source: josm/trunk/images/presets/craft/plumber.svg@ 11247

Last change on this file since 11247 was 10808, checked in by Klumbumbus, 8 years ago

Replace 158 preset png icons by svg

  • all icons are reworked for better view at 16px in JOSM (removed, changed or added parts, recoloured, resized, background, pixel aligned,...)
  • all icons are licensed PD and CC0
  • sources see #13357
  • if old icon was nearly the same then deleted old png, if it was different then moved to images_nodist folder
  • renamed and reordered a few icons
  • replaced huge svgs (furniture, clothes, tailor) by smaller ones
  • replaced hairdresser svg by better one
  • improved existing svg icons (wayside_cross, rc_car)
  • own icons for (9pin - 10pin), (reservoir - basin) and (leisure=horse_riding - sport=equestrian), before they shared the same icon
  • drop barrier.png icon
  • adapt internal preset and mappaint style
File size: 6.5 KB
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