Ticket #1973: LambertEST.java

File LambertEST.java, 4.3 KB (added by jaak@…, 16 years ago)
1//License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file.
2//Thanks to Johan Montagnat and its geoconv java converter application
3//(http://www.i3s.unice.fr/~johan/gps/ , published under GPL license)
4//from which some code and constants have been reused here.
5package org.openstreetmap.josm.data.projection;
7import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.tr;
9import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.EastNorth;
10import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.LatLon;
12public class LambertEST implements Projection {
14 public static final double ef = 500000; //Easting at false origin = 5000000 m
15 public static final double nf = 6375000; //Northing at false origin = 6375000 m
16 public static final double lat1 = Math.toRadians(59 + 1.0/3.0); //Latitude of 1st standard parallel = 59o20`0`` N
17 public static final double lat2 = Math.toRadians( 58);//Latitude of 2nd standard parallel = 58o0`0`` N
18 public static final double latf = Math.toRadians(57.517553930555555555555555555556);//'Latitude of false origin = 57o31`3,19415`` N
19 public static final double lonf = Math.toRadians( 24.0);
20 public static final double a = 6378137;
21 public static final double ee = 0.081819191042815792;
22 public static final double m1 = Math.cos(lat1) / (Math.sqrt(1 - ee *ee * Math.pow(Math.sin(lat1), 2)));
23 public static final double m2 = Math.cos(lat2) / (Math.sqrt(1 - ee *ee * Math.pow(Math.sin(lat2), 2)));
24 public static final double t1 = Math.tan(Math.PI / 4.0 - lat1 / 2.0) / Math.pow(( (1.0 - ee * Math.sin(lat1)) / (1.0 + ee * Math.sin(lat1))) ,(ee / 2.0));
25 public static final double t2 = Math.tan(Math.PI / 4.0 - lat2 / 2.0) / Math.pow(( (1.0 - ee * Math.sin(lat2)) / (1.0 + ee * Math.sin(lat2))) ,(ee / 2.0));
26 public static final double tf = Math.tan(Math.PI / 4.0 - latf / 2.0) / Math.pow(( (1.0 - ee * Math.sin(latf)) / (1.0 + ee * Math.sin(latf))) ,(ee / 2.0));
27 public static final double n = (Math.log(m1) - Math.log(m2)) / (Math.log(t1) - Math.log(t2));
28 public static final double f = m1 / (n * Math.pow(t1, n));
29 public static final double rf = a * f * Math.pow(tf, n);
31// /**
32// * precision in iterative schema
33// */
35public static final double epsilon = 1e-11;
37 /**
38 * @param p WGS84 lat/lon (ellipsoid GRS80) (in degree)
39 * @return eastnorth projection in Lambert Zone (ellipsoid GRS80)
40 */
41 public EastNorth latlon2eastNorth(LatLon p)
42 {
44 double t = Math.tan(Math.PI / 4.0 - Math.toRadians(p.lat()) / 2.0) / Math.pow(( (1.0 - ee * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(p.lat()))) / (1.0 + ee * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(p.lat())))) ,(ee / 2.0));
45 double r = a * f * Math.pow(t, n);
46 double theta = n * (Math.toRadians(p.lon()) - lonf);
48 double x = ef + r * Math.sin(theta); //587446.7
49 double y = nf + rf - r * Math.cos(theta); //6485401.6
51 return new EastNorth(x,y);
52 }
54 public static double IterateAngle(double e, double t)
55 {
56 double a1 = 0.0;
57 double a2 = 3.1415926535897931;
58 double a = 1.5707963267948966;
59 double b = 1.5707963267948966 - (2.0 * Math.atan(t * Math.pow((1.0 - (e * Math.sin(a))) / (1.0 + (e * Math.sin(a))), e / 2.0)));
60 while (Math.abs(a-b) > epsilon)
61 {
62 a = a1 + ((a2 - a1) / 2.0);
63 b = 1.5707963267948966 - (2.0 * Math.atan(t * Math.pow((1.0 - (e * Math.sin(a))) / (1.0 + (e * Math.sin(a))), e / 2.0)));
64 if (a1 == a2)
65 {
66 return 0.0;
67 }
68 if (b > a)
69 a1 = a;
70 else
71 a2 = a;
72 }
73 return b;
74 }
75 public LatLon eastNorth2latlon(EastNorth p)
76 {
77 double r = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((p.getX() - ef), 2.0) + Math.pow((rf - p.getY() + nf), 2.0) ) * Math.signum(n);
78 double T = Math.pow((r / (a * f)), (1.0/ n)) ;
79 double theta = Math.atan((p.getX() - ef) / (rf - p.getY() + nf));
80 double y = (theta / n + lonf) ;
81 double x = (IterateAngle(ee, T)) ;
82 return new LatLon(Math.toDegrees(x),Math.toDegrees(y));
83 }
85 @Override public String toString() {
86 return tr("Lambert Zone (Estonia)");
87 }
89 public String getCacheDirectoryName() {
90 return "lambertest";
91 }
93 public double scaleFactor() {
94 return 1.0 / 360;
95 }
97 @Override
98 public boolean equals(Object o) {
99 return o instanceof LambertEST;
100 }
102 @Override
103 public int hashCode() {
104 return LambertEST.class.hashCode();
105 }