1 | /* #10232 */
2 | way[addr:interpolation=odd] > node[addr:housenumber][get(split(".", tag("addr:housenumber")/2), 1)=0] {
3 | throwWarning: tr("Even housenumber in odd address interpolation.");
4 | }
5 | way[addr:interpolation=even] > node[addr:housenumber][get(split(".", tag("addr:housenumber")/2), 1)=5] {
6 | throwWarning: tr("Odd housenumber in even address interpolation.");
7 | }
8 | way[addr:interpolation] {
9 | throwOther: tr("Way with {0}. Tag each housenumber separately if possible.", "{0.key}");
10 | }
11 |
12 | /* #13752 */
13 | *[!addr:housenumber][addr:street][addr:housename=~/^[0-9]+[a-zA-Z]?$/] {
14 | throwOther: tr("Object has no {0}, however, it has {1} and {2} whose value looks like a housenumber.", "{0.key}", "{1.key}", "{2.key}");
15 | assertMatch: "node addr:street=foo addr:housename=1";
16 | assertMatch: "node addr:street=foo addr:housename=1a";
17 | assertMatch: "node addr:street=foo addr:housename=221B";
18 | assertNoMatch: "node addr:street=foo addr:housename=1 addr:housenumber=1";
19 | assertNoMatch: "node addr:housename=1";
20 | assertNoMatch: "node addr:street=foo addr:housename=bar";
21 | }
22 | *[addr:housenumber][addr:housename]["addr:housenumber"=*"addr:housename"] {
23 | throwWarning: tr("Same value of {0} and {1}", "{0.key}", "{1.key}");
24 | assertMatch: "node addr:housename=1 addr:housenumber=1";
25 | assertNoMatch: "node addr:housename=1 addr:housenumber=2";
26 | }