close Warning: Can't use blame annotator:
svn blame failed on trunk/resources/images/presets/misc/danger.svg: 195004 - Cannot calculate blame information for binary file 'file:///home/josm/svn/trunk/resources/images/presets/misc/danger.svg'

source: josm/trunk/resources/images/presets/misc/danger.svg@ 17064

Last change on this file since 17064 was 16006, checked in by Don-vip, 5 years ago

see #18140 - reorganization of data(_nodist), images(_nodist), styles(_nodist), IDE and native files in a more practical file tree.

  • Everything belonging to the jar is now in resources (data, images, styles)
  • Everything not belonging to the jar is now in nodist (data, images, styles)
  • Everything related to OS native functions is now in native (linux, macosx, windows)
  • Everything related to an IDE is now in ide (eclipse, netbeans)
  • Property svn:mime-type set to image/svg+xml
File size: 4.8 KB
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Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.