1 | /* measurement values and units warnings (ticket #8687) */
2 |
3 | *[/^[0-9]+$/] {
4 | throwWarning: tr("numerical key");
5 | assertMatch: "way 123=foo";
6 | assertNoMatch: "way ref.1=foo";
7 | }
8 |
9 | *[layer =~ /\+.*/] {
10 | throwWarning: tr("layer tag with + sign");
11 | fixAdd: concat("layer=", replace(tag("layer"), "+", ""));
12 | assertMatch: "node layer=+1";
13 | assertNoMatch: "node layer=1";
14 | assertNoMatch: "node layer=-1";
15 | }
16 |
17 | *[layer][layer !~ /^0$|^(-|\+)?[1-5]$/] {
18 | throwWarning: tr("layer should be between -5 and 5");
19 | assertMatch: "node layer=-50";
20 | assertMatch: "node layer=6";
21 | assertMatch: "node layer=+100";
22 | assertNoMatch: "node layer=-5";
23 | assertNoMatch: "node layer=0";
24 | assertNoMatch: "node layer=2";
25 | assertNoMatch: "node layer=+5"; /* this is an invalid value, but this case is already covered by the previous rule */
26 | }
27 |
28 | *[building:levels][building:levels !~ /^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]*)(\.5)?)$/],
29 | *[level][level !~ /^((((-*[1-9]|[0-9])|-*[1-9][0-9]*)(\.5)?)|-0\.5)(;((((-*[1-9]|[0-9])|-*[1-9][0-9]*)(\.5)?)|-0\.5))*$/] { /* all numbers from -∞ to ∞ in 0.5 steps, optional multiple values seperated by a ; */
30 | throwWarning: tr("{0} should have numbers only with optional .5 increments", "{0.key}");
31 | assertMatch: "node level=one";
32 | assertMatch: "node level=01";
33 | assertMatch: "node level=-03";
34 | assertMatch: "node level=-01.5";
35 | assertMatch: "node level=2.3";
36 | assertMatch: "node level=-0";
37 | assertNoMatch: "node level=0";
38 | assertNoMatch: "node level=1";
39 | assertNoMatch: "node level=-1";
40 | assertNoMatch: "node level=-0.5";
41 | assertNoMatch: "node level=1.5";
42 | assertNoMatch: "node level=12";
43 | assertNoMatch: "node level=0;1";
44 | assertNoMatch: "node level=1;1.5";
45 | assertNoMatch: "node level=1;0.5";
46 | assertNoMatch: "node level=0;-0.5";
47 | assertNoMatch: "node level=-0.5;0";
48 | assertNoMatch: "node level=-1;-0.5";
49 | assertNoMatch: "node building:levels=1.5";
50 | assertMatch: "node building:levels=-1";
51 | assertNoMatch: "node building:levels=0"; /* valid because there can be building:levels:underground > 0 or roof:levels > 0 */
52 | }
53 |
54 | *[height][height !~ /^(([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*( (m|ft))?)|([1-9][0-9]*\'((10|11|[0-9])((\.[0-9]+)?)\")?))$/] {
55 | throwWarning: tr("{0}: meters is default; period is separator; if units, put space then unit", "height");
56 | assertMatch: "node height=medium";
57 | assertMatch: "node height=-5";
58 | assertNoMatch: "node height=2 m";
59 | assertNoMatch: "node height=5";
60 | assertNoMatch: "node height=7.8";
61 | assertNoMatch: "node height=20 ft";
62 | assertNoMatch: "node height=22'";
63 | }
64 |
65 | *[maxheight][maxheight !~ /^(([1-9][0-9]*(\.[0-9]+)?( (m|ft))?)|([0-9]+\'(([0-9]|10|11)(\.[0-9]*)?\")?)|none|default)$/] {
66 | throwWarning: tr("{0}: meters is default; period is separator; if units, put space then unit", "maxheight");
67 | assertMatch: "node maxheight=something";
68 | assertMatch: "node maxheight=-5";
69 | assertMatch: "node maxheight=0";
70 | assertNoMatch: "node maxheight=4";
71 | assertNoMatch: "node maxheight=3.5";
72 | assertNoMatch: "node maxheight=2 m";
73 | assertNoMatch: "node maxheight=14 ft";
74 | assertNoMatch: "node maxheight=10'";
75 | assertNoMatch: "node maxheight=16'3\"";
76 | }
77 |
78 | way[width][width !~ /^(([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*( [a-z]+)?)|([0-9]+\'([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*\")?))$/] {
79 | throwWarning: tr("{0}: meters is default; period is separator; if units, put space then unit", "width");
80 | assertMatch: "way width=something";
81 | assertMatch: "way width=-5";
82 | assertNoMatch: "way width=3";
83 | assertNoMatch: "way width=0.5";
84 | assertNoMatch: "way width=1 m";
85 | assertNoMatch: "way width=10 ft";
86 | assertNoMatch: "way width=1'";
87 | assertNoMatch: "way width=10'5\"";
88 | }
89 |
90 | *[maxwidth][maxwidth !~ /^(([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*( (m|ft))?)|([0-9]+\'[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*\"))$/] {
91 | throwWarning: tr("{0}: meters is default; period is separator; if units, put space then unit", "maxwidth");
92 | assertMatch: "way maxwidth=something";
93 | assertMatch: "way maxwidth=-5";
94 | assertNoMatch: "way maxwidth=2";
95 | assertNoMatch: "way maxwidth=6'6\"";
96 | assertNoMatch: "way maxwidth=2.5";
97 | assertNoMatch: "way maxwidth=7 ft";
98 | }
99 | *[maxweight][maxweight !~ /^(([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*( (t|kg|lbs))?)|([0-9]+\'[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*\"))$/] {
100 | throwWarning: tr("{0}: tonne is default; period is separator; if units, put space then unit", "maxweight");
101 | assertMatch: "way maxweight=something";
102 | assertMatch: "way maxweight=-5";
103 | assertNoMatch: "way maxweight=2";
104 | assertNoMatch: "way maxweight=6'6\"";
105 | assertNoMatch: "way maxweight=2.5";
106 | assertNoMatch: "way maxweight=7 kg";
107 | }
108 | way[maxspeed][maxspeed !~ /^(signals|none|unposted|variable|walk|[1-9][0-9]*( [a-z]+)?|[A-Z][A-Z]:(urban|rural|living_street|motorway))$/],
109 | way[maxspeed:forward][maxspeed:forward !~ /^(signals|none|unposted|variable|walk|[1-9][0-9]*( [a-z]+)?|[A-Z][A-Z]:(urban|rural|living_street|motorway))$/],
110 | way[maxspeed:backward][maxspeed:backward !~ /^(signals|none|unposted|variable|walk|[1-9][0-9]*( [a-z]+)?|[A-Z][A-Z]:(urban|rural|living_street|motorway))$/] {
111 | throwWarning: tr("unusual {0} format", "maxspeed");
112 | assertMatch: "way maxspeed=something";
113 | assertMatch: "way maxspeed=-50";
114 | assertMatch: "way maxspeed=0";
115 | assertNoMatch: "way maxspeed=50";
116 | assertNoMatch: "way maxspeed=30 mph";
117 | assertNoMatch: "way maxspeed=RO:urban";
118 | assertNoMatch: "way maxspeed=RU:rural";
119 | assertNoMatch: "way maxspeed=RU:living_street";
120 | assertNoMatch: "way maxspeed=DE:motorway";
121 | assertNoMatch: "way maxspeed=signals";
122 | assertNoMatch: "way maxspeed=none";
123 | assertNoMatch: "way maxspeed=variable";
124 | }
125 |
126 | *[distance][distance !~ /^(([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*( (km|mi|nmi))?)|([0-9]+\'[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*\"))$/] {
127 | throwWarning: tr("{0}: kilometers is default; period is separator; if units, put space then unit", "distance");
128 | assertMatch: "way distance=something";
129 | assertMatch: "way distance=-5";
130 | assertNoMatch: "way distance=2";
131 | assertNoMatch: "way distance=2.5";
132 | assertNoMatch: "way distance=7 mi";
133 | }
134 |
135 | way[voltage][voltage =~ /(.*[A-Za-z].*)|.*,.*|.*( ).*/] {
136 | throwWarning: tr("voltage should be in volts with no units/delimiter/spaces");
137 | assertMatch: "way voltage=medium";
138 | assertNoMatch: "way voltage=15000";
139 | }
140 |
141 | /* some users are using frequency for other purposes (not electromagnetic)
142 | with the values 'perennial' and 'intermittent'; the vast majority are 0, 16.7, 50 and 60 */
143 | way[frequency][frequency !~ /^(0|[1-9][0-9]*(\.[0-9]+)?)( (kHz|MHz|GHz|THz))?$/] {
144 | throwWarning: tr("unusual {0} specification", "frequency");
145 | assertMatch: "way frequency=something";
146 | assertNoMatch: "way frequency=0"; /* DC */
147 | assertNoMatch: "way frequency=16.7";
148 | assertNoMatch: "way frequency=50";
149 | assertNoMatch: "way frequency=680 kHz";
150 | assertNoMatch: "way frequency=123.5 MHz";
151 | }
152 |
153 | way[gauge][gauge !~ /^([1-9][0-9]{1,3}(;[1-9][0-9]{1,3})*|broad|standard|narrow)$/] {
154 | throwWarning: tr("unusual train track gauge; use mm with no separator");
155 | assertMatch: "way gauge=something";
156 | assertNoMatch: "way gauge=1435";
157 | assertNoMatch: "way gauge=1000;1435";
158 | assertNoMatch: "way gauge=standard";
159 | assertNoMatch: "way gauge=narrow";
160 | }
161 |
162 | /* the numbers for percentage and degrees include could probably be bracketed a bit more precisely */
163 | way[incline][incline !~ /^(up|down|-?([0-9]+?(\.[1-9]%)?|100)[%°]?)$/] {
164 | throwWarning: tr("unusual incline; use percentages/degrees or up/down");
165 | assertMatch: "way incline=extreme";
166 | assertNoMatch: "way incline=up";
167 | assertNoMatch: "way incline=down";
168 | assertNoMatch: "way incline=10%";
169 | assertNoMatch: "way incline=-5%";
170 | assertNoMatch: "way incline=10°";
171 | }
172 |
173 | /* see ticket #9631 */
174 | *[population][population !~ /^[0-9]+$/ ] {
175 | throwWarning: tr("{0} must be a numeric value", "{0.key}");
176 | }
177 |
178 | /* must be an integer positive number only and not 0, see #10837 (lanes), #11055 (screen) */
179 | way[lanes][lanes !~ /^[1-9]([0-9]*)$/][highway],
180 | way["lanes:backward"]["lanes:backward" !~ /^[1-9]([0-9]*)$/][highway],
181 | way["lanes:forward"]["lanes:forward" !~ /^[1-9]([0-9]*)$/][highway],
182 | *[screen][screen !~ /^[1-9]([0-9]*)$/][amenity=cinema] {
183 | throwError: tr("{0} must be a positive integer number", "{0.key}");
184 | assertMatch: "way highway=residential lanes=-1";
185 | assertMatch: "way highway=residential lanes=5.5";
186 | assertMatch: "way highway=residential lanes=1;2";
187 | assertMatch: "way highway=residential lanes:forward=-1";
188 | assertMatch: "way highway=residential lanes:backward=-1";
189 | assertNoMatch: "way highway=residential lanes=1";
190 | assertMatch: "node amenity=cinema screen=led";
191 | assertNoMatch: "node amenity=cinema screen=8";
192 | }
193 | *[admin_level][admin_level !~ /^(1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12)$/] {
194 | throwWarning: tr("unusual value of {0}", "{1.key}");
195 | assertMatch: "node admin_level=0";
196 | assertMatch: "node admin_level=-1";
197 | assertMatch: "node admin_level=13";
198 | assertNoMatch: "node admin_level=5";
199 | }
200 |
201 | /* #14989 */
202 | *[direction][direction<0],
203 | *[direction][direction>=360] {
204 | throwWarning: tr("unusual value of {0}", "{1.key}");
205 | assertMatch: "node direction=-10";
206 | assertMatch: "node direction=360";
207 | assertNoMatch: "node direction=0";
208 | }
209 | *[direction][direction !~ /^([0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?|north|east|south|west|N|E|S|W|NE|SE|SW|NW|NNE|ENE|ESE|SSE|SSW|WSW|WNW|NNW|forward|backward|both|clockwise|anti-clockwise|anticlockwise|up|down)(-([0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?|N|E|S|W|NE|SE|SW|NW|NNE|ENE|ESE|SSE|SSW|WSW|WNW|NNW))?(;([0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?|N|E|S|W|NE|SE|SW|NW|NNE|ENE|ESE|SSE|SSW|WSW|WNW|NNW)-([0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?|N|E|S|W|NE|SE|SW|NW|NNE|ENE|ESE|SSE|SSW|WSW|WNW|NNW))*$/] {
210 | throwWarning: tr("unusual value of {0}", "{1.key}");
211 | assertMatch: "node direction=north-down";
212 | assertMatch: "node direction=rome";
213 | assertMatch: "node direction=C";
214 | assertMatch: "node direction=NNNE";
215 | assertMatch: "node direction=1360";
216 | assertNoMatch: "node direction=NE-S"; /* ranges are used at tourism=viewpoint*/
217 | assertMatch: "node direction=north-south"; /* ranges only in numbers or short NESW form */
218 | assertMatch: "node direction=north-east"; /* if range use N-E, if single direcion use NE */
219 | assertNoMatch: "node direction=0-360"; /* complete panorama view */
220 | assertNoMatch: "node direction=45-100;190-250;300-360";
221 | assertMatch: "node direction=45-100;190-250;300";
222 | assertNoMatch: "node direction=up";
223 | assertNoMatch: "node direction=down"; /* up/down are replaced by incline tag, has separate warning */
224 | assertNoMatch: "node direction=0";
225 | assertNoMatch: "node direction=45";
226 | assertNoMatch: "node direction=360";
227 | assertNoMatch: "node direction=N";
228 | assertNoMatch: "node direction=NNE";
229 | assertNoMatch: "node direction=west";
230 | assertNoMatch: "node direction=forward";
231 | assertNoMatch: "node direction=anti-clockwise";
232 | assertNoMatch: "node direction=anticlockwise"; /* both spellings are in use and even wiki uses both */
233 | }
234 |
235 | /* #14786 (should be safe to just remove the meters unit from the value) */
236 | *[ele][ele =~ /^-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)? ?m$/] {
237 | throwWarning: tr("{0} must be a numeric value, in meters and without units", "{0.key}");
238 | fixAdd: concat("ele=", trim(replace(tag("ele"), "m", "")));
239 | set .ele_is_fixable;
240 | assertMatch: "node ele=12m";
241 | assertMatch: "node ele=12 m";
242 | assertNoMatch: "node ele=12km";
243 | assertMatch: "node ele=12.1m";
244 | assertMatch: "node ele=-12.1 m";
245 | assertNoMatch: "node ele=12";
246 | assertNoMatch: "node ele=high";
247 | }
248 | *[ele][ele !~ /^-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?$/]!.ele_is_fixable{
249 | throwWarning: tr("{0} must be a numeric value, in meters and without units", "{0.key}");
250 | assertNoMatch: "node ele=12m";
251 | assertNoMatch: "node ele=12 m";
252 | assertMatch: "node ele=12km";
253 | assertNoMatch: "node ele=12.1m";
254 | assertNoMatch: "node ele=-12.1 m";
255 | assertNoMatch: "node ele=12";
256 | assertMatch: "node ele=high";
257 | }