1 | // License: GPL. Copyright 2007 by Immanuel Scholz and others
2 | package org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.mapmode;
3 |
4 | import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.tr;
5 |
6 | import java.awt.Rectangle;
7 | import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
8 | import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
9 | import java.util.Collection;
10 | import java.util.HashMap;
11 | import java.util.HashSet;
12 | import java.util.LinkedList;
13 | import java.util.Map;
14 |
15 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main;
16 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.GroupAction;
17 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.Node;
18 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.OsmPrimitive;
19 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.Segment;
20 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapFrame;
21 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.SelectionManager;
22 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.SelectionManager.SelectionEnded;
23 | import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.ImageProvider;
24 |
25 | /**
26 | * This MapMode enables the user to easy make a selection of different objects.
27 | *
28 | * The selected objects are drawn in a different style.
29 | *
30 | * Holding and dragging the left mouse button draws an selection rectangle.
31 | * When releasing the left mouse button, all objects within the rectangle get
32 | * selected.
33 | *
34 | * When releasing the left mouse button while the right mouse button pressed,
35 | * nothing happens (the selection rectangle will be cleared, however).
36 | *
37 | * When releasing the mouse button and one of the following keys was hold:
38 | *
39 | * If Alt key was hold, select all objects that are touched by the
40 | * selection rectangle. If the Alt key was not hold, select only those objects
41 | * completly within (e.g. for ways mean: only if all nodes of the way are
42 | * within).
43 | *
44 | * If Shift key was hold, the objects are added to the current selection. If
45 | * Shift key wasn't hold, the current selection get replaced.
46 | *
47 | * If Ctrl key was hold, remove all objects under the current rectangle from
48 | * the active selection (if there were any). Nothing is added to the current
49 | * selection.
50 | *
51 | * Alt can be combined with Ctrl or Shift. Ctrl and Shift cannot be combined.
52 | * If both are pressed, nothing happens when releasing the mouse button.
53 | *
54 | * The user can also only click on the map. All total movements of 2 or less
55 | * pixel are considered "only click". If that happens, the nearest Node will
56 | * be selected if there is any within 10 pixel range. If there is no Node within
57 | * 10 pixel, the nearest Segment (or Street, if user hold down the Alt-Key)
58 | * within 10 pixel range is selected. If there is no Segment within 10 pixel
59 | * and the user clicked in or 10 pixel away from an area, this area is selected.
60 | * If there is even no area, nothing is selected. Shift and Ctrl key applies to
61 | * this as usual. For more, @see MapView#getNearest(Point, boolean)
62 | *
63 | * @author imi
64 | */
65 | public class SelectionAction extends MapMode implements SelectionEnded {
66 |
67 | enum Mode {select, straight}
68 | private final Mode mode;
69 |
70 | public static class Group extends GroupAction {
71 | public Group(MapFrame mf) {
72 | super(KeyEvent.VK_S,0);
73 | putValue("help", "Action/Selection");
74 | actions.add(new SelectionAction(mf, tr("Selection"), Mode.select, tr("Select objects by dragging or clicking.")));
75 | actions.add(new SelectionAction(mf, tr("Straight line"), Mode.straight, tr("Select objects in a straight line.")));
76 | setCurrent(0);
77 | }
78 | }
79 |
80 |
81 | /**
82 | * The SelectionManager that manages the selection rectangle.
83 | */
84 | private SelectionManager selectionManager;
85 |
86 | private Node straightStart = null;
87 | private Node lastEnd = null;
88 | private Collection<OsmPrimitive> oldSelection = null;
89 |
90 | //TODO: Implement reverse references into data objects and remove this
91 | private final Map<Node, Collection<Segment>> reverseSegmentMap = new HashMap<Node, Collection<Segment>>();
92 |
93 | /**
94 | * Create a new SelectionAction in the given frame.
95 | * @param mapFrame The frame this action belongs to
96 | */
97 | public SelectionAction(MapFrame mapFrame, String name, Mode mode, String desc) {
98 | super(name, "selection/"+mode, desc, mapFrame, ImageProvider.getCursor("normal", "selection"));
99 | this.mode = mode;
100 | putValue("help", "Action/Selection/"+Character.toUpperCase(mode.toString().charAt(0))+mode.toString().substring(1));
101 | this.selectionManager = new SelectionManager(this, false, mapFrame.mapView);
102 | }
103 |
104 | @Override public void enterMode() {
105 | super.enterMode();
106 | if (mode == Mode.select)
107 | selectionManager.register(Main.map.mapView);
108 | else {
109 | Main.map.mapView.addMouseMotionListener(this);
110 | Main.map.mapView.addMouseListener(this);
111 | for (Segment s : Main.ds.segments) {
112 | addBackReference(s.from, s);
113 | addBackReference(s.to, s);
114 | }
115 | }
116 | }
117 |
118 | private void addBackReference(Node n, Segment s) {
119 | Collection<Segment> c = reverseSegmentMap.get(n);
120 | if (c == null) {
121 | c = new HashSet<Segment>();
122 | reverseSegmentMap.put(n, c);
123 | }
124 | c.add(s);
125 | }
126 |
127 | @Override public void exitMode() {
128 | super.exitMode();
129 | if (mode == Mode.select)
130 | selectionManager.unregister(Main.map.mapView);
131 | else {
132 | Main.map.mapView.removeMouseMotionListener(this);
133 | Main.map.mapView.removeMouseListener(this);
134 | reverseSegmentMap.clear();
135 | }
136 | }
137 |
138 |
139 | /**
140 | * Check the state of the keys and buttons and set the selection accordingly.
141 | */
142 | public void selectionEnded(Rectangle r, boolean alt, boolean shift, boolean ctrl) {
143 | selectEverythingInRectangle(selectionManager, r, alt, shift, ctrl);
144 | }
145 |
146 | public static void selectEverythingInRectangle(SelectionManager selectionManager, Rectangle r, boolean alt, boolean shift, boolean ctrl) {
147 | if (shift && ctrl)
148 | return; // not allowed together
149 |
150 | Collection<OsmPrimitive> curSel;
151 | if (!ctrl && !shift)
152 | curSel = new LinkedList<OsmPrimitive>(); // new selection will replace the old.
153 | else
154 | curSel = Main.ds.getSelected();
155 |
156 | Collection<OsmPrimitive> selectionList = selectionManager.getObjectsInRectangle(r,alt);
157 | for (OsmPrimitive osm : selectionList)
158 | if (ctrl)
159 | curSel.remove(osm);
160 | else
161 | curSel.add(osm);
162 | Main.ds.setSelected(curSel);
163 | Main.map.mapView.repaint();
164 | }
165 |
166 | @Override public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
167 | Node old = lastEnd;
168 | lastEnd = Main.map.mapView.getNearestNode(e.getPoint());
169 | if (straightStart == null)
170 | straightStart = lastEnd;
171 | if (straightStart != null && lastEnd != null && straightStart != lastEnd && old != lastEnd) {
172 | Collection<OsmPrimitive> path = new HashSet<OsmPrimitive>();
173 | Collection<OsmPrimitive> sel = new HashSet<OsmPrimitive>();
174 | path.add(straightStart);
175 | calculateShortestPath(path, straightStart, lastEnd);
176 | if ((e.getModifiers() & MouseEvent.CTRL_MASK) != 0) {
177 | sel.addAll(oldSelection);
178 | sel.removeAll(path);
179 | } else if ((e.getModifiers() & MouseEvent.SHIFT_MASK) != 0) {
180 | sel = path;
181 | sel.addAll(oldSelection);
182 | } else
183 | sel = path;
184 | Main.ds.setSelected(sel);
185 | }
186 | }
187 |
188 | @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
189 | straightStart = Main.map.mapView.getNearestNode(e.getPoint());
190 | lastEnd = null;
191 | oldSelection = Main.ds.getSelected();
192 | }
193 |
194 | @Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
195 | straightStart = null;
196 | lastEnd = null;
197 | oldSelection = null;
198 | }
199 |
200 | /**
201 | * Get the shortest path by stepping through the node with a common segment with start
202 | * and nearest to the end (greedy algorithm).
203 | */
204 | private void calculateShortestPath(Collection<OsmPrimitive> path, Node start, Node end) {
205 | for (Node pivot = start; pivot != null;)
206 | pivot = addNearest(path, pivot, end);
207 | }
208 |
209 | private Node addNearest(Collection<OsmPrimitive> path, Node start, Node end) {
210 | Collection<Segment> c = reverseSegmentMap.get(start);
211 | if (c == null)
212 | return null; // start may be a waypoint without segments
213 | double min = Double.MAX_VALUE;
214 | Node next = null;
215 | Segment seg = null;
216 | for (Segment s : c) {
217 | Node other = s.from == start ? s.to : s.from;
218 | if (other == end) {
219 | next = other;
220 | seg = s;
221 | min = 0;
222 | break;
223 | }
224 | double distance = other.eastNorth.distance(end.eastNorth);
225 | if (distance < min) {
226 | min = distance;
227 | next = other;
228 | seg = s;
229 | }
230 | }
231 | if (min < start.eastNorth.distance(end.eastNorth) && next != null) {
232 | path.add(next);
233 | path.add(seg);
234 | return next;
235 | }
236 | return null;
237 | }
238 | }