8462 | | <group name="Annotation" icon="presets/misc/housenumber.svg"> |
8463 | | <item name="Name" icon="presets/misc/name.svg" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
8464 | | <link wiki="Key:name" /> |
| 8479 | <group name="Annotation" icon="presets/misc/housenumber.svg"> |
| 8480 | <item name="Name" icon="presets/misc/name.svg" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
| 8481 | <link wiki="Key:name" /> |
| 8482 | <space /> |
| 8483 | <text key="name" text="Name" /> |
| 8484 | <optional> |
| 8485 | <text key="alt_name" text="Alternative name" match="key" /> |
| 8486 | <text key="old_name" text="Historical name" match="key" /> |
| 8487 | <text key="loc_name" text="Local name" match="key" /> |
| 8488 | <text key="reg_name" text="Regional name" match="key" /> |
| 8489 | <text key="nat_name" text="National name" match="key" /> |
| 8490 | <text key="int_name" text="International name" match="key" /> |
| 8491 | <text key="official_name" text="Official name" match="key" /> |
| 8492 | <text key="short_name" text="Common name abbreviation" match="key" /> |
| 8493 | </optional> |
| 8494 | </item> <!-- Name --> |
| 8495 | <item name="Address" icon="presets/misc/housenumber.svg" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
| 8496 | <link wiki="Key:addr" /> |
| 8497 | <space /> |
| 8498 | <text key="addr:housenumber" text="House number" match="key" auto_increment="-2,-1,+1,+2" /> |
| 8499 | <text key="addr:street" text="Street name" use_last_as_default="force" match="key" alternative_autocomplete_keys="name" /> |
| 8500 | <optional> |
| 8501 | <text key="addr:place" text="Place name" use_last_as_default="force" match="key" alternative_autocomplete_keys="name" /> |
| 8502 | <text key="addr:city" text="City name" use_last_as_default="force" match="key" /> |
| 8503 | <text key="addr:postcode" text="Post code" use_last_as_default="force" match="key" /> |
| 8504 | <combo key="addr:country" text="Country code" values_from="java.util.Locale#getISOCountries" use_last_as_default="force" match="key" /> |
| 8505 | </optional> |
| 8506 | <optional text="Optional values for specific countries"> |
| 8507 | <text key="addr:unit" text="Unit/Suite" match="key" /> |
| 8508 | <text key="addr:housename" text="House name" match="key" alternative_autocomplete_keys="name" /> |
| 8509 | <text key="addr:hamlet" text="Hamlet" match="key" /> |
| 8510 | <text key="addr:suburb" text="Suburb" use_last_as_default="force" match="key" /> |
| 8511 | <text key="addr:subdistrict" text="Subdistrict" use_last_as_default="force" match="key" /> |
| 8512 | <text key="addr:district" text="District" use_last_as_default="force" match="key" /> |
| 8513 | <text key="addr:province" text="Province" use_last_as_default="force" match="key" /> |
| 8514 | <!-- US States as defined in ISO 3166-2 --> |
| 8515 | <combo key="addr:state" text="State" text_context="addr:" values="AL,AK,AZ,AR,CA,CO,CT,DE,FL,GA,HI,ID,IL,IN,IA,KS,KY,LA,ME,MD,MA,MI,MN,MS,MO,MT,NE,NV,NH,NJ,NM,NY,NC,ND,OH,OK,OR,PA,RI,SC,SD,TN,TX,UT,VT,VA,WA,WV,WI,DC,AS,GU,MP,PR,UM,VI" use_last_as_default="force" match="key" /> |
| 8516 | </optional> |
| 8517 | </item> <!-- Address --> |
| 8518 | <item name="Address Interpolation" icon="presets/misc/interpolation.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true"> |
| 8519 | <link wiki="Key:addr" /> |
| 8520 | <space /> |
| 8521 | <combo key="addr:interpolation" text="Numbering scheme" values="odd,even,all,alphabetic" default="odd" match="key" /> |
| 8522 | <optional> |
| 8523 | <combo key="addr:inclusion" text="Accuracy" values="actual,estimate,potential" match="key" /> |
| 8524 | </optional> |
| 8525 | </item> <!-- Address Interpolation --> |
| 8526 | <item name="Contact (Common Schema)" icon="presets/misc/contact.svg" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
| 8527 | <link wiki="Annotations" /> |
| 8528 | <space /> |
| 8529 | <text key="website" text="Website" match="key" /> |
| 8530 | <text key="email" text="Email Address" match="key" /> |
| 8531 | <space /> |
| 8532 | <text key="phone" text="Phone number" match="key" /> |
| 8533 | <text key="mobile" text="Mobile phone number" match="key" /> |
| 8534 | <text key="fax" text="Fax Number" match="key" /> |
| 8535 | <label text="Use E.123 format, e.g. +49 11223 456 7890" /> |
| 8536 | <space /> |
| 8537 | <reference ref="wikipedia_wikidata" /> |
| 8538 | <text key="image" text="Image" /> |
| 8539 | <preset_link preset_name="Contact (Schema with 'contact:*' Prefix)" text="Similar tags but different tagging schema:" text_context="Contact" /> |
| 8540 | <preset_link preset_name="Social Networks" /> |
| 8541 | </item> <!-- Contact (Common Schema) --> |
| 8542 | <item name="Contact (Schema with 'contact:*' Prefix)" icon="presets/misc/contact.svg" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
| 8543 | <link wiki="Key:contact" /> |
| 8544 | <space /> |
| 8545 | <text key="contact:website" text="Website" match="key" /> |
| 8546 | <text key="contact:email" text="Email Address" match="key" /> |
| 8547 | <space /> |
| 8548 | <text key="contact:phone" text="Phone number" match="key" /> |
| 8549 | <text key="contact:mobile" text="Mobile phone number" match="key" /> |
| 8550 | <text key="contact:fax" text="Fax Number" match="key" /> |
| 8551 | <label text="Use E.123 format, e.g. +49 11223 456 7890" /> |
| 8552 | <space /> |
| 8553 | <reference ref="wikipedia_wikidata" /> |
| 8554 | <text key="image" text="Image" /> |
| 8555 | <preset_link preset_name="Contact (Common Schema)" text="Similar tags but different tagging schema:" text_context="Contact" /> |
| 8556 | <preset_link preset_name="Social Networks" /> |
| 8557 | </item> <!-- Contact (Schema with 'contact:*' Prefix) --> |
| 8558 | <item name="Social Networks" icon="presets/misc/social_networks.svg" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
| 8559 | <link wiki="Key:contact" /> |
| 8560 | <space /> |
| 8561 | <text key="contact:facebook" text="Facebook" match="key" text_context="social_network" /> |
| 8562 | <text key="contact:foursquare" text="Foursquare" match="key" text_context="social_network" /> |
| 8563 | <text key="contact:instagram" text="Instagram" match="key" text_context="social_network" /> |
| 8564 | <text key="contact:linkedin" text="Linkedin" match="key" text_context="social_network" /> |
| 8565 | <text key="contact:ok" text="Ok" match="key" text_context="social_network" /> |
| 8566 | <text key="contact:pinterest" text="Pinterest" match="key" text_context="social_network" /> |
| 8567 | <text key="contact:skype" text="Skype" match="key" text_context="social_network" /> |
| 8568 | <text key="contact:telegram" text="Telegram" match="key" text_context="social_network" /> |
| 8569 | <text key="contact:tripadvisor" text="Tripadvisor" match="key" text_context="social_network" /> |
| 8570 | <text key="contact:twitter" text="Twitter" match="key" text_context="social_network" /> |
| 8571 | <text key="contact:vk" text="Vk" match="key" text_context="social_network" /> |
| 8572 | <text key="contact:whatsapp" text="Whatsapp" match="key" text_context="social_network" /> |
| 8573 | <text key="contact:xing" text="Xing" match="key" text_context="social_network" /> |
| 8574 | <text key="contact:yelp" text="Yelp" match="key" text_context="social_network" /> |
| 8575 | <text key="contact:youtube" text="Youtube" match="key" text_context="social_network" /> |
| 8576 | <preset_link preset_name="Contact (Common Schema)" text_context="Contact" /> |
| 8577 | <preset_link preset_name="Contact (Schema with 'contact:*' Prefix)" text_context="Contact" /> |
| 8578 | </item> <!-- Social Networks --> |
| 8579 | <item name="Description" icon="presets/misc/description.svg" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
| 8580 | <link wiki="Key:description" /> |
| 8581 | <space /> |
| 8582 | <label text="A short text with additional information." text_context="description=*" /> |
| 8583 | <label text="It might be viewable to the end user (perhaps using a search system or a map with pop-ups)." text_context="description=*" /> |
| 8584 | <space /> |
| 8585 | <text key="description" text="Description" match="key" /> |
| 8586 | <preset_link preset_name="Note" text="Similar but different tags:" /> |
| 8587 | <preset_link preset_name="Fixme" text="Similar but different tags:" /> |
| 8588 | </item> <!-- Description --> |
| 8589 | <item name="Note" icon="presets/misc/note.svg" name_context="the tag note=*" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
| 8590 | <link wiki="Key:note" /> |
| 8591 | <space /> |
| 8592 | <label text="An important hint for other mappers (not for the end user)." text_context="note=*" /> |
| 8593 | <space /> |
| 8594 | <text key="note" text="Note" text_context="the tag note=*" match="key" /> |
| 8595 | <preset_link preset_name="Fixme" text="Similar but different tags:" /> |
| 8596 | <preset_link preset_name="Description" text="Similar but different tags:" /> |
| 8597 | </item> <!-- Note --> |
| 8598 | <item name="Fixme" icon="presets/misc/fixme.svg" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
| 8599 | <link wiki="Key:fixme" /> |
| 8600 | <space /> |
| 8601 | <label text="A hint for other mappers (not for the end user), that an object needs an improvement." text_context="fixme=*"/> |
| 8602 | <space /> |
| 8603 | <text key="fixme" text="Fixme" match="key" /> |
| 8604 | <preset_link preset_name="Note" text="Similar but different tags:" /> |
| 8605 | <preset_link preset_name="Description" text="Similar but different tags:" /> |
| 8606 | </item> <!-- Fixme --> |
| 8607 | </group> <!-- Annotation --> |
| 8608 | <group name="Relations" icon="presets/misc/relations.svg"> |
| 8609 | <item name="Multipolygon" icon="presets/misc/multipolygon.svg" type="multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
| 8610 | <link wiki="Relation:multipolygon" /> |
| 8611 | <key key="type" value="multipolygon" /> |
| 8612 | <optional> |
| 8613 | <text key="name" text="Name" /> |
| 8614 | </optional> |
| 8615 | <roles> |
| 8616 | <role key="outer" text="outer segment" requisite="required" type="way,closedway" /> |
| 8617 | <role key="inner" text="inner segment" requisite="optional" type="way,closedway" /> |
| 8618 | </roles> |
| 8619 | </item> <!-- Multipolygon --> |
| 8620 | <item name="Boundary" icon="presets/misc/boundaries.svg" type="multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
| 8621 | <link wiki="Relation:boundary" /> |
| 8622 | <space /> |
| 8623 | <key key="type" value="boundary" /> |
| 8624 | <text key="name" text="Name" /> |
| 8625 | <combo key="boundary" text="Boundary type" values="administrative,maritime,national_park,political,postal_code,protected_area" values_searchable="true" /> |
| 8626 | <optional> |
| 8627 | <combo key="admin_level" text="Administrative level" values="1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11" /> |
| 8628 | </optional> |
| 8629 | <roles> |
| 8630 | <role key="outer" text="outer segment" requisite="required" type="way,closedway" /> |
| 8631 | <role key="inner" text="inner segment" requisite="optional" type="way,closedway" /> |
| 8632 | <role key="subarea" text="Sub area" requisite="optional" type="relation" /> |
| 8633 | <role key="admin_centre" text="Administration centre" requisite="optional" type="node" count="1" /> |
| 8634 | <role key="label" text="Label point" requisite="optional" type="node" count="1" /> |
| 8635 | </roles> |
| 8636 | </item> <!-- Boundary --> |
| 8637 | <item name="Building" icon="presets/landmark/building.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
| 8638 | <link wiki="Relation:building" /> |
| 8639 | <key key="type" value="building" /> |
| 8640 | <preset_link preset_name="Building" /> |
| 8641 | <preset_link preset_name="Entrance" /> |
| 8642 | <preset_link preset_name="Building part" /> |
| 8643 | <roles> |
| 8644 | <role key="outline" text="Outline of building" requisite="required" type="way,closedway,multipolygon" /> |
| 8645 | <role key="part" text="Inner segment" requisite="required" type="way,closedway" /> |
| 8646 | <role key="ridge" text="Roof ridge" requisite="optional" type="way,closedway" /> |
| 8647 | <role key="edge" text="Roof edge" requisite="optional" type="way,closedway" /> |
| 8648 | <role key="entrance" text="Entrance" requisite="optional" type="node" /> |
| 8649 | <role key="level_-?\d+" text="Building level" regexp="true" requisite="optional" type="relation" /> |
| 8650 | </roles> |
| 8651 | </item> <!-- Building --> |
| 8652 | <item name="Site" type="relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
| 8653 | <link wiki="Relation:site" /> |
| 8654 | <space /> |
| 8655 | <key key="type" value="site" /> |
| 8656 | <text key="name" text="Site name" /> |
| 8657 | <roles> |
| 8658 | <role key="label" text="where to place the label" requisite="optional" type="node" /> |
| 8659 | <role key="perimeter" text="perimeter of the site" requisite="optional" type="closedway,multipolygon" /> |
| 8660 | <role key="entrance" text="entrances to the site, on the perimeter" requisite="optional" type="node" /> |
| 8661 | <role key="" text="members of site" requisite="optional" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" /> |
| 8662 | </roles> |
| 8663 | </item> <!-- Site --> |
| 8664 | <separator/> |
| 8665 | <group name="Turn Restriction" icon="presets/vehicle/restriction/turn_restrictions/no_u_turn.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
| 8666 | <item name="Common Turn Restriction" icon="presets/vehicle/restriction/turn_restrictions/no_left_turn_red.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
| 8667 | <link wiki="Relation:restriction" /> |
| 8668 | <space /> |
| 8669 | <key key="type" value="restriction" /> |
| 8670 | <combo key="restriction" text="Restriction" values_searchable="true" values_sort="false" match="keyvalue"> |
| 8671 | <list_entry value="no_left_turn" icon="presets/vehicle/restriction/turn_restrictions/no_left_turn_red.svg" icon_size="16" /> |
| 8672 | <list_entry value="no_right_turn" icon="presets/vehicle/restriction/turn_restrictions/no_right_turn_red.svg" icon_size="16" /> |
| 8673 | <list_entry value="no_straight_on" icon="presets/vehicle/restriction/turn_restrictions/no_straight_on_red.svg" icon_size="16" /> |
| 8674 | <list_entry value="no_u_turn" icon="presets/vehicle/restriction/turn_restrictions/no_u_turn.svg" icon_size="16" /> |
| 8675 | <list_entry value="only_right_turn" icon="presets/vehicle/restriction/turn_restrictions/only_right_turn.svg" icon_size="16" /> |
| 8676 | <list_entry value="only_left_turn" icon="presets/vehicle/restriction/turn_restrictions/only_left_turn.svg" icon_size="16" /> |
| 8677 | <list_entry value="only_straight_on" icon="presets/vehicle/restriction/turn_restrictions/only_straight_on.svg" icon_size="16" /> |
| 8678 | </combo> |
| 8679 | <combo key="restriction:conditional" text="Conditional restriction" values_no_i18n="true" values_sort="false" alternative_autocomplete_keys="restriction,restriction:conditional"> |
| 8680 | <list_entry value="no_left_turn @ (Mo - Fr 07:00-09:00)" /> |
| 8681 | <list_entry value="no_right_turn @ (weight > 7.5 AND 22:00-24:00,00:00-07:00)" /> |
| 8682 | <list_entry value="only_straight_on @ delivery" /> |
| 8683 | <list_entry value="only_right_turn @ (weight > 7.5 AND (Mo-Sa 07:00-11:00,14:30-16:00; PH off))" /> |
| 8684 | </combo> |
| 8685 | <reference ref="except" /> |
| 8686 | <preset_link preset_name="No Entry Restriction" text="Similar: " /> |
| 8687 | <preset_link preset_name="No Exit Restriction" text="Similar: " /> |
| 8688 | <roles> |
| 8689 | <role key="from" text="from way" requisite="required" count="1" type="way" /> |
| 8690 | <role key="via" text="via node (one), alternatively ways" requisite="required" type="way,node" /> |
| 8691 | <role key="to" text="to way" requisite="required" count="1" type="way" /> |
| 8692 | </roles> |
| 8693 | </item> <!-- Common Turn Restriction --> |
| 8694 | <item name="No Entry Restriction" icon="presets/vehicle/restriction/turn_restrictions/no_entry.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
| 8695 | <link wiki="Relation:restriction" /> |
| 8696 | <space /> |
| 8697 | <key key="type" value="restriction" /> |
| 8698 | <combo key="restriction" text="Restriction" values_searchable="true" values_sort="false" match="keyvalue!"> |
| 8699 | <list_entry value="no_entry" icon="presets/vehicle/restriction/turn_restrictions/no_entry.svg" icon_size="16" /> |
| 8700 | </combo> |
| 8701 | <combo key="restriction:conditional" text="Conditional restriction" values_no_i18n="true" values_sort="false"> |
| 8702 | <list_entry value="no_entry @ (Mo - Fr 07:00-09:00)" /> |
| 8703 | <list_entry value="no_entry @ (weight > 7.5 AND 22:00-24:00,00:00-07:00)" /> |
| 8704 | <list_entry value="no_entry @ delivery" /> |
| 8705 | <list_entry value="no_entry @ (weight > 7.5 AND (Mo-Sa 07:00-11:00,14:30-16:00; PH off))" /> |
| 8706 | <list_entry value="no_entry @ " /> |
| 8707 | </combo> |
| 8708 | <reference ref="except" /> |
| 8709 | <preset_link preset_name="Common Turn Restriction" text="Similar: " /> |
| 8710 | <preset_link preset_name="No Exit Restriction" text="Similar: " /> |
| 8711 | <roles> |
| 8712 | <role key="from" text="from way" requisite="required" type="way" /> |
| 8713 | <role key="via" text="via node (one), alternatively ways" requisite="required" type="way,node" /> |
| 8714 | <role key="to" text="to way" requisite="required" count="1" type="way" /> |
| 8715 | </roles> |
| 8716 | </item> <!-- No Entry Restriction --> |
| 8717 | <item name="No Exit Restriction" icon="presets/vehicle/restriction/turn_restrictions/no_entry.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
| 8718 | <link wiki="Relation:restriction" /> |
8508 | | </item> <!-- Address Interpolation --> |
8509 | | <item name="Contact (Common Schema)" icon="presets/misc/contact.svg" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
8510 | | <link wiki="Annotations" /> |
8511 | | <space /> |
8512 | | <text key="website" text="Website" match="key" /> |
8513 | | <text key="email" text="Email Address" match="key" /> |
8514 | | <space /> |
8515 | | <text key="phone" text="Phone number" match="key" /> |
8516 | | <text key="mobile" text="Mobile phone number" match="key" /> |
8517 | | <text key="fax" text="Fax Number" match="key" /> |
8518 | | <label text="Use E.123 format, e.g. +49 11223 456 7890" /> |
8519 | | <space /> |
8520 | | <reference ref="wikipedia_wikidata" /> |
8521 | | <text key="image" text="Image" /> |
8522 | | <preset_link preset_name="Contact (Schema with 'contact:*' Prefix)" text="Similar tags but different tagging schema:" text_context="Contact" /> |
8523 | | <preset_link preset_name="Social Networks" /> |
8524 | | </item> <!-- Contact (Common Schema) --> |
8525 | | <item name="Contact (Schema with 'contact:*' Prefix)" icon="presets/misc/contact.svg" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
8526 | | <link wiki="Key:contact" /> |
8527 | | <space /> |
8528 | | <text key="contact:website" text="Website" match="key" /> |
8529 | | <text key="contact:email" text="Email Address" match="key" /> |
8530 | | <space /> |
8531 | | <text key="contact:phone" text="Phone number" match="key" /> |
8532 | | <text key="contact:mobile" text="Mobile phone number" match="key" /> |
8533 | | <text key="contact:fax" text="Fax Number" match="key" /> |
8534 | | <label text="Use E.123 format, e.g. +49 11223 456 7890" /> |
8535 | | <space /> |
8536 | | <reference ref="wikipedia_wikidata" /> |
8537 | | <text key="image" text="Image" /> |
8538 | | <preset_link preset_name="Contact (Common Schema)" text="Similar tags but different tagging schema:" text_context="Contact" /> |
8539 | | <preset_link preset_name="Social Networks" /> |
8540 | | </item> <!-- Contact (Schema with 'contact:*' Prefix) --> |
8541 | | <item name="Social Networks" icon="presets/misc/social_networks.svg" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
8542 | | <link wiki="Key:contact" /> |
8543 | | <space /> |
8544 | | <text key="contact:facebook" text="Facebook" match="key" text_context="social_network" /> |
8545 | | <text key="contact:foursquare" text="Foursquare" match="key" text_context="social_network" /> |
8546 | | <text key="contact:instagram" text="Instagram" match="key" text_context="social_network" /> |
8547 | | <text key="contact:linkedin" text="Linkedin" match="key" text_context="social_network" /> |
8548 | | <text key="contact:ok" text="Ok" match="key" text_context="social_network" /> |
8549 | | <text key="contact:pinterest" text="Pinterest" match="key" text_context="social_network" /> |
8550 | | <text key="contact:skype" text="Skype" match="key" text_context="social_network" /> |
8551 | | <text key="contact:telegram" text="Telegram" match="key" text_context="social_network" /> |
8552 | | <text key="contact:tripadvisor" text="Tripadvisor" match="key" text_context="social_network" /> |
8553 | | <text key="contact:twitter" text="Twitter" match="key" text_context="social_network" /> |
8554 | | <text key="contact:vk" text="Vk" match="key" text_context="social_network" /> |
8555 | | <text key="contact:whatsapp" text="Whatsapp" match="key" text_context="social_network" /> |
8556 | | <text key="contact:xing" text="Xing" match="key" text_context="social_network" /> |
8557 | | <text key="contact:yelp" text="Yelp" match="key" text_context="social_network" /> |
8558 | | <text key="contact:youtube" text="Youtube" match="key" text_context="social_network" /> |
8559 | | <preset_link preset_name="Contact (Common Schema)" text_context="Contact" /> |
8560 | | <preset_link preset_name="Contact (Schema with 'contact:*' Prefix)" text_context="Contact" /> |
8561 | | </item> <!-- Social Networks --> |
8562 | | <item name="Description" icon="presets/misc/description.svg" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
8563 | | <link wiki="Key:description" /> |
8564 | | <space /> |
8565 | | <label text="A short text with additional information." text_context="description=*" /> |
8566 | | <label text="It might be viewable to the end user (perhaps using a search system or a map with pop-ups)." text_context="description=*" /> |
8567 | | <space /> |
8568 | | <text key="description" text="Description" match="key" /> |
8569 | | <preset_link preset_name="Note" text="Similar but different tags:" /> |
8570 | | <preset_link preset_name="Fixme" text="Similar but different tags:" /> |
8571 | | </item> <!-- Description --> |
8572 | | <item name="Note" icon="presets/misc/note.svg" name_context="the tag note=*" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
8573 | | <link wiki="Key:note" /> |
8574 | | <space /> |
8575 | | <label text="An important hint for other mappers (not for the end user)." text_context="note=*" /> |
8576 | | <space /> |
8577 | | <text key="note" text="Note" text_context="the tag note=*" match="key" /> |
8578 | | <preset_link preset_name="Fixme" text="Similar but different tags:" /> |
8579 | | <preset_link preset_name="Description" text="Similar but different tags:" /> |
8580 | | </item> <!-- Note --> |
8581 | | <item name="Fixme" icon="presets/misc/fixme.svg" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
8582 | | <link wiki="Key:fixme" /> |
8583 | | <space /> |
8584 | | <label text="A hint for other mappers (not for the end user), that an object needs an improvement." text_context="fixme=*"/> |
8585 | | <space /> |
8586 | | <text key="fixme" text="Fixme" match="key" /> |
8587 | | <preset_link preset_name="Note" text="Similar but different tags:" /> |
8588 | | <preset_link preset_name="Description" text="Similar but different tags:" /> |
8589 | | </item> <!-- Fixme --> |
8590 | | </group> <!-- Annotation --> |
8591 | | <group name="Relations" icon="presets/misc/relations.svg"> |
8592 | | <item name="Multipolygon" icon="presets/misc/multipolygon.svg" type="multipolygon,relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
8593 | | <link wiki="Relation:multipolygon" /> |
8594 | | <key key="type" value="multipolygon" /> |
| 8821 | <preset_link preset_name="Hiking Route" text="Similar: " /> |
| 8822 | <reference ref="walking_routes_roles" /> |
| 8823 | </item> <!-- Walking Route --> |
| 8824 | <item name="Running Route" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
| 8825 | <link wiki="Tag:route=running" /> |
| 8826 | <space/> |
| 8827 | <key key="type" value="route"/> |
| 8828 | <key key="route" value="running"/> |
| 8829 | <text key="name" text="Name" /> |
8684 | | </item> <!-- Enforcement --> |
8685 | | <separator/> |
8686 | | <group name="Routes" icon="presets/misc/route.svg"> |
8687 | | <item name="Bicycle Route" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
8688 | | <link wiki="Tag:route=bicycle" /> |
8689 | | <space/> |
8690 | | <key key="type" value="route"/> |
8691 | | <key key="route" value="bicycle"/> |
8692 | | <text key="name" text="Name" /> |
8693 | | <combo key="network" text="Network" values="icn,ncn,rcn,lcn" display_values="international,national,regional,local" values_context="network" values_sort="false" /> |
8694 | | <optional> |
8695 | | <reference ref="route_hikebike_optionals" /> |
8696 | | </optional> |
8697 | | <roles> |
8698 | | <reference ref="route_segment_roles" /> |
8699 | | </roles> |
8700 | | </item> <!-- Bicycle Route --> |
8701 | | <item name="Mountain Biking Route" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
8702 | | <link wiki="Mountain_biking" /> |
8703 | | <space/> |
8704 | | <key key="type" value="route"/> |
8705 | | <key key="route" value="mtb"/> |
8706 | | <text key="name" text="Name" /> |
8707 | | <optional> |
8708 | | <reference ref="route_hikebike_optionals" /> |
8709 | | </optional> |
8710 | | <roles> |
8711 | | <reference ref="route_segment_roles" /> |
8712 | | </roles> |
8713 | | </item> <!-- Mountain Biking Route --> |
8714 | | <item name="Hiking Route" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
8715 | | <link wiki="Tag:route=hiking#Tagging_walking_and_hiking_Route_Networks" /> |
8716 | | <space/> |
8717 | | <key key="type" value="route"/> |
8718 | | <key key="route" value="hiking"/> |
8719 | | <text key="name" text="Name" /> |
8720 | | <combo key="network" text="Network" values="iwn,nwn,rwn,lwn" display_values="international,national,regional,local" values_context="network" values_sort="false"/> |
8721 | | <optional> |
8722 | | <reference ref="route_hikebike_optionals" /> |
8723 | | </optional> |
8724 | | <reference ref="walking_routes_roles" /> |
8725 | | </item> <!-- Hiking Route --> |
8726 | | <item name="Walking Route" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
8727 | | <link wiki="Tag:route=foot" /> |
8728 | | <space/> |
8729 | | <key key="type" value="route"/> |
8730 | | <key key="route" value="foot"/> |
8731 | | <text key="name" text="Name" /> |
8732 | | <combo key="network" text="Network" values="rwn,lwn" display_values="regional,local" values_context="network" values_sort="false" /> |
8733 | | <optional> |
8734 | | <reference ref="route_hikebike_optionals" /> |
8735 | | </optional> |
8736 | | <reference ref="walking_routes_roles" /> |
8737 | | </item> <!-- Walking Route --> |
8738 | | <item name="Running Route" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
8739 | | <link wiki="Tag:route=running" /> |
8740 | | <space/> |
8741 | | <key key="type" value="route"/> |
8742 | | <key key="route" value="running"/> |
8743 | | <text key="name" text="Name" /> |
8744 | | <optional> |
8745 | | <reference ref="route_hikebike_optionals" /> |
8746 | | </optional> |
8747 | | <roles> |
8748 | | <reference ref="route_segment_roles" /> |
8749 | | <reference ref="route_start_stop_roles" /> |
8750 | | </roles> |
8751 | | </item> <!-- Running Route --> |
8752 | | <item name="Fitness Trail" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
8753 | | <link wiki="Tag:route=fitness_trail" /> |
8754 | | <space/> |
8755 | | <key key="type" value="route"/> |
8756 | | <key key="route" value="fitness_trail"/> |
8757 | | <text key="name" text="Name" /> |
8758 | | <optional> |
8759 | | <reference ref="route_hikebike_optionals" /> |
8760 | | </optional> |
8761 | | <roles> |
8762 | | <reference ref="route_segment_roles" /> |
8763 | | <reference ref="route_start_stop_roles" /> |
8764 | | <role key="" text="fitness station" requisite="optional" type="node,way,closedway" member_expression="leisure=fitness_station" /> |
8765 | | <role key="station" text="fitness station" requisite="optional" type="node,way,closedway" member_expression="leisure=fitness_station" /> |
8766 | | </roles> |
8767 | | </item> <!-- Fitness Trail --> |
8768 | | <item name="Riding Route" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
8769 | | <link wiki="Tag:route=horse" /> |
8770 | | <space/> |
8771 | | <key key="type" value="route"/> |
8772 | | <key key="route" value="horse"/> |
8773 | | <text key="name" text="Name" /> |
8774 | | <combo key="network" text="Network" values="ihn,nhn,rhn,lhn" display_values="international,national,regional,local" values_context="network" values_sort="false" /> |
8775 | | <optional> |
8776 | | <reference ref="route_hikebike_optionals" /> |
8777 | | </optional> |
8778 | | <roles> |
8779 | | <role key="" text="route segment" requisite="required" type="way,closedway" member_expression="highway|route=ferry"/> |
8780 | | <role key="" text="infrastructure" requisite="optional" type="node,closedway" member_expression="tourism OR amenity"/> |
8781 | | <role key="" text="natural" requisite="optional" type="node,closedway" member_expression="natural=peak OR natural=volcano OR mountain_pass=yes OR natural=water OR tourism=viewpoint OR amenity=drinking_water OR natural=spring OR place=locality"/> |
8782 | | <role key="guidepost" text="guidepost" requisite="optional" type="node" member_expression="information=guidepost"/> |
8783 | | </roles> |
8784 | | </item> <!-- Riding Route --> |
8785 | | <item name="Piste Route" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
8786 | | <link wiki="Tag:route=piste" /> |
8787 | | <space/> |
8788 | | <key key="type" value="route"/> |
8789 | | <key key="route" value="piste"/> |
8790 | | <text key="name" text="Name" /> |
8791 | | <combo key="piste:type" text="Piste type" values="connection,downhill,hike,ice_skate,nordic,playground,skitour,sled,sleigh,snow_park" values_searchable="true" /> |
8792 | | <optional> |
8793 | | <reference ref="route_hikebike_optionals" /> |
8794 | | </optional> |
8795 | | <roles> |
8796 | | <role key="" text="route segment" requisite="optional" type="way" /> |
8797 | | <role key="forward" text="forward segment" requisite="optional" type="way" /> |
8798 | | <role key="backward" text="backward segment" requisite="optional" type="way" /> |
8799 | | <role key="link" text="link segment" requisite="optional" type="way" /> |
8800 | | <role key="shortcut" text="shortcut segment" requisite="optional" type="way" /> |
8801 | | <role key="variant" text="variant segment" requisite="optional" type="way" /> |
8802 | | <role key="start" text="entry points" requisite="optional" type="node" /> |
8803 | | <role key="guidepost" text="guidepost" requisite="optional" type="node" member_expression="information=guidepost"/> |
8804 | | </roles> |
8805 | | </item> <!-- Piste Route --> |
8806 | | <item name="Ski Route" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
8807 | | <link wiki="Tag:route=ski" /> |
8808 | | <space/> |
8809 | | <key key="type" value="route"/> |
8810 | | <key key="route" value="ski"/> |
8811 | | <text key="name" text="Name" /> |
8812 | | <combo key="piste:type" text="Piste type" values="nordic,alpine" values_searchable="true" /> |
8813 | | <optional> |
8814 | | <reference ref="route_hikebike_optionals" /> |
8815 | | </optional> |
8816 | | <roles> |
8817 | | <role key="" text="route segment" requisite="optional" type="way" /> |
8818 | | <role key="forward" text="forward segment" requisite="optional" type="way" /> |
8819 | | <role key="backward" text="backward segment" requisite="optional" type="way" /> |
8820 | | <role key="link" text="link segment" requisite="optional" type="way" /> |
8821 | | <role key="shortcut" text="shortcut segment" requisite="optional" type="way" /> |
8822 | | <role key="variant" text="variant segment" requisite="optional" type="way" /> |
8823 | | <role key="start" text="entry points" requisite="optional" type="node" /> |
8824 | | <role key="guidepost" text="guidepost" requisite="optional" type="node" member_expression="information=guidepost"/> |
8825 | | </roles> |
8826 | | </item> <!-- Ski Route --> |
8827 | | <separator/> |
8828 | | <item name="Detour Route" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
8829 | | <link wiki="Tag:route=detour" /> |
8830 | | <space/> |
8831 | | <key key="type" value="route"/> |
8832 | | <key key="route" value="detour"/> |
8833 | | <reference ref="name_ref"/> |
8834 | | <optional> |
8835 | | <text key="operator" text="Operator" /> |
8836 | | <text key="destination" text="Destination"/> |
8837 | | <text key="detour" text="Ref of the way this is a detour to"/> |
8838 | | </optional> |
8839 | | <roles> |
8840 | | <role key="" text="route segment" requisite="required" type="way,closedway" member_expression="highway|route=ferry"/> |
8841 | | <role key="fork" text="fork node for alternative routes" requisite="optional" type="node"/> |
8842 | | <role key="guidepost" text="guidepost" requisite="optional" type="node" member_expression="information=guidepost"/> |
8843 | | </roles> |
8844 | | </item> <!-- Detour Route --> |
8845 | | <item name="Power Route" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
8846 | | <link wiki="Tag:route=power" /> |
8847 | | <space/> |
8848 | | <key key="type" value="route"/> |
8849 | | <key key="route" value="power"/> |
8850 | | <reference ref="name_ref_operator"/> |
8851 | | <roles> |
8852 | | <role key="line" text="route segment" requisite="required" type="way" member_expression="power=line|power=cable"/> |
8853 | | <role key="substation" text="Power Substation" requisite="optional" type="way,closedway,multipolygon" member_expression="power"/> |
8854 | | </roles> |
8855 | | </item> <!-- Power Route --> |
8856 | | <item name="Railway Route" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
8857 | | <link wiki="Tag:route=railway" /> |
8858 | | <space/> |
8859 | | <key key="type" value="route"/> |
8860 | | <key key="route" value="railway"/> |
8861 | | <reference ref="name_ref_operator"/> |
8862 | | <roles> |
8863 | | <role key="" text="route segment" requisite="required" type="way" member_expression="railway|route=ferry"/> |
8864 | | </roles> |
8865 | | </item> <!-- Railway Route --> |
8866 | | <item name="Road Route" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
8867 | | <link wiki="Tag:route=road" /> |
8868 | | <space/> |
8869 | | <key key="type" value="route"/> |
8870 | | <key key="route" value="road"/> |
8871 | | <reference ref="name_ref"/> |
8872 | | <text key="network" text="Network" /> |
8873 | | <text key="operator" text="Operator" /> |
8874 | | <text key="distance" text="Distance (kilometers)"/> |
8875 | | <roles> |
8876 | | <role key="" text="route segment" requisite="optional" type="way,closedway" member_expression="highway|route=ferry"/> |
8877 | | <role key="forward" text="forward segment" requisite="optional" type="way,closedway" member_expression="highway|route=ferry"/> |
8878 | | <role key="backward" text="backward segment" requisite="optional" type="way,closedway" member_expression="highway|route=ferry"/> |
8879 | | <role key="link" text="link segment" requisite="optional" type="way,closedway" member_expression="highway|route=ferry"/> |
8880 | | <role key="guidepost" text="guidepost" requisite="optional" type="node" member_expression="information=guidepost"/> |
8881 | | </roles> |
8882 | | </item> <!-- Road Route --> |
8883 | | <separator/> |
8884 | | <item name="Superroute" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
8885 | | <link wiki="Relation:superroute" /> |
8886 | | <space/> |
8887 | | <key key="type" value="superroute"/> |
8888 | | <combo key="route" text="Type" values="bicycle,detour,foot,hiking,horse,mtb,piste,power,railway,road,ski" display_values="Bicycle Route,Detour Route,Walking Route,Hiking Route,Riding Route,Mountain Biking Route,Piste Route,Power Route,Railway Route,Road Route,Ski Route" /> |
8889 | | <reference ref="name_ref_operator"/> |
8890 | | <roles> |
8891 | | <role key="" text="route segment" requisite="required" type="relation" member_expression="type=route"/> <!-- fixme: at least 2 members are required --> |
8892 | | </roles> |
8893 | | </item> <!-- Superroute --> |
8894 | | </group> <!-- Routes --> |
8895 | | <item name="Route Network" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
8896 | | <link wiki="Relation:network" /> |
8897 | | <space /> |
8898 | | <key key="type" value="network" /> |
| 8894 | </item> <!-- Piste Route --> |
| 8895 | <item name="Ski Route" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
| 8896 | <link wiki="Tag:route=ski" /> |
| 8897 | <space/> |
| 8898 | <key key="type" value="route"/> |
| 8899 | <key key="route" value="ski"/> |
9001 | | </item> <!-- Tunnel --> |
9002 | | </group> <!-- Relations --> |
| 8983 | </item> <!-- Superroute --> |
| 8984 | </group> <!-- Routes --> |
| 8985 | <item name="Route Network" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
| 8986 | <link wiki="Relation:network" /> |
| 8987 | <space /> |
| 8988 | <key key="type" value="network" /> |
| 8989 | <text key="name" text="Name" /> |
| 8990 | <optional> |
| 8991 | <text key="network" text="Network" /> |
| 8992 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" /> |
| 8993 | </optional> |
| 8994 | <roles> |
| 8995 | <role key="" text="member" requisite="required" type="relation" /> |
| 8996 | </roles> |
| 8997 | </item> <!-- Route Network --> |
| 8998 | <separator/> |
| 8999 | <item name="Associated Street" icon="presets/misc/housenumber.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
| 9000 | <link wiki="Relation:associatedStreet" /> |
| 9001 | <space /> |
| 9002 | <key key="type" value="associatedStreet" /> |
| 9003 | <text key="name" text="Street name" /> |
| 9004 | <preset_link preset_name="Street" text="Similar: " /> |
| 9005 | <roles> |
| 9006 | <role key="street" text="street" requisite="required" type="way,closedway,multipolygon" member_expression="highway" /> |
| 9007 | <role key="house" text="house" requisite="required" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" member_expression=""addr:housenumber" | "addr:interpolation" | "addr:housename" | nohousenumber=yes" /> |
| 9008 | </roles> |
| 9009 | </item> <!-- Associated Street --> |
| 9010 | <item name="Street" type="relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
| 9011 | <link wiki="Relation:street" /> |
| 9012 | <space /> |
| 9013 | <key key="type" value="street" /> |
| 9014 | <text key="name" text="Name" /> |
| 9015 | <preset_link preset_name="Associated Street" text="Similar: " /> |
| 9016 | <roles> |
| 9017 | <role key="street" text="ways being part of street" requisite="required" type="way" /> |
| 9018 | <role key="address" text="addresses belonging to the street" requisite="optional" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" /> |
| 9019 | <role key="house" text="houses belonging to the street" requisite="optional" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" /> |
| 9020 | <role key="associated" text="anything related to the street" requisite="optional" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon" /> |
| 9021 | </roles> |
| 9022 | </item> <!-- Street --> |
| 9023 | <item name="Destination Sign" icon="presets/misc/information/guidepost.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
| 9024 | <link wiki="Relation:destination_sign" /> |
| 9025 | <space /> |
| 9026 | <key key="type" value="destination_sign" /> |
| 9027 | <text key="destination" text="Destination written on sign (w/o distance)" /> |
| 9028 | <text key="distance" text="Distance (kilometers)" /> |
| 9029 | <text key="time" text="Time (hh:mm, for trekking)" /> |
| 9030 | <text key="colour:back" text="Colour of background" /> |
| 9031 | <text key="colour:text" text="Colour of text" /> |
| 9032 | <text key="colour:arrow" text="Colour of border/arrow" /> |
| 9033 | <roles> |
| 9034 | <role key="from" text="last way before junction" requisite="optional" type="node,way" /> |
| 9035 | <role key="intersection" text="node of the intersection" requisite="optional" count="1" type="node" /> |
| 9036 | <role key="to" text="first way after junction" requisite="required" count="1" type="node,way" /> |
| 9037 | <role key="sign" text="position of sign" requisite="optional" type="node" /> |
| 9038 | </roles> |
| 9039 | </item> <!-- Destination Sign --> |
| 9040 | <separator/> |
| 9041 | <item name="Waterway" icon="presets/nautical/waterway_river.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
| 9042 | <link wiki="Relation:waterway" /> |
| 9043 | <space /> |
| 9044 | <key key="type" value="waterway" /> |
| 9045 | <combo key="waterway" text="Subtype of waterway (largest one of members)" values="river,stream,canal,drain,ditch" values_searchable="true" /> |
| 9046 | <text key="name" text="Name" /> |
| 9047 | <optional> |
| 9048 | <text key="destination" text="Name of river/lake/sea/ocean it runs into" /> |
| 9049 | <text key="ref" text="Reference" /> |
| 9050 | <text key="ref:sandre" text="Reference Sandre (FR)" /> |
| 9051 | <text key="ref:fgkz" text="Reference FGKZ (DE)" /> |
| 9052 | <text key="ref:regine" text="Reference REGINE (NO)" /> |
| 9053 | <text key="ref:gnis" text="Reference GNIS (USA)" /> |
| 9054 | <text key="ref:gnbc" text="Reference GNBC (CA)" /> |
| 9055 | <reference ref="wikipedia_wikidata" /> |
| 9056 | </optional> |
| 9057 | <roles> |
| 9058 | <role key="" text="waterways (no riverbank)" requisite="optional" type="way" member_expression="waterway -waterway:riverbank" /> |
| 9059 | <role key="main_stream" text="waterways (no riverbank)" requisite="optional" type="way" member_expression="waterway -waterway:riverbank" /> |
| 9060 | <role key="side_stream" text="branch waterways (no riverbank)" requisite="optional" type="way" member_expression="waterway -waterway:riverbank" /> |
| 9061 | <role key="spring" text="spring of waterway" requisite="optional" type="node" /> |
| 9062 | </roles> |
| 9063 | </item> <!-- Waterway --> |
| 9064 | <item name="Bridge" icon="presets/transport/bridge/bridge.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
| 9065 | <link wiki="Relations/Proposed/Bridges_and_Tunnels" /> |
| 9066 | <space /> |
| 9067 | <key key="type" value="bridge" /> |
| 9068 | <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="5,4,3,2,1,0,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5" length="3" values_sort="false" /> |
| 9069 | <reference ref="name_ref" /> |
| 9070 | <text key="height" text="Height (meters)" length="7" /> |
| 9071 | <text key="length" text="Length (meters)" /> |
| 9072 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" /> |
| 9073 | <roles> |
| 9074 | <role key="across" text="ways supported by (on top of) the bridge" requisite="optional" type="way" /> |
| 9075 | <role key="under" text="ways passing under the bridge" requisite="optional" type="way" /> |
| 9076 | <role key="outline" text="way forming the outline footprint" requisite="optional" count="1" type="closedway,multipolygon" /> |
| 9077 | <role key="edge" text="edge ways parallel to 'across'" requisite="optional" type="way" /> |
| 9078 | </roles> |
| 9079 | </item> <!-- Bridge --> |
| 9080 | <item name="Tunnel" icon="presets/transport/passage/tunnel.svg" type="relation" preset_name_label="true"> |
| 9081 | <link wiki="Relations/Proposed/Bridges_and_Tunnels" /> |
| 9082 | <space /> |
| 9083 | <key key="type" value="tunnel" /> |
| 9084 | <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="5,4,3,2,1,0,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5" length="3" values_sort="false" /> |
| 9085 | <reference ref="name_ref" /> |
| 9086 | <text key="length" text="Length (meters)" /> |
| 9087 | <text key="operator" text="Operator" /> |
| 9088 | <roles> |
| 9089 | <role key="through" text="ways passing through the tunnel" requisite="required" type="way" /> |
| 9090 | <role key="outline" text="way forming the outline footprint" requisite="optional" count="1" type="closedway,multipolygon" /> |
| 9091 | <role key="edge" text="edge ways parallel to 'through'" requisite="optional" type="way" /> |
| 9092 | </roles> |
| 9093 | </item> <!-- Tunnel --> |
| 9094 | </group> <!-- Relations --> |