1 | #
3 | #
4 | # Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
5 | #
6 | # The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
7 | # General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development
8 | # and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License"). You
9 | # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can
10 | # obtain a copy of the License at
11 | # https://oss.oracle.com/licenses/CDDL+GPL-1.1
12 | # or LICENSE.txt. See the License for the specific
13 | # language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
14 | #
15 | # When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
16 | # file and include the License file at LICENSE.txt.
17 | #
18 | # GPL Classpath Exception:
19 | # Oracle designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath"
20 | # exception as provided by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License
21 | # file that accompanied this code.
22 | #
23 | # Modifications:
24 | # If applicable, add the following below the License Header, with the fields
25 | # enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying information:
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39 | #
40 |
41 | internal.error=Internal Error
42 |
43 | parser.getString.err=JsonParser#getString() is valid only for KEY_NAME, VALUE_STRING, VALUE_NUMBER parser states. \
44 | But current parser state is {0}
45 | parser.isIntegralNumber.err=JsonParser#isIntegralNumber() is valid only for VALUE_NUMBER parser state. \
46 | But current parser state is {0}
47 | parser.getInt.err=JsonParser#getInt() is valid only for VALUE_NUMBER parser state. \
48 | But current parser state is {0}
49 | parser.getLong.err=JsonParser#getLong() is valid only for VALUE_NUMBER parser state. \
50 | But current parser state is {0}
51 | parser.getBigDecimal.err=JsonParser#getBigDecimal() is valid only for VALUE_NUMBER parser state. \
52 | But current parser state is {0}
53 | parser.getArray.err=JsonParser#getArray() or JsonParser#getArrayStream() is valid only for START_ARRAY parser state. \
54 | But current parser state is {0}
55 | parser.getObject.err=JsonParser#getObject() or JsonParser#getObjectStream() is valid only for START_OBJECT parser state. \
56 | But current parser state is {0}
57 | parser.getValue.err=JsonParser#getValue() is valid only for START_ARRAY, START_OBJECT, KEY_NAME, VALUE_STRING, VALUE_NUMBER, VALUE_NULL, VALUE_FALSE, VALUE_TRUE parser states. \
58 | But current parser state is {0}
59 | parser.getValueStream.err=JsonParser#getValueStream() the parser must not be in an array or object. \
60 | But current parser state is {0}
61 | parser.expected.eof=Expected EOF token, but got {0}
62 | parser.tokenizer.close.io=I/O error while closing JSON tokenizer
63 | parser.invalid.token=Invalid token={0} at {1}. Expected tokens are: {2}
64 | parser.state.err=Unknown value type {0}
65 | parser.scope.err=Cannot be called for value {0}
66 | parser.input.enc.detect.failed=Cannot auto-detect encoding, not enough chars
67 | parser.input.enc.detect.ioerr=I/O error while auto-detecting the encoding of stream
68 |
69 | generator.flush.io.err=I/O error while flushing generated JSON
70 | generator.close.io.err=I/O error while closing JsonGenerator
71 | generator.write.io.err=I/O error while writing in JsonGenerator
72 | generator.illegal.method=Illegal method during JSON generation, \
73 | not valid in current context {0}
74 | generator.double.infinite.nan=double value cannot be Infinite or NaN
75 | generator.incomplete.json=Generating incomplete JSON
76 | generator.illegal.multiple.text=Cannot generate more than one JSON text
77 |
78 | writer.write.already.called=write/writeObject/writeArray/close method is already called
79 |
80 | reader.read.already.called=read/readObject/readArray/close method is already called
81 |
82 | objbuilder.name.null=Name in JsonObject's name/value pair cannot be null
83 | objbuilder.value.null=Value in JsonObject's name/value pair cannot be null
84 | objbuilder.object.builder.null=Object builder that is used to create a value in JsonObject's name/value pair cannot be null
85 | objbuilder.array.builder.null=Array builder that is used to create a value in JsonObject's name/value pair cannot be null
86 |
87 | arrbuilder.value.null=Cannot invoke add(null) while building JsonArray.
88 | arrbuilder.object.builder.null=Object builder that is used to add a value to JSON array cannot be null
89 | arrbuilder.array.builder.null=Array builder that is used to add a value to JSON array cannot be null
90 | arrbuilder.valuelist.null=Index: {0}, Size: {1}
91 |
92 | tokenizer.unexpected.char=Unexpected char {0} at {1}
93 | tokenizer.expected.char=Unexpected char {0} at {1}, expecting ''{2}''
94 | tokenizer.io.err=I/O error while parsing JSON
95 |
96 | pointer.format.invalid=A non-empty JSON Pointer must begin with a ''/''
97 | pointer.mapping.missing=The JSON Object ''{0}'' contains no mapping for the name ''{1}''
98 | pointer.reference.invalid=The reference value in a JSON Pointer must be a JSON Object or a JSON Array, was ''{0}''
99 | pointer.array.index.err=Array index format error, was ''{0}''
100 | pointer.array.index.illegal=Illegal integer format, was ''{0}''
101 |
102 | noderef.value.add.err=The root value only allows adding a JSON object or array
103 | noderef.value.cannot.remove=The JSON value at the root cannot be removed
104 | noderef.object.missing=Non-existing name/value pair in the object for key {0}
105 | noderef.array.index.err=An array item index is out of range. Index: {0}, Size: {1}
106 |
107 | patch.must.be.array=A JSON Patch must be an array of JSON Objects
108 | patch.move.proper.prefix=The ''{0}'' path of the patch operation ''move'' is a proper prefix of the ''{1}'' path
109 | patch.move.target.null=The ''{0}'' path of the patch operation ''move'' does not exist in target object
110 | patch.test.failed=The JSON Patch operation ''test'' failed for path ''{0}'' and value ''{1}''
111 | patch.illegal.operation=Illegal value for the op member of the JSON Patch operation: ''{0}''
112 | patch.member.missing=The JSON Patch operation ''{0}'' must contain a ''{1}'' member