source: josm/trunk/images/presets/vehicle/restriction/motorcar.svg@ 11247

Last change on this file since 11247 was 10706, checked in by Klumbumbus, 9 years ago

see #13217 - replace about 166 png icons by svg from reworked most of them (white background or halo, resizing, pixel alignement), draw a few new svg icons from png derived; remove duplicate icons; reorder icons; adapt internal preset and mappaint styles

File size: 4.0 KB
[10706]1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
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18 inkscape:export-filename="C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\ulfl\Eigene Dateien\osm\\applications\share\map-icons\svg\vehicle\restrictions\motorcar.png"
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20 inkscape:export-ydpi="2">
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77 id="circle6" />
78 <g
79 transform="matrix(0.387772, 0, 0, 0.387772, 168.342, 207.443)"
80 id="CarSymbol">
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82 style="stroke: none; fill: black; fill-rule: evenodd;"
83 id="Car"
84 d="M 26.666667,456.41026 C 24.273504,280.00000 14.700854,431.79487 121.02564,170.25641 C 197.94872,-7.5213676 120.00000,40.341880 517.94872,33.846154 C 872.13675,41.025642 800.68376,-10.256409 882.05128,178.46154 C 983.93162,420.17094 976.06838,293.67521 975.38462,451.28205 C 971.62393,624.27350 1035.5556,579.82906 499.48718,585.64103 C -32.478634,578.46155 30.427346,623.58974 26.666667,456.41026 z M 134.35897,286.15385 L 207.17949,117.94872 C 220.76607,88.070065 216.43137,92.480742 248.20513,92.307692 L 757.32827,92.252822 C 784.88973,92.354119 780.84626,90.564525 792.20006,116.86821 L 864.61538,284.10256 L 134.35897,286.15385 z M 82.279202,604.93828 L 218.46154,604.63438 C 218.04369,775.61254 232.21273,766.07788 157.94872,767.17949 C 69.515671,766.83761 83.494777,775.76449 82.279202,604.93828 z M 783.58974,606.15385 L 920.00000,606.15385 C 919.08832,777.39791 931.54796,765.69801 854.35897,766.15385 C 774.54890,765.09022 784.69135,777.70181 783.58974,606.15385 z" />
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88 cy="412"
89 cx="150"
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92 style="fill: white; fill-opacity: 1; stroke: none;"
93 r="66.5"
94 cy="412"
95 cx="850"
96 id="RightLamp" />
97 </g>
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