1 |
2 | meta {
3 | title: "Hiking routes DEMO";
4 | description: "Demo/proof of concept for extended MapCSS rendering of route relations - requires JOSM patch";
5 | version: "0.1_2011-12-15";
6 | }
7 |
8 | /*
9 | * Key element of this style is that, with the patch, rule declarations are executed for all matching relations,
10 | * not just the first one.
11 | * Based on osmc:symbol tag, see http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:osmc:symbol.
12 | */
13 |
14 | way::osmc {
15 | _width: 10;
16 | _opacity: 0.6;
17 | _dashes_width: 6;
18 | _font_size: 9;
19 | _text_offset: 11;
20 |
21 | _count: 0;
22 | _index: 0;
23 | }
24 |
25 | /*
26 | * Count matching parent relations and set dashes size accordingly
27 | */
28 |
29 | relation[type=route][route=hiking] > way::osmc,
30 | relation[type=route][route=foot] > way::osmc {
31 | _count: set_prop(_count, osmc, prop(_count, osmc) + 1);
32 | }
33 |
34 | way::osmc {
35 | _dashes_space: (prop(_count) > 1) ? 2 : 0;
36 | _dashes: list(prop(_dashes_width), (prop(_dashes_width) * (prop(_count) - 1)) + prop(_dashes_space));
37 | }
38 |
39 | /*
40 | * dashed route lines
41 | */
42 |
43 | relation[osmc:symbol] > way::osmc {
44 | _color: regex("^([a-z]+):", parent_tag("osmc:symbol"));
45 | _color: (prop(_color) == "black") ? "white" : prop(_color);
46 | color: color(prop(_color));
47 | dashes: prop(_dashes, osmc);
48 | dashes-offset: prop(_index, osmc) * prop(_dashes_width, osmc);
49 | width: prop(_width, osmc);
50 | opacity: prop(_opacity, osmc);
51 | z-index: -1;
52 |
53 | _index: set_prop(_index, osmc, prop(_index, osmc) + 1);
54 | }
55 |
56 | relation[!osmc:symbol][type=route][route=hiking] > way::osmc_none,
57 | relation[!osmc:symbol][type=route][route=foot] > way::osmc_none {
58 | color: grey;
59 | dashes: prop(_dashes, osmc);
60 | dashes-offset: prop(_index, osmc) * prop(_dashes_width, osmc);
61 | width: prop(_width, osmc);
62 | opacity: prop(_opacity, osmc);
63 | z-index: -1;
64 |
65 | _index: set_prop(_index, osmc, prop(_index, osmc) + 1);
66 | }
67 |
68 | /*
69 | * text z16-
70 | */
71 |
72 | way::osmc_text {
73 | _index: 0;
74 | }
75 |
76 | relation[osmc:symbol] > way|z16-::osmc_text {
77 | text: parent_tag(name);
78 | _color: regex("^([a-z]+):", parent_tag("osmc:symbol"));
79 | _color: (prop(_color) == "black") ? "white" : prop(_color);
80 | text-color: color(prop(_color));
81 | text-offset: prop(_text_offset, osmc) * (prop(_index, osmc_text) + 1);
82 | font-size: prop(_font_size, osmc);
83 |
84 | _index: set_prop(_index, osmc_text, prop(_index, osmc_text) + 1);
85 | }
86 |
87 | relation[!osmc:symbol][type=route][route=hiking] > way|z16-::osmc_none,
88 | relation[!osmc:symbol][type=route][route=foot] > way|z16-::osmc_none {
89 | text: parent_tag(name);
90 | text-color: grey;
91 | text-offset: prop(_text_offset, osmc) * (prop(_index, osmc_text) + 1);
92 | font-size: prop(_font_size, osmc);
93 |
94 | _index: set_prop(_index, osmc_text, prop(_index, osmc_text) + 1);
95 | }
96 |
97 | /*
98 | * text z14-15
99 | */
100 |
101 | way::osmc_text {
102 | _index: 0;
103 | }
104 |
105 | relation[osmc:symbol] > way|z14-15::osmc_text {
106 | _ref: parent_tag(ref);
107 | /* osmc:symbol = waycolor:background:[foreground]:[foreground2:][text:textcolor]
108 | green:white::Vo:black
109 | blue:white:blue_cross
110 | */
111 | _text: regex("^[a-z]+:\\w+::(.*):[a-z]+", parent_tag("osmc:symbol"));
112 | _foreground: regex("^[a-z]+:\\w+:(\\w+)", parent_tag("osmc:symbol"));
113 | /* "any" function (MapCSS/0.2) would be nice here */
114 | text: (is_prop_set(_ref)) ? prop(_ref) : ((is_prop_set(_text)) ? prop(_text) : prop(_foreground));
115 | _color: regex("^([a-z]+):", parent_tag("osmc:symbol"));
116 | _color: (prop(_color) == "black") ? "white" : prop(_color);
117 | text-color: color(prop(_color));
118 | text-offset: prop(_text_offset, osmc) * (prop(_index, osmc_text) + 1);
119 | font-size: prop(_font_size, osmc);
120 |
121 | _index: set_prop(_index, osmc_text, prop(_index, osmc_text) + 1);
122 | }
123 |
124 | relation[!osmc:symbol][type=route][route=hiking] > way|z14-15::osmc_none,
125 | relation[!osmc:symbol][type=route][route=foot] > way|z14-15::osmc_none {
126 | _ref: parent_tag(ref);
127 | _text: regex("^[a-z]+:\\w+::(.*):[a-z]+", parent_tag("osmc:symbol"));
128 | _foreground: regex("^[a-z]+:\\w+:(\\w+)", parent_tag("osmc:symbol"));
129 | /* "any" function (MapCSS/0.2) would be nice here */
130 | text: (is_prop_set(_ref)) ? prop(_ref) : ((is_prop_set(_text)) ? prop(_text) : prop(_foreground));
131 | text-color: grey;
132 | text-offset: prop(_text_offset, osmc) * (prop(_index, osmc_text) + 1);
133 | font-size: prop(_font_size, osmc);
134 |
135 | _index: set_prop(_index, osmc_text, prop(_index, osmc_text) + 1);
136 | }
137 |
138 | /*
139 | * symbols (for this demo only one per way on middle node)
140 | */
141 |
142 | way::symbol {
143 | _symbol_drawn: false;
144 | }
145 |
146 | /* icons, e.g. osmc:symbol=blue:white:blue_cross */
147 | relation[osmc:symbol=~/^[a-z]+:[a-z_]+:[a-z_]+/][eval(!prop(_symbol_drawn, symbol))]
148 | > way[JOSM_search("-(type:way nodes:-3)")]::icon_background {
149 |
150 | _icon_bg: regex("^[a-z]+:(\\w+):\\w+", parent_tag("osmc:symbol"));
151 | icon-image: concat("http://www.wanderreitkarte.de/symbols/base_", prop(_icon_bg), ".png");
152 | icon-width: 15;
153 | icon-height: 11;
154 | z-index: 1000;
155 | }
156 | relation[osmc:symbol=~/^[a-z]+:[a-z_]+:[a-z_]+/][eval(!prop(_symbol_drawn, symbol))]
157 | > way[JOSM_search("-(type:way nodes:-3)")]::icon_foreground {
158 |
159 | _icon_fg: regex("^[a-z]+:\\w+:(\\w+)$", parent_tag("osmc:symbol"));
160 | icon-image: concat("http://www.wanderreitkarte.de/symbols/icon_", prop(_icon_fg), ".png");
161 | z-index: 1001;
162 |
163 | _symbol_drawn: set_prop(_symbol_drawn, symbol, true);
164 | }
165 |
166 | /* text symbols, e.g. osmc:symbol=green:white::Vo:black */
167 | relation[osmc:symbol=~/^[a-z]+:[a-z_]+::.*:[a-z]+$/][eval(!prop(_symbol_drawn, symbol))]
168 | > way[JOSM_search("-(type:way nodes:-3)")]::icon_background {
169 |
170 | symbol-shape: square;
171 | symbol-size: 20;
172 | symbol-stroke-width: 1.5;
173 | symbol-stroke-color: color(regex("^([a-z]+):[a-z_]+::.*:[a-z]+$", parent_tag("osmc:symbol")));
174 | symbol-fill-color: color(regex("^[a-z]+:([a-z_]+)::.*:[a-z]+$", parent_tag("osmc:symbol")));
175 |
176 | text: regex("^[a-z]+:[a-z_]+::(.*):[a-z]+$", parent_tag("osmc:symbol"));
177 | text-color: color(regex("^[a-z]+:[a-z_]+::.*:([a-z]+)$", parent_tag("osmc:symbol")));
178 | text-anchor-vertical: center;
179 | text-anchor-horizontal: center;
180 | font-size: 12;
181 | font-weight: bold;
182 |
183 | z-index: 1000;
184 |
185 | _symbol_drawn: set_prop(_symbol_drawn, symbol, true);
186 | }