Ticket #5019: unglueerror3.osm

File unglueerror3.osm, 1.2 KB (added by stoecker, 14 years ago)

The file after the error

1<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
2<osm version='0.6' generator='JOSM'>
3 <node id='-20' timestamp='2010-05-13T10:20:27Z' visible='true' lat='52.5379976968' lon='6.56927062969' />
4 <node id='-19' timestamp='2010-05-13T10:20:27Z' visible='true' lat='52.5379976968' lon='6.56927062969' />
5 <node id='-12' timestamp='2010-05-13T10:20:27Z' visible='true' lat='52.5379141955' lon='6.56936328438' />
6 <node id='-10' timestamp='2010-05-13T10:20:27Z' visible='true' lat='52.5377206261' lon='6.56888847359' />
7 <node id='-8' timestamp='2010-05-13T10:20:27Z' visible='true' lat='52.5380215412' lon='6.56924547264' />
8 <node id='-6' timestamp='2010-05-13T10:20:27Z' visible='true' lat='52.5379976968' lon='6.56927062969' />
9 <node id='-2' timestamp='2010-05-13T10:20:27Z' visible='true' lat='52.5379985066' lon='6.56918934782' />
10 <way id='-16' timestamp='2010-05-13T10:20:27Z' visible='true'>
11 <nd ref='-2' />
12 <nd ref='-8' />
13 <nd ref='-6' />
14 <nd ref='-2' />
15 <tag k='building' v='yes' />
16 </way>
17 <way id='-14' action='modify' timestamp='2010-05-13T10:20:27Z' visible='true'>
18 <nd ref='-19' />
19 <nd ref='-12' />
20 <nd ref='-10' />
21 <nd ref='-20' />
22 <tag k='building' v='yes' />
23 </way>