1 | 1 A special handler for the French land registry WMS server.
2 | 2 Adds a tagging preset tester to the windows menu, which helps you developing of tagging presets (quick preview of the dialog that will popup). You can start the jar-file as standalone as well.
3 | 3 Adds a todo list dialog that makes it easy to go through large lists of objects
4 | 4 Adds map printing to JOSM
5 | 5 Adds no left turn for sets of 4 or 5 ways
6 | 6 Allow adding markers/nodes on current gps positions.
7 | 7 Allows JOSM to read Open Data formats (csv, xls, ods, kml, kmz, shp, mif) into an .osm data layer. Supports zip and 7z compression of these file types.
8 | 8 Allows opening gpx/osm files that intersect the currently visible screen area
9 | 9 Allows the user to anonymize timestamps and delete parts of huge GPX tracks very fast.
10 | 10 Allows the user to correct angle of buildings to 90 degrees, and aligns all loaded buildings to nearest road.
11 | 11 Allows the user to create different color schemes and to switch between them. Just change the colors and create a new scheme. Used to switch to a white background with matching colors for better visibility in bright sunlight. See dialog in display preferences.
12 | 12 Allows to attribute tags to all objects in any selected area at once
13 | 13 Allows to draw splines
14 | 14 Allows to edit traffic information and export it to the urban mobility simulator SUMO
15 | 15 Allows to import various file formats into JOSM directly. Currently supported: TangoGPS, Garmin Trainings Center TCX.
16 | 16 Allows undeleting object from OSM database
17 | 17 Analyse a set of GPS points to obtain its centre and direction of spread.
18 | 18 Another plugin to match images to the waypoints in a GPX file. A match is made when the ''name'', ''cmt'' or ''desc'' attribute of a waypoint tag matches the filename of an image.
19 | 19 Automatic tools to help on common issues
20 | 20 Automatically assigns the address to a selected object in Austria. Data © Österreichisches Adressregister 2017, N 23806/2017.
21 | 21 Bring in errors from Osm Inspector and display it on the current JOSM bounding box
22 | 22 Changeset Viewer plugin allows you to visualize the changesets in JOSM background
23 | 23 Create a grid of ways.
24 | 24 Customization of public public transport stops.
25 | 25 Database of imagery offsets: share and aquire imagery offsets with one button.
26 | 26 Display OpenStreetMap object information
27 | 27 Download GPS points from Globalsat dg100 data logger directly in JOSM.
28 | 28 Download your GPX tracks from openstreetmap.org
29 | 29 Downloads new data when you pan/zoom
30 | 30 Drive a race car from point A to point B over aerial imagery, leave cacti behind.
31 | 31 Dxf Import
32 | 32 Easy downloading along a long set of interconnected ways
33 | 33 Edit features for OpenSeaMap
34 | 34 Edit features for Sea Charts
35 | 35 Editor to add turn lanes tags in highways
36 | 36 Enables searching for waypoint imported from gpx file.
37 | 37 Expand a simple intersection to a roundabout in gradual steps. Select an intersection node or a roundabout and press Crtl-Shift-R
38 | 38 Export tiles from the imagery layer cache into the file system.
39 | 39 Extends ImproveWayAccuracy mode with helpers to place nodes at accurate distances and angles.
40 | 40 Extra information about current layer objects pop ups - currently GPX trackpoint info
41 | 41 Fast drawing ways by mouse
42 | 42 Finds and fixes invalid street addresses in a comfortable way.
43 | 43 Generate Imagery XML bounds from a multipolygon
44 | 44 Gives assistance for the mapping process of indoor OSM building data. Includes a validator and a mappaint style for indoor-data.
45 | 45 Gives user more tools that facilitate aligning and rotation of buildings.
46 | 46 Group common Address Interpolation inputs in a single dialog, as well as an option to automatically generate individual house number nodes from a Way.
47 | 47 Handling of French EPCIs (boundary=local_authority)
48 | 48 Imagery Layer for Sea Charts
49 | 49 Implements a command line and enables to create your commands. See link for standard commands (arc, circle etc.)
50 | 50 Import OSM data in o5m format
51 | 51 Import PDF file into a layer and convert pdf lines to ways.
52 | 52 Import vector graphics (SVG)
53 | 53 Import/export OSM data in PBF format
54 | 54 Imports proprietary CSV files of the Columbus/Visiontac V-900 GPS logger into a GPX layer.
55 | 55 Launch browser to a Web resource about a selected object having known tags, such as Wikipedia
56 | 56 Loads data from SDS
57 | 57 Make photos movable and position them on the map.
58 | 58 Make terraced houses out of single blocks.
59 | 59 Makes a pair of selected way segments parallel by rotating one of them around a chosen pivot.
60 | 60 Merge overlapping part of ways.
61 | 61 NanoLog adjustment and browsing layer
62 | 62 Overlays the canvec tile grid on the map and prints URL''s to the .zip files. Future goals: allow auto-downloading and loading of canvec .osm files
63 | 63 Plugin for importing spatial referenced images
64 | 64 Plugin for reverting changesets
65 | 65 Plugin for tagging of objects based on a selection of road signs. The dialog can be opened by clicking a small icon in the upper right corner of the properties window. Available country presets: Belgium, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Spain.
66 | 66 Plugin to digital sign OSM-Data
67 | 67 Provide a measurement dialog and a layer to measure length and angle of segments, area surrounded by a (simple) closed way and create measurement paths (which also can be imported from a gps layer).
68 | 68 Provides Apache Commons library components. Not meant to be installed directly by users, but rather as a dependency for other plugins.
69 | 69 Provides Apache HTTP library. Not meant to be installed directly by users, but rather as a dependency for other plugins.
70 | 70 Provides HTTP/2 support. Requires Java 11 or later.
71 | 71 Provides Java Native Access (JNA) library. Not meant to be installed directly by users, but rather as a dependency for other plugins.
72 | 72 Provides Java Topology Suite (JTS) library and related utilities. Not meant to be installed directly by users, but rather as a dependency for other plugins.
73 | 73 Provides a dialog for editing tags in a tabular grid.
74 | 74 Provides a straightforward GUI for adding, editing and deleting turn lanes.
75 | 75 Provides an event bus more powerful than the traditional listeners registration
76 | 76 Provides helper buttons to allow working with single button mouse (stylus). Activate by holding T and slip map with left mouse button
77 | 77 Provides parts of the GeoTools library for other JOSM plugins. Not meant to be installed directly by users, but rather as a dependency for other plugins.
78 | 78 Provides routing capabilities.
79 | 79 Provides the EJML library for other JOSM plugins. Not meant to be installed directly by users, but rather as a dependency for other plugins.
80 | 80 Provides the GSON library for other JOSM plugins. Not meant to be installed directly by users, but rather as a dependency for other plugins.
81 | 81 Provides the JAXB library for other JOSM plugins. Not meant to be installed directly by users, but rather as a dependency for other plugins.
82 | 82 Provides the Log4j library for other JOSM plugins. Not meant to be installed directly by users, but rather as a dependency for other plugins.
83 | 83 Provides the OpenJFX (JavaFX) library for JOSM core and other JOSM plugins. Provides additional features such as MP3 audio playback.
84 | 84 Read and write osmosis poly filter files
85 | 85 Relation and multipolygon creating and editing panel.
86 | 86 Renders routes (bus, hiking trails, bicycle routes, ..). Route types must be defined in routes.xml file in plugin directory
87 | 87 Several utilities that make your life easier.
88 | 88 Shows an additional information about point on map. Only Czech RUIAN and Spanish Cadastre Web Services modules are available at this moment.
89 | 89 Shows the elevation profile and some statistical data of a GPX track.
90 | 90 Simple tool to tag house numbers.
91 | 91 Simplify area by removing nodes on very obtuse angles. This can be constrained by maximum removed area size. Also average nearby nodes.
92 | 92 Support live GPS input (moving dot) through a connection to gpsd server.
93 | 93 Talk with users editing the map nearby, be notified when someone comes close.
94 | 94 Task configurations
95 | 95 The MapDust Plug-In shows the MapDust bug reports on the map. You can create, close,invalidate, re-open and comment bug reports by using this plugin.
96 | 96 The RasterFiltersPlugin allows to choose and apply some images'' filters to some layers
97 | 97 The turnrestrictions plugin allows to enter maintain information about turn restrictions in the OpenStreetMap database.
98 | 98 This plugin allows to display any picture as a background in the editor and align it with the map.
99 | 99 This plugin directly upload GPS Traces from current active layer in JOSM to openstreetmap.org.
100 | 100 This plugin simplifies the mapping and editing of indoor corridors.
101 | 101 This plugin simplifies the mapping and editing of public transport routes.
102 | 102 Tool for conflating data (matching and merging).
103 | 103 Tools for drawing buildings.
104 | 104 Tools to help import Kartverket N50
105 | 105 Traces buildings and other shapes from a map. Needs Tracer2Server to be running.
106 | 106 Traces buildings from Czech cadastral map. Needs TracerServer (.NET or Mono) to be running.
107 | 107 Use external scripts in JOSM
108 | 108 Use your system''s password manager to store the API username and password. (KWallet and gnome-keyring are supported.)
109 | 109 Visualizes routing information as a routing graph.
110 | 110 Write gps position info to the image file header. Run this feature from the right click menu of the image layer.
111 | 111 creates a channel digraph and checks a subset of channels if it is a junction or searches in a subset of channels for junctions
112 | 112 extended options for editing opening_hours