.get(url) def num = 1 for (def shape : getShapes(j)) { def p = shape.getPoints() if(!p[0].equals(p[p.size()-1])) { myprintln "+++ JOSM shape $num unclosed: ${getDescription(j)}" } ++num } } for (def url : eiiUrls.keySet()) { def e = eiiUrls.get(url) def num = 1 def s = getShapes(e) for (def shape : s) { def p = shape.getPoints() if(!p[0].equals(p[p.size()-1]) && !options.nomissingeii) { myprintln "+++ EII shape $num unclosed: ${getDescription(e)}" } ++num } if (!josmUrls.containsKey(url)) { continue } def j = josmUrls.get(url) def js = getShapes(j) if(!s.size() && js.size()) { if(!options.nomissingeii) { myprintln "+ No EII shape: ${getDescription(j)}" } } else if(!js.size() && s.size()) { // don't report boundary like 5 point shapes as difference if (s.size() != 1 || s[0].getPoints().size() != 5) { myprintln "- No JOSM shape: ${getDescription(j)}" } } else if(s.size() != js.size()) { myprintln "* Different number of shapes (${s.size()} != ${js.size()}): ${getDescription(j)}" } else { for(def nums = 0; nums < s.size(); ++nums) { def ep = s[nums].getPoints() def jp = js[nums].getPoints() if(ep.size() != jp.size()) { myprintln "* Different number of points for shape ${nums+1} (${ep.size()} ! = ${jp.size()})): ${getDescription(j)}" } else { for(def nump = 0; nump < ep.size(); ++nump) { def ept = ep[nump] def jpt = jp[nump] if(Math.abs(ept.getLat()-jpt.getLat()) > 0.000001 || Math.abs(ept.getLon()-jpt.getLon()) > 0.000001) { myprintln "* Different coordinate for point ${nump+1} of shape ${nums+1}: ${getDescription(j)}" nump = ep.size() num = s.size() } } } } } } myprintln "*** Mismatching icons: ***" for (def url : eiiUrls.keySet()) { def e = eiiUrls.get(url) if (!josmUrls.containsKey(url)) { continue } def j = josmUrls.get(url) def ij = getIcon(j) def ie = getIcon(e) if(ij != null && ie == null) { if(!options.nomissingeii) { myprintln "+ No EII icon: ${getDescription(j)}" } } else if(ij == null && ie != null) { myprintln "- No JOSM icon: ${getDescription(j)}" } else if(!ij.equals(ie)) { myprintln "* Different icons: ${getDescription(j)}" } } myprintln "*** Miscellaneous checks: ***" def josmIds = new HashMap() for (def url : josmUrls.keySet()) { def j = josmUrls.get(url) def id = getId(j) if(josmMirrors.containsKey(url)) { continue; } if(id == null) { myprintln "* No JOSM-ID: ${getDescription(j)}" } else if(josmIds.containsKey(id)) { myprintln "* JOSM-ID ${id} not unique: ${getDescription(j)}" } else { josmIds.put(id, j); } def js = getShapes(j) if(js.size()) { def minlat = 1000; def minlon = 1000; def maxlat = -1000; def maxlon = -1000; for(def s: js) { for(def p: s.getPoints()) { def lat = p.getLat(); def lon = p.getLon(); if(lat > maxlat) maxlat = lat; if(lon > maxlon) maxlon = lon; if(lat < minlat) minlat = lat; if(lon < minlon) minlon = lon; } } def b = j.getBounds(); if(b.getMinLat() != minlat || b.getMinLon() != minlon || b.getMaxLat() != maxlat || b.getMaxLon() != maxlon) { myprintln "* Bounds do not match shape (is ${b.getMinLat()},${b.getMinLon()},${b.getMaxLat()},${b.getMaxLon()}, calculated ): ${getDescription(j)}" } } } } /** * Utility functions that allow uniform access for both ImageryInfo and JsonObject. */ static String getUrl(Object e) { if (e instanceof ImageryInfo) return e.url return e.get("properties").getString("url") } static String getId(Object e) { if (e instanceof ImageryInfo) return e.getId() return e.get("properties").getString("id") } static String getName(Object e) { if (e instanceof ImageryInfo) return e.getOriginalName() return e.get("properties").getString("name") } static List getShapes(Object e) { if (e instanceof ImageryInfo) { def bounds = e.getBounds(); if(bounds != null) { return bounds.getShapes(); } return [] } if(!e.isNull("geometry")) { def ex = e.get("geometry") if(ex != null && !ex.isNull("coordinates")) { def poly = ex.get("coordinates") List l = [] for(def shapes: poly) { def s = new Shape() for(def point: shapes) { def lon = point[0].toString() def lat = point[1].toString() s.addPoint(lat, lon) } l.add(s) } return l } } return [] } static String getType(Object e) { if (e instanceof ImageryInfo) return e.getImageryType().getTypeString() return e.get("properties").getString("type") } static Integer getMinZoom(Object e) { if (e instanceof ImageryInfo) { int mz = e.getMinZoom() return mz == 0 ? null : mz } else { def num = e.get("properties").getJsonNumber("min_zoom") if (num == null) return null return num.intValue() } } static Integer getMaxZoom(Object e) { if (e instanceof ImageryInfo) { int mz = e.getMaxZoom() return mz == 0 ? null : mz } else { def num = e.get("properties").getJsonNumber("max_zoom") if (num == null) return null return num.intValue() } } static String getCountryCode(Object e) { if (e instanceof ImageryInfo) return "".equals(e.getCountryCode()) ? null : e.getCountryCode() return e.get("properties").getString("country_code", null) } static String getQuality(Object e) { //if (e instanceof ImageryInfo) return "".equals(e.getQuality()) ? null : e.getQuality() if (e instanceof ImageryInfo) return null return e.get("properties").get("best") ? "best" : null } static String getIcon(Object e) { if (e instanceof ImageryInfo) return e.getIcon() return e.get("properties").getString("icon", null) } String getDescription(Object o) { def url = getUrl(o) def cc = getCountryCode(o) if (cc == null) { def j = josmUrls.get(url) if (j != null) cc = getCountryCode(j) if (cc == null) { def e = eiiUrls.get(url) if (e != null) cc = getCountryCode(e) } } if (cc == null) { cc = '' } else { cc = "[$cc] " } def d = cc + getName(o) + " - " + getUrl(o) if (options.shorten) { def MAXLEN = 140 if (d.length() > MAXLEN) d = d.substring(0, MAXLEN-1) + "..." } return d } }