Ticket #8736: defaultpresets.xml.editable.patch

File defaultpresets.xml.editable.patch, 1.9 KB (added by skyper, 11 years ago)


  • data/defaultpresets.xml

    5656                      display_value. (Only if it is not possible to describe
    5757                      the entry in 2-3 words.) Instead of comma separeted list
    5858  instead using values, display_values and short_descriptions, the following form is also supported:
    59     <list_entry value="" display_value="' short_description="" icon="" icon_size=""/>
     59    <list_entry value="" display_value="" short_description="" icon="" icon_size=""/>
    6060        icon: location of icon
    6161        icon_size: maximal size of icon. If tag is not setup it is taken default size of icon file
    6262  default: default string to display (defaults to "")
    6363  use_last_as_default: true/false/force (default is "false")
     64  editable: allow to add other values as text (default is "true")
    6465  match: none/key/key!/keyvalue (default is none, see below for more information)
    6667multiselect: list of values from which zero or more can be selected
    31213122            <key key="amenity" value="restaurant" />
    31223123            <text key="name" text="Name" />
    31233124            <text key="operator" text="Operator" />
    3124             <multiselect key="cuisine" text="Cuisine" values="italian;chinese;pizza;burger;greek;german;indian;regional;kebab;turkish;asian;thai;mexican;japanese;french;sandwich;sushi"/>
     3125            <multiselect key="cuisine" text="Cuisine" values="italian;chinese;pizza;burger;greek;german;indian;regional;kebab;turkish;asian;thai;mexican;japanese;french;sandwich;sushi" />
    31253126            <check key="microbrewery" text="Microbrewery" default="off" />
    31263127            <combo key="opening_hours" text="Opening Hours" values="24/7,Mo-Fr 08:30-20:00,Tu-Su 08:00-15:00;Sa 08:00-12:00" />
    31273128            <combo key="stars" text="Stars" values="1,2,3,4,5,6,7" />