a news paper icon 11 education work books office mimeicon book news Aubanel MONNIER Aubanel MONNIER Aubanel MONNIER image/svg+xml en Dec 29, 2004 - The Inkscape developers have set a goalfor the release of Inkscape 0.41 for mid-late January. There are some noteworthy new features that would be worth getting out to users, and with some major internal changes that will be taking place soon, a good stable release is needed prior to starting such an undertaking. Dec 29, 2004 - The Inkscape developers have set a goalfor the release of Inkscape 0.41 for mid-late January. There are some noteworthy new features that would be worth getting out to users, and with some major internal changes that will be taking place soon, a good stable release is needed prior to starting such an undertaking. N E WS