Ticket #4662: josm_bug_4662.osm

File josm_bug_4662.osm, 608 bytes (added by skyper, 15 years ago)


1<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
2<osm version='0.6' generator='JOSM'>
3 <node id='-1' action='modify' visible='true' lat='0.32589663656747847' lon='-0.36663569310421373'>
4 <tag k='note' v='This comment is way to long and should be somehow be splitted or only show the begginning. Otherwise the diolog box goes out-of-bound, which is annoying. Let&apos;s use all the 256 characters allowed and write until it is not allowed anymore. I wonder if JOSM knows about the maximum lenght for a tag, but let us try and find out what gonna happen and if I can continue to write for ever.' />
5 </node>