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674 | </chunk>
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679 | </chunk>
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683 | </chunk>
684 | <chunk id="school_common">
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686 | </chunk>
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940 | <space />
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945 | <check key="noname" text="Street has no name" disable_off="true" />
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948 | <optional>
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956 | </checkgroup>
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963 | </item> <!-- Bicycle Road -->
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966 | <space />
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970 | <optional>
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988 | <optional>
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996 | <reference ref="link_road_access_restrictions" />
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999 | <link wiki="Tag:highway=busway"/>
1000 | <space />
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1004 | <space />
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1015 | <space />
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1020 | <space />
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1040 | <space />
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1043 | <optional>
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1047 | </optional>
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1091 | <list_entry value="path" display_value="Path" icon="presets/transport/way/path.svg" />
1092 | <list_entry value="bridleway" display_value="Dedicated Bridleway" icon="presets/transport/way/dedicated_bridleway.svg" />
1093 | <list_entry value="cycleway" display_value="Dedicated Cycleway" icon="presets/transport/way/dedicated_cycleway.svg" />
1094 | <list_entry value="footway" display_value="Dedicated Footway" icon="presets/transport/way/dedicated_footway.svg" />
1095 | <list_entry value="steps" display_value="Steps" icon="presets/transport/way/steps.svg" />
1096 | </combo>
1097 | <optional>
1098 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
1099 | <space />
1100 | <reference ref="highway_base" />
1101 | <reference ref="highway_yesno_incline_oneway_lit_width_busbay_sidewalk" />
1102 | <check key="trolley_wire" text="Overhead trolley wires" />
1103 | <combo key="junction" text="Junction" values="roundabout,jughandle" />
1104 | </optional>
1105 | <reference ref="link_road_access_restrictions" />
1106 | </item> <!-- Construction -->
1107 | <separator/>
1108 | <item name="Road Restrictions" icon="presets/vehicle/restriction/maxspeed.svg" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true" > <!-- There are links from MP relations to this preset -->
1109 | <link wiki="Key:access" />
1110 | <space />
1111 | <checkgroup columns="3" >
1112 | <check key="oneway" text="Oneway" />
1113 | <check key="toll" text="Toll" />
1114 | <check key="noexit" text="No exit (cul-de-sac)" disable_off="true" />
1115 | <check key="winter_road" text="Winter road" disable_off="true" />
1116 | <check key="ice_road" text="Ice road" disable_off="true" />
1117 | </checkgroup>
1118 | <text key="maxspeed" text="Max. speed (km/h)" />
1119 | <text key="maxspeed:forward" text="Max. speed in way direction" />
1120 | <text key="maxspeed:backward" text="Max. speed opposed to way direction" />
1121 | <text key="maxspeed:hgv" text="Max. speed Heavy Goods Vehicles (km/h)" match="key" />
1122 | <text key="maxspeed:advisory" text="Signposted advisory max. speed (km/h)" />
1123 | <text key="minspeed" text="Min. speed (km/h)" match="key" />
1124 | <space />
1125 | <reference ref="highway_max" />
1126 | <space />
1127 | <combo key="overtaking" text="Overtaking" values="yes,both,forward,backward,no" values_context="overtaking" values_sort="false" match="key" />
1128 | <preset_link preset_name="Access Restrictions" />
1129 | </item> <!-- Road Restrictions -->
1130 | <item name="Access Restrictions" icon="presets/vehicle/restriction/restrictions.svg" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true"> <!-- There are links from MPs and route relations to this preset -->
1131 | <link wiki="Key:access" />
1132 | <space />
1133 | <label text="Some road types already imply some access restrictions which should not be set again." />
1134 | <space />
1135 | <label text="Transport mode restrictions" />
1136 | <combo key="access" text="General Access" values="yes,destination,delivery,permissive,permit,private,customers,agricultural,forestry,no" values_searchable="true" values_sort="false" match="key" />
1137 | <combo key="foot" text="Foot" values="yes,official,designated,permissive,destination,delivery,permit,private,use_sidepath,no" values_sort="false" match="key" />
1138 | <reference ref="wheelchair" />
1139 | <combo key="ski" text="Ski" values="yes,official,designated,permissive,permit,private,no" values_sort="false" />
1140 | <combo key="dog" text="Dog" values="yes,leashed,unleashed,official,designated,permissive,permit,private,no" values_sort="false" match="key" />
1141 | <combo key="horse" text="Horse" values="yes,official,designated,permissive,destination,delivery,permit,private,no" values_sort="false" match="key" />
1142 | <space />
1143 | <label text="Vehicles per type" />
1144 | <combo key="vehicle" text="All vehicles" values="yes,destination,delivery,permissive,permit,private,agricultural,forestry,no" values_sort="false" match="key" />
1145 | <combo key="bicycle" text="Bicycle" values="yes,official,designated,permissive,destination,delivery,permit,private,use_sidepath,no" values_sort="false" match="key" />
1146 | <check key="cyclestreet" text="Bicycle street" disable_off="true" />
1147 | <combo key="carriage" text="Carriage" values="yes,official,designated,destination,delivery,permissive,permit,private,agricultural,forestry,no" values_sort="false" match="key" />
1148 | <combo key="motor_vehicle" text="Motor vehicles" values="yes,official,designated,destination,delivery,permissive,permit,private,agricultural,forestry,no" values_sort="false" match="key" />
1149 | <combo key="motorcycle" text="Motorcycle" values="yes,official,designated,destination,delivery,permissive,permit,private,agricultural,forestry,no" values_sort="false" match="key" />
1150 | <combo key="moped" text="Moped" values="yes,official,designated,destination,delivery,permissive,permit,private,agricultural,forestry,no" values_sort="false" match="key" />
1151 | <combo key="mofa" text="Mofa" values="yes,official,designated,destination,delivery,permissive,permit,private,agricultural,forestry,no" values_sort="false" match="key" />
1152 | <combo key="motorcar" text="Motorcar" values="yes,official,designated,destination,delivery,permissive,permit,private,agricultural,forestry,no" values_sort="false" match="key" />
1153 | <combo key="goods" text="Light Commercial Vehicles (goods)" values="yes,official,designated,destination,delivery,permissive,permit,private,agricultural,forestry,no" values_sort="false" match="key" />
1154 | <combo key="hgv" text="Heavy Goods Vehicles (hgv)" values="yes,official,designated,destination,delivery,permissive,permit,private,agricultural,forestry,no" values_sort="false" match="key" />
1155 | <combo key="bdouble" text="B-double road train" values="yes,official,designated,destination,delivery,permissive,permit,private,agricultural,forestry,no" values_sort="false" match="key" />
1156 | <combo key="agricultural" text="Agricultural Vehicles (with restrictions e.g. max. 25 km/h)" values="yes,official,designated,destination,permissive,permit,private,agricultural,forestry,no" values_sort="false" match="key" />
1157 | <combo key="4wd_only" text="4WD only" values="yes,recommended,no" values_sort="false" match="key" />
1158 | <combo key="snowmobile" text="Snowmobile" values="yes,official,designated,permissive,destination,delivery,permit,private,no" values_sort="false" />
1159 | <combo key="golf_cart" text="Golf cart" values="yes,official,designated,permissive,destination,delivery,permit,private,no" values_sort="false" match="key" />
1160 | <space />
1161 | <label text="Vehicles per use" />
1162 | <combo key="emergency" text="Emergency vehicles" values="yes,official,designated,destination,no" values_sort="false" match="keyvalue" />
1163 | <combo key="disabled" text="Disabled" values="yes,official,designated,destination,permissive,permit,private,no" values_sort="false" match="key" />
1164 | <combo key="hov" text="High-occupancy vehicles (hov)" values="yes,official,designated,destination,permissive,permit,private,no" values_sort="false" match="key" />
1165 | <combo key="psv" text="Public Service Vehicles (psv)" values="yes,official,designated,destination,permissive,permit,private,no" values_sort="false" match="key" />
1166 | <combo key="bus" text="Public Transportation Bus" values="yes,official,designated,destination,permissive,permit,private,no" values_sort="false" match="key" />
1167 | <combo key="taxi" text="Taxi" values="yes,official,designated,destination,permissive,permit,private,no" values_sort="false" match="key" />
1168 | <combo key="tourist_bus" text="Tourist buses" values="yes,official,designated,destination,permissive,permit,private,no" values_sort="false" match="key" />
1169 | <combo key="hazmat" text="Hazmat" values="yes,official,designated,destination,permissive,permit,private,no" values_sort="false" match="key" />
1170 | <preset_link preset_name="Road Restrictions" />
1171 | </item> <!-- Access Restrictions -->
1172 | <separator/>
1173 | <item name="Roundabout" icon="presets/vehicle/restriction/roundabout_right.svg" type="node,way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
1174 | <link wiki="Tag:junction=roundabout" />
1175 | <space />
1176 | <key key="junction" value="roundabout" />
1177 | <combo key="highway" text="Type" values="motorway,motorway_link,trunk,trunk_link,primary,primary_link,secondary,tertiary,unclassified,residential,living_street,service,bus_guideway,construction" values_context="Highway" />
1178 | <optional>
1179 | <reference ref="name_layer" />
1180 | <combo key="lanes" text="Lanes" values="1,2,3" length="3" />
1181 | <reference ref="highway_yesno" />
1182 | <text key="width" text="Width (meters)" />
1183 | </optional>
1184 | <reference ref="link_road_access_restrictions" />
1185 | <preset_link preset_name="Circular junction" text="Similar but different tags:" />
1186 | <preset_link preset_name="Mini-Roundabout" text="Similar but different tags:" />
1187 | </item> <!-- Roundabout -->
1188 | <item name="Circular junction" icon="presets/vehicle/restriction/junction_circular.svg" type="way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
1189 | <link wiki="Tag:junction=circular" />
1190 | <space />
1191 | <key key="junction" value="circular" />
1192 | <combo key="highway" text="Type" values="motorway,motorway_link,trunk,trunk_link,primary,primary_link,secondary,tertiary,unclassified,residential,living_street,service,bus_guideway,construction" values_context="Highway" />
1193 | <optional>
1194 | <reference ref="name_layer" />
1195 | <combo key="lanes" text="Lanes" values="1,2,3" length="3" />
1196 | <reference ref="highway_yesno" />
1197 | <check key="oneway" text="Oneway" />
1198 | <text key="width" text="Width (meters)" />
1199 | </optional>
1200 | <reference ref="link_road_access_restrictions" />
1201 | <preset_link preset_name="Roundabout" text="Similar but different tags:" />
1202 | <preset_link preset_name="Mini-Roundabout" text="Similar but different tags:" />
1203 | </item> <!-- Circular junction -->
1204 | <item name="Ford" icon="presets/vehicle/ford.svg" type="node,way" preset_name_label="true">
1205 | <link wiki="Tag:ford=yes" />
1206 | <combo key="ford" text="Ford" values="yes,stepping_stones" default="yes" values_searchable="true" match="keyvalue!" />
1207 | <optional>
1208 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
1209 | </optional>
1210 | </item> <!-- Ford -->
1211 | <item name="Traffic Hazard" icon="presets/transport/hazard.svg" type="node,way" preset_name_label="true">
1212 | <link wiki="Key:hazard" />
1213 | <space />
1214 | <combo key="hazard" text="Hazard" values="animal_crossing,bump,children,curve,curves,cyclists,dangerous_junction,dip,falling_rocks,frost_heave,horse_riders,ice,landslide,loose_gravel,low_flying_aircraft,pedestrians,queues_likely,school_zone,side_winds,slippery,turn,turns" values_context="hazard" />
1215 | </item> <!-- Traffic Hazard -->
1216 | </group> <!-- Streets -->
1217 | <group name="Ways" icon="presets/transport/way/way_unclassified.svg">
1218 | <item name="Track" icon="presets/transport/way/track.svg" type="way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
1219 | <link wiki="Tag:highway=track" />
1220 | <space />
1221 | <combo key="tracktype" text="Tracktype" values_searchable="true" values_sort="false">
1222 | <list_entry value="grade1" icon="presets/transport/way/tracktype_grade1.svg" short_description="Solid: Usually a paved or sealed surface" />
1223 | <list_entry value="grade2" icon="presets/transport/way/tracktype_grade2.svg" short_description="Solid but unpaved: Usually an unpaved track with surface of gravel" />
1224 | <list_entry value="grade3" icon="presets/transport/way/tracktype_grade3.svg" short_description="Mostly Solid: Even mixture of hard and soft materials. Almost always an unpaved track" />
1225 | <list_entry value="grade4" icon="presets/transport/way/tracktype_grade4.svg" short_description="Mostly Soft: Almost always an unpaved track prominently with soil/sand/grass, but with some hard or compacted materials mixed in" />
1226 | <list_entry value="grade5" icon="presets/transport/way/tracktype_grade5.svg" short_description="Soft: Almost always an unimproved track lacking hard materials, same as surrounding soil" />
1227 | </combo>
1228 | <key key="highway" value="track" />
1229 | <optional>
1230 | <reference ref="name_layer" />
1231 | <reference ref="surface_smoothness" />
1232 | <reference ref="highway_yesno_incline_oneway_lit_width" />
1233 | <combo key="mtb:scale" text="MTB Scale" values="0-,0,0+,1-,1,1+,2-,2,2+,3-,3,3+,4-,4,4+,5-,5,5+,6-,6,6+" values_sort="false" values_no_i18n="true" />
1234 | <reference ref="trailblazed" />
1235 | <reference ref="highway_access" />
1236 | <combo key="vehicle" text="All vehicles" values="yes,destination,delivery,permissive,permit,private,agricultural,forestry,no" values_sort="false" />
1237 | <combo key="motor_vehicle" text="Motor vehicles" values="yes,official,designated,destination,delivery,permissive,permit,private,agricultural,forestry,no" values_sort="false" />
1238 | <combo key="motorcycle" text="Motorcycle" values="yes,official,designated,destination,delivery,permissive,permit,private,agricultural,forestry,no" values_sort="false" />
1239 | <combo key="motorcar" text="Motorcar" values="yes,official,designated,destination,delivery,permissive,permit,private,agricultural,forestry,no" values_sort="false" />
1240 | <combo key="horse" text="Horse" values="yes,official,designated,permissive,destination,delivery,permit,private,no" values_sort="false" />
1241 | </optional>
1242 | <reference ref="link_road_access_restrictions" />
1243 | </item> <!-- Track -->
1244 | <item name="Path" icon="presets/transport/way/path.svg" type="way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
1245 | <link wiki="Tag:highway=path" />
1246 | <key key="highway" value="path" />
1247 | <optional>
1248 | <reference ref="name_layer" />
1249 | <reference ref="surface_smoothness" />
1250 | <reference ref="highway_yesno_incline_oneway_lit_width" />
1251 | <combo key="sac_scale" text="SAC Scale" values_searchable="true" values_sort="false">
1252 | <list_entry value="hiking" display_value="T1 - hiking trail" short_description="Trail well cleared. Area flat or slightly sloped, no fall hazard" />
1253 | <list_entry value="mountain_hiking" display_value="T2 - mountain hiking trail" short_description="Trail with continuous line and balanced ascent. Terrain partially steep, fall hazard possible" />
1254 | <list_entry value="demanding_mountain_hiking" display_value="T3 - difficult, exposed hiking trail" short_description="exposed sites may be secured with ropes or chains, possible need to use hands for balance. Partly exposed sites with fall hazard, scree, pathless jagged rocks" />
1255 | <list_entry value="alpine_hiking" display_value="T4 - difficult, exposed, steep alpine trail" short_description="sometimes need for hand use to get ahead. Terrain quite exposed, precarious grassy acclivities, jagged rocks, facile snow-free glaciers" />
1256 | <list_entry value="demanding_alpine_hiking" display_value="T5 - difficult alpine trail with climbing" short_description="single plainly climbing up to second grade. Exposed, demanding terrain, jagged rocks, few dangerous glacier and snow" />
1257 | <list_entry value="difficult_alpine_hiking" display_value="T6 - hazardous alpine trail with climbing" short_description="climbing up to second grade. Often very exposed, precarious jagged rocks, glacier with danger to slip and fall" />
1258 | </combo>
1259 | <combo key="mtb:scale" text="MTB Scale" values="0-,0,0+,1-,1,1+,2-,2,2+,3-,3,3+,4-,4,4+,5-,5,5+,6-,6,6+" values_sort="false" values_no_i18n="true" />
1260 | <reference ref="trailblazed" />
1261 | <combo key="trail_visibility" text="Visibility" values="excellent,good,intermediate,bad,horrible,no" values_context="trail_visibility" values_sort="false" />
1262 | <checkgroup columns="2">
1263 | <check key="segregated" text="Segregated" />
1264 | <check key="informal" text="Informal" />
1265 | </checkgroup>
1266 | <combo key="foot" text="Foot" values="yes,official,designated,permissive,destination,delivery,permit,private,no" values_sort="false" />
1267 | <reference ref="wheelchair" />
1268 | <combo key="bicycle" text="Bicycle" values="yes,official,designated,permissive,destination,delivery,permit,private,no" values_sort="false" />
1269 | <reference ref="path_access_modes" />
1270 | </optional>
1271 | <reference ref="link_road_access_restrictions" />
1272 | </item> <!-- Path -->
1273 | <separator/>
1274 | <item name="Dedicated Bridleway" icon="presets/transport/way/dedicated_bridleway.svg" type="way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
1275 | <link wiki="Tag:highway=bridleway" />
1276 | <key key="highway" value="bridleway" />
1277 | <optional>
1278 | <reference ref="name_layer" />
1279 | <text key="maxspeed" text="Max. speed (km/h)" />
1280 | <reference ref="surface_smoothness" />
1281 | <reference ref="highway_yesno_incline_oneway_lit_width" />
1282 | <check key="segregated" text="Segregated" />
1283 | <space />
1284 | <label text="Depending on the country, several access tags are implied and do not need to be set." />
1285 | <label text="Globally, `horse=designated` and `motor_vehicle=no` are implied." />
1286 | <combo key="horse" text="Horse" values="yes,official,designated,permissive,destination,delivery,permit,private,no" values_sort="false" />
1287 | <combo key="dog" text="Dog" values="yes,leashed,unleashed,official,designated,permissive,permit,private,no" values_sort="false" match="key" />
1288 | <combo key="foot" text="Foot" values="yes,permissive,destination,delivery,permit,private,no" values_sort="false" />
1289 | <reference ref="wheelchair" />
1290 | <combo key="bicycle" text="Bicycle" values="yes,permissive,destination,delivery,permit,private,no" values_sort="false" />
1291 | <combo key="ski" text="Ski" values="yes,permissive,private,no" values_sort="false" />
1292 | <combo key="snowmobile" text="Snowmobile" values="yes,permissive,destination,delivery,permit,private,no" values_sort="false" />
1293 | <combo key="vehicle" text="All vehicles" values="yes,destination,delivery,permissive,permit,private,agricultural,forestry,no" values_sort="false" />
1294 | <combo key="motor_vehicle" text="Motor vehicles" values="yes,destination,delivery,permissive,permit,private,agricultural,forestry,no" values_sort="false" match="key" />
1295 | </optional>
1296 | <reference ref="link_road_access_restrictions" />
1297 | </item> <!-- Dedicated Bridleway -->
1298 | <item name="Cycle Lane/Track" icon="presets/transport/way/cycle_lane_track.svg" type="way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
1299 | <link wiki="Bicycle" />
1300 | <space />
1301 | <combo key="cycleway" text="Cycleway" values_context="cycleway" values="lane,track,opposite_lane,opposite_track,opposite,share_busway,shared_lane,separate" match="key" />
1302 | <combo key="cycleway:left" text="Cycleway left" values_context="cycleway" values="lane,track,share_busway,shared_lane,separate" match="key" />
1303 | <combo key="cycleway:right" text="Cycleway right" values_context="cycleway" values="lane,track,share_busway,shared_lane,separate" match="key" />
1304 | <check key="oneway:bicycle" text="Oneway (bicycle)" />
1305 | <space />
1306 | <optional text="Edit Highway Attributes:">
1307 | <combo key="highway" text="Highway" values="motorway,motorway_link,trunk,trunk_link,primary,primary_link,secondary,secondary_link,tertiary,tertiary_link,unclassified,residential,living_street,service,bus_guideway,construction" values_context="Highway" values_sort="false" />
1308 | <check key="oneway" text="Oneway" />
1309 | </optional>
1310 | </item> <!-- Cycle Lane/Track -->
1311 | <item name="Dedicated Cycleway" icon="presets/transport/way/dedicated_cycleway.svg" type="way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
1312 | <link wiki="Tag:highway=cycleway" />
1313 | <key key="highway" value="cycleway" />
1314 | <optional>
1315 | <reference ref="name_layer" />
1316 | <reference ref="surface_smoothness" />
1317 | <reference ref="highway_yesno_incline_oneway_lit_width" />
1318 | <check key="segregated" text="Segregated" />
1319 | <space />
1320 | <label text="Depending on the country, several access tags are implied and do not need to be set." />
1321 | <label text="Globally, `bicycle=designated` is implied." />
1322 | <combo key="foot" text="Pedestrians" values="yes,designated,permissive,destination,delivery,permit,private,no" values_sort="false" />
1323 | <reference ref="wheelchair" />
1324 | <combo key="ski" text="Ski" values="yes,official,designated,permissive,private,no" values_sort="false" />
1325 | <combo key="snowmobile" text="Snowmobile" values="yes,official,designated,permissive,destination,delivery,permit,private,no" values_sort="false" />
1326 | <combo key="dog" text="Dog" values="yes,leashed,unleashed,official,designated,permissive,permit,private,no" values_sort="false" match="key" />
1327 | <combo key="horse" text="Horse" values="yes,permissive,destination,delivery,permit,private,no" values_sort="false" />
1328 | <combo key="vehicle" text="All vehicles" values="yes,destination,delivery,permissive,permit,private,agricultural,forestry,no" values_sort="false" />
1329 | <combo key="motor_vehicle" text="Motor vehicles" values="yes,destination,delivery,permissive,permit,private,agricultural,forestry,no" values_sort="false" match="key" />
1330 | </optional>
1331 | <reference ref="link_road_access_restrictions" />
1332 | </item> <!-- Dedicated Cycleway -->
1333 | <item name="Segregated Foot- and Cycleway" icon="presets/transport/way/segregated_foot_cycleway.svg" type="way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
1334 | <link wiki="Tag:highway=path" />
1335 | <key key="highway" value="path" />
1336 | <key key="bicycle" value="designated" />
1337 | <key key="foot" value="designated" />
1338 | <key key="segregated" value="yes" />
1339 | <optional>
1340 | <reference ref="name_layer" />
1341 | <reference ref="surface_smoothness" />
1342 | <reference ref="highway_yesno_incline_oneway_lit_width" />
1343 | <space />
1344 | <reference ref="wheelchair" />
1345 | <reference ref="path_access_modes" />
1346 | </optional>
1347 | <reference ref="link_road_access_restrictions" />
1348 | </item> <!-- Segregated Foot- and Cycleway -->
1349 | <item name="Combined Foot- and Cycleway" icon="presets/transport/way/combined_foot_cycleway.svg" type="way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
1350 | <link wiki="Tag:highway=path" />
1351 | <key key="highway" value="path" />
1352 | <key key="bicycle" value="designated" />
1353 | <key key="foot" value="designated" />
1354 | <key key="segregated" value="no" />
1355 | <optional>
1356 | <reference ref="name_layer" />
1357 | <reference ref="surface_smoothness" />
1358 | <reference ref="highway_yesno_incline_oneway_lit_width" />
1359 | <check key="passing_places" text="Passing Places" />
1360 | <space />
1361 | <reference ref="wheelchair" />
1362 | <reference ref="path_access_modes" />
1363 | </optional>
1364 | <reference ref="link_road_access_restrictions" />
1365 | </item> <!-- Combined Foot- and Cycleway -->
1366 | <item name="Dedicated Footway" icon="presets/transport/way/dedicated_footway.svg" type="way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
1367 | <link wiki="Tag:highway=footway" />
1368 | <key key="highway" value="footway" />
1369 | <optional>
1370 | <combo key="footway" text="Type" values_context="footway" >
1371 | <list_entry value="access_aisle" short_description="Marked footpath in a parking lot" />
1372 | <list_entry value="crossing" short_description="A pedestrian crossing"/>
1373 | <list_entry value="sidewalk" short_description="A footway alongside a street"/>
1374 | <list_entry value="link" short_description="Footway sections that do not exist but are necessary for routing"/>
1375 | <list_entry value="traffic_island" short_description="Footway sections inside a crossing island"/>
1376 | <list_entry value="alley" short_description="Access for back entrances and/or emergency access"/>
1377 | </combo>
1378 | <reference ref="name_layer" />
1379 | <reference ref="surface_smoothness" />
1380 | <reference ref="highway_yesno_incline_oneway_lit_width" />
1381 | <check key="segregated" text="Segregated" />
1382 | <reference ref="wheelchair" />
1383 | <space />
1384 | <label text="Depending on the country, several access tags are implied and do not need to be set." />
1385 | <label text="Globally, `foot=designated` is implied." />
1386 | <combo key="bicycle" text="Bicycle" values="yes,designated,permissive,destination,delivery,permit,private,no" values_sort="false" />
1387 | <combo key="ski" text="Ski" values="yes,official,designated,permissive,private,no" values_sort="false" />
1388 | <combo key="snowmobile" text="Snowmobile" values="yes,official,designated,permissive,destination,delivery,permit,private,no" values_sort="false" />
1389 | <combo key="dog" text="Dog" values="yes,leashed,unleashed,official,designated,permissive,permit,private,no" values_sort="false" match="key" />
1390 | <combo key="horse" text="Horse" values="yes,official,designated,permissive,destination,delivery,permit,private,no" values_sort="false" />
1391 | <combo key="vehicle" text="All vehicles" values="yes,destination,delivery,permissive,permit,private,agricultural,forestry,no" values_sort="false" />
1392 | <combo key="motor_vehicle" text="Motor vehicles" values="yes,destination,delivery,permissive,permit,private,agricultural,forestry,no" values_sort="false" match="key" />
1393 | </optional>
1394 | <reference ref="link_road_access_restrictions" />
1395 | </item> <!-- Dedicated Footway -->
1396 | <item name="Steps" icon="presets/transport/way/steps.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
1397 | <link wiki="Tag:highway=steps" />
1398 | <key key="highway" value="steps" />
1399 | <optional>
1400 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
1401 | <combo key="level" text="Storeys" values="1;2,0;1,-1;0,-2;-1,1.5;2,1;1.5,0.5;1,0;0.5,-0.5;0,-1;-0.5,-1.5;-1,-2;-1.5" values_sort="false" values_no_i18n="true" />
1402 | <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="5,4,3,2,1,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5" length="3" values_sort="false" />
1403 | <reference ref="surface" />
1404 | <text key="step_count" text="Amount of Steps" />
1405 | <space />
1406 | <check key="ramp" text="Ramp" />
1407 | <checkgroup columns="2" >
1408 | <check key="ramp:stroller" text="Stroller ramp" />
1409 | <check key="ramp:bicycle" text="Bicycle ramp" />
1410 | </checkgroup>
1411 | <combo key="ramp:wheelchair" text="Wheelchair ramp" values="yes,limited,no" />
1412 | <combo key="ramp:luggage" text="Luggage ramp" values="yes,automatic,manual,no" />
1413 | <space />
1414 | <check key="handrail" text="Handrail" />
1415 | <checkgroup columns="3" >
1416 | <check key="handrail:left" text="Left handrail" />
1417 | <check key="handrail:center" text="Center handrail" />
1418 | <check key="handrail:right" text="Right handrail" />
1419 | </checkgroup>
1420 | <space />
1421 | <combo key="conveying" text="Escalator" values="yes,forward,backward,reversible" />
1422 | <space />
1423 | <reference ref="highway_yesno_incline_oneway_lit_width" />
1424 | </optional>
1425 | </item> <!-- Steps -->
1426 | </group> <!-- Ways -->
1427 | <group name="Waypoints" icon="presets/vehicle/waypoints.svg">
1428 | <item name="Motorway Junction" icon="presets/vehicle/motorway_junction.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
1429 | <link wiki="Tag:highway=motorway_junction" />
1430 | <space />
1431 | <key key="highway" value="motorway_junction" />
1432 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
1433 | <check key="noname" text="Junction has no name" disable_off="true" />
1434 | <text key="ref" text="Number" />
1435 | <check key="noref" text="Junction has no reference" disable_off="true" />
1436 | </item> <!-- Motorway Junction -->
1437 | <item name="Services" icon="presets/vehicle/services.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
1438 | <link wiki="Tag:highway=services" />
1439 | <key key="highway" value="services" />
1440 | <optional>
1441 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
1442 | <check key="toilets" text="Toilets" />
1443 | </optional>
1444 | </item> <!-- Services -->
1445 | <item name="Rest Area" icon="presets/vehicle/rest_area.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
1446 | <link wiki="Tag:highway=rest_area" />
1447 | <key key="highway" value="rest_area" />
1448 | <optional>
1449 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
1450 | <check key="toilets" text="Toilets" />
1451 | <check key="drinking_water" text="Drinking Water" />
1452 | </optional>
1453 | </item> <!-- Rest Area -->
1454 | <separator/>
1455 | <item name="Traffic Signal" icon="presets/vehicle/traffic_signals.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
1456 | <link wiki="Tag:highway=traffic_signals" />
1457 | <key key="highway" value="traffic_signals" />
1458 | <optional>
1459 | <combo key="traffic_signals:direction" text="Direction" values="forward,backward,both" />
1460 | </optional>
1461 | <optional text="Optional crossing attributes:">
1462 | <combo key="crossing" text="Pedestrian crossing type" >
1463 | <list_entry value="uncontrolled" icon="presets/vehicle/crossing.svg" />
1464 | <list_entry value="traffic_signals" icon="presets/vehicle/crossing_traffic_signals.svg" />
1465 | <list_entry value="unmarked" icon="presets/vehicle/crossing_unmarked.svg" />
1466 | <list_entry value="no" />
1467 | </combo>
1468 | <combo key="crossing_ref" text="Crossing type name (UK)" values="zebra,pelican,toucan,puffin,pegasus,tiger" regions="GB" />
1469 | <combo key="kerb" text="Kerb" values="flush,lowered,no,raised,rolled,yes" values_context="kerb" />
1470 | <combo key="supervised" text="Crossing attendant" delimiter="|" values="yes|no|06:00-20:00|Mo-Fr 09:00-18:00,Sa 08:00-14:00|May-Sep 09:30-12:30,14:15-19:30" values_i18n="false" values_sort="false" />
1471 | <check key="crossing:island" text="With island" />
1472 | <reference ref="check_crossing_access" />
1473 | <label text="In case of crossing traffic signals:" />
1474 | <checkgroup columns="2">
1475 | <check key="button_operated" text="Button operated" />
1476 | <check key="traffic_signals:sound" text="Sound signals" />
1477 | </checkgroup>
1478 | </optional>
1479 | <optional text="Optional values for specific countries">
1480 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
1481 | </optional>
1482 | </item> <!-- Traffic Signal -->
1483 | <item name="Stop" icon="presets/vehicle/restriction/stop.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
1484 | <link wiki="Tag:highway=stop" />
1485 | <key key="highway" value="stop" />
1486 | <optional>
1487 | <combo key="direction" text="Direction" values="N,E,S,W,0,90,180,270,forward,backward" values_sort="false" />
1488 | </optional>
1489 | </item> <!-- Stop -->
1490 | <item name="Give Way" icon="presets/vehicle/restriction/give_way.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
1491 | <link wiki="Tag:highway=give_way" />
1492 | <key key="highway" value="give_way" />
1493 | <optional>
1494 | <combo key="direction" text="Direction" values="N,E,S,W,0,90,180,270,forward,backward" values_sort="false" />
1495 | </optional>
1496 | </item> <!-- Give Way -->
1497 | <item name="Advanced stop line" icon="presets/vehicle/asl.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
1498 | <link wiki="Tag:cycleway=asl" />
1499 | <key key="cycleway" value="asl" />
1500 | </item> <!-- Advanced stop line -->
1501 | <item name="Mini-Roundabout" icon="presets/vehicle/restriction/mini_roundabout_left.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
1502 | <link wiki="Tag:highway=mini_roundabout" />
1503 | <key key="highway" value="mini_roundabout" />
1504 | <space />
1505 | <combo key="direction" text="Direction" values="clockwise" />
1506 | <preset_link preset_name="Roundabout" text="Similar but different tags:" />
1507 | <preset_link preset_name="Circular junction" text="Similar but different tags:" />
1508 | </item> <!-- Mini-Roundabout -->
1509 | <item name="Pedestrian Crossing" icon="presets/vehicle/crossing.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
1510 | <link wiki="Key:crossing" />
1511 | <space />
1512 | <key key="highway" value="crossing" />
1513 | <combo key="crossing" text="Pedestrian crossing type" >
1514 | <list_entry value="uncontrolled" icon="presets/vehicle/crossing.svg" />
1515 | <list_entry value="traffic_signals" icon="presets/vehicle/crossing_traffic_signals.svg" />
1516 | <list_entry value="unmarked" icon="presets/vehicle/crossing_unmarked.svg" />
1517 | </combo>
1518 | <reference ref="crossing_markings" />
1519 | <combo key="crossing_ref" text="Crossing type name (UK)" values="zebra,pelican,toucan,puffin,pegasus,tiger" values_searchable="true" regions="GB" />
1520 | <combo key="kerb" text="Kerb" values="flush,lowered,no,raised,rolled,yes" values_context="kerb" />
1521 | <combo key="supervised" text="Crossing attendant" delimiter="|" values="yes|no|06:00-20:00|Mo-Fr 09:00-18:00,Sa 08:00-14:00|May-Sep 09:30-12:30,14:15-19:30" values_i18n="false" values_sort="false" />
1522 | <combo key="tactile_paving" text="Tactile Paving" values="yes,no,incorrect" />
1523 | <check key="crossing:island" text="With island" />
1524 | <reference ref="check_crossing_access" />
1525 | <label text="In case of traffic signals:" />
1526 | <checkgroup columns="2">
1527 | <check key="button_operated" text="Button operated" />
1528 | <check key="traffic_signals:sound" text="Sound signals" />
1529 | </checkgroup>
1530 | </item> <!-- Pedestrian Crossing -->
1531 | <group name="Traffic Calming" icon="presets/vehicle/choker.svg">
1532 | <item name="Bump" icon="presets/vehicle/bump.svg" type="node,way" preset_name_label="true">
1533 | <link wiki="Key:traffic_calming" />
1534 | <space />
1535 | <key key="traffic_calming" value="bump" />
1536 | </item> <!-- Bump -->
1537 | <item name="Hump" icon="presets/vehicle/hump.svg" type="node,way" preset_name_label="true">
1538 | <link wiki="Key:traffic_calming" />
1539 | <space />
1540 | <key key="traffic_calming" value="hump" />
1541 | </item> <!-- Hump -->
1542 | <item name="Table" icon="presets/vehicle/table.svg" type="node,way" preset_name_label="true">
1543 | <link wiki="Key:traffic_calming" />
1544 | <space />
1545 | <key key="traffic_calming" value="table" />
1546 | </item> <!-- Table -->
1547 | <item name="Cushion" icon="presets/vehicle/cushion.svg" type="node,way" preset_name_label="true">
1548 | <link wiki="Key:traffic_calming" />
1549 | <space />
1550 | <key key="traffic_calming" value="cushion" />
1551 | </item> <!-- Cushion -->
1552 | <item name="Rumble strip" icon="presets/vehicle/rumble_strip.svg" type="node,way" preset_name_label="true">
1553 | <link wiki="Key:traffic_calming" />
1554 | <space />
1555 | <key key="traffic_calming" value="rumble_strip" />
1556 | </item> <!-- Rumble strip -->
1557 | <item name="Dip" icon="presets/vehicle/dip.svg" type="node,way" preset_name_label="true">
1558 | <link wiki="Key:traffic_calming" />
1559 | <space />
1560 | <key key="traffic_calming" value="dip" />
1561 | </item> <!-- Dip -->
1562 | <separator/>
1563 | <item name="Chicane" icon="presets/vehicle/chicane.svg" type="node,way" preset_name_label="true">
1564 | <link wiki="Key:traffic_calming" />
1565 | <space />
1566 | <key key="traffic_calming" value="chicane" />
1567 | </item> <!-- Chicane -->
1568 | <item name="Choker" icon="presets/vehicle/choker.svg" type="node,way" preset_name_label="true">
1569 | <link wiki="Key:traffic_calming" />
1570 | <space />
1571 | <key key="traffic_calming" value="choker" />
1572 | </item> <!-- Choker -->
1573 | <item name="Island" name_context="traffic_calming" icon="presets/vehicle/island.svg" type="node,way" preset_name_label="true">
1574 | <link wiki="Key:traffic_calming" />
1575 | <space />
1576 | <key key="traffic_calming" value="island" />
1577 | </item> <!-- Island -->
1578 | <item name="Mini bumps" icon="presets/vehicle/mini_bumps.svg" type="node,way" preset_name_label="true">
1579 | <link wiki="Key:traffic_calming" />
1580 | <space />
1581 | <key key="traffic_calming" value="mini_bumps" />
1582 | </item> <!-- Mini bumps -->
1583 | </group> <!-- Traffic Calming -->
1584 | <item name="Passing Place" icon="presets/vehicle/passing_place.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
1585 | <link wiki="Tag:highway=passing_place" />
1586 | <key key="highway" value="passing_place" />
1587 | </item> <!-- Passing Place -->
1588 | <item name="Turning Circle" icon="presets/vehicle/turning_circle.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
1589 | <link wiki="Tag:highway=turning_circle" />
1590 | <key key="highway" value="turning_circle" />
1591 | <optional>
1592 | <link wiki="Key:turning_circle" />
1593 | <combo key="turning_circle" text="Type of Turning Circle" values="circle,oval,knuckle,hammer,square" values_sort="false" />
1594 | </optional>
1595 | </item> <!-- Turning Circle -->
1596 | <item name="Turning Loop" icon="presets/vehicle/turning_loop.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
1597 | <link wiki="Tag:highway=turning_loop" />
1598 | <key key="highway" value="turning_loop" />
1599 | </item> <!-- Turning Loop -->
1600 | <item name="City Limit Sign" icon="presets/vehicle/restriction/city_limit.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
1601 | <link wiki="Tag:traffic_sign=city_limit" />
1602 | <space />
1603 | <key key="traffic_sign" value="city_limit" />
1604 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
1605 | <optional>
1606 | <text key="alt_name" text="Second Name" alternative_autocomplete_keys="name" />
1607 | <combo key="direction" text="Direction" values="N,E,S,W,0,90,180,270,forward,backward" values_sort="false" />
1608 | <combo key="colour:back" text="Color of background (HTML name or hexadecimal code)" values="black,blue,brown,gray,green,orange,purple,red,silver,white,yellow,#CD853F" values_context="color" />
1609 | </optional>
1610 | </item> <!-- City Limit -->
1611 | <item name="Speed Limit Sign" icon="presets/vehicle/restriction/maxspeed.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
1612 | <link wiki="Key:traffic_sign" />
1613 | <space />
1614 | <key key="traffic_sign" value="maxspeed" />
1615 | <text key="maxspeed" text="Max. speed (km/h)" />
1616 | <optional>
1617 | <combo key="direction" text="Direction" values="N,E,S,W,0,90,180,270,forward,backward" values_sort="false" />
1618 | </optional>
1619 | </item> <!-- Speed Limit -->
1620 | <item name="Speed Camera" icon="presets/vehicle/restriction/speed_camera.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
1621 | <link wiki="Tag:highway=speed_camera" />
1622 | <key key="highway" value="speed_camera" />
1623 | <optional>
1624 | <text key="maxspeed" text="Max. speed (km/h)" />
1625 | </optional>
1626 | </item> <!-- Speed Camera -->
1627 | <item name="Toll gantry" icon="presets/vehicle/restriction/toll_gantry.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
1628 | <link wiki="Tag:highway=toll_gantry" />
1629 | <key key="highway" value="toll_gantry" />
1630 | <optional>
1631 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
1632 | </optional>
1633 | </item> <!-- Toll gantry -->
1634 | <item name="Traffic Mirror" icon="presets/vehicle/traffic_mirror.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
1635 | <link wiki="Tag:highway=traffic_mirror" />
1636 | <key key="highway" value="traffic_mirror" />
1637 | </item> <!-- Traffic Mirror -->
1638 | <item name="Highway milestone" icon="presets/vehicle/milestone.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
1639 | <link wiki="Tag:highway=milestone" />
1640 | <key key="highway" value="milestone" />
1641 | <text key="distance" text="Distance (kilometers)" />
1642 | <text key="ref" text="Reference" />
1643 | </item> <!-- Highway Milestone -->
1644 | <item name="Named Junction" name_context="junction=yes" icon="presets/vehicle/junction.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
1645 | <link wiki="Tag:junction=yes" />
1646 | <space />
1647 | <label text="Used in some countries for a named road junction who’s name serves for local orientation." />
1648 | <space />
1649 | <key key="junction" value="yes" />
1650 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
1651 | </item> <!-- Named Junction -->
1652 | <item name="Trailhead" icon="presets/landmark/trailhead.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
1653 | <link wiki="Tag:highway=trailhead" />
1654 | <key key="highway" value="trailhead" />
1655 | <reference ref="name_operator"/>
1656 | <optional>
1657 | <reference ref="fee" />
1658 | <text key="website" text="Website" />
1659 | <check key="drinking_water" text="Drinking Water" />
1660 | <check key="toilets" text="Toilets" />
1661 | <check key="bin" text="Waste Basket/Trash Can" />
1662 | </optional>
1663 | <preset_link preset_name="Access Restrictions" />
1664 | </item> <!-- Trailhead -->
1665 | <separator/>
1666 | <item name="Elevator" icon="presets/service/elevator.svg" type="node,way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
1667 | <link wiki="Tag:highway=elevator" />
1668 | <key key="highway" value="elevator" />
1669 | <text key="capacity:persons" text="Capacity (persons)" />
1670 | <text key="maxweight" text="Max. weight (tonnes)" />
1671 | <combo key="level" text="Storeys" values="0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7,-2;-1;0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9" values_sort="false" values_no_i18n="true" />
1672 | <optional>
1673 | <text key="manufacturer" text="Manufacturer" />
1674 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator" />
1675 | <reference ref="oh_wheelchair" />
1676 | <check key="handrail" text="Handrail" />
1677 | <check key="bicycle" text="Bicycle" />
1678 | <check key="indoor" text="Indoor" />
1679 | <reference ref="fee" />
1680 | <combo key="goods" text="Freight elevator" values="yes,designated,no" />
1681 | <reference ref="POI_access" />
1682 | <combo key="surveillance" text="Surveillance Camera" values="indoor,outdoor" />
1683 | </optional>
1684 | </item> <!-- Elevator -->
1685 | <separator/>
1686 | <item name="Grit Bin" icon="presets/misc/grit_bin.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
1687 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=grit_bin" />
1688 | <key key="amenity" value="grit_bin" />
1689 | </item> <!-- Grit Bin -->
1690 | <separator/>
1691 | <item name="Mountain Pass" icon="presets/landmark/mountain_pass.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
1692 | <link wiki="Key:mountain_pass" />
1693 | <key key="mountain_pass" value="yes" />
1694 | <optional>
1695 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
1696 | <text key="ele" text="Elevation (meters)" length="10" />
1697 | <reference ref="wikipedia_wikidata" />
1698 | </optional>
1699 | </item> <!-- Mountain Pass -->
1700 | </group> <!-- Waypoints -->
1701 | <group name="Barriers" icon="presets/barrier/wall.svg"> <!-- *** Node Barriers *** -->
1702 | <item name="Block" icon="presets/barrier/block.svg" type="node,way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
1703 | <link wiki="Tag:barrier=block" />
1704 | <key key="barrier" value="block" />
1705 | <reference ref="optional_maxwidth" />
1706 | <combo key="material" text="Material" values="concrete,metal,plastic,stone,wood" />
1707 | <space />
1708 | <reference ref="highway_access_vehicle" />
1709 | <reference ref="check_access_nomotor" />
1710 | <reference ref="check_access_motor" />
1711 | <preset_link preset_name="Access Restrictions" />
1712 | </item> <!-- Block -->
1713 | <item name="Bollard" icon="presets/barrier/bollard.svg" type="node,way" preset_name_label="true">
1714 | <link wiki="Tag:barrier=bollard" />
1715 | <key key="barrier" value="bollard" />
1716 | <space />
1717 | <combo key="bollard" text="Bollard type" values="rising,removable,foldable,fixed" values_searchable="true" />
1718 | <reference ref="optional_maxwidth" />
1719 | <combo key="material" text="Material" values="concrete,metal,plastic,stone,wood" />
1720 | <space />
1721 | <label text="Tags which are implied and do not need to be set are:" />
1722 | <label text="`access=no`, `foot=yes` and `bicycle=yes`" />
1723 | <space />
1724 | <reference ref="highway_access_vehicle" />
1725 | <reference ref="check_access_nomotor" />
1726 | <reference ref="check_access_motor" />
1727 | <preset_link preset_name="Access Restrictions" />
1728 | </item> <!-- Bollard -->
1729 | <item name="Cycle Barrier" icon="presets/barrier/cycle_barrier.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
1730 | <link wiki="Tag:barrier=cycle_barrier" />
1731 | <key key="barrier" value="cycle_barrier" />
1732 | <reference ref="optional_maxwidth" />
1733 | <combo key="material" text="Material" values="concrete,metal,plastic,stone,wood" />
1734 | <space />
1735 | <reference ref="highway_access_vehicle" />
1736 | <optional text="Non-motorized traffic:">
1737 | <checkgroup columns="2">
1738 | <check key="foot" text="Foot" icon="presets/vehicle/restriction/plain/foot.svg" />
1739 | <check key="horse" text="Horse" icon="presets/vehicle/restriction/plain/horse.svg" />
1740 | </checkgroup>
1741 | <space />
1742 | <reference ref="wheelchair" />
1743 | <combo key="bicycle" text="Bicycle" values="yes,designated,no" values_sort="false" />
1744 | </optional>
1745 | <reference ref="check_access_motor" />
1746 | <preset_link preset_name="Access Restrictions" />
1747 | </item> <!-- Cycle Barrier -->
1748 | <item name="Cattle Grid" icon="presets/barrier/cattle_grid.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
1749 | <link wiki="Tag:barrier=cattle_grid" />
1750 | <key key="barrier" value="cattle_grid" />
1751 | <reference ref="optional_maxwidth" />
1752 | <combo key="material" text="Material" values="concrete,metal,plastic,stone,wood" />
1753 | <space />
1754 | <reference ref="highway_access_vehicle" />
1755 | <reference ref="check_access_nomotor" />
1756 | <reference ref="check_access_motor" />
1757 | <preset_link preset_name="Access Restrictions" />
1758 | </item> <!-- Cattle Grid -->
1759 | <item name="Bus Trap" icon="presets/barrier/bus_trap.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
1760 | <link wiki="Tag:barrier=bus_trap" />
1761 | <key key="barrier" value="bus_trap" />
1762 | <reference ref="optional_maxwidth" />
1763 | <combo key="material" text="Material" values="concrete,metal,plastic,stone,wood" />
1764 | <space />
1765 | <label text="Tags which are implied and do not need to be set are:" />
1766 | <label text="`motor_vehicle=no`, `psv=yes`, `foot=yes` and `bicycle=yes`" />
1767 | <space />
1768 | <reference ref="highway_access_vehicle" />
1769 | <reference ref="check_access_nomotor" />
1770 | <reference ref="check_access_motor" />
1771 | </item> <!-- Bus Trap -->
1772 | <item name="Spikes" icon="presets/barrier/spikes.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
1773 | <link wiki="Tag:barrier=spikes" />
1774 | <key key="barrier" value="spikes" />
1775 | <reference ref="optional_maxwidth" />
1776 | <combo key="material" text="Material" values="concrete,metal,plastic,stone,wood" />
1777 | <space />
1778 | <reference ref="highway_access_vehicle" />
1779 | <reference ref="check_access_nomotor" />
1780 | <reference ref="check_access_motor" />
1781 | <preset_link preset_name="Access Restrictions" />
1782 | </item> <!-- Spikes -->
1783 | <item name="Toll Booth" icon="presets/barrier/toll_station.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
1784 | <link wiki="Tag:barrier=toll_booth" />
1785 | <key key="barrier" value="toll_booth" />
1786 | <optional>
1787 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator" />
1788 | <reference ref="oh" />
1789 | <reference ref="fee_interval" />
1790 | <combo key="lanes" text="Lanes" values="1,2,3,4,5,6" length="3" />
1791 | <text key="maxheight" text="Max. height (meters)" length="7" />
1792 | <text key="maxwidth" text="Max. width (meters)" length="7" />
1793 | </optional>
1794 | <space />
1795 | <reference ref="highway_access_vehicle" />
1796 | <reference ref="check_access_nomotor" />
1797 | <reference ref="check_access_motor" />
1798 | <preset_link preset_name="Payment Methods" />
1799 | <preset_link preset_name="Access Restrictions" />
1800 | </item> <!-- Toll Booth -->
1801 | <item name="Border Control" icon="presets/barrier/douane.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
1802 | <link wiki="Tag:barrier=border_control" />
1803 | <key key="barrier" value="border_control" />
1804 | <optional>
1805 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator" />
1806 | <reference ref="oh" />
1807 | <combo key="lanes" text="Lanes" values="1,2,3,4,5,6" length="3" />
1808 | <text key="maxheight" text="Max. height (meters)" length="7" />
1809 | <text key="maxwidth" text="Max. width (meters)" length="7" />
1810 | </optional>
1811 | <space />
1812 | <reference ref="highway_access_vehicle" />
1813 | <reference ref="check_access_nomotor" />
1814 | <reference ref="check_access_motor" />
1815 | <preset_link preset_name="Access Restrictions" />
1816 | </item> <!-- Border Control -->
1817 | <separator/> <!-- *** Linear Barriers *** -->
1818 | <item name="Hedge" icon="presets/barrier/hedge.svg" type="way,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
1819 | <link wiki="Tag:barrier=hedge" />
1820 | <space />
1821 | <key key="barrier" value="hedge" />
1822 | <reference ref="leaf" />
1823 | <optional>
1824 | <reference ref="genus_species_taxon" />
1825 | <text key="height" text="Height (meters)" length="7" />
1826 | </optional>
1827 | </item> <!-- Hedge -->
1828 | <item name="Fence" icon="presets/barrier/fence.svg" type="way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
1829 | <link wiki="Tag:barrier=fence" />
1830 | <key key="barrier" value="fence" />
1831 | <optional>
1832 | <combo key="fence_type" text="Type" values="barbed_wire,bars,chain_link,concrete,electric,metal,pole,railing,split_rail,wire,wood" />
1833 | <text key="height" text="Height (meters)" length="7" />
1834 | </optional>
1835 | </item> <!-- Fence -->
1836 | <item name="Handrail" icon="presets/barrier/handrail.svg" type="way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
1837 | <link wiki="Tag:barrier=handrail" />
1838 | <key key="barrier" value="handrail" />
1839 | <optional>
1840 | <combo key="material" text="Material" values="concrete,metal,plastic,stone,wood" />
1841 | <reference ref="color" />
1842 | </optional>
1843 | </item> <!-- Handrail -->
1844 | <item name="Cable barrier" icon="presets/barrier/cable_barrier.svg" type="way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
1845 | <link wiki="Tag:barrier=cable_barrier" />
1846 | <key key="barrier" value="cable_barrier" />
1847 | <reference ref="optional_height" />
1848 | </item> <!-- Cable barrier -->
1849 | <item name="Guard Rail" icon="presets/barrier/guard_rail.svg" type="way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
1850 | <link wiki="Tag:barrier=guard_rail" />
1851 | <key key="barrier" value="guard_rail" />
1852 | <reference ref="optional_height" />
1853 | </item> <!-- Guard Rail -->
1854 | <item name="Wall" icon="presets/barrier/wall.svg" type="way,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
1855 | <link wiki="Tag:barrier=wall" />
1856 | <key key="barrier" value="wall" />
1857 | <reference ref="optional_height" />
1858 | <combo key="wall" text="Type" values="brick,castle_wall,dry_stone,flood_wall,noise_barrier,seawall,stone" values_searchable="true" />
1859 | <combo key="material" text="Material" values="adobe,brick,concrete,glass,masonry,metal,plastic,reinforced_concrete,steel,stone,wood" />
1860 | </item> <!-- Wall -->
1861 | <item name="City Wall" icon="presets/barrier/city_wall.svg" type="way,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
1862 | <link wiki="Tag:barrier=city_wall" />
1863 | <key key="barrier" value="city_wall" />
1864 | <reference ref="optional_height" />
1865 | <check key="two_sided" text="Two-sided" disable_off="true" />
1866 | <combo key="material" text="Material" values="adobe,brick,concrete,glass,masonry,metal,plastic,reinforced_concrete,steel,stone,wood" />
1867 | </item> <!-- City Wall -->
1868 | <item name="Retaining Wall" icon="presets/barrier/retaining_wall.svg" type="way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
1869 | <link wiki="Tag:barrier=retaining_wall" />
1870 | <key key="barrier" value="retaining_wall" />
1871 | <reference ref="optional_height" />
1872 | <combo key="material" text="Material" values="adobe,brick,concrete,glass,masonry,metal,plastic,reinforced_concrete,steel,stone,wood" />
1873 | </item> <!-- Retaining Wall -->
1874 | <item name="Jersey Barrier" icon="presets/barrier/jersey_barrier.svg" type="node,way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
1875 | <link wiki="Tag:barrier=jersey_barrier" />
1876 | <key key="barrier" value="jersey_barrier" />
1877 | <combo key="material" text="Material" values="concrete,plastic" />
1878 | </item> <!-- Jersey Barrier -->
1879 | <item name="Log" icon="presets/barrier/log.svg" type="node,way" preset_name_label="true">
1880 | <link wiki="Tag:barrier=log" />
1881 | <key key="barrier" value="log" />
1882 | <space />
1883 | <reference ref="highway_access_vehicle" />
1884 | <reference ref="check_access_nomotor" />
1885 | <reference ref="check_access_motor" />
1886 | <preset_link preset_name="Access Restrictions" />
1887 | </item> <!-- Log -->
1888 | <item name="Ditch" name_context="Barrier" icon="presets/barrier/ditch.svg" type="way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
1889 | <link wiki="Tag:barrier=ditch" />
1890 | <key key="barrier" value="ditch" />
1891 | <optional>
1892 | <text key="width" text="Width (meters)" length="7" />
1893 | </optional>
1894 | </item> <!-- Ditch -->
1895 | <item name="Kerb" icon="presets/barrier/kerb.svg" type="node,way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
1896 | <link wiki="Tag:barrier=kerb" />
1897 | <key key="barrier" value="kerb" />
1898 | <reference ref="optional_height" />
1899 | <reference ref="wheelchair" />
1900 | <combo key="tactile_paving" text="Tactile paving" values="yes,no,incorrect" />
1901 | </item> <!-- Kerb -->
1902 | <separator/> <!-- *** Access *** -->
1903 | <item name="Entrance (Barrier Opening)" icon="presets/barrier/entrance.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
1904 | <link wiki="Tag:barrier=entrance" />
1905 | <key key="barrier" value="entrance" />
1906 | <reference ref="optional_maxheight_maxwidth" />
1907 | <combo key="material" text="Material" values="concrete,metal,plastic,stone,wood" />
1908 | <space />
1909 | <reference ref="highway_access_vehicle" />
1910 | <reference ref="check_access_nomotor" />
1911 | <reference ref="check_access_motor" />
1912 | <preset_link preset_name="Access Restrictions" />
1913 | </item> <!-- Entrance (Barrier Opening) -->
1914 | <item name="Gate" icon="presets/barrier/gate.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
1915 | <link wiki="Tag:barrier=gate" />
1916 | <key key="barrier" value="gate" />
1917 | <reference ref="optional_maxheight_maxwidth" />
1918 | <combo key="material" text="Material" values="concrete,metal,plastic,stone,wood" />
1919 | <space />
1920 | <reference ref="highway_access_vehicle" />
1921 | <reference ref="check_access_nomotor" />
1922 | <reference ref="check_access_motor" />
1923 | <check key="locked" text="Usually locked"/>
1924 | <preset_link preset_name="Access Restrictions" />
1925 | </item> <!-- Gate -->
1926 | <item name="Lift Gate" icon="presets/barrier/lift_gate.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
1927 | <link wiki="Tag:barrier=lift_gate" />
1928 | <key key="barrier" value="lift_gate" />
1929 | <space />
1930 | <combo key="lift_gate:type" text="Type" values="single,double" values_context="lift_gate" values_searchable="true" />
1931 | <reference ref="optional_maxwidth" />
1932 | <combo key="material" text="Material" values="concrete,metal,plastic,stone,wood" />
1933 | <space />
1934 | <reference ref="highway_access_vehicle" />
1935 | <reference ref="check_access_nomotor" />
1936 | <reference ref="check_access_motor" />
1937 | <check key="locked" text="Usually locked"/>
1938 | <preset_link preset_name="Access Restrictions" />
1939 | </item> <!-- Lift Gate -->
1940 | <item name="Swing Gate" icon="presets/barrier/swing_gate.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
1941 | <link wiki="Tag:barrier=swing_gate" />
1942 | <key key="barrier" value="swing_gate" />
1943 | <space />
1944 | <combo key="swing_gate:type" text="Type" values="single,double" values_context="swing_gate" values_searchable="true" />
1945 | <reference ref="optional_maxwidth" />
1946 | <combo key="material" text="Material" values="concrete,metal,plastic,stone,wood" />
1947 | <space />
1948 | <reference ref="highway_access_vehicle" />
1949 | <reference ref="check_access_nomotor" />
1950 | <reference ref="check_access_motor" />
1951 | <check key="locked" text="Usually locked"/>
1952 | <preset_link preset_name="Access Restrictions" />
1953 | </item> <!-- Swing Gate -->
1954 | <item name="Hampshire Gate" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
1955 | <link wiki="Tag:barrier=hampshire_gate" />
1956 | <key key="barrier" value="hampshire_gate" />
1957 | <reference ref="optional_maxwidth" />
1958 | <text key="maxlength" text="Max. length (meters)" match="key" />
1959 | <combo key="material" text="Material" values="concrete,metal,plastic,stone,wood" />
1960 | <space />
1961 | <reference ref="highway_access_vehicle" />
1962 | <reference ref="check_access_nomotor" />
1963 | <reference ref="check_access_motor" />
1964 | <check key="locked" text="Usually locked"/>
1965 | <preset_link preset_name="Access Restrictions" />
1966 | </item> <!-- Hampshire Gate -->
1967 | <item name="Bump Gate" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
1968 | <link wiki="Tag:barrier=bump_gate" />
1969 | <key key="barrier" value="bump_gate" />
1970 | <reference ref="optional_maxheight_maxwidth" />
1971 | <text key="maxlength" text="Max. length (meters)" match="key" />
1972 | <combo key="material" text="Material" values="concrete,metal,plastic,stone,wood" />
1973 | <space />
1974 | <reference ref="highway_access_vehicle" />
1975 | <reference ref="check_access_nomotor" />
1976 | <reference ref="check_access_motor" />
1977 | <check key="locked" text="Usually locked"/>
1978 | <preset_link preset_name="Access Restrictions" />
1979 | </item> <!-- Bump Gate -->
1980 | <item name="Kissing Gate" icon="presets/barrier/kissing_gate.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
1981 | <link wiki="Tag:barrier=kissing_gate" />
1982 | <key key="barrier" value="kissing_gate" />
1983 | <reference ref="optional_maxwidth" />
1984 | <combo key="material" text="Material" values="concrete,metal,plastic,stone,wood" />
1985 | <space />
1986 | <label text="The tag `foot=yes` is implied and does not need to be set." />
1987 | <space />
1988 | <reference ref="highway_access_vehicle" />
1989 | <reference ref="check_access_nomotor" />
1990 | <check key="locked" text="Usually locked"/>
1991 | <preset_link preset_name="Access Restrictions" />
1992 | </item> <!-- Kissing Gate -->
1993 | <item name="Height Restrictor" icon="presets/barrier/height_restrictor.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
1994 | <link wiki="Tag:barrier=height_restrictor" />
1995 | <key key="barrier" value="height_restrictor" />
1996 | <reference ref="optional_maxheight_maxwidth" />
1997 | <combo key="material" text="Material" values="concrete,metal,plastic,stone,wood" />
1998 | <space />
1999 | <reference ref="highway_access_vehicle" />
2000 | <reference ref="check_access_nomotor" />
2001 | <reference ref="check_access_motor" />
2002 | <preset_link preset_name="Access Restrictions" />
2003 | </item> <!-- Height Restrictor -->
2004 | <item name="Chain" icon="presets/barrier/chain.svg" type="node,way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
2005 | <link wiki="Tag:barrier=chain" />
2006 | <key key="barrier" value="chain" />
2007 | <reference ref="optional_maxwidth" />
2008 | <combo key="material" text="Material" values="concrete,metal,plastic,stone,wood" />
2009 | <space />
2010 | <reference ref="highway_access_vehicle" />
2011 | <reference ref="check_access_nomotor" />
2012 | <reference ref="check_access_motor" />
2013 | <check key="locked" text="Usually locked"/>
2014 | <preset_link preset_name="Access Restrictions" />
2015 | </item> <!-- Chain -->
2016 | <item name="Stile" icon="presets/barrier/stile.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
2017 | <link wiki="Tag:barrier=stile" />
2018 | <space />
2019 | <key key="barrier" value="stile" />
2020 | <combo key="stile" text="Type" values="ladder,squeezer,stepover" values_searchable="true" />
2021 | <reference ref="optional_maxwidth" />
2022 | <combo key="material" text="Material" values="concrete,metal,plastic,stone,wood" />
2023 | <space />
2024 | <reference ref="highway_access_vehicle" />
2025 | <reference ref="check_access_nomotor" />
2026 | <preset_link preset_name="Access Restrictions" />
2027 | </item> <!-- Stile -->
2028 | <item name="Turnstile" icon="presets/barrier/turnstile.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
2029 | <link wiki="Tag:barrier=turnstile" />
2030 | <key key="barrier" value="turnstile" />
2031 | <reference ref="optional_maxwidth" />
2032 | <text key="maxlength" text="Max. length (meters)" match="key" />
2033 | <combo key="material" text="Material" values="concrete,metal,plastic,stone,wood" />
2034 | <space />
2035 | <reference ref="highway_access_vehicle" />
2036 | <reference ref="check_access_nomotor" />
2037 | <preset_link preset_name="Access Restrictions" />
2038 | </item> <!-- Turnstile -->
2039 | <item name="Full-Height Turnstile" icon="presets/barrier/full-height_turnstile.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
2040 | <link wiki="Tag:barrier=full-height_turnstile" />
2041 | <key key="barrier" value="full-height_turnstile" />
2042 | <reference ref="optional_maxheight_maxwidth" />
2043 | <text key="maxlength" text="Max. length (meters)" match="key" />
2044 | <combo key="material" text="Material" values="concrete,metal,plastic,stone,wood" />
2045 | <space />
2046 | <reference ref="highway_access_vehicle" />
2047 | <reference ref="check_access_nomotor" />
2048 | <preset_link preset_name="Access Restrictions" />
2049 | </item> <!-- Full-Height Turnstile -->
2050 | <item name="Sally Port" icon="presets/barrier/sally_port.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
2051 | <link wiki="Tag:barrier=sally_port" />
2052 | <space />
2053 | <key key="barrier" value="sally_port" />
2054 | <text key="maxheight" text="Max. height (meters)" match="key" />
2055 | <text key="maxwidth" text="Max. width (meters)" match="key" />
2056 | <combo key="material" text="Material" values="concrete,metal,plastic,stone,wood" />
2057 | <space />
2058 | <reference ref="highway_access_vehicle" />
2059 | <reference ref="check_access_nomotor" />
2060 | <reference ref="check_access_motor" />
2061 | <preset_link preset_name="Access Restrictions" />
2062 | </item> <!-- Sally Port -->
2063 | </group> <!-- Barriers -->
2064 | <group name="Passageways" icon="presets/transport/passage/tunnel.svg">
2065 | <item name="Tunnel" icon="presets/transport/passage/tunnel.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
2066 | <link wiki="Key:tunnel" />
2067 | <key key="tunnel" value="yes" />
2068 | <optional>
2069 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
2070 | <text key="tunnel:name" text="Tunnel name" />
2071 | <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="5,4,3,2,1,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5" default="-1" length="3" values_sort="false" />
2072 | <text key="width" text="Width (meters)" />
2073 | <text key="maxheight" text="Max. height (meters)" />
2074 | <text key="maxwidth" text="Max. width (meters)" match="key" />
2075 | <space />
2076 | <text key="maxspeed" text="Max. speed (km/h)" />
2077 | <text key="maxspeed:forward" text="Max. speed in way direction" />
2078 | <text key="maxspeed:backward" text="Max. speed opposed to way direction" />
2079 | <space />
2080 | <combo key="incline" text="Incline" values="10%,-10%,10°,-10°,up,down" />
2081 | <check key="toll" text="Toll" />
2082 | </optional>
2083 | </item> <!-- Tunnel -->
2084 | <item name="Building Passage" icon="presets/transport/passage/tunnel_building_passage.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
2085 | <link wiki="Key:tunnel" />
2086 | <key key="tunnel" value="building_passage" />
2087 | <optional>
2088 | <reference ref="name_layer" />
2089 | <text key="width" text="Width (meters)" />
2090 | <text key="maxheight" text="Max. height (meters)" />
2091 | <text key="maxspeed" text="Max. speed (km/h)" />
2092 | <combo key="incline" text="Incline" values="10%,-10%,10°,-10°,up,down" />
2093 | </optional>
2094 | </item> <!-- Building Passage -->
2095 | <item name="Arcade" icon="presets/transport/passage/arcade.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
2096 | <link wiki="Key:covered" />
2097 | <space />
2098 | <key key="covered" value="arcade" />
2099 | <check key="arcade:left" value_on="open" text="Open on left side" disable_off="true" />
2100 | <check key="arcade:right" value_on="open" text="Open on right side" disable_off="true" />
2101 | <optional>
2102 | <reference ref="name_layer" />
2103 | <text key="width" text="Width (meters)" />
2104 | </optional>
2105 | </item> <!-- Arcade -->
2106 | <item name="Colonnade" icon="presets/transport/passage/colonnade.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
2107 | <link wiki="Key:covered" />
2108 | <space />
2109 | <key key="covered" value="colonnade" />
2110 | <check key="colonnade:left" value_on="open" text="Open on left side" disable_off="true" />
2111 | <check key="colonnade:right" value_on="open" text="Open on right side" disable_off="true" />
2112 | <optional>
2113 | <reference ref="name_layer" />
2114 | <text key="width" text="Width (meters)" />
2115 | </optional>
2116 | </item> <!-- Colonnade -->
2117 | <item name="Avalanche Protector" icon="presets/transport/passage/tunnel_avalanche_protector.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
2118 | <link wiki="Key:tunnel" />
2119 | <space />
2120 | <key key="tunnel" value="avalanche_protector" />
2121 | <check key="avalanche_protector:left" value_on="open" text="Open on left side" disable_off="true" />
2122 | <check key="avalanche_protector:right" value_on="open" text="Open on right side" disable_off="true" />
2123 | <optional>
2124 | <reference ref="name_layer" />
2125 | <text key="width" text="Width (meters)" />
2126 | <combo key="incline" text="Incline" values="10%,-10%,10°,-10°,up,down" />
2127 | </optional>
2128 | </item> <!-- Avalanche Protector -->
2129 | </group> <!-- Passageways -->
2130 | </group> <!-- Highways -->
2131 | <group name="Water" name_context="main group" icon="presets/nautical/waterway_river.svg">
2132 | <group name="Water" name_context="sub group" icon="presets/nautical/waterway_river.svg">
2133 | <item name="River" icon="presets/nautical/waterway_river.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
2134 | <link wiki="Tag:waterway=river" />
2135 | <space />
2136 | <key key="waterway" value="river" />
2137 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
2138 | <optional>
2139 | <reference ref="waterway" />
2140 | <reference ref="wikipedia_wikidata" />
2141 | <check key="lock" text="Lock" disable_off="true" />
2142 | </optional>
2143 | <reference ref="water_access" />
2144 | </item> <!-- River -->
2145 | <item name="Stream" icon="presets/nautical/waterway_stream.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
2146 | <link wiki="Tag:waterway=stream" />
2147 | <space />
2148 | <key key="waterway" value="stream" />
2149 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
2150 | <optional>
2151 | <reference ref="waterway" />
2152 | <reference ref="wikipedia_wikidata" />
2153 | </optional>
2154 | <reference ref="water_access" />
2155 | </item> <!-- Stream -->
2156 | <item name="Tidal channel" icon="presets/nautical/tidal_channel.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
2157 | <link wiki="Tag:waterway=tidal_channel" />
2158 | <space />
2159 | <key key="waterway" value="tidal_channel" />
2160 | <optional>
2161 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
2162 | <check key="salt" text="Salt Water" disable_off="true" />
2163 | <check key="intermittent" text="Intermittent" disable_off="true" />
2164 | <check key="seasonal" text="Seasonal" disable_off="true" />
2165 | <text key="width" text="Width (meters)" />
2166 | <reference ref="wikipedia_wikidata" />
2167 | </optional>
2168 | </item> <!-- Tidal channel -->
2169 | <item name="Canal" icon="presets/nautical/waterway_canal.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
2170 | <link wiki="Tag:waterway=canal" />
2171 | <space />
2172 | <key key="waterway" value="canal" />
2173 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
2174 | <optional>
2175 | <combo key="canal" text="Type" values="qanat" values_searchable="true" />
2176 | <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="5,4,3,2,1,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5" length="3" values_sort="false" />
2177 | <combo key="tunnel" text="Tunnel" values="culvert,flooded,yes" values_searchable="true" />
2178 | <combo key="usage" text="Usage" values="transportation,transmission,irrigation,headrace,tailrace,spillway" values_context="usage" values_searchable="true" />
2179 | <text key="width" text="Width (meters)" />
2180 | <reference ref="wikipedia_wikidata" />
2181 | <check key="lock" text="Lock" disable_off="true" />
2182 | </optional>
2183 | <reference ref="water_access" />
2184 | </item> <!-- Canal -->
2185 | <item name="Drain" icon="presets/nautical/waterway_drain.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
2186 | <link wiki="Tag:waterway=drain" />
2187 | <space />
2188 | <key key="waterway" value="drain" />
2189 | <optional>
2190 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
2191 | <reference ref="waterway" />
2192 | </optional>
2193 | </item> <!-- Drain -->
2194 | <item name="Ditch" icon="presets/nautical/waterway_ditch.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
2195 | <link wiki="Tag:waterway=ditch" />
2196 | <space />
2197 | <key key="waterway" value="ditch" />
2198 | <optional>
2199 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
2200 | <reference ref="waterway" />
2201 | </optional>
2202 | </item> <!-- Ditch -->
2203 | <separator/>
2204 | <item name="Spring" icon="presets/landmark/spring.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
2205 | <link wiki="Tag:natural=spring" />
2206 | <space />
2207 | <label text="A point where groundwater naturally flows to the surface of the earth from underground." />
2208 | <space />
2209 | <key key="natural" value="spring" />
2210 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
2211 | <check key="drinking_water" text="Drinking Water" />
2212 | </item> <!-- Spring -->
2213 | <item name="Waterfall" icon="presets/nautical/waterfall.svg" type="node,way" preset_name_label="true">
2214 | <link wiki="Tag:waterway=waterfall" />
2215 | <space />
2216 | <key key="waterway" value="waterfall" />
2217 | <reference ref="name_wikipedia_wikidata" />
2218 | <text key="height" text="Height (meters)" length="7" />
2219 | </item> <!-- Waterfall -->
2220 | <item name="Weir" icon="presets/nautical/weir.svg" type="node,way" preset_name_label="true">
2221 | <link wiki="Tag:waterway=weir" />
2222 | <space />
2223 | <key key="waterway" value="weir" />
2224 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
2225 | </item> <!-- Weir -->
2226 | <item name="Dam" icon="presets/nautical/dam.svg" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
2227 | <link wiki="Tag:waterway=dam" />
2228 | <space />
2229 | <key key="waterway" value="dam" />
2230 | <reference ref="name_wikipedia_wikidata" />
2231 | </item> <!-- Dam -->
2232 | <item name="Levee" icon="presets/misc/dyke.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
2233 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=dyke" />
2234 | <space />
2235 | <key key="man_made" value="dyke" />
2236 | </item> <!-- Levee -->
2237 | <item name="Groyne" icon="presets/nautical/groyne.svg" type="way,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
2238 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=groyne" />
2239 | <key key="man_made" value="groyne" />
2240 | </item> <!-- Groyne -->
2241 | <item name="Breakwater" icon="presets/nautical/breakwater.svg" type="way,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
2242 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=breakwater" />
2243 | <space />
2244 | <key key="man_made" value="breakwater" />
2245 | <text key="ref" text="Reference" />
2246 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
2247 | </item> <!-- Breakwater -->
2248 | <separator/>
2249 | <item name="Culvert" icon="presets/transport/passage/tunnel_culvert.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
2250 | <link wiki="Tag:tunnel=culvert" />
2251 | <key key="tunnel" value="culvert" />
2252 | <optional>
2253 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
2254 | <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="5,4,3,2,1,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5" default="-1" length="3" values_sort="false" />
2255 | <text key="width" text="Width (meters)" />
2256 | </optional>
2257 | </item> <!-- Culvert -->
2258 | <item name="Penstock" icon="presets/nautical/penstock.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
2259 | <link wiki="Tag:usage=penstock" />
2260 | <key key="waterway" value="pressurised" />
2261 | <key key="man_made" value="pipeline" />
2262 | <key key="substance" value="water" />
2263 | <key key="usage" value="penstock" />
2264 | <combo key="location" text="Location" values="overground,overhead,surface,underground,underwater" values_context="pipeline" />
2265 | <optional>
2266 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
2267 | <combo key="diameter" text="Diameter (mm)" values="800,1000,1200,1500,1600,1800,2200,2300,2400,2500,2600,2800,3200,3300,3400,3500,4000,4200,4300,4800" />
2268 | <text key="pressure" text="Pressure (bar)" />
2269 | <text key="flow_rate" text="Flow rate with unit of measure" />
2270 | <combo key="material" text="Material" values="metal,steel" />
2271 | </optional>
2272 | </item> <!-- Penstock -->
2273 | <separator/>
2274 | <item name="Basin" icon="presets/landuse/basin.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
2275 | <link wiki="Tag:landuse=basin" />
2276 | <space />
2277 | <key key="landuse" value="basin" />
2278 | <combo key="basin" text="Type" values="retention,infiltration,detention,evaporation,settling" />
2279 | <reference ref="optional_name" />
2280 | </item> <!-- Basin -->
2281 | <item name="Reservoir" icon="presets/landuse/reservoir.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
2282 | <link wiki="Tag:water=reservoir" />
2283 | <space />
2284 | <key key="natural" value="water" />
2285 | <key key="water" value="reservoir" />
2286 | <reference ref="optional_name" />
2287 | </item> <!-- Reservoir -->
2288 | <item name="Covered Reservoir" icon="presets/landmark/reservoir_covered.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
2289 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=reservoir_covered" />
2290 | <space />
2291 | <key key="man_made" value="reservoir_covered" />
2292 | <reference ref="optional_name" />
2293 | </item> <!-- Covered Reservoir -->
2294 | <separator/>
2295 | <item name="Water" name_context="natural" icon="presets/nautical/water.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
2296 | <link wiki="Tag:natural=water" />
2297 | <space />
2298 | <label text="A body of water, such as a lake, pond or river." />
2299 | <space />
2300 | <key key="natural" value="water" />
2301 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
2302 | <combo key="water" text="Water Body" match="key" values_searchable="true" >
2303 | <list_entry value="stream" icon="presets/nautical/waterway_stream.svg" />
2304 | <list_entry value="river" icon="presets/nautical/waterway_river.svg" />
2305 | <list_entry value="canal" icon="presets/nautical/waterway_canal.svg" />
2306 | <list_entry value="drain" icon="presets/nautical/waterway_drain.svg" />
2307 | <list_entry value="ditch" icon="presets/nautical/waterway_ditch.svg" />
2308 | <list_entry value="pond" />
2309 | <list_entry value="lake" />
2310 | <list_entry value="lagoon" />
2311 | <list_entry value="oxbow" />
2312 | <list_entry value="lock" icon="presets/nautical/lock_gate.svg" />
2313 | <list_entry value="basin" icon="presets/landuse/basin.svg" />
2314 | <list_entry value="reservoir" icon="presets/landuse/reservoir.svg" />
2315 | <list_entry value="wastewater" />
2316 | </combo>
2317 | <check key="salt" text="Salt Water" disable_off="true" />
2318 | <check key="intermittent" text="Intermittent (does not permanently contain water)" disable_off="true" />
2319 | <check key="tidal" text="In the tidal range" disable_off="true" />
2320 | <text key="ele" text="Elevation (meters)" length="10" />
2321 | <reference ref="wikipedia_wikidata" />
2322 | <reference ref="water_access" />
2323 | </item> <!-- Water -->
2324 | <item name="Tailings Pond" icon="presets/misc/tailings_pond.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
2325 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=tailings_pond" />
2326 | <space />
2327 | <label text="An area in which waterborn tailings are pumped to allow the separation of solids from the water" />
2328 | <space />
2329 | <key key="man_made" value="tailings_pond" />
2330 | <optional>
2331 | <combo key="resource" text="Material associated with the tailings" values="aggregate,bauxite,basalt,clay,coal,copper,dimension_stone,gold,ilmenite,iron_ore,lead,limestone,nickel,rutile,salt,silver,tin,zinc,zircon" />
2332 | <check key="intermittent" text="Intermittent (sometimes wet, sometimes dry)" />
2333 | <check key="hazard" value_on="contamination" disable_off="true" text="Hazardous to human health due to chemical contamination"/>
2334 | </optional>
2335 | </item>
2336 | <item name="Coastline" icon="presets/nautical/coast_line.svg" type="way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
2337 | <link wiki="Tag:natural=coastline" />
2338 | <space />
2339 | <label text="Line between the sea and land (with the water on the right side of the way)." />
2340 | <space />
2341 | <key key="natural" value="coastline" />
2342 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
2343 | </item> <!-- Coastline -->
2344 | <separator/>
2345 | <item name="Wetland" icon="presets/landuse/wetland.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
2346 | <link wiki="Tag:natural=wetland" />
2347 | <space />
2348 | <label text="Waterlogged area, either permanently or seasonally with vegetation." />
2349 | <space />
2350 | <key key="natural" value="wetland" />
2351 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
2352 | <combo key="wetland" text="Type" values="bog,fen,mangrove,marsh,reedbed,saltern,saltmarsh,string_bog,swamp,tidalflat,wet_meadow" values_searchable="true" />
2353 | <check key="seasonal" text="Seasonal" disable_off="true" />
2354 | </item> <!-- Wetland -->
2355 | <item name="Mud" icon="presets/landuse/mud.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
2356 | <link wiki="Tag:natural=mud" />
2357 | <space />
2358 | <label text="Large area covered with mud." />
2359 | <space />
2360 | <key key="natural" value="mud" />
2361 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
2362 | </item> <!-- Mud -->
2363 | <item name="Beach" icon="presets/nautical/beach.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
2364 | <link wiki="Tag:natural=beach" />
2365 | <space />
2366 | <label text="A flat area of sand, gravel or pebble next to water." />
2367 | <space />
2368 | <key key="natural" value="beach" />
2369 | <reference ref="name_wikipedia_wikidata" />
2370 | <optional>
2371 | <reference ref="supervised" />
2372 | <reference ref="oh_wheelchair" />
2373 | <reference ref="POI_access" />
2374 | <combo key="surface" text="Surface" values="gravel,pebblestone,sand" />
2375 | <multiselect key="sport" text="Sport" values="swimming;surfing" rows="2"/>
2376 | <combo key="nudism" text="Nudism" values="yes,no,obligatory,designated,customary,permissive" />
2377 | </optional>
2378 | </item> <!-- Beach -->
2379 | <item name="Bay" icon="presets/nautical/bay.svg" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
2380 | <link wiki="Tag:natural=bay" />
2381 | <space />
2382 | <label text="An area of water mostly surrounded by land but with level connection to the ocean or a lake." />
2383 | <space />
2384 | <key key="natural" value="bay" />
2385 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
2386 | <optional>
2387 | <check key="bay" text="Fjord" value_on="fjord" disable_off="true" />
2388 | </optional>
2389 | </item> <!-- Bay -->
2390 | <item name="Cape" icon="presets/nautical/cape.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
2391 | <link wiki="Tag:natural=cape" />
2392 | <space />
2393 | <label text="A prominent, elevated piece of land sticking out into the sea or large lake." />
2394 | <space />
2395 | <key key="natural" value="cape" />
2396 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
2397 | </item> <!-- Cape -->
2398 | <item name="Strait" icon="presets/nautical/strait.svg" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
2399 | <link wiki="Tag:natural=strait" />
2400 | <space />
2401 | <key key="natural" value="strait" />
2402 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
2403 | </item> <!-- Strait -->
2404 | </group> <!-- Water -->
2405 | <group name="Shipping" icon="presets/nautical/ferry.svg">
2406 | <item name="Ferry Terminal" icon="presets/nautical/ferry.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
2407 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=ferry_terminal" />
2408 | <space />
2409 | <key key="amenity" value="ferry_terminal" />
2410 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
2411 | <combo key="cargo" text="Cargo" values="passengers,vehicle,bicycle,hgv,passengers;vehicle" values_context="cargo" />
2412 | </item> <!-- Ferry Terminal -->
2413 | <item name="Ferry Route" icon="presets/nautical/ferry.svg" type="way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
2414 | <link wiki="Tag:route=ferry" />
2415 | <key key="route" value="ferry" />
2416 | <optional>
2417 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator" />
2418 | <reference ref="wheelchair" />
2419 | <combo key="ferry" text="Highway type the ferry connects" values="trunk,primary,secondary,tertiary,unclassified" values_context="Highway" values_sort="false" />
2420 | <check key="ferry:cable" text="Reaction ferry" />
2421 | <space />
2422 | <reference ref="oh" />
2423 | <reference ref="pt_route_opt2" />
2424 | <space />
2425 | <reference ref="highway_max" />
2426 | </optional>
2427 | <preset_link preset_name="Access Restrictions" />
2428 | </item> <!-- Ferry Route -->
2429 | <separator/>
2430 | <item name="Marina" icon="presets/nautical/marina.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
2431 | <link wiki="Tag:leisure=marina" />
2432 | <space />
2433 | <key key="leisure" value="marina" />
2434 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
2435 | <combo key="sanitary_dump_station" text="Dump Station" values="yes,public,customers,no" />
2436 | </item> <!-- Marina -->
2437 | <item name="Marine Fuel" icon="presets/nautical/marine_fuel.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
2438 | <link wiki="Tag:waterway=fuel"/>
2439 | <space />
2440 | <key key="waterway" value="fuel" />
2441 | <optional>
2442 | <combo key="brand" text="Brand" values="Agip,Aral,Avia,BP,Chevron,Citgo,Eni,Esso,Exxon,Gulf,Mobil,OMV,Petro-Canada,Pioneer,Q8,Repsol,Shell,Socar,Statoil,Sunoco,Tamoil,Texaco,Total,Independent" values_searchable="true" />
2443 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
2444 | <reference ref="oh" />
2445 | <space />
2446 | <label text="Fuel types:" />
2447 | <checkgroup columns="2">
2448 | <check key="fuel:diesel" text="Diesel" />
2449 | <check key="fuel:biodiesel" text="Bio Diesel" />
2450 | <check key="fuel:octane_80" text="Octane 80" />
2451 | <check key="fuel:octane_87" text="Octane 87" />
2452 | <check key="fuel:octane_91" text="Octane 91" />
2453 | <check key="fuel:octane_92" text="Octane 92" />
2454 | <check key="fuel:octane_95" text="Octane 95" />
2455 | <check key="fuel:octane_98" text="Octane 98" />
2456 | <check key="fuel:octane_100" text="Octane 100" />
2457 | <check key="fuel:e10" text="E10 (10% Ethanol mix)" />
2458 | <check key="fuel:e85" text="E85 (85% Ethanol mix)" />
2459 | <check key="fuel:ethanol" text="Ethanol (alcohol)" />
2460 | <check key="fuel:lpg" text="LPG (Liquefied petroleum gas)" />
2461 | <check key="fuel:cng" text="CNG (Compressed Natural Gas)" />
2462 | </checkgroup>
2463 | </optional>
2464 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
2465 | </item> <!-- Marine Fuel -->
2466 | <item name="Pier" icon="presets/nautical/pier.svg" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
2467 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=pier" />
2468 | <space />
2469 | <key key="man_made" value="pier" />
2470 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
2471 | <combo key="mooring" text="Mooring" values="yes,no,private,commercial" />
2472 | <check key="floating" text="Floating" />
2473 | </item> <!-- Pier -->
2474 | <item name="Lock Gate" icon="presets/nautical/lock_gate.svg" type="node,way" preset_name_label="true">
2475 | <link wiki="Tag:waterway=lock_gate" />
2476 | <key key="waterway" value="lock_gate" />
2477 | </item> <!-- Lock Gate -->
2478 | <item name="Turning Point" icon="presets/nautical/turning.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
2479 | <link wiki="Tag:waterway=turning_point" />
2480 | <key key="waterway" value="turning_point" />
2481 | </item> <!-- Turning Point -->
2482 | <separator/>
2483 | <item name="Slipway" icon="presets/nautical/slipway.svg" type="node,way" preset_name_label="true">
2484 | <link wiki="Tag:leisure=slipway" />
2485 | <key key="leisure" value="slipway" />
2486 | <optional>
2487 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
2488 | <combo key="incline" text="Incline" values="10%,-10%,10°,-10°,up,down" />
2489 | <reference ref="surface" />
2490 | <reference ref="fee" />
2491 | </optional>
2492 | </item> <!-- Slipway -->
2493 | <item name="Boatyard" icon="presets/nautical/boatyard.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
2494 | <link wiki="Tag:waterway=boatyard" />
2495 | <space />
2496 | <key key="waterway" value="boatyard" />
2497 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
2498 | </item> <!-- Boatyard -->
2499 | <item name="Dock" icon="presets/nautical/boatyard.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
2500 | <link wiki="Tag:waterway=dock" />
2501 | <space />
2502 | <key key="waterway" value="dock" />
2503 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
2504 | </item> <!-- Dock -->
2505 | </group> <!-- Shipping -->
2506 | </group> <!-- Water -->
2507 | <group name="Transport" icon="presets/transport/railway/rail.svg">
2508 | <group name="Railway" icon="presets/transport/railway/rail.svg">
2509 | <item name="Rail" icon="presets/transport/railway/rail.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
2510 | <link wiki="Tag:railway=rail" />
2511 | <key key="railway" value="rail" />
2512 | <optional>
2513 | <combo key="usage" text="Usage" values="main,branch,industrial,military,tourism,freight" />
2514 | <reference ref="railway_service_gauge_electrified_yesno" />
2515 | </optional>
2516 | </item> <!-- Rail -->
2517 | <item name="Narrow Gauge Rail" icon="presets/transport/railway/narrow_gauge_rail.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
2518 | <link wiki="Tag:railway=narrow_gauge" />
2519 | <key key="railway" value="narrow_gauge" />
2520 | <optional>
2521 | <combo key="usage" text="Usage" values="main,branch,industrial,military,tourism,freight" />
2522 | <reference ref="railway_service" />
2523 | <combo key="gauge" text="Gauge (mm)" values="1372,1219,1067,1000,914,900,891,762,760,750,610,600" length="4" />
2524 | <reference ref="railway_electrified_yesno" />
2525 | </optional>
2526 | </item> <!-- Narrow Gauge Rail -->
2527 | <item name="Monorail" icon="presets/transport/railway/monorail.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
2528 | <link wiki="Tag:railway=monorail" />
2529 | <key key="railway" value="monorail" />
2530 | <optional>
2531 | <reference ref="railway_service" />
2532 | <reference ref="railway_electrified_yesno" />
2533 | </optional>
2534 | </item> <!-- Monorail -->
2535 | <item name="Preserved" icon="presets/transport/railway/preserved.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
2536 | <link wiki="Tag:railway=preserved" />
2537 | <key key="railway" value="preserved" />
2538 | <optional>
2539 | <reference ref="railway_service_gauge_electrified_yesno" />
2540 | </optional>
2541 | </item> <!-- Preserved -->
2542 | <item name="Light Rail" icon="presets/transport/railway/light_rail.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
2543 | <link wiki="Tag:railway=light_rail" />
2544 | <key key="railway" value="light_rail" />
2545 | <optional>
2546 | <reference ref="railway_service_gauge_electrified_yesno" />
2547 | </optional>
2548 | </item> <!-- Light Rail -->
2549 | <item name="Subway" icon="presets/transport/railway/subway.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
2550 | <link wiki="Tag:railway=subway" />
2551 | <key key="railway" value="subway" />
2552 | <optional>
2553 | <reference ref="railway_service_gauge_electrified_yesno" />
2554 | </optional>
2555 | </item> <!-- Subway -->
2556 | <item name="Tram" icon="presets/transport/railway/tram.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
2557 | <link wiki="Tag:railway=tram" />
2558 | <key key="railway" value="tram" />
2559 | <optional>
2560 | <reference ref="railway_service_gauge_electrified_yesno" />
2561 | </optional>
2562 | </item> <!-- Tram -->
2563 | <item name="Funicular" icon="presets/transport/railway/funicular.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
2564 | <link wiki="Tag:railway=funicular" />
2565 | <key key="railway" value="funicular" />
2566 | <optional>
2567 | <reference ref="railway_service_gauge_electrified_yesno" />
2568 | </optional>
2569 | </item> <!-- Funicular -->
2570 | <item name="Bus Guideway" icon="presets/transport/railway/bus_guideway.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
2571 | <link wiki="Tag:highway=bus_guideway" />
2572 | <key key="highway" value="bus_guideway" />
2573 | <optional>
2574 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
2575 | <reference ref="highway_yesno" />
2576 | <check key="oneway" text="Oneway" />
2577 | <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="5,4,3,2,1,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5" length="3" values_sort="false" />
2578 | <reference ref="surface_smoothness" />
2579 | <text key="maxspeed" text="Max. speed (km/h)" />
2580 | <text key="width" text="Width (meters)" />
2581 | </optional>
2582 | </item> <!-- Bus Guideway -->
2583 | <item name="Miniature Rail" icon="presets/transport/railway/miniature_rail.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
2584 | <link wiki="Tag:railway=miniature" />
2585 | <key key="railway" value="miniature" />
2586 | <optional>
2587 | <reference ref="railway_service_gauge_electrified_yesno" />
2588 | </optional>
2589 | </item>
2590 | <separator/>
2591 | <item name="Railway construction" icon="presets/transport/railway/railway_construction.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
2592 | <link wiki="Key:construction" />
2593 | <key key="railway" value="construction" />
2594 | <combo key="construction" text="Railway type" values_sort="false">
2595 | <list_entry value="rail" display_value="Rail" icon="presets/transport/railway/rail.svg" />
2596 | <list_entry value="narrow_gauge" display_value="Narrow Gauge Rail" icon="presets/transport/railway/narrow_gauge_rail.svg" />
2597 | <list_entry value="monorail" display_value="Monorail" icon="presets/transport/railway/monorail.svg" />
2598 | <list_entry value="preserved" display_value="Preserved" icon="presets/transport/railway/preserved.svg" />
2599 | <list_entry value="light_rail" display_value="Light Rail" icon="presets/transport/railway/light_rail.svg" />
2600 | <list_entry value="subway" display_value="Subway" icon="presets/transport/railway/subway.svg" />
2601 | <list_entry value="tram" display_value="Tram" icon="presets/transport/railway/tram.svg" />
2602 | <list_entry value="funicular" display_value="Funicular" icon="presets/transport/railway/funicular.svg" />
2603 | </combo>
2604 | <optional>
2605 | <combo key="usage" text="Usage" values="main,branch,industrial,military,tourism,freight" />
2606 | <reference ref="railway_service_gauge_electrified_yesno" />
2607 | </optional>
2608 | </item> <!-- Railway construction -->
2609 | <item name="Disused Rail" icon="presets/transport/railway/disused_rail.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
2610 | <link wiki="Tag:railway=disused" />
2611 | <key key="railway" value="disused" />
2612 | <optional>
2613 | <reference ref="railway_service" />
2614 | <reference ref="highway_yesno" />
2615 | <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="5,4,3,2,1,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5" length="3" values_sort="false" />
2616 | </optional>
2617 | </item> <!-- Disused Rail -->
2618 | <item name="Abandoned Rail" icon="presets/transport/railway/abandoned_rail.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
2619 | <link wiki="Tag:railway=abandoned" />
2620 | <key key="railway" value="abandoned" />
2621 | <optional>
2622 | <reference ref="railway_service" />
2623 | <reference ref="highway_yesno" />
2624 | <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="5,4,3,2,1,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5" length="3" values_sort="false" />
2625 | </optional>
2626 | </item> <!-- Abandoned Rail -->
2627 | <separator/>
2628 | <item name="Level Crossing" icon="presets/transport/railway/level_crossing.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
2629 | <link wiki="Tag:railway=level_crossing" />
2630 | <key key="railway" value="level_crossing" />
2631 | <optional>
2632 | <reference ref="supervised" />
2633 | <check key="crossing:light" text="Traffic lights" />
2634 | <check key="crossing:bell" text="Sound signals" />
2635 | <combo key="crossing:barrier" text="Barrier" values="yes,no,half,full,double_half" values_context="crossing:barrier" />
2636 | </optional>
2637 | </item> <!-- Level Crossing -->
2638 | <item name="Crossing" icon="presets/transport/railway/crossing.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
2639 | <link wiki="Tag:railway=crossing" />
2640 | <key key="railway" value="crossing" />
2641 | <optional>
2642 | <combo key="crossing" text="Crossing type" values="uncontrolled,traffic_signals" />
2643 | <reference ref="supervised" />
2644 | <reference ref="check_crossing_access" />
2645 | <check key="crossing:light" text="Traffic lights" />
2646 | <check key="crossing:bell" text="Sound signals" />
2647 | <combo key="crossing:barrier" text="Barrier" values="yes,no,half,full,double_half" values_context="crossing:barrier" />
2648 | <reference ref="crossing_markings" />
2649 | </optional>
2650 | </item> <!-- Crossing -->
2651 | <item name="Turntable" icon="presets/transport/railway/turntable.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
2652 | <link wiki="Tag:railway=turntable" />
2653 | <key key="railway" value="turntable" />
2654 | </item> <!-- Turntable -->
2655 | <item name="Buffer Stop" icon="presets/transport/railway/buffer_stop.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
2656 | <link wiki="Tag:railway=buffer_stop" />
2657 | <key key="railway" value="buffer_stop" />
2658 | </item> <!-- Buffer Stop -->
2659 | <item name="Railway Switch" icon="presets/transport/railway/switch.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
2660 | <link wiki="Tag:railway=switch" />
2661 | <key key="railway" value="switch" />
2662 | <combo key="railway:switch" text="Type" values="abt,default,double_slip,single_slip,three_way,wye" />
2663 | <reference ref="ref_operator" />
2664 | </item> <!-- Railway Switch -->
2665 | <item name="Railway crossing" icon="presets/transport/railway/railway_crossing.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
2666 | <link wiki="Tag:railway=railway_crossing" />
2667 | <key key="railway" value="railway_crossing" />
2668 | <reference ref="ref_operator" />
2669 | </item> <!-- Railway crossing -->
2670 | <item name="Railway Signal" icon="presets/transport/railway/signal.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
2671 | <link wiki="Tag:railway=signal" />
2672 | <key key="railway" value="signal" />
2673 | <reference ref="ref_operator" />
2674 | </item> <!-- Railway Signal -->
2675 | <item name="Railway milestone" icon="presets/transport/railway/milestone.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
2676 | <link wiki="Tag:railway=milestone" />
2677 | <key key="railway" value="milestone" />
2678 | <text key="railway:position" text="Position (kilometers)" />
2679 | <text key="ref" text="Reference" />
2680 | </item> <!-- Railway Milestone -->
2681 | </group> <!-- Railway -->
2682 | <group name="Aerialway" icon="presets/transport/aerialway/gondola.svg">
2683 | <item name="Cable Car" icon="presets/transport/aerialway/cable_car.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
2684 | <link wiki="Tag:aerialway=cable_car" />
2685 | <space />
2686 | <key key="aerialway" value="cable_car" />
2687 | <reference ref="name_ref" />
2688 | <optional>
2689 | <text key="aerialway:capacity" text="Number of people per hour" />
2690 | <text key="aerialway:occupancy" text="Number of people per car" />
2691 | <text key="aerialway:duration" text="Typical journey time in minutes" />
2692 | <check key="aerialway:heating" text="Has heating?" />
2693 | <space />
2694 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
2695 | <reference ref="oh" />
2696 | <reference ref="fee" />
2697 | </optional>
2698 | </item> <!-- Cable Car -->
2699 | <item name="Chair Lift" icon="presets/transport/aerialway/chair_lift.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
2700 | <link wiki="Tag:aerialway=chair_lift" />
2701 | <space />
2702 | <key key="aerialway" value="chair_lift" />
2703 | <reference ref="name_ref" />
2704 | <optional>
2705 | <text key="aerialway:capacity" text="Number of people per hour" />
2706 | <text key="aerialway:occupancy" text="Number of people per chair" />
2707 | <text key="aerialway:duration" text="Typical journey time in minutes" />
2708 | <check key="aerialway:bubble" text="Has bubble?" />
2709 | <check key="aerialway:heating" text="Has heating?" />
2710 | <space />
2711 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
2712 | <reference ref="oh" />
2713 | <reference ref="fee" />
2714 | </optional>
2715 | </item> <!-- Chair Lift -->
2716 | <item name="Gondola" icon="presets/transport/aerialway/gondola.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
2717 | <link wiki="Tag:aerialway=gondola" />
2718 | <space />
2719 | <key key="aerialway" value="gondola" />
2720 | <reference ref="name_ref" />
2721 | <optional>
2722 | <text key="aerialway:capacity" text="Number of people per hour" />
2723 | <text key="aerialway:occupancy" text="Number of people per gondola" />
2724 | <text key="aerialway:duration" text="Typical journey time in minutes" />
2725 | <check key="aerialway:heating" text="Has heating?" />
2726 | <space />
2727 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
2728 | <reference ref="oh" />
2729 | <reference ref="fee" />
2730 | </optional>
2731 | </item> <!-- Gondola -->
2732 | <item name="Mixed Lift" icon="presets/transport/aerialway/mixed_lift.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
2733 | <link wiki="Tag:aerialway=mixed_lift" />
2734 | <space />
2735 | <key key="aerialway" value="mixed_lift" />
2736 | <reference ref="name_ref" />
2737 | <optional>
2738 | <text key="aerialway:capacity" text="Number of people per hour" />
2739 | <text key="aerialway:occupancy" text="Number of people per gondola/chair" />
2740 | <text key="aerialway:duration" text="Typical journey time in minutes" />
2741 | <check key="aerialway:bubble" text="Has bubble?" />
2742 | <check key="aerialway:heating" text="Has heating?" />
2743 | <space />
2744 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
2745 | <reference ref="oh" />
2746 | <reference ref="fee" />
2747 | </optional>
2748 | </item> <!-- Mixed Lift -->
2749 | <item name="Drag Lift" icon="presets/transport/aerialway/drag_lift.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
2750 | <link wiki="Tag:aerialway=drag_lift" />
2751 | <space />
2752 | <combo key="aerialway" text="Type" values="drag_lift,t-bar,j-bar,platter,rope_tow" display_values="drag_lift (general type - use only if exact type (see values below) is unknown),t-bar,j-bar,platter,rope_tow" match="keyvalue" />
2753 | <reference ref="name_ref" />
2754 | <optional>
2755 | <text key="aerialway:capacity" text="Number of people per hour" />
2756 | <text key="aerialway:duration" text="Typical journey time in minutes" />
2757 | <space />
2758 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
2759 | <reference ref="oh" />
2760 | <reference ref="fee" />
2761 | </optional>
2762 | </item> <!-- Drag Lift -->
2763 | <item name="Magic Carpet" icon="presets/transport/aerialway/magic_carpet.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
2764 | <link wiki="Tag:aerialway=magic_carpet" />
2765 | <space />
2766 | <key key="aerialway" value="magic_carpet" />
2767 | <reference ref="name_ref" />
2768 | <optional>
2769 | <text key="aerialway:capacity" text="Number of people per hour" />
2770 | <text key="aerialway:duration" text="Typical journey time in minutes" />
2771 | <space />
2772 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
2773 | <reference ref="oh" />
2774 | <reference ref="fee" />
2775 | </optional>
2776 | </item> <!-- Magic Carpet -->
2777 | <item name="Goods" icon="presets/transport/aerialway/goods.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
2778 | <link wiki="Tag:aerialway=goods" />
2779 | <space />
2780 | <key key="aerialway" value="goods" />
2781 | <optional>
2782 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator" />
2783 | <text key="aerialway:duration" text="Typical journey time in minutes" />
2784 | </optional>
2785 | </item> <!-- Goods -->
2786 | <item name="Zip line" icon="presets/transport/aerialway/zip_line.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
2787 | <link wiki="Tag:aerialway=zip_line" />
2788 | <space />
2789 | <key key="aerialway" value="zip_line" />
2790 | <optional>
2791 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator" />
2792 | <reference ref="oh" />
2793 | <reference ref="fee" />
2794 | <reference ref="min_age" />
2795 | <text key="maxweight" text="Max. weight (tonnes)" />
2796 | </optional>
2797 | </item> <!-- Zip line -->
2798 | <separator/>
2799 | <item name="Station" name_context="aerialway" icon="presets/transport/aerialway/station.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
2800 | <link wiki="Tag:aerialway=station" />
2801 | <space />
2802 | <key key="aerialway" value="station" />
2803 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator" />
2804 | </item> <!-- Station -->
2805 | <item name="Pylon" icon="presets/transport/aerialway/pylon.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
2806 | <link wiki="Tag:aerialway=pylon" />
2807 | <space />
2808 | <key key="aerialway" value="pylon" />
2809 | <reference ref="name_ref" />
2810 | </item> <!-- Pylon -->
2811 | </group> <!-- Aerialway -->
2812 | <separator/>
2813 | <group name="Car" icon="presets/shop/vehicle.svg">
2814 | <item name="Parking" name_context="car" icon="presets/vehicle/parking/parking.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
2815 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=parking" />
2816 | <space />
2817 | <key key="amenity" value="parking" />
2818 | <reference ref="parking_name_ref" />
2819 | <text key="maxheight" text="Max. height (meters)" />
2820 | <combo key="park_ride" text="Park and Ride" values="yes,no,bus,train,tram,metro,ferry" />
2821 | <reference ref="access_fee_operator_surface_smoothness" />
2822 | <space />
2823 | <text key="capacity" text="Capacity (overall)" />
2824 | <combo key="capacity:disabled" text="Spaces for Disabled" values="yes,no,1,2,3" />
2825 | <combo key="capacity:women" text="Spaces for Women" values="yes,no,1,2,3" />
2826 | <combo key="capacity:parent" text="Spaces for Parents" values="yes,no,1,2,3" />
2827 | <label text="See the Wiki for other capacity:[types]=*." />
2828 | <space />
2829 | <reference ref="maxstay" />
2830 | <reference ref="supervised_lit_oh" />
2831 | <space />
2832 | <label text="Only for street side parking: "/>
2833 | <combo key="orientation" text="Orientation" values="diagonal,parallel,perpendicular" />
2834 | </item> <!-- Parking -->
2835 | <item name="Parking Space" icon="presets/vehicle/parking/parking_space.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
2836 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=parking_space" />
2837 | <space />
2838 | <key key="amenity" value="parking_space" />
2839 | <combo key="parking_space" text="Type of parking space" values="disabled,normal" />
2840 | <reference ref="parking_name_ref" />
2841 | <text key="capacity" text="Capacity" />
2842 | <reference ref="access_fee_operator_surface_smoothness" />
2843 | <reference ref="maxstay" />
2844 | <reference ref="supervised_lit_oh" />
2845 | <check key="covered" text="Covered (with roof)" />
2846 | </item> <!-- Parking Space -->
2847 | <item name="Parking Entrance/Exit" icon="presets/vehicle/parking/parking.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
2848 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=parking_entrance" />
2849 | <space />
2850 | <key key="amenity" value="parking_entrance" />
2851 | <reference ref="parking_name_ref" />
2852 | <text key="maxheight" text="Max. height (meters)" />
2853 | <reference ref="access_fee_operator_surface_smoothness" />
2854 | <reference ref="supervised_lit_oh" />
2855 | <check key="covered" text="Covered (with roof)" />
2856 | </item> <!-- Parking Entrance/Exit -->
2857 | <separator/>
2858 | <item name="Fuel" icon="presets/vehicle/fuel.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
2859 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=fuel" />
2860 | <space />
2861 | <key key="amenity" value="fuel" />
2862 | <combo key="brand" text="Brand" values="Agip,Aral,Avia,BP,Chevron,Citgo,Eni,Esso,Exxon,Gulf,Mobil,OMV,Petro-Canada,Pioneer,Q8,Repsol,Shell,Socar,Statoil,Sunoco,Tamoil,Texaco,Total,Independent" values_searchable="true" />
2863 | <optional>
2864 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
2865 | <reference ref="oh_wheelchair" />
2866 | <combo key="shop" text="With shop" values="yes,convenience,kiosk,no" />
2867 | <space />
2868 | <label text="Fuel types:" />
2869 | <checkgroup columns="2">
2870 | <check key="fuel:diesel" text="Diesel" />
2871 | <check key="fuel:biodiesel" text="Bio Diesel" />
2872 | <check key="fuel:GTL_diesel" text="Diesel (Gas To Liquid - ultimate diesel)" />
2873 | <check key="fuel:HGV_diesel" text="Diesel for Heavy Good Vehicles" />
2874 | <check key="fuel:octane_80" text="Octane 80" />
2875 | <check key="fuel:octane_87" text="Octane 87" />
2876 | <check key="fuel:octane_91" text="Octane 91" />
2877 | <check key="fuel:octane_92" text="Octane 92" />
2878 | <check key="fuel:octane_95" text="Octane 95" />
2879 | <check key="fuel:octane_98" text="Octane 98" />
2880 | <check key="fuel:octane_100" text="Octane 100" />
2881 | <check key="fuel:e10" text="E10 (10% Ethanol mix)" />
2882 | <check key="fuel:e85" text="E85 (85% Ethanol mix)" />
2883 | <check key="fuel:ethanol" text="Ethanol (alcohol)" />
2884 | <check key="fuel:1_25" text="1/25 mix (mofa/moped)" />
2885 | <check key="fuel:1_50" text="1/50 mix (mofa/moped)" />
2886 | <check key="fuel:lpg" text="LPG (Liquefied petroleum gas)" />
2887 | <check key="fuel:cng" text="CNG (Compressed Natural Gas)" />
2888 | <check key="fuel:biogas" text="Biogas" />
2889 | </checkgroup>
2890 | <space />
2891 | <label text="Additives:" />
2892 | <check key="fuel:adblue" text="Diesel Exhaust Fluid (AdBlue/AUS32)" />
2893 | <space />
2894 | <label text="Fuel cards:" />
2895 | <checkgroup columns="3">
2896 | <check key="payment:dkv" text="DKV" />
2897 | <check key="payment:routex" text="Routex" />
2898 | <check key="payment:uta" text="UTA" />
2899 | </checkgroup>
2900 | </optional>
2901 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
2902 | <preset_link preset_name="Building" />
2903 | </item> <!-- Fuel -->
2904 | <item name="Charging Station" icon="presets/vehicle/charging_station.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
2905 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=charging_station" />
2906 | <space />
2907 | <key key="amenity" value="charging_station" />
2908 | <reference ref="name_ref"/>
2909 | <text key="network" text="Charging Network (Mobility Service Provider)" />
2910 | <text key="operator" text="Operator (Charge Point Operator)" />
2911 | <reference ref="oh" />
2912 | <text key="capacity" text="Simultaneously usable charging spots" default="" delete_if_empty="true" />
2913 | <text key="level" text="Storey" default="" delete_if_empty="true" />
2914 | <label text="Surroundings and Fees:" />
2915 | <checkgroup columns="3">
2916 | <check key="covered" text="Covered" default="" delete_if_empty="true" />
2917 | <check key="fee" text="Charging fee" default="on" delete_if_empty="true" />
2918 | <check key="parking:fee" text="Parking fee" default="" delete_if_empty="true" />
2919 | </checkgroup>
2920 | <label text="Types of vehicles which can be charged:" />
2921 | <checkgroup columns="3">
2922 | <check key="motorcar" text="Cars" default="on" delete_if_empty="true" />
2923 | <check key="motorcycle" text="Motorcycles" default="on" delete_if_empty="true" />
2924 | <check key="hgv" text="Trucks (HGV)" default="" delete_if_empty="true" />
2925 | </checkgroup>
2926 | <label text="(Note: For most charging stations, check 'Cars' and 'Motorcycles'. Check 'Trucks' only if there is sufficient space.)" />
2927 | <space />
2928 | <label text="Number of Sockets:" />
2929 | <text key="socket:type1" text="IEC Type 1" default="" delete_if_empty="true" />
2930 | <text key="socket:type2" text="IEC Type 2 (Mennekes) socket only" default="" delete_if_empty="true" />
2931 | <text key="socket:type2_cable" text="IEC Type 2 (Mennekes) with cable" default="" delete_if_empty="true" />
2932 | <text key="socket:type2_combo" text="IEC Type 2 Combo (CCS)" default="" delete_if_empty="true" />
2933 | <text key="socket:chademo" text="CHAdeMO" default="" delete_if_empty="true" />
2934 | <text key="socket:tesla_supercharger" text="Tesla Supercharger" default="" delete_if_empty="true" />
2935 | <text key="socket:schuko" text="Schuko" default="" delete_if_empty="true" />
2936 | <space />
2937 | <label text="Charging Power (e.g. '22 kW'):" />
2938 | <text key="socket:type1:output" text="IEC Type 1" default="" delete_if_empty="true" />
2939 | <text key="socket:type2:output" text="IEC Type 2 (Mennekes) socket only" default="" delete_if_empty="true" />
2940 | <text key="socket:type2_cable:output" text="IEC Type 2 (Mennekes) with cable" default="" delete_if_empty="true" />
2941 | <text key="socket:type2_combo:output" text="IEC Type 2 Combo (CCS)" default="" delete_if_empty="true" />
2942 | <text key="socket:chademo:output" text="CHAdeMO" default="" delete_if_empty="true" />
2943 | <text key="socket:tesla_supercharger:output" text="Tesla Supercharger" default="" delete_if_empty="true" />
2944 | <text key="socket:schuko:output" text="Schuko" default="" delete_if_empty="true" />
2945 | <space />
2946 | <label text="Unlocking (Authentication):" />
2947 | <checkgroup columns="3">
2948 | <check key="authentication:app" text="Unlock through App" />
2949 | <check key="authentication:contactless" text="Unlock through RFID/NFC" />
2950 | <check key="authentication:none" text="Usable without registration" />
2951 | </checkgroup>
2952 | <preset_link preset_name="Payment Methods" text="Edit Payment Methods (only if usable without registration)" />
2953 | </item> <!-- Charging Station -->
2954 | <item name="Wash" icon="presets/vehicle/car_wash.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
2955 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=car_wash" />
2956 | <space />
2957 | <key key="amenity" value="car_wash" />
2958 | <reference ref="name_brand_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
2959 | <checkgroup columns="2">
2960 | <check key="automated" text="Automated" text_context="car_wash" />
2961 | <check key="self_service" text="Self Service" />
2962 | </checkgroup>
2963 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
2964 | </item> <!-- Wash -->
2965 | <separator/>
2966 | <item name="Car Dealer" icon="presets/shop/vehicle.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
2967 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=car" />
2968 | <space />
2969 | <key key="shop" value="car" />
2970 | <reference ref="car_brands" />
2971 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
2972 | <combo key="second_hand" text="Second hand" values="yes,no,only" />
2973 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
2974 | </item> <!-- Car Dealer -->
2975 | <item name="Repair" icon="presets/vehicle/repair_shop.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
2976 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=car_repair" />
2977 | <space />
2978 | <key key="shop" value="car_repair" />
2979 | <reference ref="car_brands" />
2980 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
2981 | <multiselect key="service" text="Service" text_context="shop=car_repair" values="dealer;repair;parts;tyres" rows="4" />
2982 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
2983 | </item> <!-- Repair -->
2984 | <item name="Parts" icon="presets/vehicle/car_parts.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
2985 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=car_parts" />
2986 | <space />
2987 | <key key="shop" value="car_parts" />
2988 | <reference ref="car_brands" />
2989 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
2990 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
2991 | </item> <!-- Parts -->
2992 | <item name="Tires" icon="presets/vehicle/tyres.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
2993 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=tyres" />
2994 | <space />
2995 | <key key="shop" value="tyres" />
2996 | <reference ref="name_brand_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
2997 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
2998 | </item> <!-- Tires -->
2999 | <separator/>
3000 | <item name="Rental" icon="presets/vehicle/car_rental.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3001 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=car_rental" />
3002 | <space />
3003 | <key key="amenity" value="car_rental" />
3004 | <reference ref="name_brand_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
3005 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
3006 | </item> <!-- Rental -->
3007 | <item name="Pooling" icon="presets/vehicle/car_pooling.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3008 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=car_pooling" />
3009 | <space />
3010 | <key key="amenity" value="car_pooling" />
3011 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
3012 | <text key="network" text="Network" />
3013 | <text key="capacity" text="Capacity" />
3014 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
3015 | <text key="website" text="Website" />
3016 | </item> <!-- Pooling -->
3017 | <item name="Sharing" icon="presets/vehicle/car_sharing.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3018 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=car_sharing" />
3019 | <space />
3020 | <key key="amenity" value="car_sharing" />
3021 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
3022 | <text key="capacity" text="Capacity" />
3023 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
3024 | <text key="website" text="Website" />
3025 | </item> <!-- Sharing -->
3026 | </group> <!-- Car -->
3027 | <group name="Motorcycle" icon="presets/vehicle/motorbike.svg">
3028 | <item name="Parking" name_context="motorcycle" icon="presets/vehicle/parking/motorbike.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3029 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=motorcycle_parking" />
3030 | <space />
3031 | <key key="amenity" value="motorcycle_parking" />
3032 | <reference ref="parking_name_ref" />
3033 | <text key="capacity" text="Capacity" />
3034 | <reference ref="access_fee_operator_surface_smoothness" />
3035 | <reference ref="supervised_lit_oh" />
3036 | <reference ref="maxstay" />
3037 | <check key="covered" text="Covered (with roof)" />
3038 | <space />
3039 | <label text="Only for street side parking: "/>
3040 | <combo key="orientation" text="Orientation" values="diagonal,parallel,perpendicular" />
3041 | </item> <!-- Parking -->
3042 | <item name="Motorcycle Dealer" icon="presets/vehicle/motorbike.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3043 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=motorcycle" />
3044 | <space />
3045 | <key key="shop" value="motorcycle" />
3046 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
3047 | <reference ref="motorcycle_brands" />
3048 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
3049 | <reference ref="oh_wheelchair" />
3050 | <combo key="second_hand" text="Second hand" values="yes,no,only" />
3051 | <optional text="Services:">
3052 | <combo key="sale" text="Sale" values="yes,brand,no" />
3053 | <combo key="rental" text="Rental" values="yes,brand,no" />
3054 | <combo key="repair" text="Repair" values="yes,brand,oldtimer,no" />
3055 | <combo key="safety_inspection" text="Safety inspection" values="yes,DEKRA,GTÜ,MOT,TÜV,no" />
3056 | <combo key="parts" text="Parts" values="yes,brand,oldtimer,no" />
3057 | <combo key="clothes" text="Clothes" values="yes,brand,no" />
3058 | <text key="services" text="Other" />
3059 | </optional>
3060 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
3061 | </item> <!-- Motorcycle Dealer -->
3062 | </group> <!-- Motorcycle -->
3063 | <group name="Bicycle" icon="presets/shop/bicycle.svg">
3064 | <item name="Parking" name_context="bicycle" icon="presets/vehicle/parking/bicycle.svg" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3065 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=bicycle_parking" />
3066 | <space />
3067 | <key key="amenity" value="bicycle_parking" />
3068 | <combo key="bicycle_parking" text="Type" values="anchors,bollard,building,ground_slots,informal,lockers,rack,shed,stands,wall_loops" />
3069 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
3070 | <text key="capacity" text="Capacity" />
3071 | <reference ref="access_fee_operator_surface_smoothness" />
3072 | <check key="covered" text="Covered" />
3073 | <reference ref="supervised_lit_oh" />
3074 | </item> <!-- Parking -->
3075 | <item name="Bike Dealer" icon="presets/shop/bicycle.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3076 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=bicycle" />
3077 | <space />
3078 | <key key="shop" value="bicycle" />
3079 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
3080 | <check key="service:bicycle:retail" text="Bicycles are sold" />
3081 | <check key="service:bicycle:second_hand" text="Second-hand bicycles are sold" />
3082 | <check key="service:bicycle:repair" text="Bicycles are repaired" />
3083 | <check key="service:bicycle:rental" text="Bicycles are rented" />
3084 | <check key="service:bicycle:pump" text="Free bicycle pump" />
3085 | <check key="service:bicycle:diy" text="Tools for do-it-yourself repair (may be a bike co-operative)" />
3086 | <check key="service:bicycle:cleaning" text="Bicycles are washed (for a fee)" />
3087 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
3088 | </item> <!-- Bike Dealer -->
3089 | <item name="Rental" icon="presets/vehicle/bicycle_rental.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3090 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=bicycle_rental" />
3091 | <space />
3092 | <key key="amenity" value="bicycle_rental" />
3093 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
3094 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
3095 | </item> <!-- Rental -->
3096 | <item name="Public Bicycle Repair Station" icon="presets/vehicle/bicycle_repair_station.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3097 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=bicycle_repair_station" />
3098 | <space />
3099 | <key key="amenity" value="bicycle_repair_station" />
3100 | <optional>
3101 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
3102 | <text key="brand" text="Brand" />
3103 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
3104 | <reference ref="oh" />
3105 | <check key="service:bicycle:stand" text="Stand" />
3106 | <check key="service:bicycle:pump" text="Free bicycle pump" />
3107 | <check key="service:bicycle:tools" text="Tools" text_context="bicycle_repair_station"/>
3108 | <check key="service:bicycle:chain_tool" text="Chain tool" />
3109 | </optional>
3110 | </item> <!-- Public Bicycle Repair Station -->
3111 | </group> <!-- Bicycle -->
3112 | <group name="Public Transport" icon="presets/transport/bus.svg">
3113 | <item name="Public Transport Route (Rail)" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true">
3114 | <link wiki="Public_transport#Service_routes" />
3115 | <space />
3116 | <key key="type" value="route" />
3117 | <combo key="route" text="Route type" values="train,subway,monorail,tram,light_rail" values_searchable="true" match="keyvalue!" />
3118 | <key key="public_transport:version" value="2" /> <!-- only validate marked relations in order to avoid false positives -->
3119 | <reference ref="name_ref" />
3120 | <optional>
3121 | <reference ref="public_transport_route_optionals" />
3122 | <reference ref="pt_route_opt2" />
3123 | </optional>
3124 | <roles>
3125 | <role key="stop" text="stop position" requisite="optional" type="node" member_expression="public_transport=stop_position (train=yes OR subway=yes OR monorail=yes OR tram=yes OR light_rail=yes)" />
3126 | <role key="stop_exit_only" text="stop position (exit only)" requisite="optional" type="node" member_expression="public_transport=stop_position (train=yes OR subway=yes OR monorail=yes OR tram=yes OR light_rail=yes)" />
3127 | <role key="stop_entry_only" text="stop position (entry only)" requisite="optional" type="node" member_expression="public_transport=stop_position (train=yes OR subway=yes OR monorail=yes OR tram=yes OR light_rail=yes)" />
3128 | <role key="platform" text="platform" requisite="optional" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" member_expression="public_transport=platform" />
3129 | <role key="platform_exit_only" text="platform (exit only)" requisite="optional" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" member_expression="public_transport=platform" />
3130 | <role key="platform_entry_only" text="platform (entry only)" requisite="optional" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" member_expression="public_transport=platform" />
3131 | <role key="" text="route segment" requisite="required" type="way,closedway" member_expression="railway|route=ferry" />
3132 | </roles>
3133 | </item> <!-- Public Transport Route (Rail) -->
3134 | <item name="Public Transport Route (Bus)" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true">
3135 | <link wiki="Tag:route=bus" />
3136 | <space />
3137 | <key key="type" value="route" />
3138 | <combo key="route" text="Route type" values="bus,share_taxi,trolleybus" values_searchable="true" match="keyvalue!" />
3139 | <key key="public_transport:version" value="2" /> <!-- only validate marked relations in order to avoid false positives -->
3140 | <reference ref="name_ref" />
3141 | <optional>
3142 | <reference ref="public_transport_route_optionals" />
3143 | <reference ref="pt_route_opt2" />
3144 | </optional>
3145 | <roles>
3146 | <role key="stop" text="stop position" requisite="optional" type="node" member_expression="public_transport=stop_position (bus=yes OR share_taxi=yes OR trolleybus=yes)" />
3147 | <role key="stop_exit_only" text="stop position (exit only)" requisite="optional" type="node" member_expression="public_transport=stop_position (bus=yes OR share_taxi=yes OR trolleybus=yes)" />
3148 | <role key="stop_entry_only" text="stop position (entry only)" requisite="optional" type="node" member_expression="public_transport=stop_position (bus=yes OR share_taxi=yes OR trolleybus=yes)" />
3149 | <role key="platform" text="platform" requisite="optional" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" member_expression="public_transport=platform" />
3150 | <role key="platform_exit_only" text="platform (exit only)" requisite="optional" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" member_expression="public_transport=platform" />
3151 | <role key="platform_entry_only" text="platform (entry only)" requisite="optional" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" member_expression="public_transport=platform" />
3152 | <role key="" text="route segment" requisite="required" type="way,closedway" member_expression="highway|route=ferry" />
3153 | <role key="hail_and_ride" text="hail and ride route segment" requisite="optional" type="way,closedway" member_expression="highway" />
3154 | </roles>
3155 | </item> <!-- Public Transport Route (Bus) -->
3156 | <item name="Public Transport Route (Ferry)" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true">
3157 | <link wiki="Tag:route=ferry" />
3158 | <key key="type" value="route" />
3159 | <key key="route" value="ferry" />
3160 | <key key="public_transport:version" value="2" /> <!-- only validate marked relations in order to avoid false positives -->
3161 | <optional>
3162 | <check key="ferry:cable" text="Reaction ferry" />
3163 | <space />
3164 | <reference ref="oh" />
3165 | <reference ref="public_transport_route_optionals" />
3166 | <reference ref="pt_route_opt2" />
3167 | <space />
3168 | <reference ref="highway_max" />
3169 | </optional>
3170 | <preset_link preset_name="Access Restrictions" />
3171 | <roles>
3172 | <role key="stop" text="stop_position" requisite="optional" type="node" member_expression="public_transport=stop_position ferry=yes" />
3173 | <role key="platform" text="platform" requisite="optional" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" member_expression="public_transport=platform ferry=yes" />
3174 | <role key="platform_exit_only" text="platform (exit only)" requisite="optional" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" member_expression="public_transport=platform ferry=yes" />
3175 | <role key="platform_entry_only" text="platform (entry only)" requisite="optional" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" member_expression="public_transport=platform ferry=yes" />
3176 | <role key="" text="route segment" requisite="required" type="way,closedway" member_expression="route=ferry" />
3177 | </roles>
3178 | </item> <!-- Public Transport Route (Ferry) -->
3179 | <item name="Public Transport Route (Aerialway)" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true">
3180 | <link wiki="Public_transport" />
3181 | <space />
3182 | <key key="type" value="route" />
3183 | <key key="route" value="aerialway"/>
3184 | <key key="public_transport:version" value="2" /> <!-- only validate marked relations in order to avoid false positives -->
3185 | <reference ref="name_ref" />
3186 | <optional>
3187 | <reference ref="public_transport_route_optionals" />
3188 | <reference ref="pt_route_opt2" />
3189 | </optional>
3190 | <roles>
3191 | <role key="stop" text="stop position" requisite="optional" type="node" member_expression="public_transport=stop_position (aerialway=yes OR aerialway=station)" />
3192 | <role key="stop_exit_only" text="stop position (exit only)" requisite="optional" type="node" member_expression="public_transport=stop_position (aerialway=yes OR aerialway=station)" />
3193 | <role key="stop_entry_only" text="stop position (entry only)" requisite="optional" type="node" member_expression="public_transport=stop_position (aerialway=yes OR aerialway=station)" />
3194 | <role key="platform" text="platform" requisite="optional" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" member_expression="public_transport=platform" />
3195 | <role key="platform_exit_only" text="platform (exit only)" requisite="optional" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" member_expression="public_transport=platform" />
3196 | <role key="platform_entry_only" text="platform (entry only)" requisite="optional" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" member_expression="public_transport=platform" />
3197 | <role key="" text="route segment" requisite="required" type="way,closedway" member_expression="aerialway" />
3198 | </roles>
3199 | </item> <!-- Public Transport Route (Aerialway) -->
3200 | <item name="Route Master" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true">
3201 | <link wiki="Public_transport#Route_Master_relations" />
3202 | <space />
3203 | <key key="type" value="route_master" />
3204 | <combo key="route_master" text="Route type" values="train,subway,monorail,tram,bus,trolleybus,share_taxi,aerialway,ferry" />
3205 | <reference ref="name_ref" />
3206 | <optional>
3207 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
3208 | <text key="network" text="Network" />
3209 | <reference ref="color" />
3210 | <text key="website" text="Website" />
3211 | </optional>
3212 | <roles>
3213 | <role key="" text="route variant/direction (at least 2)" requisite="required" type="relation" member_expression="type=route" /> <!-- fixme: at least 2 members are required -->
3214 | </roles>
3215 | </item> <!-- Route Master -->
3216 | <item name="Stop Area" type="relation" icon="presets/misc/interpolation.svg" preset_name_label="true">
3217 | <link wiki="Tag:public_transport=stop_area" />
3218 | <space />
3219 | <key key="type" value="public_transport" />
3220 | <key key="public_transport" value="stop_area" />
3221 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
3222 | <optional>
3223 | <text key="ref" text="Reference" />
3224 | <text key="uic_ref" text="UIC reference" />
3225 | <text key="uic_name" text="UIC name" />
3226 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
3227 | <text key="network" text="Network" />
3228 | </optional>
3229 | <roles>
3230 | <role key="stop" text="Stop Position" requisite="optional" type="node" member_expression="public_transport=stop_position" />
3231 | <role key="platform" text="Platform" requisite="optional" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" member_expression="public_transport=platform" />
3232 | <role key="" text="Subway Entrance" requisite="optional" type="node" member_expression="railway=subway_entrance" />
3233 | <role key="" text="Station or amenities" requisite="optional" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" member_expression="amenity|public_transport=station" />
3234 | </roles>
3235 | </item> <!-- Stop Area -->
3236 | <separator/>
3237 | <item name="Stop Position" type="node" icon="presets/transport/stop_position.svg" preset_name_label="true">
3238 | <link wiki="Tag:public_transport=stop_position" />
3239 | <space />
3240 | <key key="public_transport" value="stop_position" />
3241 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
3242 | <optional>
3243 | <text key="ref" text="Reference" />
3244 | <text key="uic_ref" text="UIC reference" />
3245 | <text key="uic_name" text="UIC name" />
3246 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
3247 | <text key="network" text="Network" />
3248 | <combo key="tactile_paving" text="Tactile Paving" values="yes,no,incorrect" />
3249 | </optional>
3250 | <space />
3251 | <checkgroup columns="3">
3252 | <check key="bus" text="Bus" icon="presets/transport/bus.svg" disable_off="true" />
3253 | <check key="trolleybus" text="Trolleybus" icon="presets/transport/trolleybus.svg" disable_off="true" />
3254 | <check key="share_taxi" text="Share taxi" icon="presets/transport/share_taxi.svg" disable_off="true" />
3255 | <check key="train" text="Train" icon="presets/transport/train.svg" disable_off="true" />
3256 | <check key="light_rail" text="Light Rail" icon="presets/transport/railway/light_rail.svg" disable_off="true" />
3257 | <check key="subway" text="Subway" icon="presets/transport/railway/subway.svg" disable_off="true" />
3258 | <check key="tram" text="Tram" icon="presets/transport/railway/tram.svg" disable_off="true" />
3259 | <check key="monorail" text="Monorail" icon="presets/transport/railway/monorail.svg" disable_off="true" />
3260 | <check key="funicular" text="Funicular" icon="presets/transport/railway/funicular.svg" disable_off="true" />
3261 | <check key="aerialway" text="Aerialway" icon="presets/transport/aerialway/station.svg" disable_off="true" />
3262 | <check key="ferry" text="Ferry" icon="presets/nautical/ferry.svg" disable_off="true" />
3263 | </checkgroup>
3264 | </item> <!-- Stop Position -->
3265 | <item name="Platform" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" icon="presets/transport/platform.svg" preset_name_label="true">
3266 | <link wiki="Tag:public_transport=platform" />
3267 | <space />
3268 | <key key="public_transport" value="platform" />
3269 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
3270 | <check key="bench" text="Bench" />
3271 | <check key="shelter" text="Shelter" />
3272 | <check key="bin" text="Waste Basket/Trash Can" />
3273 | <check key="covered" text="Covered" />
3274 | <check key="passenger_information_display" text="Passenger information display" />
3275 | <text key="route_ref" text="Route references" />
3276 | <reference ref="wheelchair" />
3277 | <combo key="tactile_paving" text="Tactile Paving" values="yes,no,incorrect" />
3278 | </item> <!-- Platform -->
3279 | <item name="Station" name_context="railway" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" icon="presets/transport/station.svg" preset_name_label="true">
3280 | <link wiki="Tag:public_transport=station" />
3281 | <space />
3282 | <key key="public_transport" value="station" />
3283 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
3284 | <check key="area" text="Area" disable_off="true" />
3285 | <check key="building" text="Building" disable_off="true" />
3286 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
3287 | <text key="network" text="Network" />
3288 | </item> <!-- Station -->
3289 | <separator/> <!-- *** Access *** -->
3290 | <item name="Subway Entrance" icon="presets/transport/underground.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
3291 | <link wiki="Tag:railway=subway_entrance" />
3292 | <key key="railway" value="subway_entrance" />
3293 | <optional>
3294 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
3295 | <reference ref="wheelchair" />
3296 | <check key="bicycle" text="Bicycle" />
3297 | </optional>
3298 | </item> <!-- Subway Entrance -->
3299 | <item name="Ticket Machine" icon="presets/transport/ticket-machine.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
3300 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=vending_machine" />
3301 | <space />
3302 | <key key="amenity" value="vending_machine" />
3303 | <key key="vending" value="public_transport_tickets" />
3304 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
3305 | <text key="ref" text="Reference number" />
3306 | <preset_link preset_name="Payment Methods" />
3307 | </item> <!-- Ticket Machine -->
3308 | </group> <!-- Public Transport -->
3309 | <group name="Public Transport (Legacy)" icon="presets/transport/bus_old.svg">
3310 | <item name="Public transport route (Legacy)" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true">
3311 | <link wiki="Public_transport#Service_routes" />
3312 | <space />
3313 | <key key="type" value="route" />
3314 | <combo key="route" text="Route type" values="train,subway,monorail,tram,bus,trolleybus,share_taxi" values_searchable="true" match="keyvalue!" />
3315 | <key key="public_transport:version" value="1" /> <!-- only validate marked relations in order to avoid false positives -->
3316 | <reference ref="name_ref" />
3317 | <optional>
3318 | <reference ref="public_transport_route_optionals" />
3319 | <reference ref="fee_reservation_roundtrip_website" />
3320 | </optional>
3321 | <roles>
3322 | <role key="" text="route segment" requisite="optional" type="way,closedway" member_expression="highway|railway|route=ferry" />
3323 | <role key="forward" text="forward segment" requisite="optional" type="way,closedway" member_expression="highway|railway|route=ferry" />
3324 | <role key="backward" text="backward segment" requisite="optional" type="way,closedway" member_expression="highway|railway|route=ferry" />
3325 | <role key="stop" text="halt point" requisite="optional" type="node" member_expression="highway=bus_stop OR railway=station OR railway=halt OR railway=tram_stop" />
3326 | <role key="forward_stop" text="forward halt point" requisite="optional" type="node" member_expression="highway=bus_stop OR railway=station OR railway=halt OR railway=tram_stop" />
3327 | <role key="backward_stop" text="backward halt point" requisite="optional" type="node" member_expression="highway=bus_stop OR railway=station OR railway=halt OR railway=tram_stop" />
3328 | <role key="platform" text="platform" requisite="optional" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" member_expression="highway=platform OR railway=platform" />
3329 | </roles>
3330 | </item> <!-- Public transport route (Legacy) -->
3331 | <item name="Public transport route (Legacy) (Ferry)" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true">
3332 | <link wiki="Tag:route=ferry" />
3333 | <space />
3334 | <key key="type" value="route" />
3335 | <key key="route" value="ferry" />
3336 | <key key="public_transport:version" value="1" /> <!-- only validate marked relations in order to avoid false positives -->
3337 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator" />
3338 | <combo key="ferry" text="Highway type the ferry connects" values="trunk,primary,secondary,tertiary,unclassified" values_context="Highway" values_sort="false" />
3339 | <check key="ferry:cable" text="Reaction ferry" />
3340 | <optional>
3341 | <reference ref="oh_wheelchair" />
3342 | <text key="network" text="Network" />
3343 | <text key="description" text="Description" />
3344 | <reference ref="color" />
3345 | <reference ref="pt_route_opt2" />
3346 | <space />
3347 | <reference ref="highway_max" />
3348 | </optional>
3349 | <preset_link preset_name="Access Restrictions" />
3350 | <roles>
3351 | <role key="" text="route segment" requisite="optional" type="way,closedway" member_expression="route=ferry" />
3352 | <role key="forward" text="forward segment" requisite="optional" type="way,closedway" member_expression="route=ferry" />
3353 | <role key="backward" text="backward segment" requisite="optional" type="way,closedway" member_expression="route=ferry" />
3354 | <role key="stop" text="halt point" requisite="optional" type="node" member_expression="amenity=ferry_terminal OR (public_transport=stop_position ferry=yes)" />
3355 | <role key="platform" text="platform" requisite="optional" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" member_expression="man_made=pier OR (public_transport=platform ferry=yes)" />
3356 | </roles>
3357 | </item> <!-- Public transport route (Legacy) (Ferry) -->
3358 | <item name="Public transport route (Legacy) (Aerialway)" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true">
3359 | <link wiki="Public_transport" />
3360 | <space />
3361 | <key key="type" value="route" />
3362 | <key key="route" value="aerialway" />
3363 | <key key="public_transport:version" value="1" /> <!-- only validate marked relations in order to avoid false positives -->
3364 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator" />
3365 | <optional>
3366 | <reference ref="oh_wheelchair" />
3367 | <text key="network" text="Network" />
3368 | <text key="description" text="Description" />
3369 | <reference ref="color" />
3370 | <reference ref="pt_route_opt2" />
3371 | </optional>
3372 | <roles>
3373 | <role key="" text="route segment" requisite="optional" type="way,closedway" member_expression="aerialway" />
3374 | <role key="forward" text="forward segment" requisite="optional" type="way,closedway" member_expression="aerialway" />
3375 | <role key="backward" text="backward segment" requisite="optional" type="way,closedway" member_expression="aerialway" />
3376 | <role key="stop" text="halt point" requisite="optional" type="node" member_expression="aerialway=station OR (public_transport=stop_position aerialway=yes)" />
3377 | <role key="platform" text="platform" requisite="optional" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" member_expression="public_transport=platform" />
3378 | </roles>
3379 | </item> <!-- Public transport route (Legacy) (Aerialway) -->
3380 | <separator/>
3381 | <item name="Station" name_context="railway" icon="presets/transport/railway_station.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3382 | <link wiki="Tag:railway=station" />
3383 | <key key="railway" value="station" />
3384 | <optional>
3385 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
3386 | <text key="uic_ref" text="UIC-Reference" />
3387 | </optional>
3388 | </item> <!-- Station -->
3389 | <item name="Railway Halt" icon="presets/transport/railway_halt.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
3390 | <link wiki="Tag:railway=halt" />
3391 | <key key="railway" value="halt" />
3392 | <optional>
3393 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
3394 | </optional>
3395 | </item> <!-- Railway Halt -->
3396 | <item name="Tram Stop" icon="presets/transport/tram.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
3397 | <link wiki="Tag:railway=tram_stop" />
3398 | <key key="railway" value="tram_stop" />
3399 | <optional>
3400 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
3401 | </optional>
3402 | </item> <!-- Tram Stop -->
3403 | <item name="Railway Platform" icon="presets/transport/platform_rail.svg" type="way,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3404 | <link wiki="Tag:railway=platform" />
3405 | <space />
3406 | <key key="railway" value="platform" />
3407 | <text key="ref" text="Reference (track number)" />
3408 | <text key="width" text="Width (meters)" />
3409 | <check key="area" text="Area" />
3410 | </item> <!-- Railway Platform -->
3411 | <separator/>
3412 | <item name="Bus Station" icon="presets/transport/bus_old.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3413 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=bus_station" />
3414 | <key key="amenity" value="bus_station" />
3415 | <optional>
3416 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
3417 | </optional>
3418 | </item> <!-- Bus Station -->
3419 | <item name="Bus Stop" icon="presets/transport/bus_small.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
3420 | <link wiki="Tag:highway=bus_stop" />
3421 | <key key="highway" value="bus_stop" />
3422 | <optional>
3423 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
3424 | <check key="bench" text="Bench" />
3425 | <check key="shelter" text="Shelter" />
3426 | <check key="bin" text="Waste Basket/Trash Can" />
3427 | <check key="passenger_information_display" text="Passenger information display" />
3428 | <text key="route_ref" text="Route references" />
3429 | <combo key="tactile_paving" text="Tactile Paving" values="yes,no,incorrect" />
3430 | </optional>
3431 | </item> <!-- Bus Stop -->
3432 | <item name="Bus Platform" icon="presets/transport/platform_bus.svg" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3433 | <link wiki="Tag:highway=platform" />
3434 | <space />
3435 | <key key="highway" value="platform" />
3436 | <text key="ref" text="Reference (track number)" />
3437 | <text key="width" text="Width (meters)" />
3438 | <check key="area" text="Area" />
3439 | <combo key="tactile_paving" text="Tactile Paving" values="yes,no,incorrect" />
3440 | </item> <!-- Bus Platform -->
3441 | </group> <!-- Public Transport -->
3442 | <item name="Taxi" icon="presets/transport/taxi.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3443 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=taxi" />
3444 | <space />
3445 | <key key="amenity" value="taxi" />
3446 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
3447 | </item> <!-- Taxi -->
3448 | <separator/>
3449 | <group name="Airport" icon="presets/transport/airport.svg">
3450 | <item name="Airport Ground" icon="presets/transport/airport.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3451 | <link wiki="Tag:aeroway=aerodrome" />
3452 | <space />
3453 | <reference ref="aerodrome" />
3454 | </item> <!-- Airport Ground -->
3455 | <separator/>
3456 | <item name="Runway" icon="presets/transport/airport/runway.svg" type="way,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3457 | <link wiki="Tag:aeroway=runway" />
3458 | <key key="aeroway" value="runway" />
3459 | <optional>
3460 | <text key="ref" text="Reference" />
3461 | <text key="length" text="Length (meters)" />
3462 | <combo key="width" text="Width (meters)" values="18,23,30,45,60" />
3463 | <text key="ele" text="Elevation (meters)" length="10" />
3464 | <reference ref="surface" />
3465 | </optional>
3466 | </item> <!-- Runway -->
3467 | <item name="Taxiway" icon="presets/transport/airport/taxiway.svg" type="way,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3468 | <link wiki="Tag:aeroway=taxiway" />
3469 | <key key="aeroway" value="taxiway" />
3470 | <optional>
3471 | <text key="ref" text="Reference" />
3472 | <text key="width" text="Width (meters)" />
3473 | <reference ref="surface" />
3474 | </optional>
3475 | </item> <!-- Taxiway -->
3476 | <item name="Holding Position" icon="presets/transport/airport/holding_position.svg" type="node,way" preset_name_label="true">
3477 | <link wiki="Tag:aeroway=holding_position" />
3478 | <key key="aeroway" value="holding_position" />
3479 | <combo key="holding_position:type" text="Type" values="ILS,intermediate,runway" values_context="aeroway holding_position" />
3480 | <optional>
3481 | <text key="ref" text="Reference" />
3482 | </optional>
3483 | </item> <!-- Holding Position -->
3484 | <item name="Helipad" icon="presets/transport/airport/helipad.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3485 | <link wiki="Tag:aeroway=helipad" />
3486 | <key key="aeroway" value="helipad" />
3487 | <optional>
3488 | <reference ref="name_ref" />
3489 | <text key="iata" text="IATA" />
3490 | <text key="icao" text="ICAO" />
3491 | <text key="ele" text="Elevation (meters)" length="10" />
3492 | <reference ref="surface"/>
3493 | <reference ref="wikipedia_wikidata" />
3494 | </optional>
3495 | </item> <!-- Helipad -->
3496 | <item name="Apron" icon="presets/transport/airport/apron.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3497 | <link wiki="Tag:aeroway=apron" />
3498 | <key key="aeroway" value="apron" />
3499 | <optional>
3500 | <reference ref="name_ref" />
3501 | <reference ref="surface"/>
3502 | </optional>
3503 | </item> <!-- Apron -->
3504 | <item name="Plane Parking Position" icon="presets/transport/airport/parking_position.svg" type="node,way" preset_name_label="true">
3505 | <link wiki="Tag:aeroway=parking_position" />
3506 | <key key="aeroway" value="parking_position" />
3507 | <text key="ref" text="Reference" />
3508 | </item> <!-- Plane Parking Position -->
3509 | <item name="Hangar" icon="presets/transport/airport/hangar.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3510 | <link wiki="Tag:aeroway=hangar" />
3511 | <key key="aeroway" value="hangar" />
3512 | <combo key="building" text="Building" values="hangar,yes" values_context="building" default="hangar" values_searchable="true" />
3513 | </item> <!-- Hangar -->
3514 | <item name="Beacon" icon="presets/transport/airport/airmark_beacon.svg" name_context="airmark" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
3515 | <link wiki="Tag:airmark=beacon" />
3516 | <key key="airmark" value="beacon" />
3517 | </item> <!-- Beacon -->
3518 | <item name="Navigation aid" icon="presets/transport/airport/navigationaid.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
3519 | <link wiki="Tag:aeroway=navigationaid" />
3520 | <key key="aeroway" value="navigationaid" />
3521 | <combo key="navigationaid" text="Type" values_searchable="true">
3522 | <list_entry value="als" icon="presets/transport/airport/navigationaid.svg" short_description="Approach lighting system" />
3523 | <list_entry value="papi" icon="presets/transport/airport/papi.svg" short_description="Precision approach path indicator" />
3524 | <list_entry value="vasi" icon="presets/transport/airport/vasi.svg" short_description="Visual approach slope indicator" />
3525 | </combo>
3526 | </item> <!-- Navigation aid -->
3527 | <item name="Windsock" icon="presets/transport/airport/windsock.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
3528 | <link wiki="Tag:aeroway=windsock" />
3529 | <key key="aeroway" value="windsock" />
3530 | </item> <!-- Windsock -->
3531 | <separator/>
3532 | <item name="Terminal" icon="presets/transport/airport/terminal.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3533 | <link wiki="Tag:aeroway=terminal" />
3534 | <space />
3535 | <key key="aeroway" value="terminal" />
3536 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
3537 | <reference ref="internet" />
3538 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
3539 | </item> <!-- Terminal -->
3540 | <item name="Gate" name_context="airport" icon="presets/transport/airport/gate.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
3541 | <link wiki="Tag:aeroway=gate" />
3542 | <space />
3543 | <key key="aeroway" value="gate" />
3544 | <text key="ref" text="Reference" />
3545 | </item> <!-- Gate -->
3546 | </group> <!-- Airport -->
3547 | </group> <!-- Transport -->
3548 | <group name="Facilities" icon="presets/accommodation/hotel.svg">
3549 | <group name="Accommodation" icon="presets/accommodation/hotel.svg">
3550 | <item name="Hotel" icon="presets/accommodation/hotel.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3551 | <link wiki="Tag:tourism=hotel" />
3552 | <space />
3553 | <key key="tourism" value="hotel" />
3554 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
3555 | <combo key="stars" text="Stars" values="1,2,3,4,5,6,7" />
3556 | <text key="rooms" text="Rooms" />
3557 | <text key="beds" text="Beds" />
3558 | <reference ref="wheelchair" />
3559 | <space />
3560 | <reference ref="internet_smoking" />
3561 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
3562 | <preset_link preset_name="Residential Building" />
3563 | </item> <!-- Hotel -->
3564 | <item name="Motel" icon="presets/accommodation/motel.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3565 | <link wiki="Tag:tourism=motel" />
3566 | <space />
3567 | <key key="tourism" value="motel" />
3568 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
3569 | <combo key="stars" text="Stars" values="1,2,3,4,5,6,7" />
3570 | <text key="rooms" text="Rooms" />
3571 | <text key="beds" text="Beds" />
3572 | <reference ref="wheelchair" />
3573 | <space />
3574 | <reference ref="internet_smoking" />
3575 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
3576 | <preset_link preset_name="Building" />
3577 | </item> <!-- Motel -->
3578 | <item name="Guest House/Bed & Breakfast" icon="presets/accommodation/guest_house.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3579 | <link wiki="Tag:tourism=guest_house" />
3580 | <space />
3581 | <key key="tourism" value="guest_house" />
3582 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
3583 | <combo key="stars" text="Stars" values="1,2,3,4,5,6,7" />
3584 | <text key="rooms" text="Rooms" />
3585 | <text key="beds" text="Beds" />
3586 | <combo key="guest_house" text="Type" values="agritourism,bed_and_breakfast" />
3587 | <reference ref="wheelchair" />
3588 | <space />
3589 | <reference ref="internet_smoking" />
3590 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
3591 | <preset_link preset_name="Building" />
3592 | </item> <!-- Guest House/Bed & Breakfast -->
3593 | <item name="Apartment" icon="presets/accommodation/apartment.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3594 | <link wiki="Tag:tourism=apartment" />
3595 | <space />
3596 | <key key="tourism" value="apartment" />
3597 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
3598 | <combo key="number_of_apartments" text="Number of apartments" values="1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10" />
3599 | <combo key="stars" text="Stars" values="1,2,3,4,5,6,7" />
3600 | <reference ref="wheelchair" />
3601 | <space />
3602 | <reference ref="internet_smoking" />
3603 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
3604 | </item> <!-- Apartment -->
3605 | <item name="Chalet" icon="presets/accommodation/chalet.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3606 | <link wiki="Tag:tourism=chalet" />
3607 | <space />
3608 | <key key="tourism" value="chalet" />
3609 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
3610 | <combo key="stars" text="Stars" values="1,2,3,4,5,6,7" />
3611 | <text key="rooms" text="Rooms" />
3612 | <text key="beds" text="Beds" />
3613 | <reference ref="wheelchair" />
3614 | <space />
3615 | <reference ref="internet_smoking" />
3616 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
3617 | <preset_link preset_name="Building" />
3618 | </item> <!-- Chalet -->
3619 | <item name="Hostel" icon="presets/accommodation/hostel.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3620 | <link wiki="Tag:tourism=hostel" />
3621 | <space />
3622 | <key key="tourism" value="hostel" />
3623 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
3624 | <combo key="stars" text="Stars" values="1,2,3,4,5,6,7" />
3625 | <text key="rooms" text="Rooms" />
3626 | <text key="beds" text="Beds" />
3627 | <reference ref="wheelchair" />
3628 | <space />
3629 | <reference ref="internet_smoking" />
3630 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
3631 | <preset_link preset_name="Building" />
3632 | </item> <!-- Hostel -->
3633 | <item name="Alpine Hut" icon="presets/accommodation/alpine_hut.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3634 | <link wiki="Tag:tourism=alpine_hut" />
3635 | <space />
3636 | <key key="tourism" value="alpine_hut" />
3637 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
3638 | <text key="ele" text="Elevation (meters)" length="10" />
3639 | <text key="rooms" text="Rooms" />
3640 | <text key="beds" text="Beds" />
3641 | <combo key="reservation" text="Reservation" values="yes,no,required,recommended,members_only" />
3642 | <space />
3643 | <reference ref="internet_smoking" />
3644 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
3645 | <preset_link preset_name="Building" />
3646 | </item> <!-- Alpine Hut -->
3647 | <item name="Wilderness Hut" icon="presets/accommodation/wilderness_hut.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3648 | <link wiki="Tag:tourism=wilderness_hut" />
3649 | <space />
3650 | <key key="tourism" value="wilderness_hut" />
3651 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
3652 | <reference ref="POI_access" />
3653 | <text key="capacity" text="Capacity" />
3654 | <reference ref="fee" />
3655 | <check key="toilets" text="Toilets" />
3656 | <check key="shower" text="Shower" />
3657 | <combo key="drinking_water" text="Drinking Water" values="yes,no,seasonal" />
3658 | <combo key="reservation" text="Reservation" values="yes,no,required,recommended,members_only" />
3659 | <text key="ele" text="Elevation (meters)" length="10" />
3660 | <text key="description" text="Closer description" />
3661 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
3662 | <preset_link preset_name="Building" />
3663 | </item> <!-- Wilderness Hut -->
3664 | <separator/>
3665 | <item name="Caravan Site/RV Park" icon="presets/accommodation/caravan.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3666 | <link wiki="Tag:tourism=caravan_site" />
3667 | <space />
3668 | <key key="tourism" value="caravan_site" />
3669 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
3670 | <combo key="stars" text="Stars" values="1,2,3,4,5" />
3671 | <reference ref="oh_wheelchair" />
3672 | <combo key="reservation" text="Reservation" values="yes,no,required,recommended,members_only" />
3673 | <text key="capacity" text="Number of places" />
3674 | <reference ref="fee_interval" />
3675 | <combo key="sanitary_dump_station" text="Dump Station" values="yes,public,customers,no" />
3676 | <check key="power_supply" text="Power supply" />
3677 | <check key="tents" text="Tents allowed" />
3678 | <space />
3679 | <reference ref="internet_smoking" />
3680 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
3681 | </item> <!-- Caravan Site/RV Park -->
3682 | <item name="Campsite" icon="presets/accommodation/camping.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3683 | <link wiki="Tag:tourism=camp_site" />
3684 | <space />
3685 | <key key="tourism" value="camp_site" />
3686 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
3687 | <combo key="stars" text="Stars" values="1,2,3,4,5" />
3688 | <reference ref="oh_wheelchair" />
3689 | <combo key="reservation" text="Reservation" values="yes,no,required,recommended,members_only" />
3690 | <text key="capacity" text="Number of places" />
3691 | <checkgroup columns="2">
3692 | <check key="tents" text="Tents allowed" />
3693 | <check key="caravans" text="Caravans allowed" />
3694 | </checkgroup>
3695 | <checkgroup columns="2">
3696 | <check key="backcountry" text="Backcountry" />
3697 | <check key="group_only" text="Group only access" />
3698 | </checkgroup>
3699 | <combo key="sanitary_dump_station" text="Dump Station" values="yes,public,customers,no" />
3700 | <reference ref="wheelchair" />
3701 | <reference ref="internet" />
3702 | <space />
3703 | <combo key="nudism" text="Nudism" values="yes,no,obligatory,designated,customary,permissive" />
3704 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
3705 | </item> <!-- Campsite -->
3706 | <item name="Camp pitch" icon="presets/accommodation/camp_pitch.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3707 | <link wiki="Tag:tourism=camp_pitch" />
3708 | <space />
3709 | <key key="tourism" value="camp_pitch" />
3710 | <text key="ref" text="Reference" />
3711 | <text key="addr:unit" text="Unit number" />
3712 | <text key="capacity" text="Number of places" />
3713 | <reference ref="surface" />
3714 | <checkgroup columns="2">
3715 | <check key="tents" text="Tents allowed" />
3716 | <check key="caravans" text="Caravans allowed" />
3717 | <check key="drinking_water" text="Drinking Water" />
3718 | <check key="power_supply" text="Power supply" />
3719 | <check key="permanent_camping" text="Permanent camping only" />
3720 | </checkgroup>
3721 | </item> <!-- Camp pitch -->
3722 | </group> <!-- Accommodation -->
3723 | <group name="Food+Drinks" icon="presets/food/restaurant.svg">
3724 | <item name="Restaurant" icon="presets/food/restaurant.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3725 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=restaurant" />
3726 | <space />
3727 | <key key="amenity" value="restaurant" />
3728 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
3729 | <reference ref="cuisine" />
3730 | <check key="microbrewery" text="Microbrewery" />
3731 | <check key="outdoor_seating" text="Outdoor seating" />
3732 | <combo key="takeaway" text="Takeaway" values="yes,no,only" />
3733 | <combo key="delivery" text="Delivery" values="yes,no,only,Mo-Su 12:00-22:00" />
3734 | <combo key="reservation" text="Reservation" values="yes,no,required,recommended,members_only" />
3735 | <reference ref="oh" />
3736 | <combo key="opening_hours:kitchen" text="Kitchen Opening Hours" delimiter="|" values="24/7|08:30-12:30,15:30-20:00|Sa-Su 00:00-24:00|Mo-Su 09:00-21:00|Mo-Sa 08:00-18:00|Mo-Fr 09:00-17:00|Mo-Fr 08:30-20:00; Sa,Su 08:00-15:00; PH off|Mo-Fr 08:30-20:00; Tu-Su 08:00-15:00; Sa 08:00-12:00|Mo-Su 08:00-18:00; Apr 10-15 off; Jun 08:00-14:00; Aug off; Dec 25 off|sunrise-sunset|Su 10:00+|week 01-53/2 Fr 09:00-12:00; week 02-52/2 We 09:00-12:00" values_no_i18n="true" values_sort="false" />
3737 | <reference ref="wheelchair" />
3738 | <combo key="stars" text="Stars" values="1,2,3,4,5,6,7" />
3739 | <space />
3740 | <reference ref="internet_smoking" />
3741 | <preset_link preset_name="Diet" />
3742 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
3743 | </item> <!-- Restaurant -->
3744 | <item name="Fast Food" icon="presets/food/fast_food.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3745 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=fast_food" />
3746 | <space />
3747 | <key key="amenity" value="fast_food" />
3748 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
3749 | <reference ref="cuisine" />
3750 | <check key="outdoor_seating" text="Outdoor seating" />
3751 | <combo key="takeaway" text="Takeaway" values="yes,no,only" />
3752 | <combo key="delivery" text="Delivery" values="yes,no,only,Mo-Su 12:00-22:00" />
3753 | <reference ref="oh_wheelchair" />
3754 | <space />
3755 | <reference ref="internet_smoking" />
3756 | <preset_link preset_name="Diet" />
3757 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
3758 | <preset_link preset_name="Building" />
3759 | </item> <!-- Fast Food -->
3760 | <item name="Food Court" icon="presets/food/food_court.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3761 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=food_court" />
3762 | <space />
3763 | <key key="amenity" value="food_court" />
3764 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
3765 | <check key="outdoor_seating" text="Outdoor seating" />
3766 | <reference ref="oh_wheelchair" />
3767 | <space />
3768 | <reference ref="internet_smoking" />
3769 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
3770 | </item> <!-- Food Court -->
3771 | <item name="Cafe" icon="presets/food/cafe.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3772 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=cafe" />
3773 | <space />
3774 | <key key="amenity" value="cafe" />
3775 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
3776 | <combo key="cuisine" text="Cuisine" values="ice_cream" />
3777 | <check key="outdoor_seating" text="Outdoor seating" />
3778 | <combo key="takeaway" text="Takeaway" values="yes,no,only" />
3779 | <combo key="delivery" text="Delivery" values="yes,no,only,Mo-Su 12:00-22:00" />
3780 | <reference ref="oh_wheelchair" />
3781 | <space />
3782 | <reference ref="internet_smoking" />
3783 | <preset_link preset_name="Diet" />
3784 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
3785 | </item> <!-- Cafe -->
3786 | <item name="Ice cream" icon="presets/food/ice_cream.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3787 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=ice_cream" />
3788 | <space />
3789 | <key key="amenity" value="ice_cream" />
3790 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
3791 | <check key="outdoor_seating" text="Outdoor seating" />
3792 | <combo key="takeaway" text="Takeaway" values="yes,no,only" />
3793 | <combo key="delivery" text="Delivery" values="yes,no,only,Mo-Su 12:00-22:00" />
3794 | <reference ref="oh_wheelchair" />
3795 | <space />
3796 | <reference ref="internet_smoking" />
3797 | <preset_link preset_name="Diet" />
3798 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
3799 | </item> <!-- Ice cream -->
3800 | <item name="Pub" icon="presets/food/pub.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3801 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=pub" />
3802 | <space />
3803 | <key key="amenity" value="pub" />
3804 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
3805 | <check key="microbrewery" text="Microbrewery" />
3806 | <check key="outdoor_seating" text="Outdoor seating" />
3807 | <combo key="takeaway" text="Takeaway" values="yes,no,only" />
3808 | <combo key="delivery" text="Delivery" values="yes,no,only,Mo-Su 12:00-22:00" />
3809 | <reference ref="oh_wheelchair" />
3810 | <space />
3811 | <reference ref="internet_smoking" />
3812 | <preset_link preset_name="Diet" />
3813 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
3814 | </item> <!-- Pub -->
3815 | <item name="Beer Garden" icon="presets/food/biergarten.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3816 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=biergarten" />
3817 | <space />
3818 | <key key="amenity" value="biergarten" />
3819 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
3820 | <check key="microbrewery" text="Microbrewery" />
3821 | <reference ref="oh_wheelchair" />
3822 | <space />
3823 | <reference ref="internet_smoking" />
3824 | <preset_link preset_name="Diet" />
3825 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
3826 | </item> <!-- Beer Garden -->
3827 | <item name="Outdoor seating" icon="presets/leisure/outdoor_seating.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3828 | <link wiki="Tag:leisure=outdoor_seating" />
3829 | <space />
3830 | <key key="leisure" value="outdoor_seating" />
3831 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
3832 | </item> <!-- Outdoor seating -->
3833 | <item name="Bar" icon="presets/food/bar.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3834 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=bar" />
3835 | <space />
3836 | <key key="amenity" value="bar" />
3837 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
3838 | <check key="outdoor_seating" text="Outdoor seating" />
3839 | <reference ref="oh_wheelchair" />
3840 | <space />
3841 | <reference ref="internet_smoking" />
3842 | <preset_link preset_name="Diet" />
3843 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
3844 | </item> <!-- Bar -->
3845 | <separator/>
3846 | <item name="Diet" icon="presets/food/diet.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3847 | <link wiki="Key:diet" />
3848 | <space />
3849 | <combo key="diet:vegetarian" text="Vegetarian" values="yes,no,only" />
3850 | <combo key="diet:vegan" text="Vegan" values="yes,no,only" />
3851 | <combo key="diet:lacto_vegetarian" text="Lacto-vegetarian" values="yes,no,only" />
3852 | <combo key="diet:ovo_vegetarian" text="Ovo-vegetarian" values="yes,no,only" />
3853 | <combo key="diet:pescetarian" text="Pescetarian" values="yes,no,only" />
3854 | <combo key="diet:fruitarian" text="Fruitarian" values="yes,no,only" />
3855 | <combo key="diet:raw" text="Raw" values="yes,no,only" />
3856 | <space />
3857 | <combo key="diet:dairy_free" text="Dairy free" values="yes,no,only" />
3858 | <combo key="diet:gluten_free" text="Gluten free" values="yes,no,only" />
3859 | <combo key="diet:lactose_free" text="Lactose free" values="yes,no,only" />
3860 | <space />
3861 | <combo key="diet:halal" text="Halal" values="yes,no,only" />
3862 | <combo key="diet:kosher" text="Kosher" values="yes,no,only" />
3863 | </item> <!-- Diet -->
3864 | </group> <!-- Food+Drinks -->
3865 | <group name="Tourism" icon="presets/sightseeing/attraction.svg">
3866 | <item name="Attraction" icon="presets/sightseeing/attraction.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3867 | <link wiki="Tag:tourism=attraction" />
3868 | <space />
3869 | <key key="tourism" value="attraction" />
3870 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
3871 | <combo key="reservation" text="Reservation" values="yes,no,required,recommended,members_only" />
3872 | <reference ref="oh_wheelchair" />
3873 | </item> <!-- Attraction -->
3874 | <item name="Viewpoint" icon="presets/sightseeing/viewpoint.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3875 | <link wiki="Tag:tourism=viewpoint" />
3876 | <space />
3877 | <key key="tourism" value="viewpoint" />
3878 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
3879 | <combo key="direction" text="Direction" delimiter="|" values="N|E|S|W|NE|NNE-S|180|90-270|270-90|0-360|70-110;250-290" values_no_i18n="true" values_sort="false" />
3880 | <space />
3881 | <label text="" icon="presets/misc/angles.svg" icon_size="315" />
3882 | </item> <!-- Viewpoint -->
3883 | <separator/>
3884 | <item name="Information Office" icon="presets/misc/information/informationoffice.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
3885 | <link wiki="Tag:information=office" />
3886 | <space />
3887 | <label text="An office where you can get information about a town or region." />
3888 | <space />
3889 | <key key="tourism" value="information" />
3890 | <key key="information" value="office" />
3891 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
3892 | <reference ref="internet" />
3893 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
3894 | </item> <!-- Information Office -->
3895 | <item name="Map" icon="presets/misc/information/map.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
3896 | <link wiki="Tag:information=map" />
3897 | <space />
3898 | <label text="A board with a map." />
3899 | <space />
3900 | <key key="tourism" value="information" />
3901 | <key key="information" value="map" />
3902 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator" />
3903 | <combo key="map_type" text="Detail Grade" values="topo,street,scheme,toposcope" />
3904 | <combo key="map_size" text="Shown Area" values="site,city,region" values_sort="false" />
3905 | <text key="description" text="Closer description" />
3906 | <optional text="Routes shown for:">
3907 | <check key="hiking" text="Hiking" />
3908 | <check key="bicycle" text="Cycling" />
3909 | <check key="mtb" text="Mountainbiking" />
3910 | <check key="ski" text="Skiing" />
3911 | <check key="horse" text="Riding" />
3912 | <space />
3913 | <label text="... other transportation modes possible" />
3914 | </optional>
3915 | </item> <!-- Map -->
3916 | <item name="Information Board" icon="presets/misc/information/board.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
3917 | <link wiki="Tag:information=board" />
3918 | <space />
3919 | <label text="A board with information." />
3920 | <space />
3921 | <key key="tourism" value="information" />
3922 | <key key="information" value="board" />
3923 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator" />
3924 | <combo key="board_type" text="Board Content" values="notice,history,nature,wildlife,plants,geology" />
3925 | <text key="description" text="Closer description" />
3926 | </item> <!-- Information Board -->
3927 | <item name="Guidepost" icon="presets/misc/information/guidepost.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
3928 | <link wiki="Tag:information=guidepost" />
3929 | <space />
3930 | <label text="A Signpost/Guidepost to indicate the directions to different destinations." />
3931 | <space />
3932 | <key key="tourism" value="information" />
3933 | <key key="information" value="guidepost" />
3934 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator" />
3935 | <text key="ele" text="Elevation (meters)" length="10" />
3936 | <optional text="Routes shown for:">
3937 | <check key="hiking" text="Hiking" />
3938 | <check key="bicycle" text="Cycling" />
3939 | <check key="mtb" text="Mountainbiking" />
3940 | <check key="ski" text="Skiing" />
3941 | <check key="horse" text="Riding" />
3942 | <space />
3943 | <label text="... other transportation modes possible" />
3944 | </optional>
3945 | </item> <!-- Guidepost -->
3946 | <item name="Route marker" icon="presets/misc/information/route_marker.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
3947 | <link wiki="Key:information" />
3948 | <space />
3949 | <key key="tourism" value="information" />
3950 | <key key="information" value="route_marker" />
3951 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator" />
3952 | <text key="ele" text="Elevation (meters)" length="10" />
3953 | <optional text="Routes shown for:">
3954 | <check key="hiking" text="Hiking" />
3955 | <check key="bicycle" text="Cycling" />
3956 | <check key="mtb" text="Mountainbiking" />
3957 | <check key="ski" text="Skiing" />
3958 | <check key="horse" text="Riding" />
3959 | <space />
3960 | <label text="... other transportation modes possible" />
3961 | </optional>
3962 | </item> <!-- Route marker -->
3963 | <item name="Information Terminal" icon="presets/misc/information/information.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
3964 | <link wiki="Tag:information=terminal" />
3965 | <space />
3966 | <label text="Information access via electronic methods." />
3967 | <space />
3968 | <key key="tourism" value="information" />
3969 | <key key="information" value="terminal" />
3970 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
3971 | <reference ref="wheelchair" />
3972 | <text key="description" text="Closer description" />
3973 | <text key="ref" text="Reference number" />
3974 | <reference ref="fee" />
3975 | <reference ref="internet" />
3976 | </item> <!-- Information Terminal -->
3977 | <item name="Audio Guide" icon="presets/misc/information/audioguide.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
3978 | <link wiki="Tag:information=audioguide" />
3979 | <space />
3980 | <label text="Information using headphones or a mobile phone." />
3981 | <space />
3982 | <key key="tourism" value="information" />
3983 | <key key="information" value="audioguide" />
3984 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
3985 | <reference ref="wheelchair" />
3986 | <text key="description" text="Closer description" />
3987 | <text key="ref" text="Reference number" />
3988 | <reference ref="fee" />
3989 | <space />
3990 | <label text="Audioguide via mobile phone?" />
3991 | <text key="phone" text="Phone number" />
3992 | <label text="Use E.123 format, e.g. +49 11223 456 7890" />
3993 | </item> <!-- Audio Guide -->
3994 | <item name="Other Information Point" icon="presets/misc/information/information.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
3995 | <link wiki="Tag:tourism=information" />
3996 | <space />
3997 | <key key="tourism" value="information" />
3998 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator" />
3999 | <text key="description" text="Closer description" />
4000 | </item> <!-- Other Information Point -->
4001 | </group> <!-- Tourism -->
4002 | <group name="Leisure" icon="presets/leisure/theme_park.svg">
4003 | <item name="Movie Theater/Cinema" icon="presets/leisure/cinema.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4004 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=cinema" />
4005 | <space />
4006 | <key key="amenity" value="cinema" />
4007 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4008 | <check key="drive_in" text="Drive-in theater" />
4009 | <check key="cinema:3D" text="3D" />
4010 | <text key="screen" text="Number of screens" />
4011 | <reference ref="min_age" />
4012 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
4013 | <preset_link preset_name="Building" />
4014 | </item> <!-- Movie Theater/Cinema -->
4015 | <item name="Bandstand" icon="presets/leisure/bandstand.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4016 | <link wiki="Tag:leisure=bandstand" />
4017 | <space />
4018 | <key key="leisure" value="bandstand" />
4019 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4020 | <reference ref="POI_access" />
4021 | </item> <!-- Bandstand -->
4022 | <item name="Dance" icon="presets/leisure/bandstand.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4023 | <link wiki="Tag:leisure=dance" />
4024 | <space />
4025 | <key key="leisure" value="dance" />
4026 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4027 | <reference ref="POI_access" />
4028 | </item> <!-- Dance -->
4029 | <item name="Bleachers" icon="presets/leisure/bleachers.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4030 | <link wiki="Tag:leisure=bleachers" />
4031 | <space />
4032 | <key key="leisure" value="bleachers" />
4033 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4034 | <reference ref="POI_access" />
4035 | <check key="backrest" text="Backrest" />
4036 | </item> <!-- Bleachers -->
4037 | <item name="Zoo" icon="presets/leisure/zoo.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4038 | <link wiki="Tag:tourism=zoo" />
4039 | <space />
4040 | <key key="tourism" value="zoo" />
4041 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
4042 | <combo key="zoo" text="Type" values="aviary,birds,butterfly,enclosure,falconry,petting_zoo,reptile,safari_park,wildlife_park" />
4043 | <reference ref="wikipedia_wikidata" />
4044 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
4045 | </item> <!-- Zoo -->
4046 | <item name="Animal enclosure" icon="presets/attraction/animal.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4047 | <link wiki="Tag:attraction=animal" />
4048 | <space />
4049 | <key key="attraction" value="animal" />
4050 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
4051 | </item> <!-- Animal enclosure -->
4052 | <item name="Dog Park" icon="presets/leisure/dogpark.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4053 | <link wiki="Tag:leisure=dog_park" />
4054 | <space />
4055 | <key key="leisure" value="dog_park" />
4056 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
4057 | <reference ref="lit_common_no_times"/>
4058 | </item> <!-- Dog Park -->
4059 | <item name="Amusement/Theme Park" icon="presets/leisure/theme_park.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4060 | <link wiki="Tag:tourism=theme_park" />
4061 | <space />
4062 | <key key="tourism" value="theme_park" />
4063 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4064 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
4065 | </item> <!-- Amusement/Theme Park -->
4066 | <item name="Water Park" icon="presets/leisure/water_park.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4067 | <link wiki="Tag:leisure=water_park" />
4068 | <space />
4069 | <key key="leisure" value="water_park" />
4070 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4071 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
4072 | <preset_link preset_name="Public bath" text="Similar but different tags:" />
4073 | <preset_link preset_name="Sports Centre" text="Similar but different tags:" />
4074 | </item> <!-- Water Park -->
4075 | <item name="Water Slide" icon="presets/attraction/water_slide.svg" type="node,way" preset_name_label="true">
4076 | <link wiki="Tag:attraction=water_slide" />
4077 | <space />
4078 | <key key="attraction" value="water_slide" />
4079 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4080 | </item> <!-- Water Slide -->
4081 | <item name="Public bath" icon="presets/leisure/public_bath.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4082 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=public_bath" />
4083 | <space />
4084 | <key key="amenity" value="public_bath" />
4085 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4086 | <combo key="bath:type" text="Type" values="hammam,hot_spring,lake,onsen,river,sento,thermal" values_context="bath:type" />
4087 | <check key="bath:open_air" text="Open air" />
4088 | <check key="shower" text="Shower" />
4089 | <checkgroup columns="3">
4090 | <check key="female" text="Female" text_context="restroom" />
4091 | <check key="male" text="Male" text_context="restroom" />
4092 | <check key="unisex" text="Unisex" text_context="restroom" />
4093 | </checkgroup>
4094 | <reference ref="fee" />
4095 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
4096 | <preset_link preset_name="Water Park" text="Similar but different tags:" />
4097 | <preset_link preset_name="Sports Centre" text="Similar but different tags:" />
4098 | </item> <!-- Public bath -->
4099 | <item name="Resort" icon="presets/leisure/resort.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4100 | <link wiki="Tag:leisure=resort" />
4101 | <space />
4102 | <key key="leisure" value="resort" />
4103 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4104 | <reference ref="fee_interval" />
4105 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
4106 | </item> <!-- Resort -->
4107 | <item name="Beach Resort" icon="presets/leisure/beach_resort.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4108 | <link wiki="Tag:leisure=beach_resort" />
4109 | <space />
4110 | <key key="leisure" value="beach_resort" />
4111 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4112 | <reference ref="fee_interval" />
4113 | <space />
4114 | <combo key="nudism" text="Nudism" values="yes,no,obligatory,designated,customary,permissive" />
4115 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
4116 | </item> <!-- Beach Resort -->
4117 | <item name="Swimming Pool" icon="presets/sport/swimming.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4118 | <link wiki="Tag:leisure=swimming_pool" />
4119 | <key key="leisure" value="swimming_pool" />
4120 | <space />
4121 | <label text="Used for the water area only." />
4122 | <space />
4123 | <reference ref="POI_access" />
4124 | </item> <!-- Swimming Pool -->
4125 | <item name="Dive centre" icon="presets/leisure/dive_centre.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4126 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=dive_centre" />
4127 | <space />
4128 | <key key="amenity" value="dive_centre" />
4129 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4130 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
4131 | </item> <!-- Dive centre -->
4132 | <item name="Fitness Station" icon="presets/leisure/fitness_station.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4133 | <link wiki="Tag:leisure=fitness_station" />
4134 | <space />
4135 | <key key="leisure" value="fitness_station" />
4136 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4137 | <text key="ref" text="Reference" />
4138 | <text key="description" text="Description" />
4139 | </item> <!-- Fitness Station -->
4140 | <item name="Sauna" icon="presets/leisure/sauna.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4141 | <link wiki="Tag:leisure=sauna" />
4142 | <space />
4143 | <key key="leisure" value="sauna" />
4144 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4145 | <reference ref="POI_access" />
4146 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
4147 | </item> <!-- Sauna -->
4148 | <item name="Horse Riding Centre" icon="presets/leisure/horse_riding.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4149 | <link wiki="Tag:leisure=horse_riding" />
4150 | <space />
4151 | <key key="leisure" value="horse_riding" />
4152 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4153 | <reference ref="fee" />
4154 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
4155 | <preset_link preset_name="Equestrian Sport" text="Similar but different tags:" />
4156 | <preset_link preset_name="Horse Racing" text="Similar but different tags:" />
4157 | </item> <!-- Horse Riding Centre -->
4158 | <item name="Club" icon="presets/leisure/club.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4159 | <link wiki="Key:club" />
4160 | <space />
4161 | <combo key="club" text="Type" values="amateur_radio,art,astronomy,automobile,board_games,card_games,charity,cinema,computer,cooking,culture,dog,doityourself,environment_protection,ethnic,fan,filmmaking,fishing,freemasonry,game,gardening,history,hunting,linux,motorcycle,music,nature,nudism,photography,politics,scout,smoke,social,sport,student,surf_life_saving,theatre,tourism,veterans,yachting,youth_movement" values_searchable="true" values_context="club" match="key!" />
4162 | <optional>
4163 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4164 | <space />
4165 | <label text="In case of sport:" />
4166 | <reference ref="sport" />
4167 | </optional>
4168 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
4169 | </item> <!-- Club -->
4170 | <item name="Hackerspace" icon="presets/leisure/hackerspace.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4171 | <link wiki="Tag:leisure=hackerspace" />
4172 | <space />
4173 | <key key="leisure" value="hackerspace" />
4174 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4175 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
4176 | </item> <!-- Hackerspace -->
4177 | <item name="Events Venue" icon="presets/service/events_venue.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4178 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=events_venue" />
4179 | <space />
4180 | <key key="amenity" value="events_venue" />
4181 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4182 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
4183 | <preset_link preset_name="Building" />
4184 | </item> <!-- Events Venue -->
4185 | <separator/>
4186 | <item name="Playground" icon="presets/leisure/playground.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4187 | <link wiki="Tag:leisure=playground" />
4188 | <space />
4189 | <key key="leisure" value="playground" />
4190 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4191 | <reference ref="max_age" />
4192 | </item> <!-- Playground -->
4193 | <item name="Playground device" icon="presets/leisure/playground_device.svg" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4194 | <link wiki="Key:playground" />
4195 | <space />
4196 | <combo key="playground" text="Type" values="activitypanel,aerialrotator,balancebeam,basketrotator,basketswing,climbingframe,climbingwall,cushion,exercise,hopscotch,horizontal_bar,map,playhouse,roundabout,sandpit,seesaw,sledding,slide,splash_pad,springy,structure,swing,teenshelter,trampoline,water,youth_bench,zipwire" values_searchable="true" values_context="playground" match="key!" />
4197 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4198 | <reference ref="max_age" />
4199 | <combo key="material" text="Material" values="concrete,metal,plastic,steel,stone,wood" />
4200 | </item> <!-- Playground device -->
4201 | <item name="Picnic Site" icon="presets/leisure/picnic.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4202 | <link wiki="Tag:tourism=picnic_site" />
4203 | <space />
4204 | <key key="tourism" value="picnic_site" />
4205 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
4206 | <check key="fireplace" text="Fireplace" />
4207 | </item> <!-- Picnic Site -->
4208 | <item name="Picnic Table" icon="presets/leisure/picnic.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
4209 | <link wiki="Tag:leisure=picnic_table" />
4210 | <space />
4211 | <key key="leisure" value="picnic_table" />
4212 | <check key="covered" text="Covered" />
4213 | </item> <!-- Picnic Table -->
4214 | <item name="Public Grill" icon="presets/leisure/bbq.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4215 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=bbq" />
4216 | <space />
4217 | <key key="amenity" value="bbq" />
4218 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
4219 | <combo key="fuel" text="Fuel" text_context="grill" values="charcoal,electric,wood" />
4220 | <check key="covered" text="Covered" />
4221 | </item> <!-- Public Grill -->
4222 | <item name="Firepit" icon="presets/leisure/firepit.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
4223 | <link wiki="Tag:leisure=firepit" />
4224 | <space />
4225 | <key key="leisure" value="firepit" />
4226 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
4227 | </item> <!-- Firepit -->
4228 | <item name="Fishing" icon="presets/sport/fishing.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4229 | <link wiki="Tag:leisure=fishing" />
4230 | <space />
4231 | <key key="leisure" value="fishing" />
4232 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
4233 | </item> <!-- Fishing -->
4234 | <item name="Bird Hide" icon="presets/leisure/bird_hide.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
4235 | <link wiki="Tag:leisure=bird_hide" />
4236 | <space />
4237 | <key key="leisure" value="bird_hide" />
4238 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator" />
4239 | </item> <!-- Bird Hide -->
4240 | <separator/>
4241 | <item name="Amusement arcade" icon="presets/leisure/amusement_arcade.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4242 | <link wiki="Tag:leisure=amusement_arcade" />
4243 | <space />
4244 | <key key="leisure" value="amusement_arcade" />
4245 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4246 | <reference ref="min_age" />
4247 | <space />
4248 | <reference ref="internet_smoking" />
4249 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
4250 | <preset_link preset_name="Adult gaming centre" text="Similar but different tags:" />
4251 | <preset_link preset_name="Gambling" text="Similar but different tags:" />
4252 | <preset_link preset_name="Casino" text="Similar but different tags:" />
4253 | <preset_link preset_name="Bookmaker" text="Similar but different tags:" />
4254 | <preset_link preset_name="Lottery" text="Similar but different tags:" />
4255 | </item> <!-- Amusement arcade -->
4256 | <item name="Adult gaming centre" icon="presets/leisure/adult_gaming_centre.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4257 | <link wiki="Tag:leisure=adult_gaming_centre" />
4258 | <space />
4259 | <key key="leisure" value="adult_gaming_centre" />
4260 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4261 | <reference ref="min_age" />
4262 | <space />
4263 | <reference ref="internet_smoking" />
4264 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
4265 | <preset_link preset_name="Amusement arcade" text="Similar but different tags:" />
4266 | <preset_link preset_name="Adult gaming centre" text="Similar but different tags:" />
4267 | <preset_link preset_name="Gambling" text="Similar but different tags:" />
4268 | <preset_link preset_name="Casino" text="Similar but different tags:" />
4269 | <preset_link preset_name="Bookmaker" text="Similar but different tags:" />
4270 | <preset_link preset_name="Lottery" text="Similar but different tags:" />
4271 | </item> <!-- Adult gaming centre -->
4272 | <item name="Gambling" icon="presets/leisure/gambling.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4273 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=gambling" />
4274 | <space />
4275 | <key key="amenity" value="gambling" />
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4277 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4278 | <reference ref="min_age" />
4279 | <space />
4280 | <reference ref="internet_smoking" />
4281 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
4282 | <preset_link preset_name="Amusement arcade" text="Similar but different tags:" />
4283 | <preset_link preset_name="Adult gaming centre" text="Similar but different tags:" />
4284 | <preset_link preset_name="Casino" text="Similar but different tags:" />
4285 | <preset_link preset_name="Bookmaker" text="Similar but different tags:" />
4286 | <preset_link preset_name="Lottery" text="Similar but different tags:" />
4287 | </item> <!-- Gambling -->
4288 | <item name="Casino" icon="presets/leisure/casino.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4289 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=casino" />
4290 | <space />
4291 | <key key="amenity" value="casino" />
4292 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4293 | <reference ref="min_age" />
4294 | <space />
4295 | <reference ref="internet_smoking" />
4296 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
4297 | <preset_link preset_name="Amusement arcade" text="Similar but different tags:" />
4298 | <preset_link preset_name="Adult gaming centre" text="Similar but different tags:" />
4299 | <preset_link preset_name="Gambling" text="Similar but different tags:" />
4300 | <preset_link preset_name="Bookmaker" text="Similar but different tags:" />
4301 | <preset_link preset_name="Lottery" text="Similar but different tags:" />
4302 | </item> <!-- Casino -->
4303 | <separator/>
4304 | <item name="Night Club" icon="presets/leisure/nightclub.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4305 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=nightclub" />
4306 | <space />
4307 | <key key="amenity" value="nightclub" />
4308 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4309 | <reference ref="min_age" />
4310 | <space />
4311 | <reference ref="internet_smoking" />
4312 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
4313 | </item> <!-- Night Club -->
4314 | <item name="Strip Club" icon="presets/leisure/stripclub.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4315 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=stripclub" />
4316 | <space />
4317 | <key key="amenity" value="stripclub" />
4318 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4319 | <reference ref="min_age" />
4320 | <space />
4321 | <reference ref="internet_smoking" />
4322 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
4323 | </item> <!-- Strip Club -->
4324 | <item name="Brothel" icon="presets/leisure/brothel.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4325 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=brothel" />
4326 | <space />
4327 | <key key="amenity" value="brothel" />
4328 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4329 | <space />
4330 | <reference ref="internet_smoking" />
4331 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
4332 | </item> <!-- Brothel -->
4333 | </group> <!-- Leisure -->
4334 | <group name="Culture" icon="presets/leisure/theater.svg">
4335 | <item name="Museum" icon="presets/sightseeing/museum.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4336 | <link wiki="Tag:tourism=museum" />
4337 | <space />
4338 | <key key="tourism" value="museum" />
4339 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4340 | <reference ref="wikipedia_wikidata" />
4341 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
4342 | <preset_link preset_name="Building" />
4343 | </item> <!-- Museum -->
4344 | <item name="Gallery" icon="presets/sightseeing/gallery.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4345 | <link wiki="Tag:tourism=gallery" />
4346 | <space />
4347 | <key key="tourism" value="gallery" />
4348 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4349 | <reference ref="wikipedia_wikidata" />
4350 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
4351 | <preset_link preset_name="Building" />
4352 | </item> <!-- Gallery -->
4353 | <item name="Theatre" icon="presets/leisure/theater.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4354 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=theatre" />
4355 | <space />
4356 | <key key="amenity" value="theatre" />
4357 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
4358 | <reference ref="wheelchair" />
4359 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
4360 | <preset_link preset_name="Building" />
4361 | </item> <!-- Theatre -->
4362 | <item name="Library" icon="presets/education/library.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4363 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=library" />
4364 | <space />
4365 | <key key="amenity" value="library" />
4366 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4367 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
4368 | <preset_link preset_name="Building" />
4369 | </item> <!-- Library -->
4370 | <item name="Public bookcase" icon="presets/education/public_bookcase.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4371 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=public_bookcase" />
4372 | <space />
4373 | <key key="amenity" value="public_bookcase" />
4374 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
4375 | <combo key="public_bookcase:type" text="Type" values="building,glass_cabinet,metal_cabinet,wooden_cabinet,movable_cabinet,phone_box,reading_box,sculpture,shelf,shelter" />
4376 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
4377 | <reference ref="oh_wheelchair" />
4378 | <reference ref="POI_access" />
4379 | </item> <!-- Public bookcase -->
4380 | <item name="Arts Centre" icon="presets/sightseeing/arts_centre.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4381 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=arts_centre" />
4382 | <space />
4383 | <key key="amenity" value="arts_centre" />
4384 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4385 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
4386 | <preset_link preset_name="Building" />
4387 | </item> <!-- Arts Centre -->
4388 | <item name="Artwork" icon="presets/sightseeing/arts_centre.svg" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4389 | <link wiki="Tag:tourism=artwork" />
4390 | <space />
4391 | <key key="tourism" value="artwork" />
4392 | <combo key="artwork_type" text="Type" values="architecture,mural,painting,sculpture,statue,bust,stone,installation,graffiti" values_searchable="true" />
4393 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
4394 | <text key="artwork_subject" text="Subject" />
4395 | <text key="artist_name" text="Artist Name" />
4396 | <combo key="material" text="Material" values="aluminium,brass,bronze,ceramic,concrete,copper,glass,gold,granite,iron,marble,metal,plastic,steel,stone,wood" />
4397 | <text key="start_date" text="Start date" />
4398 | </item> <!-- Artwork -->
4399 | <item name="Studio" icon="presets/service/studio.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4400 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=studio" />
4401 | <space />
4402 | <key key="amenity" value="studio" />
4403 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
4404 | <reference ref="wheelchair" />
4405 | <combo key="studio" text="Type" values="audio,radio,television,video" />
4406 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
4407 | </item> <!-- Studio -->
4408 | </group> <!-- Culture -->
4409 | <group name="Place of Worship" icon="presets/religion/religion.svg">
4410 | <item name="Church" icon="presets/religion/church.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4411 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=place_of_worship" />
4412 | <space />
4413 | <key key="amenity" value="place_of_worship" />
4414 | <key key="religion" value="christian" />
4415 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
4416 | <combo key="building" text="Building type" values="basilica,cathedral,chapel,church,temple" values_searchable="true" />
4417 | <reference ref="christian_denominations" />
4418 | <reference ref="service_times" />
4419 | <reference ref="oh_wheelchair" />
4420 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
4421 | <preset_link preset_name="Building" />
4422 | </item> <!-- Church -->
4423 | <item name="Mosque" icon="presets/religion/muslim.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4424 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=place_of_worship" />
4425 | <space />
4426 | <key key="amenity" value="place_of_worship" />
4427 | <key key="religion" value="muslim" />
4428 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
4429 | <combo key="building" text="Building type" values="mosque" values_searchable="true" />
4430 | <reference ref="muslim_denominations" />
4431 | <reference ref="service_times" />
4432 | <reference ref="oh_wheelchair" />
4433 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
4434 | <preset_link preset_name="Building" />
4435 | </item> <!-- Mosque -->
4436 | <item name="Synagogue" icon="presets/religion/jewish.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4437 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=place_of_worship" />
4438 | <space />
4439 | <key key="amenity" value="place_of_worship" />
4440 | <key key="religion" value="jewish" />
4441 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
4442 | <combo key="building" text="Building type" values="synagogue" values_searchable="true" />
4443 | <reference ref="jewish_denominations" />
4444 | <reference ref="service_times" />
4445 | <reference ref="oh_wheelchair" />
4446 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
4447 | <preset_link preset_name="Building" />
4448 | </item> <!-- Synagogue -->
4449 | <item name="Buddhist Temple" icon="presets/religion/buddhism.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4450 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=place_of_worship" />
4451 | <space />
4452 | <key key="amenity" value="place_of_worship" />
4453 | <key key="religion" value="buddhist" />
4454 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
4455 | <reference ref="buddhist_denominations" />
4456 | <reference ref="service_times" />
4457 | <reference ref="oh_wheelchair" />
4458 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
4459 | <preset_link preset_name="Building" />
4460 | </item> <!-- Buddhist Temple -->
4461 | <item name="Hindu Temple" icon="presets/religion/hinduism.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4462 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=place_of_worship" />
4463 | <space />
4464 | <key key="amenity" value="place_of_worship" />
4465 | <key key="religion" value="hindu" />
4466 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
4467 | <reference ref="hindu_denominations" />
4468 | <reference ref="service_times" />
4469 | <reference ref="oh_wheelchair" />
4470 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
4471 | <preset_link preset_name="Building" />
4472 | </item> <!-- Hindu Temple -->
4473 | <item name="Shinto Shrine" icon="presets/religion/shinto.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4474 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=place_of_worship" />
4475 | <space />
4476 | <key key="amenity" value="place_of_worship" />
4477 | <key key="religion" value="shinto" />
4478 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
4479 | <reference ref="service_times" />
4480 | <reference ref="oh_wheelchair" />
4481 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
4482 | <preset_link preset_name="Building" />
4483 | </item> <!-- Shinto Shrine -->
4484 | <item name="Other Place of Worship" icon="presets/religion/religion.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4485 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=place_of_worship" />
4486 | <space />
4487 | <key key="amenity" value="place_of_worship" />
4488 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
4489 | <reference ref="other_religions" />
4490 | <reference ref="service_times" />
4491 | <reference ref="oh_wheelchair" />
4492 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
4493 | <preset_link preset_name="Building" />
4494 | </item> <!-- Other Place of Worship -->
4495 | <separator/>
4496 | <item name="Monastery" icon="presets/religion/monastery.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4497 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=monastery" />
4498 | <space />
4499 | <key key="amenity" value="monastery" />
4500 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
4501 | <reference ref="religious" />
4502 | <combo key="community:gender" text="Community gender" values="female,male,mixed" values_context="gender" />
4503 | <reference ref="oh_wheelchair" />
4504 | <reference ref="wikipedia_wikidata" />
4505 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
4506 | <preset_link preset_name="Historic monastery" text="Similar but different tags:" />
4507 | </item> <!-- Monastery -->
4508 | </group> <!-- Place of Worship -->
4509 | <group name="Public Building" icon="presets/service/townhall.svg">
4510 | <item name="Town Hall" icon="presets/service/townhall.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4511 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=townhall" />
4512 | <space />
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4515 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
4516 | <preset_link preset_name="Building" />
4517 | </item> <!-- Town Hall -->
4518 | <item name="Community Centre" icon="presets/service/community_centre.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4519 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=community_centre" />
4520 | <space />
4521 | <label text="Community Centre" />
4522 | <space />
4523 | <key key="amenity" value="community_centre" />
4524 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4525 | <combo key="community_centre" text="Type" values="club_home,community_hall,cultural_centre,environment_centre,events_venue,family_centre,language_centre,meeting_room,parish_hall,village_hall,youth_centre" />
4526 | <multiselect key="community_centre:for" text="For" values="child;juvenile;student;girl;boy;man;woman;senior;family;homosexual;multigeneration;disabled;athlete;immigrant;lgbtq" />
4527 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
4528 | <preset_link preset_name="Building" />
4529 | </item> <!-- Community Centre -->
4530 | <item name="Courthouse" icon="presets/service/courthouse.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4531 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=courthouse" />
4532 | <space />
4533 | <key key="amenity" value="courthouse" />
4534 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
4535 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
4536 | <preset_link preset_name="Building" />
4537 | </item> <!-- Courthouse -->
4538 | <item name="Prison" icon="presets/service/prison.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4539 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=prison" />
4540 | <space />
4541 | <key key="amenity" value="prison" />
4542 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
4543 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
4544 | </item> <!-- Prison -->
4545 | <item name="Police" icon="presets/service/police.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4546 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=police" />
4547 | <space />
4548 | <key key="amenity" value="police" />
4549 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
4550 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
4551 | <preset_link preset_name="Building" />
4552 | </item> <!-- Police -->
4553 | <item name="Ranger Station" icon="presets/service/ranger_station.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4554 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=ranger_station" />
4555 | <space />
4556 | <key key="amenity" value="ranger_station" />
4557 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4558 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
4559 | </item> <!-- Ranger Station -->
4560 | <item name="Fire Station" icon="presets/service/firebrigade.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4561 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=fire_station" />
4562 | <space />
4563 | <key key="amenity" value="fire_station" />
4564 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
4565 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
4566 | <preset_link preset_name="Building" />
4567 | </item> <!-- Fire Station -->
4568 | <item name="Post Office" icon="presets/service/post_office.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4569 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=post_office" />
4570 | <space />
4571 | <key key="amenity" value="post_office" />
4572 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4573 | <text key="ref" text="Reference" />
4574 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
4575 | </item> <!-- Post Office -->
4576 | </group> <!-- Public Buildings -->
4577 | <group name="Education" icon="presets/education/school.svg">
4578 | <item name="Kindergarten" icon="presets/education/kindergarten.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4579 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=kindergarten" />
4580 | <space />
4581 | <key key="amenity" value="kindergarten" />
4582 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4583 | <reference ref="min_age" />
4584 | <reference ref="max_age" />
4585 | <combo key="isced:level" text="ISCED level" values="0" />
4586 | <reference ref="school_common"/>
4587 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
4588 | <preset_link preset_name="Building" />
4589 | </item> <!-- Kindergarten -->
4590 | <item name="School" icon="presets/education/school.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4591 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=school" />
4592 | <space />
4593 | <key key="amenity" value="school" />
4594 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4595 | <reference ref="min_age" />
4596 | <multiselect key="isced:level" text="ISCED level" values="0;1;2;3;4" rows="5" />
4597 | <reference ref="school_common"/>
4598 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
4599 | <preset_link preset_name="Building" />
4600 | </item> <!-- School -->
4601 | <item name="University" icon="presets/education/university.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4602 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=university" />
4603 | <space />
4604 | <key key="amenity" value="university" />
4605 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4606 | <multiselect key="isced:level" text="ISCED level" values="4;5;6;7;8" rows="5" />
4607 | <reference ref="school_common"/>
4608 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
4609 | </item> <!-- University -->
4610 | <item name="College" icon="presets/education/college.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4611 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=college" />
4612 | <space />
4613 | <key key="amenity" value="college" />
4614 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4615 | <multiselect key="isced:level" text="ISCED level" values="3;4;5;6;7" rows="5" />
4616 | <reference ref="school_common"/>
4617 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
4618 | </item> <!-- College -->
4619 | <item name="Driving School" icon="presets/education/driving_school.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4620 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=driving_school" />
4621 | <space />
4622 | <key key="amenity" value="driving_school" />
4623 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4624 | <combo key="license_classes" text="License Classes" values="A;A1;B;BE;C,A;A1;B;B1;C;C1;D;D1;BE;CE;C1E;DE;D1E" />
4625 | <reference ref="school_common"/>
4626 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
4627 | </item> <!-- Driving School -->
4628 | <item name="Language school" icon="presets/education/language_school.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4629 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=language_school" />
4630 | <space />
4631 | <key key="amenity" value="language_school" />
4632 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4633 | <reference ref="school_common"/>
4634 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
4635 | </item> <!-- Language school -->
4636 | </group> <!-- Education -->
4637 | <group name="Animal" icon="presets/health/animal_shelter.svg">
4638 | <item name="Animal boarding" icon="presets/accommodation/animal_boarding.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4639 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=animal_boarding" />
4640 | <space />
4641 | <key key="amenity" value="animal_boarding" />
4642 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
4643 | <multiselect key="animal_boarding" text="Type" values="bird;cat;dog;duck;horse;mammal;wildlife" values_searchable="true" rows="7" />
4644 | <reference ref="oh_wheelchair" />
4645 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
4646 | </item> <!-- Animal boarding -->
4647 | <item name="Animal breeding" icon="presets/misc/animal_breeding.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4648 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=animal_breeding" />
4649 | <space />
4650 | <key key="amenity" value="animal_breeding" />
4651 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
4652 | <multiselect key="animal_breeding" text="Animals bred" values="alpaca;bird;cat;chicken;cow;dog;donkey;fish;goat;sheep;horse;pig;poultry;rabbit" values_context="animal_breeding" />
4653 | <reference ref="oh_wheelchair" />
4654 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
4655 | </item> <!-- Animal breeding -->
4656 | <item name="Veterinary" icon="presets/health/veterinary.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4657 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=veterinary" />
4658 | <space />
4659 | <key key="amenity" value="veterinary" />
4660 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
4661 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
4662 | </item> <!-- Veterinary -->
4663 | <item name="Animal shelter" icon="presets/health/animal_shelter.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4664 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=animal_shelter" />
4665 | <space />
4666 | <key key="amenity" value="animal_shelter" />
4667 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
4668 | <multiselect key="animal_shelter" text="Type" values="bird;cat;dog;duck;horse;mammal;wildlife" values_searchable="true" rows="7" />
4669 | <reference ref="oh_wheelchair" />
4670 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
4671 | </item> <!-- Animal shelter -->
4672 | <item name="Animal watering place" icon="presets/misc/watering_place.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
4673 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=watering_place" />
4674 | <space />
4675 | <key key="amenity" value="watering_place" />
4676 | <optional>
4677 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
4678 | <text key="description" text="Description" />
4679 | </optional>
4680 | </item> <!-- Animal watering place -->
4681 | </group> <!-- Animal -->
4682 | <group name="Health" icon="presets/health/pharmacy.svg">
4683 | <item name="Hospital" icon="presets/health/hospital.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4684 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=hospital" />
4685 | <space />
4686 | <key key="amenity" value="hospital" />
4687 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
4688 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
4689 | </item> <!-- Hospital -->
4690 | <item name="Clinic" icon="presets/health/clinic.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4691 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=clinic" />
4692 | <space />
4693 | <key key="amenity" value="clinic" />
4694 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
4695 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
4696 | </item> <!-- Clinic -->
4697 | <item name="Doctor's Office" icon="presets/health/doctors.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4698 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=doctors" />
4699 | <space />
4700 | <key key="amenity" value="doctors" />
4701 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
4702 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
4703 | </item> <!-- Doctor's Office -->
4704 | <item name="Dentist" icon="presets/health/dentist.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4705 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=dentist" />
4706 | <space />
4707 | <key key="amenity" value="dentist" />
4708 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
4709 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
4710 | </item> <!-- Dentist -->
4711 | <item name="Pharmacy" icon="presets/health/pharmacy.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4712 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=pharmacy" />
4713 | <space />
4714 | <key key="amenity" value="pharmacy" />
4715 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4716 | <check key="dispensing" text="Dispensing"/>
4717 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
4718 | </item> <!-- Pharmacy -->
4719 | <item name="Laboratory" icon="presets/health/laboratory.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4720 | <link wiki="Tag:healthcare=laboratory" />
4721 | <space />
4722 | <key key="healthcare" value="laboratory" />
4723 | <optional>
4724 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
4725 | <combo key="healthcare:speciality" text="Speciality" values="biology,blood_check,clinical_pathology" values_context="healthcare" />
4726 | <reference ref="oh_wheelchair" />
4727 | <text key="ref" text="Reference" />
4728 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
4729 | </optional>
4730 | </item> <!-- Laboratory -->
4731 | <separator/>
4732 | <item name="Baby Hatch/Safe Haven" icon="presets/health/baby_hatch.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
4733 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=baby_hatch" />
4734 | <space />
4735 | <key key="amenity" value="baby_hatch" />
4736 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4737 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
4738 | </item> <!-- Baby Hatch/Safe Haven -->
4739 | <separator/>
4740 | <item name="Emergency Access Point" icon="presets/service/emergency_access_point.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
4741 | <link wiki="Tag:highway=emergency_access_point" />
4742 | <space />
4743 | <key key="highway" value="emergency_access_point" />
4744 | <text key="ref" text="Point Number" />
4745 | <text key="name" text="Point Name" />
4746 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
4747 | <text key="emergency_telephone_code" text="Emergency Phone Number" />
4748 | <label text="(Use number as shown on plate.)" />
4749 | <space />
4750 | </item> <!-- Emergency Access Point -->
4751 | </group> <!-- Health -->
4752 | <group name="Emergency" icon="presets/emergency/ambulance_station.svg">
4753 | <item name="Ambulance Station" icon="presets/emergency/ambulance_station.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4754 | <link wiki="Tag:emergency=ambulance_station" />
4755 | <space />
4756 | <key key="emergency" value="ambulance_station" />
4757 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
4758 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
4759 | </item> <!-- Ambulance Station -->
4760 | <item name="Emergency ward entrance" icon="presets/emergency/emergency_ward_entrance.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
4761 | <link wiki="Tag:emergency=emergency_ward_entrance" />
4762 | <space />
4763 | <key key="emergency" value="emergency_ward_entrance" />
4764 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
4765 | <combo key="emergency_ward_entrance" text="Type" values="walk-in,rescue_service,all" values_searchable="true" />
4766 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
4767 | </item> <!-- Emergency ward entrance -->
4768 | <item name="Automated Defibrillator" icon="presets/emergency/aed.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
4769 | <link wiki="Tag:emergency=defibrillator" />
4770 | <space />
4771 | <key key="emergency" value="defibrillator" />
4772 | <text key="defibrillator:location" text="Location description" />
4773 | <reference ref="POI_access" />
4774 | <space />
4775 | <check key="indoor" text="Located inside a building?" />
4776 | <combo key="level" text="Storey" values="5,4,3,2,1,0,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5" values_sort="false" />
4777 | <space />
4778 | <reference ref="oh_wheelchair" />
4779 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
4780 | <text key="phone" text="Phone number" />
4781 | <label text="Use E.123 format, e.g. +49 11223 456 7890" />
4782 | </item> <!-- Automated Defibrillator -->
4783 | <separator />
4784 | <item name="Fire Extinguisher" icon="presets/emergency/fire_extinguisher.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
4785 | <link wiki="Tag:emergency=fire_extinguisher" />
4786 | <space />
4787 | <key key="emergency" value="fire_extinguisher" />
4788 | <reference ref="ref_operator" />
4789 | <check key="indoor" text="Indoor" />
4790 | </item> <!-- Fire Extinguisher -->
4791 | <item name="Fire Hose" icon="presets/emergency/fire_hose.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
4792 | <link wiki="Tag:emergency=fire_hose" />
4793 | <space />
4794 | <key key="emergency" value="fire_hose" />
4795 | <reference ref="ref_operator" />
4796 | </item> <!-- Fire Hose -->
4797 | <item name="Fire Hydrant" icon="presets/service/fire_hydrant.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
4798 | <link wiki="Tag:emergency=fire_hydrant" />
4799 | <space />
4800 | <key key="emergency" value="fire_hydrant" />
4801 | <combo key="fire_hydrant:type" text="Shape" values_searchable="true" values_context="pipeline" >
4802 | <list_entry value="pillar" short_description="A pillar type hydrant." />
4803 | <list_entry value="underground" short_description="A fire hydrant simple outlet located underground." />
4804 | <list_entry value="wall" short_description="A wall-mounted fire hydrant." />
4805 | <list_entry value="pipe" short_description="A simple capped pipe, without the usual hydrant shape." />
4806 | </combo>
4807 | <combo key="fire_hydrant:diameter" text="Diameter (mm)" values="50,70,75,80,100,110,125,150,200,250,300,400" />
4808 | <combo key="fire_hydrant:pressure" text="Pressure (bar) or suction" values_searchable="true" values_sort="false">
4809 | <list_entry value="#" short_description="Pressure in bar." />
4810 | <list_entry value="yes" short_description="Pressure but value unknown." />
4811 | <list_entry value="suction" short_description="Water is not pressurized, a pump is needed." />
4812 | </combo>
4813 | <optional>
4814 | <text key="ref" text="Reference" />
4815 | <combo key="water_source" text="Water source">
4816 | <list_entry value="main" short_description="Hydrant is fed by the local distribution network." />
4817 | <list_entry value="groundwater" icon="presets/landmark/water_well.svg" icon_size="24" short_description="A water well." />
4818 | <list_entry value="stream" icon="presets/nautical/waterway_stream.svg" icon_size="24" />
4819 | <list_entry value="river" icon="presets/nautical/waterway_river.svg" icon_size="24" />
4820 | <list_entry value="canal" icon="presets/nautical/waterway_canal.svg" icon_size="24" />
4821 | <list_entry value="drain" icon="presets/nautical/waterway_drain.svg" icon_size="24" />
4822 | <list_entry value="ditch" icon="presets/nautical/waterway_ditch.svg" icon_size="24" />
4823 | <list_entry value="pond" />
4824 | <list_entry value="lake" />
4825 | <list_entry value="water_tank" icon="presets/emergency/water_tank.svg" icon_size="24" />
4826 | <list_entry value="swimming_pool" icon="presets/sport/swimming.svg" icon_size="24" />
4827 | </combo>
4828 | <combo key="fire_hydrant:position" text="Hydrant Position" values_context="hydrant position" >
4829 | <list_entry value="lane" short_description="on the side of a road lane" />
4830 | <list_entry value="parking_lot" short_description="in a parking lot" />
4831 | <list_entry value="sidewalk" short_description="on a sidewalk" />
4832 | <list_entry value="green" short_description="in a grassy area" />
4833 | </combo>
4834 | <text key="flow_rate" text="Flow rate with unit of measure" />
4835 | <combo key="pillar:type" text="Pillar type">
4836 | <list_entry value="dry_barrel" short_description="A style of pillar hydrant where the water shutoff valve is below ground." />
4837 | <list_entry value="wet_barrel" short_description="A style of pillar hydrant where the barrel is pressurized at all times, with individual valves for each outlet." />
4838 | </combo>
4839 | <space />
4840 | <combo key="couplings" text="Number of couplings" values="1,2,3" />
4841 | <!-- <combo key="couplings:type" text="Coupling standard" values="Bayonet,Barcelona,Guillemin,Klaue,Sprawny,Storz,UNI" /> capitalized values which is contrary to general tagging conventions -->
4842 | <text key="couplings:diameters" text="Each coupling diameter (separated by ;)" />
4843 | <space />
4844 | <reference ref="color" />
4845 | <combo key="bonnet:colour" text="Color of the top section (bonnet) (HTML name or hexadecimal code)" values="black,blue,brown,gray,green,orange,purple,red,silver,white,yellow,#CD853F" values_context="color" />
4846 | <combo key="cap:colour" text="Color of the caps (HTML name or hexadecimal code)" values="black,blue,brown,gray,green,orange,purple,red,silver,white,yellow,#CD853F" values_context="color" />
4847 | <space />
4848 | <text key="manufacturer" text="Manufacturer" />
4849 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
4850 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
4851 | </optional>
4852 | </item> <!-- Fire Hydrant -->
4853 | <item name="Water Tank" icon="presets/emergency/water_tank.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
4854 | <link wiki="Tag:emergency=water_tank" />
4855 | <space />
4856 | <key key="emergency" value="water_tank" />
4857 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator" />
4858 | <space />
4859 | <text key="water_tank:volume" text="Volume (liters)" />
4860 | </item> <!-- Water Tank -->
4861 | <item name="Suction point" icon="presets/emergency/suction_point.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
4862 | <link wiki="Tag:emergency=suction_point" />
4863 | <space />
4864 | <key key="emergency" value="suction_point" />
4865 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator" />
4866 | </item> <!-- Suction point -->
4867 | <separator />
4868 | <item name="Assembly Point" icon="presets/emergency/assembly_point.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
4869 | <link wiki="Tag:emergency=assembly_point" />
4870 | <space />
4871 | <key key="emergency" value="assembly_point" />
4872 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator" />
4873 | </item> <!-- Assembly Point -->
4874 | <item name="Emergency Phone" icon="presets/vehicle/emergency_phone.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
4875 | <link wiki="Tag:emergency=phone" />
4876 | <key key="emergency" value="phone" />
4877 | <reference ref="ref_operator" />
4878 | </item> <!-- Emergency Phone -->
4879 | <item name="Siren" icon="presets/emergency/siren.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
4880 | <link wiki="Tag:emergency=siren" />
4881 | <key key="emergency" value="siren" />
4882 | <reference ref="ref_operator" />
4883 | <space />
4884 | <combo key="siren:type" text="Type" values="pneumatic,electronic,mechanical" />
4885 | <multiselect key="siren:purpose" text="Purpose" values="tornado;fire;air_raid;civil_defense" values_searchable="true" rows="4" />
4886 | <text key="siren:range" text="Range (meters)" />
4887 | </item> <!-- Siren -->
4888 | </group> <!-- Emergency -->
4889 | <group name="Social Facility" icon="presets/social_facility/outreach.svg">
4890 | <item name="Nursing Home" icon="presets/social_facility/nursing_home.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4891 | <link wiki="Key:social_facility" />
4892 | <space />
4893 | <key key="amenity" value="social_facility" />
4894 | <key key="social_facility" value="nursing_home" />
4895 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
4896 | <text key="capacity" text="Capacity" />
4897 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
4898 | </item> <!-- Nursing Home -->
4899 | <item name="Nursing Home (Legacy)" icon="presets/social_facility/nursing_home.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4900 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=nursing_home" />
4901 | <space />
4902 | <key key="amenity" value="nursing_home" />
4903 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
4904 | <text key="capacity" text="Capacity" />
4905 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
4906 | </item> <!-- Nursing Home (Legacy)-->
4907 | <item name="Group Home" icon="presets/social_facility/group_home.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4908 | <link wiki="Key:social_facility" />
4909 | <space />
4910 | <key key="amenity" value="social_facility" />
4911 | <key key="social_facility" value="group_home" />
4912 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
4913 | <combo key="social_facility:for" text="For" values="senior" default="senior" />
4914 | <text key="capacity" text="Capacity" />
4915 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
4916 | </item> <!-- Group Home -->
4917 | <item name="Assisted Living" icon="presets/social_facility/assisted_living.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4918 | <link wiki="Key:social_facility" />
4919 | <space />
4920 | <key key="amenity" value="social_facility" />
4921 | <key key="social_facility" value="assisted_living" />
4922 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
4923 | <combo key="social_facility:for" text="For" values="senior" default="senior" />
4924 | <text key="capacity" text="Capacity" />
4925 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
4926 | </item> <!-- Assisted Living -->
4927 | <item name="Outreach" icon="presets/social_facility/outreach.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4928 | <link wiki="Key:social_facility" />
4929 | <space />
4930 | <key key="amenity" value="social_facility" />
4931 | <key key="social_facility" value="outreach" />
4932 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4933 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
4934 | </item> <!-- Outreach -->
4935 | <item name="Shelter" name_context="social_facility" icon="presets/social_facility/shelter.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4936 | <link wiki="Key:social_facility" />
4937 | <space />
4938 | <key key="amenity" value="social_facility" />
4939 | <key key="social_facility" value="shelter" />
4940 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
4941 | <text key="capacity" text="Capacity" />
4942 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
4943 | </item> <!-- Shelter -->
4944 | <item name="Food Bank" icon="presets/social_facility/food_bank.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
4945 | <link wiki="Key:social_facility" />
4946 | <space />
4947 | <key key="amenity" value="social_facility" />
4948 | <key key="social_facility" value="food_bank" />
4949 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
4950 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
4951 | </item> <!-- Food Bank -->
4952 | </group> <!-- Social Facility -->
4953 | <group name="Facilities" icon="presets/service/telephone.svg">
4954 | <item name="Toilets/Restrooms" icon="presets/service/toilets.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
4955 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=toilets" />
4956 | <space />
4957 | <key key="amenity" value="toilets" />
4958 | <optional>
4959 | <reference ref="POI_access" />
4960 | <checkgroup columns="3">
4961 | <check key="female" text="Female" text_context="restroom" />
4962 | <check key="male" text="Male" text_context="restroom" />
4963 | <check key="unisex" text="Unisex" text_context="restroom" />
4964 | </checkgroup>
4965 | <combo key="toilets:disposal" text="Type" values="flush,pitlatrine,chemical,bucket" />
4966 | <text key="description" text="Description" />
4967 | <reference ref="fee" />
4968 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
4969 | <combo key="toilets:position" text="Usage Position" values="seated,seated;urinal,squat,urinal" />
4970 | <reference ref="wheelchair" />
4971 | <check key="drinking_water" text="Drinking Water" />
4972 | </optional>
4973 | <preset_link preset_name="Changing table" />
4974 | </item> <!-- Toilets/Restrooms -->
4975 | <item name="Shower" icon="presets/service/shower.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
4976 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=shower" />
4977 | <space />
4978 | <key key="amenity" value="shower" />
4979 | <reference ref="POI_access" />
4980 | <optional>
4981 | <checkgroup columns="3">
4982 | <check key="female" text="Female" text_context="restroom" />
4983 | <check key="male" text="Male" text_context="restroom" />
4984 | <check key="unisex" text="Unisex" text_context="restroom" />
4985 | </checkgroup>
4986 | <text key="description" text="Description" />
4987 | <reference ref="fee" />
4988 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
4989 | <reference ref="oh_wheelchair" />
4990 | </optional>
4991 | </item> <!-- Shower -->
4992 | <item name="Changing table" icon="presets/service/changing_table.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
4993 | <link wiki="Key:changing_table" />
4994 | <space />
4995 | <combo key="changing_table" text="Changing table" values="yes,limited,no" default="yes" match="keyvalue!" />
4996 | <optional>
4997 | <check key="changing_table:fee" text="Fee" />
4998 | <combo key="changing_table:count" text="Count" values="1,2,3,4,5" />
4999 | <multiselect key="changing_table:location" text="Location" text_context="Changing table" values="dedicated_room;female_toilet;male_toilet;room;sales_area;unisex_toilet;wheelchair_toilet" />
5000 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
5001 | <reference ref="wheelchair" />
5002 | </optional>
5003 | </item> <!-- Changing table -->
5004 | <separator/>
5005 | <item name="Post Box" icon="presets/service/post_box.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
5006 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=post_box" />
5007 | <space />
5008 | <key key="amenity" value="post_box" />
5009 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
5010 | <text key="ref" text="Reference number" />
5011 | <combo key="collection_times" text="Collection times" delimiter="|" values="Mo-Sa 09:00|Mo-Sa 08:00|Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00|Mo-Fr 17:30; Sa 12:00|Mo-Fr 15:00,19:00; Sa 15:10; Su 10:30" values_no_i18n="true" />
5012 | <combo key="post_box:type" text="Type" values="pillar,lamp,wall,meter" values_context="post_box" />
5013 | <check key="drive_through" text="Drive through" />
5014 | </item> <!-- Post Box -->
5015 | <item name="Private Mailbox" icon="presets/service/letter_box.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
5016 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=letter_box" />
5017 | <space />
5018 | <key key="amenity" value="letter_box" />
5019 | <!-- post:<*> keys were copied from Address, with the addr: replaced by post: -->
5020 | <optional>
5021 | <reference ref="support"/>
5022 | <text key="post:housenumber" text="House number" match="key" auto_increment="-2,-1,+1,+2" />
5023 | <text key="post:street" text="Street name" use_last_as_default="force" match="key" alternative_autocomplete_keys="name" />
5024 | <text key="post:city" text="City name" use_last_as_default="force" match="key" />
5025 | <text key="post:postcode" text="Post code" use_last_as_default="force" match="key" />
5026 | <combo key="post:country" text="Country code" values_from="java.util.Locale#getISOCountries" use_last_as_default="force" match="key" values_context="country codes" />
5027 | </optional>
5028 | <optional text="Optional tag only for address without post:street">
5029 | <text key="post:place" text="Place name" use_last_as_default="force" match="key" alternative_autocomplete_keys="name" />
5030 | </optional>
5031 | <optional text="Optional tags for specific countries">
5032 | <text key="post:unit" text="Unit/Suite" match="key" />
5033 | <text key="post:housename" text="House name" match="key" alternative_autocomplete_keys="name" />
5034 | <text key="post:hamlet" text="Hamlet" match="key" />
5035 | <text key="post:suburb" text="Suburb" use_last_as_default="force" match="key" />
5036 | <text key="post:subdistrict" text="Subdistrict" use_last_as_default="force" match="key" />
5037 | <text key="post:district" text="District" use_last_as_default="force" match="key" />
5038 | <text key="post:province" text="Province" use_last_as_default="force" match="key" />
5039 | <!-- US States as defined in ISO 3166-2 -->
5040 | <combo key="post:state" text="State" text_context="addr:" values="AL,AK,AZ,AR,CA,CO,CT,DE,FL,GA,HI,ID,IL,IN,IA,KS,KY,LA,ME,MD,MA,MI,MN,MS,MO,MT,NE,NV,NH,NJ,NM,NY,NC,ND,OH,OK,OR,PA,RI,SC,SD,TN,TX,UT,VT,VA,WA,WV,WI,DC,AS,GU,MP,PR,UM,VI" use_last_as_default="force" match="key" />
5041 | </optional>
5042 | <preset_link preset_name="Post Box" text="Similar but different tags:" />
5043 | <preset_link preset_name="Post Office" text="Similar but different tags:" />
5044 | </item> <!-- Private Mailbox -->
5045 | <item name="Telephone" icon="presets/service/telephone.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
5046 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=telephone" />
5047 | <space />
5048 | <key key="amenity" value="telephone" />
5049 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
5050 | <combo key="covered" text="Covered" values="yes,no,booth" />
5051 | <space />
5052 | <check key="payment:coins" text="Coins" />
5053 | <check key="payment:notes" text="Notes" text_context="payment" />
5054 | <check key="payment:telephone_cards" text="Telephone cards" />
5055 | <preset_link preset_name="Payment Methods" />
5056 | </item> <!-- Telephone -->
5057 | <item name="Internet Cafe" icon="presets/service/internet_cafe.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5058 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=internet_cafe" />
5059 | <space />
5060 | <key key="amenity" value="internet_cafe" />
5061 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
5062 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
5063 | </item> <!-- Internet Cafe -->
5064 | <item name="Internet Access" icon="presets/service/network-wireless.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
5065 | <link wiki="Key:internet_access" />
5066 | <space />
5067 | <combo key="internet_access" text="Internet access" values="yes,wlan,wired,terminal,no" match="keyvalue!" />
5068 | <combo key="internet_access:fee" text="Internet access fee" values="yes,no" />
5069 | </item> <!-- Internet Access -->
5070 | <item name="Clock" icon="presets/service/clock.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
5071 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=clock" />
5072 | <key key="amenity" value="clock" />
5073 | <optional>
5074 | <combo key="display" text="Display" text_context="clock" values="analog,digital,sundial,unorthodox" />
5075 | <reference ref="support" />
5076 | <combo key="faces" text="Faces" text_context="clock" values="1,2,3,4" />
5077 | <combo key="visibility" text="Visibility/readability" values="house,street,area" display_values="house (up to 5m),street (up to 20m),area (more than 20m)" values_sort="false" />
5078 | <check key="date" text="Shows current date" />
5079 | <check key="thermometer" text="Shows temperature" />
5080 | <check key="barometer" text="Shows barometric pressure" />
5081 | <check key="hygrometer" text="Shows humidity" />
5082 | </optional>
5083 | </item> <!-- Clock -->
5084 | <item name="Photo booth" icon="presets/service/photo_booth.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
5085 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=photo_booth" />
5086 | <space />
5087 | <key key="amenity" value="photo_booth" />
5088 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
5089 | </item> <!-- Photo booth -->
5090 | <separator/>
5091 | <item name="Recycling Container" icon="presets/service/recycling/recycling_container.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
5092 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=recycling" />
5093 | <space />
5094 | <key key="amenity" value="recycling" />
5095 | <key key="recycling_type" value="container" />
5096 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
5097 | <combo key="opening_hours" text="Throw in times" delimiter="|" values="24/7|Mo-Fr 06:30-12:30,15:30-20:00; Sa 08:00-12:00; PH off" values_no_i18n="true" />
5098 | <reference ref="wheelchair" />
5099 | <space />
5100 | <checkgroup columns="4">
5101 | <check key="recycling:paper" text="Paper" />
5102 | <check key="recycling:paper_packaging" text="Paper packaging" />
5103 | <check key="recycling:cardboard" text="Cardboard" />
5104 | <check key="recycling:newspaper" text="Newspaper" />
5105 | <check key="recycling:magazines" text="Magazines" />
5106 | <check key="recycling:books" text="Books" />
5107 | <check key="recycling:plastic" text="Plastic" />
5108 | <check key="recycling:plastic_bottles" text="Plastic Bottles" />
5109 | <check key="recycling:plastic_packaging" text="Plastic Packaging" />
5110 | <check key="recycling:beverage_cartons" text="Beverage cartons" />
5111 | <check key="recycling:glass" text="Glass" />
5112 | <check key="recycling:glass_bottles" text="Glass Bottles" />
5113 | <check key="recycling:cans" text="Cans" />
5114 | <check key="recycling:clothes" text="Clothes" />
5115 | <check key="recycling:shoes" text="Shoes" />
5116 | <check key="recycling:scrap_metal" text="Scrap Metal" />
5117 | <check key="recycling:wood" text="Wood" />
5118 | <check key="recycling:green_waste" text="Green Waste" />
5119 | <check key="recycling:waste" text="Waste" />
5120 | <check key="recycling:batteries" text="Batteries" />
5121 | <check key="recycling:small_appliances" text="Small Appliances" />
5122 | <check key="recycling:electrical_appliances" text="Electrical Appliances" />
5123 | </checkgroup>
5124 | </item> <!-- Recycling Container-->
5125 | <item name="Recycling Centre" icon="presets/service/recycling/recycling_centre.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5126 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=recycling" />
5127 | <space />
5128 | <key key="amenity" value="recycling" />
5129 | <key key="recycling_type" value="centre" />
5130 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
5131 | <space />
5132 | <checkgroup columns="4">
5133 | <check key="recycling:paper" text="Paper" />
5134 | <check key="recycling:paper_packaging" text="Paper packaging" />
5135 | <check key="recycling:cardboard" text="Cardboard" />
5136 | <check key="recycling:newspaper" text="Newspaper" />
5137 | <check key="recycling:magazines" text="Magazines" />
5138 | <check key="recycling:books" text="Books" />
5139 | <check key="recycling:plastic" text="Plastic" />
5140 | <check key="recycling:plastic_bottles" text="Plastic Bottles" />
5141 | <check key="recycling:plastic_packaging" text="Plastic Packaging" />
5142 | <check key="recycling:beverage_cartons" text="Beverage cartons" />
5143 | <check key="recycling:glass" text="Glass" />
5144 | <check key="recycling:glass_bottles" text="Glass Bottles" />
5145 | <check key="recycling:cans" text="Cans" />
5146 | <check key="recycling:clothes" text="Clothes" />
5147 | <check key="recycling:shoes" text="Shoes" />
5148 | <check key="recycling:scrap_metal" text="Scrap Metal" />
5149 | <check key="recycling:wood" text="Wood" />
5150 | <check key="recycling:green_waste" text="Green Waste" />
5151 | <check key="recycling:waste" text="Waste" />
5152 | <check key="recycling:batteries" text="Batteries" />
5153 | <check key="recycling:small_appliances" text="Small Appliances" />
5154 | <check key="recycling:electrical_appliances" text="Electrical Appliances" />
5155 | </checkgroup>
5156 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
5157 | </item> <!-- Recycling Centre-->
5158 | <item name="Waste Basket/Trash Can" icon="presets/service/recycling/waste_basket.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
5159 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=waste_basket" />
5160 | <key key="amenity" value="waste_basket" />
5161 | <combo key="waste" text="Waste" values="trash,dog_excrement" />
5162 | </item> <!-- Waste Basket/Trash Can -->
5163 | <item name="Waste Disposal/Dumpster" icon="presets/service/recycling/waste_disposal.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
5164 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=waste_disposal" />
5165 | <key key="amenity" value="waste_disposal" />
5166 | <combo key="waste" text="Waste" values="trash" />
5167 | </item> <!-- Waste Disposal/Dumpster -->
5168 | <item name="Sanitary Dump Station" icon="presets/service/recycling/sanitary_dump_station.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
5169 | <link wiki="Toilet_Holding_Tank_Disposal" />
5170 | <space />
5171 | <key key="amenity" value="sanitary_dump_station" />
5172 | <check key="sanitary_dump_station:pump-out" text="Suction pumpout" />
5173 | <check key="sanitary_dump_station:round_drain" text="Gravity drain for hose" />
5174 | <check key="sanitary_dump_station:basin" text="Casette or Elsan Disposal" />
5175 | <reference ref="POI_access" />
5176 | <reference ref="fee" />
5177 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
5178 | <combo key="opening_hours" text="Operation times" delimiter="|" values="24/7|Mo-Su 08:00-22:00" values_no_i18n="true" />
5179 | </item> <!-- Sanitary Dump Station -->
5180 | <separator/>
5181 | <item name="Bench" icon="presets/leisure/bench.svg" type="node,way" preset_name_label="true">
5182 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=bench" />
5183 | <space />
5184 | <key key="amenity" value="bench" />
5185 | <check key="backrest" text="Backrest" />
5186 | <combo key="material" text="Material" values="concrete,metal,plastic,stone,wood" />
5187 | <reference ref="color" />
5188 | <combo key="seats" text="Amount of Seats" values="1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10" />
5189 | </item> <!-- Bench -->
5190 | <item name="Shelter" icon="presets/accommodation/shelter.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
5191 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=shelter" />
5192 | <space />
5193 | <key key="amenity" value="shelter" />
5194 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
5195 | <check key="fireplace" text="Fireplace" />
5196 | <combo key="shelter_type" text="Type of shelter" values_context="shelter" values_searchable="true">
5197 | <list_entry value="basic_hut" icon="presets/accommodation/basic_hut.svg" />
5198 | <list_entry value="gazebo" icon="presets/accommodation/gazebo.svg" />
5199 | <list_entry value="lean_to" icon="presets/accommodation/shelter_lean_to.svg" />
5200 | <list_entry value="picnic_shelter" icon="presets/accommodation/shelter_picnic.svg" />
5201 | <list_entry value="public_transport" icon="presets/accommodation/shelter_public_transport.svg" />
5202 | <list_entry value="weather_shelter" icon="presets/accommodation/shelter.svg" />
5203 | <list_entry value="wildlife_hide" icon="presets/accommodation/shelter.svg" />
5204 | </combo>
5205 | </item> <!-- Shelter -->
5206 | <item name="Hunting Stand" icon="presets/landmark/hunting_stand.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
5207 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=hunting_stand" />
5208 | <space />
5209 | <key key="amenity" value="hunting_stand" />
5210 | <text key="height" text="Height (meters)" length="7" />
5211 | <check key="shelter" text="Shelter" />
5212 | <check key="hide" text="Hide" text_context="hunting stand" />
5213 | <check key="lockable" text="Lockable" />
5214 | </item> <!-- Hunting Stand -->
5215 | <separator/>
5216 | <item name="Drinking Water" icon="presets/food/drinking_water.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
5217 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=drinking_water" />
5218 | <space />
5219 | <key key="amenity" value="drinking_water" />
5220 | <check key="indoor" text="Indoor" />
5221 | <optional>
5222 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
5223 | <text key="description" text="Description" />
5224 | </optional>
5225 | </item> <!-- Drinking Water -->
5226 | <item name="Water Point" icon="presets/accommodation/water.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
5227 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=water_point" />
5228 | <space />
5229 | <key key="amenity" value="water_point" />
5230 | <optional>
5231 | <check key="drinking_water" text="Drinking Water" />
5232 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
5233 | <text key="description" text="Description" />
5234 | </optional>
5235 | </item> <!-- Water Point -->
5236 | <item name="Compressed Air" icon="presets/vehicle/compressed_air.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
5237 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=compressed_air" />
5238 | <space />
5239 | <key key="amenity" value="compressed_air" />
5240 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator" />
5241 | <reference ref="fee" />
5242 | <multiselect key="valves" text="Valves" values="dunlop;schrader;sclaverand;regina" display_values="Dunlop (Woods);Schrader;Sclaverand (Presta);Regina" values_searchable="true" rows="4" />
5243 | </item> <!-- Compressed Air -->
5244 | <separator/>
5245 | <item name="Advertising Column" icon="presets/leisure/advertising_column.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
5246 | <link wiki="Tag:advertising=column" />
5247 | <space />
5248 | <key key="advertising" value="column" />
5249 | <optional>
5250 | <reference ref="common_advertising" />
5251 | </optional>
5252 | </item> <!-- Advertising Column -->
5253 | <item name="Billboard" icon="presets/leisure/billboard.svg" type="node,way" preset_name_label="true">
5254 | <link wiki="Tag:advertising=billboard" />
5255 | <space />
5256 | <key key="advertising" value="billboard" />
5257 | <optional>
5258 | <reference ref="common_advertising" />
5259 | </optional>
5260 | </item> <!-- Billboard -->
5261 | <item name="Poster box" icon="presets/leisure/poster_box.svg" type="node,way" preset_name_label="true">
5262 | <link wiki="Tag:advertising=poster_box" />
5263 | <space />
5264 | <key key="advertising" value="poster_box" />
5265 | <optional>
5266 | <reference ref="common_advertising" />
5267 | </optional>
5268 | </item> <!-- Poster box -->
5269 | </group> <!-- Facilities -->
5270 | </group> <!-- Facilities -->
5271 | <group name="Sports" icon="presets/sport/soccer.svg">
5272 | <group name="Sport Facilities" icon="presets/sport/stadium.svg">
5273 | <item name="Stadium" icon="presets/sport/stadium.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5274 | <link wiki="Tag:leisure=stadium" />
5275 | <space />
5276 | <key key="leisure" value="stadium" />
5277 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
5278 | <reference ref="sport" />
5279 | <check key="building" text="Stadium Building" value_on="stadium" disable_off="true" />
5280 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
5281 | </item> <!-- Stadium -->
5282 | <item name="Sports Centre" icon="presets/sport/sports_centre.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5283 | <link wiki="Tag:leisure=sports_centre" />
5284 | <space />
5285 | <key key="leisure" value="sports_centre" />
5286 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
5287 | <reference ref="sport" />
5288 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
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5290 | </item> <!-- Sports Centre -->
5291 | <item name="Fitness Centre" icon="presets/sport/fitness_centre.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5292 | <link wiki="Tag:leisure=fitness_centre" />
5293 | <space />
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5295 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
5296 | <reference ref="sport" />
5297 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
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5299 | </item> <!-- Fitness Centre -->
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5301 | <link wiki="Tag:leisure=pitch" />
5302 | <space />
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5304 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
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5306 | <reference ref="sport_surface" />
5307 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
5308 | </item> <!-- Pitch -->
5309 | <item name="Racetrack" icon="presets/sport/track.svg" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5310 | <link wiki="Tag:leisure=track" />
5311 | <space />
5312 | <key key="leisure" value="track" />
5313 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
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5315 | <reference ref="sport_surface" />
5316 | <check key="area" text="Area" />
5317 | </item> <!-- Racetrack -->
5318 | <group name="Golf" icon="presets/sport/golf/golf.svg">
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5321 | <space />
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5323 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
5324 | </item> <!-- Golf Course -->
5325 | <separator/>
5326 | <item name="Tee" name_context="golf" icon="presets/sport/golf/tee.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
5327 | <link wiki="Tag:leisure=golf_course" />
5328 | <space />
5329 | <key key="golf" value="tee" />
5330 | </item> <!-- Tee -->
5331 | <item name="Hole" name_context="golf" icon="presets/sport/golf/hole.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
5332 | <link wiki="Tag:leisure=golf_course" />
5333 | <space />
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5335 | <text key="ref" text="Reference" />
5336 | <text key="par" text="Par" />
5337 | <optional>
5338 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
5339 | <combo key="handicap" text="Handicap rating" values="1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18" />
5340 | </optional>
5341 | </item> <!-- Hole -->
5342 | <item name="Pin" name_context="golf" icon="presets/sport/golf/pin.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
5343 | <link wiki="Tag:leisure=golf_course" />
5344 | <space />
5345 | <key key="golf" value="pin" />
5346 | <text key="ref" text="Reference" />
5347 | </item> <!-- Pin -->
5348 | <separator/>
5349 | <item name="Bunker" name_context="golf" icon="presets/sport/golf/bunker.svg" type="closedway" preset_name_label="true">
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5351 | <space />
5352 | <key key="golf" value="bunker" />
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5354 | </item> <!-- Bunker -->
5355 | <item name="Frontal Water hazard" name_context="golf" icon="presets/sport/golf/water_hazard.svg" type="closedway" preset_name_label="true">
5356 | <link wiki="Tag:leisure=golf_course" />
5357 | <space />
5358 | <key key="golf" value="water_hazard" />
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5360 | </item> <!-- Frontal Water hazard -->
5361 | <item name="Lateral water hazard" name_context="golf" icon="presets/sport/golf/lateral_water_hazard.svg" type="closedway" preset_name_label="true">
5362 | <link wiki="Tag:leisure=golf_course" />
5363 | <space />
5364 | <key key="golf" value="lateral_water_hazard" />
5365 | <key key="natural" value="water" match="keyvalue" />
5366 | </item> <!-- Lateral water hazard -->
5367 | <separator/>
5368 | <item name="Green" name_context="golf" icon="presets/sport/golf/green.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5369 | <link wiki="Tag:leisure=golf_course" />
5370 | <space />
5371 | <key key="golf" value="green" />
5372 | </item> <!-- Green -->
5373 | <item name="Fairway" name_context="golf" icon="presets/sport/golf/fairway.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5374 | <link wiki="Tag:golf=fairway" />
5375 | <space />
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5378 | </item> <!-- Fairway -->
5379 | <item name="Rough" name_context="golf" icon="presets/sport/golf/rough.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5380 | <link wiki="Tag:leisure=golf_course" />
5381 | <space />
5382 | <key key="golf" value="rough" />
5383 | </item> <!-- Rough -->
5384 | <separator/>
5385 | <item name="Driving range" name_context="golf" icon="presets/sport/golf/driving_range.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
5386 | <link wiki="Tag:leisure=golf_course" />
5387 | <space />
5388 | <key key="golf" value="driving_range" />
5389 | </item> <!-- Driving range -->
5390 | </group> <!-- Golf -->
5391 | <item name="Miniature Golf" icon="presets/sport/miniature_golf.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5392 | <link wiki="Tag:leisure=miniature_golf" />
5393 | <space />
5394 | <key key="leisure" value="miniature_golf" />
5395 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
5396 | </item> <!-- Miniature Golf -->
5397 | </group> <!-- Sport Facilities -->
5398 | <group name="Sport" icon="presets/sport/multi.svg">
5399 | <item name="Multi" icon="presets/sport/multi.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5400 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=multi" />
5401 | <space />
5402 | <key key="sport" value="multi" />
5403 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
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5405 | <reference ref="sport_surface" />
5406 | </item> <!-- Multi -->
5407 | <item name="Nine-pin Bowling" icon="presets/sport/9pin.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5408 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=9pin" />
5409 | <space />
5410 | <key key="sport" value="9pin" />
5411 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
5412 | <combo key="leisure" text="Type" values="pitch,sports_centre,stadium" />
5413 | <combo key="surface" text="Surface" values="clay,concrete,ground,wood" />
5414 | </item> <!-- Nine-pin Bowling -->
5415 | <item name="Ten-pin Bowling" icon="presets/sport/10pin.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5416 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=10pin" />
5417 | <space />
5418 | <key key="sport" value="10pin" />
5419 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
5420 | <combo key="leisure" text="Type" values="pitch,sports_centre,stadium" />
5421 | <combo key="surface" text="Surface" values="clay,concrete,ground,wood" />
5422 | </item> <!-- Ten-pin Bowling -->
5423 | <item name="Archery" icon="presets/sport/archery.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5424 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=archery" />
5425 | <space />
5426 | <key key="sport" value="archery" />
5427 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
5428 | <combo key="leisure" text="Type" values="pitch,sports_centre,stadium" />
5429 | </item> <!-- Archery -->
5430 | <item name="Track and Field Athletics" icon="presets/sport/athletics.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5431 | <link wiki="Tag:sports=athletics" />
5432 | <space />
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5434 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
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5436 | <reference ref="sport_surface" />
5437 | </item> <!-- Track and Field Athletics -->
5438 | <item name="Running" icon="presets/sport/running.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5439 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=running" />
5440 | <space />
5441 | <key key="sport" value="running" />
5442 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
5443 | <combo key="leisure" text="Type" values="pitch,sports_centre,stadium,track" values_context="running" />
5444 | <reference ref="sport_surface" />
5445 | </item> <!-- Running -->
5446 | <item name="Climbing site" icon="presets/sport/climbing.svg" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5447 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=climbing" />
5448 | <space />
5449 | <key key="sport" value="climbing" />
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5451 | <combo key="leisure" text="Type" values="sports_centre" />
5452 | <reference ref="climbing_styles" />
5453 | <text key="climbing:routes" text="Number of routes" />
5454 | <text key="ele" text="Usual elevation at the bottom of the routes" length="10" />
5455 | <space />
5456 | <combo key="climbing:length" text="Usual route length (m)" values="8,10,12,15,20,25,30,35,40" values_no_i18n="true" />
5457 | <combo key="climbing:length:min" text="Minimal climbing length (m)" values="8,10,12,15,20,25,30,35,40" values_no_i18n="true" />
5458 | <combo key="climbing:length:max" text="Maximum climbing length (m)" values="8,10,12,15,20,25,30,35,40" values_no_i18n="true" />
5459 | <space />
5460 | <combo key="climbing:grade:uiaa:min" text="UIAA: Simplest route" values="3,4,4+,5-,5,5+,6-,6,6+,7-,7,7+,8-,8,8+,9-,9,9+,10-,10,10+,11-,11,11+,12-" values_no_i18n="true" />
5461 | <combo key="climbing:grade:uiaa:max" text="UIAA: Most difficult route" values="3,4,4+,5-,5,5+,6-,6,6+,7-,7,7+,8-,8,8+,9-,9,9+,10-,10,10+,11-,11,11+,12-" values_no_i18n="true" />
5462 | <combo key="climbing:grade:uiaa:mean" text="UIAA: Main difficulty" values="3,4,4+,5-,5,5+,6-,6,6+,7-,7,7+,8-,8,8+,9-,9,9+,10-,10,10+,11-,11,11+,12-" values_no_i18n="true" />
5463 | <space />
5464 | <combo key="climbing:grade:french:min" text="French: Simplest route" values="3,3a,3b,3c,4,4a,4b,4c,5a,5b,5c,6a,6a+,6b,6b+,6c,6c+,7a,7a+,7b,7b+,7c,7c+,8a,8a+,8b,8b+,8c,8c+,9a,9a+,9b,9b+" values_no_i18n="true" />
5465 | <combo key="climbing:grade:french:max" text="French: Most difficult route" values="3,3a,3b,3c,4,4a,4b,4c,5a,5b,5c,6a,6a+,6b,6b+,6c,6c+,7a,7a+,7b,7b+,7c,7c+,8a,8a+,8b,8b+,8c,8c+,9a,9a+,9b,9b+" values_no_i18n="true" />
5466 | <combo key="climbing:grade:french:mean" text="French: Main difficulty" values="3,3a,3b,3c,4,4a,4b,4c,5a,5b,5c,6a,6a+,6b,6b+,6c,6c+,7a,7a+,7b,7b+,7c,7c+,8a,8a+,8b,8b+,8c,8c+,9a,9a+,9b,9b+" values_no_i18n="true" />
5467 | <space />
5468 | <combo key="climbing:grade:saxon:min" text="Saxon: Simplest route" values="III,IV,V,VI,VIIa,VIIb,VIIc,VIIIa,VIIIb,VIIIc,IXa,IXb,IXc,Xa,Xb,Xc,XIa,XIb,XIc" values_no_i18n="true" />
5469 | <combo key="climbing:grade:saxon:max" text="Saxon: Most difficult route" values="III,IV,V,VI,VIIa,VIIb,VIIc,VIIIa,VIIIb,VIIIc,IXa,IXb,IXc,Xa,Xb,Xc,XIa,XIb,XIc" values_no_i18n="true" />
5470 | <combo key="climbing:grade:saxon:mean" text="Saxon: Main difficulty" values="III,IV,V,VI,VIIa,VIIb,VIIc,VIIIa,VIIIb,VIIIc,IXa,IXb,IXc,Xa,Xb,Xc,XIa,XIb,XIc" values_no_i18n="true" />
5471 | <reference ref="climbing_optional_attributes" />
5472 | <space />
5473 | </item> <!-- Climbing site -->
5474 | <item name="Climbing route" icon="presets/sport/climbing.svg" type="node,way" preset_name_label="true">
5475 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=climbing" />
5476 | <space />
5477 | <key key="sport" value="climbing" />
5478 | <key key="climbing" value="route" />
5479 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
5480 | <reference ref="climbing_styles" />
5481 | <combo key="climbing:bolted" text="Bolts" values="yes,no,1,2,3,4,5,6" values_sort="false" values_no_i18n="true" />
5482 | <combo key="climbing:pitches" text="Pitches" values="1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8" default="1" values_no_i18n="true" />
5483 | <combo key="climbing:length" text="Route length (m)" values="8,10,12,15,20,25,30,35,40" values_no_i18n="true" />
5484 | <space />
5485 | <combo key="climbing:grade:uiaa" text="UIAA grading" values="4,4+,5-,5,5+,6-,6,6+,7-,7,7+,8-,8,8+,9-,9,9+,10-,10,10+,11-,11,11+,12-" values_no_i18n="true" />
5486 | <combo key="climbing:grade:french" text="French grading" values="4,5a,5b,5c,6a,6a+,6b,6b+,6c,6c+,7a,7a+,7b,7b+,7c,7c+,8a,8a+,8b,8b+,8c,8c+,9a,9a+,9b,9b+" values_no_i18n="true" />
5487 | <combo key="climbing:grade:saxon" text="Saxon grading" values="IV,V,VI,VIIa,VIIb,VIIc,VIIIa,VIIIb,VIIIc,IXa,IXb,IXc,Xa,Xb,Xc,XIa,XIb,XIc" values_no_i18n="true" />
5488 | <reference ref="climbing_optional_attributes" />
5489 | </item> <!-- Climbing route -->
5490 | <item name="Canoeing/Kayaking" icon="presets/sport/canoe.svg" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5491 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=canoe" />
5492 | <space />
5493 | <key key="sport" value="canoe" />
5494 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
5495 | </item> <!-- Canoeing/Kayaking -->
5496 | <item name="Rowing" icon="presets/sport/rowing.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5497 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=rowing" />
5498 | <space />
5499 | <key key="sport" value="rowing" />
5500 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
5501 | </item> <!-- Rowing -->
5502 | <item name="Cycling" icon="presets/sport/cycling.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5503 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=cycling" />
5504 | <space />
5505 | <key key="sport" value="cycling" />
5506 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
5507 | <combo key="leisure" text="Type" values="pitch,sports_centre,stadium,track" values_context="racing" />
5508 | <reference ref="sport_surface" />
5509 | </item> <!-- Cycling -->
5510 | <item name="Dog Racing" icon="presets/sport/dog_racing.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5511 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=dog_racing" />
5512 | <space />
5513 | <key key="sport" value="dog_racing" />
5514 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
5515 | <combo key="leisure" text="Type" values="pitch,sports_centre,stadium,track" values_context="racing" />
5516 | <reference ref="sport_surface" />
5517 | </item> <!-- Dog Racing -->
5518 | <item name="Equestrian Sport" icon="presets/sport/equestrian.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5519 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=equestrian" />
5520 | <space />
5521 | <key key="sport" value="equestrian" />
5522 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
5523 | <combo key="leisure" text="Type" default="pitch" values_context="riding" values_sort="false">
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5525 | <list_entry value="horse_riding" display_value="Horse Riding Centre" icon="presets/leisure/horse_riding.svg" />
5526 | <list_entry value="sports_centre" display_value="Sports Centre" icon="presets/sport/sports_centre.svg" />
5527 | <list_entry value="stadium" display_value="Stadium" icon="presets/sport/stadium.svg" />
5528 | <list_entry value="track" display_value="Racetrack" icon="presets/sport/track.svg" />
5529 | </combo>
5530 | <reference ref="riding_surface" />
5531 | <preset_link preset_name="Horse Riding Centre" text="Similar but different tags:" />
5532 | <preset_link preset_name="Horse Racing" text="Similar but different tags:" />
5533 | </item> <!-- Equestrian Sport -->
5534 | <item name="Horse Racing" icon="presets/sport/riding.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5535 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=horse_racing" />
5536 | <space />
5537 | <key key="sport" value="horse_racing" />
5538 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
5539 | <combo key="leisure" text="Type" values_context="riding" values_sort="false">
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5541 | <list_entry value="stadium" display_value="Stadium" icon="presets/sport/stadium.svg" />
5542 | <list_entry value="track" display_value="Racetrack" icon="presets/sport/track.svg" />
5543 | </combo>
5544 | <reference ref="riding_surface" />
5545 | <preset_link preset_name="Equestrian Sport" text="Similar but different tags:" />
5546 | <preset_link preset_name="Horse Riding Centre" text="Similar but different tags:" />
5547 | </item> <!-- Horse Racing -->
5548 | <item name="Gymnastics" icon="presets/sport/gymnastics.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5549 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=gymnastics" />
5550 | <space />
5551 | <key key="sport" value="gymnastics" />
5552 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
5553 | <combo key="leisure" text="Type" values="pitch,sports_centre,fitness_centre,stadium" />
5554 | </item> <!-- Gymnastics -->
5555 | <item name="Ice Skating" icon="presets/sport/ice_skating.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5556 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=ice_skating" />
5557 | <space />
5558 | <key key="sport" value="ice_skating" />
5559 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
5560 | <combo key="leisure" text="Type" values="ice_rink,pitch,sports_centre,stadium" default="ice_rink" />
5561 | </item> <!-- Ice Skating -->
5562 | <item name="Roller Skating" icon="presets/sport/roller_skating.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5563 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=roller_skating"/>
5564 | <space />
5565 | <key key="sport" value="roller_skating" />
5566 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
5567 | <combo key="leisure" text="Type" values="pitch,sports_centre,stadium" />
5568 | <combo key="surface" text="Surface" values="asphalt,concrete" />
5569 | </item> <!-- Roller Skating -->
5570 | <item name="Skateboard" icon="presets/sport/skateboard.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5571 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=skateboard" />
5572 | <space />
5573 | <key key="sport" value="skateboard" />
5574 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
5575 | <combo key="leisure" text="Type" values="pitch,sports_centre,stadium,track" default="pitch" values_context="racing" />
5576 | <combo key="surface" text="Surface" values="asphalt,concrete" />
5577 | </item> <!-- Skateboard -->
5578 | <item name="Swimming" icon="presets/sport/swimming.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5579 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=swimming" />
5580 | <space />
5581 | <key key="sport" value="swimming" />
5582 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
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5584 | </item> <!-- Swimming -->
5585 | <item name="Scuba Diving" icon="presets/sport/scuba_diving.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5586 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=scuba_diving" />
5587 | <space />
5588 | <key key="sport" value="scuba_diving" />
5589 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
5590 | </item> <!-- Scuba Diving -->
5591 | <item name="Skiing" icon="presets/sport/skiing.svg" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5592 | <link wiki="Piste_Maps" />
5593 | <space />
5594 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
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5596 | <optional>
5597 | <combo key="piste:difficulty" text="Difficulty" values="novice,easy,intermediate,advanced,expert,freeride" values_context="piste:difficulty" values_searchable="true" values_sort="false" />
5598 | <combo key="piste:grooming" text="Grooming" values="classic,mogul,skating,classic+skating,scooter,backcountry" values_context="piste:grooming" />
5599 | </optional>
5600 | </item> <!-- Skiing -->
5601 | <item name="Shooting" icon="presets/sport/range.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5602 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=shooting" />
5603 | <space />
5604 | <key key="sport" value="shooting" />
5605 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
5606 | <combo key="leisure" text="Type" values="pitch,sports_centre,stadium" />
5607 | </item> <!-- Shooting -->
5608 | <item name="Chess" icon="presets/sport/chess.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5609 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=chess" />
5610 | <space />
5611 | <key key="sport" value="chess" />
5612 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
5613 | <combo key="leisure" text="Type" values="pitch,picnic_table" />
5614 | </item> <!-- Chess -->
5615 | </group> <!-- Sport -->
5616 | <group name="Sport (Ball)" icon="presets/sport/soccer.svg">
5617 | <item name="Soccer" icon="presets/sport/soccer.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5618 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=soccer" />
5619 | <space />
5620 | <key key="sport" value="soccer" />
5621 | <reference ref="name_leisure_pitch" />
5622 | <reference ref="sport_surface" />
5623 | </item> <!-- Soccer -->
5624 | <item name="Australian Football" icon="presets/sport/football.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5625 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=australian_football" />
5626 | <space />
5627 | <key key="sport" value="australian_football" />
5628 | <reference ref="name_leisure_pitch" />
5629 | <reference ref="sport_surface" />
5630 | </item> <!-- Australian Football -->
5631 | <item name="American Football" icon="presets/sport/football.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5632 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=american_football" />
5633 | <space />
5634 | <key key="sport" value="american_football" />
5635 | <reference ref="name_leisure_pitch" />
5636 | <reference ref="sport_surface" />
5637 | </item> <!-- American Football -->
5638 | <item name="Canadian Football" icon="presets/sport/football.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5639 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=canadian_football" />
5640 | <space />
5641 | <key key="sport" value="canadian_football" />
5642 | <reference ref="name_leisure_pitch" />
5643 | <reference ref="sport_surface" />
5644 | </item> <!-- Canadian Football -->
5645 | <item name="Gaelic Games" icon="presets/sport/soccer.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5646 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=gaelic_games" />
5647 | <space />
5648 | <key key="sport" value="gaelic_games" />
5649 | <reference ref="name_leisure_pitch" />
5650 | <reference ref="sport_surface" />
5651 | <optional>
5652 | <check key="gaelic_games:hurling" text="Hurling" />
5653 | <check key="gaelic_games:football" text="Football" />
5654 | <check key="gaelic_games:camogie" text="Camogie" />
5655 | <check key="gaelic_games:rounders" text="Rounders" />
5656 | <check key="gaelic_games:handball" text="Handball" />
5657 | </optional>
5658 | </item> <!-- Gaelic Games -->
5659 | <item name="Rugby League" icon="presets/sport/football.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5660 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=rugby_league" />
5661 | <space />
5662 | <key key="sport" value="rugby_league" />
5663 | <reference ref="name_leisure_pitch" />
5664 | <reference ref="sport_surface" />
5665 | </item> <!-- Rugby League -->
5666 | <item name="Rugby Union" icon="presets/sport/football.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5667 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=rugby_union" />
5668 | <space />
5669 | <key key="sport" value="rugby_union" />
5670 | <reference ref="name_leisure_pitch" />
5671 | <reference ref="sport_surface" />
5672 | </item> <!-- Rugby Union -->
5673 | <item name="Baseball" icon="presets/sport/baseball.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5674 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=baseball" />
5675 | <space />
5676 | <key key="sport" value="baseball" />
5677 | <reference ref="name_leisure_pitch" />
5678 | <reference ref="sport_surface" />
5679 | </item> <!-- Baseball -->
5680 | <item name="Basketball" icon="presets/sport/basketball.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5681 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=basketball" />
5682 | <space />
5683 | <key key="sport" value="basketball" />
5684 | <reference ref="name_leisure_pitch" />
5685 | <reference ref="sport_surface" />
5686 | <combo key="hoops" text="Hoops" values="1,2,3,4" />
5687 | </item> <!-- Basketball -->
5688 | <item name="Handball" icon="presets/sport/handball.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5689 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=handball" />
5690 | <space />
5691 | <key key="sport" value="handball" />
5692 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
5693 | <combo key="leisure" text="Type" values="stadium,pitch,sports_centre" />
5694 | <reference ref="sport_surface" />
5695 | </item> <!-- Handball -->
5696 | <item name="Volleyball" icon="presets/sport/volleyball.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5697 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=volleyball" />
5698 | <space />
5699 | <key key="sport" value="volleyball" />
5700 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
5701 | <combo key="leisure" text="Type" values="stadium,pitch,sports_centre" />
5702 | <reference ref="sport_surface" />
5703 | </item> <!-- Volleyball -->
5704 | <item name="Beach Volleyball" icon="presets/sport/beachvolleyball.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5705 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=beachvolleyball" />
5706 | <space />
5707 | <key key="sport" value="beachvolleyball" />
5708 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
5709 | <combo key="leisure" text="Type" values="stadium,pitch,sports_centre" />
5710 | </item> <!-- Beach Volleyball -->
5711 | <item name="Billiards" icon="presets/sport/billiards.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5712 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=billiards" />
5713 | <space />
5714 | <key key="sport" value="billiards" />
5715 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
5716 | <combo key="leisure" text="Type" values="stadium,pitch,sports_centre" />
5717 | </item> <!-- Billiards -->
5718 | <item name="Golf" icon="presets/sport/golf.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5719 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=golf" />
5720 | <space />
5721 | <key key="sport" value="golf" />
5722 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
5723 | <combo key="leisure" text="Type" values="golf_course,pitch,sports_centre,stadium" default="golf_course" />
5724 | </item> <!-- Golf -->
5725 | <item name="Boule" icon="presets/sport/boule.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5726 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=boules" />
5727 | <space />
5728 | <key key="sport" value="boules" />
5729 | <reference ref="name_leisure_pitch" />
5730 | <reference ref="sport_surface" />
5731 | </item> <!-- Boule -->
5732 | <item name="Lawn Bowling" icon="presets/sport/boule.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5733 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=bowls" />
5734 | <space />
5735 | <key key="sport" value="bowls" />
5736 | <reference ref="name_leisure_pitch" />
5737 | <reference ref="sport_surface" />
5738 | </item> <!-- Lawn Bowling -->
5739 | <item name="Cricket" icon="presets/sport/cricket.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5740 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=cricket" />
5741 | <space />
5742 | <key key="sport" value="cricket" />
5743 | <reference ref="name_leisure_pitch" />
5744 | <reference ref="sport_surface" />
5745 | </item> <!-- Cricket -->
5746 | <item name="Croquet" icon="presets/sport/croquet.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5747 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=croquet" />
5748 | <space />
5749 | <key key="sport" value="croquet" />
5750 | <reference ref="name_leisure_pitch" />
5751 | <reference ref="sport_surface" />
5752 | </item> <!-- Croquet -->
5753 | <item name="Field Hockey" icon="presets/sport/field_hockey.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5754 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=field_hockey" />
5755 | <space />
5756 | <key key="sport" value="field_hockey" />
5757 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
5758 | <combo key="leisure" text="Type" values="pitch,sports_centre,stadium" />
5759 | <reference ref="sport_surface" />
5760 | </item> <!-- Field Hockey -->
5761 | <item name="Ice Hockey" icon="presets/sport/ice_hockey.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5762 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=ice_hockey" />
5763 | <space />
5764 | <key key="sport" value="ice_hockey" />
5765 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
5766 | <combo key="leisure" text="Type" values="ice_rink,pitch,sports_centre,stadium" />
5767 | </item> <!-- Ice Hockey -->
5768 | <item name="Curling" icon="presets/sport/curling.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5769 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=curling" />
5770 | <space />
5771 | <key key="sport" value="curling" />
5772 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
5773 | <combo key="leisure" text="Type" values="ice_rink,pitch,sports_centre,stadium" />
5774 | </item> <!-- Curling -->
5775 | <item name="Pelota" icon="presets/sport/pelota.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5776 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=pelota" />
5777 | <space />
5778 | <key key="sport" value="pelota" />
5779 | <reference ref="name_leisure_pitch" />
5780 | <reference ref="sport_surface" />
5781 | </item> <!-- Pelota -->
5782 | <item name="Racquetball" icon="presets/sport/racquetball.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5783 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=racquet" />
5784 | <space />
5785 | <key key="sport" value="racquet" />
5786 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
5787 | <combo key="leisure" text="Type" values="pitch,sports_centre,stadium" />
5788 | <reference ref="sport_surface" />
5789 | </item> <!-- Racquetball -->
5790 | <item name="Table Tennis/Ping-Pong" icon="presets/sport/table_tennis.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5791 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=table_tennis" />
5792 | <space />
5793 | <key key="sport" value="table_tennis" />
5794 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
5795 | <combo key="leisure" text="Type" values="pitch,sports_centre,stadium" />
5796 | </item> <!-- Table Tennis/Ping-Pong -->
5797 | <item name="Tennis" icon="presets/sport/tennis.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5798 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=tennis" />
5799 | <space />
5800 | <key key="sport" value="tennis" />
5801 | <reference ref="name_leisure_pitch" />
5802 | <reference ref="sport_surface" />
5803 | </item> <!-- Tennis -->
5804 | </group> <!-- Sport (Ball) -->
5805 | <group name="Motorsport" icon="presets/vehicle/motorbike.svg">
5806 | <item name="Motorsport" icon="presets/sport/motor.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5807 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=motor" />
5808 | <space />
5809 | <key key="sport" value="motor" />
5810 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
5811 | <combo key="leisure" text="Type" values="pitch,sports_centre,stadium,track" values_context="racing" />
5812 | <combo key="surface" text="Surface" values="asphalt,concrete,ground" />
5813 | </item> <!-- Motorsport -->
5814 | <item name="Kart Racing" icon="presets/sport/karting.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5815 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=karting" />
5816 | <space />
5817 | <key key="sport" value="karting" />
5818 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
5819 | <combo key="leisure" text="Type" values="pitch,sports_centre,track" values_context="racing" />
5820 | <combo key="surface" text="Surface" values="asphalt,concrete,ground" />
5821 | </item> <!-- Kart Racing -->
5822 | <item name="Motocross" icon="presets/sport/motocross.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5823 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=motocross" />
5824 | <space />
5825 | <key key="sport" value="motocross" />
5826 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
5827 | <combo key="leisure" text="Type" values="pitch,sports_centre,track" values_context="racing" />
5828 | </item> <!-- Motocross -->
5829 | <separator/>
5830 | <item name="Model Aerodrome" icon="presets/transport/airport.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5831 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=model_aerodrome" />
5832 | <space />
5833 | <key key="sport" value="model_aerodrome" />
5834 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
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5836 | <combo key="surface" text="Surface" values="asphalt,concrete,ground" />
5837 | </item> <!-- Model Aerodrome -->
5838 | <item name="RC Car" icon="presets/sport/rc_car.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5839 | <link wiki="Tag:sport=rc_car" />
5840 | <space />
5841 | <key key="sport" value="rc_car" />
5842 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
5843 | <combo key="leisure" text="Type" values="pitch,sports_centre,track" values_context="racing" />
5844 | <combo key="surface" text="Surface" values="asphalt,concrete,ground" />
5845 | </item> <!-- RC Car -->
5846 | </group> <!-- Motorsport -->
5847 | </group> <!-- Sports -->
5848 | <group name="Man Made" icon="presets/landmark/works.svg">
5849 | <group name="Man Made" icon="presets/landmark/works.svg">
5850 | <item name="Building" icon="presets/landmark/building.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5851 | <link wiki="Key:building" />
5852 | <space />
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5854 | <optional>
5855 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
5856 | <combo key="building:levels" text="Levels above ground" values="1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11" text_context="building" />
5857 | <combo key="building:levels:underground" text="Levels below ground" values="1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11" text_context="building" />
5858 | <text key="height" text="Height (meters)" length="7" />
5859 | </optional>
5860 | <preset_link preset_name="Address" />
5861 | </item> <!-- Building -->
5862 | <item name="Residential Building" icon="presets/landmark/building.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5863 | <link wiki="Key:building" />
5864 | <space />
5865 | <combo key="building" text="Building" values="yes,residential,apartments,ger,house,hotel,hut,bungalow,dormitory,terrace,detached,farm,stilt_house" default="residential" match="keyvalue!" values_context="building" values_searchable="true" />
5866 | <optional>
5867 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
5868 | <combo key="building:levels" text="Levels above ground" values="1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11" text_context="building" />
5869 | <combo key="building:levels:underground" text="Levels below ground" values="1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11" text_context="building" />
5870 | <text key="height" text="Height (meters)" length="7" />
5871 | </optional>
5872 | <preset_link preset_name="Address" />
5873 | </item> <!-- Residential Building -->
5874 | <item name="Building part" icon="presets/landmark/building.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5875 | <link wiki="Key:building:part" />
5876 | <space />
5877 | <combo key="building:part" text="Building part" values="allotment_house,bakehouse,barn,college,commercial,construction,cowshed,farm_auxiliary,garage,garages,greenhouse,hangar,hospital,industrial,office,parking,retail,riding_hall,roof,ruins,school,shed,sports_centre,sports_hall,supermarket,toilets,transportation,university,warehouse,yes" values_context="building" default="yes" match="keyvalue!" values_searchable="true" />
5878 | <combo key="building:levels" text="Levels above ground" values="1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11" text_context="building" />
5879 | <combo key="building:min_level" text="Skipped Levels" values="1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10" text_context="building" />
5880 | <combo key="building:levels:underground" text="Levels below ground" values="1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11" text_context="building" />
5881 | <text key="height" text="Height (meters)" length="7" />
5882 | <text key="min_height" text="Skipped height (meters)" />
5883 | </item> <!-- Building part -->
5884 | <item name="Building construction" icon="presets/landmark/building_construction.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5885 | <link wiki="Tag:building=construction" />
5886 | <space />
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5889 | <optional>
5890 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
5891 | <combo key="building:levels" text="Levels above ground" values="1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11" text_context="building" />
5892 | <combo key="building:levels:underground" text="Levels below ground" values="1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11" text_context="building" />
5893 | <text key="height" text="Height (meters)" length="7" />
5894 | </optional>
5895 | <preset_link preset_name="Address" />
5896 | </item> <!-- Building construction -->
5897 | <item name="Entrance" icon="presets/misc/entrance_yes.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
5898 | <link wiki="Key:entrance" />
5899 | <space />
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5908 | <list_entry value="home" icon="presets/misc/entrance_yes.svg" />
5909 | <list_entry value="garage" icon="presets/misc/entrance_yes.svg" />
5910 | </combo>
5911 | <combo key="access" text="General Access" values="yes,private,delivery,customers,permissive,permit,no" />
5912 | <reference ref="wheelchair" />
5913 | <optional>
5914 | <combo key="door" text="Door" values="yes,no,folding,hinged,loadingdock,overhead,revolving,sliding,trapdoor" match="key" values_searchable="true" />
5915 | <text key="ref" text="Entrance number" />
5916 | <text key="addr:flats" text="Flat numbers" />
5917 | </optional>
5918 | </item> <!-- Entrance -->
5919 | <item name="Non-public police facility" icon="presets/service/police_non_public.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5920 | <link wiki="Key:police" />
5921 | <space />
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5923 | <reference ref="optional_name_operator" />
5924 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
5925 | </item> <!-- Non-public police facility -->
5926 | <item name="Flagpole" icon="presets/misc/flag.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
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5930 | </item> <!-- Flagpole -->
5931 | <item name="Cross" icon="presets/landmark/cross.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
5932 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=cross" />
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5934 | </item> <!-- Cross -->
5935 | <separator/>
5936 | <item name="Works" icon="presets/landmark/works.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
5937 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=works" />
5938 | <space />
5939 | <key key="man_made" value="works" />
5940 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
5941 | <optional>
5942 | <combo key="product" text="Product" values="bakery_products,beer,bricks,dairy,electronics,food,furniture,machinery,meat,oil,packaging,rice,steel,sugar"/>
5943 | </optional>
5944 | </item> <!-- Works -->
5945 | <item name="Chimney" icon="presets/landmark/chimney.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
5946 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=chimney" />
5947 | <space />
5948 | <key key="man_made" value="chimney" />
5949 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator" />
5950 | <text key="height" text="Height (meters)" length="7" />
5951 | </item> <!-- Chimney -->
5952 | <item name="Kiln" icon="presets/misc/kiln.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
5953 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=kiln" />
5954 | <space />
5955 | <key key="man_made" value="kiln" />
5956 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator" />
5957 | <combo key="product" text="Product" values="lime,charcoal,bricks" />
5958 | </item> <!-- Kiln -->
5959 | <item name="Windmill" icon="presets/landmark/windmill.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
5960 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=windmill" />
5961 | <space />
5962 | <key key="man_made" value="windmill" />
5963 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator" />
5964 | </item> <!-- Windmill -->
5965 | <item name="Windpump" icon="presets/landmark/windpump.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
5966 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=windpump" />
5967 | <space />
5968 | <key key="man_made" value="windpump" />
5969 | <reference ref="substance" />
5970 | <optional>
5971 | <reference ref="pumpMechanism" />
5972 | <reference ref="mechCoupling" />
5973 | <reference ref="handle" />
5974 | <text key="pressure" text="Pressure (bar)" />
5975 | <text key="flow_rate" text="Flow rate with unit of measure" />
5976 | <space />
5977 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator" />
5978 | <text key="manufacturer" text="Manufacturer" />
5979 | </optional>
5980 | <preset_link preset_name="Pump" text="Similar but different tags:" />
5981 | <preset_link preset_name="Water Well" text="Similar but different tags:" />
5982 | <preset_link preset_name="Petroleum Well" text="Similar but different tags:" />
5983 | </item> <!-- Windpump-->
5984 | <item name="Pump" icon="presets/landmark/pump.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
5985 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=pump" />
5986 | <space />
5987 | <key key="man_made" value="pump" />
5988 | <reference ref="substance" />
5989 | <optional>
5990 | <reference ref="pump_details" />
5991 | <reference ref="handle" />
5992 | <text key="pressure" text="Pressure (bar)" />
5993 | <text key="flow_rate" text="Flow rate with unit of measure" />
5994 | <space />
5995 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator" />
5996 | <text key="manufacturer" text="Manufacturer" />
5997 | <combo key="location" text="Location" values="outdoor,indoor,surface,underground,underwater" values_context="pump" />
5998 | </optional>
5999 | <preset_link preset_name="Windpump" text="Similar but different tags:" />
6000 | <preset_link preset_name="Water Well" text="Similar but different tags:" />
6001 | <preset_link preset_name="Petroleum Well" text="Similar but different tags:" />
6002 | </item> <!-- Pump -->
6003 | <item name="Petroleum Well" icon="presets/landmark/petroleum_well.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
6004 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=petroleum_well" />
6005 | <space />
6006 | <key key="man_made" value="petroleum_well" />
6007 | <combo key="substance" text="Substance" values="gas,oil" />
6008 | <optional>
6009 | <reference ref="pump_details" />
6010 | <reference ref="handle" />
6011 | <text key="pressure" text="Pressure (bar)" />
6012 | <text key="flow_rate" text="Flow rate with unit of measure" />
6013 | <space />
6014 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator" />
6015 | <text key="manufacturer" text="Manufacturer" />
6016 | </optional>
6017 | <preset_link preset_name="Water Well" text="Similar but different tags:" />
6018 | <preset_link preset_name="Windpump" text="Similar but different tags:" />
6019 | <preset_link preset_name="Pump" text="Similar but different tags:" />
6020 | </item> <!-- Petroleum Well -->
6021 | <item name="Gasometer" icon="presets/landmark/gasometer.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
6022 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=gasometer" />
6023 | <key key="man_made" value="gasometer" />
6024 | <optional>
6025 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator" />
6026 | <combo key="building" text="Building" values="gasometer" values_context="building" />
6027 | <text key="height" text="Height (meters)" length="7" />
6028 | </optional>
6029 | </item> <!-- Gasometer -->
6030 | <item name="Silo" icon="presets/landmark/silo.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
6031 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=silo" />
6032 | <key key="man_made" value="silo" />
6033 | <optional>
6034 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator" />
6035 | <combo key="building" text="Building" values="silo" values_context="building" />
6036 | <text key="height" text="Height (meters)" length="7" />
6037 | </optional>
6038 | </item> <!-- Silo -->
6039 | <item name="Storage Tank" icon="presets/landmark/storage_tank.svg" type="node,closedway">
6040 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=storage_tank" />
6041 | <key key="man_made" value="storage_tank" />
6042 | <optional>
6043 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator" />
6044 | <combo key="building" text="Building" values="storage_tank" values_context="building" />
6045 | <combo key="content" text="Content" values="fuel,manure,oil,sewage,silage,slurry,water,wine" values_context="content" />
6046 | <text key="height" text="Height (meters)" length="7" />
6047 | </optional>
6048 | </item> <!-- Storage Tank -->
6049 | <item name="Bunker Silo" icon="presets/landmark/bunker_silo.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
6050 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=bunker_silo" />
6051 | <key key="man_made" value="bunker_silo" />
6052 | <optional>
6053 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator" />
6054 | </optional>
6055 | </item> <!-- Bunker Silo -->
6056 | <item name="Crane" icon="presets/landmark/crane.svg" type="node,way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
6057 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=crane" />
6058 | <key key="man_made" value="crane" />
6059 | <optional>
6060 | <combo key="crane:type" text="Type" values="floor-mounted_crane,gantry_crane,portal_crane,travel_lift" />
6061 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator" />
6062 | </optional>
6063 | </item> <!-- Crane -->
6064 | <item name="Goods conveyor" icon="presets/landmark/goods_conveyor.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
6065 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=goods_conveyor" />
6066 | <key key="man_made" value="goods_conveyor" />
6067 | <optional>
6068 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator" />
6069 | <combo key="resource" text="Resource" values="aggregate,bauxite,clay,coal,copper,dimension_stone,gold,ilmenite,iron_ore,lead,limestone,nickel,rutile,salt,silver,tin,zinc,zircon" />
6070 | <checkgroup columns="3">
6071 | <check key="covered" text="Covered" />
6072 | <check key="bridge" text="Bridge" disable_off="true" />
6073 | <check key="tunnel" text="Tunnel" disable_off="true" />
6074 | </checkgroup>
6075 | <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="5,4,3,2,1,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5" default="-1" length="3" values_sort="false" />
6076 | </optional>
6077 | </item> <!-- Goods conveyor -->
6078 | <item name="Pumping station" icon="presets/misc/pumping_station.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
6079 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=pumping_station" />
6080 | <space />
6081 | <key key="man_made" value="pumping_station" />
6082 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator" />
6083 | <reference ref="substance" />
6084 | </item> <!-- Pumping station -->
6085 | <item name="Mineshaft" icon="presets/landmark/mine.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
6086 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=mineshaft" />
6087 | <space />
6088 | <key key="man_made" value="mineshaft" />
6089 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
6090 | <combo key="mineshaft_type" text="Function" values="winding,air" />
6091 | <text key="depth" text="Depth (meters)" />
6092 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
6093 | <combo key="resource" text="Resource" values="aggregate,bauxite,clay,coal,copper,dimension_stone,gold,ilmenite,iron_ore,lead,limestone,nickel,rutile,salt,silver,tin,zinc,zircon" />
6094 | <check key="headframe" text="Visible Headframe" />
6095 | <check key="disused" text="Disused" />
6096 | </item> <!-- Mineshaft -->
6097 | <item name="Heap" icon="presets/landmark/heap.svg" type="closedway" preset_name_label="true">
6098 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=heap" />
6099 | <space />
6100 | <key key="man_made" value="heap" />
6101 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
6102 | <combo key="resource" text="Resource" values="aggregate,bauxite,basalt,clay,coal,copper,dimension_stone,ilmenite,iron_ore,lead,limestone,nickel,rutile,salt,tin,zinc,zircon" />
6103 | </item> <!-- Heap -->
6104 | <item name="Adit" icon="presets/landmark/adit.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
6105 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=adit" />
6106 | <space />
6107 | <key key="man_made" value="adit" />
6108 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
6109 | <text key="length" text="Length (meters)" />
6110 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
6111 | <combo key="resource" text="Resource" values="aggregate,bauxite,clay,coal,copper,dimension_stone,gold,ilmenite,iron_ore,lead,limestone,nickel,rutile,salt,silver,tin,zinc,zircon" />
6112 | <check key="disused" text="Disused" />
6113 | </item> <!-- Adit -->
6114 | <item name="Embankment" icon="presets/misc/embankment.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
6115 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=embankment" />
6116 | <space />
6117 | <key key="man_made" value="embankment" />
6118 | </item> <!-- Embankment -->
6119 | <item name="Avalanche Protection" icon="presets/misc/avalanche_protection.svg" type="node,way,closed_way" preset_name_label="true">
6120 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=avalanche_protection" />
6121 | <space />
6122 | <key key="man_made" value="avalanche_protection" />
6123 | <optional>
6124 | <combo key="avalanche_protection" text="Avalance protection" values="snow_bridge,dam,berm,mound,shed,gas_ignition" />
6125 | <check key="barrier" value_on="fence" text="Fence"/>
6126 | </optional>
6127 | </item> <!-- Avalanche Protection -->
6128 | <separator/>
6129 | <item name="Utility Pole" icon="presets/tower/pole.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
6130 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=utility_pole" />
6131 | <space />
6132 | <key key="man_made" value="utility_pole" />
6133 | <reference ref="pole" />
6134 | <reference ref="utilities" />
6135 | <optional>
6136 | <reference ref="line_properties"/>
6137 | </optional>
6138 | <preset_link preset_name="Pole" text="Similar preset:" />
6139 | </item> <!-- Utility Pole -->
6140 | <item name="Street Lamp" icon="presets/misc/streetlamp.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
6141 | <link wiki="Tag:highway=street_lamp" />
6142 | <space />
6143 | <key key="highway" value="street_lamp" />
6144 | <combo key="lamp_type" text="Type" values="electric,floodlight,sodium,solar_lamp" values_context="lamp_type" match="key" />
6145 | <combo key="lamp_mount" text="Mounted on" values="bent_mast,straight_mast,suspended,wall" values_context="lamp_mount" match="key" />
6146 | <combo key="opening_hours" text="Operation times" values="Mo-Fr 22:00-05:00" values_no_i18n="true" />
6147 | </item> <!-- Street Lamp -->
6148 | <item name="Street cabinet" icon="presets/misc/street_cabinet.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
6149 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=street_cabinet" />
6150 | <key key="man_made" value="street_cabinet" />
6151 | <optional>
6152 | <combo key="street_cabinet" text="Type" values="cable_tv,gas,postal_service,power,street_lighting,telecom,traffic_control,traffic_monitoring,transport_management,waste,water,water_management" />
6153 | <reference ref="ref_operator" />
6154 | <text key="manufacturer" text="Manufacturer" />
6155 | <reference ref="color" />
6156 | </optional>
6157 | </item> <!-- Street cabinet -->
6158 | <item name="Monitoring Station" icon="presets/misc/monitoring_station.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
6159 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=monitoring_station" />
6160 | <space />
6161 | <key key="man_made" value="monitoring_station" />
6162 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
6163 | <label text="Monitoring:" />
6164 | <checkgroup columns="3">
6165 | <check key="monitoring:water_level" text="Water level" />
6166 | <check key="monitoring:tide_gauge" text="Tide Level" />
6167 | <check key="monitoring:groundwater" text="Groundwater" />
6168 | <check key="monitoring:traffic" text="Traffic" />
6169 | <check key="monitoring:air_quality" text="Air Quality" />
6170 | <check key="monitoring:noise" text="Noise" />
6171 | <check key="monitoring:gps" text="GPS Signals" />
6172 | <check key="monitoring:glonass" text="GLONASS Signals" />
6173 | <check key="monitoring:galileo" text="Galileo Signals" />
6174 | <check key="monitoring:weather" text="Weather" />
6175 | <check key="monitoring:radiation" text="Radiation" />
6176 | <check key="monitoring:seismic_activity" text="Seismic Activity" />
6177 | </checkgroup>
6178 | <label text="Recording:" />
6179 | <checkgroup columns="3">
6180 | <check key="recording:automated" text="Automated" />
6181 | <check key="recording:manually" text="Manually" />
6182 | <check key="recording:remote" text="Remote" />
6183 | </checkgroup>
6184 | <label text="Display:" />
6185 | <checkgroup columns="2">
6186 | <check key="display:analog" text="Analog" />
6187 | <check key="display:digital" text="Digital" />
6188 | </checkgroup>
6189 | </item> <!-- Monitoring Station -->
6190 | <item name="Telescope" icon="presets/tower/telescope_dish.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
6191 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=telescope" />
6192 | <space />
6193 | <key key="man_made" value="telescope" />
6194 | <combo key="telescope:type" text="Type" values_context="telescope" values_searchable="true">
6195 | <list_entry value="optical" icon="presets/tower/telescope_dome.svg" />
6196 | <list_entry value="radio" icon="presets/tower/telescope_dish.svg" />
6197 | <list_entry value="gamma" icon="presets/tower/telescope_dish.svg" />
6198 | </combo>
6199 | <optional>
6200 | <combo key="tower:construction" text="Type of construction" values="dish,dome" values_searchable="true" />
6201 | <text key="telescope:diameter" text="Telescope Diameter (meters)" />
6202 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator" />
6203 | <text key="height" text="Height (meters)" length="7" />
6204 | <text key="ele" text="Elevation (meters)" length="10" />
6205 | <combo key="material" text="Material" values="adobe,brick,concrete,glass,masonry,metal,plastic,reinforced_concrete,steel,stone,wood" />
6206 | <reference ref="POI_access" />
6207 | </optional>
6208 | <preset_link preset_name="Antenna" text="Similar but different tags:" />
6209 | <preset_link preset_name="Mast" text="Similar but different tags:" />
6210 | <preset_link preset_name="Tower" text="Similar but different tags:" />
6211 | <preset_link preset_name="Big Communication Tower" text="Similar but different tags:" />
6212 | </item> <!-- Telescope -->
6213 | <item name="Survey Point" icon="presets/landmark/survey_point.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
6214 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=survey_point" />
6215 | <space />
6216 | <key key="man_made" value="survey_point" />
6217 | <reference ref="name_ref" />
6218 | <text key="ele" text="Elevation (meters)" length="10" />
6219 | <combo key="material" text="Material" values="andesite,brass,bronze,concrete,granite,metal,steel,stone" />
6220 | </item> <!-- Survey Point -->
6221 | <item name="Surveillance Camera" icon="presets/service/surveillance.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
6222 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=surveillance" />
6223 | <space />
6224 | <key key="man_made" value="surveillance" />
6225 | <key key="surveillance:type" value="camera" />
6226 | <combo key="surveillance" text="Type" values="indoor,outdoor,public" />
6227 | <combo key="surveillance:zone" text="Zone" values="town,parking,traffic,shop,bank,building" />
6228 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
6229 | <optional>
6230 | <reference ref="name_ref" />
6231 | </optional>
6232 | <space />
6233 | <label text="Camera" />
6234 | <space />
6235 | <combo key="camera:type" text="Type" values="fixed,panning,dome" values_context="camera:type" match="key" />
6236 | <combo key="camera:mount" text="Mounted on" values="wall,pole,ceiling" values_context="camera:mount" match="key" />
6237 | <optional>
6238 | <text key="camera:direction" text="Direction in degrees" match="key" />
6239 | <text key="camera:angle" text="Inclination in degrees" match="key" />
6240 | <text key="height" text="Height (meters)" length="7" />
6241 | </optional>
6242 | </item> <!-- Surveillance Camera -->
6243 | </group> <!-- Man Made -->
6244 | <group name="Towers" icon="presets/tower/tower.svg">
6245 | <item name="Lighthouse" icon="presets/landmark/lighthouse.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
6246 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=lighthouse" />
6247 | <space />
6248 | <key key="man_made" value="lighthouse" />
6249 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
6250 | </item> <!-- Lighthouse -->
6251 | <item name="Beacon" icon="presets/landmark/beacon.svg" name_context="man_made" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
6252 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=beacon" />
6253 | <space />
6254 | <key key="man_made" value="beacon" />
6255 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
6256 | </item> <!-- Beacon -->
6257 | <item name="Water Tower" icon="presets/tower/water_tower.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
6258 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=water_tower" />
6259 | <space />
6260 | <key key="man_made" value="water_tower" />
6261 | <optional>
6262 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
6263 | <text key="height" text="Height (meters)" length="7" />
6264 | </optional>
6265 | </item> <!-- Water Tower -->
6266 | <separator/>
6267 | <item name="Antenna" icon="presets/tower/antenna.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
6268 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=antenna" />
6269 | <space />
6270 | <key key="man_made" value="antenna" />
6271 | <optional>
6272 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator" />
6273 | <text key="height" text="Height (meters)" length="7" />
6274 | <text key="ele" text="Elevation (meters)" length="10" />
6275 | <combo key="material" text="Material" values="adobe,brick,concrete,glass,masonry,metal,plastic,reinforced_concrete,steel,stone,wood" />
6276 | <reference ref="communication" />
6277 | </optional>
6278 | <preset_link preset_name="Mast" text="Similar but different tags:" />
6279 | <preset_link preset_name="Tower" text="Similar but different tags:" />
6280 | <preset_link preset_name="Big Communication Tower" text="Similar but different tags:" />
6281 | <preset_link preset_name="Telescope" text="Similar but different tags:" />
6282 | </item> <!-- Antenna -->
6283 | <item name="Mast" icon="presets/tower/mast.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
6284 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=mast" />
6285 | <space />
6286 | <key key="man_made" value="mast" />
6287 | <combo key="tower:type" text="Type" values_context="mast/tower" values_searchable="true">
6288 | <list_entry value="communication" icon="presets/tower/mast_communication.svg" />
6289 | <list_entry value="lighting" icon="presets/tower/mast_lighting.svg" />
6290 | <list_entry value="monitoring" />
6291 | <list_entry value="radar" />
6292 | <list_entry value="siren" />
6293 | </combo>
6294 | <optional>
6295 | <combo key="tower:construction" text="Type of construction" values="freestanding,guyed_lattice,guyed_tube,lattice" values_searchable="true" />
6296 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator" />
6297 | <text key="height" text="Height (meters)" length="7" />
6298 | <text key="ele" text="Elevation (meters)" length="10" />
6299 | <combo key="material" text="Material" values="adobe,brick,concrete,glass,masonry,metal,plastic,reinforced_concrete,steel,stone,wood" />
6300 | <reference ref="communication" />
6301 | </optional>
6302 | <preset_link preset_name="Antenna" text="Similar but different tags:" />
6303 | <preset_link preset_name="Tower" text="Similar but different tags:" />
6304 | <preset_link preset_name="Big Communication Tower" text="Similar but different tags:" />
6305 | <preset_link preset_name="Telescope" text="Similar but different tags:" />
6306 | </item> <!-- Mast -->
6307 | <item name="Tower" icon="presets/tower/tower.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
6308 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=tower" />
6309 | <space />
6310 | <key key="man_made" value="tower" />
6311 | <combo key="tower:type" text="Type" values_context="mast/tower" values_searchable="true">
6312 | <list_entry value="bell_tower" icon="presets/tower/bell_tower.svg" />
6313 | <list_entry value="communication" icon="presets/tower/communication.svg" />
6314 | <list_entry value="cooling" icon="presets/tower/cooling.svg" />
6315 | <list_entry value="defensive" icon="presets/tower/defensive.svg" />
6316 | <list_entry value="lighting" icon="presets/tower/lighting.svg" />
6317 | <list_entry value="minaret" />
6318 | <list_entry value="observation" icon="presets/tower/observation.svg" />
6319 | <list_entry value="radar" />
6320 | <list_entry value="watchtower" icon="presets/tower/observation.svg" />
6321 | </combo>
6322 | <optional>
6323 | <combo key="tower:construction" text="Type of construction" values="dish,dome,freestanding,lattice" values_searchable="true" />
6324 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator" />
6325 | <text key="height" text="Height (meters)" length="7" />
6326 | <text key="ele" text="Elevation (meters)" length="10" />
6327 | <combo key="material" text="Material" values="adobe,brick,concrete,glass,masonry,metal,plastic,reinforced_concrete,steel,stone,wood" />
6328 | <reference ref="communication" />
6329 | <space />
6330 | <reference ref="POI_access" />
6331 | <reference ref="oh" />
6332 | <reference ref="fee_interval" />
6333 | <space />
6334 | </optional>
6335 | <preset_link preset_name="Antenna" text="Similar but different tags:" />
6336 | <preset_link preset_name="Mast" text="Similar but different tags:" />
6337 | <preset_link preset_name="Big Communication Tower" text="Similar but different tags:" />
6338 | <preset_link preset_name="Telescope" text="Similar but different tags:" />
6339 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
6340 | </item> <!-- Tower -->
6341 | <item name="Big Communication Tower" icon="presets/tower/communications_tower.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
6342 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=communications_tower" />
6343 | <space />
6344 | <label text="Big communication tower, usually higher than 100 meters." />
6345 | <key key="man_made" value="communications_tower" />
6346 | <optional>
6347 | <combo key="tower:type" text="Type" values="communication,observation" default="communication" values_context="mast/tower" />
6348 | <combo key="tower:construction" text="Type of construction" values="dish,dome,freestanding,lattice" values_searchable="true" />
6349 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator" />
6350 | <text key="height" text="Height (meters)" length="7" />
6351 | <text key="ele" text="Elevation (meters)" length="10" />
6352 | <combo key="material" text="Material" values="adobe,brick,concrete,glass,masonry,metal,plastic,reinforced_concrete,steel,stone,wood" />
6353 | <reference ref="communication" />
6354 | <space />
6355 | <reference ref="POI_access" />
6356 | <reference ref="oh" />
6357 | <reference ref="fee_interval" />
6358 | </optional>
6359 | <preset_link preset_name="Antenna" text="Similar but different tags:" />
6360 | <preset_link preset_name="Mast" text="Similar but different tags:" />
6361 | <preset_link preset_name="Tower" text="Similar but different tags:" />
6362 | <preset_link preset_name="Telescope" text="Similar but different tags:" />
6363 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
6364 | </item> <!-- Big Communication Tower -->
6365 | </group> <!-- Towers -->
6366 | <group name="Pipeline" icon="presets/landmark/pipeline.svg">
6367 | <item name="Pipeline" icon="presets/landmark/pipeline.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
6368 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=pipeline" />
6369 | <space />
6370 | <key key="man_made" value="pipeline" />
6371 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator" />
6372 | <reference ref="substance" />
6373 | <combo key="location" text="Location" values="overground,overhead,surface,underground,underwater" values_context="pipeline" />
6374 | <combo key="diameter" text="Diameter (mm)" values="800,1000,1200,1500,1600,1800,2200,2300,2400,2500,2600,2800,3200,3300,3400,3500,4000,4200,4300,4800" />
6375 | <text key="pressure" text="Pressure (bar)" />
6376 | <text key="flow_rate" text="Flow rate with unit of measure" />
6377 | </item> <!-- Pipeline -->
6378 | <item name="Pipeline Substation" icon="presets/misc/pipeline_substation.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
6379 | <link wiki="Tag:pipeline=substation" />
6380 | <space />
6381 | <key key="pipeline" value="substation" />
6382 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
6383 | <combo key="substation" text="Type" values="compression,distribution,field_gathering,inspection_gauge,measurement,valve,valve_group" values_context="pipeline" values_searchable="true" />
6384 | <reference ref="ref_operator" />
6385 | <reference ref="substance" />
6386 | </item> <!-- Pipeline Substation -->
6387 | <item name="Pipeline Valve" icon="presets/misc/valve.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
6388 | <link wiki="Tag:pipeline=valve" />
6389 | <space />
6390 | <key key="pipeline" value="valve" />
6391 | <combo key="valve" text="Valve type" values="butterfly,globe,ball,plug,gate,needle,spool" values_context="valve" values_searchable="true" />
6392 | <combo key="actuator" text="Actuator" values="manual,electric_motor,hydraulic_cylinder,pneumatic_cylinder,solenoid,thermostatic" values_context="actuator" values_searchable="true" values_sort="false" />
6393 | <reference ref="handle" />
6394 | <combo key="sensor:position" text="Position sensor" values="optical,mechanical,inductive,yes" />
6395 | <reference ref="ref_operator" />
6396 | </item> <!-- Pipeline Valve -->
6397 | <item name="Marker" icon="presets/misc/pipeline_marker.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
6398 | <link wiki="Key:marker" />
6399 | <space />
6400 | <combo key="marker" text="Type" values="aerial,ground,pedestal,plate,post,stone" values_context="marker" match="key" />
6401 | <reference ref="utilities" />
6402 | <optional>
6403 | <reference ref="ref_operator" />
6404 | <combo key="material" text="Material" values="concrete,metal,plastic,steel,stone,wood" />
6405 | <reference ref="color" />
6406 | <combo key="location" text="Location" values="overground,overhead,surface,underground,underwater" values_context="pipeline" />
6407 | </optional>
6408 | </item> <!-- Marker -->
6409 | <item name="Manhole" icon="presets/misc/manhole.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
6410 | <link wiki="Key:manhole" />
6411 | <space />
6412 | <key key="man_made" value="manhole" />
6413 | <combo key="manhole" text="Type" values="drain,gas,heat,power,rainwater,sewer,telecom,water" values_context="manhole" values_searchable="true" />
6414 | <reference ref="ref_operator" />
6415 | </item> <!-- Manhole -->
6416 | </group> <!-- Pipeline -->
6417 | <group name="Water" icon="presets/landmark/water_works.svg">
6418 | <item name="Water Works" icon="presets/landmark/water_works.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
6419 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=water_works" />
6420 | <space />
6421 | <key key="man_made" value="water_works" />
6422 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
6423 | </item> <!-- Water Works -->
6424 | <item name="Wastewater Treatment Plant" icon="presets/landmark/wastewater_plant.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
6425 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=wastewater_plant" />
6426 | <space />
6427 | <key key="man_made" value="wastewater_plant" />
6428 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
6429 | </item> <!-- Wastewater Treatment Plant -->
6430 | <item name="Watermill" icon="presets/landmark/watermill.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
6431 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=watermill" />
6432 | <space />
6433 | <key key="man_made" value="watermill" />
6434 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
6435 | </item> <!-- Watermill -->
6436 | <item name="Fountain" icon="presets/misc/fountain.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
6437 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=fountain" />
6438 | <space />
6439 | <key key="amenity" value="fountain" />
6440 | <optional>
6441 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
6442 | <check key="drinking_water" text="Drinking Water" />
6443 | </optional>
6444 | </item> <!-- Fountain -->
6445 | <item name="Water Well" icon="presets/landmark/water_well.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
6446 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=water_well" />
6447 | <space />
6448 | <key key="man_made" value="water_well" />
6449 | <combo key="pump" text="Pump" values="yes,no,manual,powered" values_sort="false"/>
6450 | <optional>
6451 | <reference ref="pump_details" />
6452 | <reference ref="handle" />
6453 | <text key="pressure" text="Pressure (bar)" />
6454 | <text key="flow_rate" text="Flow rate with unit of measure" />
6455 | <space />
6456 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator" />
6457 | </optional>
6458 | <preset_link preset_name="Petroleum Well" text="Similar but different tags:" />
6459 | <preset_link preset_name="Windpump" text="Similar but different tags:" />
6460 | <preset_link preset_name="Pump" text="Similar but different tags:" />
6461 | </item> <!-- Water Well -->
6462 | </group> <!-- Water -->
6463 | <group name="Bridges" icon="presets/transport/bridge/bridge.svg">
6464 | <item name="Bridge" icon="presets/transport/bridge/bridge.svg" type="way,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
6465 | <link wiki="Key:bridge" />
6466 | <space />
6467 | <combo key="bridge" text="Bridge" values="yes,aqueduct,boardwalk,cantilever,covered,low_water_crossing,trestle,viaduct" match="keyvalue!" default="yes" />
6468 | <combo key="bridge:structure" text="Structure" values="arch,beam,cable-stayed,floating,humpback,simple-suspension,suspension,truss" match="key" />
6469 | <reference ref="optional_bridge" />
6470 | </item> <!-- Bridge -->
6471 | <item name="Movable Bridge" icon="presets/transport/bridge/bridge_movable.svg" type="way,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
6472 | <link wiki="Key:bridge:movable" />
6473 | <space />
6474 | <key key="bridge" value="movable" />
6475 | <combo key="bridge:movable" text="Type" values="bascule,drawbridge,lift,submersible,swing,transporter,retractable,tilt" match="key" />
6476 | <reference ref="optional_bridge" />
6477 | </item> <!-- Movable Bridge -->
6478 | <item name="Bridge Support" icon="presets/transport/bridge/bridge_support.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
6479 | <link wiki="Key:bridge:support" />
6480 | <space />
6481 | <combo key="bridge:support" text="Type" values="abutment,lift_pier,pier,pivot_pier,pylon" match="key" />
6482 | </item> <!-- Bridge Support -->
6483 | <item name="Bridge outline" icon="presets/transport/bridge/bridge_outline.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
6484 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=bridge" />
6485 | <space />
6486 | <key key="man_made" value="bridge" />
6487 | <optional>
6488 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
6489 | <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="5,4,3,2,1,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5" default="1" length="3" values_sort="false" />
6490 | <combo key="bridge" text="Bridge" values="aqueduct,boardwalk,cantilever,covered,low_water_crossing,movable,trestle,viaduct" />
6491 | <combo key="bridge:structure" text="Structure" values="arch,beam,cable-stayed,floating,humpback,simple-suspension,suspension,truss" match="key" />
6492 | <combo key="bridge:movable" text="Type" values="bascule,drawbridge,lift,submersible,swing,transporter,retractable,tilt" match="key" />
6493 | </optional>
6494 | </item> <!-- Bridge outline -->
6495 | </group> <!-- Bridges -->
6496 | <group name="Military" name_context="preset group" icon="presets/landuse/military.svg">
6497 | <item name="Airfield" icon="presets/transport/airport/airfield.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
6498 | <link wiki="Tag:military=airfield" />
6499 | <space />
6500 | <key key="military" value="airfield" match="keyvalue!" />
6501 | <reference ref="aerodrome" />
6502 | </item> <!-- Airfield -->
6503 | <item name="Barracks" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
6504 | <link wiki="Tag:military=barracks" />
6505 | <space />
6506 | <key key="military" value="barracks" />
6507 | </item> <!-- Barracks -->
6508 | <item name="Bunker" icon="presets/landmark/bunker.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
6509 | <link wiki="Tag:military=bunker" />
6510 | <key key="military" value="bunker" />
6511 | <optional>
6512 | <combo key="bunker_type" text="Type" values="command,foxhole,gun_emplacement,hardened_aircraft_shelter,mg_nest,munitions,observation,personnel_shelter,pillbox,technical,tobruk" values_context="bunker" values_searchable="true" />
6513 | <combo key="location" text="Location" values="overground,underground,underwater" values_context="bunker" />
6514 | <combo key="building" text="Building" values="bunker,yes" values_context="building" />
6515 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
6516 | <reference ref="POI_access" />
6517 | <check key="historic" text="Historic" />
6518 | <check key="ruins" text="Ruins" />
6519 | </optional>
6520 | </item> <!-- Bunker -->
6521 | <item name="Range" icon="presets/sport/range.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
6522 | <link wiki="Tag:military=range" />
6523 | <space />
6524 | <key key="military" value="range" />
6525 | </item> <!-- Range -->
6526 | </group> <!-- Military -->
6527 | <group name="Power" icon="presets/power/power.svg">
6528 | <group name="Power Plant" icon="presets/power/plant.svg">
6529 | <item name="Power Plant" icon="presets/power/plant_plain.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true" match_expression="power=plant -("plant:source"=biofuel|"plant:source"=biogas|"plant:source"=biomass|"plant:source"=coal|"plant:source"=diesel|"plant:source"=gas|"plant:source"=gasoline|"plant:source"=geothermal|"plant:source"=hydro|"plant:source"=nuclear|"plant:source"=oil|"plant:source"=osmotic|"plant:source"=solar|"plant:source"=tidal|"plant:source"=waste|"plant:source"=wave|"plant:source"=wind)">
6530 | <link wiki="Tag:power=plant" />
6531 | <space />
6532 | <multiselect key="plant:source" text="Plant Source" values_searchable="true" values_sort="false">
6533 | <reference ref="power_source" />
6534 | </multiselect>
6535 | <reference ref="power_plant" />
6536 | </item> <!-- Power Plant -->
6537 | <separator/>
6538 | <item name="Biofuel Power Plant" icon="presets/power/plant_biofuel.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
6539 | <link wiki="Tag:power=plant" />
6540 | <key key="plant:source" value="biofuel" />
6541 | <key key="plant:method" value="combustion" match="none" />
6542 | <space />
6543 | <reference ref="power_plant" />
6544 | </item> <!-- Biofuel Power Plant -->
6545 | <item name="Biogas Power Plant" icon="presets/power/plant_biofuel.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
6546 | <link wiki="Tag:power=plant" />
6547 | <key key="plant:source" value="biogas" />
6548 | <key key="plant:method" value="combustion" match="none" />
6549 | <space />
6550 | <reference ref="power_plant" />
6551 | </item> <!-- Biogas Power Plant -->
6552 | <item name="Biomass Power Plant" icon="presets/power/plant_biofuel.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
6553 | <link wiki="Tag:plant:source=biomass" />
6554 | <key key="plant:source" value="biomass" />
6555 | <space />
6556 | <reference ref="power_plant" />
6557 | <space />
6558 | <combo key="plant:method" text="Method" values_context="generator method" values="anaerobic_digestion,combustion,gasification" />
6559 | </item> <!-- Biomass Power Plant -->
6560 | <item name="Coal Power Plant" icon="presets/power/plant_coal.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
6561 | <link wiki="Tag:plant:source=coal" />
6562 | <key key="plant:source" value="coal" />
6563 | <key key="plant:method" value="combustion" match="none" />
6564 | <space />
6565 | <reference ref="power_plant" />
6566 | </item> <!-- Coal Power Plant -->
6567 | <item name="Gas Power Plant" icon="presets/power/plant_gas.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
6568 | <link wiki="Tag:plant:source=gas" />
6569 | <key key="plant:source" value="gas" />
6570 | <key key="plant:method" value="combustion" match="none" />
6571 | <space />
6572 | <reference ref="power_plant" />
6573 | </item> <!-- Gas Power Plant -->
6574 | <item name="Oil Power Plant" icon="presets/power/plant_oil.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
6575 | <link wiki="Tag:plant:source=oil" />
6576 | <key key="plant:source" value="oil" />
6577 | <key key="plant:method" value="combustion" match="none" />
6578 | <space />
6579 | <reference ref="power_plant" />
6580 | </item> <!-- Oil Power Plant -->
6581 | <item name="Diesel Power Plant" icon="presets/power/plant_oil.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
6582 | <link wiki="Tag:power=plant" />
6583 | <key key="plant:source" value="diesel" />
6584 | <key key="plant:method" value="combustion" match="none" />
6585 | <space />
6586 | <reference ref="power_plant" />
6587 | </item> <!-- Diesel Power Plant -->
6588 | <item name="Gasoline Power Plant" icon="presets/power/plant_oil.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
6589 | <link wiki="Tag:power=plant" />
6590 | <key key="plant:source" value="gasoline" />
6591 | <key key="plant:method" value="combustion" match="none" />
6592 | <space />
6593 | <reference ref="power_plant" />
6594 | </item> <!-- Gasoline Power Plant -->
6595 | <item name="Nuclear Power Plant" icon="presets/power/plant_nuclear.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
6596 | <link wiki="Tag:plant:source=nuclear" />
6597 | <key key="plant:source" value="nuclear" />
6598 | <space />
6599 | <reference ref="power_plant" />
6600 | <space />
6601 | <combo key="plant:method" text="Method" values_context="generator method" values="fission,fusion" />
6602 | </item> <!-- Nuclear Power Plant -->
6603 | <item name="Waste Power Plant" icon="presets/power/plant_waste.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
6604 | <link wiki="Tag:plant:source=waste" />
6605 | <key key="plant:source" value="waste" />
6606 | <space />
6607 | <reference ref="power_plant" />
6608 | <space />
6609 | <combo key="plant:method" text="Method" values_context="generator method" values="combustion,gasification,pyrolysis" />
6610 | </item> <!-- Waste Power Plant -->
6611 | <item name="Geothermal Power Plant" icon="presets/power/plant_geothermal.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
6612 | <link wiki="Tag:plant:source=geothermal" />
6613 | <key key="plant:source" value="geothermal" />
6614 | <space />
6615 | <reference ref="power_plant" />
6616 | </item> <!-- Geothermal Power Plant -->
6617 | <item name="Hydro Power Plant" icon="presets/power/plant_water.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
6618 | <link wiki="Tag:plant:source=hydro" />
6619 | <key key="plant:source" value="hydro" />
6620 | <space />
6621 | <reference ref="power_plant" />
6622 | <space />
6623 | <combo key="plant:method" text="Method" values_context="generator method" values="run-of-the-river,water-pumped-storage,water-storage" />
6624 | </item> <!-- Hydro Power Plant -->
6625 | <item name="Tidal Power Plant" icon="presets/power/plant_water.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
6626 | <link wiki="Tag:power=plant" />
6627 | <key key="plant:source" value="tidal" />
6628 | <space />
6629 | <reference ref="power_plant" />
6630 | <space />
6631 | <combo key="plant:method" text="Method" values_context="generator method" values="barrage,stream" />
6632 | </item> <!-- Tidal Power Plant -->
6633 | <item name="Wave Power Plant" icon="presets/power/plant_water.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
6634 | <link wiki="Tag:power=plant" />
6635 | <key key="plant:source" value="wave" />
6636 | <space />
6637 | <reference ref="power_plant" />
6638 | </item> <!-- Wave Power Plant -->
6639 | <item name="Osmotic Power Plant" icon="presets/power/plant_water.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
6640 | <link wiki="Tag:power=plant" />
6641 | <key key="plant:source" value="osmotic" />
6642 | <space />
6643 | <reference ref="power_plant" />
6644 | </item> <!-- Osmotic Power Plant -->
6645 | <item name="Solar Power Plant" icon="presets/power/plant_gas.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
6646 | <link wiki="Tag:plant:source=solar" />
6647 | <key key="plant:source" value="solar" />
6648 | <space />
6649 | <reference ref="power_plant" />
6650 | <space />
6651 | <combo key="plant:method" text="Method" values_context="generator method" values="photovoltaic,thermal" />
6652 | </item> <!-- Solar Power Plant -->
6653 | <item name="Wind Power Plant" icon="presets/power/plant_wind.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
6654 | <link wiki="Tag:plant:source=wind" />
6655 | <key key="plant:source" value="wind" />
6656 | <key key="plant:method" value="wind_turbine" match="none" />
6657 | <space />
6658 | <reference ref="power_plant" />
6659 | </item> <!-- Wind Power Plant -->
6660 | </group> <!-- Power Plant -->
6661 | <group name="Power Generator" icon="presets/power/generator.svg">
6662 | <item name="Power Generator" icon="presets/power/generator.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true" match_expression="power=generator -("generator:source"=biofuel|"generator:source"=biogas|"generator:source"=biomass|"generator:source"=coal|"generator:source"=diesel|"generator:source"=gas|"generator:source"=gasoline|"generator:source"=geothermal|"generator:source"=hydro|"generator:source"=nuclear|"generator:source"=oil|"generator:source"=osmotic|"generator:source"=solar|"generator:source"=tidal|"generator:source"=waste|"generator:source"=wave|"generator:source"=wind)">
6663 | <link wiki="Tag:power=generator" />
6664 | <space />
6665 | <combo key="generator:source" text="Generator Source" values_searchable="true" values_sort="false">
6666 | <reference ref="power_source" />
6667 | </combo>
6668 | <reference ref="power_generator" />
6669 | <reference ref="power_output" />
6670 | </item> <!-- Power Generator -->
6671 | <separator/>
6672 | <item name="Biofuel Power Generator" icon="presets/power/power_source-biofuel.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
6673 | <link wiki="Tag:generator:source=biofuel" />
6674 | <key key="generator:source" value="biofuel" />
6675 | <space />
6676 | <reference ref="power_generator" />
6677 | <key key="generator:method" value="combustion" match="none" />
6678 | <combo key="generator:type" text="Generator Type" values="boiler,gas_turbine,reciprocating_engine,steam_generator" />
6679 | <reference ref="power_output" />
6680 | </item> <!-- Biofuel Power Generator -->
6681 | <item name="Biogas Power Generator" icon="presets/power/power_source-biofuel.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
6682 | <link wiki="Tag:generator:source=biogas" />
6683 | <key key="generator:source" value="biogas" />
6684 | <space />
6685 | <reference ref="power_generator" />
6686 | <key key="generator:method" value="combustion" match="none" />
6687 | <combo key="generator:type" text="Generator Type" values="boiler,reciprocating_engine,steam_generator" />
6688 | <reference ref="power_output" />
6689 | </item> <!-- Biogas Power Generator -->
6690 | <item name="Biomass Power Generator" icon="presets/power/power_source-biofuel.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
6691 | <link wiki="Tag:generator:source=biomass" />
6692 | <key key="generator:source" value="biomass" />
6693 | <space />
6694 | <reference ref="power_generator" />
6695 | <combo key="generator:method" text="Method" values_context="generator method" values="anaerobic_digestion,combustion,gasification" />
6696 | <combo key="generator:type" text="Generator Type" values_searchable="true">
6697 | <list_entry value="bioreactor" short_description="anaerobic_digestion / gasification" />
6698 | <list_entry value="boiler" short_description="combustion" />
6699 | <list_entry value="steam_generator" short_description="combustion" />
6700 | <list_entry value="steam_turbine" short_description="combustion" />
6701 | </combo>
6702 | <reference ref="power_output" />
6703 | </item> <!-- Biomass Power Generator -->
6704 | <item name="Coal Power Generator" icon="presets/power/power_source-coal.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
6705 | <link wiki="Tag:generator:source=coal" />
6706 | <key key="generator:source" value="coal" />
6707 | <space />
6708 | <reference ref="power_generator" />
6709 | <key key="generator:method" value="combustion" match="none" />
6710 | <combo key="generator:type" text="Generator Type" values="steam_generator,steam_turbine,boiler" />
6711 | <reference ref="power_output" />
6712 | </item> <!-- Coal Power Generator -->
6713 | <item name="Gas Power Generator" icon="presets/power/power_source-gas.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
6714 | <link wiki="Tag:generator:source=gas" />
6715 | <key key="generator:source" value="gas" />
6716 | <space />
6717 | <reference ref="power_generator" />
6718 | <key key="generator:method" value="combustion" match="none" />
6719 | <combo key="generator:type" text="Generator Type" values="boiler,combined_cycle,gas_turbine,reciprocating_engine,steam_generator,steam_turbine" />
6720 | <reference ref="power_output" />
6721 | </item> <!-- Gas Power Generator -->
6722 | <item name="Oil Power Generator" icon="presets/power/power_source-oil.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
6723 | <link wiki="Tag:generator:source=oil" />
6724 | <key key="generator:source" value="oil" />
6725 | <space />
6726 | <reference ref="power_generator" />
6727 | <key key="generator:method" value="combustion" match="none" />
6728 | <combo key="generator:type" text="Generator Type" values="boiler,steam_generator,steam_turbine" />
6729 | <reference ref="power_output" />
6730 | </item> <!-- Oil Power Generator -->
6731 | <item name="Diesel Power Generator" icon="presets/power/power_source-oil.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
6732 | <link wiki="Tag:generator:source=diesel" />
6733 | <key key="generator:source" value="diesel" />
6734 | <space />
6735 | <reference ref="power_generator" />
6736 | <key key="generator:method" value="combustion" match="none" />
6737 | <combo key="generator:type" text="Generator Type" values="boiler,reciprocating_engine,steam_generator" />
6738 | <reference ref="power_output" />
6739 | </item> <!-- Diesel Power Generator -->
6740 | <item name="Gasoline Power Generator" icon="presets/power/power_source-oil.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
6741 | <link wiki="Tag:generator:source=gasoline" />
6742 | <key key="generator:source" value="gasoline" />
6743 | <space />
6744 | <reference ref="power_generator" />
6745 | <key key="generator:method" value="combustion" match="none" />
6746 | <combo key="generator:type" text="Generator Type" values="boiler,reciprocating_engine,steam_generator" />
6747 | <reference ref="power_output" />
6748 | </item> <!-- Gasoline Power Generator -->
6749 | <item name="Nuclear Reactor" icon="presets/power/power_source-nuclear.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
6750 | <link wiki="Tag:generator:source=nuclear" />
6751 | <key key="generator:source" value="nuclear" />
6752 | <space />
6753 | <reference ref="power_generator" />
6754 | <combo key="generator:method" text="Method" values_context="generator method" values="fission,fusion" />
6755 | <combo key="generator:type" text="Generator Type" values_searchable="true">
6756 | <list_entry value="BWR-1" display_value="Boiling Water Reactor 1 (BWR-1)" short_description="fission" />
6757 | <list_entry value="BWR-2" display_value="Boiling Water Reactor 2 (BWR-2)" short_description="fission" />
6758 | <list_entry value="BWR-3" display_value="Boiling Water Reactor 3 (BWR-3)" short_description="fission" />
6759 | <list_entry value="BWR-4" display_value="Boiling Water Reactor 4 (BWR-4)" short_description="fission" />
6760 | <list_entry value="BWR-5" display_value="Boiling Water Reactor 5 (BWR-5)" short_description="fission" />
6761 | <list_entry value="BWR-6" display_value="Boiling Water Reactor 6 (BWR-6)" short_description="fission" />
6762 | <list_entry value="CANDU" display_value="CANada Deuterium Uranium reactor (CANDU)" short_description="fission" />
6763 | <list_entry value="cold-fusion" short_description="fusion" />
6764 | <list_entry value="CPR-1000" display_value="China Pressurized Reactor (CPR-1000)" short_description="fission" />
6765 | <list_entry value="EPR" display_value="European Pressurized Reactor (EPR)" short_description="fission" />
6766 | <list_entry value="ICF" display_value="Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF)" short_description="fusion" />
6767 | <list_entry value="PWR" display_value="Pressurized water reactor (PWR)" short_description="fission" />
6768 | <list_entry value="RBMK-1000" display_value="Reactor Bolshoy Moshchnosti Kanalniy 1000 (RBMK-1000)" short_description="fission" />
6769 | <list_entry value="RBMK-1500" display_value="Reactor Bolshoy Moshchnosti Kanalniy 1500 (RBMK-1500)" short_description="fission" />
6770 | <list_entry value="stellarator" short_description="fusion" />
6771 | <list_entry value="tokamak" short_description="fusion" />
6772 | <list_entry value="VVER" display_value="Vodo-Vodyanoi Energetichesky Reactor (VVER)" short_description="fission" />
6773 | </combo>
6774 | <reference ref="power_output" />
6775 | </item> <!-- Nuclear Reactor -->
6776 | <item name="Solar Power Generator" icon="presets/power/power_source-sun.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
6777 | <link wiki="Tag:generator:source=solar" />
6778 | <key key="generator:source" value="solar" />
6779 | <space />
6780 | <reference ref="power_generator" />
6781 | <combo key="generator:method" text="Method" values_context="generator method" values="photovoltaic,thermal" />
6782 | <combo key="generator:type" text="Generator Type" values_searchable="true">
6783 | <list_entry value="solar_photovoltaic_panel" short_description="photovoltaic" />
6784 | <list_entry value="solar_thermal_collector" short_description="thermal" />
6785 | <list_entry value="steam_turbine" short_description="thermal" />
6786 | </combo>
6787 | <reference ref="power_output" />
6788 | <combo key="generator:solar:tracking" text="Solar tracking type">
6789 | <list_entry value="no" short_description="fixed"/>
6790 | <list_entry value="yes" />
6791 | <list_entry value="single_axis" />
6792 | <list_entry value="horizontal" short_description="horizontal axis (HSAT)" />
6793 | <list_entry value="horizontal_tilted" short_description="horizontal axis, tilted modules (HTSAT)" />
6794 | <list_entry value="tilted" short_description="tilted axis (TSAT)" />
6795 | <list_entry value="vertical" short_description="vertical (VSAT)" />
6796 | <list_entry value="dual_axis" />
6797 | <list_entry value="tip-tilt" short_description="tip-tilt dual axis (TTDAT)" />
6798 | <list_entry value="alt-azimuth" short_description="azimuth-altitude dual axis (AADAT)" />
6799 | </combo>
6800 | </item> <!-- Solar Power Generator -->
6801 | <item name="Waste Power Generator" icon="presets/power/power_source-waste.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
6802 | <link wiki="Tag:generator:source=waste" />
6803 | <key key="generator:source" value="waste" />
6804 | <space />
6805 | <reference ref="power_generator" />
6806 | <combo key="generator:method" text="Method" values_context="generator method" values="combustion,gasification,pyrolysis" />
6807 | <combo key="generator:type" text="Generator Type" values_searchable="true">
6808 | <list_entry value="bioreactor" short_description="gasification" />
6809 | <list_entry value="pyrolysis" short_description="" />
6810 | <list_entry value="reciprocating_engine" short_description="combustion" />
6811 | <list_entry value="steam_generator" short_description="combustion" />
6812 | </combo>
6813 | <combo key="generator:type" text="Generator Type" values="bioreactor,boiler,reciprocating_engine,steam_generator" />
6814 | <reference ref="power_output" />
6815 | </item> <!-- Waste Power Generator -->
6816 | <item name="Water Turbine" icon="presets/power/power_source-water.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
6817 | <link wiki="Tag:generator:source=hydro" />
6818 | <key key="generator:source" value="hydro" />
6819 | <space />
6820 | <reference ref="power_generator" />
6821 | <combo key="generator:method" text="Method" values_context="generator method" values="run-of-the-river,water-pumped-storage,water-storage" />
6822 | <combo key="generator:type" text="Generator Type" values_searchable="true">
6823 | <list_entry value="francis_turbine" short_description="all methods" />
6824 | <list_entry value="hydrodynamic_screw" short_description="run-of-the-river" />
6825 | <list_entry value="kaplan_turbine" short_description="run-of-the-river / water-storage" />
6826 | <list_entry value="pelton_turbine" short_description="run-of-the-river / water-storage" />
6827 | </combo>
6828 | <reference ref="power_output" />
6829 | </item> <!-- Water Turbine -->
6830 | <item name="Tidal Water Turbine" icon="presets/power/power_source-water.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
6831 | <link wiki="Tag:generator:source=tidal" />
6832 | <key key="generator:source" value="tidal" />
6833 | <space />
6834 | <reference ref="power_generator" />
6835 | <combo key="generator:method" text="Method" values_context="generator method" values="barrage,stream" />
6836 | <combo key="generator:type" text="Generator Type" values_searchable="true">
6837 | <list_entry value="horizontal_axis" short_description="stream" />
6838 | <list_entry value="kaplan_turbine" short_description="barrage" />
6839 | <list_entry value="vertical_axis" short_description="stream" />
6840 | </combo>
6841 | <reference ref="power_output" />
6842 | </item> <!-- Tidal Water Turbine -->
6843 | <item name="Wave Energy Converter" icon="presets/power/power_source-water.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
6844 | <link wiki="Tag:generator:source=wave" />
6845 | <key key="generator:source" value="wave" />
6846 | <space />
6847 | <reference ref="power_generator" />
6848 | <reference ref="power_output" />
6849 | </item> <!-- Wave Energy Converter -->
6850 | <item name="Osmotic Power Generator" icon="presets/power/power_source-water.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
6851 | <link wiki="Tag:generator:source=osmotic" />
6852 | <key key="generator:source" value="osmotic" />
6853 | <space />
6854 | <reference ref="power_generator" />
6855 | <reference ref="power_output" />
6856 | </item> <!-- Osmotic Power Generator -->
6857 | <item name="Geothermal Power Generator" icon="presets/power/power_source-geothermal.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
6858 | <link wiki="Tag:generator:source=geothermal" />
6859 | <key key="generator:source" value="geothermal" />
6860 | <space />
6861 | <reference ref="power_generator" />
6862 | <combo key="generator:type" text="Generator Type" values="heat_pump,steam_turbine" />
6863 | <reference ref="power_output" />
6864 | </item> <!-- Geothermal Power Generator -->
6865 | <item name="Wind Turbine" icon="presets/power/power_source-wind.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
6866 | <link wiki="Tag:generator:source=wind" />
6867 | <key key="generator:source" value="wind" />
6868 | <space />
6869 | <reference ref="power_generator" />
6870 | <key key="generator:method" value="wind_turbine" match="none" />
6871 | <combo key="generator:type" text="Generator Type" values="horizontal_axis,vertical_axis" />
6872 | <reference ref="power_output" />
6873 | </item> <!-- Wind Turbine -->
6874 | </group> <!-- Power Generator -->
6875 | <item name="Heliostat" icon="presets/power/heliostat.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
6876 | <link wiki="Tag:power=heliostat" />
6877 | <key key="power" value="heliostat" />
6878 | <optional>
6879 | <text key="ref" text="Reference" />
6880 | <text key="start_date" text="Start date" />
6881 | <text key="height" text="Height (meters)" length="7" />
6882 | <text key="width" text="Width (meters)" />
6883 | </optional>
6884 | </item> <!-- Heliostat -->
6885 | <separator/>
6886 | <item name="Power Substation" icon="presets/power/substation.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
6887 | <link wiki="Tag:power=substation" />
6888 | <space />
6889 | <key key="power" value="substation" />
6890 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
6891 | <combo key="substation" text="Type of substation" values="compensation,converter,distribution,industrial,minor_distribution,traction,transition,transmission" values_context="power" />
6892 | <reference ref="power_loc" />
6893 | <reference ref="voltage_frequency" />
6894 | <reference ref="ref_operator" />
6895 | <optional>
6896 | <combo key="rating" text="Power rating (kVA/MVA)" values="2700 kVA,12500 kVA,15 MVA,50 MVA,100 MVA" />
6897 | <text key="start_date" text="Start date" />
6898 | <check key="gas_insulated" text="Gas insulated" />
6899 | </optional>
6900 | </item> <!-- Power Substation -->
6901 | <item name="Power Transformer" icon="presets/power/transformer.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
6902 | <link wiki="Tag:power=transformer" />
6903 | <space />
6904 | <key key="power" value="transformer" />
6905 | <combo key="transformer" text="Type of transformer" values="auxiliary,converter,distribution,generator,main,phase_angle_regulator,yes" match="key" values_context="power" />
6906 | <reference ref="power_loc" />
6907 | <reference ref="transformer_voltage_frequency" />
6908 | <reference ref="ref_operator" />
6909 | <reference ref="optional_transformer_rating_phases_devices_windings" />
6910 | <check text="Auto-transformer (windings type)" key="windings:auto" disable_off="true" />
6911 | </item> <!-- Power Transformer -->
6912 | <item name="Power Switchgear" icon="presets/power/switchgear.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
6913 | <link wiki="Tag:power=switchgear" />
6914 | <space />
6915 | <label text="(Please only use this tag if more detailed mapping using busbars and bays is impossible!)" />
6916 | <space />
6917 | <key key="power" value="switchgear" />
6918 | <reference ref="power_loc" />
6919 | <reference ref="voltage" />
6920 | <optional>
6921 | <check key="gas_insulated" text="Gas insulated" />
6922 | </optional>
6923 | </item> <!-- Power Switchgear -->
6924 | <item name="Power Busbar" icon="presets/power/busbar.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
6925 | <link wiki="Tag:line=busbar" />
6926 | <space />
6927 | <key key="power" value="line" />
6928 | <key key="line" value="busbar" />
6929 | <reference ref="power_line_extra" />
6930 | </item> <!-- Power Busbar -->
6931 | <item name="Power Bay" icon="presets/power/bay.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
6932 | <link wiki="Tag:line=bay" />
6933 | <space />
6934 | <key key="power" value="line" />
6935 | <key key="line" value="bay" />
6936 | <reference ref="power_line_extra" />
6937 | </item> <!-- Power Bay -->
6938 | <item name="Power Switch" icon="presets/power/switch.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
6939 | <link wiki="Tag:power=switch" />
6940 | <space />
6941 | <key key="power" value="switch" />
6942 | <combo key="switch" text="Type of switch" values="circuit_breaker,disconnector,earthing,mechanical" match="key" values_context="power" />
6943 | <reference ref="power_loc" />
6944 | <optional>
6945 | <reference ref="voltage" />
6946 | <reference ref="cables" />
6947 | <reference ref="ref_operator" />
6948 | </optional>
6949 | </item> <!-- Power Switch -->
6950 | <separator/>
6951 | <item name="Power Converter" icon="presets/power/converter.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
6952 | <link wiki="Tag:power=converter" />
6953 | <space />
6954 | <key key="power" value="converter" />
6955 | <combo key="converter" text="Type of converter" values="lcc,vsc,back-to-back" match="key" values_context="power" />
6956 | <reference ref="voltage_frequency" />
6957 | <reference ref="ref_operator" />
6958 | <optional>
6959 | <combo key="poles" text="Amount of poles" values="monopole,bipole" />
6960 | <combo key="rating" text="Power rating (MVA)" values="15 MVA,50 MVA,100 MVA" />
6961 | </optional>
6962 | </item> <!-- Power Converter -->
6963 | <item name="Power Compensator" icon="presets/power/compensator.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
6964 | <link wiki="Tag:power=compensator" />
6965 | <space />
6966 | <key key="power" value="compensator" />
6967 | <combo key="compensator" text="Type of compensator" values="filter,series_capacitor,series_reactor,shunt_capacitor,shunt_reactor,statcom,static_var,synchronous_condenser" match="key" values_context="power" />
6968 | <reference ref="voltage_frequency" />
6969 | <reference ref="ref_operator" />
6970 | <optional>
6971 | <combo key="rating" text="Power rating (kvar/Mvar)" values="500 kvar,1 Mvar,5 Mvar" />
6972 | </optional>
6973 | </item> <!-- Power Compensator -->
6974 | <separator/>
6975 | <item name="Power Street Cabinet" icon="presets/power/cable_distribution_cabinet.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
6976 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=street_cabinet" />
6977 | <key key="man_made" value="street_cabinet" />
6978 | <key key="street_cabinet" value="power" />
6979 | <optional>
6980 | <combo key="voltage" text="Voltage in Volts (V)" values="600,400,220,110" /> <!-- Recheck values -->
6981 | <reference ref="ref_operator" />
6982 | <text key="manufacturer" text="Manufacturer" />
6983 | <reference ref="color" />
6984 | </optional>
6985 | </item> <!-- Power Street Cabinet -->
6986 | <separator/>
6987 | <item name="Transformer Tower" icon="presets/power/transformer_tower.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
6988 | <link wiki="Tag:building=transformer_tower" />
6989 | <space />
6990 | <key key="building" value="transformer_tower" />
6991 | <text key="height" text="Height (meters)" length="7" />
6992 | <reference ref="ref_operator" />
6993 | <preset_link preset_name="Power Substation" />
6994 | </item> <!-- Transformer Tower -->
6995 | <item name="Terminal" icon="presets/power/terminal.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
6996 | <link wiki="Tag:power=terminal" />
6997 | <space />
6998 | <key key="power" value="terminal" />
6999 | <optional>
7000 | <reference ref="line_properties" />
7001 | <reference ref="ref_operator" />
7002 | </optional>
7003 | </item> <!-- Terminal -->
7004 | <item name="Power Portal" icon="presets/power/portal.svg" type="node,way" preset_name_label="true">
7005 | <link wiki="Tag:power=portal" />
7006 | <space />
7007 | <key key="power" value="portal" />
7008 | <text key="height" text="Height (meters)" length="7" />
7009 | <combo key="structure" text="Type of construction" values="lattice,tubular,solid" />
7010 | <combo key="material" text="Material" values="concrete,metal,plastic,steel,stone,wood" />
7011 | <reference ref="color" />
7012 | <reference ref="ref_operator" />
7013 | <combo key="design" text="Portal design" values="portal,portal_two-level,portal_three-level" values_context="power" />
7014 | <reference ref="line_properties" />
7015 | </item> <!-- Power Portal -->
7016 | <item name="Power Tower" icon="presets/power/tower.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
7017 | <link wiki="Tag:power=tower" />
7018 | <space />
7019 | <key key="power" value="tower" />
7020 | <text key="height" text="Height (meters)" length="7" />
7021 | <combo key="structure" text="Type of construction" values="lattice,tubular,solid" />
7022 | <combo key="material" text="Material" values="concrete,metal,plastic,steel,stone,wood" />
7023 | <reference ref="color" />
7024 | <reference ref="ref_operator" />
7025 | <optional>
7026 | <combo key="design" text="Tower design" values="one-level,two-level,donau,three-level,barrel,asymmetric,triangle,flag,donau;one-level,four-level,six-level,nine-level,delta,delta_two-level,y-frame,x-frame,h-frame,guyed_h-frame,portal,portal_two-level,portal_three-level,guyed_v-frame,bipole,monopolar" values_context="power" />
7027 | <reference ref="line_properties" />
7028 | <check key="triple_tower" text="Triple tower" />
7029 | <check key="design:incomplete" text="Incomplete tower" />
7030 | <check key="location:transition" text="Location transition" disable_off="true" />
7031 | </optional>
7032 | </item> <!-- Power Tower -->
7033 | <item name="Pole" icon="presets/power/pole.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
7034 | <link wiki="Tag:power=pole" />
7035 | <space />
7036 | <key key="power" value="pole" />
7037 | <reference ref="power_pole" />
7038 | <preset_link preset_name="Utility Pole" text="Similar preset:" />
7039 | </item> <!-- Pole -->
7040 | <item name="Pole with Switch" icon="presets/power/pole_switch.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
7041 | <link wiki="Tag:power=pole" />
7042 | <space />
7043 | <key key="power" value="pole" />
7044 | <label text="Pole Attributes:" />
7045 | <reference ref="power_pole" />
7046 | <space />
7047 | <label text="Switch Attributes:" />
7048 | <combo key="switch" text="Type" values="circuit_breaker,disconnector,earthing,mechanical" match="key!" values_context="power" />
7049 | <optional>
7050 | <reference ref="voltage" />
7051 | <reference ref="cables" />
7052 | </optional>
7053 | </item> <!-- Pole with Switch -->
7054 | <item name="Pole with Transformer" icon="presets/power/pole_transformer.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
7055 | <link wiki="Tag:power=pole" />
7056 | <space />
7057 | <key key="power" value="pole" />
7058 | <label text="Pole Attributes:" />
7059 | <reference ref="power_pole" />
7060 | <space />
7061 | <label text="Transformer Attributes:" />
7062 | <key key="transformer" value="distribution" match="key!" />
7063 | <reference ref="transformer_voltage_frequency" />
7064 | <reference ref="optional_transformer_rating_phases_devices_windings" />
7065 | </item> <!-- Pole with Transformer -->
7066 | <item name="Catenary mast" icon="presets/power/catenary_mast.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
7067 | <link wiki="Tag:power=catenary_mast" />
7068 | <space />
7069 | <key key="power" value="catenary_mast" />
7070 | <optional>
7071 | <reference ref="ref_operator" />
7072 | </optional>
7073 | </item> <!-- Catenary mast -->
7074 | <item name="Connection" icon="presets/power/connection.svg" name_context="power" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
7075 | <link wiki="Tag:power=connection" />
7076 | <space />
7077 | <key key="power" value="connection" />
7078 | <optional>
7079 | <reference ref="cables" />
7080 | <reference ref="ref_operator" />
7081 | </optional>
7082 | </item> <!-- Connection -->
7083 | <item name="Insulator" icon="presets/power/insulator.svg" type="node,way" preset_name_label="true">
7084 | <link wiki="Tag:power=insulator" />
7085 | <space />
7086 | <key key="power" value="insulator" />
7087 | <reference ref="line_properties" />
7088 | <reference ref="ref_operator" />
7089 | </item> <!-- Insulator -->
7090 | <separator/>
7091 | <item name="Power Line" icon="presets/power/line.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
7092 | <link wiki="Tag:power=line" />
7093 | <space />
7094 | <combo key="power" text="Line type" values="line,minor_line" default="line" match="keyvalue!" />
7095 | <reference ref="voltage_frequency" />
7096 | <reference ref="ref_operator" />
7097 | <optional>
7098 | <reference ref="cables_circuits" />
7099 | <combo key="wires" text="Number of conductors/wires per cable" values="single,double,triple,quad,fivefold,sixfold,eightfold" values_context="power" values_sort="false" />
7100 | <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="5,4,3,2,1,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5" length="3" values_sort="false" />
7101 | <check key="communication" text="Used for data communications" value_on="line" disable_off="true" />
7102 | </optional>
7103 | </item> <!-- Power Line -->
7104 | <item name="Power Cable" icon="presets/power/cable.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
7105 | <link wiki="Tag:power=cable" />
7106 | <space />
7107 | <key key="power" value="cable" />
7108 | <reference ref="voltage_frequency" />
7109 | <reference ref="ref_operator" />
7110 | <optional>
7111 | <reference ref="cables_circuits" />
7112 | <combo key="location" text="Location" values="overground,overhead,surface,underground,underwater" values_context="power cable" />
7113 | <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="5,4,3,2,1,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5" length="3" values_sort="false" />
7114 | <check key="communication" text="Used for data communications" value_on="line" disable_off="true" />
7115 | </optional>
7116 | </item> <!-- Power Cable -->
7117 | </group> <!-- Power -->
7118 | <group name="Telecom" icon="presets/telecom/telecom.svg">
7119 | <item name="Telecom Street Cabinet" icon="presets/telecom/telecom_cabinet.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
7120 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=street_cabinet" />
7121 | <key key="man_made" value="street_cabinet" />
7122 | <key key="street_cabinet" value="telecom" />
7123 | <optional>
7124 | <reference ref="ref_operator" />
7125 | <text key="manufacturer" text="Manufacturer" />
7126 | <reference ref="color" />
7127 | </optional>
7128 | </item> <!-- Telecom Street Cabinet -->
7129 | <item name="Telephone Exchange" icon="presets/telecom/exchange.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
7130 | <link wiki="Tag:telecom=exchange" />
7131 | <space />
7132 | <key key="telecom" value="exchange" />
7133 | <reference ref="telecom_medium" />
7134 | <reference ref="ref_operator" />
7135 | </item> <!-- Telephone Exchange -->
7136 | <item name="Connection Point" icon="presets/telecom/connection_point.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
7137 | <link wiki="Tag:telecom=connection_point" />
7138 | <space />
7139 | <key key="telecom" value="connection_point" />
7140 | <reference ref="telecom_medium" />
7141 | <reference ref="ref_operator" />
7142 | </item> <!-- Connection Point -->
7143 | <item name="Service Device" icon="presets/telecom/service_device.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
7144 | <link wiki="Tag:telecom=service_device" />
7145 | <space />
7146 | <key key="telecom" value="service_device" />
7147 | <reference ref="telecom_medium" />
7148 | <reference ref="ref_operator" />
7149 | </item> <!-- Service Device -->
7150 | </group> <!-- Telecom -->
7151 | <group name="Historic Places" icon="presets/sightseeing/castle.svg">
7152 | <item name="Castle" icon="presets/sightseeing/castle.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7153 | <link wiki="Tag:historic=castle" />
7154 | <space />
7155 | <key key="historic" value="castle" />
7156 | <combo key="castle_type" text="Type" values="stately,defensive,fortress,manor,palace" />
7157 | <reference ref="name_wikipedia_wikidata" />
7158 | <check key="ruins" text="Ruins" />
7159 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7160 | </item> <!-- Castle -->
7161 | <item name="Fort" icon="presets/sightseeing/fort.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7162 | <link wiki="Tag:historic=fort" />
7163 | <space />
7164 | <key key="historic" value="fort" />
7165 | <reference ref="name_wikipedia_wikidata" />
7166 | <check key="ruins" text="Ruins" />
7167 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7168 | </item> <!-- Fort -->
7169 | <item name="Ruins" icon="presets/sightseeing/ruins.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7170 | <link wiki="Tag:historic=ruins" />
7171 | <space />
7172 | <key key="historic" value="ruins" />
7173 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7174 | </item> <!-- Ruins -->
7175 | <item name="Archaeological Site" icon="presets/sightseeing/archaeological.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7176 | <link wiki="Tag:historic=archaeological_site" />
7177 | <space />
7178 | <key key="historic" value="archaeological_site" />
7179 | <combo key="archaeological_site" text="Type" values="baths,catacombs,city,crannog,enclosure,fortification,geoglyph,grave_field,petroglyph,hut_circle,megalith,necropolis,roman_circus,roman_theater,roman_villa,settlement,tumulus" />
7180 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7181 | <optional>
7182 | <combo key="fortification_type" text="Fortification type">
7183 | <list_entry value="hill_fort" short_description="Forts using a rise of elevation"/>
7184 | <list_entry value="limes" short_description="Fortifications for border defense"/>
7185 | <list_entry value="sconce" short_description="A small protective fortification"/>
7186 | <list_entry value="ring_ditch" short_description="Circular ditched enclosures"/>
7187 | <list_entry value="ringfort" short_description="Circular fortified settlement"/>
7188 | <list_entry value="motte" short_description="Raised area of ground for a castle"/>
7189 | <list_entry value="watchtower" short_description="Military observation"/>
7190 | <list_entry value="battery" short_description="A group of artillary (cannon) in a fixed fortification"/>
7191 | </combo>
7192 | </optional>
7193 | </item> <!-- Archaeological Site -->
7194 | <item name="Battlefield" icon="presets/sightseeing/battlefield.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7195 | <link wiki="Tag:historic=battlefield" />
7196 | <space />
7197 | <key key="historic" value="battlefield" />
7198 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
7199 | </item> <!-- Battlefield -->
7200 | <item name="Palaeontological Site" icon="presets/sightseeing/palaeontological_site.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7201 | <link wiki="Tag:geological=palaeontological_site" />
7202 | <space />
7203 | <key key="geological" value="palaeontological_site" />
7204 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
7205 | </item> <!-- Palaeontological Site -->
7206 | <item name="Citywalls" icon="presets/barrier/city_wall.svg" type="way,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7207 | <link wiki="Tag:historic=citywalls" />
7208 | <space />
7209 | <key key="historic" value="citywalls" />
7210 | <optional>
7211 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
7212 | </optional>
7213 | </item> <!-- Citywalls -->
7214 | <item name="City gate" icon="presets/sightseeing/city_gate.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7215 | <link wiki="Tag:historic=city_gate" />
7216 | <space />
7217 | <key key="historic" value="city_gate" />
7218 | <optional>
7219 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
7220 | </optional>
7221 | </item> <!-- City gate -->
7222 | <item name="Manor" icon="presets/sightseeing/manor.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7223 | <link wiki="Tag:historic=manor" />
7224 | <space />
7225 | <key key="historic" value="manor" />
7226 | <optional>
7227 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
7228 | </optional>
7229 | </item> <!-- Manor -->
7230 | <item name="Church" icon="presets/religion/historic_church.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7231 | <link wiki="Tag:historic=church" />
7232 | <space />
7233 | <key key="historic" value="church" />
7234 | <optional>
7235 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
7236 | </optional>
7237 | <reference ref="religious"/>
7238 | </item> <!-- Church -->
7239 | <item name="Historic monastery" icon="presets/sightseeing/monastery.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7240 | <link wiki="Tag:historic=monastery" />
7241 | <space />
7242 | <key key="historic" value="monastery" />
7243 | <optional>
7244 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
7245 | <reference ref="religious" />
7246 | <reference ref="wikipedia_wikidata" />
7247 | </optional>
7248 | <preset_link preset_name="Monastery" text="Similar but different tags:" />
7249 | </item> <!-- Monastery -->
7250 | <separator/>
7251 | <item name="Charcoal pile" icon="presets/misc/charcoal_pile.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7252 | <link wiki="Tag:historic=charcoal_pile" />
7253 | <space />
7254 | <key key="historic" value="charcoal_pile" />
7255 | <optional>
7256 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
7257 | </optional>
7258 | </item> <!-- Charcoal pile -->
7259 | <item name="Mine" icon="presets/landmark/historic_mine.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
7260 | <link wiki="Tag:historic=mine" />
7261 | <space />
7262 | <key key="historic" value="mine" />
7263 | <optional>
7264 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
7265 | <combo key="resource" text="Resource" values="aggregate,bauxite,clay,coal,copper,dimension_stone,gold,ilmenite,iron_ore,lead,limestone,nickel,rutile,salt,silver,tin,zinc,zircon" />
7266 | </optional>
7267 | </item> <!-- Mine -->
7268 | <item name="Mine shaft" icon="presets/landmark/historic_mine.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7269 | <link wiki="Tag:historic=mine_shaft" />
7270 | <space />
7271 | <key key="historic" value="mine_shaft" />
7272 | <optional>
7273 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
7274 | </optional>
7275 | </item> <!-- Mine shaft -->
7276 | <item name="Shieling" icon="presets/landmark/shieling.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7277 | <link wiki="Tag:historic=shieling" />
7278 | <space />
7279 | <key key="historic" value="shieling" />
7280 | <optional>
7281 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
7282 | </optional>
7283 | </item> <!-- Shieling -->
7284 | <separator/>
7285 | <item name="Grave" icon="presets/misc/grave.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
7286 | <link wiki="Tag:cemetery=grave" />
7287 | <space />
7288 | <key key="cemetery" value="grave" />
7289 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
7290 | </item> <!-- Grave -->
7291 | <item name="Tomb" icon="presets/misc/tomb.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
7292 | <link wiki="Tag:historic=tomb" />
7293 | <space />
7294 | <key key="historic" value="tomb" />
7295 | <combo key="tomb" text="Type" values="columbarium,crypt,hypogeum,mausoleum,pyramid,rock-cut,sarcophagus,tumulus,vault,war_grave" values_context="tomb" values_searchable="true" />
7296 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
7297 | </item> <!-- Tomb -->
7298 | <separator/>
7299 | <item name="Monument" icon="presets/sightseeing/monument.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7300 | <link wiki="Tag:historic=monument" />
7301 | <space />
7302 | <key key="historic" value="monument" />
7303 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
7304 | </item> <!-- Monument -->
7305 | <item name="Memorial" icon="presets/sightseeing/memorial.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7306 | <link wiki="Tag:historic=memorial" />
7307 | <space />
7308 | <key key="historic" value="memorial" />
7309 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
7310 | <combo key="memorial" text="Type" values_context="memorial" values_searchable="true">
7311 | <list_entry value="bust" short_description="Like a statue, but only showing the upper half of a person." />
7312 | <list_entry value="plaque" short_description="A commemorative sign, often mounted on a wall." />
7313 | <list_entry value="statue" short_description="A statue representing a person." />
7314 | <list_entry value="stele" short_description="An upright slab engraved or painted with decorations or inscriptions." />
7315 | <list_entry value="stone" short_description="A stone with an inscription, picture, or similar." />
7316 | <list_entry value="war_memorial" short_description="A building, monument, statue or other edifice celebrating a victory or commemorating those who died or were injured in a war." />
7317 | <list_entry value="sculpture" short_description="A non figurative sculpture which does not match any of the other categories." />
7318 | <list_entry value="cross" short_description="A cross-shaped memorial." />
7319 | <list_entry value="blue_plaque" short_description="A blue plaque commemorating a historical link to that location. (UK)" regions="GB" />
7320 | <list_entry value="obelisk" short_description="An obelisk." />
7321 | <list_entry value="ghost_bike" short_description="A bicycle painted white permanently placed as memorial for a victim of a road accident (usually cyclists)." />
7322 | <list_entry value="stolperstein" short_description="10cm × 10cm brass plaque commemorating victims of Nazi persecution. (EU,RU)" regions="EU,RU" />
7323 | <list_entry value="bench" short_description="A bench placed in memory of someone or something; usually has a plaque, and sometimes a statue sitting on (part of) it." />
7324 | </combo>
7325 | <optional>
7326 | <text key="inscription" text="Inscription" />
7327 | <text key="artist_name" text="Artist Name" />
7328 | <combo key="material" text="Material" values="concrete,granite,metal,plastic,steel,stone,wood" />
7329 | <text key="start_date" text="Start date" />
7330 | <reference ref="wikipedia_wikidata" />
7331 | </optional>
7332 | </item> <!-- Memorial -->
7333 | <item name="Wayside Cross" icon="presets/religion/wayside_cross.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
7334 | <link wiki="Tag:historic=wayside_cross" />
7335 | <space />
7336 | <key key="historic" value="wayside_cross" />
7337 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
7338 | <reference ref="religious_catholic_christian" />
7339 | <text key="start_date" text="Start date" />
7340 | <text key="inscription" text="Inscription" />
7341 | </item> <!-- Wayside Cross -->
7342 | <item name="Wayside Shrine" icon="presets/religion/wayside_shrine.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
7343 | <link wiki="Tag:historic=wayside_shrine" />
7344 | <space />
7345 | <key key="historic" value="wayside_shrine" />
7346 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
7347 | <reference ref="religious_catholic_christian" />
7348 | <check key="amenity" text="Place of worship" value_on="place_of_worship" disable_off="true" />
7349 | <combo key="building" text="Building" values="wayside_shrine,yes" values_context="building" />
7350 | <text key="start_date" text="Start date" />
7351 | <text key="inscription" text="Inscription" />
7352 | </item> <!-- Wayside Shrine -->
7353 | <item name="Boundary Stone" icon="presets/landmark/boundary_stone.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
7354 | <link wiki="Tag:historic=boundary_stone" />
7355 | <space />
7356 | <key key="historic" value="boundary_stone" />
7357 | <optional>
7358 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
7359 | <text key="inscription" text="Inscription" />
7360 | </optional>
7361 | <preset_link preset_name="Boundary Marker" text="Similar but different tags:" />
7362 | </item> <!-- Boundary Stone -->
7363 | <item name="Milestone" icon="presets/landmark/milestone.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
7364 | <link wiki="Tag:historic=milestone" />
7365 | <space />
7366 | <key key="historic" value="milestone" />
7367 | <optional>
7368 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
7369 | <text key="inscription" text="Inscription" />
7370 | </optional>
7371 | </item> <!-- Milestone -->
7372 | </group> <!-- Historic Places -->
7373 | </group> <!-- Man Made -->
7374 | <group name="Shops" icon="presets/shop/mall.svg">
7375 | <group name="Food" icon="presets/shop/supermarket.svg">
7376 | <item name="Supermarket" icon="presets/shop/supermarket.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7377 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=supermarket" />
7378 | <space />
7379 | <key key="shop" value="supermarket" />
7380 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7381 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7382 | </item> <!-- Supermarket -->
7383 | <item name="Convenience Store" icon="presets/shop/convenience.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7384 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=convenience" />
7385 | <space />
7386 | <key key="shop" value="convenience" />
7387 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7388 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7389 | </item> <!-- Convenience Store -->
7390 | <item name="Kiosk" icon="presets/shop/kiosk.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7391 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=kiosk" />
7392 | <space />
7393 | <key key="shop" value="kiosk" />
7394 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7395 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7396 | </item> <!-- Kiosk -->
7397 | <separator/>
7398 | <item name="Bakery" icon="presets/shop/groceries/bakery.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7399 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=bakery" />
7400 | <space />
7401 | <key key="shop" value="bakery" />
7402 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7403 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7404 | </item> <!-- Bakery -->
7405 | <item name="Butcher" icon="presets/shop/groceries/butcher.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7406 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=butcher" />
7407 | <space />
7408 | <key key="shop" value="butcher" />
7409 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7410 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7411 | </item> <!-- Butcher -->
7412 | <item name="Seafood" icon="presets/shop/groceries/seafood.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7413 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=seafood" />
7414 | <space />
7415 | <key key="shop" value="seafood" />
7416 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
7417 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7418 | </item> <!-- Seafood -->
7419 | <item name="Dairy" icon="presets/shop/groceries/dairy.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7420 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=dairy" />
7421 | <space />
7422 | <key key="shop" value="dairy" />
7423 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
7424 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7425 | </item> <!-- Dairy -->
7426 | <item name="Cheese" icon="presets/shop/groceries/cheese.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7427 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=cheese" />
7428 | <space />
7429 | <key key="shop" value="cheese" />
7430 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
7431 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7432 | </item> <!-- Cheese -->
7433 | <item name="Deli (Fine Food)" icon="presets/shop/groceries/deli.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7434 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=deli" />
7435 | <space />
7436 | <key key="shop" value="deli" />
7437 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
7438 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7439 | </item> <!-- Deli (Fine Food) -->
7440 | <item name="Pastry" icon="presets/shop/groceries/pastry.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7441 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=pastry" />
7442 | <space />
7443 | <key key="shop" value="pastry" />
7444 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7445 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7446 | </item> <!-- Pastry -->
7447 | <item name="Confectionery" icon="presets/shop/groceries/confectionery.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7448 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=confectionery" />
7449 | <space />
7450 | <key key="shop" value="confectionery" />
7451 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7452 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7453 | </item> <!-- Confectionery -->
7454 | <item name="Chocolate" icon="presets/shop/groceries/chocolate.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7455 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=chocolate" />
7456 | <space />
7457 | <key key="shop" value="chocolate" />
7458 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7459 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7460 | </item> <!-- Chocolate -->
7461 | <item name="Herbalist" icon="presets/shop/groceries/herbalist.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7462 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=herbalist" />
7463 | <space />
7464 | <key key="shop" value="herbalist" />
7465 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7466 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7467 | </item> <!-- Herbalist -->
7468 | <item name="Tea" icon="presets/shop/groceries/tea.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7469 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=tea" />
7470 | <space />
7471 | <key key="shop" value="tea" />
7472 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7473 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7474 | </item> <!-- Tea -->
7475 | <item name="Coffee" icon="presets/shop/groceries/coffee.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7476 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=coffee" />
7477 | <space />
7478 | <key key="shop" value="coffee" />
7479 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7480 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7481 | </item> <!-- Coffee -->
7482 | <item name="Frozen food" icon="presets/shop/groceries/frozen_food.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7483 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=frozen_food" />
7484 | <space />
7485 | <key key="shop" value="frozen_food" />
7486 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7487 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7488 | </item> <!-- Frozen food -->
7489 | <separator/>
7490 | <item name="Public Market" icon="presets/shop/marketplace.svg" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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7492 | <space />
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7495 | <text key="website" text="Website" />
7496 | <combo key="organic" text="Organic" values="yes,no,only" />
7497 | </item> <!-- Public Market -->
7498 | <item name="Greengrocer" icon="presets/shop/groceries/greengrocer.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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7500 | <space />
7501 | <key key="shop" value="greengrocer" />
7502 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7503 | <combo key="organic" text="Organic" values="yes,no,only" />
7504 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7505 | </item> <!-- Greengrocer -->
7506 | <item name="Farm Stand" icon="presets/shop/groceries/farm.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7507 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=farm" />
7508 | <space />
7509 | <key key="shop" value="farm" />
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7511 | <text key="description" text="Description" />
7512 | <combo key="organic" text="Organic" values="yes,no,only" />
7513 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7514 | </item> <!-- Farm Stand -->
7515 | <separator/>
7516 | <item name="Organic" icon="presets/shop/groceries/organic.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7517 | <link wiki="Key:organic" />
7518 | <space />
7519 | <combo text="Organic/Bio" key="organic" values="yes,no,only" match="key" />
7520 | </item> <!-- Organic -->
7521 | <item name="Fair Trade" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7522 | <link wiki="Key:fair_trade" />
7523 | <space />
7524 | <combo text="Fair Trade" key="fair_trade" values="no,yes,only" match="key" />
7525 | </item> <!-- Fair Trade -->
7526 | <separator/>
7527 | <item name="Alcohol" icon="presets/shop/alcohol.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7528 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=alcohol" />
7529 | <space />
7530 | <key key="shop" value="alcohol" />
7531 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7532 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7533 | </item> <!-- Alcohol -->
7534 | <item name="Beverages" icon="presets/shop/beverages.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7535 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=beverages" />
7536 | <space />
7537 | <key key="shop" value="beverages" />
7538 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7539 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7540 | </item> <!-- Beverages -->
7541 | <item name="Wine" icon="presets/shop/wine.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7542 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=wine" />
7543 | <space />
7544 | <key key="shop" value="wine" />
7545 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7546 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7547 | </item> <!-- Wine -->
7548 | </group> <!-- Food -->
7549 | <group name="Clothes" icon="presets/shop/clothes.svg">
7550 | <item name="Clothes" icon="presets/shop/clothes.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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7552 | <space />
7553 | <key key="shop" value="clothes" />
7554 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
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7556 | <combo key="organic" text="Organic" values="yes,no,only" />
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7558 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7559 | </item> <!-- Clothes -->
7560 | <item name="Boutique" icon="presets/shop/boutique.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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7562 | <space />
7563 | <key key="shop" value="boutique" />
7564 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
7565 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7566 | </item> <!-- Boutique -->
7567 | <item name="Shoes" icon="presets/shop/shoes.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" name_context="shop" preset_name_label="true">
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7569 | <space />
7570 | <key key="shop" value="shoes" />
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7572 | <combo key="second_hand" text="Second hand" values="yes,no,only" />
7573 | <combo key="organic" text="Organic" values="yes,no,only" />
7574 | <check key="shoes:repair" text="Offers repairs" text_context="shoes" />
7575 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7576 | </item> <!-- Shoes -->
7577 | <item name="Outdoor" icon="presets/shop/outdoor.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7578 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=outdoor" />
7579 | <space />
7580 | <key key="shop" value="outdoor" />
7581 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7582 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7583 | </item> <!-- Outdoor -->
7584 | <item name="Sports" icon="presets/sport/multi.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7585 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=sports" />
7586 | <space />
7587 | <key key="shop" value="sports" />
7588 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7589 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7590 | </item> <!-- Sports -->
7591 | <separator/>
7592 | <item name="Dry Cleaning" icon="presets/shop/laundry.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7593 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=dry_cleaning" />
7594 | <space />
7595 | <key key="shop" value="dry_cleaning" />
7596 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7597 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7598 | </item> <!-- Dry Cleaning -->
7599 | <item name="Laundry" icon="presets/shop/laundry.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7600 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=laundry" />
7601 | <space />
7602 | <key key="shop" value="laundry" />
7603 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7604 | <check key="self_service" text="Self Service" />
7605 | <check key="laundry_service" text="Laundry Service" />
7606 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7607 | </item> <!-- Laundry -->
7608 | <item name="Tailor" icon="presets/shop/tailor.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7609 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=tailor" />
7610 | <space />
7611 | <key key="shop" value="tailor" />
7612 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7613 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7614 | </item> <!-- Tailor -->
7615 | <item name="Fabric" icon="presets/shop/fabric.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7616 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=fabric" />
7617 | <space />
7618 | <key key="shop" value="fabric" />
7619 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
7620 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7621 | </item> <!-- Fabric -->
7622 | </group> <!-- Clothes -->
7623 | <group name="Electronic" icon="presets/shop/electronics.svg">
7624 | <item name="Computer" icon="presets/shop/computer.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7625 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=computer" />
7626 | <space />
7627 | <key key="shop" value="computer" />
7628 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7629 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7630 | </item> <!-- Computer -->
7631 | <item name="Electronics" icon="presets/shop/electronics.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7632 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=electronics" />
7633 | <space />
7634 | <key key="shop" value="electronics" />
7635 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7636 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7637 | </item> <!-- Electronics -->
7638 | <item name="Mobile Phone" icon="presets/shop/mobile_phone.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7639 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=mobile_phone" />
7640 | <space />
7641 | <key key="shop" value="mobile_phone" />
7642 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
7643 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7644 | </item> <!-- Mobile Phone -->
7645 | <item name="Watches" icon="presets/shop/watches.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7646 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=watches" />
7647 | <space />
7648 | <key key="shop" value="watches" />
7649 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
7650 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7651 | </item> <!-- Watches -->
7652 | <item name="Vacuum Cleaner" icon="presets/shop/vacuum_cleaner.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7653 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=vacuum_cleaner" />
7654 | <space />
7655 | <key key="shop" value="vacuum_cleaner" />
7656 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
7657 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7658 | </item> <!-- Vacuum Cleaner -->
7659 | <item name="Hifi" icon="presets/shop/hifi.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7660 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=hifi" />
7661 | <space />
7662 | <key key="shop" value="hifi" />
7663 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7664 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7665 | </item> <!-- Hifi -->
7666 | <item name="Video" icon="presets/shop/video.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7667 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=video" />
7668 | <space />
7669 | <key key="shop" value="video" />
7670 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7671 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7672 | </item> <!-- Video -->
7673 | <item name="Video Games" icon="presets/shop/video_games.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7674 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=video_games" />
7675 | <space />
7676 | <key key="shop" value="video_games" />
7677 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7678 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7679 | </item> <!-- Video Games -->
7680 | <item name="Music" icon="presets/shop/music.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7681 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=music" />
7682 | <space />
7683 | <key key="shop" value="music" />
7684 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7685 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7686 | </item> <!-- Music -->
7687 | </group> <!-- Electronic -->
7688 | <group name="Cash" icon="presets/money/dollar.svg">
7689 | <item name="Bank" icon="presets/money/bank.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7690 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=bank" />
7691 | <space />
7692 | <key key="amenity" value="bank" />
7693 | <reference ref="name_brand_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
7694 | <check key="atm" text="Automated Teller Machine" default="on" />
7695 | <text key="ref" text="Reference" />
7696 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
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7698 | </item> <!-- Bank -->
7699 | <item name="Money Exchange" icon="presets/money/exchange.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7700 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=bureau_de_change" />
7701 | <space />
7702 | <key key="amenity" value="bureau_de_change" />
7703 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7704 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
7705 | </item> <!-- Money Exchange -->
7706 | <item name="Money transfer" icon="presets/money/money_transfer.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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7708 | <space />
7709 | <key key="amenity" value="money_transfer" />
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7711 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
7712 | </item> <!-- Money transfer -->
7713 | <item name="Automated Teller Machine" icon="presets/money/atm.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
7714 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=atm" />
7715 | <space />
7716 | <key key="amenity" value="atm" />
7717 | <text key="brand" text="Brand" />
7718 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
7719 | <reference ref="oh_wheelchair" />
7720 | <optional text="Deposits:">
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7722 | <check key="cash_in:coins" text="Coin deposits" />
7723 | </optional>
7724 | </item> <!-- Automated Teller Machine -->
7725 | <item name="Pawnbroker" icon="presets/shop/pawnbroker.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7726 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=pawnbroker" />
7727 | <space />
7728 | <key key="shop" value="pawnbroker" />
7729 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7730 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7731 | </item> <!-- Pawnbroker -->
7732 | </group> <!-- Cash -->
7733 | <group name="Home decoration" icon="presets/shop/interior_decoration.svg">
7734 | <item name="Doors" icon="presets/shop/doors.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7735 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=doors" />
7736 | <space />
7737 | <key key="shop" value="doors" />
7738 | <reference ref="name_brand_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
7739 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7740 | </item> <!-- Doors -->
7741 | <item name="Furniture" icon="presets/shop/furniture.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7742 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=furniture" />
7743 | <space />
7744 | <key key="shop" value="furniture" />
7745 | <reference ref="name_brand_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
7746 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7747 | </item> <!-- Furniture -->
7748 | <item name="Kitchen" icon="presets/shop/kitchen.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7749 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=kitchen" />
7750 | <space />
7751 | <key key="shop" value="kitchen" />
7752 | <reference ref="name_brand_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
7753 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7754 | </item> <!-- Kitchen -->
7755 | <item name="Houseware" icon="presets/shop/houseware.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7756 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=houseware" />
7757 | <space />
7758 | <key key="shop" value="houseware" />
7759 | <reference ref="name_brand_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
7760 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7761 | </item> <!-- Houseware -->
7762 | <item name="Pottery" icon="presets/shop/pottery.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7763 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=pottery" />
7764 | <space />
7765 | <key key="shop" value="pottery" />
7766 | <reference ref="name_brand_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
7767 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7768 | </item> <!-- Pottery -->
7769 | <item name="Curtain" icon="presets/shop/curtain.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7770 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=curtain" />
7771 | <space />
7772 | <key key="shop" value="curtain" />
7773 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
7774 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7775 | </item> <!-- Curtain -->
7776 | <item name="Art" icon="presets/shop/art.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7777 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=art" />
7778 | <space />
7779 | <key key="shop" value="art" />
7780 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
7781 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7782 | </item> <!-- Art -->
7783 | <item name="Frame" icon="presets/shop/frame.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7784 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=frame" />
7785 | <space />
7786 | <key key="shop" value="frame" />
7787 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
7788 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7789 | </item> <!-- Frame -->
7790 | <item name="Bed" icon="presets/shop/bed.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7791 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=bed" />
7792 | <space />
7793 | <key key="shop" value="bed" />
7794 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7795 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7796 | </item> <!-- Bed -->
7797 | <item name="Carpet" icon="presets/shop/carpet.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7798 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=carpet" />
7799 | <space />
7800 | <key key="shop" value="carpet" />
7801 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7802 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7803 | </item> <!-- Carpet -->
7804 | <item name="Interior Decoration" icon="presets/shop/interior_decoration.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7805 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=interior_decoration" />
7806 | <space />
7807 | <key key="shop" value="interior_decoration" />
7808 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7809 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7810 | </item> <!-- Interior Decoration -->
7811 | <item name="Lighting" icon="presets/shop/lighting.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7812 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=lighting" />
7813 | <space />
7814 | <key key="shop" value="lighting" />
7815 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7816 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7817 | </item> <!-- Lighting -->
7818 | <item name="Antiques" icon="presets/shop/antique.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7819 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=antiques" />
7820 | <space />
7821 | <key key="shop" value="antiques" />
7822 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7823 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7824 | </item> <!-- Antiques -->
7825 | <item name="Swimming pool" icon="presets/shop/swimming_pool.svg" name_context="shop" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7826 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=swimming_pool" />
7827 | <space />
7828 | <key key="shop" value="swimming_pool" />
7829 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7830 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7831 | </item> <!-- Swimming pool -->
7832 | <separator/>
7833 | <item name="Storage Rental" icon="presets/shop/storage_rental.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7834 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=storage_rental" />
7835 | <space />
7836 | <key key="shop" value="storage_rental" />
7837 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7838 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7839 | </item> <!-- Storage Rental -->
7840 | </group> <!-- Home decoration -->
7841 | <group name="Printed Material" icon="presets/shop/stationery.svg">
7842 | <item name="Stationery" icon="presets/shop/stationery.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7843 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=stationery" />
7844 | <space />
7845 | <key key="shop" value="stationery" />
7846 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7847 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7848 | </item> <!-- Stationery -->
7849 | <item name="Copy Shop" icon="presets/shop/copyshop.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7850 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=copyshop" />
7851 | <space />
7852 | <key key="shop" value="copyshop" />
7853 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
7854 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7855 | </item> <!-- Copy Shop -->
7856 | <item name="Book Store" icon="presets/shop/book.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7857 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=books" />
7858 | <space />
7859 | <key key="shop" value="books" />
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7861 | <combo key="second_hand" text="Second hand" values="yes,no,only" />
7862 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7863 | </item> <!-- Book Store -->
7864 | <item name="Newspaper Stand" icon="presets/shop/news.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7865 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=newsagent" />
7866 | <space />
7867 | <key key="shop" value="newsagent" />
7868 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7869 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7870 | </item> <!-- Newspaper Stand -->
7871 | <item name="Ticket" icon="presets/shop/ticket.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7872 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=ticket" />
7873 | <space />
7874 | <key key="shop" value="ticket" />
7875 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7876 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7877 | </item> <!-- Ticket -->
7878 | </group> <!-- Printed Material -->
7879 | <group name="For the body" icon="presets/shop/body.svg">
7880 | <item name="Chemist" icon="presets/shop/chemist.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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7882 | <space />
7883 | <key key="shop" value="chemist" />
7884 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7885 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7886 | </item> <!-- Chemist -->
7887 | <item name="Cosmetics" icon="presets/shop/cosmetics.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
7888 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=cosmetics" />
7889 | <space />
7890 | <key key="shop" value="cosmetics" />
7891 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7892 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7893 | </item> <!-- Cosmetics -->
7894 | <item name="Perfumery" icon="presets/shop/perfumery.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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7896 | <space />
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7900 | </item> <!-- Perfumery -->
7901 | <item name="Beauty" icon="presets/shop/beauty.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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7903 | <space />
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7909 | <preset_link preset_name="Hairdresser/Barber" text="Similar but different tags:" />
7910 | </item> <!-- Beauty -->
7911 | <item name="Tobacco" icon="presets/shop/tobacco.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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7913 | <space />
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7916 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7917 | </item> <!-- Tobacco -->
7918 | <item name="E-cigarette" icon="presets/shop/e-cigarette.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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7920 | <space />
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7922 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
7923 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7924 | </item> <!-- E-cigarette -->
7925 | <item name="Hairdresser/Barber" icon="presets/shop/hairdresser.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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7927 | <space />
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7932 | <check key="male" text="Male" />
7933 | <check key="unisex" text="Unisex" />
7934 | </checkgroup>
7935 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
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7937 | </item> <!-- Hairdresser/Barber -->
7938 | <item name="Massage" icon="presets/shop/massage.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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7940 | <space />
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7943 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7944 | <preset_link preset_name="Beauty" text="Similar but different tags:" />
7945 | </item> <!-- Massage -->
7946 | <item name="Tattoo" icon="presets/shop/tattoo.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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7948 | <space />
7949 | <key key="shop" value="tattoo" />
7950 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
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7952 | </item> <!-- Tattoo -->
7953 | <item name="Optician" icon="presets/shop/optician.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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7955 | <space />
7956 | <key key="shop" value="optician" />
7957 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
7958 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7959 | </item> <!-- Optician -->
7960 | <item name="Hearing Aids" icon="presets/shop/hearing_aids.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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7962 | <space />
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7965 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7966 | </item> <!-- Hearing Aids -->
7967 | <item name="Medical Supply" icon="presets/shop/medical_supply.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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7969 | <space />
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7974 | </item> <!-- Medical Supply -->
7975 | <item name="Jewellery" icon="presets/shop/jewelry.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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7977 | <space />
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7981 | </item> <!-- Jewellery -->
7982 | <item name="Erotic" icon="presets/shop/erotic.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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7984 | <space />
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7989 | </item> <!-- Erotic -->
7990 | </group> <!-- For the body -->
7991 | <group name="Other" icon="presets/shop/mall.svg">
7992 | <item name="Department Store" icon="presets/shop/mall.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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7994 | <space />
7995 | <key key="shop" value="department_store" />
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7997 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
7998 | </item> <!-- Department Store -->
7999 | <item name="General Store" icon="presets/shop/mall.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8000 | <link wiki="Tag:shop=general" />
8001 | <space />
8002 | <key key="shop" value="general" />
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8005 | </item> <!-- General Store -->
8006 | <item name="Mall" icon="presets/shop/mall.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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8008 | <space />
8009 | <key key="shop" value="mall" />
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8011 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
8012 | </item> <!-- Mall -->
8013 | <separator/>
8014 | <item name="Florist" icon="presets/shop/florist.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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8016 | <space />
8017 | <key key="shop" value="florist" />
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8019 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
8020 | </item> <!-- Florist -->
8021 | <item name="Garden Centre" icon="presets/shop/garden_centre.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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8023 | <space />
8024 | <key key="shop" value="garden_centre" />
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8027 | </item> <!-- Garden Centre -->
8028 | <separator/>
8029 | <item name="Do-It-Yourself Store" icon="presets/shop/diy_store.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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8031 | <space />
8032 | <key key="shop" value="doityourself" />
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8035 | </item> <!-- Do-It-Yourself Store -->
8036 | <item name="Hardware" icon="presets/shop/hardware.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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8038 | <space />
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8042 | </item> <!-- Hardware -->
8043 | <item name="Paint" icon="presets/shop/paint.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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8045 | <space />
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8049 | </item> <!-- Paint -->
8050 | <item name="Gas" icon="presets/shop/gas.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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8052 | <space />
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8056 | </item> <!-- Gas -->
8057 | <item name="Wholesale" icon="presets/shop/wholesale.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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8059 | <space />
8060 | <key key="shop" value="wholesale" />
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8064 | <reference ref="oh_wheelchair" />
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8066 | </item> <!-- Wholesale -->
8067 | <item name="Trade" icon="presets/shop/trade.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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8069 | <space />
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8074 | <reference ref="oh_wheelchair" />
8075 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
8076 | </item> <!-- Trade -->
8077 | <separator/>
8078 | <item name="Travel Agency" icon="presets/shop/travel_agency.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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8080 | <space />
8081 | <key key="shop" value="travel_agency" />
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8083 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
8084 | </item> <!-- Travel Agency -->
8085 | <item name="Scuba diving" icon="presets/shop/scuba_diving.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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8087 | <space />
8088 | <key key="shop" value="scuba_diving" />
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8090 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
8091 | </item> <!-- Scuba diving -->
8092 | <item name="Fishing" icon="presets/shop/fishing.svg" name_context="shop" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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8094 | <space />
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8097 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
8098 | </item> <!-- Fishing -->
8099 | <item name="Musical Instrument" icon="presets/shop/musical_instrument.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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8101 | <space />
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8103 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8104 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
8105 | </item> <!-- Musical Instrument -->
8106 | <item name="Toys" icon="presets/shop/toys.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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8108 | <space />
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8112 | </item> <!-- Toys -->
8113 | <item name="Gift/Souvenir" icon="presets/shop/present.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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8115 | <space />
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8118 | <optional>
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8120 | </optional>
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8122 | </item> <!-- Gift/Souvenir -->
8123 | <item name="Variety Store" icon="presets/shop/variety_store.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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8125 | <space />
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8127 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8128 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
8129 | </item> <!-- Variety Store -->
8130 | <item name="Party supplies" icon="presets/shop/party.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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8132 | <space />
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8136 | </item> <!-- Party supplies -->
8137 | <item name="Charity" icon="presets/shop/charity.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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8139 | <space />
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8142 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
8143 | </item> <!-- Charity -->
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8146 | <space />
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8148 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8149 | <space />
8150 | <label text="Alternative tagging: `shop=*` + `second_hand=yes` or `second_hand=only`" />
8151 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
8152 | </item> <!-- Second hand -->
8153 | <item name="Bookmaker" icon="presets/shop/lottery.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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8155 | <space />
8156 | <key key="shop" value="bookmaker" />
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8158 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
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8160 | <preset_link preset_name="Adult gaming centre" text="Similar but different tags:" />
8161 | <preset_link preset_name="Gambling" text="Similar but different tags:" />
8162 | <preset_link preset_name="Casino" text="Similar but different tags:" />
8163 | <preset_link preset_name="Lottery" text="Similar but different tags:" />
8164 | </item> <!-- Bookmaker -->
8165 | <item name="Lottery" icon="presets/shop/lottery.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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8167 | <space />
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8170 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
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8172 | <preset_link preset_name="Adult gaming centre" text="Similar but different tags:" />
8173 | <preset_link preset_name="Gambling" text="Similar but different tags:" />
8174 | <preset_link preset_name="Casino" text="Similar but different tags:" />
8175 | <preset_link preset_name="Bookmaker" text="Similar but different tags:" />
8176 | </item> <!-- Lottery -->
8177 | <item name="Bag" icon="presets/shop/bag.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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8179 | <space />
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8182 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
8183 | </item> <!-- Bag -->
8184 | <item name="Pet" icon="presets/shop/pet.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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8186 | <space />
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8189 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
8190 | </item> <!-- Pet -->
8191 | <item name="Pet grooming" icon="presets/shop/pet_grooming.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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8193 | <space />
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8195 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
8196 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
8197 | </item> <!-- Pet grooming -->
8198 | <item name="Photo" icon="presets/shop/photo.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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8200 | <space />
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8203 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
8204 | </item> <!-- Photo -->
8205 | <item name="Security" icon="presets/shop/security.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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8207 | <space />
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8210 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
8211 | </item> <!-- Security -->
8212 | <item name="Weapons" icon="presets/shop/weapons.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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8214 | <space />
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8216 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
8217 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
8218 | </item> <!-- Weapons -->
8219 | <item name="Funeral Directors" icon="presets/shop/funeral_directors.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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8221 | <space />
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8223 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
8224 | <reference ref="link_contact_address_payment" />
8225 | </item> <!-- Funeral Directors -->
8226 | </group> <!-- Other -->
8227 | <separator/>
8228 | <item name="Vending Machine" icon="presets/transport/ticket-machine.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
8229 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=vending_machine" />
8230 | <space />
8231 | <key key="amenity" value="vending_machine" />
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8233 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
8234 | <text key="ref" text="Reference number" />
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8236 | </item> <!-- Vending Machine -->
8237 | <item name="Parcel Locker" icon="presets/service/parcel_locker.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
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8239 | <space/>
8240 | <key key="amenity" value="parcel_locker" />
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8242 | <optional>
8243 | <combo key="parcel_mail_in" text="Parcel mail in" values="yes,no,returns_only" values_sort="false" />
8244 | <combo key="parcel_pickup" text="Parcel pickup" values="yes,no" values_sort="false" />
8245 | <combo key="collection_times" text="Collection times" delimiter="|" values="Mo-Sa 09:00|Mo-Sa 08:00|Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00|Mo-Fr 17:30; Sa 12:00|Mo-Fr 15:00,19:00; Sa 15:10; Su 10:30" values_no_i18n="true" />
8246 | <space/>
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8248 | <space/>
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8250 | <reference ref="color" />
8251 | <space/>
8252 | <check key="refrigerated" text="Refrigerated" />
8253 | </optional>
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8255 | </item> <!-- Parcel Locker -->
8256 | <item name="Payment Methods" icon="presets/money/dollar.svg" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
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8258 | <space />
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8262 | <check key="payment:notes" text="Notes" text_context="payment" match="keyvalue" />
8263 | </checkgroup>
8264 | <space />
8265 | <combo key="payment:debit_cards" text="Debit cards" values="yes,no" match="keyvalue" />
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8267 | <check key="payment:bankaxess" text="BankAxess" match="keyvalue" />
8268 | <check key="payment:bancomat" text="Bancomat" match="keyvalue" />
8269 | <check key="payment:girocard" text="Girocard" match="keyvalue" />
8270 | <check key="payment:laser" text="Laser" match="keyvalue" />
8271 | <check key="payment:maestro" text="Maestro" match="keyvalue" />
8272 | <check key="payment:postfinance_card" text="PostFinance Card (ch)" match="keyvalue" regions="CH" />
8273 | <check key="payment:visa_debit" text="Visa Debit" match="keyvalue" />
8274 | <check key="payment:visa_electron" text="Visa Electron" match="keyvalue" />
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8276 | <space />
8277 | <combo key="payment:credit_cards" text="Credit cards" values="yes,no" match="keyvalue" />
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8280 | <check key="payment:diners_club" text="Diners Club" match="keyvalue" />
8281 | <check key="payment:discover_card" text="Discover Card" match="keyvalue" />
8282 | <check key="payment:jcb" text="JCB" match="keyvalue" />
8283 | <check key="payment:mastercard" text="Mastercard" match="keyvalue" />
8284 | <check key="payment:visa" text="Visa" match="keyvalue" />
8285 | </checkgroup>
8286 | <space />
8287 | <check key="payment:contactless" text="Contactless payment" match="keyvalue" />
8288 | <space />
8289 | <combo key="payment:electronic_purses" text="Electronic purses and Charge cards" values="yes,no" match="keyvalue" />
8290 | <checkgroup columns="4">
8291 | <check key="payment:ep_avant" text="Avant (fi)" match="keyvalue" regions="FI" />
8292 | <check key="payment:ep_geldkarte" text="Geldkarte (de)" match="keyvalue" regions="DE" />
8293 | <check key="payment:ep_mep" text="Mep (pt)" match="keyvalue" regions="PT" />
8294 | <check key="payment:ep_minicash" text="Minicash (lu)" match="keyvalue" regions="LU" />
8295 | <check key="payment:ep_minipay" text="Minipay (it)" match="keyvalue" regions="IT" />
8296 | <check key="payment:ep_monedero4b" text="Mondero 4b (es)" match="keyvalue" regions="ES" />
8297 | </checkgroup>
8298 | <space />
8299 | <combo key="payment:cryptocurrencies" text="Cryptocurrencies" values="yes,no" match="keyvalue" />
8300 | <checkgroup columns="4">
8301 | <check key="payment:bitcoin" text="Bitcoin" match="keyvalue" />
8302 | <check key="payment:dogecoin" text="Dogecoin" match="keyvalue" />
8303 | <check key="payment:litecoin" text="Litecoin" match="keyvalue" />
8304 | </checkgroup>
8305 | </item> <!-- Payment Methods -->
8306 | </group> <!-- Shops -->
8307 | <group name="Offices" icon="presets/office/private_company.svg">
8308 | <item name="Accountant" icon="presets/office/accountant.svg" name_context="office" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8309 | <link wiki="Tag:office=accountant" />
8310 | <space />
8311 | <key key="office" value="accountant" />
8312 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8313 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8314 | </item> <!-- Accountant -->
8315 | <item name="Advertising agency" icon="presets/office/advertising_agency.svg" name_context="office" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8316 | <link wiki="Tag:office=advertising_agency" />
8317 | <space />
8318 | <key key="office" value="advertising_agency" />
8319 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8320 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8321 | </item> <!-- Advertising agency -->
8322 | <item name="Architect" icon="presets/office/architect.svg" name_context="office" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8323 | <link wiki="Tag:office=architect" />
8324 | <space />
8325 | <key key="office" value="architect" />
8326 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8327 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8328 | </item> <!-- Architect -->
8329 | <item name="Association" icon="presets/office/association.svg" name_context="office" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8330 | <link wiki="Tag:office=association" />
8331 | <space />
8332 | <key key="office" value="association" />
8333 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8334 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8335 | </item> <!-- Association -->
8336 | <item name="Private company" icon="presets/office/private_company.svg" name_context="office" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8337 | <link wiki="Tag:office=company" />
8338 | <space />
8339 | <key key="office" value="company" />
8340 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
8341 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8342 | </item> <!-- Private company -->
8343 | <item name="Diplomatic" icon="presets/office/diplomatic.svg" name_context="office" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8344 | <link wiki="Tag:office=diplomatic" />
8345 | <space />
8346 | <key key="office" value="diplomatic" />
8347 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
8348 | <combo key="diplomatic" text="Type" values="consulate,embassy,liaison" />
8349 | <reference ref="oh_wheelchair" />
8350 | <combo key="country" text="Country code" values_from="java.util.Locale#getISOCountries" use_last_as_default="force" match="key" values_context="country codes" />
8351 | <combo key="target" text="Receiving country code" values_from="java.util.Locale#getISOCountries" use_last_as_default="force" match="key" values_context="country codes" />
8352 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8353 | </item> <!-- Diplomatic -->
8354 | <item name="Educational institution" icon="presets/office/educational_institution.svg" name_context="office" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8355 | <link wiki="Tag:office=educational_institution" />
8356 | <space />
8357 | <key key="office" value="educational_institution" />
8358 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8359 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8360 | </item> <!-- Educational institution -->
8361 | <item name="Employment agency" icon="presets/office/employment_agency.svg" name_context="office" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8362 | <link wiki="Tag:office=employment_agency" />
8363 | <space />
8364 | <key key="office" value="employment_agency" />
8365 | <reference ref="name_brand_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8366 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8367 | </item> <!-- Employment agency -->
8368 | <item name="Estate agent" icon="presets/office/real_state.svg" name_context="office" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8369 | <link wiki="Tag:office=estate_agent" />
8370 | <space />
8371 | <key key="office" value="estate_agent" />
8372 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8373 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8374 | </item> <!-- Estate agent -->
8375 | <item name="Foundation" icon="presets/office/foundation.svg" name_context="office" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8376 | <link wiki="Tag:office=foundation" />
8377 | <space />
8378 | <key key="office" value="foundation" />
8379 | <reference ref="name_brand_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8380 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8381 | </item> <!-- Foundation -->
8382 | <item name="Government" icon="presets/office/government.svg" name_context="office" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8383 | <link wiki="Tag:office=government" />
8384 | <space />
8385 | <key key="office" value="government" />
8386 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
8387 | <combo key="government" text="Type" values="administrative,audit,cadaster,culture,customs,data_protection,education,environment,forestry,healthcare,legislative,migration,ministry,pension_fund,prosecutor,public_service,register_office,social_security,social_services,statistics,tax,transportation" />
8388 | <reference ref="oh_wheelchair" />
8389 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8390 | </item> <!-- Government -->
8391 | <item name="Insurance" icon="presets/office/insurance.svg" name_context="office" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8392 | <link wiki="Tag:office=insurance" />
8393 | <space />
8394 | <key key="office" value="insurance" />
8395 | <reference ref="name_brand_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8396 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8397 | </item> <!-- Insurance -->
8398 | <item name="It specialist" icon="presets/office/it.svg" name_context="office" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8399 | <link wiki="Tag:office=it" />
8400 | <space />
8401 | <key key="office" value="it" />
8402 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
8403 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8404 | </item> <!-- It specialist -->
8405 | <item name="Lawyer" icon="presets/office/lawyer.svg" name_context="office" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8406 | <link wiki="Tag:office=lawyer" />
8407 | <space />
8408 | <key key="office" value="lawyer" />
8409 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8410 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8411 | </item> <!-- Lawyer -->
8412 | <item name="Newspaper" icon="presets/office/newspaper.svg" name_context="office" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8413 | <link wiki="Tag:office=newspaper" />
8414 | <space />
8415 | <key key="office" value="newspaper" />
8416 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8417 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8418 | </item> <!-- Newspaper -->
8419 | <item name="Non-governmental organisation (NGO)" icon="presets/office/ong.svg" name_context="office" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8420 | <link wiki="Tag:office=ngo" />
8421 | <space />
8422 | <key key="office" value="ngo" />
8423 | <reference ref="name_brand_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8424 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8425 | </item> <!-- Non-governmental organisation (NGO) -->
8426 | <item name="Notary" icon="presets/office/notary.svg" name_context="office" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8427 | <link wiki="Tag:office=notary" />
8428 | <space />
8429 | <key key="office" value="notary" />
8430 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
8431 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8432 | </item> <!-- Notary -->
8433 | <item name="Political party" icon="presets/office/political_party.svg" name_context="office" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8434 | <link wiki="Tag:office=political_party" />
8435 | <space />
8436 | <key key="office" value="political_party" />
8437 | <reference ref="name_oh_wheelchair" />
8438 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8439 | </item> <!-- Political party -->
8440 | <item name="Religion" icon="presets/office/religion.svg" name_context="office" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8441 | <link wiki="Tag:office=religion" />
8442 | <space />
8443 | <key key="office" value="religion" />
8444 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
8445 | <reference ref="religious" />
8446 | <reference ref="oh_wheelchair" />
8447 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8448 | </item> <!-- Religion -->
8449 | <item name="Research" icon="presets/office/research.svg" name_context="office" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8450 | <link wiki="Tag:office=research" />
8451 | <space />
8452 | <key key="office" value="research" />
8453 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8454 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8455 | </item> <!-- Research -->
8456 | <item name="Tax advisor" icon="presets/office/tax_advisor.svg" name_context="office" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8457 | <link wiki="Tag:office=tax_advisor" />
8458 | <space />
8459 | <key key="office" value="tax_advisor" />
8460 | <reference ref="name_brand_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8461 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8462 | </item> <!-- Tax advisor -->
8463 | <item name="Telecommunication" icon="presets/office/telecommunication.svg" name_context="office" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8464 | <link wiki="Tag:office=telecommunication" />
8465 | <space />
8466 | <key key="office" value="telecommunication" />
8467 | <reference ref="name_brand_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8468 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8469 | </item> <!-- Telecommunication -->
8470 | </group> <!-- Offices -->
8471 | <group name="Craft" icon="presets/craft/painter.svg">
8472 | <item name="Beekeeper" icon="presets/craft/beekeeper.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8473 | <link wiki="Tag:craft=beekeeper" />
8474 | <space />
8475 | <key key="craft" value="beekeeper" />
8476 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8477 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8478 | </item> <!-- Beekeeper -->
8479 | <item name="Brewery" icon="presets/craft/brewery.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8480 | <link wiki="Tag:craft=brewery" />
8481 | <space />
8482 | <key key="craft" value="brewery" />
8483 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8484 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8485 | </item> <!-- Brewery -->
8486 | <item name="Winery" icon="presets/craft/winery.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8487 | <link wiki="Tag:craft=winery" />
8488 | <space />
8489 | <key key="craft" value="winery" />
8490 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8491 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8492 | </item> <!-- Winery -->
8493 | <item name="Caterer" icon="presets/craft/caterer.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8494 | <link wiki="Tag:craft=caterer" />
8495 | <space />
8496 | <key key="craft" value="caterer" />
8497 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8498 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8499 | </item> <!-- Caterer -->
8500 | <separator/> <!-- food group -->
8501 | <item name="Upholsterer" icon="presets/craft/upholsterer.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8502 | <link wiki="Tag:craft=upholsterer" />
8503 | <space />
8504 | <key key="craft" value="upholsterer" />
8505 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8506 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8507 | </item> <!-- Upholsterer -->
8508 | <item name="Key cutter" icon="presets/craft/key_cutter.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8509 | <link wiki="Tag:craft=key_cutter" />
8510 | <space />
8511 | <key key="craft" value="key_cutter" />
8512 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8513 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8514 | </item> <!-- Key cutter -->
8515 | <item name="Locksmith" icon="presets/craft/locksmith.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8516 | <link wiki="Tag:craft=locksmith" />
8517 | <space />
8518 | <key key="craft" value="locksmith" />
8519 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8520 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8521 | </item> <!-- Locksmith -->
8522 | <item name="Electrician" icon="presets/craft/electrician.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8523 | <link wiki="Tag:craft=electrician" />
8524 | <space />
8525 | <key key="craft" value="electrician" />
8526 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8527 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8528 | </item> <!-- Electrician -->
8529 | <item name="Electronics Repair" icon="presets/craft/electronics_repair.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8530 | <link wiki="Tag:craft=electronics_repair" />
8531 | <space />
8532 | <key key="craft" value="electronics_repair" />
8533 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8534 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8535 | <optional>
8536 | <checkgroup>
8537 | <check key="mobile_phone:repair" text="Repairs mobile phones" />
8538 | <check key="computer:repair" text="Repairs computers" />
8539 | <check key="camera:repair" text="Repairs cameras" />
8540 | <check key="hifi:repair" text="Repairs hifi equipment" />
8541 | </checkgroup>
8542 | </optional>
8543 | </item> <!-- Electrician -->
8544 | <item name="Plumber" icon="presets/craft/plumber.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8545 | <link wiki="Tag:craft=plumber" />
8546 | <space />
8547 | <key key="craft" value="plumber" />
8548 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8549 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8550 | </item> <!-- Plumber -->
8551 | <item name="Hvac" icon="presets/craft/hvac.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8552 | <link wiki="Tag:craft=hvac" />
8553 | <space />
8554 | <key key="craft" value="hvac" />
8555 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8556 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8557 | </item> <!-- Hvac -->
8558 | <item name="Painter" icon="presets/craft/painter.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8559 | <link wiki="Tag:craft=painter" />
8560 | <space />
8561 | <key key="craft" value="painter" />
8562 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8563 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8564 | </item> <!-- Painter -->
8565 | <item name="Tiler" icon="presets/craft/tiler.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8566 | <link wiki="Tag:craft=tiler" />
8567 | <space />
8568 | <key key="craft" value="tiler" />
8569 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8570 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8571 | </item> <!-- Tiler -->
8572 | <item name="Window construction" icon="presets/craft/window_construction.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8573 | <link wiki="Tag:craft=window_construction" />
8574 | <space />
8575 | <key key="craft" value="window_construction" />
8576 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8577 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8578 | </item> <!-- Window construction -->
8579 | <item name="Carpenter" icon="presets/craft/carpenter.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8580 | <link wiki="Tag:craft=carpenter" />
8581 | <space />
8582 | <key key="craft" value="carpenter" />
8583 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8584 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8585 | </item> <!-- Carpenter -->
8586 | <item name="Roofer" icon="presets/craft/roofer.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8587 | <link wiki="Tag:craft=roofer" />
8588 | <space />
8589 | <key key="craft" value="roofer" />
8590 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8591 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8592 | </item> <!-- Roofer -->
8593 | <separator/> <!-- apartment/house group -->
8594 | <item name="Photographer" icon="presets/craft/photographer.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8595 | <link wiki="Tag:craft=photographer" />
8596 | <space />
8597 | <key key="craft" value="photographer" />
8598 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8599 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8600 | </item> <!-- Photographer -->
8601 | <item name="Handicraft" icon="presets/craft/handicraft.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8602 | <link wiki="Tag:craft=handicraft" />
8603 | <space />
8604 | <key key="craft" value="handicraft" />
8605 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8606 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8607 | </item> <!-- Handicraft -->
8608 | <item name="Pottery" icon="presets/craft/pottery.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8609 | <link wiki="Tag:craft=pottery" />
8610 | <space />
8611 | <key key="craft" value="pottery" />
8612 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8613 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8614 | </item> <!-- Pottery -->
8615 | <item name="Gardener" icon="presets/craft/gardener.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8616 | <link wiki="Tag:craft=gardener" />
8617 | <space />
8618 | <key key="craft" value="gardener" />
8619 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8620 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8621 | </item> <!-- Gardener -->
8622 | <item name="Shoemaker" icon="presets/craft/shoemaker.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8623 | <link wiki="Tag:craft=shoemaker" />
8624 | <space />
8625 | <key key="craft" value="shoemaker" />
8626 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8627 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8628 | </item> <!-- Shoemaker -->
8629 | <separator/> <!-- other "soft"/art craft group -->
8630 | <item name="Sawmill" icon="presets/craft/sawmill.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8631 | <link wiki="Tag:craft=sawmill" />
8632 | <space />
8633 | <key key="craft" value="sawmill" />
8634 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8635 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8636 | </item> <!-- Sawmill -->
8637 | <item name="Stonemason" icon="presets/craft/stonemason.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8638 | <link wiki="Tag:craft=stonemason" />
8639 | <space />
8640 | <key key="craft" value="stonemason" />
8641 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8642 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8643 | </item> <!-- Stonemason -->
8644 | <item name="Blacksmith" icon="presets/craft/blacksmith.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8645 | <link wiki="Tag:craft=blacksmith" />
8646 | <space />
8647 | <key key="craft" value="blacksmith" />
8648 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8649 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8650 | </item> <!-- Blacksmith -->
8651 | <item name="Metal construction" icon="presets/craft/metal_construction.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8652 | <link wiki="Tag:craft=metal_construction" />
8653 | <space />
8654 | <key key="craft" value="metal_construction" />
8655 | <reference ref="name_operator_oh_wheelchair" />
8656 | <reference ref="link_contact_address" />
8657 | </item> <!-- Metal construction -->
8658 | <!-- other "hard" craft group -->
8659 | </group> <!-- Craft -->
8660 | <group name="Geography" icon="presets/landmark/peak.svg">
8661 | <group name="Boundaries" icon="presets/misc/boundaries.svg">
8662 | <item name="Administrative" icon="presets/misc/boundaries.svg" type="way,closedway,relation" preset_name_label="true">
8663 | <link wiki="Tag:boundary=administrative" />
8664 | <space />
8665 | <key key="boundary" value="administrative" />
8666 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
8667 | <combo key="admin_level" text="Administrative level" values="1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11" />
8668 | <check key="maritime" text="Maritime" disable_off="true" />
8669 | </item> <!-- Administrative -->
8670 | <item name="Political" icon="presets/misc/boundaries.svg" type="closedway,relation" preset_name_label="true">
8671 | <link wiki="Tag:boundary=political" />
8672 | <space />
8673 | <key key="boundary" value="political" />
8674 | <combo key="political_division" text="Division" values="canton,linguistic_community,ward" />
8675 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
8676 | </item> <!-- Political -->
8677 | <item name="Postal Code" icon="presets/misc/boundaries.svg" type="way,closedway,relation" preset_name_label="true">
8678 | <link wiki="Tag:boundary=postal_code" />
8679 | <space />
8680 | <key key="boundary" value="postal_code" />
8681 | <text key="postal_code" text="Postal Code" />
8682 | </item> <!-- Postal Code -->
8683 | <item name="National Park" icon="presets/misc/boundaries.svg" type="closedway,relation" preset_name_label="true">
8684 | <link wiki="Tag:boundary=national_park" />
8685 | <space />
8686 | <key key="boundary" value="national_park" />
8687 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
8688 | </item> <!-- National Park -->
8689 | <item name="Protected Area" icon="presets/misc/boundaries.svg" type="closedway,relation" preset_name_label="true">
8690 | <link wiki="Tag:boundary=protected_area" />
8691 | <space />
8692 | <key key="boundary" value="protected_area" />
8693 | <text key="protect_class" text="Protect Class" length="2" />
8694 | <text key="protection_title" text="Title or type of protection" />
8695 | <optional>
8696 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
8697 | <reference ref="oh" />
8698 | <reference ref="wikipedia_wikidata" />
8699 | <text key="start_date" text="Start date" />
8700 | </optional>
8701 | </item> <!-- Protected Area -->
8702 | <item name="Hazardous Area" icon="presets/misc/boundaries.svg" type="closedway,relation" preset_name_label="true">
8703 | <link wiki="Tag:boundary=hazard" />
8704 | <space />
8705 | <key key="boundary" value="hazard" />
8706 | <combo key="hazard" text="Hazard" values="contamination,minefield,nuclear,shooting_range,unexploded_ordnance" values_context="hazard" />
8707 | <optional>
8708 | <text key="related_law" text="Related law" />
8709 | </optional>
8710 | </item> <!-- Hazardous Area -->
8711 | <item name="Maritime" icon="presets/misc/boundaries.svg" type="way,closedway,relation" preset_name_label="true">
8712 | <link wiki="Tag:boundary=maritime" />
8713 | <space />
8714 | <key key="boundary" value="maritime" />
8715 | <combo key="border_type" text="Border type" values="baseline,contiguous,eez,territorial" />
8716 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
8717 | </item> <!-- Maritime -->
8718 | <separator/>
8719 | <item name="Boundary Marker" icon="presets/landmark/boundary_marker.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
8720 | <link wiki="Tag:boundary=marker" />
8721 | <space />
8722 | <key key="boundary" value="marker" />
8723 | <optional>
8724 | <reference ref="name_ref" />
8725 | <text key="inscription" text="Inscription" />
8726 | <combo key="material" text="Material" values="concrete,metal,plastic,steel,stone,wood" />
8727 | </optional>
8728 | <preset_link preset_name="Boundary Stone" text="Similar but different tags:" />
8729 | </item> <!-- Boundary Marker -->
8730 | </group> <!-- Boundaries -->
8731 | <group name="Places" icon="presets/place/isolated_dwelling.svg">
8732 | <item name="Continent" icon="presets/place/capital.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
8733 | <link wiki="Tag:place=continent" />
8734 | <space />
8735 | <key key="place" value="continent" />
8736 | <reference ref="name_wikipedia_wikidata" />
8737 | </item> <!-- Continent -->
8738 | <item name="Country" icon="presets/place/capital.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
8739 | <link wiki="Tag:place=country" />
8740 | <space />
8741 | <key key="place" value="country" />
8742 | <reference ref="name_wikipedia_wikidata" />
8743 | </item> <!-- Country -->
8744 | <item name="State" icon="presets/place/capital.svg" name_context="place" type="node,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
8745 | <link wiki="Tag:place=state" />
8746 | <space />
8747 | <key key="place" value="state" />
8748 | <reference ref="name_wikipedia_wikidata" />
8749 | </item> <!-- State -->
8750 | <item name="Region" icon="presets/place/capital.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
8751 | <link wiki="Tag:place=region" />
8752 | <space />
8753 | <key key="place" value="region" />
8754 | <reference ref="name_wikipedia_wikidata" />
8755 | </item> <!-- Region -->
8756 | <item name="County" icon="presets/place/capital.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
8757 | <link wiki="Tag:place=county" />
8758 | <space />
8759 | <key key="place" value="county" />
8760 | <reference ref="name_wikipedia_wikidata" />
8761 | <reference ref="population_postcode_website" />
8762 | </item> <!-- County -->
8763 | <separator/>
8764 | <item name="City" icon="presets/place/city.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
8765 | <link wiki="Tag:place=city" />
8766 | <space />
8767 | <key key="place" value="city" />
8768 | <reference ref="name_wikipedia_wikidata" />
8769 | <reference ref="population_postcode_website" />
8770 | </item> <!-- City -->
8771 | <item name="Town" icon="presets/place/town.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
8772 | <link wiki="Tag:place=town" />
8773 | <space />
8774 | <key key="place" value="town" />
8775 | <reference ref="name_wikipedia_wikidata" />
8776 | <reference ref="population_postcode_website" />
8777 | </item> <!-- Town -->
8778 | <item name="Village" icon="presets/place/village.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
8779 | <link wiki="Tag:place=village" />
8780 | <space />
8781 | <key key="place" value="village" />
8782 | <reference ref="name_wikipedia_wikidata" />
8783 | <reference ref="population_postcode_website" />
8784 | </item> <!-- Village -->
8785 | <item name="Hamlet" icon="presets/place/hamlet.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
8786 | <link wiki="Tag:place=hamlet" />
8787 | <space />
8788 | <key key="place" value="hamlet" />
8789 | <reference ref="name_wikipedia_wikidata" />
8790 | <reference ref="population_postcode_website" />
8791 | </item> <!-- Hamlet -->
8792 | <item name="Isolated Dwelling" icon="presets/place/isolated_dwelling.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
8793 | <link wiki="Tag:place=isolated_dwelling" />
8794 | <space />
8795 | <key key="place" value="isolated_dwelling" />
8796 | <reference ref="name_wikipedia_wikidata" />
8797 | <reference ref="population_postcode_website" />
8798 | </item> <!-- Isolated Dwelling -->
8799 | <separator/>
8800 | <item name="Suburb" icon="presets/place/suburb.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
8801 | <link wiki="Tag:place=suburb" />
8802 | <space />
8803 | <key key="place" value="suburb" />
8804 | <reference ref="name_wikipedia_wikidata" />
8805 | <reference ref="population_postcode_website" />
8806 | </item> <!-- Suburb -->
8807 | <item name="Quarter" icon="presets/place/quarter.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
8808 | <link wiki="Tag:place=quarter" />
8809 | <space />
8810 | <key key="place" value="quarter" />
8811 | <reference ref="name_wikipedia_wikidata" />
8812 | <text key="population" text="Population" />
8813 | <text key="website" text="Website" />
8814 | </item> <!-- Quarter -->
8815 | <item name="Neighbourhood" icon="presets/place/neighbourhood.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
8816 | <link wiki="Tag:place=neighbourhood" />
8817 | <space />
8818 | <key key="place" value="neighbourhood" />
8819 | <reference ref="name_wikipedia_wikidata" />
8820 | <text key="population" text="Population" />
8821 | <text key="website" text="Website" />
8822 | </item> <!-- Neighbourhood -->
8823 | <item name="Municipality" icon="presets/place/municipality.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
8824 | <link wiki="Tag:place=municipality" />
8825 | <space />
8826 | <key key="place" value="municipality" />
8827 | <reference ref="name_wikipedia_wikidata" />
8828 | <text key="population" text="Population" />
8829 | <text key="website" text="Website" />
8830 | </item>
8831 | <item name="Farm" icon="presets/place/farm.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
8832 | <link wiki="Tag:place=farm" />
8833 | <space />
8834 | <label text="A farm within a bigger settlement" />
8835 | <label text="(please use isolated_dwelling for an isolated farm)" />
8836 | <space />
8837 | <key key="place" value="farm" />
8838 | <reference ref="name_wikipedia_wikidata" />
8839 | <reference ref="population_postcode_website" />
8840 | </item> <!-- Farm -->
8841 | <separator/>
8842 | <item name="City Block" icon="presets/place/cityblock.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
8843 | <link wiki="Tag:place=city_block" />
8844 | <space />
8845 | <key key="place" value="city_block" />
8846 | <reference ref="name_wikipedia_wikidata" />
8847 | </item> <!-- City Block -->
8848 | <item name="Locality" icon="presets/place/locality.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
8849 | <link wiki="Tag:place=locality" />
8850 | <space />
8851 | <key key="place" value="locality" />
8852 | <reference ref="name_wikipedia_wikidata" />
8853 | </item> <!-- Locality -->
8854 | <item name="Square" icon="presets/place/square.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8855 | <link wiki="Tag:place=square" />
8856 | <space />
8857 | <key key="place" value="square" />
8858 | <reference ref="name_wikipedia_wikidata" />
8859 | </item> <!-- Square -->
8860 | </group> <!-- Places -->
8861 | <group name="Geography" icon="presets/landmark/peak.svg">
8862 | <item name="Peak" icon="presets/landmark/peak.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
8863 | <link wiki="Tag:natural=peak" />
8864 | <space />
8865 | <label text="The top (summit) of a mountain or hill." />
8866 | <space />
8867 | <key key="natural" value="peak" />
8868 | <reference ref="name_wikipedia_wikidata" />
8869 | <text key="ele" text="Elevation (meters)" length="10" />
8870 | </item> <!-- Peak -->
8871 | <item name="Saddle" icon="presets/landmark/saddle.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
8872 | <link wiki="Tag:natural=saddle" />
8873 | <space />
8874 | <label text="A saddle point between mountains or hills." />
8875 | <space/>
8876 | <key key="natural" value="saddle" />
8877 | <reference ref="name_wikipedia_wikidata" />
8878 | <text key="ele" text="Elevation (meters)" length="10" />
8879 | </item> <!-- Saddle -->
8880 | <item name="Glacier" icon="presets/landmark/glacier.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8881 | <link wiki="Tag:natural=glacier" />
8882 | <space />
8883 | <label text="A persistent body of dense ice that is constantly moving under its own weight." />
8884 | <space />
8885 | <key key="natural" value="glacier" />
8886 | <reference ref="name_wikipedia_wikidata" />
8887 | <text key="ele" text="Elevation (meters)" length="10" />
8888 | </item> <!-- Glacier -->
8889 | <item name="Volcano" icon="presets/landmark/volcano.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
8890 | <link wiki="Tag:natural=volcano" />
8891 | <space />
8892 | <label text="A volcano, either dormant, extinct or active." />
8893 | <space />
8894 | <key key="natural" value="volcano" />
8895 | <reference ref="name_wikipedia_wikidata" />
8896 | <text key="ele" text="Elevation (meters)" length="10" />
8897 | <optional>
8898 | <combo key="volcano:status" text="Current Status" values="active,dormant,extinct" />
8899 | <combo key="volcano:type" text="Type" values="stratovolcano,shield,scoria" />
8900 | </optional>
8901 | </item> <!-- Volcano -->
8902 | <item name="Arête" icon="presets/landmark/arete.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
8903 | <link wiki="Tag:natural=arete" />
8904 | <space />
8905 | <key key="natural" value="arete" />
8906 | <reference ref="name_wikipedia_wikidata" />
8907 | <preset_link preset_name="Ridge" text="Similar but different tags:" />
8908 | </item> <!-- Arête -->
8909 | <item name="Ridge" icon="presets/landmark/ridge.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
8910 | <link wiki="Tag:natural=ridge" />
8911 | <space />
8912 | <label text="A mountain or hill ridge." />
8913 | <space />
8914 | <key key="natural" value="ridge" />
8915 | <reference ref="name_wikipedia_wikidata" />
8916 | <preset_link preset_name="Arête" text="Similar but different tags:" />
8917 | </item> <!-- Ridge -->
8918 | <item name="Valley" icon="presets/landmark/valley.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
8919 | <link wiki="Tag:natural=valley" />
8920 | <space />
8921 | <label text="A low area between hills." />
8922 | <space />
8923 | <key key="natural" value="valley" />
8924 | <reference ref="name_wikipedia_wikidata" />
8925 | </item> <!-- Valley -->
8926 | <item name="Cliff" icon="presets/misc/cliff.svg" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8927 | <link wiki="Tag:natural=cliff" />
8928 | <space />
8929 | <label text="A steep rock face exposure, with a significant vertical, or near vertical (leave the lower face to the right of the way)." />
8930 | <space />
8931 | <key key="natural" value="cliff" />
8932 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
8933 | <text key="height" text="Height (meters)" length="7" />
8934 | </item> <!-- Cliff -->
8935 | <item name="Earth Bank" icon="presets/misc/earth_bank.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
8936 | <link wiki="Tag:natural=earth_bank" />
8937 | <space />
8938 | <label text="A steep earth bank, with a significant vertical, or near vertical (leave the lower face to the right of the way)." />
8939 | <space />
8940 | <key key="natural" value="earth_bank" />
8941 | <text key="depth" text="Depth (meters)" />
8942 | <combo key="earth_bank" values="gully,scarp,cut_bank,grassy_steep_slope" text="Type"/>
8943 |
8944 | <preset_link preset_name="Cliff" text="Similar but different tags:" />
8945 | <preset_link preset_name="Ditch" text="Similar but different tags:" />
8946 | <preset_link preset_name="Embankment" text="Similar but different tags:" />
8947 | <preset_link preset_name="Valley" text="Similar but different tags:" />
8948 | </item> <!-- Earth Bank -->
8949 | <item name="Sinkhole" icon="presets/landmark/sinkhole.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
8950 | <link wiki="Tag:natural=sinkhole" />
8951 | <space />
8952 | <key key="natural" value="sinkhole" />
8953 | <combo key="sinkhole" text="Type" values_searchable="true">
8954 | <list_entry value="bluehole" icon="presets/landmark/bluehole.svg" />
8955 | <list_entry value="doline" icon="presets/landmark/doline.svg" />
8956 | <list_entry value="estavelle" icon="presets/landmark/estavelle.svg" />
8957 | <list_entry value="pit" icon="presets/landmark/pit.svg" />
8958 | <list_entry value="ponor" icon="presets/landmark/ponor.svg" />
8959 | </combo>
8960 | <optional>
8961 | <check key="anthropogenic" text="Caused by human activity" disable_off="true" />
8962 | <check key="refitted" text="Modified by human hand" disable_off="true" />
8963 | <reference ref="name_wikipedia_wikidata" />
8964 | </optional>
8965 | </item> <!-- Sinkhole -->
8966 | <item name="Cave Entrance" icon="presets/landmark/cave_entrance.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
8967 | <link wiki="Tag:natural=cave_entrance" />
8968 | <space />
8969 | <label text="The entrance to a cave." />
8970 | <space />
8971 | <key key="natural" value="cave_entrance" />
8972 | <reference ref="name_wikipedia_wikidata" />
8973 | <reference ref="oh_wheelchair" />
8974 | <reference ref="POI_access" />
8975 | <reference ref="fee" />
8976 | </item> <!-- Cave Entrance -->
8977 | <separator/>
8978 | <item name="Island" icon="presets/place/island.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8979 | <link wiki="Tag:place=island" />
8980 | <space />
8981 | <key key="place" value="island" />
8982 | <reference ref="name_wikipedia_wikidata" />
8983 | </item> <!-- Island -->
8984 | <item name="Islet" icon="presets/place/islet.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8985 | <link wiki="Tag:place=islet" />
8986 | <space />
8987 | <key key="place" value="islet" />
8988 | <reference ref="name_wikipedia_wikidata" />
8989 | </item> <!-- Islet -->
8990 | <item name="Reef" icon="presets/landmark/reef.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
8991 | <link wiki="Tag:natural=reef" />
8992 | <space />
8993 | <key key="natural" value="reef" />
8994 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
8995 | <combo key="reef" text="Type" values="coral,oyster,rock,sand" />
8996 | </item> <!-- Reef -->
8997 | </group> <!-- Geography -->
8998 | <group name="Nature" icon="presets/landmark/trees.svg">
8999 | <item name="Shrub" icon="presets/landmark/shrub.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
9000 | <link wiki="Tag:natural=shrub" />
9001 | <space />
9002 | <label text="A single shrub." />
9003 | <space />
9004 | <key key="natural" value="shrub" />
9005 | <optional>
9006 | <reference ref="genus_species_taxon" />
9007 | <space />
9008 | <text key="height" text="Height (meters)" length="7" />
9009 | <space />
9010 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
9011 | <text key="start_date" text="Start date" />
9012 | </optional>
9013 | <preset_link preset_name="Shrubbery" text="Similar but different tags:" />
9014 | </item> <!-- Shrub -->
9015 | <item name="Tree" icon="presets/landmark/trees.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
9016 | <link wiki="Tag:natural=tree" />
9017 | <space />
9018 | <label text="A single tree." />
9019 | <space />
9020 | <key key="natural" value="tree" />
9021 | <reference ref="leaf_without_mixed" />
9022 | <combo key="denotation" text="Denotation" values_searchable="true" values_context="tree denotation" >
9023 | <list_entry value="landmark" short_description="Trees remarkable due to its size or prominent location, usually visible from great distances and useful for navigation." />
9024 | <list_entry value="natural_monument" short_description="Especially old tree, often with a particular shape. Usually protected for its uniqueness." />
9025 | <list_entry value="avenue" short_description="Trees aligned along a road." />
9026 | <list_entry value="urban" short_description="Trees found within settlements, e.g. in parks or spread through residential areas." />
9027 | <list_entry value="agricultural" short_description="Trees in agricultural use." />
9028 | </combo>
9029 | <optional>
9030 | <reference ref="genus_species_taxon" />
9031 | <space />
9032 | <text key="height" text="Height (meters)" length="7" />
9033 | <text key="diameter_crown" text="Diameter crown (meters)" />
9034 | <text key="circumference" text="Circumference (meters)" />
9035 | <space />
9036 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
9037 | <text key="start_date" text="Start date" />
9038 | </optional>
9039 | </item> <!-- Tree -->
9040 | <item name="Tree Row" icon="presets/landmark/tree_row.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
9041 | <link wiki="Tag:natural=tree_row" />
9042 | <space />
9043 | <label text="A line of trees." />
9044 | <space />
9045 | <key key="natural" value="tree_row" />
9046 | <reference ref="leaf" />
9047 | <optional>
9048 | <reference ref="genus_species_taxon" />
9049 | <text key="height" text="Height (meters)" length="7" />
9050 | </optional>
9051 | </item> <!-- Tree Row -->
9052 | <item name="Shrubbery" icon="presets/landmark/shrubbery.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9053 | <link wiki="Tag:natural=shrubbery" />
9054 | <space />
9055 | <label text="An area of shrubbery that is actively maintained or pruned by humans." />
9056 | <space />
9057 | <key key="natural" value="shrubbery" />
9058 | <optional>
9059 | <combo key="shrubbery:density" text="Effective density" values_searchable="true" values_sort="false">
9060 | <list_entry value="sparse" icon="presets/landmark/shrubbery/shrubbery_density_sparse.svg" short_description="Sparsely planted shrubbery. Generally speaking able-bodied persons could walk through them (although this is usually not desirable)." />
9061 | <list_entry value="medium" icon="presets/landmark/shrubbery/shrubbery_density_medium.svg" short_description="Shrubbery with a medium density. Able-bodied persons might be able to barge through it, but it takes some effort and might result in scratches or soiled clothing." />
9062 | <list_entry value="dense" icon="presets/landmark/shrubbery/shrubbery_density_dense.svg" short_description="Densely planted shrubbery. Effectively impassible without damaging the shrubbery (which at this point often acts as a hedge) and getting your clothes torn." />
9063 | </combo>
9064 | <text key="height" text="(Average) height" length="7" />
9065 | <text key="shrubbery:shape" text="Shape (useful for hedges etc.)" />
9066 | <space />
9067 | <reference ref="genus_species_taxon"/>
9068 | <space />
9069 | <reference ref="leaf"/>
9070 | </optional>
9071 | <preset_link preset_name="Shrub" text="Similar but different tags:" />
9072 | </item> <!-- Shrubbery -->
9073 | <separator />
9074 | <item name="Wood" icon="presets/landmark/forest.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" name_context="natural" preset_name_label="true">
9075 | <link wiki="Tag:natural=wood" />
9076 | <space />
9077 | <label text="Woodland where timber production does not dominate use." />
9078 | <space />
9079 | <key key="natural" value="wood" />
9080 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
9081 | <reference ref="leaf" />
9082 | </item> <!-- Wood -->
9083 | <item name="Forest" icon="presets/landmark/forest.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9084 | <link wiki="Tag:landuse=forest" />
9085 | <space />
9086 | <key key="landuse" value="forest" />
9087 | <reference ref="leaf" />
9088 | <reference ref="optional_name" />
9089 | </item> <!-- Forest -->
9090 | <item name="Cutline" icon="presets/landmark/cutline.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
9091 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=cutline" />
9092 | <space />
9093 | <key key="man_made" value="cutline" />
9094 | <combo key="cutline" text="Type" values="border,firebreak,hunting,loggingmachine,pipeline,piste,section" values_context="cutline" />
9095 | </item> <!-- Cutline -->
9096 | <item name="Grassland" icon="presets/landuse/meadow.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9097 | <link wiki="Tag:natural=grassland" />
9098 | <space />
9099 | <label text="Where vegetation is dominated by grasses (Poaceae) and other herbaceous (non-woody) plants. Excludes cultivated areas and wetlands." />
9100 | <space />
9101 | <key key="natural" value="grassland" />
9102 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
9103 | <combo key="grassland" text="Type" values="pampas,prairie,puszta,savanna,steppe,veld" />
9104 | </item> <!-- Grassland -->
9105 | <item name="Nature Reserve" icon="presets/leisure/nature_reserve.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9106 | <link wiki="Tag:leisure=nature_reserve" />
9107 | <space />
9108 | <key key="leisure" value="nature_reserve" />
9109 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
9110 | </item> <!-- Nature Reserve -->
9111 | <separator/>
9112 | <item name="Scree" icon="presets/landuse/scree.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9113 | <link wiki="Tag:natural=scree" />
9114 | <space />
9115 | <label text="An accumulation of loose angular rocks." />
9116 | <space />
9117 | <key key="natural" value="scree" />
9118 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
9119 | </item> <!-- Scree -->
9120 | <item name="Shingle" icon="presets/landuse/shingle.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9121 | <link wiki="Tag:natural=shingle" />
9122 | <space />
9123 | <label text="An accumulation of loose rounded rocks on a beach or riverbed." />
9124 | <space />
9125 | <key key="natural" value="shingle" />
9126 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
9127 | </item> <!-- Shingle -->
9128 | <item name="Fell" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9129 | <link wiki="Tag:natural=fell" />
9130 | <space />
9131 | <label text="Bare upper lying uncultivated land principally covered with grass and often grazed." />
9132 | <space />
9133 | <key key="natural" value="fell" />
9134 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
9135 | </item> <!-- Fell -->
9136 | <item name="Scrub" icon="presets/landuse/scrub.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9137 | <link wiki="Tag:natural=scrub" />
9138 | <space />
9139 | <label text="Bare lower lying uncultivated land with bushes but little or no tree cover." />
9140 | <space />
9141 | <key key="natural" value="scrub" />
9142 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
9143 | <optional>
9144 | <reference ref="leaf" />
9145 | </optional>
9146 | </item> <!-- Scrub -->
9147 | <item name="Heath" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9148 | <link wiki="Tag:natural=heath" />
9149 | <space />
9150 | <label text="Bare lower lying uncultivated land with a shrubland habitat found mainly on free-draining infertile, acidic soils, and is characterised by open, low-growing woody vegetation." />
9151 | <space />
9152 | <key key="natural" value="heath" />
9153 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
9154 | </item> <!-- Heath -->
9155 | <item name="Sand" icon="presets/landuse/sand.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9156 | <link wiki="Tag:natural=sand" />
9157 | <space />
9158 | <label text="Large area covered with sand." />
9159 | <space />
9160 | <key key="natural" value="sand" />
9161 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
9162 | </item> <!-- Sand -->
9163 | <item name="Bare Rock" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9164 | <link wiki="Tag:natural=bare_rock" />
9165 | <space />
9166 | <label text="For areas of solid visible rock that is sparsely vegetated or not vegetated at all." />
9167 | <space />
9168 | <key key="natural" value="bare_rock" />
9169 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
9170 | </item> <!-- Bare Rock -->
9171 | <item name="Rock" icon="presets/misc/rock.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
9172 | <link wiki="Tag:natural=rock" />
9173 | <space />
9174 | <label text="A notable rock or group of rocks, with at least one of them firmly attached to the underlying bedrock." />
9175 | <space />
9176 | <key key="natural" value="rock" />
9177 | <reference ref="name_wikipedia_wikidata" />
9178 | <optional>
9179 | <check key="tourism" text="Tourism attraction" value_on="attraction" disable_off="true" />
9180 | </optional>
9181 | </item> <!-- Rock -->
9182 | <item name="Stone" icon="presets/misc/stone.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
9183 | <link wiki="Tag:natural=stone" />
9184 | <space />
9185 | <label text="A single notable free-standing rock, which may differ from the composition of the terrain it lies in." />
9186 | <space />
9187 | <key key="natural" value="stone" />
9188 | <reference ref="name_wikipedia_wikidata" />
9189 | <optional>
9190 | <text key="height" text="Height (meters)" length="7" />
9191 | <text key="width" text="Width (meters)" />
9192 | </optional>
9193 | </item> <!-- Stone -->
9194 | </group> <!-- Nature -->
9195 | <group name="Land use" icon="presets/landuse/farmland.svg">
9196 | <item name="Farmyard" icon="presets/landuse/farmyard.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9197 | <link wiki="Tag:landuse=farmyard" />
9198 | <space />
9199 | <key key="landuse" value="farmyard" />
9200 | <reference ref="optional_name" />
9201 | </item> <!-- Farmyard -->
9202 | <item name="Farmland" icon="presets/landuse/farmland.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9203 | <link wiki="Tag:landuse=farmland" />
9204 | <space />
9205 | <key key="landuse" value="farmland" />
9206 | <optional>
9207 | <combo key="crop" text="Crop" values="barley,cereal,corn,grass,hop,rape,rice,soy,sugarcane,tea,wheat" values_context="crop" />
9208 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
9209 | <check key="irrigation" text="Center pivot irrigation" value_on="pivot" disable_off="true" />
9210 | </optional>
9211 | </item> <!-- Farmland -->
9212 | <item name="Meadow" icon="presets/landuse/meadow.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9213 | <link wiki="Tag:landuse=meadow" />
9214 | <space />
9215 | <key key="landuse" value="meadow" />
9216 | <combo key="meadow" text="Type of meadow" values="agricultural,pasture" values_context="meadow" />
9217 | <reference ref="optional_name" />
9218 | </item> <!-- Meadow -->
9219 | <item name="Orchard" icon="presets/landuse/orchard.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9220 | <link wiki="Tag:landuse=orchard" />
9221 | <space />
9222 | <key key="landuse" value="orchard" />
9223 | <combo key="trees" text="Trees" values="almond_trees,apple_trees,apricot_trees,avocado_trees,banana_plants,blueberry_plants,cacao_trees,cherimoya_trees,cherry_trees,chestnut_trees,coconut_palms,coffea_plants,date_palms,hazel_plants,hop_plants,lemon_trees,macadamia_trees,mango_trees,oil_palms,olive_trees,orange_trees,papaya_trees,peach_trees,pear_trees,pecan_trees,persimmon_trees,pineapple_plants,pistachio_trees,pitaya_plants,plum_trees,pomegranate_trees,tea_plants,walnut_trees" values_searchable="true" />
9224 | <reference ref="optional_name" />
9225 | </item> <!-- Orchard -->
9226 | <item name="Vineyard" icon="presets/landuse/vineyard.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9227 | <link wiki="Tag:landuse=vineyard" />
9228 | <space />
9229 | <key key="landuse" value="vineyard" />
9230 | <key key="crop" value="grape" match="keyvalue" />
9231 | <reference ref="optional_name" />
9232 | </item> <!-- Vineyard -->
9233 | <item name="Greenhouse Horticulture" icon="presets/landuse/greenhouse_horticulture.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9234 | <link wiki="Tag:landuse=greenhouse_horticulture" />
9235 | <space />
9236 | <key key="landuse" value="greenhouse_horticulture" />
9237 | <reference ref="optional_name_operator" />
9238 | </item> <!-- Greenhouse Horticulture -->
9239 | <item name="Plant Nursery" icon="presets/landuse/plant_nursery.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9240 | <link wiki="Tag:landuse=plant_nursery" />
9241 | <key key="landuse" value="plant_nursery" />
9242 | <reference ref="optional_name_operator" />
9243 | <space />
9244 | <reference ref="leaf" />
9245 | <reference ref="genus_species_taxon" />
9246 | </item> <!-- Plant Nursery -->
9247 | <item name="Salt Pond" icon="presets/landuse/salt_pond.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9248 | <link wiki="Tag:landuse=salt_pond" />
9249 | <space />
9250 | <key key="landuse" value="salt_pond" />
9251 | <reference ref="optional_name_operator" />
9252 | </item> <!-- Salt Pond -->
9253 | <item name="Aquaculture" icon="presets/landuse/aquaculture.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9254 | <link wiki="Tag:landuse=aquaculture" />
9255 | <space />
9256 | <key key="landuse" value="aquaculture" />
9257 | <combo key="aquaculture" text="Aquaculture" values="shrimp,fish,mussels" />
9258 | <reference ref="optional_name_operator" />
9259 | </item> <!-- Aquaculture -->
9260 | <separator/>
9261 | <item name="Allotments" icon="presets/landuse/allotments.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9262 | <link wiki="Tag:landuse=allotments" />
9263 | <space />
9264 | <key key="landuse" value="allotments" />
9265 | <reference ref="optional_name" />
9266 | </item> <!-- Allotments -->
9267 | <item name="Flowerbed" icon="presets/landuse/flowerbed.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9268 | <link wiki="Tag:landuse=flowerbed" />
9269 | <space />
9270 | <key key="landuse" value="flowerbed" />
9271 | <optional>
9272 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
9273 | <reference ref="genus_species_taxon" />
9274 | </optional>
9275 | <preset_link preset_name="Garden" text="Similar but different tags:" />
9276 | </item> <!-- Flowerbed -->
9277 | <item name="Planter" icon="presets/misc/planter.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9278 | <link wiki="Tag:man_made=planter"/>
9279 | <space />
9280 | <key key="man_made" value="planter"/>
9281 | <optional>
9282 | <text key="material" text="The material the planter is made out of"/>
9283 | <text key="surface" text="The material inside the planter"/>
9284 | <check key="barrier" value_on="planter" text="Planter barrier" disable_off="true"/>
9285 | </optional>
9286 | </item>
9287 | <item name="Garden" icon="presets/leisure/garden.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9288 | <link wiki="Tag:leisure=garden" />
9289 | <space />
9290 | <key key="leisure" value="garden" />
9291 | <combo key="garden:type" text="Garden type" values="residential,community,botanical,arboretum" />
9292 | <combo key="garden:style" text="Aesthetic / Style" values="english,french,chinese,japanese,persian,zen" />
9293 | <optional>
9294 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
9295 | <reference ref="POI_access" />
9296 | </optional>
9297 | <preset_link preset_name="Flowerbed" text="Similar but different tags:" />
9298 | </item> <!-- Garden -->
9299 | <item name="Grass" icon="presets/landuse/meadow.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9300 | <link wiki="Tag:landuse=grass" />
9301 | <space />
9302 | <key key="landuse" value="grass" />
9303 | <reference ref="optional_name" />
9304 | </item> <!-- Grass -->
9305 | <item name="Village Green" icon="presets/leisure/common.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9306 | <link wiki="Tag:landuse=village_green" />
9307 | <space />
9308 | <key key="landuse" value="village_green" />
9309 | <reference ref="optional_name" />
9310 | </item> <!-- Village Green -->
9311 | <item name="Park" icon="presets/leisure/park.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9312 | <link wiki="Tag:leisure=park" />
9313 | <space />
9314 | <key key="leisure" value="park" />
9315 | <reference ref="optional_name" />
9316 | </item> <!-- Park -->
9317 | <item name="Recreation Ground" icon="presets/leisure/common.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9318 | <link wiki="Tag:landuse=recreation_ground" />
9319 | <space />
9320 | <key key="landuse" value="recreation_ground" />
9321 | <reference ref="optional_name" />
9322 | </item> <!-- Recreation Ground -->
9323 | <separator/>
9324 | <item name="Religious" icon="presets/religion/religion.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9325 | <link wiki="Tag:landuse=religious" />
9326 | <space />
9327 | <key key="landuse" value="religious" />
9328 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
9329 | <reference ref="religious" />
9330 | </item> <!-- Religious -->
9331 | <item name="Cemetery" icon="presets/landuse/cemetery.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9332 | <link wiki="Tag:landuse=cemetery" />
9333 | <space />
9334 | <key key="landuse" value="cemetery" />
9335 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
9336 | <reference ref="religious" />
9337 | </item> <!-- Cemetery -->
9338 | <item name="Graveyard" icon="presets/landuse/graveyard.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9339 | <link wiki="Tag:amenity=grave_yard" />
9340 | <space />
9341 | <key key="amenity" value="grave_yard" />
9342 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
9343 | <reference ref="religious" />
9344 | </item> <!-- Graveyard -->
9345 | <item name="Cemetery sector" icon="presets/misc/cemetery_sector.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9346 | <link wiki="Tag:cemetery=sector" />
9347 | <space />
9348 | <key key="cemetery" value="sector" />
9349 | <optional>
9350 | <text key="ref" text="Reference" />
9351 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
9352 | </optional>
9353 | </item> <!-- Cemetery sector-->
9354 | <separator/>
9355 | <item name="Residential Area" icon="presets/landmark/building.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9356 | <link wiki="Tag:landuse=residential" />
9357 | <space />
9358 | <key key="landuse" value="residential" />
9359 | <reference ref="optional_name" />
9360 | <combo key="residential" text="Type" values="apartments,halting_site,rural,single_family,trailer_park,urban" values_context="landuse type" />
9361 | </item> <!-- Residential Area -->
9362 | <item name="Education" icon="presets/education/education.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9363 | <link wiki="Tag:landuse=education" />
9364 | <space />
9365 | <key key="landuse" value="education" />
9366 | <reference ref="optional_name" />
9367 | </item> <!-- Education -->
9368 | <item name="Retail" icon="presets/shop/mall.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9369 | <link wiki="Tag:landuse=retail" />
9370 | <space />
9371 | <key key="landuse" value="retail" />
9372 | <reference ref="optional_name" />
9373 | </item> <!-- Retail -->
9374 | <item name="Commercial" icon="presets/landuse/commercial.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9375 | <link wiki="Tag:landuse=commercial" />
9376 | <space />
9377 | <key key="landuse" value="commercial" />
9378 | <reference ref="optional_name" />
9379 | </item> <!-- Commercial -->
9380 | <item name="Industrial" icon="presets/landmark/works.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9381 | <link wiki="Tag:landuse=industrial" />
9382 | <space />
9383 | <key key="landuse" value="industrial" />
9384 | <combo key="industrial" text="Type" values="bakery,brewery,brickyard,depot,distributor,factory,grinding_mill,heating_station,machine_shop,mine,oil,port,salt_pond,sawmill,scrap_yard,shipyard,slaughterhouse,warehouse,wellsite" values_context="industrial" />
9385 | <reference ref="optional_name" />
9386 | </item> <!-- Industrial -->
9387 | <item name="Garages" icon="presets/landuse/garages.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9388 | <link wiki="Tag:landuse=garages" />
9389 | <space />
9390 | <key key="landuse" value="garages" />
9391 | <reference ref="optional_name_operator" />
9392 | </item> <!-- Garages -->
9393 | <item name="Railway Land" icon="presets/landuse/railway.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9394 | <link wiki="Tag:landuse=railway" />
9395 | <space />
9396 | <key key="landuse" value="railway" />
9397 | <reference ref="optional_name" />
9398 | </item> <!-- Railway Land -->
9399 | <item name="Military" icon="presets/landuse/military.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9400 | <link wiki="Tag:landuse=military" />
9401 | <space />
9402 | <key key="landuse" value="military" />
9403 | <reference ref="optional_name" />
9404 | </item> <!-- Military -->
9405 | <separator/>
9406 | <item name="Construction Area" icon="presets/landuse/construction.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9407 | <link wiki="Tag:landuse=construction" />
9408 | <space />
9409 | <key key="landuse" value="construction" />
9410 | <combo key="construction" text="Construction type" values_context="landuse" values_sort="false">
9411 | <list_entry value="residential" display_value="Residential Area" icon="presets/landmark/building.svg" />
9412 | <list_entry value="education" display_value="Education" icon="presets/education/education.svg" />
9413 | <list_entry value="retail" display_value="Retail" icon="presets/shop/mall.svg" icon_size="16" />
9414 | <list_entry value="commercial" display_value="Commercial" icon="presets/landuse/commercial.svg" icon_size="16" />
9415 | <list_entry value="industrial" display_value="Industrial" icon="presets/landmark/works.svg" />
9416 | <list_entry value="garages" display_value="Garages" icon="presets/landuse/garages.svg" />
9417 | <list_entry value="railway" display_value="Railway Land" icon="presets/landuse/railway.svg" icon_size="16" />
9418 | <list_entry value="military" display_value="Military" icon="presets/landuse/military.svg" icon_size="16" />
9419 | <list_entry value="religous" display_value="Religious" icon="presets/religion/religion.svg" />
9420 | <list_entry value="cemetery" display_value="Cemetery" icon="presets/landuse/cemetery.svg" />
9421 | </combo>
9422 | <reference ref="optional_name_operator" />
9423 | </item> <!-- Construction Area -->
9424 | <item name="Brownfield" icon="presets/landuse/brownfield.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9425 | <link wiki="Tag:landuse=brownfield" />
9426 | <space />
9427 | <key key="landuse" value="brownfield" />
9428 | <reference ref="optional_name" />
9429 | </item> <!-- Brownfield -->
9430 | <item name="Greenfield" icon="presets/landuse/greenfield.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9431 | <link wiki="Tag:landuse=greenfield" />
9432 | <space />
9433 | <key key="landuse" value="greenfield" />
9434 | <reference ref="optional_name" />
9435 | </item> <!-- Greenfield -->
9436 | <item name="Landfill" icon="presets/landuse/landfill.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9437 | <link wiki="Tag:landuse=landfill" />
9438 | <space />
9439 | <key key="landuse" value="landfill" />
9440 | <reference ref="optional_name" />
9441 | </item> <!-- Landfill -->
9442 | <item name="Quarry" icon="presets/landmark/mine.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
9443 | <link wiki="Tag:landuse=quarry" />
9444 | <space />
9445 | <key key="landuse" value="quarry" />
9446 | <reference ref="name_operator" />
9447 | <combo key="resource" text="Resource" values="aggregate,bauxite,clay,coal,copper,dimension_stone,gold,ilmenite,iron_ore,lead,limestone,nickel,rutile,salt,silver,tin,zinc,zircon" />
9448 | </item> <!-- Quarry -->
9449 | </group> <!-- Landuse -->
9450 | </group> <!-- Geography -->
9451 | <group name="Annotation" icon="presets/misc/housenumber.svg">
9452 | <item name="Name" icon="presets/misc/name.svg" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
9453 | <link wiki="Key:name" />
9454 | <space />
9455 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
9456 | <optional>
9457 | <text key="alt_name" text="Alternative name" match="key" />
9458 | <text key="old_name" text="Historical name" match="key" />
9459 | <text key="loc_name" text="Local name" match="key" />
9460 | <text key="reg_name" text="Regional name" match="key" />
9461 | <text key="nat_name" text="National name" match="key" />
9462 | <text key="int_name" text="International name" match="key" />
9463 | <text key="official_name" text="Official name" match="key" />
9464 | <text key="short_name" text="Common name abbreviation" match="key" />
9465 | </optional>
9466 | </item> <!-- Name -->
9467 | <item name="Address" icon="presets/misc/housenumber.svg" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
9468 | <link wiki="Key:addr" />
9469 | <space />
9470 | <text key="addr:housenumber" text="House number" match="key" auto_increment="-2,-1,+1,+2" />
9471 | <check key="nohousenumber" text="Address has no house number" disable_off="true"/>
9472 | <text key="addr:street" text="Street name" use_last_as_default="force" match="key" alternative_autocomplete_keys="name" />
9473 | <optional>
9474 | <text key="addr:city" text="City name" use_last_as_default="force" match="key" />
9475 | <text key="addr:postcode" text="Post code" use_last_as_default="force" match="key" />
9476 | <combo key="addr:country" text="Country code" values_from="java.util.Locale#getISOCountries" use_last_as_default="force" match="key" values_context="country codes" />
9477 | </optional>
9478 | <optional text="Optional tag only for address without addr:street">
9479 | <text key="addr:place" text="Place name" use_last_as_default="force" match="key" alternative_autocomplete_keys="name" />
9480 | </optional>
9481 | <optional text="Optional tags for specific countries">
9482 | <text key="addr:unit" text="Unit/Suite" match="key" />
9483 | <text key="addr:housename" text="House name" match="key" alternative_autocomplete_keys="name" />
9484 | <text key="addr:hamlet" text="Hamlet" match="key" />
9485 | <text key="addr:suburb" text="Suburb" use_last_as_default="force" match="key" />
9486 | <text key="addr:subdistrict" text="Subdistrict" use_last_as_default="force" match="key" />
9487 | <text key="addr:district" text="District" use_last_as_default="force" match="key" />
9488 | <text key="addr:province" text="Province" use_last_as_default="force" match="key" />
9489 | <!-- US States as defined in ISO 3166-2 -->
9490 | <combo key="addr:state" text="State" text_context="addr:" values="AL,AK,AZ,AR,CA,CO,CT,DE,FL,GA,HI,ID,IL,IN,IA,KS,KY,LA,ME,MD,MA,MI,MN,MS,MO,MT,NE,NV,NH,NJ,NM,NY,NC,ND,OH,OK,OR,PA,RI,SC,SD,TN,TX,UT,VT,VA,WA,WV,WI,DC,AS,GU,MP,PR,UM,VI" use_last_as_default="force" match="key" />
9491 | </optional>
9492 | </item> <!-- Address -->
9493 | <item name="Address Interpolation" icon="presets/misc/interpolation.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
9494 | <link wiki="Key:addr" />
9495 | <space />
9496 | <combo key="addr:interpolation" text="Numbering scheme" values="odd,even,all,alphabetic" default="odd" match="key" />
9497 | <optional>
9498 | <combo key="addr:inclusion" text="Accuracy" values="actual,estimate,potential" match="key" />
9499 | </optional>
9500 | </item> <!-- Address Interpolation -->
9501 | <item name="Contact (Common Schema)" icon="presets/misc/contact.svg" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
9502 | <link wiki="Annotations" />
9503 | <space />
9504 | <text key="website" text="Website" match="key" />
9505 | <text key="email" text="Email Address" match="key" />
9506 | <space />
9507 | <text key="phone" text="Phone number" match="key" />
9508 | <text key="mobile" text="Mobile phone number" match="key" />
9509 | <text key="fax" text="Fax Number" match="key" />
9510 | <label text="Use E.123 format, e.g. +49 11223 456 7890" />
9511 | <space />
9512 | <reference ref="wikipedia_wikidata" />
9513 | <text key="image" text="Image" />
9514 | <preset_link preset_name="Contact (Schema with 'contact:*' Prefix)" text="Similar tags but different tagging schema:" text_context="Contact" />
9515 | <preset_link preset_name="Social Networks" />
9516 | </item> <!-- Contact (Common Schema) -->
9517 | <item name="Contact (Schema with 'contact:*' Prefix)" icon="presets/misc/contact.svg" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
9518 | <link wiki="Key:contact" />
9519 | <space />
9520 | <text key="contact:website" text="Website" match="key" />
9521 | <text key="contact:email" text="Email Address" match="key" />
9522 | <space />
9523 | <text key="contact:phone" text="Phone number" match="key" />
9524 | <text key="contact:mobile" text="Mobile phone number" match="key" />
9525 | <text key="contact:fax" text="Fax Number" match="key" />
9526 | <label text="Use E.123 format, e.g. +49 11223 456 7890" />
9527 | <space />
9528 | <reference ref="wikipedia_wikidata" />
9529 | <text key="image" text="Image" />
9530 | <preset_link preset_name="Contact (Common Schema)" text="Similar tags but different tagging schema:" text_context="Contact" />
9531 | <preset_link preset_name="Social Networks" />
9532 | </item> <!-- Contact (Schema with 'contact:*' Prefix) -->
9533 | <item name="Social Networks" icon="presets/misc/social_networks.svg" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
9534 | <link wiki="Key:contact" />
9535 | <space />
9536 | <text key="contact:facebook" text="Facebook" match="key" text_context="social_network" />
9537 | <text key="contact:foursquare" text="Foursquare" match="key" text_context="social_network" />
9538 | <text key="contact:instagram" text="Instagram" match="key" text_context="social_network" />
9539 | <text key="contact:linkedin" text="Linkedin" match="key" text_context="social_network" />
9540 | <text key="contact:ok" text="Ok" match="key" text_context="social_network" />
9541 | <text key="contact:pinterest" text="Pinterest" match="key" text_context="social_network" />
9542 | <text key="contact:skype" text="Skype" match="key" text_context="social_network" />
9543 | <text key="contact:telegram" text="Telegram" match="key" text_context="social_network" />
9544 | <text key="contact:tripadvisor" text="Tripadvisor" match="key" text_context="social_network" />
9545 | <text key="contact:twitter" text="Twitter" match="key" text_context="social_network" />
9546 | <text key="contact:vk" text="Vk" match="key" text_context="social_network" />
9547 | <text key="contact:whatsapp" text="Whatsapp" match="key" text_context="social_network" />
9548 | <text key="contact:xing" text="Xing" match="key" text_context="social_network" />
9549 | <text key="contact:yelp" text="Yelp" match="key" text_context="social_network" />
9550 | <text key="contact:youtube" text="Youtube" match="key" text_context="social_network" />
9551 | <preset_link preset_name="Contact (Common Schema)" text_context="Contact" />
9552 | <preset_link preset_name="Contact (Schema with 'contact:*' Prefix)" text_context="Contact" />
9553 | </item> <!-- Social Networks -->
9554 | <item name="Description" icon="presets/misc/description.svg" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
9555 | <link wiki="Key:description" />
9556 | <space />
9557 | <label text="A short text with additional information." text_context="description=*" />
9558 | <label text="It might be viewable to the end user (perhaps using a search system or a map with pop-ups)." text_context="description=*" />
9559 | <space />
9560 | <text key="description" text="Description" match="key" />
9561 | <preset_link preset_name="Note" text="Similar but different tags:" />
9562 | <preset_link preset_name="Fixme" text="Similar but different tags:" />
9563 | </item> <!-- Description -->
9564 | <item name="Note" icon="presets/misc/note.svg" name_context="the tag note=*" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
9565 | <link wiki="Key:note" />
9566 | <space />
9567 | <label text="An important hint for other mappers (not for the end user)." text_context="note=*" />
9568 | <space />
9569 | <text key="note" text="Note" text_context="the tag note=*" match="key" />
9570 | <preset_link preset_name="Fixme" text="Similar but different tags:" />
9571 | <preset_link preset_name="Description" text="Similar but different tags:" />
9572 | </item> <!-- Note -->
9573 | <item name="Fixme" icon="presets/misc/fixme.svg" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
9574 | <link wiki="Key:fixme" />
9575 | <space />
9576 | <label text="A hint for other mappers (not for the end user), that an object needs an improvement." text_context="fixme=*"/>
9577 | <space />
9578 | <text key="fixme" text="Fixme" match="key" />
9579 | <preset_link preset_name="Note" text="Similar but different tags:" />
9580 | <preset_link preset_name="Description" text="Similar but different tags:" />
9581 | </item> <!-- Fixme -->
9582 | </group> <!-- Annotation -->
9583 | <group name="Relations" icon="presets/misc/relations.svg">
9584 | <item name="Multipolygon" icon="presets/misc/multipolygon.svg" type="multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
9585 | <link wiki="Relation:multipolygon" />
9586 | <key key="type" value="multipolygon" />
9587 | <optional>
9588 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
9589 | </optional>
9590 | <roles>
9591 | <role key="outer" text="outer segment" requisite="required" type="way,closedway" />
9592 | <role key="inner" text="inner segment" requisite="optional" type="way,closedway" />
9593 | </roles>
9594 | </item> <!-- Multipolygon -->
9595 | <item name="Boundary" icon="presets/misc/boundaries.svg" type="multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true">
9596 | <link wiki="Relation:boundary" />
9597 | <space />
9598 | <key key="type" value="boundary" />
9599 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
9600 | <combo key="boundary" text="Boundary type" values="administrative,maritime,national_park,political,postal_code,protected_area" values_searchable="true" />
9601 | <optional>
9602 | <combo key="admin_level" text="Administrative level" values="1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11" />
9603 | </optional>
9604 | <roles>
9605 | <role key="outer" text="outer segment" requisite="required" type="way,closedway" />
9606 | <role key="inner" text="inner segment" requisite="optional" type="way,closedway" />
9607 | <role key="subarea" text="Sub area" requisite="optional" type="relation" />
9608 | <role key="admin_centre" text="Administration centre" requisite="optional" type="node" count="1" />
9609 | <role key="label" text="Label point" requisite="optional" type="node" count="1" />
9610 | </roles>
9611 | </item> <!-- Boundary -->
9612 | <item name="Building" icon="presets/landmark/building.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true">
9613 | <link wiki="Relation:building" />
9614 | <key key="type" value="building" />
9615 | <preset_link preset_name="Building" />
9616 | <preset_link preset_name="Entrance" />
9617 | <preset_link preset_name="Building part" />
9618 | <roles>
9619 | <role key="outline" text="Outline of building" requisite="required" count="1" type="closedway,multipolygon" member_expression="building=*" />
9620 | <role key="part" text="Inner segment" requisite="required" type="closedway,multipolygon" member_expression=""building:part"=*" />
9621 | <role key="ridge" text="Roof ridge" requisite="optional" type="way,closedway" member_expression=""roof:ridge"=yes" />
9622 | <role key="edge" text="Roof edge" requisite="optional" type="way,closedway" member_expression=""roof:edge"=yes" />
9623 | </roles>
9624 | </item> <!-- Building -->
9625 | <item name="Site" type="relation" preset_name_label="true">
9626 | <link wiki="Relation:site" />
9627 | <space />
9628 | <key key="type" value="site" />
9629 | <text key="name" text="Site name" />
9630 | <roles>
9631 | <role key="label" text="where to place the label" requisite="optional" type="node" />
9632 | <role key="perimeter" text="perimeter of the site" requisite="optional" count="1" type="closedway,multipolygon" />
9633 | <role key="entrance" text="entrances to the site, on the perimeter" requisite="optional" type="node" />
9634 | <role key="" text="members of site" requisite="optional" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" />
9635 | </roles>
9636 | </item> <!-- Site -->
9637 | <separator/>
9638 | <item name="Turn Restriction" icon="presets/vehicle/restriction/turn_restrictions/no_u_turn.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true">
9639 | <link wiki="Relation:restriction" />
9640 | <space />
9641 | <key key="type" value="restriction" />
9642 | <combo key="restriction" text="Restriction" values="no_left_turn,no_right_turn,no_straight_on,no_u_turn,only_right_turn,only_left_turn,only_straight_on" values_searchable="true" />
9643 | <roles>
9644 | <role key="from" text="from way" requisite="required" count="1" type="way" />
9645 | <role key="via" text="via node or ways" requisite="required" type="way,node" />
9646 | <role key="to" text="to way" requisite="required" count="1" type="way" />
9647 | </roles>
9648 | </item> <!-- Turn Restriction -->
9649 | <item name="Lane Connectivity" type="relation" preset_name_label="true" icon="presets/transport/way/relation_connectivity.svg">
9650 | <link wiki="Relation:connectivity" />
9651 | <space />
9652 | <key key="type" value="connectivity" />
9653 | <text key="connectivity" text="Lane Connectivity" />
9654 | <roles>
9655 | <role key="from" text="from way" requisite="required" count="1" type="way" />
9656 | <role key="via" text="via node or ways" requisite="required" type="way,node" />
9657 | <role key="to" text="to way" requisite="required" count="1" type="way" />
9658 | </roles>
9659 | </item> <!-- Lane Connectivity -->
9660 | <item name="Enforcement" icon="presets/vehicle/restriction/speed_camera.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true">
9661 | <link wiki="Relation:enforcement" />
9662 | <space />
9663 | <key key="type" value="enforcement" />
9664 | <combo key="enforcement" text="Type" values="check,maxheight,maxspeed,maxweight,mindistance,toll,traffic_signals" match="keyvalue!" />
9665 | <text key="maxheight" text="Max. height (meters, only if enforcement=maxheight)" />
9666 | <text key="maxspeed" text="Max. speed (km/h, only if enforcement=maxspeed)" />
9667 | <text key="maxweight" text="Max. weight (tonnes, only if enforcement=maxweight)" />
9668 | <text key="mindistance" text="Min. vehicle distance (meters, only if enforcement=mindistance)" />
9669 | <roles>
9670 | <role key="device" text="location of enforcement device" requisite="required" type="node,way,closedway" />
9671 | <role key="from" text="node on way where enforcement starts" requisite="required" type="node" />
9672 | <role key="to" text="where enforcement ends" requisite="optional" type="node" />
9673 | <role key="force" text="traffic light or barrier that stops you" requisite="optional" type="node" />
9674 | </roles>
9675 | </item> <!-- Enforcement -->
9676 | <item name="Enforcement (average speed)" icon="presets/vehicle/restriction/speed_camera.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true">
9677 | <link wiki="Relation:enforcement" />
9678 | <space />
9679 | <key key="type" value="enforcement" />
9680 | <key key="enforcement" value="average_speed" />
9681 | <text key="maxspeed" text="Max. speed (km/h)" />
9682 | <roles>
9683 | <role key="device" text="location of enforcement device" requisite="required" type="node,way,closedway" />
9684 | <role key="from" text="node on way where enforcement starts" requisite="required" type="node" />
9685 | <role key="to" text="where enforcement ends" requisite="optional" type="node" />
9686 | <role key="section" text="ways forming the section of measurement" requisite="required" type="way" member_expression="highway" />
9687 | </roles>
9688 | </item> <!-- Enforcement (average speed) -->
9689 | <separator/>
9690 | <group name="Routes" icon="presets/misc/route.svg">
9691 | <item name="Bicycle Route" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true">
9692 | <link wiki="Tag:route=bicycle" />
9693 | <space/>
9694 | <key key="type" value="route"/>
9695 | <key key="route" value="bicycle"/>
9696 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
9697 | <combo key="network" text="Network" values="icn,ncn,rcn,lcn" display_values="international,national,regional,local" values_context="network" values_sort="false" />
9698 | <optional>
9699 | <reference ref="route_hikebike_optionals" />
9700 | </optional>
9701 | <roles>
9702 | <reference ref="route_segment_roles" />
9703 | </roles>
9704 | </item> <!-- Bicycle Route -->
9705 | <item name="Mountain Biking Route" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true">
9706 | <link wiki="Mountain_biking" />
9707 | <space/>
9708 | <key key="type" value="route"/>
9709 | <key key="route" value="mtb"/>
9710 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
9711 | <optional>
9712 | <reference ref="route_hikebike_optionals" />
9713 | </optional>
9714 | <roles>
9715 | <reference ref="route_segment_roles" />
9716 | </roles>
9717 | </item> <!-- Mountain Biking Route -->
9718 | <item name="Hiking Route" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true">
9719 | <link wiki="Tag:route=hiking#Tagging_walking_and_hiking_Route_Networks" />
9720 | <space/>
9721 | <key key="type" value="route"/>
9722 | <key key="route" value="hiking"/>
9723 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
9724 | <combo key="network" text="Network" values="iwn,nwn,rwn,lwn" display_values="international,national,regional,local" values_context="network" values_sort="false"/>
9725 | <optional>
9726 | <reference ref="route_hikebike_optionals" />
9727 | </optional>
9728 | <reference ref="walking_routes_roles" />
9729 | </item> <!-- Hiking Route -->
9730 | <item name="Walking Route" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true">
9731 | <link wiki="Tag:route=foot" />
9732 | <space/>
9733 | <key key="type" value="route"/>
9734 | <key key="route" value="foot"/>
9735 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
9736 | <combo key="network" text="Network" values="rwn,lwn" display_values="regional,local" values_context="network" values_sort="false" />
9737 | <optional>
9738 | <reference ref="route_hikebike_optionals" />
9739 | </optional>
9740 | <reference ref="walking_routes_roles" />
9741 | </item> <!-- Walking Route -->
9742 | <item name="Running Route" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true">
9743 | <link wiki="Tag:route=running" />
9744 | <space/>
9745 | <key key="type" value="route"/>
9746 | <key key="route" value="running"/>
9747 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
9748 | <optional>
9749 | <reference ref="route_hikebike_optionals" />
9750 | </optional>
9751 | <roles>
9752 | <reference ref="route_segment_roles" />
9753 | <reference ref="route_start_stop_roles" />
9754 | </roles>
9755 | </item> <!-- Running Route -->
9756 | <item name="Fitness Trail" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true">
9757 | <link wiki="Tag:route=fitness_trail" />
9758 | <space/>
9759 | <key key="type" value="route"/>
9760 | <key key="route" value="fitness_trail"/>
9761 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
9762 | <optional>
9763 | <reference ref="route_hikebike_optionals" />
9764 | </optional>
9765 | <roles>
9766 | <reference ref="route_segment_roles" />
9767 | <reference ref="route_start_stop_roles" />
9768 | <role key="" text="fitness station" requisite="optional" type="node,way,closedway" member_expression="leisure=fitness_station" />
9769 | <role key="station" text="fitness station" requisite="optional" type="node,way,closedway" member_expression="leisure=fitness_station" />
9770 | </roles>
9771 | </item> <!-- Fitness Trail -->
9772 | <item name="Riding Route" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true">
9773 | <link wiki="Tag:route=horse" />
9774 | <space/>
9775 | <key key="type" value="route"/>
9776 | <key key="route" value="horse"/>
9777 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
9778 | <combo key="network" text="Network" values="ihn,nhn,rhn,lhn" display_values="international,national,regional,local" values_context="network" values_sort="false" />
9779 | <optional>
9780 | <reference ref="route_hikebike_optionals" />
9781 | </optional>
9782 | <roles>
9783 | <role key="" text="route segment" requisite="required" type="way,closedway" member_expression="highway|route=ferry"/>
9784 | <role key="" text="infrastructure" requisite="optional" type="node,closedway" member_expression="tourism OR amenity"/>
9785 | <role key="" text="natural" requisite="optional" type="node,closedway" member_expression="natural=peak OR natural=volcano OR mountain_pass=yes OR natural=water OR tourism=viewpoint OR amenity=drinking_water OR natural=spring OR place=locality"/>
9786 | <role key="guidepost" text="guidepost" requisite="optional" type="node" member_expression="information=guidepost"/>
9787 | </roles>
9788 | </item> <!-- Riding Route -->
9789 | <item name="Piste Route" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true">
9790 | <link wiki="Tag:route=piste" />
9791 | <space/>
9792 | <key key="type" value="route"/>
9793 | <key key="route" value="piste"/>
9794 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
9795 | <combo key="piste:type" text="Piste type" values="connection,downhill,hike,ice_skate,nordic,playground,skitour,sled,sleigh,snow_park" values_searchable="true" />
9796 | <optional>
9797 | <reference ref="route_hikebike_optionals" />
9798 | </optional>
9799 | <roles>
9800 | <role key="" text="route segment" requisite="optional" type="way" />
9801 | <role key="forward" text="forward segment" requisite="optional" type="way" />
9802 | <role key="backward" text="backward segment" requisite="optional" type="way" />
9803 | <role key="link" text="link segment" requisite="optional" type="way" />
9804 | <role key="shortcut" text="shortcut segment" requisite="optional" type="way" />
9805 | <role key="variant" text="variant segment" requisite="optional" type="way" />
9806 | <role key="start" text="entry points" requisite="optional" type="node" />
9807 | <role key="guidepost" text="guidepost" requisite="optional" type="node" member_expression="information=guidepost"/>
9808 | </roles>
9809 | </item> <!-- Piste Route -->
9810 | <item name="Ski Route" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true">
9811 | <link wiki="Tag:route=ski" />
9812 | <space/>
9813 | <key key="type" value="route"/>
9814 | <key key="route" value="ski"/>
9815 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
9816 | <combo key="piste:type" text="Piste type" values="nordic,alpine" values_searchable="true" />
9817 | <optional>
9818 | <reference ref="route_hikebike_optionals" />
9819 | </optional>
9820 | <roles>
9821 | <role key="" text="route segment" requisite="optional" type="way" />
9822 | <role key="forward" text="forward segment" requisite="optional" type="way" />
9823 | <role key="backward" text="backward segment" requisite="optional" type="way" />
9824 | <role key="link" text="link segment" requisite="optional" type="way" />
9825 | <role key="shortcut" text="shortcut segment" requisite="optional" type="way" />
9826 | <role key="variant" text="variant segment" requisite="optional" type="way" />
9827 | <role key="start" text="entry points" requisite="optional" type="node" />
9828 | <role key="guidepost" text="guidepost" requisite="optional" type="node" member_expression="information=guidepost"/>
9829 | </roles>
9830 | </item> <!-- Ski Route -->
9831 | <separator/>
9832 | <item name="Detour Route" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true">
9833 | <link wiki="Tag:route=detour" />
9834 | <space/>
9835 | <key key="type" value="route"/>
9836 | <key key="route" value="detour"/>
9837 | <reference ref="name_ref"/>
9838 | <optional>
9839 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
9840 | <text key="destination" text="Destination"/>
9841 | <text key="detour" text="Ref of the way this is a detour to"/>
9842 | </optional>
9843 | <roles>
9844 | <role key="" text="route segment" requisite="required" type="way,closedway" member_expression="highway|route=ferry"/>
9845 | <role key="fork" text="fork node for alternative routes" requisite="optional" type="node"/>
9846 | <role key="guidepost" text="guidepost" requisite="optional" type="node" member_expression="information=guidepost"/>
9847 | </roles>
9848 | </item> <!-- Detour Route -->
9849 | <item name="Power Route" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true">
9850 | <link wiki="Tag:route=power" />
9851 | <space/>
9852 | <key key="type" value="route"/>
9853 | <key key="route" value="power"/>
9854 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator"/>
9855 | <roles>
9856 | <role key="line" text="route segment" requisite="required" type="way" member_expression="power=line|power=cable"/>
9857 | <role key="substation" text="Power Substation" requisite="optional" type="way,closedway,multipolygon" member_expression="power"/>
9858 | </roles>
9859 | </item> <!-- Power Route -->
9860 | <item name="Railway Route" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true">
9861 | <link wiki="Tag:route=railway" />
9862 | <space/>
9863 | <key key="type" value="route"/>
9864 | <key key="route" value="railway"/>
9865 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator"/>
9866 | <roles>
9867 | <role key="" text="route segment" requisite="required" type="way" member_expression="railway|route=ferry"/>
9868 | </roles>
9869 | </item> <!-- Railway Route -->
9870 | <item name="Road Route" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true">
9871 | <link wiki="Tag:route=road" />
9872 | <space/>
9873 | <key key="type" value="route"/>
9874 | <key key="route" value="road"/>
9875 | <reference ref="name_ref"/>
9876 | <text key="network" text="Network" />
9877 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
9878 | <text key="distance" text="Distance (kilometers)"/>
9879 | <roles>
9880 | <role key="" text="route segment" requisite="optional" type="way,closedway" member_expression="highway|route=ferry"/>
9881 | <role key="forward" text="forward segment" requisite="optional" type="way,closedway" member_expression="highway|route=ferry"/>
9882 | <role key="backward" text="backward segment" requisite="optional" type="way,closedway" member_expression="highway|route=ferry"/>
9883 | <role key="link" text="link segment" requisite="optional" type="way,closedway" member_expression="highway|route=ferry"/>
9884 | <role key="guidepost" text="guidepost" requisite="optional" type="node" member_expression="information=guidepost"/>
9885 | </roles>
9886 | </item> <!-- Road Route -->
9887 | <separator/>
9888 | <item name="Superroute" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true">
9889 | <link wiki="Relation:superroute" />
9890 | <space/>
9891 | <key key="type" value="superroute"/>
9892 | <combo key="route" text="Type" values="bicycle,detour,foot,hiking,horse,mtb,piste,power,railway,road,ski" display_values="Bicycle Route,Detour Route,Walking Route,Hiking Route,Riding Route,Mountain Biking Route,Piste Route,Power Route,Railway Route,Road Route,Ski Route" />
9893 | <reference ref="name_ref_operator"/>
9894 | <roles>
9895 | <role key="" text="route segment" requisite="required" type="relation" member_expression="type=route"/> <!-- fixme: at least 2 members are required -->
9896 | </roles>
9897 | </item> <!-- Superroute -->
9898 | </group> <!-- Routes -->
9899 | <item name="Route Network" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true" match_expression="-"network:type"=node_network">
9900 | <link wiki="Relation:network" />
9901 | <space />
9902 | <key key="type" value="network" />
9903 | <text key="network" text="Network" />
9904 | <optional>
9905 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
9906 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
9907 | </optional>
9908 | <roles>
9909 | <role key="" text="member" requisite="required" type="relation" />
9910 | </roles>
9911 | </item> <!-- Route Network -->
9912 | <item name="Route Node Network" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true">
9913 | <link wiki="Cycle_Node_Network_Tagging#(C)_Network_tagging" />
9914 | <space />
9915 | <key key="type" value="network" />
9916 | <key key="network:type" value="node_network" />
9917 | <combo key="network" text="Network" values="icn,ncn,rcn,lcn,ihn,nhn,rhn,lhn,iwn,nwn,rwn,lwn" display_values="international cycling,national cycling,regional cycling,local cycling,international riding,national riding,regional riding,local riding,international walking,national walking,regional walking,local walking" values_context="network" values_sort="false"/>
9918 | <optional>
9919 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
9920 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
9921 | </optional>
9922 | <roles>
9923 | <role key="" text="route" requisite="required" type="relation" member_expression=""network:type"=node_network (type=route|type=network)" />
9924 | <role key="" text="junction" requisite="required" type="node" member_expression=""network:type"=node_network" />
9925 | <role key="connection" text="connection route" requisite="optional" type="relation" member_expression=""network:type"=node_network type=route" />
9926 | <role key="connection" text="connection junction" requisite="optional" type="node" member_expression=""network:type"=node_network" />
9927 | </roles>
9928 | </item> <!-- Route Node Network -->
9929 | <separator/>
9930 | <item name="Associated Street" icon="presets/misc/housenumber.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true">
9931 | <link wiki="Relation:associatedStreet" />
9932 | <space />
9933 | <key key="type" value="associatedStreet" />
9934 | <text key="name" text="Street name" />
9935 | <roles>
9936 | <role key="street" text="street" requisite="required" type="way,closedway,multipolygon" member_expression="highway" />
9937 | <role key="house" text="house" requisite="required" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" member_expression=""addr:housenumber" | "addr:interpolation" | "addr:housename" | nohousenumber=yes" />
9938 | </roles>
9939 | </item> <!-- Associated Street -->
9940 | <item name="Street" type="relation" preset_name_label="true">
9941 | <link wiki="Relation:street" />
9942 | <space />
9943 | <key key="type" value="street" />
9944 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
9945 | <roles>
9946 | <role key="street" text="ways being part of street" requisite="required" type="way" />
9947 | <role key="address" text="addresses belonging to the street" requisite="optional" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" />
9948 | <role key="house" text="houses belonging to the street" requisite="optional" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" />
9949 | <role key="associated" text="anything related to the street" requisite="optional" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" />
9950 | </roles>
9951 | </item> <!-- Street -->
9952 | <item name="Destination Sign" icon="presets/misc/information/guidepost.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true">
9953 | <link wiki="Relation:destination_sign" />
9954 | <space />
9955 | <key key="type" value="destination_sign" />
9956 | <text key="destination" text="Destination written on sign (w/o distance)" />
9957 | <text key="distance" text="Distance (kilometers)" />
9958 | <text key="time" text="Time (hh:mm, for trekking)" />
9959 | <combo key="colour:back" text="Color of background (HTML name or hexadecimal code)" values="black,blue,brown,gray,green,orange,purple,red,silver,white,yellow,#CD853F" values_context="color" />
9960 | <combo key="colour:text" text="Color of text (HTML name or hexadecimal code)" values="black,blue,brown,gray,green,orange,purple,red,silver,white,yellow,#CD853F" values_context="color" />
9961 | <combo key="colour:arrow" text="Color of border/arrow (HTML name or hexadecimal code)" values="black,blue,brown,gray,green,orange,purple,red,silver,white,yellow,#CD853F" values_context="color" />
9962 | <roles>
9963 | <role key="from" text="last way before junction" requisite="optional" type="node,way" />
9964 | <role key="intersection" text="node of the intersection" requisite="optional" count="1" type="node" />
9965 | <role key="to" text="first way after junction" requisite="required" count="1" type="node,way" />
9966 | <role key="sign" text="position of sign" requisite="optional" type="node" />
9967 | </roles>
9968 | </item> <!-- Destination Sign -->
9969 | <separator/>
9970 | <item name="Waterway" icon="presets/nautical/waterway_river.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true">
9971 | <link wiki="Relation:waterway" />
9972 | <space />
9973 | <key key="type" value="waterway" />
9974 | <combo key="waterway" text="Subtype of waterway (largest one of members)" values="river,stream,canal,drain,ditch" values_searchable="true" />
9975 | <text key="name" text="Name" />
9976 | <optional>
9977 | <text key="destination" text="Name of river/lake/sea/ocean it runs into" />
9978 | <text key="ref" text="Reference" />
9979 | <text key="ref:sandre" text="Reference Sandre (FR)" regions="FR" />
9980 | <text key="ref:fgkz" text="Reference FGKZ (DE)" regions="DE" />
9981 | <text key="ref:regine" text="Reference REGINE (NO)" regions="NO" />
9982 | <text key="ref:gnis" text="Reference GNIS (USA)" regions="US" />
9983 | <text key="ref:gnbc" text="Reference GNBC (CA)" regions="CA" />
9984 | <reference ref="wikipedia_wikidata" />
9985 | </optional>
9986 | <roles>
9987 | <role key="" text="waterways (no riverbank)" requisite="optional" type="way" member_expression="waterway -waterway:riverbank" />
9988 | <role key="main_stream" text="waterways (no riverbank)" requisite="optional" type="way" member_expression="waterway -waterway:riverbank" />
9989 | <role key="side_stream" text="branch waterways (no riverbank)" requisite="optional" type="way" member_expression="waterway -waterway:riverbank" />
9990 | <role key="spring" text="spring of waterway" requisite="optional" type="node" />
9991 | </roles>
9992 | </item> <!-- Waterway -->
9993 | <item name="Bridge" icon="presets/transport/bridge/bridge.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true">
9994 | <link wiki="Relations/Proposed/Bridges_and_Tunnels" />
9995 | <space />
9996 | <key key="type" value="bridge" />
9997 | <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="5,4,3,2,1,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5" default="1" length="3" values_sort="false" />
9998 | <optional>
9999 | <combo key="bridge" text="Bridge" values="aqueduct,boardwalk,cantilever,covered,low_water_crossing,movable,trestle,viaduct" />
10000 | <combo key="bridge:structure" text="Structure" values="arch,beam,cable-stayed,floating,humpback,simple-suspension,suspension,truss" match="key" />
10001 | <combo key="bridge:movable" text="Type" values="bascule,drawbridge,lift,submersible,swing,transporter,retractable,tilt" match="key" />
10002 | <reference ref="name_ref" />
10003 | <text key="height" text="Height (meters)" length="7" />
10004 | <text key="length" text="Length (meters)" />
10005 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
10006 | </optional>
10007 | <roles>
10008 | <role key="across" text="ways supported by (on top of) the bridge" requisite="optional" type="way" />
10009 | <role key="under" text="ways passing under the bridge" requisite="optional" type="way" />
10010 | <role key="outline" text="way forming the outline footprint" requisite="optional" count="1" type="closedway,multipolygon" />
10011 | <role key="edge" text="edge ways parallel to 'across'" requisite="optional" type="way" />
10012 | </roles>
10013 | </item> <!-- Bridge -->
10014 | <item name="Tunnel" icon="presets/transport/passage/tunnel.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true">
10015 | <link wiki="Relations/Proposed/Bridges_and_Tunnels" />
10016 | <space />
10017 | <key key="type" value="tunnel" />
10018 | <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="5,4,3,2,1,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5" default="-1" length="3" values_sort="false" />
10019 | <optional>
10020 | <reference ref="name_ref" />
10021 | <text key="length" text="Length (meters)" />
10022 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
10023 | </optional>
10024 | <roles>
10025 | <role key="through" text="ways passing through the tunnel" requisite="required" type="way" />
10026 | <role key="outline" text="way forming the outline footprint" requisite="optional" count="1" type="closedway,multipolygon" />
10027 | <role key="edge" text="edge ways parallel to 'through'" requisite="optional" type="way" />
10028 | </roles>
10029 | </item> <!-- Tunnel -->
10030 | </group> <!-- Relations -->
10031 | </presets>