Ticket #3455: html_closing_and_typos.diff

File html_closing_and_typos.diff, 4.0 KB (added by Claudius, 15 years ago)

Patch for closing html tags and "unsafed" typos

  • org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/UploadAction.java

    131131            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(
    132132                    Main.parent,
    133133                    tr("<html>There are unresolved conflicts in layer ''{0}''.<br>"
    134                             + "You have to resolve them first.<html>", layer.getName()),
     134                            + "You have to resolve them first.</html>", layer.getName()),
    135135                            tr("Warning"),
    136136                            JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE
    137137            );
  • org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/history/VersionInfoPanel.java

    4747            return "";
    4848        String url = AbstractInfoAction.getBaseBrowseUrl() + "/changeset/" + primitive.getChangesetId();
    4949        String text = tr(
    50                 "<html>Version <strong>{0}</strong> created on <strong>{1}</strong> by <strong>{2}</strong> in changeset <strong>{3}</strong>",
     50                "<html>Version <strong>{0}</strong> created on <strong>{1}</strong> by <strong>{2}</strong> in changeset <strong>{3}</strong></html>",
    5151                Long.toString(primitive.getVersion()),
    5252                new SimpleDateFormat().format(primitive.getTimestamp()),
    5353                primitive.getUser(),
  • org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/io/SaveLayersDialog.java

    203203        JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(
    204204                Main.parent,
    205205                new LayerListWarningMessagePanel(msg, infos),
    206                 tr("Unsafed data and conflicts"),
     206                tr("Unsaved data and conflicts"),
    207207                JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION,
    208208                JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE
    209209        );
    221221        JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(
    222222                Main.parent,
    223223                new LayerListWarningMessagePanel(msg, infos),
    224                 tr("Unsafed data and missing associated file"),
     224                tr("Unsaved data and missing associated file"),
    225225                JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION,
    226226                JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE
    227227        );
    241241        JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(
    242242                Main.parent,
    243243                new LayerListWarningMessagePanel(msg, infos),
    244                 tr("Unsafed data non-writable files"),
     244                tr("Unsaved data non-writable files"),
    245245                JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION,
    246246                JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE
    247247        );
  • org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/layer/RawGpsLayer.java

    6060        }
    6161        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    6262            JPanel msg = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
    63             msg.add(new JLabel(tr("<html>Upload of unprocessed GPS data as map data is considered harmful.<br>If you want to upload traces, look here:")), GBC.eol());
     63            msg.add(new JLabel(tr("<html>Upload of unprocessed GPS data as map data is considered harmful.<br>If you want to upload traces, look here:</html>")), GBC.eol());
    6464            msg.add(new UrlLabel(tr("http://www.openstreetmap.org/traces")), GBC.eop());
    6565            if (!ConditionalOptionPaneUtil.showConfirmationDialog(
    6666                    "convert_to_data",