1 | Supplemental information for JOSM -- the Java OpenStreetMap Editor
2 |
3 | =============================================================================
4 | I. Install & Launch
5 | =============================================================================
6 |
7 | Installation notes
8 | ------------------
9 | To run JOSM, you need:
10 |
11 | * The JOSM .jar file, e.g., josm-tested.jar or josm-latest.jar
12 | * Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 8, or later.
13 |
14 |
15 | How to get Java Runtime Environment
16 | -----------------------------------
17 | You need JRE Version 8, or later.
18 |
19 | Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac OS X users should visit https://www.java.com
20 | and download the latest Java executable for their system.
21 |
22 | Linux users should visit http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/index.html
23 | There is a Linux binary installer, which you must execute from a console, or
24 | use the mechanism of your distribution's packaging system.
25 |
26 |
27 | How to launch
28 | -------------
29 | Microsoft Windows users launch by double-clicking on the .jar file.
30 | If this does not work, open a command shell and type
31 | "java -jar josm-latest.jar" in the directory that holds the file. (Please
32 | replace josm-latest.jar with the name of your .jar file, if you aren't using
33 | the latest version.)
34 |
35 | Under Linux, open a shell, go to the file directory and type
36 | "java -jar josm-latest.jar" to launch. If this does not work, try to set
37 | your JAVA_HOME variable to the java executable location (the root location,
38 | not the bin).
39 |
40 | MacOS X users just click on the .jar file icon.
41 |
42 | =============================================================================
43 | II. Development
44 | =============================================================================
45 |
46 | How to get the source code
47 | --------------------------
48 | Download it directly from the subversion at
49 | https://josm.openstreetmap.de/svn/trunk. To use the command line subversion
50 | client, type
51 |
52 | svn co https://josm.openstreetmap.de/svn/trunk josm
53 |
54 |
55 | Files & directories
56 | -------------------
57 | This is an overview of the files and directories in the JOSM code repository:
58 | - build.xml ant build file (standard way to create a JOSM binary)
59 | - CONTRIBUTION list of major code contributors
60 | - data/ data files that will be included in the JOSM jar file
61 | - fonts/ font files used for map rendering
62 | - projection/ projection files
63 | - *.gsb NTv2 grid files for projection support
64 | - epsg list of projection definitions
65 | - *.lang translation data
66 | - *.xsd xml schema files for validation of configuration files
67 | - help-browser.css CSS file for the help sites (HTML content is downloaded from the website
68 | on demand, but displayed inside the programm in a Java web browser component.)
69 | - validator/ data files used by the JOSM validator feature
70 | - *.cfg files designed for the old tagchecker, still used
71 | - *.mapcss default validation rules for the new mapcss-based tagchecker
72 | - data_nodist/ data files that are useful for development, but not distributed
73 | - exif-direction-example.jpg
74 | sample image, that contains direction information in the EXIF header
75 | (keys: Exif.GPSInfo.GPSImgDirectionRef, Exif.GPSInfo.GPSImgDirection)
76 | - filterTests.osm used for unit testing of the filter feature
77 | (see test/unit/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/FilterTest.java)
78 | - Join_Areas_Tests.osm some examples to test the 'join areas' feature
79 | - mapcss/ sample map styles and corresponding data files for regression testing
80 | - projection-reference-data.csv
81 | reference data for projection tests
82 | (see test/unit/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/projection/ProjectionRefTest.java)
83 | - projection-regression-test-data.csv
84 | regression data for projection tests
85 | (see test/unit/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/projection/ProjectionRegressionTest.java)
86 | - geticons.pl tool, to find all used icons and allows deleting unused icons
87 | - gpl-2.0.txt, gpl-3.0.txt full text of the GNU General Public License
88 | - images/ images distributed with the JOSM binary
89 | - icons images for the Potlatch 2 style
90 | - styles/standard images for the main map style (external repository)
91 | - images_nodist/ images, which are not for distribution, but may be useful later (e.g. high
92 | resolution and vector versions)
93 | - josm.jnlp Java Web Start launcher file (used on the website for the tested version)
94 | - josm-latest.jnlp Java Web Start launcher file (used on the website for the latest version)
95 | - LICENSE the JOSM license terms
96 | - linux/ files useful for Linux distributions, including Appdata files, .desktop
97 | files, Debian/Ubuntu scripts, man pages, icons, etc.
98 | - macosx/ files needed to create the MacOS X package
99 | - netbeans/ preconfigured Netbeans project
100 | - optimize-images short script to decrease size of PNG images
101 | - patches/ patches for external libraries used in JOSM (see below)
102 | - README this file
103 | - resources/ resource files that will be included in the JOSM jar file
104 | - scripts/ various scripts used by JOSM developers
105 | - src/ the source code of the program
106 | - start.html HTML page to run the applet version of JOSM
107 | - styles/ map styles included in JOSM
108 | - sytles_nodist/ files needed for map style maintenance
109 | - potlatch2/README infos on how to update the Potlatch 2 style from upstream sources
110 | - test/ automated software tests
111 | - data/ resources used for some tests
112 | - functional/ functional tests (source code)
113 | - lib/ libraries needed for (some of) the tests, including JUnit
114 | - performance/ performance tests (source code)
115 | - unit/ unit tests (source code)
116 | - tools/ libraries and tools that help in the development process
117 | - animal-sniffer-ant-tasks-1.14.jar
118 | used to build and check code signatures to ensure plugins binary compatibility
119 | - appbundler-1.0ea.jar used to build Mac OS X package
120 | - checkstyle/ libs and config files for checkstyle (automatically detects code style
121 | problems in source code); can be launched as an ant target in build.xml
122 | - commons-cli-1.3.1.jar dependency of Groovy Ant task
123 | - error_prone_ant-2.0.11.jar
124 | used to detect code errors during compilation
125 | - findbugs/ libs and config files for findbugs (automatically detects common bugs and potential
126 | problems in source code); can be launched as an ant target in build.xml
127 | - groovy-all-2.4.7.jar used for some unit tests and various scripts
128 | - jacocoant.jar used to include coverage data into JUnit test reports
129 | - japicc/ used to generate a compatibility report between optimized jar and normal one
130 | - javacc.jar used in the build process to generate some .java files from a javacc source file
131 | (src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/mappaint/mapcss/MapCSSParser.jj)
132 | - proguard.jar optimize final binary jar - see build.xml (not used in production so far)
133 | - xmltask.jar used to edit XML files from Ant for the OSX package
134 | - windows/ files needed to create the Windows installer
135 |
136 | The 'patches' directory
137 | -----------------------
138 | Some libraries that JOSM depends on, are patched for various reasons. The
139 | files in the patches directory can be used to roll back these customizations.
140 | This is useful in order to
141 | * inspect the changes
142 | * update to a newer version of the library but keep the modifications
143 |
144 | You can use 'quilt' to manage the patches. E.g. the following command applies all of them:
145 |
146 | $ quilt push -a
147 |
148 | Of course, it is also possible to apply the patch files manually one by one.
149 |
150 | Third party libraries
151 | ---------------------
152 | There are some third party libraries which are directly included in the source code tree, in particular:
153 |
154 | * jmapviewer: Java component to browse a TMS map
155 | src/org/openstreetmap/gui (svn external)
156 | -> http://svn.openstreetmap.org/applications/viewer/jmapviewer/
157 | * Apache commons compress: Support for bzip2 compression when opening files
158 | src/org/apache/commons/compress/compressors (svn external)
159 | -> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/commons/proper/compress/trunk/src/main/java/org/apache/commons/compress/compressors
160 | * Apache commons validator: Improved validator routines
161 | src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/validation/routines
162 | -> http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-validator
163 | * SVG Salamander: Support for SVG image format
164 | src/com/kitfox/svg
165 | -> https://svgsalamander.java.net/
166 | * Metadata Extractor: Read EXIF Metadata of photos
167 | src/com/drew
168 | -> https://www.drewnoakes.com/code/exif/
169 | * Signpost: OAuth library
170 | src/oauth, src/com/google
171 | -> https://code.google.com/p/oauth-signpost/
172 | * GNU getopt Java port: Command line argument processing library
173 | src/gnu/getopt
174 | -> http://www.urbanophile.com/arenn/hacking/download.html
175 | * MultiSplitPane: Small lib for GUI layout management
176 | src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/MultiSplitLayout.java, MultiSplitPane.java
177 | -> http://today.java.net/pub/a/today/2006/03/23/multi-split-pane.html
178 | * swinghelper: Class CheckThreadViolationRepaintManager to find classpath violations
179 | src/org/jdesktop/swinghelper/debug/CheckThreadViolationRepaintManager.java
180 | -> https://java.net/projects/swinghelper