Ticket #19334: 19334.diff
File 19334.diff, 131.7 KB (added by , 5 years ago) |
194 194 * Metadata Extractor: Read EXIF Metadata of photos 195 195 -> https://github.com/drewnoakes/metadata-extractor 196 196 * Signpost: OAuth library 197 src/ oauth, src/com/google197 src/com/google 198 198 -> https://github.com/mttkay/signpost 199 199 * MultiSplitPane: Small lib for GUI layout management 200 200 src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/MultiSplitLayout.java, MultiSplitPane.java -
63 63 <property name="script-build.dir" location="${base.dir}/build2"/> 64 64 <property name="checkstyle-build.dir" location="${base.dir}/build2"/> 65 65 <property name="epsg.output" location="${resources.dir}/data/projection/custom-epsg"/> 66 <property name="error_prone_core.jar" location="${tools.dir}/error_prone_core.jar"/> 67 <property name="error_prone_javac.jar" location="${tools.dir}/error_prone_javac.jar"/> 68 <property name="auto-value-annotations.jar" location="${tools.dir}/auto-value-annotations.jar"/> 69 <property name="dataflow.jar" location="${tools.dir}/dataflow-shaded.jar"/> 70 <property name="javacutil.jar" location="${tools.dir}/javacutil.jar"/> 71 <property name="failureaccess.jar" location="${tools.dir}/failureaccess.jar"/> 66 <property name="error_prone_javac.jar" location="${tools.dir}/error_prone/javac.jar"/> 72 67 <property name="commons-lang3.jar" location="${tools.dir}/commons-lang3.jar"/> 73 <property name="jformatstring.jar" location="${spotbugs.dir}/jFormatString-3.0.0.jar"/>74 68 <property name="dist.jar" location="${dist.dir}/josm-custom.jar"/> 75 69 <property name="dist-optimized.jar" location="${dist.dir}/josm-custom-optimized.jar"/> 76 70 <property name="dist-sources.jar" location="${dist.dir}/josm-custom-sources.jar"/> … … 104 98 <condition property="java.library.dir" value="jmods" else="lib"> 105 99 <isset property="isJava9"/> 106 100 </condition> 107 <path id="processor.path">108 <pathelement location="${error_prone_core.jar}"/>109 <pathelement location="${dataflow.jar}"/>110 <pathelement location="${javacutil.jar}"/>111 <pathelement location="${failureaccess.jar}"/>112 <pathelement location="${jformatstring.jar}"/>113 <pathelement location="${auto-value-annotations.jar}"/>114 </path>115 101 </target> 116 102 117 103 <!-- … … 283 269 </target> 284 270 <target name="compile-cots" depends="init" description="Compiles third-party dependencies not retrieved with Ivy"> 285 271 <!-- COTS --> 286 <javac srcdir="${src.dir}" includes="com/google/**,com/kitfox/** ,oauth/**" excludes="**/package-info.java" nowarn="on" encoding="iso-8859-1"272 <javac srcdir="${src.dir}" includes="com/google/**,com/kitfox/**" excludes="**/package-info.java" nowarn="on" encoding="iso-8859-1" 287 273 destdir="${build.dir}" target="${java.lang.version}" source="${java.lang.version}" debug="on" includeAntRuntime="false"> 288 274 <!-- get rid of "internal proprietary API" warning --> 289 275 <compilerarg value="-XDignore.symbol.file"/> … … 293 279 </javac> 294 280 </target> 295 281 <target name="compile" depends="init,javacc,compile-cots" unless="compile.notRequired" description="Compiles JOSM"> 282 <ivy:cachepath log="download-only" file="${tools.ivy}" pathid="errorprone.classpath" conf="errorprone"/> 283 <ivy:retrieve log="download-only" file="${tools.ivy}" pattern="${tools.dir}/error_prone/[artifact].[ext]" conf="errorprone"/> 296 284 <!-- JOSM --> 297 285 <javac sourcepath="" srcdir="${src.dir}" fork="yes" 298 excludes="com/**,o auth/**,org/apache/commons/**,**/package-info.java"286 excludes="com/**,org/apache/commons/**,**/package-info.java" 299 287 destdir="${build.dir}" target="${java.lang.version}" source="${java.lang.version}" debug="on" includeantruntime="false" encoding="UTF-8"> 300 288 <compilerarg value="-J-Xbootclasspath/p:${error_prone_javac.jar}" unless:set="isJava9"/> 301 289 <compilerarg line="-XDcompilePolicy=simple"/> 302 290 <compilerarg value="-processorpath"/> 303 <compilerarg pathref=" processor.path"/>291 <compilerarg pathref="errorprone.classpath"/> 304 292 <compilerarg value="-Xlint:cast"/> 305 293 <compilerarg value="-Xlint:deprecation"/> 306 294 <compilerarg value="-Xlint:dep-ann"/> … … 314 302 <compilerarg value="-Xlint:unchecked"/> 315 303 <!-- Undocumented argument to ignore "Sun internal proprietary API" warning, see http://stackoverflow.com/a/13862308/2257172 --> 316 304 <compilerarg value="-XDignore.symbol.file"/> 317 <compilerarg value="-Xplugin:ErrorProne -XepExcludedPaths:.*/parsergen/.* -Xep:ReferenceEquality:OFF -Xep:ImmutableEnumChecker:OFF -Xep:FutureReturnValueIgnored:OFF -Xep:FloatingPointLiteralPrecision:OFF -Xep:ShortCircuitBoolean:OFF -Xep:StringSplitter:OFF -Xep:JdkObsolete:OFF -Xep:UnnecessaryParentheses:OFF -Xep:EqualsGetClass:OFF -Xep:ThreadPriorityCheck:OFF -Xep:UndefinedEquals:OFF -Xep:MixedMutabilityReturnType:OFF -Xep:OverrideThrowableToString:OFF -Xep:JavaTimeDefaultTimeZone:OFF -Xep:UnusedVariable:OFF -Xep:EqualsUsingHashCode:OFF -Xep:BadImport:OFF -Xep:UnnecessaryLambda:OFF -Xep:AnnotateFormatMethod:OFF -Xep:MutablePublicArray:OFF "/>305 <compilerarg value="-Xplugin:ErrorProne -XepExcludedPaths:.*/parsergen/.* -Xep:ReferenceEquality:OFF -Xep:ImmutableEnumChecker:OFF -Xep:FutureReturnValueIgnored:OFF -Xep:FloatingPointLiteralPrecision:OFF -Xep:ShortCircuitBoolean:OFF -Xep:StringSplitter:OFF -Xep:JdkObsolete:OFF -Xep:UnnecessaryParentheses:OFF -Xep:EqualsGetClass:OFF -Xep:ThreadPriorityCheck:OFF -Xep:UndefinedEquals:OFF -Xep:MixedMutabilityReturnType:OFF -Xep:OverrideThrowableToString:OFF -Xep:JavaTimeDefaultTimeZone:OFF -Xep:UnusedVariable:OFF -Xep:EqualsUsingHashCode:OFF -Xep:BadImport:OFF -Xep:UnnecessaryLambda:OFF -Xep:AnnotateFormatMethod:OFF -Xep:MutablePublicArray:OFF -Xep:StaticAssignmentInConstructor:OFF"/> 318 306 <compilerarg line="-Xmaxwarns 1000"/> 319 307 <classpath> 320 308 <path refid="runtime.path"/> … … 1146 1134 <target name="bootstrap-workspace" description="Copy libraries from ivy cache to workspace folders for IDE" depends="resolve"> 1147 1135 <delete dir="${lib.dir}"/> 1148 1136 <ivy:retrieve pattern="${lib.dir}/[conf]/[artifact]-[type].[ext]" conf="compile,runtime,sources,test"/> 1149 <ivy:retrieve pattern="${lib.dir}/tools/[artifact]-[type].[ext]" conf="javacc,checkstyle,pmd,spotbugs " file="${tools.ivy}"/>1137 <ivy:retrieve pattern="${lib.dir}/tools/[artifact]-[type].[ext]" conf="javacc,checkstyle,pmd,spotbugs,errorprone" file="${tools.ivy}"/> 1150 1138 </target> 1151 1139 <target name="ivy-report" description="Generates Ivy reports of dependency resolving" depends="resolve"> 1152 1140 <ivy:report todir="${tools.dir}/ivy-report" graph="false"/> -
29 29 * Constructs a new {@code AbstractInfoAction}. 30 30 * @param installAdapters false, if you don't want to install layer changed and selection changed adapters 31 31 */ 32 p ublicAbstractInfoAction(boolean installAdapters) {32 protected AbstractInfoAction(boolean installAdapters) { 33 33 super(installAdapters); 34 34 } 35 35 … … 47 47 * @param toolbarId identifier for the toolbar preferences. The iconName is used, if this parameter is null 48 48 * @param installAdapters false, if you don't want to install layer changed and selection changed adapters 49 49 */ 50 p ublicAbstractInfoAction(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, boolean register,50 protected AbstractInfoAction(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, boolean register, 51 51 String toolbarId, boolean installAdapters) { 52 52 super(name, iconName, tooltip, shortcut, register, toolbarId, installAdapters); 53 53 } -
96 96 * the user CANNOT configure a shortcut for your action. 97 97 * @param register register this action for the toolbar preferences? 98 98 */ 99 p ublicAbstractMergeAction(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, boolean register) {99 protected AbstractMergeAction(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, boolean register) { 100 100 super(name, iconName, tooltip, shortcut, register); 101 101 } 102 102 … … 114 114 * @param toolbar identifier for the toolbar preferences. The iconName is used, if this parameter is null 115 115 * @param installAdapters false, if you don't want to install layer changed and selection changed adapters 116 116 */ 117 p ublicAbstractMergeAction(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut,117 protected AbstractMergeAction(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, 118 118 boolean register, String toolbar, boolean installAdapters) { 119 119 super(name, iconName, tooltip, shortcut, register, toolbar, installAdapters); 120 120 } -
38 38 * the user CANNOT configure a shortcut for your action. 39 39 * @param registerInToolbar register this action for the toolbar preferences? 40 40 */ 41 p ublicAbstractPasteAction(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut,41 protected AbstractPasteAction(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, 42 42 boolean registerInToolbar) { 43 43 this(name, iconName, tooltip, shortcut, registerInToolbar, null); 44 44 } … … 56 56 * @param registerInToolbar register this action for the toolbar preferences? 57 57 * @param toolbarId identifier for the toolbar preferences. The iconName is used, if this parameter is null 58 58 */ 59 p ublicAbstractPasteAction(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut,59 protected AbstractPasteAction(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, 60 60 boolean registerInToolbar, String toolbarId) { 61 61 super(name, iconName, tooltip, shortcut, registerInToolbar, toolbarId, true); 62 62 transferHandler = new OsmTransferHandler(); -
16 16 /** 17 17 * Constructs a new {@code AbstractSelectAction}. 18 18 */ 19 p ublicAbstractSelectAction() {19 protected AbstractSelectAction() { 20 20 putValue(NAME, tr("Select")); 21 21 putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, tr("Selects those elements on the map which are chosen on the list above.")); 22 22 new ImageProvider("dialogs", "select").getResource().attachImageIcon(this, true); -
12 12 * @since 16495 13 13 */ 14 14 public abstract class AbstractShowHistoryAction extends AbstractAction { 15 15 16 /** 16 17 * Constructs a new {@code AbstractShowHistoryAction}. 17 18 */ 18 p ublicAbstractShowHistoryAction() {19 protected AbstractShowHistoryAction() { 19 20 putValue(NAME, tr("History")); 20 21 putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, tr("Download and show the history of the selected objects")); 21 22 new ImageProvider("dialogs", "history").getResource().attachImageIcon(this, true); -
28 28 * the user CANNOT configure a shortcut for your action. 29 29 * @param registerInToolbar register this action for the toolbar preferences? 30 30 */ 31 p ublicAbstractUploadAction(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut,31 protected AbstractUploadAction(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, 32 32 boolean registerInToolbar) { 33 33 super(name, iconName, tooltip, shortcut, registerInToolbar); 34 34 } -
16 16 * Constructs a new ActionParameter. 17 17 * @param name parameter name (the key) 18 18 */ 19 p ublicActionParameter(String name) {19 protected ActionParameter(String name) { 20 20 this.name = name; 21 21 } 22 22 -
25 25 * @param shortcut A ready-created shortcut object or {@code null} if you don't want a shortcut 26 26 * @since 1084 27 27 */ 28 p ublicDiskAccessAction(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut) {28 protected DiskAccessAction(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut) { 29 29 super(name, iconName, tooltip, shortcut, true); 30 30 } 31 31 … … 41 41 * @param installAdapters False, if you don't want to install layer changed and selection changed adapters 42 42 * @since 5438 43 43 */ 44 p ublicDiskAccessAction(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, boolean register,44 protected DiskAccessAction(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, boolean register, 45 45 String toolbarId, boolean installAdapters) { 46 46 super(name, iconName, tooltip, shortcut, register, toolbarId, installAdapters); 47 47 } -
59 59 * the user CANNOT configure a shortcut for your action. 60 60 * @param registerInToolbar register this action for the toolbar preferences? 61 61 */ 62 p ublicDownloadAlongAction(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, boolean registerInToolbar) {62 protected DownloadAlongAction(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, boolean registerInToolbar) { 63 63 super(name, iconName, tooltip, shortcut, registerInToolbar); 64 64 } 65 65 -
78 78 * @param toolbarId identifier for the toolbar preferences 79 79 * @param installAdapters false, if you don't want to install layer changed and selection changed adapters 80 80 */ 81 p ublicJosmAction(String name, ImageProvider icon, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, boolean registerInToolbar,81 protected JosmAction(String name, ImageProvider icon, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, boolean registerInToolbar, 82 82 String toolbarId, boolean installAdapters) { 83 83 super(name); 84 84 if (icon != null) { … … 126 126 * @param toolbarId identifier for the toolbar preferences. The iconName is used, if this parameter is null 127 127 * @param installAdapters false, if you don't want to install layer changed and selection changed adapters 128 128 */ 129 p ublicJosmAction(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, boolean registerInToolbar,129 protected JosmAction(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, boolean registerInToolbar, 130 130 String toolbarId, boolean installAdapters) { 131 131 this(name, iconName == null ? null : new ImageProvider(iconName).setOptional(true), tooltip, shortcut, registerInToolbar, 132 132 toolbarId == null ? iconName : toolbarId, installAdapters); … … 148 148 * @param registerInToolbar register this action for the toolbar preferences? 149 149 * @param installAdapters false, if you don't want to install layer changed and selection changed adapters 150 150 */ 151 p ublicJosmAction(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, boolean registerInToolbar, boolean installAdapters) {151 protected JosmAction(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, boolean registerInToolbar, boolean installAdapters) { 152 152 this(name, iconName, tooltip, shortcut, registerInToolbar, null, installAdapters); 153 153 } 154 154 … … 167 167 * the user CANNOT configure a shortcut for your action. 168 168 * @param registerInToolbar register this action for the toolbar preferences? 169 169 */ 170 p ublicJosmAction(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, boolean registerInToolbar) {170 protected JosmAction(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, boolean registerInToolbar) { 171 171 this(name, iconName, tooltip, shortcut, registerInToolbar, null, true); 172 172 } 173 173 174 174 /** 175 175 * Constructs a new {@code JosmAction}. 176 176 */ 177 p ublicJosmAction() {177 protected JosmAction() { 178 178 this(true); 179 179 } 180 180 … … 183 183 * 184 184 * @param installAdapters false, if you don't want to install layer changed and selection changed adapters 185 185 */ 186 p ublicJosmAction(boolean installAdapters) {186 protected JosmAction(boolean installAdapters) { 187 187 setHelpId(); 188 188 if (installAdapters) { 189 189 installAdapters(); … … 202 202 * @param shortcuts ready-created shortcut objects 203 203 * @since 14012 204 204 */ 205 p ublicJosmAction(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, List<Shortcut> shortcuts) {205 protected JosmAction(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, List<Shortcut> shortcuts) { 206 206 this(name, iconName, tooltip, shortcuts.get(0), true, null, true); 207 207 for (int i = 1; i < shortcuts.size(); i++) { 208 208 MainApplication.registerActionShortcut(this, shortcuts.get(i)); -
43 43 * @param tooltip A longer description of the action that will be displayed in the tooltip 44 44 * @param shortcut A ready-created shortcut object or {@code null} if you don't want a shortcut 45 45 */ 46 p ublicSaveActionBase(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut) {46 protected SaveActionBase(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut) { 47 47 super(name, iconName, tooltip, shortcut); 48 48 } 49 49 … … 56 56 * @param quiet whether the quiet exporter is called 57 57 * @since 15496 58 58 */ 59 p ublicSaveActionBase(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, boolean quiet) {59 protected SaveActionBase(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, boolean quiet) { 60 60 super(name, iconName, tooltip, shortcut); 61 61 this.quiet = quiet; 62 62 } -
39 39 * @param toolbarId identifier for the toolbar preferences. The iconName is used, if this parameter is null 40 40 * @param installAdapters false, if you don't want to install layer changed and selection changed adapters 41 41 */ 42 p ublicToggleAction(String name, ImageProvider icon, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, boolean registerInToolbar,42 protected ToggleAction(String name, ImageProvider icon, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, boolean registerInToolbar, 43 43 String toolbarId, boolean installAdapters) { 44 44 super(name, icon, tooltip, shortcut, registerInToolbar, toolbarId, installAdapters); 45 45 // It is required to set the SELECTED_KEY to a non-null value in order to let Swing components update it … … 59 59 * the user CANNOT configure a shortcut for your action. 60 60 * @param registerInToolbar register this action for the toolbar preferences? 61 61 */ 62 p ublicToggleAction(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, boolean registerInToolbar) {62 protected ToggleAction(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, boolean registerInToolbar) { 63 63 super(name, iconName, tooltip, shortcut, registerInToolbar); 64 64 // It is required to set the SELECTED_KEY to a non-null value in order to let Swing components update it 65 65 setSelected(false); -
450 450 451 451 /** 452 452 * dupe all nodes that are selected, and put the copies on the selected way 453 * @throws UserCancelException 454 * 453 * @throws UserCancelException if user cancels choice 455 454 */ 456 455 private void unglueOneWayAnyNodes() throws UserCancelException { 457 456 final PropertiesMembershipChoiceDialog dialog = -
21 21 * @param shortcut a ready-created shortcut object or null if you don't want a shortcut 22 22 * @param registerInToolbar register this action for the toolbar preferences? 23 23 */ 24 p ublicAbstractAudioAction(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, boolean registerInToolbar) {24 protected AbstractAudioAction(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, boolean registerInToolbar) { 25 25 super(name, iconName, tooltip, shortcut, registerInToolbar); 26 26 updateEnabledState(); 27 27 } -
26 26 * @param shortcut a ready-created shortcut object. 27 27 * @param fast {@code true} to increase speed (faster audio), {@code false} to decrease it (slower audio). 28 28 */ 29 p ublicAudioFastSlowAction(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, boolean fast) {29 protected AudioFastSlowAction(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, boolean fast) { 30 30 super(name, iconName, tooltip, shortcut, true); 31 31 multiplier = Config.getPref().getDouble("audio.fastfwdmultiplier", 1.3); 32 32 if (!fast) -
24 24 /** 25 25 * Constructs a new {@code AbstractDownloadTask}. 26 26 */ 27 p ublicAbstractDownloadTask() {27 protected AbstractDownloadTask() { 28 28 errorMessages = new ArrayList<>(); 29 29 } 30 30 -
232 232 * then use false unless you read result of task (because exception will get lost if you don't) 233 233 * @param zoomAfterDownload If true, the map view will zoom to download area after download 234 234 */ 235 p ublicAbstractInternalTask(DownloadParams settings, String title, boolean ignoreException, boolean zoomAfterDownload) {235 protected AbstractInternalTask(DownloadParams settings, String title, boolean ignoreException, boolean zoomAfterDownload) { 236 236 super(title, ignoreException); 237 237 this.settings = Objects.requireNonNull(settings); 238 238 this.zoomAfterDownload = zoomAfterDownload; … … 248 248 * then use false unless you read result of task (because exception will get lost if you don't) 249 249 * @param zoomAfterDownload If true, the map view will zoom to download area after download 250 250 */ 251 p ublicAbstractInternalTask(DownloadParams settings, String title, ProgressMonitor progressMonitor, boolean ignoreException,251 protected AbstractInternalTask(DownloadParams settings, String title, ProgressMonitor progressMonitor, boolean ignoreException, 252 252 boolean zoomAfterDownload) { 253 253 super(title, progressMonitor, ignoreException); 254 254 this.settings = Objects.requireNonNull(settings); -
43 43 * @param cursor cursor displayed when map mode is active 44 44 * @since 11713 45 45 */ 46 p ublicMapMode(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, Cursor cursor) {46 protected MapMode(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, Cursor cursor) { 47 47 super(name, "mapmode/"+iconName, tooltip, shortcut, false); 48 48 this.cursor = cursor; 49 49 putValue("active", Boolean.FALSE); … … 57 57 * @param cursor cursor displayed when map mode is active 58 58 * @since 11713 59 59 */ 60 p ublicMapMode(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Cursor cursor) {60 protected MapMode(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, Cursor cursor) { 61 61 putValue(NAME, name); 62 62 new ImageProvider("mapmode", iconName).getResource().attachImageIcon(this); 63 63 putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, tooltip); -
134 134 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if data is null 135 135 * @since 11240 136 136 */ 137 p ublicCommand(DataSet data) {137 protected Command(DataSet data) { 138 138 CheckParameterUtil.ensureParameterNotNull(data, "data"); 139 139 this.data = data; 140 140 } -
50 50 * @throws NullPointerException if objects is null or contain null item 51 51 * @throws NoSuchElementException if objects is empty 52 52 */ 53 p ublicTransformNodesCommand(Collection<? extends OsmPrimitive> objects) {53 protected TransformNodesCommand(Collection<? extends OsmPrimitive> objects) { 54 54 super(objects.iterator().next().getDataSet()); 55 55 this.nodes = AllNodesVisitor.getAllNodes(objects); 56 56 storeOldState(); -
28 28 * Constructs a new {@code ConflictResolveCommand} in the context of a given data set. 29 29 * @param ds the data set. Must not be null. 30 30 */ 31 p ublicConflictResolveCommand(DataSet ds) {31 protected ConflictResolveCommand(DataSet ds) { 32 32 super(ds); 33 33 } 34 34 -
360 360 } 361 361 362 362 /** 363 * Returns center of the bounding box. 363 364 * @return Center of the bounding box. 364 365 */ 365 366 public LatLon getCenter() { -
21 21 } 22 22 23 23 /** 24 * Returns cache entry content. 24 25 * @return cache entry content 25 26 */ 26 27 public byte[] getContent() { -
53 53 } 54 54 55 55 /** 56 * Determines if the entry is marked as "no tile at this zoom level". 56 57 * @return if the entry is marked as "no tile at this zoom level" 57 58 */ 58 59 public boolean isNoTileAtZoom() { … … 68 69 } 69 70 70 71 /** 72 * Returns ETag header value, that was returned for this entry. 71 73 * @return ETag header value, that was returned for this entry. 72 74 */ 73 75 public String getEtag() { … … 100 102 } 101 103 102 104 /** 105 * Returns last modification of the object in cache in milliseconds from Epoch. 103 106 * @return last modification of the object in cache in milliseconds from Epoch 104 107 */ 105 108 public long getLastModification() { … … 116 119 } 117 120 118 121 /** 122 * Returns when the object expires in milliseconds from Epoch. 119 123 * @return when the object expires in milliseconds from Epoch 120 124 */ 121 125 public long getExpirationTime() { … … 142 146 } 143 147 144 148 /** 149 * Returns HTTP response code. 145 150 * @return http status code 146 151 * @since 8389 147 152 */ … … 177 182 } 178 183 179 184 /** 185 * Returns error message returned while retrieving this object. 180 186 * @return error message returned while retrieving this object 181 187 */ 182 188 public String getErrorMessage() { … … 184 190 } 185 191 186 192 /** 193 * Sets error related to this object. 187 194 * @param error error related to this object 188 195 * @since 10469 189 196 */ … … 192 199 } 193 200 194 201 /** 202 * Sets error message related to this object. 195 203 * @param message error message related to this object 196 204 */ 197 205 public void setErrorMessage(String message) { … … 199 207 } 200 208 201 209 /** 210 * Sets exception that caused error. 202 211 * @param e exception that caused error 203 *204 212 */ 205 213 public void setException(Exception e) { 206 214 attrs.put(EXCEPTION, e.getClass().getCanonicalName()); 207 215 } 208 216 209 217 /** 218 * Returns optional exception that was thrown when fetching resource. 210 219 * @return Optional exception that was thrown when fetching resource 211 *212 220 */ 213 221 public Optional<Class<? extends Exception>> getException() { 214 222 String className = attrs.get(EXCEPTION); -
99 99 * @param options options of the request 100 100 * @param downloadJobExecutor that will be executing the jobs 101 101 */ 102 p ublicJCSCachedTileLoaderJob(ICacheAccess<K, V> cache,102 protected JCSCachedTileLoaderJob(ICacheAccess<K, V> cache, 103 103 TileJobOptions options, 104 104 ThreadPoolExecutor downloadJobExecutor) { 105 105 CheckParameterUtil.ensureParameterNotNull(cache, "cache"); … … 116 116 * @param cache cache instance that we will work on 117 117 * @param options of the request 118 118 */ 119 p ublicJCSCachedTileLoaderJob(ICacheAccess<K, V> cache,119 protected JCSCachedTileLoaderJob(ICacheAccess<K, V> cache, 120 120 TileJobOptions options) { 121 121 this(cache, options, DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_JOB_DISPATCHER); 122 122 } … … 173 173 } 174 174 175 175 /** 176 * 177 * @return checksif object from cache has sufficient data to be returned176 * Checks if object from cache has sufficient data to be returned. 177 * @return {@code true} if object from cache has sufficient data to be returned 178 178 */ 179 179 protected boolean isObjectLoadable() { 180 180 if (cacheData == null) { … … 194 194 } 195 195 196 196 /** 197 * Returns key under which discovered server settings will be kept. 197 198 * @return key under which discovered server settings will be kept 198 199 */ 199 200 protected String getServerKey() { -
97 97 } 98 98 99 99 /** 100 * 100 * Determines if my primitive was deleted but it has set non deleted status. 101 101 * @return True if my primitive was deleted but it has set non deleted status because it's referred by another 102 102 * primitive and references to deleted primitives are not allowed. 103 103 */ -
181 181 } 182 182 183 183 /** 184 * Determines if the other point has almost the same lat/lon values. 184 185 * @param other other lat/lon 185 186 * @return <code>true</code> if the other point has almost the same lat/lon 186 187 * values, only differing by no more than 1 / {@link #MAX_SERVER_PRECISION MAX_SERVER_PRECISION}. -
1165 1165 } 1166 1166 1167 1167 /** 1168 * Determines whether anything has been modified. 1168 1169 * @return whether anything has been modified (e.g. colors) 1169 1170 * @since 15496 1170 1171 */ … … 1213 1214 } 1214 1215 1215 1216 /** 1216 * @return the URI of the namesapce 1217 * Returns the URI of the namespace. 1218 * @return the URI of the namespace 1217 1219 */ 1218 1220 public String getURI() { 1219 1221 return uri; 1220 1222 } 1221 1223 1222 1224 /** 1225 * Returns the prefix of the namespace. 1223 1226 * @return the prefix of the namespace, determined from URI if possible 1224 1227 */ 1225 1228 public String getPrefix() { … … 1227 1230 } 1228 1231 1229 1232 /** 1233 * Returns the location of the schema. 1230 1234 * @return the location of the schema 1231 1235 */ 1232 1236 public String getLocation() { -
93 93 } 94 94 95 95 /** 96 * Returns the qualified name of the XML element. 96 97 * @return the qualified name of the XML element 97 98 */ 98 99 public String getQualifiedName() { … … 100 101 } 101 102 102 103 /** 104 * Returns the prefix of the XML namespace. 103 105 * @return the prefix of the XML namespace 104 106 */ 105 107 public String getPrefix() { … … 107 109 } 108 110 109 111 /** 112 * Returns the key (local element name) of the extension. 110 113 * @return the key (local element name) of the extension 111 114 */ 112 115 public String getKey() { … … 114 117 } 115 118 116 119 /** 120 * Returns the flattened extension key of this extension. 117 121 * @return the flattened extension key of this extension, used for conversion to OSM layers 118 122 */ 119 123 public String getFlatKey() { 120 124 String ret = ""; 121 if (parent != null && parentinstanceof GpxExtension) {125 if (parent instanceof GpxExtension) { 122 126 GpxExtension ext = (GpxExtension) parent; 123 127 ret = ext.getFlatKey() + ":"; 124 128 } … … 143 147 } 144 148 145 149 /** 150 * Returns the value of the extension. 146 151 * @return the value of the extension 147 152 */ 148 153 public String getValue() { … … 150 155 } 151 156 152 157 /** 158 * Sets the value. 153 159 * @param value the value to set 154 160 */ 155 161 public void setValue(String value) { … … 203 209 } 204 210 205 211 /** 212 * Determines if this extension should be written. 206 213 * @return if this extension should be written, used for hiding colors during export without removing them 207 214 */ 208 215 public boolean isVisible() { … … 210 217 } 211 218 212 219 /** 220 * Returns the parent element of this extension. 213 221 * @return the parent element of this extension, can be another extension or gpx elements (data, track, segment, ...) 214 222 */ 215 223 public IWithAttributes getParent() { -
249 249 } 250 250 251 251 /** 252 * Determines if this collection contains writable extensions. 252 253 * @return <code>true</code> if this collection contains writable extensions 253 254 */ 254 255 public boolean isVisible() { -
43 43 * @param info tile source info 44 44 * @param tileProjection the tile projection 45 45 */ 46 p ublicAbstractWMSTileSource(TileSourceInfo info, Projection tileProjection) {46 protected AbstractWMSTileSource(TileSourceInfo info, Projection tileProjection) { 47 47 super(info); 48 48 this.tileProjection = tileProjection; 49 49 } -
40 40 } 41 41 42 42 /** 43 * Returns layer name of the default layer. 43 44 * @return layer name of the default layer 44 45 */ 45 46 public String getLayerName() { … … 47 48 } 48 49 49 50 /** 51 * Returns default tileMatrixSet. Only usable for WMTS 50 52 * @return default tileMatrixSet. Only usable for WMTS 51 53 */ 52 54 public String getTileMatrixSet() { … … 54 56 } 55 57 56 58 /** 59 * Returns style for this WMS / WMTS layer to use. 57 60 * @return style for this WMS / WMTS layer to use 58 61 */ 59 62 public String getStyle() { … … 61 64 } 62 65 63 66 /** 67 * Returns JSON representation of the default layer object. 64 68 * @return JSON representation of the default layer object 65 69 */ 66 70 public JsonObject toJson() { -
44 44 } 45 45 46 46 /** 47 * Returns projections that are supported by this layer. 47 48 * @return projections that are supported by this layer 48 49 */ 49 50 public Collection<String> getCrs() { … … 56 57 } 57 58 58 59 /** 59 * 60 * Returns styles defined for this layer. 60 61 * @return styles defined for this layer 61 62 */ 62 63 public Map<String, String> getStyles() { … … 69 70 } 70 71 71 72 /** 72 * @return title "Human readable" title of this layer 73 * Returns "Human readable" title of this layer 74 * @return "Human readable" title of this layer 73 75 * @see LayerDetails#getName() 74 76 */ 75 77 public String getTitle() { … … 77 79 } 78 80 79 81 /** 80 * @param title set title of this layer 82 * Sets title of this layer 83 * @param title title of this layer 81 84 * @see LayerDetails#getName() 82 85 */ 83 86 public void setTitle(String title) { … … 103 106 } 104 107 105 108 /** 106 * @param name sets the name of this Layer 109 * Sets the name of this Layer. 110 * @param name the name of this Layer 107 111 * @see LayerDetails#getName() 108 112 */ 109 113 public void setName(String name) { … … 128 132 } 129 133 130 134 /** 131 * 135 * Returns bounds within layer might be queried. 132 136 * @return bounds within layer might be queried 133 137 */ 134 138 public Bounds getBounds() { … … 136 140 } 137 141 138 142 /** 139 * sets bounds of this layer143 * Sets bounds of this layer 140 144 * @param bounds of this layer 141 145 */ 142 146 public void setBounds(Bounds bounds) { … … 150 154 } 151 155 152 156 /** 153 * 154 * @return parent layer for his layer157 * Returns parent layer for this layer. 158 * @return parent layer for this layer 155 159 */ 156 160 public LayerDetails getParent() { 157 161 return parentLayer; … … 167 171 } 168 172 169 173 /** 170 * 174 * Returns children layers of this layer. 171 175 * @return children layers of this layer 172 176 */ 173 177 public List<LayerDetails> getChildren() { … … 183 187 } 184 188 185 189 /** 190 * Returns abstract of this layer. 186 191 * @return "Narrative description of the layer" 187 192 */ 188 193 public String getAbstract() { … … 198 203 } 199 204 200 205 /** 206 * Returns flattened stream of this layer and its children. 201 207 * @return flattened stream of this layer and its children (as well as recursively children of its children) 202 208 */ 203 209 public Stream<LayerDetails> flattened() { -
62 62 } 63 63 64 64 /** 65 * Returns a new {@link ThreadPoolExecutor}. 65 66 * @param nameFormat see {@link Utils#newThreadFactory(String, int)} 66 67 * @param workers number of worker thread to keep 67 68 * @return new ThreadPoolExecutor that will use a @see HostLimitQueue based queue … … 71 72 } 72 73 73 74 /** 75 * Returns a new {@link ThreadPoolExecutor}. 74 76 * @param nameFormat see {@link Utils#newThreadFactory(String, int)} 75 77 * @param workers number of worker thread to keep 76 78 * @param hostLimit number of concurrent downloads per host allowed … … 88 90 } 89 91 90 92 /** 93 * Returns a new {@link ThreadPoolExecutor}. 91 94 * @param name name of threads 92 * @return new ThreadPoolExecutor that will use a @see HostLimitQueuebased queue, with default number of threads95 * @return new ThreadPoolExecutor that will use a {@link HostLimitQueue} based queue, with default number of threads 93 96 */ 94 97 public static ThreadPoolExecutor getNewThreadPoolExecutor(String name) { 95 98 return getNewThreadPoolExecutor(name, THREAD_LIMIT.get().intValue()); … … 111 114 } 112 115 113 116 /** 117 * Returns cache statistics as string. 114 118 * @return cache statistics as string 115 119 */ 116 120 public String getStats() { … … 147 151 } 148 152 149 153 /** 154 * Returns download executor that is used by this factory. 150 155 * @return download executor that is used by this factory 151 156 */ 152 157 public ThreadPoolExecutor getDownloadExecutor() { -
8 8 * Class containing all options that are passed from Layer to TileJob 9 9 * 10 10 * @author Wiktor Niesiobedzki 11 * 11 * @since 13733 12 12 */ 13 13 public class TileJobOptions { 14 14 … … 33 33 } 34 34 35 35 /** 36 * 36 * Returns socket connection timeout in milliseconds. 37 37 * @return socket connection timeout in milliseconds 38 38 */ 39 39 public int getConnectionTimeout() { … … 41 41 } 42 42 43 43 /** 44 * 44 * Returns socket read timeout in milliseconds. 45 45 * @return socket read timeout in milliseconds 46 46 */ 47 47 public int getReadTimeout() { … … 49 49 } 50 50 51 51 /** 52 * 52 * Returns unmodifiable map with headers to be sent to tile server. 53 53 * @return unmodifiable map with headers to be sent to tile server 54 54 */ 55 55 public Map<String, String> getHeaders() { … … 57 57 } 58 58 59 59 /** 60 * 60 * Returns minimum cache expire time in seconds for downloaded tiles. 61 61 * @return minimum cache expire time in seconds for downloaded tiles 62 62 */ 63 63 public long getMinimumExpiryTime() { -
85 85 } 86 86 87 87 /** 88 * 88 * Returns list of EPSG codes that current layer selection supports. 89 89 * @return list of EPSG codes that current layer selection supports (this may differ from layer to layer) 90 90 */ 91 91 public List<String> getServerProjections() { -
174 174 } 175 175 176 176 /** 177 * 177 * Returns identifier of this TileMatrixSet. 178 178 * @return identifier of this TileMatrixSet 179 179 */ 180 180 public String getIdentifier() { … … 182 182 } 183 183 184 184 /** 185 * 185 * Returns projection of this tileMatrix. 186 186 * @return projection of this tileMatrix 187 187 */ 188 188 public String getCrs() { … … 253 253 } 254 254 255 255 /** 256 * 256 * Returns identifier of this layer. 257 257 * @return identifier of this layer 258 258 */ 259 259 public String getIdentifier() { … … 261 261 } 262 262 263 263 /** 264 * 264 * Returns style of this layer. 265 265 * @return style of this layer 266 266 */ 267 267 public String getStyle() { … … 269 269 } 270 270 271 271 /** 272 * 272 * Returns tileMatrixSet of this layer. 273 273 * @return tileMatrixSet of this layer 274 274 */ 275 275 public TileMatrixSet getTileMatrixSet() { … … 1068 1068 } 1069 1069 1070 1070 /** 1071 * Group layers by name and tile matrix set. 1071 1072 * @param layers to be grouped 1072 1073 * @return list with entries - grouping identifier + list of layers 1073 1074 */ … … 1078 1079 } 1079 1080 1080 1081 /** 1082 * Returns set of projection codes that this TileSource supports. 1081 1083 * @return set of projection codes that this TileSource supports 1082 1084 */ 1083 1085 public Collection<String> getSupportedProjections() { -
23 23 * @param source The DataSet that is originating the change 24 24 * @param old The previous set of DataSources 25 25 */ 26 p ublicAbstractDataSourceChangeEvent(DataSet source, Set<DataSource> old) {26 protected AbstractDataSourceChangeEvent(DataSet source, Set<DataSource> old) { 27 27 CheckParameterUtil.ensureParameterNotNull(source, "source"); 28 28 CheckParameterUtil.ensureParameterNotNull(old, "old"); 29 29 this.source = source; -
377 377 } 378 378 379 379 /** 380 * @return true if the bbox covers a part of the planets surface 380 * Determines if the bbox covers a part of the planet surface. 381 * @return true if the bbox covers a part of the planet surface. 381 382 * Height and width must be non-negative, but may (both) be 0. 382 383 * @since 11269 383 384 */ … … 386 387 } 387 388 388 389 /** 389 * @return true if the bbox is avalid and covers a part of the planets surface 390 * Determines if the bbox is valid and covers a part of the planet surface. 391 * @return true if the bbox is valid and covers a part of the planet surface 390 392 * @since 11269 391 393 */ 392 394 public boolean isInWorld() { -
176 176 } 177 177 178 178 /** 179 * Returns an unmodifiable set of all primitives in this dataset. 179 180 * @return an unmodifiable set of all primitives in this dataset. 180 181 * @since 14946 181 182 */ -
95 95 private final DataSet source; 96 96 private final Set<OsmPrimitive> old; 97 97 98 p ublicAbstractSelectionEvent(DataSet source, Set<OsmPrimitive> old) {98 protected AbstractSelectionEvent(DataSet source, Set<OsmPrimitive> old) { 99 99 CheckParameterUtil.ensureParameterNotNull(source, "source"); 100 100 CheckParameterUtil.ensureParameterNotNull(old, "old"); 101 101 this.source = source; -
1277 1277 } 1278 1278 1279 1279 /** 1280 * Determines if this Dataset contains no primitives. 1280 1281 * @return true if this Dataset contains no primitives 1281 1282 * @since 14835 1282 1283 */ -
5 5 * An interface allowing injection of hashcode and equality implementation 6 6 * based on some inner state of an object for a set. 7 7 * It supports two type parameters to implement effective foreign key implementation 8 * inside (@link Storage}, but for basic use, both type parameters are the same.8 * inside {@link Storage}, but for basic use, both type parameters are the same. 9 9 * 10 10 * For use cases, see {@link Storage}. 11 11 * @author nenik -
128 128 } 129 129 } 130 130 131 protectedNode(long id, boolean allowNegative) {131 Node(long id, boolean allowNegative) { 132 132 super(id, allowNegative); 133 133 } 134 134 -
31 31 * @param id id 32 32 * @since 12017 33 33 */ 34 p ublicPrimitiveData(long id) {34 protected PrimitiveData(long id) { 35 35 this.id = id; 36 36 } 37 37 … … 39 39 * Constructs a new {@code PrimitiveData} from an existing one. 40 40 * @param data the data to copy 41 41 */ 42 p ublicPrimitiveData(PrimitiveData data) {42 protected PrimitiveData(PrimitiveData data) { 43 43 cloneFrom(data); 44 44 } 45 45 -
181 181 visitor.visit(this); 182 182 } 183 183 184 protectedRelation(long id, boolean allowNegative) {184 Relation(long id, boolean allowNegative) { 185 185 super(id, allowNegative); 186 186 } 187 187 -
181 181 visitor.visit(this); 182 182 } 183 183 184 protectedWay(long id, boolean allowNegative) {184 Way(long id, boolean allowNegative) { 185 185 super(id, allowNegative); 186 186 } 187 187 -
53 53 * 54 54 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if preconditions are violated 55 55 */ 56 p ublicHistoryOsmPrimitive(long id, long version, boolean visible, User user, long changesetId, Date timestamp) {56 protected HistoryOsmPrimitive(long id, long version, boolean visible, User user, long changesetId, Date timestamp) { 57 57 this(id, version, visible, user, changesetId, timestamp, true); 58 58 } 59 59 … … 72 72 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if preconditions are violated 73 73 * @since 5440 74 74 */ 75 p ublicHistoryOsmPrimitive(long id, long version, boolean visible, User user, long changesetId, Date timestamp,75 protected HistoryOsmPrimitive(long id, long version, boolean visible, User user, long changesetId, Date timestamp, 76 76 boolean checkHistoricParams) { 77 77 ensurePositiveLong(id, "id"); 78 78 ensurePositiveLong(version, "version"); … … 94 94 * Constructs a new {@code HistoryOsmPrimitive} from an existing {@link OsmPrimitive}. 95 95 * @param p the primitive 96 96 */ 97 p ublicHistoryOsmPrimitive(OsmPrimitive p) {97 protected HistoryOsmPrimitive(OsmPrimitive p) { 98 98 this(p.getId(), p.getVersion(), p.isVisible(), p.getUser(), p.getChangesetId(), p.getTimestamp()); 99 99 } 100 100 -
37 37 } 38 38 39 39 /** 40 * Returns the range start. 40 41 * @return The start 41 42 */ 42 43 public long getStart() { … … 44 45 } 45 46 46 47 /** 48 * Returns the range end. 47 49 * @return The end (inclusive) 48 50 */ 49 51 public long getEnd() { -
334 334 335 335 protected final Match match; 336 336 337 p ublicUnaryMatch(Match match) {337 protected UnaryMatch(Match match) { 338 338 if (match == null) { 339 339 // "operator" (null) should mean the same as "operator()" 340 340 // (Always). I.e. match everything … … 382 382 * @param lhs Left hand side 383 383 * @param rhs Right hand side 384 384 */ 385 p ublicAbstractBinaryMatch(Match lhs, Match rhs) {385 protected AbstractBinaryMatch(Match lhs, Match rhs) { 386 386 this.lhs = lhs; 387 387 this.rhs = rhs; 388 388 } -
134 134 } 135 135 136 136 /** 137 * Returns the bounding box. 137 138 * @return The bounding box or <code>null</code> if no coordinates have passed 138 139 */ 139 140 public ProjectionBounds getBounds() { -
74 74 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code g} is null 75 75 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code nc} is null 76 76 */ 77 p ublicAbstractMapRenderer(Graphics2D g, NavigatableComponent nc, boolean isInactiveMode) {77 protected AbstractMapRenderer(Graphics2D g, NavigatableComponent nc, boolean isInactiveMode) { 78 78 CheckParameterUtil.ensureParameterNotNull(g); 79 79 CheckParameterUtil.ensureParameterNotNull(nc); 80 80 this.g = g; -
1 1 // License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file. 2 2 package org.openstreetmap.josm.data.preferences; 3 3 4 import java.util.Objects; 5 4 6 import org.openstreetmap.josm.spi.preferences.Config; 5 7 import org.openstreetmap.josm.spi.preferences.IPreferences; 6 8 import org.openstreetmap.josm.spi.preferences.PreferenceChangeEvent; … … 8 10 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.ListenableWeakReference; 9 11 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.bugreport.BugReport; 10 12 11 import java.util.Objects;12 13 13 /** 14 14 * Captures the common functionality of preference properties 15 15 * @param <T> The type of object accessed by this property … … 159 159 * @param defaultValue The default value 160 160 * @since 5464 161 161 */ 162 p ublicAbstractProperty(String key, T defaultValue) {162 protected AbstractProperty(String key, T defaultValue) { 163 163 // Config.getPref() should not change in production but may change during tests. 164 164 preferences = Config.getPref(); 165 165 this.key = key; -
76 76 * @param defaultValue The default value. 77 77 * @see AbstractProperty#AbstractProperty(String, Object) 78 78 */ 79 p ublicAbstractToStringProperty(String key, T defaultValue) {79 protected AbstractToStringProperty(String key, T defaultValue) { 80 80 super(key, defaultValue); 81 81 storeDefaultValue(); 82 82 } -
14 14 protected final T defaultValue; 15 15 protected final Class<T> enumClass; 16 16 17 p ublicParametrizedEnumProperty(Class<T> enumClass, T defaultValue) {17 protected ParametrizedEnumProperty(Class<T> enumClass, T defaultValue) { 18 18 this.defaultValue = defaultValue; 19 19 this.enumClass = enumClass; 20 20 } -
41 41 } 42 42 43 43 /** 44 * Returns string representation for GUI list or menu entry. 44 45 * @return string representation for GUI list or menu entry 45 46 */ 46 47 public String getDisplayName() { -
29 29 * @param type The source type 30 30 * @since 12825 31 31 */ 32 p ublicSourcePrefHelper(String pref, SourceType type) {32 protected SourcePrefHelper(String pref, SourceType type) { 33 33 this.pref = pref; 34 34 this.type = type; 35 35 } -
180 180 } 181 181 182 182 /** 183 * Returns The EPSG Code of this CRS. 183 184 * @return The EPSG Code of this CRS, null if it doesn't have one. 184 185 */ 185 186 public abstract Integer getEpsgCode(); -
21 21 * @param proj4Id The Proj4 identifier 22 22 * @param ellps The ellipsoid 23 23 */ 24 p ublicAbstractDatum(String name, String proj4Id, Ellipsoid ellps) {24 protected AbstractDatum(String name, String proj4Id, Ellipsoid ellps) { 25 25 this.name = name; 26 26 this.proj4Id = proj4Id; 27 27 this.ellps = ellps; -
13 13 public interface Datum { 14 14 15 15 /** 16 * Returns a human readable name of this projection. 16 17 * @return a human readable name of this projection 17 18 */ 18 19 String getName(); … … 25 26 String getProj4Id(); 26 27 27 28 /** 29 * Returns the ellipsoid associated with this datum. 28 30 * @return the ellipsoid associated with this datum 29 31 */ 30 32 Ellipsoid getEllipsoid(); -
106 106 * @param name The test name 107 107 * @param description The test description 108 108 */ 109 p ublicTagTest(String name, String description) {109 protected TagTest(String name, String description) { 110 110 super(name, description); 111 111 } 112 112 … … 114 114 * Constructs a new {@code TagTest} with given name. 115 115 * @param name The test name 116 116 */ 117 p ublicTagTest(String name) {117 protected TagTest(String name) { 118 118 super(name); 119 119 } 120 120 … … 376 376 } 377 377 378 378 /** 379 * Returns the name of this class. 379 380 * @return the name of this class (for ToolTip) 380 * since 15972381 * @since 15972 381 382 */ 382 383 public Object getSource() { 383 384 return "Java: " + this.getClass().getName(); -
530 530 } 531 531 532 532 /** 533 * Returns a new {@link MultipleNameVisitor} for the list of primitives affected by this error. 533 534 * @return Name visitor (used in cell renderer and for sorting) 534 535 */ 535 536 public MultipleNameVisitor getNameVisitor() { -
303 303 * @param code The test code 304 304 * @since 12958 305 305 */ 306 p ublicCrossingWays(String title, int code) {306 protected CrossingWays(String title, int code) { 307 307 super(title, tr("This test checks if two roads, railways, waterways or buildings crosses in the same layer, " + 308 308 "but are not connected by a node.")); 309 309 this.code = code; -
210 210 * @param title The test title 211 211 * @since 6691 212 212 */ 213 p ublicUnconnectedWays(String title) {213 protected UnconnectedWays(String title) { 214 214 this(title, UNCONNECTED_WAYS, false); 215 216 215 } 217 216 218 217 /** … … 222 221 * @param isHighwayTest use {@code true} if test concerns highways or railways 223 222 * @since 14468 224 223 */ 225 p ublicUnconnectedWays(String title, int code, boolean isHighwayTest) {224 protected UnconnectedWays(String title, int code, boolean isHighwayTest) { 226 225 super(title, tr("This test checks if a way has an endpoint very near to another way.")); 227 226 this.code = code; 228 227 this.isHighwayTest = isHighwayTest; -
470 470 }; 471 471 472 472 /** 473 * Returns the default position of new top-level menus. 473 474 * @return the default position of new top-level menus 474 475 * @since 6088 475 476 */ -
333 333 } 334 334 335 335 /** 336 * Creates a new state that is moved to an east/north coordinate. 336 337 * @param mapViewPoint The reference point. 337 338 * @param newEastNorthThere The east/north coordinate that should be there. 338 339 * @return The new state. -
430 430 } 431 431 432 432 /** 433 * Returns geographic coordinates from a specific pixel coordination on the screen. 433 434 * @param x X-Pixelposition to get coordinate from 434 435 * @param y Y-Pixelposition to get coordinate from 435 436 * … … 491 492 } 492 493 493 494 /** 495 * Returns minimum bounds that will cover a given rectangle. 494 496 * @param r rectangle 495 497 * @return Minimum bounds that will cover rectangle 496 498 */ … … 1235 1237 1236 1238 /** 1237 1239 * The result *order* depends on the current map selection state. 1238 * Segments within 10px of p are searched and sorted by their distance to @param p,1240 * Segments within 10px of p are searched and sorted by their distance to {@code p}, 1239 1241 * then, within groups of equally distant segments, prefer those that are selected. 1240 1242 * 1241 1243 * @param p the point for which to search the nearest segments. … … 1636 1638 } 1637 1639 1638 1640 /** 1641 * Returns the projection to be used in calculating stuff. 1639 1642 * @return The projection to be used in calculating stuff. 1640 1643 */ 1641 1644 public Projection getProjection() { -
34 34 * Create the runnable object with a given message for the user. 35 35 * @param title message for the user 36 36 */ 37 p ublicPleaseWaitRunnable(String title) {37 protected PleaseWaitRunnable(String title) { 38 38 this(title, false); 39 39 } 40 40 … … 46 46 * exception will be handled by showing a dialog. When this runnable is executed using executor framework 47 47 * then use false unless you read result of task (because exception will get lost if you don't) 48 48 */ 49 p ublicPleaseWaitRunnable(String title, boolean ignoreException) {49 protected PleaseWaitRunnable(String title, boolean ignoreException) { 50 50 this(title, new PleaseWaitProgressMonitor(title), ignoreException); 51 51 } 52 52 … … 60 60 * then use false unless you read result of task (because exception will get lost if you don't) 61 61 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if parent is null 62 62 */ 63 p ublicPleaseWaitRunnable(Component parent, String title, boolean ignoreException) {63 protected PleaseWaitRunnable(Component parent, String title, boolean ignoreException) { 64 64 CheckParameterUtil.ensureParameterNotNull(parent, "parent"); 65 65 this.title = title; 66 66 this.progressMonitor = new PleaseWaitProgressMonitor(parent, title); … … 76 76 * exception will be handled by showing a dialog. When this runnable is executed using executor framework 77 77 * then use false unless you read result of task (because exception will get lost if you don't) 78 78 */ 79 p ublicPleaseWaitRunnable(String title, ProgressMonitor progressMonitor, boolean ignoreException) {79 protected PleaseWaitRunnable(String title, ProgressMonitor progressMonitor, boolean ignoreException) { 80 80 this.title = title; 81 81 this.progressMonitor = progressMonitor == null ? new PleaseWaitProgressMonitor(title) : progressMonitor; 82 82 this.ignoreException = ignoreException; -
198 198 /** 199 199 * Constructs a new {@code ListMergeModel}. 200 200 */ 201 p ublicAbstractListMergeModel() {201 protected AbstractListMergeModel() { 202 202 entries = new EnumMap<>(ListRole.class); 203 203 for (ListRole role : ListRole.values()) { 204 204 entries.put(role, new ArrayList<T>()); -
407 407 * Constructs a new {@code ListMerger}. 408 408 * @param model list merger model 409 409 */ 410 p ublicAbstractListMerger(AbstractListMergeModel<T, C> model) {410 protected AbstractListMerger(AbstractListMergeModel<T, C> model) { 411 411 this.model = model; 412 412 model.addChangeListener(this); 413 413 build(); -
184 184 /** 185 185 * Create a new merge panel. 186 186 */ 187 p ublicAbstractMergePanel() {187 protected AbstractMergePanel() { 188 188 super(new GridBagLayout()); 189 189 } 190 190 -
27 27 * @param cm column model 28 28 * @param sm selection model 29 29 */ 30 p ublicPairTable(String name, AbstractListMergeModel<? extends PrimitiveId, ? extends ConflictResolveCommand> model,30 protected PairTable(String name, AbstractListMergeModel<? extends PrimitiveId, ? extends ConflictResolveCommand> model, 31 31 OsmPrimitivesTableModel dm, TableColumnModel cm, ListSelectionModel sm) { 32 32 super(dm, cm, sm); 33 33 this.model = model; -
24 24 * Constructs a new {@code CorrectionTableModel}. 25 25 * @param corrections list of corrections 26 26 */ 27 p ublicCorrectionTableModel(List<C> corrections) {27 protected CorrectionTableModel(List<C> corrections) { 28 28 this.corrections = corrections; 29 29 apply = new boolean[this.corrections.size()]; 30 30 Arrays.fill(apply, true); -
1032 1032 } 1033 1033 1034 1034 /** 1035 * Returns the last used height stored in preferences or preferredHeight. 1035 1036 * @return the last used height stored in preferences or preferredHeight 1036 1037 * @since 14425 1037 1038 */ -
32 32 * @param keySupplier a supplier which returns the selected key for a given row index 33 33 * @param objectSupplier a supplier which returns the selected tagged object(s) 34 34 */ 35 p ublicAbstractCopyAction(JTable tagTable, IntFunction<String> keySupplier, Supplier<Collection<? extends Tagged>> objectSupplier) {35 protected AbstractCopyAction(JTable tagTable, IntFunction<String> keySupplier, Supplier<Collection<? extends Tagged>> objectSupplier) { 36 36 this.tagTable = Objects.requireNonNull(tagTable); 37 37 this.keySupplier = Objects.requireNonNull(keySupplier); 38 38 this.objectSupplier = Objects.requireNonNull(objectSupplier); -
34 34 /** 35 35 * Constructs a new {@code HelpAction}. 36 36 */ 37 p ublicHelpAction() {37 protected HelpAction() { 38 38 putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, tr("Launch browser with wiki help for selected object")); 39 39 new ImageProvider("dialogs", "search").getResource().attachImageIcon(this, true); 40 40 putValue(ACCELERATOR_KEY, getKeyStroke()); -
14 14 /** 15 15 * This is the {@link TableCellRenderer} used in the tables of 16 16 * {@link org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.conflict.pair.relation.RelationMemberMerger}. 17 * 17 * @since 1790 18 18 */ 19 19 public abstract class MemberTableCellRenderer extends JLabel implements TableCellRenderer { 20 20 public static final Color BGCOLOR_IN_JOSM_SELECTION = new Color(235, 255, 177); … … 24 24 /** 25 25 * constructor 26 26 */ 27 p ublicMemberTableCellRenderer() {27 protected MemberTableCellRenderer() { 28 28 setIcon(null); 29 29 setOpaque(true); 30 30 } -
26 26 * Called when creating a new {@link AbstractDownloadSourcePanel} for the given download source 27 27 * @param downloadSource The download source this panel is for 28 28 */ 29 p ublicAbstractDownloadSourcePanel(final DownloadSource<T> downloadSource) {29 protected AbstractDownloadSourcePanel(final DownloadSource<T> downloadSource) { 30 30 Objects.requireNonNull(downloadSource); 31 31 this.downloadSource = downloadSource; 32 32 } -
16 16 * @since 16503 17 17 */ 18 18 public interface IDownloadSourceType { 19 19 20 /** 21 * Returns the checkbox to be added to the UI. 20 22 * @return The checkbox to be added to the UI 21 23 */ 22 24 default JCheckBox getCheckBox() { … … 24 26 } 25 27 26 28 /** 29 * Returns the checkbox to be added to the UI. 27 30 * @param checkboxChangeListener The listener for checkboxes (may be {@code null}) 28 31 * @return The checkbox to be added to the UI 29 32 */ 30 33 JCheckBox getCheckBox(ChangeListener checkboxChangeListener); 31 34 32 35 /** 36 * Returns the download task class which will be getting the data. 33 37 * @return The {@link DownloadTask} class which will be getting the data 34 38 */ 35 39 Class<? extends AbstractDownloadTask<?>> getDownloadClass(); 36 40 37 41 /** 42 * Determines the last state of the download type. 38 43 * @return The boolean indicating the last state of the download type 39 44 */ 40 45 default boolean isEnabled() { … … 42 47 } 43 48 44 49 /** 50 * Returns the boolean property for this particular download type. 45 51 * @return The boolean property for this particular download type 46 52 */ 47 53 BooleanProperty getBooleanProperty(); -
131 131 } 132 132 133 133 /** 134 * Returns the possible downloads that JOSM can make in the default Download screen. 134 135 * @return The possible downloads that JOSM can make in the default Download screen 135 136 * @since 16503 136 137 */ … … 151 152 } 152 153 153 154 /** 155 * Removes a download source type. 154 156 * @param type The IDownloadSourceType object to remove 155 157 * @return {@code true} if this download types contained the specified object 156 158 * @since 16503 … … 359 361 sizeCheck.setForeground(Color.darkGray); 360 362 } 361 363 } 362 363 364 } 364 365 365 366 /** … … 370 371 private final List<IDownloadSourceType> downloadPossibilities; 371 372 372 373 /** 374 * Constructs a new {@code OSMDownloadData}. 373 375 * @param downloadPossibilities A list of DataDownloadTypes (instantiated, with 374 376 * options set) 375 377 */ … … 378 380 } 379 381 380 382 /** 383 * Returns the download possibilities. 381 384 * @return A list of DataDownloadTypes (instantiated, with options set) 382 385 */ 383 386 public List<IDownloadSourceType> getDownloadPossibilities() { -
68 68 69 69 private static final List<HistoryHook> hooks = new ArrayList<>(); 70 70 71 pr otectedHistoryBrowserDialogManager() {71 private HistoryBrowserDialogManager() { 72 72 MainApplication.getLayerManager().addLayerChangeListener(this); 73 73 } 74 74 -
17 17 /** 18 18 * Constructs a new {@code AbstractIOTask}. 19 19 */ 20 p ublicAbstractIOTask() {20 protected AbstractIOTask() { 21 21 canceled = false; 22 22 failed = false; 23 23 lastException = null; -
46 46 * @see java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment#isHeadless 47 47 * @see JComponent#getDefaultLocale 48 48 */ 49 p ublicAbstractUploadDialog(Window owner, ModalityType modalityType) {49 protected AbstractUploadDialog(Window owner, ModalityType modalityType) { 50 50 super(owner, modalityType); 51 51 } 52 52 … … 88 88 * @see java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment#isHeadless 89 89 * @see JComponent#getDefaultLocale 90 90 */ 91 p ublicAbstractUploadDialog(Window owner, String title, ModalityType modalityType, GraphicsConfiguration gc) {91 protected AbstractUploadDialog(Window owner, String title, ModalityType modalityType, GraphicsConfiguration gc) { 92 92 super(owner, title, modalityType, gc); 93 93 } 94 94 … … 124 124 * @see java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment#isHeadless 125 125 * @see JComponent#getDefaultLocale 126 126 */ 127 p ublicAbstractUploadDialog(Window owner, String title, ModalityType modalityType) {127 protected AbstractUploadDialog(Window owner, String title, ModalityType modalityType) { 128 128 super(owner, title, modalityType); 129 129 } 130 130 … … 151 151 * @see java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment#isHeadless 152 152 * @see JComponent#getDefaultLocale 153 153 */ 154 p ublicAbstractUploadDialog(Window owner, String title) {154 protected AbstractUploadDialog(Window owner, String title) { 155 155 super(owner, title); 156 156 } 157 157 … … 176 176 * @see java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment#isHeadless 177 177 * @see JComponent#getDefaultLocale 178 178 */ 179 p ublicAbstractUploadDialog(Window owner) {179 protected AbstractUploadDialog(Window owner) { 180 180 super(owner); 181 181 } 182 182 -
52 52 * exception will be handled by showing a dialog. When this runnable is executed using executor framework 53 53 * then use false unless you read result of task (because exception will get lost if you don't) 54 54 */ 55 p ublicAbstractUploadTask(String title, boolean ignoreException) {55 protected AbstractUploadTask(String title, boolean ignoreException) { 56 56 super(title, ignoreException); 57 57 } 58 58 … … 64 64 * exception will be handled by showing a dialog. When this runnable is executed using executor framework 65 65 * then use false unless you read result of task (because exception will get lost if you don't) 66 66 */ 67 p ublicAbstractUploadTask(String title, ProgressMonitor progressMonitor, boolean ignoreException) {67 protected AbstractUploadTask(String title, ProgressMonitor progressMonitor, boolean ignoreException) { 68 68 super(title, progressMonitor, ignoreException); 69 69 } 70 70 … … 72 72 * Constructs a new {@code AbstractUploadTask}. 73 73 * @param title message for the user 74 74 */ 75 p ublicAbstractUploadTask(String title) {75 protected AbstractUploadTask(String title) { 76 76 super(title); 77 77 } 78 78 -
65 65 * @param downloadReferrers if the referrers of the object should be downloaded as well, 66 66 * i.e., parent relations, and for nodes, additionally, parent ways 67 67 * @param full if the members of a relation should be downloaded as well 68 * @param newLayerName the name to use for the new layer, can be {@code null}.68 * @param newLayerName the name to use for the new layer, can be null. 69 69 * @param monitor ProgressMonitor to use, or null to create a new one 70 70 */ 71 71 public DownloadPrimitivesWithReferrersTask(boolean newLayer, List<PrimitiveId> ids, boolean downloadReferrers, -
26 26 * Constructs a new {@code FileExporter}. 27 27 * @param filter The extension file filter 28 28 */ 29 p ublicFileExporter(ExtensionFileFilter filter) {29 protected FileExporter(ExtensionFileFilter filter) { 30 30 this.filter = filter; 31 31 this.enabled = true; 32 32 } -
40 40 * Constructs a new {@code FileImporter} with the given extension file filter. 41 41 * @param filter The extension file filter 42 42 */ 43 p ublicFileImporter(ExtensionFileFilter filter) {43 protected FileImporter(ExtensionFileFilter filter) { 44 44 this.filter = filter; 45 45 this.enabled = true; 46 46 } -
44 44 * 45 45 * @param info ImageryInfo describing the layer 46 46 */ 47 p ublicAbstractCachedTileSourceLayer(ImageryInfo info) {47 protected AbstractCachedTileSourceLayer(ImageryInfo info) { 48 48 super(info); 49 49 50 50 if (loaderFactoryOverride != null) { … … 111 111 } 112 112 113 113 /** 114 * Returns cache configured object for specified cache region. 114 115 * @param name of cache region 115 116 * @return cache configured object for specified cache region 116 117 */ -
16 16 * Constructs a new {@code ModifiableLayer}. 17 17 * @param name Layer name 18 18 */ 19 p ublicAbstractModifiableLayer(String name) {19 protected AbstractModifiableLayer(String name) { 20 20 super(name); 21 21 } 22 22 -
214 214 * Creates Tile Source based Imagery Layer based on Imagery Info 215 215 * @param info imagery info 216 216 */ 217 p ublicAbstractTileSourceLayer(ImageryInfo info) {217 protected AbstractTileSourceLayer(ImageryInfo info) { 218 218 super(info); 219 219 setBackgroundLayer(true); 220 220 this.setVisible(true); … … 708 708 } 709 709 710 710 /** 711 * Returns maximum max zoom level, that will be shown on layer. 711 712 * @param ts TileSource for which we want to know maximum zoom level 712 713 * @return maximum max zoom level, that will be shown on layer 713 714 */ … … 716 717 } 717 718 718 719 /** 720 * Returns minimum zoom level, that will be shown on layer. 719 721 * @param ts TileSource for which we want to know minimum zoom level 720 722 * @return minimum zoom level, that will be shown on layer 721 723 */ … … 773 775 } 774 776 775 777 /** 776 * 777 * @return if it s allowed to zoom in778 * Determines if it is allowed to zoom in. 779 * @return if it is allowed to zoom in 778 780 */ 779 781 public boolean zoomIncreaseAllowed() { 780 782 boolean zia = currentZoomLevel < this.getMaxZoomLvl(); … … 1821 1823 } 1822 1824 1823 1825 /** 1826 * Determines if the task is finished. 1824 1827 * @return true, if all is done 1825 1828 */ 1826 1829 public boolean isFinished() { … … 1828 1831 } 1829 1832 1830 1833 /** 1834 * Returns total number of tiles to download. 1831 1835 * @return total number of tiles to download 1832 1836 */ 1833 1837 public int getTotalCount() { … … 1859 1863 } 1860 1864 1861 1865 /** 1866 * Returns tile loader that is used to load the tiles. 1862 1867 * @return tile loader that is used to load the tiles 1863 1868 */ 1864 1869 public TileLoader getTileLoader() { -
83 83 } 84 84 85 85 /** 86 * Adds a nag panel for a given imagery info. 86 87 * @param infoToAdd ImageryInfo for which the nag panel should be created 87 88 */ 88 89 public static void addNagPanelIfNeeded(ImageryInfo infoToAdd) { -
371 371 } 372 372 373 373 /** 374 * Returns the linked MarkerLayer. 374 375 * @return the linked MarkerLayer (imported from the same file) 375 376 * @since 15496 376 377 */ … … 379 380 } 380 381 381 382 /** 383 * Sets the linked MarkerLayer. 382 384 * @param linkedMarkerLayer the linked MarkerLayer 383 385 * @since 15496 384 386 */ -
68 68 * Constructs a new {@code ImageryLayer}. 69 69 * @param info imagery info 70 70 */ 71 p ublicImageryLayer(ImageryInfo info) {71 protected ImageryLayer(ImageryInfo info) { 72 72 super(info.getName()); 73 73 this.info = info; 74 74 if (info.getIcon() != null) { -
167 167 * Create the layer and fill in the necessary components. 168 168 * @param name Layer name 169 169 */ 170 p ublicLayer(String name) {170 protected Layer(String name) { 171 171 this.propertyChangeSupport = new PropertyChangeSupport(this); 172 172 setName(name); 173 173 } … … 194 194 public abstract Icon getIcon(); 195 195 196 196 /** 197 * Determines whether the layer has / can handle colors. 197 198 * @return whether the layer has / can handle colors. 198 199 * @since 15496 199 200 */ … … 219 220 } 220 221 221 222 /** 223 * Returns a small tooltip hint about some statistics for this layer. 222 224 * @return A small tooltip hint about some statistics for this layer. 223 225 */ 224 226 public abstract String getToolTipText(); … … 233 235 public abstract void mergeFrom(Layer from); 234 236 235 237 /** 238 * Determines if the other layer can be merged into this layer. 236 239 * @param other The other layer that is tested to be mergable with this. 237 240 * @return Whether the other layer can be merged into this layer. 238 241 */ -
122 122 } 123 123 124 124 /** 125 * @return true if this {@link MapViewPaintable} is used as a temporary layer. 125 * Determines if this {@link MapViewPaintable} is used as a temporary layer 126 * @return true if this {@code MapViewPaintable} is used as a temporary layer. 126 127 */ 127 128 public boolean isTemporaryLayer() { 128 129 return temporaryLayer; -
843 843 } 844 844 845 845 /** 846 * Converts a node to a waypoint. 846 847 * @param n the {@code Node} to convert 847 848 * @return {@code WayPoint} object 848 849 * @since 13210 … … 852 853 } 853 854 854 855 /** 856 * Converts a node to a waypoint. 855 857 * @param n the {@code Node} to convert 856 858 * @param time a timestamp value in milliseconds from the epoch. 857 859 * @return {@code WayPoint} object -
139 139 } 140 140 141 141 /** 142 * Returns cache for TMS region. 142 143 * @return cache for TMS region 143 144 */ 144 145 public static CacheAccess<String, BufferedImageCacheEntry> getCache() { -
195 195 } 196 196 197 197 /** 198 * Returns cache region for WMS layer. 198 199 * @return cache region for WMS layer 199 200 */ 200 201 public static CacheAccess<String, BufferedImageCacheEntry> getCache() { -
114 114 } 115 115 116 116 /** 117 * Returns cache region for WMTS layer. 117 118 * @return cache region for WMTS layer 118 119 */ 119 120 public static CacheAccess<String, BufferedImageCacheEntry> getCache() { -
36 36 private final String prefDateMax; 37 37 38 38 /** 39 * Create the panel to filter tracks on GPX layer @param layerby date40 * Preferences will be stored in @param preferencePrefix41 * If @param enabled = true, then the panel is created as active and filtering occurs immediately.39 * Create the panel to filter tracks on GPX layer {@code layer} by date 40 * Preferences will be stored in {@code preferencePrefix} 41 * If {@code enabled = true}, then the panel is created as active and filtering occurs immediately. 42 42 * @param layer GPX layer 43 43 * @param preferencePrefix preference prefix 44 44 * @param enabled panel initial enabled state -
33 33 } 34 34 35 35 /** 36 * Returns the x position. 36 37 * @return the x position 37 38 */ 38 39 public int getX() { … … 40 41 } 41 42 42 43 /** 44 * Returns the y position. 43 45 * @return the y position 44 46 */ 45 47 public int getY() { … … 47 49 } 48 50 49 51 /** 52 * Returns the zoom. 50 53 * @return the zoom 51 54 */ 52 55 public int getZoom() { -
132 132 } 133 133 134 134 /** 135 * Returns selected layer. 135 136 * @return selected layer 136 137 */ 137 138 public Layer getSelectedLayer() { -
146 146 } 147 147 148 148 /** 149 * Image provider for icon. Note that this is a provider only. A @link{ImageProvider#get()} call may still fail!149 * Image provider for icon. Note that this is a provider only. A {@link ImageProvider#get()} call may still fail! 150 150 * 151 151 * @param ref reference to the requested icon 152 152 * @param test if <code>true</code> than the icon is request is tested -
77 77 * @param name The name for this StyleSource 78 78 * @param title The title that can be used as menu entry 79 79 */ 80 p ublicStyleSource(String url, String name, String title) {80 protected StyleSource(String url, String name, String title) { 81 81 super(SourceType.MAP_PAINT_STYLE, url, name, title, true); 82 82 } 83 83 … … 85 85 * Constructs a new {@link StyleSource} 86 86 * @param entry The entry to copy the data (url, name, ...) from. 87 87 */ 88 p ublicStyleSource(SourceEntry entry) {88 protected StyleSource(SourceEntry entry) { 89 89 super(entry); 90 90 } 91 91 -
658 658 * Function associated to the logical ">=" operator. 659 659 * @param a first value 660 660 * @param b second value 661 * @return {@code true} if {@code a >= b}661 * @return {@code true} if {@code a >= b} 662 662 */ 663 663 public static boolean greater_equal(float a, float b) { // NO_UCD (unused code) 664 664 return a >= b; … … 668 668 * Function associated to the logical "<=" operator. 669 669 * @param a first value 670 670 * @param b second value 671 * @return {@code true} if {@code a <= b}671 * @return {@code true} if {@code a <= b} 672 672 */ 673 673 public static boolean less_equal(float a, float b) { // NO_UCD (unused code) 674 674 return a <= b; … … 678 678 * Function associated to the logical ">" operator. 679 679 * @param a first value 680 680 * @param b second value 681 * @return {@code true} if {@code a >b}681 * @return {@code true} if {@code a > b} 682 682 */ 683 683 public static boolean greater(float a, float b) { // NO_UCD (unused code) 684 684 return a > b; … … 688 688 * Function associated to the logical "<" operator. 689 689 * @param a first value 690 690 * @param b second value 691 * @return {@code true} if {@code a <b}691 * @return {@code true} if {@code a < b} 692 692 */ 693 693 public static boolean less(float a, float b) { // NO_UCD (unused code) 694 694 return a < b; -
64 64 * @param defaultSelectedHandling true if default behavior for selected objects 65 65 * is enabled, false if a style for selected state is given explicitly 66 66 */ 67 p ublicStyleElement(float majorZIndex, float zIndex, float objectZIndex, boolean isModifier, boolean defaultSelectedHandling) {67 protected StyleElement(float majorZIndex, float zIndex, float objectZIndex, boolean isModifier, boolean defaultSelectedHandling) { 68 68 this.majorZIndex = majorZIndex; 69 69 this.zIndex = zIndex; 70 70 this.objectZIndex = objectZIndex; -
27 27 * Constructs a new {@code AbstractAuthorizationUI} without API URL. 28 28 * @since 10189 29 29 */ 30 p ublicAbstractAuthorizationUI() {30 protected AbstractAuthorizationUI() { 31 31 } 32 32 33 33 /** … … 35 35 * @param apiUrl The OSM API URL 36 36 * @since 5422 37 37 */ 38 p ublicAbstractAuthorizationUI(String apiUrl) {38 protected AbstractAuthorizationUI(String apiUrl) { 39 39 setApiUrl(apiUrl); 40 40 } 41 41 -
23 23 * 24 24 * (Not an expert option by default.) 25 25 */ 26 p ublicDefaultPreferenceSetting() {26 protected DefaultPreferenceSetting() { 27 27 this(false); 28 28 } 29 29 … … 32 32 * 33 33 * @param isExpert true, if it is an expert option 34 34 */ 35 p ublicDefaultPreferenceSetting(boolean isExpert) {35 protected DefaultPreferenceSetting(boolean isExpert) { 36 36 this.isExpert = isExpert; 37 37 } 38 38 -
29 29 /** 30 30 * Constructs a new {@code DefaultTabPreferenceSetting}. 31 31 */ 32 p ublicDefaultTabPreferenceSetting() {32 protected DefaultTabPreferenceSetting() { 33 33 this(null, null, null); 34 34 } 35 35 36 p ublicDefaultTabPreferenceSetting(String iconName, String title, String description) {36 protected DefaultTabPreferenceSetting(String iconName, String title, String description) { 37 37 this(iconName, title, description, false); 38 38 } 39 39 40 p ublicDefaultTabPreferenceSetting(String iconName, String title, String description, boolean isExpert) {40 protected DefaultTabPreferenceSetting(String iconName, String title, String description, boolean isExpert) { 41 41 this(iconName, title, description, isExpert, null); 42 42 } 43 43 44 p ublicDefaultTabPreferenceSetting(String iconName, String title, String description, boolean isExpert, JTabbedPane tabpane) {44 protected DefaultTabPreferenceSetting(String iconName, String title, String description, boolean isExpert, JTabbedPane tabpane) { 45 45 super(isExpert); 46 46 this.iconName = iconName; 47 47 this.description = description; -
193 193 @FunctionalInterface 194 194 public interface ValidationListener { 195 195 /** 196 * 196 * Determines if preferences can be saved. 197 197 * @return True if preferences can be saved 198 198 */ 199 199 boolean validatePreferences(); -
145 145 * @param sourceProviders the list of additional source providers, from plugins 146 146 * @param handleIcons {@code true} if icons may be managed, {@code false} otherwise 147 147 */ 148 p ublicSourceEditor(SourceType sourceType, String availableSourcesUrl, List<SourceProvider> sourceProviders, boolean handleIcons) {148 protected SourceEditor(SourceType sourceType, String availableSourcesUrl, List<SourceProvider> sourceProviders, boolean handleIcons) { 149 149 150 150 this.sourceType = sourceType; 151 151 this.canEnable = sourceType == SourceType.MAP_PAINT_STYLE || sourceType == SourceType.TAGCHECKER_RULE; -
27 27 * @param title The text that will be shown in the window titlebar 28 28 * @param entry Preference entry 29 29 */ 30 p ublicAbstractListEditor(Component parent, String title, PrefEntry entry) {30 protected AbstractListEditor(Component parent, String title, PrefEntry entry) { 31 31 super(parent, title, tr("OK"), tr("Cancel")); 32 32 this.entry = entry; 33 33 setButtonIcons("ok", "cancel"); -
47 47 * @param title The text that will be shown in the window titlebar 48 48 * @param entry Preference entry 49 49 */ 50 p ublicAbstractTableListEditor(Component parent, String title, PrefEntry entry) {50 protected AbstractTableListEditor(Component parent, String title, PrefEntry entry) { 51 51 super(parent, title, entry); 52 52 entryModel = newEntryListModel(); 53 53 entryList = new JList<>(entryModel); -
110 110 } 111 111 112 112 /** 113 * Returns headers provided by user. 113 114 * @return headers provided by user 114 115 */ 115 116 public Map<String, String> getHeaders() { -
23 23 * @param name short name of the projection choice as shown in the GUI 24 24 * @param id unique identifier for the projection choice 25 25 */ 26 p ublicAbstractProjectionChoice(String name, String id) {26 protected AbstractProjectionChoice(String name, String id) { 27 27 this.name = name; 28 28 this.id = id; 29 29 } -
32 32 * @param label a label shown left to the combo-box 33 33 * @param defaultIndex the default index for the combo-box 34 34 */ 35 p ublicListProjectionChoice(String name, String id, String[] entries, String label, int defaultIndex) {35 protected ListProjectionChoice(String name, String id, String[] entries, String label, int defaultIndex) { 36 36 super(name, id); 37 37 this.entries = Utils.copyArray(entries); 38 38 this.label = label; … … 46 46 * @param entries the list of display entries for the combo-box 47 47 * @param label a label shown left to the combo-box 48 48 */ 49 p ublicListProjectionChoice(String name, String id, String[] entries, String label) {49 protected ListProjectionChoice(String name, String id, String[] entries, String label) { 50 50 this(name, id, entries, label, 0); 51 51 } 52 52 -
2 2 package org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.preferences.projection; 3 3 4 4 /** 5 * ProjectionChoice can implement this interface to set some additional options 5 * ProjectionChoice can implement this interface to set some additional options. 6 * @since 5226 6 7 */ 7 8 public interface SubPrefsOptions { 8 9 9 10 /** 11 * Determines if the projection code should be displayed in the top panel. 10 12 * @return true, if the projection code should be displayed in the top panel 11 13 */ 12 14 boolean showProjectionCode(); 13 15 14 16 /** 17 * Determines if the projection name should be displayed in the top panel. 15 18 * @return true, if the projection name should be displayed in the top panel 16 19 */ 17 20 boolean showProjectionName(); -
71 71 } 72 72 73 73 /** 74 * Returns the current filter expression. 74 75 * @return the current filter expression; null, if no filter expression is set 75 76 */ 76 77 public String getFilter() { -
20 20 * Constructs a new {@link AbstractIdTextField} 21 21 * @param klass The validator class 22 22 */ 23 p ublicAbstractIdTextField(Class<T> klass) {23 protected AbstractIdTextField(Class<T> klass) { 24 24 this(klass, 0); 25 25 } 26 26 … … 30 30 * @param columns The number of columns to use to calculate the preferred width 31 31 * @see JosmTextField#JosmTextField(int) 32 32 */ 33 p ublicAbstractIdTextField(Class<T> klass, int columns) {33 protected AbstractIdTextField(Class<T> klass, int columns) { 34 34 super(columns); 35 35 T validator = null; 36 36 try { -
84 84 * @param tc the text component. Must not be null. 85 85 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if tc is null 86 86 */ 87 p ublicAbstractTextComponentValidator(JTextComponent tc) {87 protected AbstractTextComponentValidator(JTextComponent tc) { 88 88 this(tc, true); 89 89 } 90 90 … … 94 94 * @param tc text component 95 95 * @param addActionListener {@code true} to add the action listener 96 96 */ 97 p ublicAbstractTextComponentValidator(JTextComponent tc, boolean addActionListener) {97 protected AbstractTextComponentValidator(JTextComponent tc, boolean addActionListener) { 98 98 this(tc, true, true, addActionListener); 99 99 } 100 100 … … 105 105 * @param addDocumentListener {@code true} to add the document listener 106 106 * @param addActionListener {@code true} to add the action listener 107 107 */ 108 public AbstractTextComponentValidator(JTextComponent tc, boolean addFocusListener, boolean addDocumentListener, boolean addActionListener) { 108 protected AbstractTextComponentValidator( 109 JTextComponent tc, boolean addFocusListener, boolean addDocumentListener, boolean addActionListener) { 109 110 CheckParameterUtil.ensureParameterNotNull(tc, "tc"); 110 111 this.tc = tc; 111 112 if (addFocusListener) { -
189 189 } 190 190 191 191 /** 192 * Returns the value of the floatingDividers property. 192 193 * @return the value of the floatingDividers property 193 194 * @see #setFloatingDividers 194 195 */ … … 714 715 } 715 716 716 717 /** 718 * Returns the invalid Node. 717 719 * @return the invalid Node. 718 720 */ 719 721 public Node getNode() { -
35 35 * @param cm column model 36 36 * @param sm selection model 37 37 */ 38 p ublicOsmPrimitivesTable(OsmPrimitivesTableModel dm, TableColumnModel cm, ListSelectionModel sm) {38 protected OsmPrimitivesTable(OsmPrimitivesTableModel dm, TableColumnModel cm, ListSelectionModel sm) { 39 39 super(dm, cm, sm); 40 40 addMouseListener(new PopupMenuLauncher(getPopUpMenu())); 41 41 addMouseListener(new DblClickHandler()); -
148 148 } 149 149 150 150 /** 151 * Returns the popup menu. 151 152 * @return the popup menu if defined, {@code null} otherwise. 152 153 * @since 5884 153 154 */ -
39 39 /** 40 40 * Constructs a new {@code SearchTextResultListPanel}. 41 41 */ 42 p ublicSearchTextResultListPanel() {42 protected SearchTextResultListPanel() { 43 43 super(new BorderLayout()); 44 44 45 45 edSearchText = new JosmTextField(); -
255 255 } 256 256 257 257 /** 258 * Determines if download is complete for the given bounding box. 258 259 * @return true if download is complete for the given bounding box (not filtered) 259 260 */ 260 261 public boolean considerAsFullDownload() { -
72 72 * @param ident ident that identifies the stored file. Includes file-ending. 73 73 * @param updateInterval update interval in seconds. -1 means always 74 74 */ 75 p ublicCacheCustomContent(String ident, int updateInterval) {75 protected CacheCustomContent(String ident, int updateInterval) { 76 76 this.ident = ident; 77 77 this.updateInterval = updateInterval; 78 78 this.path = new File(Config.getDirs().getCacheDirectory(true), ident); -
46 46 protected final Compression compression; 47 47 protected InputStream in; 48 48 49 p ublicParser(ProgressMonitor progressMonitor, Compression compression) {49 protected Parser(ProgressMonitor progressMonitor, Compression compression) { 50 50 this.progressMonitor = progressMonitor; 51 51 this.compression = compression; 52 52 } -
46 46 /** 47 47 * Constructs a new {@code OsmServerReader}. 48 48 */ 49 p ublicOsmServerReader() {49 protected OsmServerReader() { 50 50 try { 51 51 doAuthenticate = OsmApi.isUsingOAuth() 52 52 && CredentialsManager.getInstance().lookupOAuthAccessToken() != null -
244 244 } 245 245 246 246 /** 247 * Returns root URL of services in this GetCapabilities. 247 248 * @return root URL of services in this GetCapabilities 248 249 */ 249 250 public String buildRootUrl() { … … 271 272 } 272 273 273 274 /** 275 * Returns root URL of services without the GetCapabilities call. 274 276 * @return root URL of services without the GetCapabilities call 275 277 * @since 15209 276 278 */ … … 303 305 } 304 306 305 307 /** 308 * Returns URL for accessing GetMap service. String will contain following parameters: 309 * * {proj} - that needs to be replaced with projection (one of {@link #getServerProjections(List)}) 310 * * {width} - that needs to be replaced with width of the tile 311 * * {height} - that needs to be replaces with height of the tile 312 * * {bbox} - that needs to be replaced with area that should be fetched (in {proj} coordinates) 313 * 314 * Format of the response will be calculated using {@link #getPreferredFormat()} 315 * 306 316 * @param selectedLayers selected layers as subset of the tree returned by {@link #getLayers()} 307 317 * @param selectedStyles selected styles for all selectedLayers 308 318 * @param transparent whether returned images should contain transparent pixels (if supported by format) … … 314 324 } 315 325 316 326 /** 327 * Returns URL for accessing GetMap service. String will contain following parameters: 328 * * {proj} - that needs to be replaced with projection (one of {@link #getServerProjections(List)}) 329 * * {width} - that needs to be replaced with width of the tile 330 * * {height} - that needs to be replaces with height of the tile 331 * * {bbox} - that needs to be replaced with area that should be fetched (in {proj} coordinates) 332 * 317 333 * @param selectedLayers selected layers as subset of the tree returned by {@link #getLayers()} 318 334 * @param selectedStyles selected styles for all selectedLayers 319 335 * @param format format of the response - one of {@link #getFormats()} … … 331 347 } 332 348 333 349 /** 350 * Returns URL for accessing GetMap service. String will contain following parameters: 351 * * {proj} - that needs to be replaced with projection (one of {@link #getServerProjections(List)}) 352 * * {width} - that needs to be replaced with width of the tile 353 * * {height} - that needs to be replaces with height of the tile 354 * * {bbox} - that needs to be replaced with area that should be fetched (in {proj} coordinates) 355 * 334 356 * @param selectedLayers selected layers as list of strings 335 357 * @param selectedStyles selected styles of layers as list of strings 336 358 * @param format format of the response - one of {@link #getFormats()} … … 523 545 } 524 546 525 547 /** 548 * Determines if this service operates at protocol level below WMS 1.3.0 526 549 * @return if this service operates at protocol level below 1.3.0 527 550 */ 528 551 public boolean belowWMS130() { … … 708 731 } 709 732 710 733 /** 734 * Returns collection of LayerDetails specified by defaultLayers. 711 735 * @param defaultLayers default layers that should select layer object 712 * @return collection of LayerDetails specified by DefaultLayers736 * @return collection of LayerDetails specified by defaultLayers 713 737 */ 714 738 public List<LayerDetails> getLayers(List<DefaultLayer> defaultLayers) { 715 739 Collection<String> layerNames = defaultLayers.stream().map(DefaultLayer::getLayerName).collect(Collectors.toList()); … … 720 744 } 721 745 722 746 /** 747 * Returns title of this service. 723 748 * @return title of this service 724 749 */ 725 750 public String getTitle() { -
199 199 } 200 200 201 201 /** 202 * Returns list of layers that are later added to the mapview. 202 203 * @return list of layers that are later added to the mapview 203 204 */ 204 205 public List<Layer> getLayers() { … … 206 207 } 207 208 208 209 /** 210 * Returns active layer. 209 211 * @return active layer, or {@code null} if not set 210 212 * @since 6271 211 213 */ … … 215 217 } 216 218 217 219 /** 220 * Returns actions executed in EDT after layers have been added. 218 221 * @return actions executed in EDT after layers have been added (message dialog, etc.) 219 222 */ 220 223 public List<Runnable> getPostLoadTasks() { … … 222 225 } 223 226 224 227 /** 225 * Return the viewport (map position and scale).228 * Returns the viewport (map position and scale). 226 229 * @return the viewport; can be null when no viewport info is found in the file 227 230 */ 228 231 public SessionViewportData getViewport() { … … 230 233 } 231 234 232 235 /** 233 * Return the projection choice data.236 * Returns the projection choice data. 234 237 * @return the projection; can be null when no projection info is found in the file 235 238 */ 236 239 public SessionProjectionChoiceData getProjectionChoice() { -
101 101 * 102 102 * @param info the plugin information describing the plugin. 103 103 */ 104 p ublicPlugin(PluginInformation info) {104 protected Plugin(PluginInformation info) { 105 105 this.info = info; 106 106 } 107 107 -
13 13 protected final T value; 14 14 protected Long time; 15 15 protected boolean isNew; 16 16 17 /** 17 18 * Constructs a new {@code AbstractSetting} with the given value 18 19 * @param value The setting value 19 20 */ 20 p ublicAbstractSetting(T value) {21 protected AbstractSetting(T value) { 21 22 this.value = value; 22 23 this.time = null; 23 24 this.isNew = false; -
511 511 public abstract Map<String, List<String>> getHeaderFields(); 512 512 513 513 /** 514 * Indicates that other requests to the server are unlikely in the near future. 514 515 * @see HttpURLConnection#disconnect() 515 516 */ 516 517 public abstract void disconnect(); -
67 67 } 68 68 69 69 /** 70 * Returns the name of the filesystem object pointed to by this shortcut. 70 71 * @return the name of the filesystem object pointed to by this shortcut 71 72 */ 72 73 public String getRealFilename() { -
Property changes on: tools ___________________________________________________________________ Modified: svn:ignore ## -1,2 +1,3 ## ivy-report jacocoant.jar +error_prone
8 8 <conf name="proguard" description="Everything needed for running ProGuard"/> 9 9 <conf name="pmd" description="Everything needed for running PMD"/> 10 10 <conf name="spotbugs" description="Everything needed for running SpotBugs"/> 11 <conf name="errorprone" description="Everything needed for running error-prone"/> 11 12 </configurations> 12 13 <dependencies> 13 14 <!-- javacc->default --> … … 26 27 <!-- spotbugs->default --> 27 28 <dependency org="com.github.spotbugs" name="spotbugs" rev="4.0.1" conf="spotbugs->default"/> 28 29 <dependency org="com.github.spotbugs" name="spotbugs-ant" rev="4.0.1" conf="spotbugs->default"/> 30 <!-- errorprone->default --> 31 <dependency org="com.google.errorprone" name="error_prone_core" rev="2.4.0" conf="errorprone->default"/> 29 32 </dependencies> 30 33 </ivy-module>