1 | /* Rules partially derived from Taginfo statistics - see ticket #5017
2 | * Taginfo query: select keypairs.key1, keypairs.key2, keypairs.count_all, keys.count_all, cast(keypairs.count_all as real)/keys.count_all as from_fraction_all from keys, keypairs where key1='waterway' and keys.key=keypairs.key2 and (key1<>'highway' or keypairs.count_all>12000) and (key1<>'railway' or keypairs.count_all>3000) and (key1<>'waterway' or keypairs.count_all>800) and key2 not like '%:%' and from_fraction_all>0.97 and 1 union select keypairs.key2, keypairs.key1, keypairs.count_all, keys.count_all, cast(keypairs.count_all as real)/keys.count_all as from_fraction_all from keys, keypairs where key2='waterway' and keys.key=keypairs.key1 and (key2<>'highway' or keypairs.count_all>12000) and (key2<>'railway' or keypairs.count_all>3000) and (key2<>'waterway' or keypairs.count_all>800) and key1 not like '%:%' and from_fraction_all>0.97 and 1 order by keypairs.count_all desc limit 1000;
3 | */
4 |
5 | way[surface=~/^(unpaved|compacted|gravel|fine_gravel|pebblestone|ground|earth|dirt|grass|sand|mud|ice|salt|snow|woodchips)$/] { /* without grass_paver as it is controversial */
6 | set unpaved_surface;
7 | }
8 |
9 | /* {0.key} without {1.key} (warning level) */
10 | way[junction ][!highway][junction!=yes],
11 | way[lanes ][!highway][leisure!=track][leisure!=swimming_pool],
12 | way[living_street ][!highway],
13 | way[maintenance ][!highway],
14 | way[median ][!highway],
15 | way[motorroad ][!highway],
16 | node[ntd_id ][!highway],
17 | way[sac_scale ][!highway],
18 | way[sidewalk ][!highway],
19 | way[step_count ][!highway][man_made!=tower],
20 | way[tracktype ][!highway],
21 | way[trail_visibility ][!highway], /* #15029 */
22 | way[trolley_wire ][!highway],
23 | way[zip_left ][!highway],
24 | way[zip_right ][!highway],
25 | way[detail ][!railway][route!=railway],
26 | way[eddy_current_brake ][!railway][route!=railway],
27 | way[electrified ][!railway][route!=railway][!highway], /* #16007 */
28 | way[etcs ][!railway][route!=railway],
29 | way[gauge ][!railway][route!=railway],
30 | way[grade_of_track ][!railway][route!=railway],
31 | way[kursbuchstrecke ][!railway][route!=railway],
32 | way[lzb ][!railway][route!=railway],
33 | way[old_railway_operator ][!railway][route!=railway],
34 | way[operating_procedure ][!railway][route!=railway],
35 | way[pzb ][!railway][route!=railway],
36 | way[structure_gauge ][!railway][route!=railway],
37 | way[tilting_technology ][!railway][route!=railway],
38 | way[track_class ][!railway][route!=railway],
39 | way[tracks ][!railway][route!=railway],
40 | way[traffic_mode ][!railway][route!=railway],
41 | way[workrules ][!railway][route!=railway],
42 | way[stream ][!waterway],
43 | way[length_unit ][!waterway],
44 | way[canal ][!waterway],
45 | way[have_riverbank ][!waterway],
46 | *[border_type ][!boundary],
47 | *[piste:difficulty ][!piste:type],
48 | *[place ][!name][place!=islet],
49 | *[transformer ][!power],
50 | *[source:date ][!source],
51 | *[source:name ][!name],
52 | *[source:maxspeed:forward ][!maxspeed:forward][!maxspeed],
53 | *[source:maxspeed:backward ][!maxspeed:backward][!maxspeed],
54 | *[source:building ][!building],
55 | *[source:ref ][!ref],
56 | *[source:population ][!population],
57 | *[source:postal_code ][!postal_code],
58 | *[source:ele ][!ele],
59 | *[source:ref:INSEE ][!ref:INSEE],
60 | *[source:lit ][!lit],
61 | *[source:hgv ][!hgv],
62 | *[source:highway ][!highway],
63 | *[source:maxaxleload ][!maxaxleload],
64 | *[source:surface ][!surface],
65 | *[source:bridge ][!bridge],
66 | *[source:old_name ][!old_name],
67 | *[source:bicycle ][!bicycle],
68 | *[source:designation ][!designation],
69 | *[source:height ][!height],
70 | *[source:lanes ][!lanes],
71 | *[source:postcode ][!addr:postcode],
72 | *[source:housenumber ][!addr:housenumber],
73 | *[source:addr:postcode ][!addr:postcode],
74 | *[source:addr:housenumber ][!addr:housenumber],
75 | *[source:addr ][!/^addr:/],
76 | *[source:maxspeed ][!/^maxspeed:?/] {
77 | throwWarning: tr("{0} without {1}", "{0.key}", "{1.key}");
78 | group: tr("missing tag");
79 | assertMatch: "way lanes=42";
80 | assertNoMatch: "way lanes=42 highway=unclassified";
81 | assertMatch: "node source:addr:postcode=postman";
82 | assertMatch: "node source:addr=postman";
83 | assertNoMatch: "node source:addr=postman addr:housenumber=42";
84 | }
85 |
86 | /* {0.key} without {1.key} (info level) */
87 | way[lanes:forward][!lanes:backward][oneway!=yes][oneway!=-1],
88 | way[lanes:backward][!lanes:forward][oneway!=yes][oneway!=-1],
89 | *[leaf_type ][!leaf_cycle],
90 | *[leaf_cycle][!leaf_type] {
91 | throwOther: tr("{0} without {1}", "{0.key}", "{1.key}");
92 | group: tr("missing tag");
93 | }
94 |
95 | /* {0.key} without {1.tag}, #17997 */
96 | node[railway:switch ][railway!=switch],
97 | *[generator:source ][power!=generator],
98 | *[generator:method ][power!=generator],
99 | *[generator:type ][power!=generator],
100 | node[fire_hydrant:type ][emergency!=fire_hydrant][disused:emergency!=fire_hydrant],
101 | node[manhole ][man_made!=manhole],
102 | way[fence_type ][barrier!=fence],
103 | *[recycling_type ][amenity!=recycling],
104 | *[information ][tourism!=information],
105 | node[board_type ][information!=board],
106 | *[shelter_type ][amenity!=shelter],
107 | node[lamp_type ][highway!=street_lamp],
108 | node[map_type ][information!=map],
109 | *[site_type ][historic!=archaeological_site],
110 | *[artwork_type ][tourism!=artwork][exhibit!=artwork],
111 | *[castle_type ][historic!=castle],
112 | *[parking ][amenity!~/^(parking|parking_space|parking_entrance|motorcycle_parking)$/][parking!=yes][parking!=no],
113 | way[cutline ][man_made!=cutline],
114 | *[ref:FR:ARCEP ][telecom!=connection_point],
115 | *[ref:FR:ARCEP ][telecom:medium!=fibre],
116 | *[ref:FR:Orange ][telecom:medium!=fibre],
117 | *[ref:FR:SFR ][telecom:medium!=fibre],
118 | *[ref:FR:PTT ][telecom:medium!=copper],
119 | *[bunker_type ][military!=bunker] {
120 | throwWarning: tr("{0} without {1}", "{0.key}", "{1.tag}");
121 | group: tr("missing tag");
122 | }
123 |
124 | /* {0.key} without {1.tag} or {2.tag}, #15107 */
125 | *[iata ][aeroway!=aerodrome][aeroway!=helipad],
126 | *[icao ][aeroway!=aerodrome][aeroway!=helipad],
127 | *[bridge:movable ][bridge!=movable][man_made!=bridge],
128 | *[substation ][power!=substation][pipeline!=substation],
129 | *[reservoir_type ][landuse!=reservoir][water!=reservoir],
130 | way[waterway=pressurised ][tunnel!=flooded][man_made!=pipeline] {
131 | throwWarning: tr("{0} without {1} or {2}", "{0.key}", "{1.tag}", "{2.tag}");
132 | group: tr("missing tag");
133 | }
134 |
135 | /* {0.tag} without {1.key} (warning level), #18411, #18246 */
136 | way[railway=construction][!construction],
137 | way[highway=construction][!construction],
138 | node[traffic_sign=maxspeed][!maxspeed],
139 | node[actuator=manual][!handle],
140 | node[emergency=fire_hydrant][!fire_hydrant:type],
141 | way[ boundary=administrative][!admin_level],
142 | relation[boundary=administrative][!admin_level],
143 | relation[route=bicycle ][!network][type=route],
144 | relation[route=hiking ][!network][type=route],
145 | relation[route=foot ][!network][type=route],
146 | relation[route=horse ][!network][type=route],
147 | relation[route=piste][!piste:type][type=route],
148 | relation[route=ski ][!piste:type][type=route],
149 | *[tourism=information][!information],
150 | *[leisure=pitch][!sport],
151 | *[aeroway=terminal][!building],
152 | *[office=government][!government],
153 | *[power=generator][!generator:source],
154 | *[amenity=recycling][!/^recycling:/][recycling_type!=centre],
155 | *[amenity=social_facility][!social_facility],
156 | *[amenity=place_of_worship][!religion] {
157 | throwWarning: tr("{0} without {1}", "{0.tag}", "{1.key}");
158 | group: tr("missing tag");
159 | }
160 |
161 | /* {0.tag} without {1.key} (info level), #15107 */
162 | *[aeroway=runway ][!ref],
163 | *[aeroway=runway ][!surface],
164 | node[highway=crossing ][!crossing],
165 | way[highway=track ][!tracktype],
166 | way[power=cable ][!location],
167 | node[power=transformer ][!voltage:primary],
168 | node[power=transformer ][!voltage:secondary],
169 | node[transformer=distribution ][!voltage:primary][power=pole],
170 | node[transformer=distribution ][!voltage:secondary][power=pole],
171 | way[power=line ][!voltage],
172 | way[power=minor_line ][!voltage],
173 | way[power=cable ][!voltage],
174 | *[power=generator ][!voltage][generator:output:electricity],
175 | *[power=plant ][!voltage][plant:output:electricity],
176 | *[power=substation ][!substation],
177 | *[power=switch ][!switch],
178 | *[power=transformer ][!transformer],
179 | *[amenity=bank ][!operator],
180 | *[amenity=cinema ][!operator],
181 | *[amenity=fast_food ][!operator],
182 | *[amenity=fuel ][!operator],
183 | *[mountain_pass=yes ][!ele],
184 | *[natural=peak ][!ele],
185 | *[natural=water ][!water],
186 | *[amenity=place_of_worship ][!denomination],
187 | *[amenity=parking ][!parking],
188 | *[amenity=parking_entrance ][!parking] {
189 | throwOther: tr("{0} without {1}", "{0.tag}", "{1.key}");
190 | group: tr("missing tag");
191 | assertMatch: "way power=line";
192 | assertNoMatch: "way power=line voltage=1";
193 | assertMatch: "way power=switch";
194 | assertMatch: "way power=substation";
195 | assertMatch: "way power=substation transformer=foobar";
196 | assertNoMatch: "way power=substation substation=foobar";
197 | assertMatch: "way power=generator generator:output:electricity=yes";
198 | assertNoMatch: "way power=generator";
199 | assertNoMatch: "way power=generator generator:output:electricity=yes voltage=1";
200 | }
201 |
202 | /* {0.key} without {1.key} or {2.tag} */
203 | way[bridge:structure ][!bridge][man_made!=bridge],
204 | *[smoothness ][!highway][amenity!~/^(parking|parking_space|parking_entrance|motorcycle_parking|bicycle_parking)$/],
205 | *[segregated ][!highway][railway!=crossing] {
206 | throwWarning: tr("{0} without {1} or {2}", "{0.key}", "{1.key}", "{2.tag}");
207 | group: tr("missing tag");
208 | }
209 |
210 | /* {0.tag} without {1.tag} (info level) see #11600 #11393 #11850 */
211 | way[highway=motorway][!oneway][junction!=roundabout],
212 | way[highway=motorway_link][!oneway][junction!=roundabout] {
213 | throwOther: tr("{0} without {1}", "{0.tag}", "{1.tag}");
214 | group: tr("missing tag");
215 | }
216 |
217 | /* {0.tag} without {1.tag} */
218 | way[usage=penstock][man_made!=pipeline],
219 | way[usage=penstock][waterway!=pressurised] {
220 | throwWarning: tr("{0} without {1}", "{0.tag}", "{1.tag}");
221 | group: tr("missing tag");
222 | }
223 |
224 | /* {0.tag} without {1.tag} or {2.tag} */
225 | *[amenity=recycling][recycling_type!=container][recycling_type!=centre] {
226 | throwWarning: tr("{0} without {1} or {2}", "{0.tag}", "{1.tag}", "{2.tag}");
227 | group: tr("missing tag");
228 | }
229 |
230 | /* {0.key} without {1.key}, {2.tag} or {3.tag} */
231 | *[intermittent ][!waterway][natural!~/^(water|spring)$/][landuse!~/^(basin|reservoir)$/][ford!=yes],
232 | *[boat ][!waterway][natural!=water ][landuse!~/^(basin|reservoir)$/][ford!=yes] {
233 | throwWarning: tr("{0} without {1}, {2}, {3} or {4}", "{0.key}", "{1.key}", "{2.tag}", "{3.tag}", "{4.tag}");
234 | group: tr("missing tag");
235 | }
236 |
237 | /* {0.key} without {1.key}, {2.key} or {3.key}, #17253 */
238 | way[oneway ][!highway][!railway][!aerialway][attraction!=summer_toboggan][aeroway!~/^(runway|taxiway)$/],
239 | *[snowplowing][!highway][!amenity][!leisure] {
240 | throwWarning: tr("{0} without {1}, {2} or {3}", "{0.key}", "{1.key}", "{2.key}", "{3.key}");
241 | group: tr("missing tag");
242 | }
243 |
244 | /* {0.key} without {1.key}, {2.key} or {3.tag}, #17255 */
245 | way[incline ][!highway][!railway][aeroway!~/^(runway|taxiway)$/][attraction!=summer_toboggan],
246 | *[toll ][!highway][!barrier][route!~/^(ferry|road)$/] {
247 | throwWarning: tr("{0} without {1}, {2} or {3}", "{0.key}", "{1.key}", "{2.key}", "{3.tag}");
248 | group: tr("missing tag");
249 | }
250 |
251 | /* {0.tag} together with {1.key}, see #17664, #17707, #16464, #10837, #14034, #9389, #11977, #13156, #16888 */
252 | *[power=plant][/^generator:/],
253 | *[power=generator][/^plant:/],
254 | *[power=plant][voltage],
255 | *[power=plant][frequency],
256 | *[internet_access=no][internet_access:fee],
257 | node[power=transformer][voltage],
258 | node[transformer=distribution][voltage][power=pole],
259 | *[amenity=vending_machine][shop],
260 | *[noname?][name],
261 | way[oneway=yes][/:backward/][!traffic_sign:backward][bicycle:backward!=use_sidepath][oneway:bicycle!=no][oneway:psv!=no],
262 | way[oneway=yes][/:forward/ ][!traffic_sign:forward ][bicycle:forward!=use_sidepath ][oneway:bicycle!=no][oneway:psv!=no],
263 | way[oneway=-1 ][/:backward/][!traffic_sign:backward][bicycle:backward!=use_sidepath][oneway:bicycle!=no][oneway:psv!=no],
264 | way[oneway=-1 ][/:forward/ ][!traffic_sign:forward ][bicycle:forward!=use_sidepath ][oneway:bicycle!=no][oneway:psv!=no] {
265 | throwWarning: tr("{0} together with {1}", "{0.tag}", "{1.key}");
266 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
267 | assertMatch: "way power=plant generator:source=wind";
268 | assertMatch: "way power=generator plant:source=combustion";
269 | }
270 |
271 | /* {0.tag} together with {1.tag} (info level), see #9696 */
272 | way[highway=footway][oneway=no] {
273 | throwOther: tr("{0} together with {1}", "{0.tag}", "{1.tag}");
274 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
275 | }
276 |
277 | /* {0.tag} together with {1.tag}, see #18411, #17950, #17330, #17623, #17592, #17594, #17542, #16861, #16147, #10186 */
278 | *[barrier=kerb][kerb=no],
279 | way[highway=construction][construction=yes],
280 | way[railway=construction][construction=yes],
281 | *[man_made=bridge][bridge=yes],
282 | *[man_made=tunnel][tunnel=yes],
283 | *[amenity=police][police],
284 | node[highway=crossing][crossing=no],
285 | node[railway=crossing][crossing=no],
286 | way[junction=yes][highway],
287 | way[tracktype=grade1][surface].unpaved_surface,
288 | way[tracktype=grade2][surface][surface=~/^(sand|mud)$/],
289 | way[segregated][bicycle=no],
290 | way[segregated][foot=no],
291 | way[man_made=pipeline][tunnel=flooded],
292 | way[waterway=canal][tunnel=yes] {
293 | throwWarning: tr("{0} together with {1}", "{0.tag}", "{1.tag}");
294 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
295 | }
296 |
297 | /* {0.tag} together with {1.tag} (error level) */
298 | relation[type=multipolygon][area=no] {
299 | throwError: tr("{0} together with {1}", "{0.tag}", "{1.tag}");
300 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
301 | }
302 |
303 | /* {0.key} together with {1.key}, #18267, #17630, #17604 */
304 | node[marker][cover],
305 | node[marker][voltage],
306 | node[marker][pressure],
307 | node[marker][diameter],
308 | node[marker][substance],
309 | *[building:part][building],
310 | *[addr:street][addr:place][outside("CZ,DK")] {
311 | throwWarning: tr("{0} together with {1}", "{0.key}", "{1.key}");
312 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
313 | }
314 |
315 | /* {0.tag} together with {1.tag} and {2.key}, #18471 */
316 | way[highway=~/^(cycleway|footway|path)$/][segregated=no][sidewalk =~/^(left|right|both)$/] {
317 | throwWarning: tr("{0} together with {1} and {2}", "{0.tag}", "{1.tag}", "{2.key}");
318 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
319 | }
320 |
321 | /* #11127, #13727 */
322 | way[waterway][bridge=yes][waterway!=weir] {
323 | throwWarning: tr("{0} together with {1}", "{0.key}", "{1.tag}");
324 | suggestAlternative: "bridge=aqueduct";
325 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
326 | fixAdd: "bridge=aqueduct";
327 | }
328 | way[waterway=weir][bridge=yes][highway] {
329 | throwWarning: tr("{0} together with {1}", "{0.tag}", "{1.tag}");
330 | suggestAlternative: "waterway=weir + ford=yes";
331 | suggestAlternative: "waterway=dam";
332 | suggestAlternative: tr("two objects, one with {0} and one with {1} + {2} + {3}", "{0.tag}", "{2.key}", "{1.tag}", "layer");
333 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
334 | }
335 |
336 | /* #16214 */
337 | relation[type=multipolygon] >[role="inner"] way[area][eval(number_of_tags()) = 1] {
338 | throwWarning: tr("{0} on an inner multipolygon ring without further tags", "{0.tag}");
339 | fixRemove: "area";
340 | set area_yes_autofix;
341 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
342 | }
343 |
344 | /* only {0.key}, see #11104 #12422 #14950 */
345 | *[access][eval(number_of_tags()) = 1],
346 | *[area][eval(number_of_tags()) = 1]!.area_yes_autofix,
347 | *[name][eval(number_of_tags()) = 1],
348 | *[ref][eval(number_of_tags()) = 1],
349 | *[lit][eval(number_of_tags()) = 1] {
350 | throwWarning: tr("incomplete object: only {0}", "{0.key}");
351 | group: tr("missing tag");
352 | }
353 | /* only {0.key} and {1.key} */
354 | *[name][area][eval(number_of_tags()) = 2],
355 | *[name][ref][eval(number_of_tags()) = 2] {
356 | throwWarning: tr("incomplete object: only {0} and {1}", "{0.key}", "{1.key}");
357 | group: tr("missing tag");
358 | }
359 | /* only {0.tag}, #15269 */
360 | *[tourism=attraction][eval(number_of_tags()) = 1] {
361 | throwWarning: tr("incomplete object: only {0}", "{0.tag}");
362 | group: tr("missing tag");
363 | }
364 | /* only {0.key} and {1.tag} */
365 | *[name][tourism=attraction][eval(number_of_tags()) = 2] {
366 | throwWarning: tr("incomplete object: only {0} and {1}", "{0.key}", "{1.tag}");
367 | group: tr("missing tag");
368 | }
369 |
370 | /* #9811, #11491, #12865, #14310 */
371 | *[place][place!=farm][/^(addr:housenumber|addr:housename|addr:flats|addr:conscriptionnumber|addr:street|addr:place|addr:city|addr:country|addr:full|addr:hamlet|addr:suburb|addr:subdistrict|addr:district|addr:province|addr:state|addr:interpolation|addr:interpolation|addr:inclusion)$/],
372 | /* addr:postcode is used together with place in some countries */
373 | *[boundary][/^addr:/],
374 | *[highway][/^addr:/][highway!=services][highway!=rest_area][!"addr:postcode"] {
375 | throwWarning: tr("{0} together with addr:*", "{0.key}");
376 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
377 | assertMatch: "node place=foo addr:housenumber=5";
378 | assertMatch: "node place=foo addr:housenumber=5 addr:postcode=12345";
379 | assertNoMatch: "node place=foo addr:postcode=12345";
380 | }
381 | *[!highway][postal_code]["addr:postcode"][postal_code=*"addr:postcode"] {
382 | throwWarning: tr("{0} together with {1}", "{1.key}", "{2.key}");
383 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
384 | }
385 | *[!highway][postal_code]["addr:postcode"][postal_code!=*"addr:postcode"] {
386 | throwWarning: tr("{0} together with {1} and conflicting values", "{1.key}", "{2.key}");
387 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
388 | }
389 | way[highway][postal_code]["addr:postcode"][postal_code=*"addr:postcode"] {
390 | throwWarning: tr("{0} together with {1}", "{1.key}", "{2.key}");
391 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
392 | fixRemove: "addr:postcode";
393 | }
394 | way[highway][postal_code]["addr:postcode"][postal_code!=*"addr:postcode"] {
395 | throwWarning: tr("{0} together with {1} and conflicting values", "{1.key}", "{2.key}");
396 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
397 | }
398 | way[highway][highway!=services][highway!=rest_area][!postal_code]["addr:postcode"] {
399 | throwWarning: tr("{0} together with {1}", "{0.key}", "{4.key}");
400 | suggestAlternative: "postal_code";
401 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
402 | fixChangeKey: "addr:postcode=>postal_code";
403 | }
404 |
405 | /* #9195 */
406 | way[highway=footway][cycleway=lane] {
407 | throwWarning: tr("{0} together with {1}", "{0.tag}", "{1.tag}");
408 | suggestAlternative: "highway=path + foot=designated + bicycle=designated + segregated=yes";
409 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
410 | }
411 |
412 | /* {0} on suspicious object */
413 | *[tunnel ][!highway][!railway][!waterway][!piste:type][public_transport!=platform][route!=ferry][man_made!=pipeline][man_made!=goods_conveyor][man_made!=wildlife_crossing][man_made!=tunnel],
414 | *[bridge ][!highway][!railway][!waterway][!piste:type][public_transport!=platform][route!=ferry][man_made!=pipeline][man_made!=goods_conveyor][man_made!=wildlife_crossing][man_made!=bridge][building!=bridge],
415 | *[psv ][!highway][!railway][!waterway][barrier!=bollard][amenity !~ /^parking.*/],
416 | *[width ][!highway][!railway][!waterway][!aeroway][!cycleway][!footway][!barrier][!man_made][!entrance][natural!=stone][leisure!=track],
417 | *[maxspeed][!highway][!railway][traffic_sign !~ /^((.*;)?maxspeed(;.*)?|[A-Z][A-Z]:.+)$/][traffic_sign:forward !~ /^((.*;)?maxspeed(;.*)?|[A-Z][A-Z]:.+)$/][traffic_sign:backward !~ /^((.*;)?maxspeed(;.*)?|[A-Z][A-Z]:.+)$/][type != enforcement][waterway !~ /^(river|canal|lock)$/][!traffic_calming][aerialway!=zip_line] {
418 | throwWarning: tr("{0} on suspicious object", "{0.key}");
419 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
420 | }
421 |
422 | *[amenity][amenity =~ /^(restaurant|cafe|fast_food|pub|place_of_worship|school|university|hospital|library|theatre|courthouse|bank|cinema|pharmacy|fuel)$/][!name][noname!=yes] {
423 | throwOther: tr("{0} without {1}", "{0.tag}", "{2.key}");
424 | group: tr("missing tag");
425 | assertMatch: "node amenity=restaurant";
426 | assertNoMatch: "node amenity=restaurant noname=yes";
427 | assertNoMatch: "node amenity=restaurant name=Foobar";
428 | }
429 |
430 | /* #10193, #16157 */
431 | way[highway][barrier],
432 | *[highway][waterway][waterway!=dam][waterway!=weir],
433 | way[highway][natural][natural!=ridge],
434 | *[landuse][building][landuse!=retail] {
435 | throwWarning: tr("{0} together with {1}", "{0.key}", "{1.key}");
436 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
437 | assertNoMatch: "node highway=street_lamp natural=birds_nest";
438 | }
439 |
440 | /* #6932 */
441 | *[natural=water][leisure=swimming_pool] {
442 | throwWarning: tr("natural water used for swimming pool");
443 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
444 | fixRemove: "natural";
445 | }
446 |
447 | /* #9593, #11183, #12418, #12761, #17254 */
448 | *[sport][sport!=skiing][!building][!club][tourism != hotel][highway != raceway][!leisure][natural !~ /^(beach|bare_rock|cliff|peak|water)$/][amenity !~ /^(pub|restaurant|swimming_pool)$/][landuse !~ /^(recreation_ground|piste|farm|farmland)$/][barrier !~ /^(wall|retaining_wall)$/][!"piste:type"][shop!=sports][attraction!=summer_toboggan] {
449 | throwWarning: tr("sport without physical feature");
450 | group: tr("missing tag");
451 | assertMatch: "node sport=tennis";
452 | assertNoMatch: "node sport=tennis leisure=pitch";
453 | assertNoMatch: "node sport=beachvolleyball natural=beach";
454 | assertNoMatch: "node sport=skiing"; /* skiing has deprecated warning */
455 | assertNoMatch: "node sport=swimming tourism=hotel";
456 | assertNoMatch: "node sport=10pin amenity=restaurant";
457 | }
458 |
459 | /* {0.key} without {1.key} or {2.key} see #10140 */
460 | *[building:levels][!building][!building:part],
461 | way[usage][!railway][!waterway][route!=railway][man_made!=pipeline] {
462 | throwWarning: tr("{0} without {1} or {2}", "{0.key}", "{1.key}", "{2.key}");
463 | group: tr("missing tag");
464 | }
465 |
466 | /* any other *_name tag (with some exceptions) but not a name , see #10837 #11297 #11539 #16437 */
467 | *[/_name$/][!name][!old_name][!loc_name][!uic_name][!artist_name][!lock_name][!"osak:municipality_name"][!"osak:street_name"][noname!=yes] {
468 | throwWarning: tr("alternative name without {0}", "{1.key}");
469 | group: tr("missing tag");
470 | }
471 |
472 | /* #10837 */
473 | way[destination][!oneway?][junction!=roundabout][highway] {
474 | throwWarning: tr("incomplete usage of {0} on a way without {1}", "{0.key}", "{1.key}");
475 | suggestAlternative: "destination:forward";
476 | suggestAlternative: "destination:backward";
477 | }
478 |
479 | /* #11389 */
480 | way["maxspeed:forward"=*"maxspeed:backward"][!maxspeed] {
481 | throwWarning: tr("Same value of {0} and {1}", "{0.key}", "{1.key}");
482 | suggestAlternative: "maxspeed";
483 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
484 | fixChangeKey: "maxspeed:forward=>maxspeed";
485 | fixRemove: "maxspeed:backward";
486 | }
487 | way["maxspeed:forward"=*maxspeed]["maxspeed:backward"=*maxspeed][maxspeed] {
488 | throwWarning: tr("Same value of {0}, {1} and {2}", "{0.key}", "{1.key}", "{2.key}");
489 | set AllSameMaxspeed;
490 | suggestAlternative: "maxspeed";
491 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
492 | fixRemove: "maxspeed:forward";
493 | fixRemove: "maxspeed:backward";
494 | }
495 | way["maxspeed:forward"]["maxspeed:backward"][maxspeed]!.AllSameMaxspeed {
496 | throwWarning: tr("{0} and {1} together with {2} and conflicting values", "{0.key}", "{1.key}", "{2.key}");
497 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
498 | }
499 | way["maxspeed:forward"][maxspeed][!"maxspeed:backward"],
500 | way["maxspeed:backward"][maxspeed][!"maxspeed:forward"] {
501 | throwWarning: tr("{0} together with {1}", "{0.key}", "{1.key}");
502 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
503 | }
504 |
505 | /* #11837 */
506 | way[layer][layer<0][bridge][bridge!=no][location!=underground][indoor!=yes][!tunnel],
507 | way[layer][layer>0][tunnel][tunnel!=no][location!=overground][indoor!=yes][!bridge] {
508 | throwWarning: tr("{0} together with {1}", "{2.tag}", "{0.tag}");
509 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
510 | }
511 |
512 | /* #12942 */
513 | relation[oneway][type!=route] {
514 | throwWarning: tr("{0} on a relation without {1}", "{0.key}", "{1.tag}");
515 | }
516 |
517 | /* #9182 */
518 | way[waterway][layer][layer=~/^(-1|-2|-3|-4|-5)$/][!tunnel][culvert!=yes][covered!=yes][pipeline!=yes][location!=underground][eval(waylength()) > 400] {
519 | throwWarning: tr("Long waterway with {0} but without a tag which defines it as tunnel or underground. Remove {1} or add a tunnel tag if applicable. Also check crossing bridges and their {1} tags.", "{1.tag}", "{1.key}");
520 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
521 | }
522 | way[waterway][layer][layer=~/^(-1|-2|-3|-4|-5)$/][!tunnel][culvert!=yes][covered!=yes][pipeline!=yes][location!=underground][eval(waylength()) <= 400] {
523 | throwOther: tr("Short waterway with {0} but without a tag which defines it as tunnel or underground. Remove {1} or add a tunnel tag if applicable. Also check crossing bridges and their {1} tags.", "{1.tag}", "{1.key}");
524 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
525 | }
526 |
527 | /* #13144, #15536 */
528 | *[unisex=yes][female=yes][male!=yes][shop=hairdresser],
529 | *[unisex=yes][male=yes][female!=yes][shop=hairdresser] {
530 | throwWarning: tr("{0} together with {1}", "{0.tag}", "{1.tag}");
531 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
532 | }
533 | *[unisex=yes][female=yes][male=yes][shop=hairdresser] {
534 | throwWarning: tr("{0} together with {1} and {2}. Remove {1} and {2}", "{0.tag}", "{1.tag}", "{2.tag}");
535 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
536 | fixRemove: "female";
537 | fixRemove: "male";
538 | }
539 | *[female=yes][male=yes][!unisex][shop=hairdresser] {
540 | throwWarning: tr("{0} together with {1}", "{0.tag}", "{1.tag}");
541 | suggestAlternative: "unisex=yes";
542 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
543 | fixRemove: "female";
544 | fixRemove: "male";
545 | fixAdd: "unisex=yes";
546 | }
547 |
548 | /* {1.key} without {2.tag} see #13138, #14468 */
549 | way!:closed[water][natural!~/water|bay|strait/][water!=intermittent][amenity!=lavoir], /* water=intermittent is deprecated and has an own warning */
550 | area:closed[water][natural!~/water|bay|strait/][water!=intermittent][amenity!=lavoir] {
551 | throwWarning: tr("{0} without {1}", "{1.key}", "{2.tag}");
552 | group: tr("missing tag");
553 | }
554 |
555 | /* see #8519, #11529, limited to motorways and trunks to avoid false positives for streets with lanes for non motorized traffic */
556 | way[highway =~ /^(motorway|motorway_link|trunk|trunk_link)$/][lanes][turn:lanes ][tag(lanes)!=eval(count(split("|", tag("turn:lanes"))))],
557 | way[highway =~ /^(motorway|motorway_link|trunk|trunk_link)$/][lanes][change:lanes ][tag(lanes)!=eval(count(split("|", tag("change:lanes"))))],
558 | way[highway =~ /^(motorway|motorway_link|trunk|trunk_link)$/][lanes][maxspeed:lanes ][tag(lanes)!=eval(count(split("|", tag("maxspeed:lanes"))))],
559 | way[highway =~ /^(motorway|motorway_link|trunk|trunk_link)$/][lanes][minspeed:lanes ][tag(lanes)!=eval(count(split("|", tag("minspeed:lanes"))))],
560 | way[highway =~ /^(motorway|motorway_link|trunk|trunk_link)$/][lanes][destination:lanes ][tag(lanes)!=eval(count(split("|", tag("destination:lanes"))))],
561 | way[highway =~ /^(motorway|motorway_link|trunk|trunk_link)$/][lanes][destination:ref:lanes ][tag(lanes)!=eval(count(split("|", tag("destination:ref:lanes"))))],
562 | way[highway =~ /^(motorway|motorway_link|trunk|trunk_link)$/][lanes][destination:symbol:lanes][tag(lanes)!=eval(count(split("|", tag("destination:symbol:lanes"))))] {
563 | throwWarning: tr("Different number of lanes in the keys {0} and {1}", "{1.key}", "{2.key}");
564 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
565 | }
566 |
567 | /* #13680 */
568 | area[golf=bunker][natural=beach] {
569 | throwWarning: tr("{0} together with {1}", "{0.tag}", "{1.tag}");
570 | suggestAlternative: "natural=sand";
571 | suggestAlternative: "surface=sand";
572 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
573 | }
574 |
575 | /* #13705 */
576 | relation[type=multipolygon][building] > way {
577 | set part_of_building_MP;
578 | }
579 | way["addr:housenumber"][!building][!"building:part"][!"demolished:building"][!note][!amenity][!leisure][!landuse][!man_made][!tourism][!barrier]!.part_of_building_MP {
580 | /* don't exclude shop because a lot of real missing bulding tag cases have a shop tag. */
581 | throwOther: tr("possibly missing {0} tag", "{1.key}");
582 | group: tr("missing tag");
583 | }
584 |
585 | /* #14125, #14323, #18185 */
586 | way[highway][lanes][!lanes:forward][!lanes:backward][oneway!=yes][oneway!=-1][oneway!=reversible][junction!=roundabout][lanes>2][get(split(".", tag(lanes)/2), 1)=5] {
587 | throwWarning: tr("street with odd number of {0}, but without {1} and {2} or {3}", "{1.key}", "{2.key}", "{3.key}", "{4.key}");
588 | group: tr("missing tag");
589 | assertNoMatch: "way highway=primary lanes=2";
590 | assertNoMatch: "way highway=primary lanes=3 lanes:backward=2";
591 | assertNoMatch: "way highway=primary lanes=3 oneway=-1";
592 | assertNoMatch: "way highway=primary lanes=4";
593 | assertMatch: "way highway=primary lanes=3";
594 | }
595 |
596 | /* #15774 */
597 | node[emergency=fire_hydrant][fire_hydrant:count][fire_hydrant:count!=1] {
598 | throwOther: tr("{0} together with {1}. Tag each hydrant separately.", "{0.tag}", "{1.tag}");
599 | }
600 |
601 | /* #12502 */
602 | node[leisure=park][natural=tree] {
603 | throwWarning: tr("{0} together with {1} on a node. Remove {0}.", "{0.tag}", "{1.tag}");
604 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
605 | fixRemove: "leisure";
606 | }
607 |
608 | /* #17305 */
609 | area[boundary=administrative][landuse=residential] {
610 | throwWarning: tr("{0} together with {1}", "{0.tag}", "{1.tag}");
611 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
612 | }
613 |
614 | /* #17391 */
615 | way[highway=pedestrian][width][width<3] {
616 | throwWarning: tr("{0} together with {1}", "{0.tag}", "{1.tag}");
617 | suggestAlternative: "highway=footway";
618 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
619 | fixAdd: "highway=footway";
620 | assertMatch: "way highway=pedestrian width=0.8";
621 | assertMatch: "way highway=pedestrian width=1";
622 | assertNoMatch: "way highway=pedestrian width=3";
623 | assertNoMatch: "way highway=pedestrian width=5.5";
624 | }
625 |
626 | /* see #17623 */
627 | way:areaStyle[highway][highway =~ /motorway|trunk|primary|secondary|tertiary|unclassified|residential|service$|living_street|pedestrian|track|path|footway|cycleway|bus_guideway|bridleway/][area!=yes] {
628 | throwOther: tr("A linear object {0} without {1} has a tag indicating that it is an area.", "{1.tag}", "{3.tag}");
629 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
630 | }
631 |
632 | /* #17804 */
633 | area[cemetery=sector][landuse=cemetery] {
634 | throwWarning: tr("{0} together with {1}", "{0.tag}", "{1.tag}");
635 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
636 | }
637 |
638 | /* #17967 */
639 | *[highway=cycleway][cycleway=track] {
640 | throwWarning: tr("{0} together with {1}. Remove {1}.", "{0.tag}", "{1.tag}");
641 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
642 | fixRemove: "cycleway";
643 | }
644 |
645 | /* #17973, #18183, #18331 */
646 | way[highway=path ][foot][foot!=no ][foot!=use_sidepath ][!segregated][bicycle][bicycle!=no][bicycle!=use_sidepath][bicycle!=dismount]!.unpaved_surface,
647 | way[highway=footway ][bicycle][bicycle!=no][bicycle!=use_sidepath][!segregated][bicycle!=dismount]!.unpaved_surface,
648 | way[highway=cycleway][foot][foot!=no ][foot!=use_sidepath ][!segregated]!.unpaved_surface {
649 | throwWarning: tr("Combined foot- and cycleway without {0}.", "{4.key}");
650 | group: tr("missing tag");
651 | }
652 |
653 | /* #17989 */
654 | node[emergency_ward_entrance][emergency!=emergency_ward_entrance] {
655 | throwWarning: tr("{0} without {1}", "{0.tag}", "{1.tag}");
656 | group: tr("missing tag");
657 | fixAdd: "emergency=emergency_ward_entrance";
658 | }
659 |
660 | /* #18203 */
661 | way[construction][construction!=yes][construction!=minor][highway][highway!=construction] {
662 | throwWarning: tr("{0} together with {1}", "{3.tag}", "{0.tag}");
663 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
664 | }
665 |
666 | /* #18374 */
667 | *[amenity=recycling][collection_times="24/7"][!opening_hours],
668 | *[amenity=recycling][collection_times ][!opening_hours][collection_times=~/[a-z]-[A-Z].*[0-9]-[0-9]/] {
669 | throwWarning: tr("{0} together with {1}. Probably {2} is meant.", "{1.key}", "{0.tag}", "{2.key}");
670 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
671 | fixChangeKey: "collection_times => opening_hours";
672 | assertMatch: "node amenity=recycling collection_times=\"Mo-Fr 06:00-20:00\"";
673 | assertNoMatch: "node amenity=recycling collection_times=\"Mo-Fr 15:00\"";
674 | assertNoMatch: "node amenity=recycling collection_times=\"Mo 08:00-11:00\"";
675 | assertNoMatch: "node amenity=recycling collection_times=\"Sa[2,4] 8:00-11:00\"";
676 | }
677 | *[amenity=recycling][collection_times="24/7"][opening_hours],
678 | *[amenity=recycling][collection_times ][opening_hours][collection_times=~/[a-z]-[A-Z].*[0-9]-[0-9]/] {
679 | throwWarning: tr("{0} together with {1}. Probably {2} is meant.", "{1.key}", "{0.tag}", "{2.key}");
680 | group: tr("suspicious tag combination");
681 | }