1 | C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia>ant test
2 | Buildfile: C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\build.xml
3 |
4 | init:
5 | [mkdir] Created dir: C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\build
6 |
7 | download-ivy:
8 | [get] Getting: https://jcenter.bintray.com/org/apache/ivy/ivy/2.4.0/ivy-2.4.0.jar
9 | [get] To: C:\Users\Gerd\.ant\lib\ivy.jar
10 | [get] https://jcenter.bintray.com/org/apache/ivy/ivy/2.4.0/ivy-2.4.0.jar moved to https://d29vzk4ow07wi7.cloudfront.net/5abe4c24bbe992a9ac07ca563d5bd3e8d569e9ed?response-content-disposition=attachment%3Bfilename%3D%22ivy-2.4.0.jar%22&Policy=eyJTdGF0ZW1lbnQiOiBbeyJSZXNvdXJjZSI6Imh0dHAqOi8vZDI5dnprNG93MDd3aTcuY2xvdWRmcm9udC5uZXQvNWFiZTRjMjRiYmU5OTJhOWFjMDdjYTU2M2Q1YmQzZThkNTY5ZTllZD9yZXNwb25zZS1jb250ZW50LWRpc3Bvc2l0aW9uPWF0dGFjaG1lbnQlM0JmaWxlbmFtZSUzRCUyMml2eS0yLjQuMC5qYXIlMjIiLCJDb25kaXRpb24iOnsiRGF0ZUxlc3NUaGFuIjp7IkFXUzpFcG9jaFRpbWUiOjE1ODk2MTQ1NzJ9LCJJcEFkZHJlc3MiOnsiQVdTOlNvdXJjZUlwIjoiMC4wLjAuMC8wIn19fV19&Signature=pnCPPYjMWvCNQFsrZ1oR-o6NE9yNfd4IGSzs1jxFkKBaLiKYtc6bYPc1oesbijeynOsWPt4z7~DPPGVLCC3~1ltDiZLPNJImR2HWBZQNj2JGc1OClrd-YpYvbFUHoiOYZrwSc4I6VAW2as3-KFWyVBkSbo1sgGUrGa3A5E59bdMutV5EZIg4nC9~SmP5YwPAnUHn8lSgHuE2gPYg6nO5RLbwuMY8665deEXRSMTd1wPa7AF7bgrSezyMWNqnlHCWe~rdOKjnMA-uoiqpLcISo2od9CKHtTk2LJFfw6l3pjdmhf0ZCfeBkmpFq~N0qsDp0rJisYJB4H6VSe7Ck-A3AA__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIFKFWOMXM2UMTSFA
11 | [get] Not modified - so not downloaded
12 |
13 | init-ivy:
14 |
15 | pre-compile:
16 | [ivy:retrieve] :: Apache Ivy 2.5.0 - 20191020104435 :: https://ant.apache.org/ivy/ ::
17 | [ivy:retrieve] :: loading settings :: url = jar:file:/C:/Users/Gerd/.ant/lib/ivy.jar!/org/apache/ivy/core/settings/ivysettings.xml
18 | [ivy:retrieve] :: resolving dependencies :: org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins#wikipedia;working@Gerd-PC
19 | [ivy:retrieve] confs: [default]
20 | [ivy:retrieve] found com.fasterxml.jackson.core#jackson-databind;2.11.0 in default
21 | [ivy:retrieve] found com.fasterxml.jackson.core#jackson-annotations;2.11.0 in default
22 | [ivy:retrieve] found com.fasterxml.jackson.core#jackson-core;2.11.0 in default
23 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.powermock#powermock-core;2.0.0 in default
24 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.powermock#powermock-reflect;2.0.0 in default
25 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.objenesis#objenesis;3.0.1 in default
26 | [ivy:retrieve] found net.bytebuddy#byte-buddy;1.9.3 in default
27 | [ivy:retrieve] found net.bytebuddy#byte-buddy-agent;1.9.3 in default
28 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.javassist#javassist;3.24.0-GA in default
29 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.powermock#powermock-module-junit4;2.0.0 in default
30 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.powermock#powermock-module-junit4-common;2.0.0 in default
31 | [ivy:retrieve] found junit#junit;4.12 in default
32 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.hamcrest#hamcrest-core;1.3 in default
33 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.powermock#powermock-api-mockito2;2.0.0 in default
34 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.powermock#powermock-api-support;2.0.0 in default
35 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.mockito#mockito-core;2.23.0 in default
36 | [ivy:retrieve] found javax.measure#jsr-275;1.0.0 in default
37 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.wikidata.wdtk#wdtk-wikibaseapi;0.11.1 in default
38 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.wikidata.wdtk#wdtk-dumpfiles;0.11.1 in default
39 | [ivy:retrieve] :: resolution report :: resolve 498ms :: artifacts dl 42ms
40 | [ivy:retrieve] :: evicted modules:
41 | [ivy:retrieve] org.objenesis#objenesis;2.6 by [org.objenesis#objenesis;3.0.1] in [default]
42 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------
43 | | | modules || artifacts |
44 | | conf | number| search|dwnlded|evicted|| number|dwnlded|
45 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------
46 | | default | 20 | 0 | 0 | 1 || 24 | 0 |
47 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------
48 | [ivy:retrieve] :: retrieving :: org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins#wikipedia
49 | [ivy:retrieve] confs: [default]
50 | [ivy:retrieve] 0 artifacts copied, 24 already retrieved (0kB/16ms)
51 |
52 | compile:
53 | [echo] compiling sources for C:\josm\dist\wikipedia.jar ...
54 | [javac] Compiling 59 source files to C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\build
55 | [javac] C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\src\main\java\org\wikipedia\api\wikidata_action\json\WbgetclaimsResult.java:162: warning: [UnusedVariable] The field 'precision' is never read.
56 | [javac] private final int precision;
57 | [javac] ^
58 | [javac] (see https://errorprone.info/bugpattern/UnusedVariable)
59 | [javac] Did you mean to remove this line?
60 | [javac] C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\src\main\java\org\wikipedia\api\wikidata_action\json\WbgetclaimsResult.java:128: warning: [UnusedVariable] The field 'altitude' is never read.
61 | [javac] private final Double altitude;
62 | [javac] ^
63 | [javac] (see https://errorprone.info/bugpattern/UnusedVariable)
64 | [javac] Did you mean to remove this line?
65 | [javac] C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\src\main\java\org\wikipedia\api\wikidata_action\json\WbgetclaimsResult.java:161: warning: [UnusedVariable] The field 'after' is never read.
66 | [javac] private final int after;
67 | [javac] ^
68 | [javac] (see https://errorprone.info/bugpattern/UnusedVariable)
69 | [javac] Did you mean to remove this line?
70 | [javac] C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\src\main\java\org\wikipedia\api\wikidata_action\json\WbgetclaimsResult.java:163: warning: [UnusedVariable] The field 'calendarModel' is never read.
71 | [javac] private final String calendarModel;
72 | [javac] ^
73 | [javac] (see https://errorprone.info/bugpattern/UnusedVariable)
74 | [javac] Did you mean to remove this line?
75 | [javac] C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\src\main\java\org\wikipedia\api\wikidata_action\json\WbgetclaimsResult.java:129: warning: [UnusedVariable] The field 'precision' is never read.
76 | [javac] private final double precision;
77 | [javac] ^
78 | [javac] (see https://errorprone.info/bugpattern/UnusedVariable)
79 | [javac] Did you mean to remove this line?
80 | [javac] C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\src\main\java\org\wikipedia\api\wikidata_action\json\WbgetclaimsResult.java:130: warning: [UnusedVariable] The field 'globe' is never read.
81 | [javac] private final String globe;
82 | [javac] ^
83 | [javac] (see https://errorprone.info/bugpattern/UnusedVariable)
84 | [javac] Did you mean to remove this line?
85 | [javac] C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\src\main\java\org\wikipedia\api\wikidata_action\json\WbgetclaimsResult.java:193: warning: [UnusedVariable] The field 'upperBound' is never read.
86 | [javac] private final double upperBound;
87 | [javac] ^
88 | [javac] (see https://errorprone.info/bugpattern/UnusedVariable)
89 | [javac] Did you mean to remove this line?
90 | [javac] C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\src\main\java\org\wikipedia\api\wikidata_action\json\WbgetclaimsResult.java:159: warning: [UnusedVariable] The field 'timezone' is never read.
91 | [javac] private final int timezone;
92 | [javac] ^
93 | [javac] (see https://errorprone.info/bugpattern/UnusedVariable)
94 | [javac] Did you mean to remove this line?
95 | [javac] C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\src\main\java\org\wikipedia\api\wikidata_action\json\WbgetclaimsResult.java:160: warning: [UnusedVariable] The field 'before' is never read.
96 | [javac] private final int before;
97 | [javac] ^
98 | [javac] (see https://errorprone.info/bugpattern/UnusedVariable)
99 | [javac] Did you mean to remove this line?
100 | [javac] C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\src\main\java\org\wikipedia\api\wikidata_action\json\WbgetclaimsResult.java:192: warning: [UnusedVariable] The field 'lowerBound' is never read.
101 | [javac] private final double lowerBound;
102 | [javac] ^
103 | [javac] (see https://errorprone.info/bugpattern/UnusedVariable)
104 | [javac] Did you mean to remove this line?
105 | [javac] C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\src\main\java\org\wikipedia\gui\WikidataInfoToggleDialog.java:52: warning: [UnnecessaryLambda] Returning a lambda from a helper method or saving it in a constant is unnecessary; prefer to implement the functional interface method directly and use a method reference instead.
106 | [javac] private final DataSelectionListener selectionListener = it -> updateDisplayedItem();
107 | [javac] ^
108 | [javac] (see https://errorprone.info/bugpattern/UnnecessaryLambda)
109 | [javac] Did you mean 'private void selectionListener(DataSelectionListener.SelectionChangeEvent it){updateDisplayedItem();}'?
110 | [javac] C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\src\main\java\org\wikipedia\tools\ListUtil.java:13: warning: [UnnecessaryLambda] Returning a lambda from a helper method or saving it in a constant is unnecessary; prefer to implement the functional interface method directly and use a method reference instead.
111 | [javac] private static final BiConsumer<Integer, Integer> EMPTY_BICONSUMER = (a, b) -> {};
112 | [javac] ^
113 | [javac] (see https://errorprone.info/bugpattern/UnnecessaryLambda)
114 | [javac] Did you mean 'private static void emptyBiconsumer(Integer a, Integer b){}'?
115 | [javac] 12 warnings
116 |
117 | pre-javadoc:
118 |
119 | javadoc:
120 | [javadoc] Skipping C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\gen since it is no directory.
121 | [javadoc] Skipping C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\includes since it is no directory.
122 | [javadoc] Generating Javadoc
123 | [javadoc] Javadoc execution
124 | [javadoc] Loading source files for package org.wikipedia...
125 | [javadoc] Loading source files for package org.wikipedia.actions...
126 | [javadoc] Loading source files for package org.wikipedia.api...
127 | [javadoc] Loading source files for package org.wikipedia.api.wdq...
128 | [javadoc] Loading source files for package org.wikipedia.api.wdq.json...
129 | [javadoc] Loading source files for package org.wikipedia.api.wikidata_action...
130 | [javadoc] Loading source files for package org.wikipedia.api.wikidata_action.json...
131 | [javadoc] Loading source files for package org.wikipedia.api.wikipedia_action...
132 | [javadoc] Loading source files for package org.wikipedia.api.wikipedia_action.json...
133 | [javadoc] Loading source files for package org.wikipedia.data...
134 | [javadoc] Loading source files for package org.wikipedia.gui...
135 | [javadoc] Loading source files for package org.wikipedia.io...
136 | [javadoc] Loading source files for package org.wikipedia.tools...
137 | [javadoc] Loading source files for package org.wikipedia.validator...
138 | [javadoc] Constructing Javadoc information...
139 | [javadoc] Creating destination directory: "C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\javadoc\"
140 | [javadoc] Standard Doclet version 1.8.0_201
141 | [javadoc] Building tree for all the packages and classes...
142 | [javadoc] C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\src\main\java\org\wikipedia\tools\FunctionalUtil.java:14: error: reference not found
143 | [javadoc] * As soon as java 8 is no longer supported, this can be replaced by {@link Optional#ifPresentOrElse(Consumer, Runnable)}
144 | [javadoc] ^
145 | [javadoc] C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\src\main\java\org\wikipedia\tools\FunctionalUtil.java:16: warning: no @param for <T>
146 | [javadoc] public static <T> void ifPresentOrElse(final Optional<T> optional, final Consumer<T> ifPresent, final Runnable emptyAction) {
147 | [javadoc] ^
148 | [javadoc] C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\src\main\java\org\wikipedia\tools\FunctionalUtil.java:16: warning: no @param for optional
149 | [javadoc] public static <T> void ifPresentOrElse(final Optional<T> optional, final Consumer<T> ifPresent, final Runnable emptyAction) {
150 | [javadoc] ^
151 | [javadoc] C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\src\main\java\org\wikipedia\tools\FunctionalUtil.java:16: warning: no @param for ifPresent
152 | [javadoc] public static <T> void ifPresentOrElse(final Optional<T> optional, final Consumer<T> ifPresent, final Runnable emptyAction) {
153 | [javadoc] ^
154 | [javadoc] C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\src\main\java\org\wikipedia\tools\FunctionalUtil.java:16: warning: no @param for emptyAction
155 | [javadoc] public static <T> void ifPresentOrElse(final Optional<T> optional, final Consumer<T> ifPresent, final Runnable emptyAction) {
156 | [javadoc] ^
157 | [javadoc] C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\src\main\java\org\wikipedia\tools\FunctionalUtil.java:25: error: reference not found
158 | [javadoc] * As soon as Java 8 is no longer supported, this can be replaced by {@link Optional#or(Supplier)}
159 | [javadoc] ^
160 | [javadoc] C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\src\main\java\org\wikipedia\tools\FunctionalUtil.java:28: warning: no @param for <T>
161 | [javadoc] public static <T> Optional<T> or(final Optional<T> optional, final Supplier<Optional<T>> supplier) {
162 | [javadoc] ^
163 | [javadoc] C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\src\main\java\org\wikipedia\tools\FunctionalUtil.java:28: warning: no @param for optional
164 | [javadoc] public static <T> Optional<T> or(final Optional<T> optional, final Supplier<Optional<T>> supplier) {
165 | [javadoc] ^
166 | [javadoc] C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\src\main\java\org\wikipedia\tools\FunctionalUtil.java:28: warning: no @param for supplier
167 | [javadoc] public static <T> Optional<T> or(final Optional<T> optional, final Supplier<Optional<T>> supplier) {
168 | [javadoc] ^
169 | [javadoc] C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\src\main\java\org\wikipedia\tools\FunctionalUtil.java:16: warning - Tag @link: can't find ifPresentOrElse(Consumer, Runnable) in java.util.Optional
170 | [javadoc] C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\src\main\java\org\wikipedia\tools\FunctionalUtil.java:28: warning - Tag @link: can't find or(Supplier) in java.util.Optional
171 | [javadoc] C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\src\main\java\org\wikipedia\tools\RegexUtil.java:19: error: bad use of '>'
172 | [javadoc] * Note: For values > {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}, the Mediawiki API will return with an error instead of reporting an entity as missing.
173 | [javadoc] ^
174 | [javadoc] C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\src\main\java\org\wikipedia\tools\RegexUtil.java:21: warning: no @param for value
175 | [javadoc] public static boolean isValidPropertyId(final String value) {
176 | [javadoc] ^
177 | [javadoc] C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\src\main\java\org\wikipedia\tools\RegexUtil.java:21: warning: no @return
178 | [javadoc] public static boolean isValidPropertyId(final String value) {
179 | [javadoc] ^
180 | [javadoc] Building index for all the packages and classes...
181 | [javadoc] Building index for all classes...
182 | [javadoc] Generating C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\javadoc\help-doc.html...
183 | [javadoc] Note: Custom tags that could override future standard tags: @license. To avoid potential overrides, use at least one period character (.) in custom tag names.
184 | [javadoc] Note: Custom tags that were not seen: @license
185 | [javadoc] 3 errors
186 | [javadoc] 11 warnings
187 |
188 | init-svn-revision-xml:
189 |
190 | init-git-svn-revision-xml:
191 |
192 | init-git-revision-xml:
193 |
194 | init-revision-fallback:
195 |
196 | revision:
197 | [delete] Deleting: C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\REVISION.XML
198 |
199 | dist:
200 | [echo] creating wikipedia.jar ...
201 |
202 | setup-dist:
203 |
204 | setup-dist-default:
205 | [copy] Copying 8 files to C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\build
206 | [copy] Copying 2 files to C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\build
207 |
208 | check-manifest-attribute:
209 |
210 | add-manifest-attribute:
211 |
212 | check-manifest-attribute:
213 |
214 | add-manifest-attribute:
215 |
216 | check-manifest-attribute:
217 |
218 | add-manifest-attribute:
219 |
220 | check-manifest-attribute:
221 |
222 | add-manifest-attribute:
223 |
224 | check-manifest-attribute:
225 |
226 | add-manifest-attribute:
227 |
228 | check-manifest-attribute:
229 |
230 | add-manifest-attribute:
231 |
232 | check-manifest-attribute:
233 |
234 | add-manifest-attribute:
235 |
236 | check-manifest-attribute:
237 |
238 | add-manifest-attribute:
239 |
240 | additional-manifest:
241 |
242 | build-jar:
243 | [jar] Building jar: C:\josm\dist\wikipedia.jar
244 | [jar] META-INF/versions/9/module-info.class already added, skipping
245 | [jar] LICENSE already added, skipping
246 | [jar] META-INF/LICENSE.txt already added, skipping
247 | [jar] META-INF/LICENSE.txt already added, skipping
248 | [jar] META-INF/LICENSE.txt already added, skipping
249 | [jar] META-INF/LICENSE.txt already added, skipping
250 | [jar] META-INF/LICENSE.txt already added, skipping
251 | [jar] LICENSE.txt already added, skipping
252 | [jar] LICENSE.txt already added, skipping
253 | [jar] Building jar: C:\josm\dist\wikipedia-javadoc.jar
254 |
255 | post-dist:
256 |
257 | test-clean:
258 | [delete] Deleting directory C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\test\build
259 | [delete] Deleting directory C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\test\report
260 | [delete] Deleting: C:\josm\plugins\00_core_test_config\unit-josm.home\preferences.xml
261 |
262 | check-test:
263 |
264 | test-init:
265 | [mkdir] Created dir: C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\test\build
266 | [mkdir] Created dir: C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\test\build\unit
267 | [mkdir] Created dir: C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\test\report
268 | [copy] Copying 1 file to C:\josm\plugins\00_core_test_config\unit-josm.home
269 | [ivy:retrieve] :: loading settings :: file = C:\josm\core\ivysettings.xml
270 | [ivy:retrieve] :: resolving dependencies :: org.openstreetmap#josm;working@Gerd-PC
271 | [ivy:retrieve] confs: [test]
272 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.openstreetmap.jmapviewer#jmapviewer;2.13 in josm-nexus
273 | [ivy:retrieve] found javax.json#javax.json-api;1.1.4 in josm-nexus
274 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.glassfish#javax.json;1.1.4 in josm-nexus
275 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.apache.commons#commons-jcs3-core;3.0-SNAPSHOT in josm-nexus
276 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.apache.commons#commons-compress;1.20 in chain
277 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.tukaani#xz;1.8 in josm-nexus
278 | [ivy:retrieve] found com.adobe.xmp#xmpcore;6.1.10 in josm-nexus
279 | [ivy:retrieve] found com.drewnoakes#metadata-extractor;2.13.0 in josm-nexus
280 | [ivy:retrieve] found ch.poole#OpeningHoursParser;0.21.4 in jcenter
281 | [ivy:retrieve] found oauth.signpost#signpost-core;2.0.0 in jcenter
282 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.apache.commons#commons-lang3;3.10 in chain
283 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.jmockit#jmockit;1.44 in josm-nexus
284 | [ivy:retrieve] found com.google.code.findbugs#jsr305;3.0.2 in chain
285 | [ivy:retrieve] found com.github.spotbugs#spotbugs-annotations;4.0.1 in chain
286 | [ivy:retrieve] found com.github.stefanbirkner#system-rules;1.19.0 in josm-nexus
287 | [ivy:retrieve] found com.github.tomakehurst#wiremock;2.26.3 in josm-nexus
288 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-server;9.2.28.v20190418 in josm-nexus
289 | [ivy:retrieve] found javax.servlet#javax.servlet-api;3.1.0 in josm-nexus
290 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-http;9.2.28.v20190418 in josm-nexus
291 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-util;9.2.28.v20190418 in josm-nexus
292 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-io;9.2.28.v20190418 in josm-nexus
293 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-servlet;9.2.28.v20190418 in josm-nexus
294 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-security;9.2.28.v20190418 in josm-nexus
295 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-servlets;9.2.28.v20190418 in josm-nexus
296 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-continuation;9.2.28.v20190418 in josm-nexus
297 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-webapp;9.2.28.v20190418 in josm-nexus
298 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-xml;9.2.28.v20190418 in josm-nexus
299 | [ivy:retrieve] found com.google.guava#guava;20.0 in josm-nexus
300 | [ivy:retrieve] found com.fasterxml.jackson.core#jackson-core;2.10.2 in josm-nexus
301 | [ivy:retrieve] found com.fasterxml.jackson.core#jackson-annotations;2.10.2 in josm-nexus
302 | [ivy:retrieve] found com.fasterxml.jackson.core#jackson-databind;2.10.2 in josm-nexus
303 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.apache.httpcomponents#httpclient;4.5.6 in josm-nexus
304 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.apache.httpcomponents#httpcore;4.4.10 in josm-nexus
305 | [ivy:retrieve] found commons-logging#commons-logging;1.2 in chain
306 | [ivy:retrieve] found commons-codec#commons-codec;1.10 in chain
307 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.xmlunit#xmlunit-core;2.6.2 in josm-nexus
308 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.xmlunit#xmlunit-legacy;2.6.2 in josm-nexus
309 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.xmlunit#xmlunit-placeholders;2.6.2 in josm-nexus
310 | [ivy:retrieve] found com.jayway.jsonpath#json-path;2.4.0 in josm-nexus
311 | [ivy:retrieve] found net.minidev#json-smart;2.3 in josm-nexus
312 | [ivy:retrieve] found net.minidev#accessors-smart;1.2 in josm-nexus
313 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.ow2.asm#asm;7.0 in chain
314 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.slf4j#slf4j-api;1.7.12 in josm-nexus
315 | [ivy:retrieve] found net.sf.jopt-simple#jopt-simple;5.0.3 in josm-nexus
316 | [ivy:retrieve] found com.github.jknack#handlebars;4.0.7 in josm-nexus
317 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.antlr#antlr4-runtime;4.7.1 in josm-nexus
318 | [ivy:retrieve] found com.github.jknack#handlebars-helpers;4.0.7 in josm-nexus
319 | [ivy:retrieve] found com.flipkart.zjsonpatch#zjsonpatch;0.4.4 in josm-nexus
320 | [ivy:retrieve] found commons-fileupload#commons-fileupload;1.4 in josm-nexus
321 | [ivy:retrieve] found commons-io#commons-io;2.2 in josm-nexus
322 | [ivy:retrieve] found io.github.classgraph#classgraph;4.8.67 in josm-nexus
323 | [ivy:retrieve] found junit#junit;4.12 in chain
324 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.hamcrest#hamcrest-core;1.3 in chain
325 | [ivy:retrieve] found net.trajano.commons#commons-testing;2.1.0 in josm-nexus
326 | [ivy:retrieve] found nl.jqno.equalsverifier#equalsverifier;3.1.13 in josm-nexus
327 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.awaitility#awaitility;4.0.2 in josm-nexus
328 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.hamcrest#hamcrest;2.1 in josm-nexus
329 | [ivy:retrieve] :: resolution report :: resolve 791ms :: artifacts dl 74ms
330 | [ivy:retrieve] :: evicted modules:
331 | [ivy:retrieve] org.slf4j#slf4j-api;1.7.25 by [org.slf4j#slf4j-api;1.7.12] in [test]
332 | [ivy:retrieve] org.apache.commons#commons-lang3;3.7 by [org.apache.commons#commons-lang3;3.10] in [test]
333 | [ivy:retrieve] org.apache.commons#commons-lang3;3.1 by [org.apache.commons#commons-lang3;3.10] in [test]
334 | [ivy:retrieve] org.slf4j#slf4j-api;1.6.4 by [org.slf4j#slf4j-api;1.7.12] in [test]
335 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------
336 | | | modules || artifacts |
337 | | conf | number| search|dwnlded|evicted|| number|dwnlded|
338 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------
339 | | test | 61 | 0 | 0 | 4 || 57 | 0 |
340 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------
341 | [ivy:retrieve]
342 | [ivy:retrieve] :: problems summary ::
343 | [ivy:retrieve] :::: ERRORS
344 | [ivy:retrieve] unknown resolver default
345 | [ivy:retrieve] unknown resolver main
346 | [ivy:retrieve] unknown resolver default
347 | [ivy:retrieve] unknown resolver main
348 | [ivy:retrieve] unknown resolver default
349 | [ivy:retrieve] unknown resolver main
350 | [ivy:retrieve] unknown resolver default
351 | [ivy:retrieve] unknown resolver main
352 | [ivy:retrieve] unknown resolver default
353 | [ivy:retrieve] unknown resolver main
354 | [ivy:retrieve]
356 | [ivy:retrieve] :: retrieving :: org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins#wikipedia
357 | [ivy:retrieve] confs: [test]
358 | [ivy:retrieve] 0 artifacts copied, 0 already retrieved (0kB/3ms)
359 |
360 | test-compile:
361 | [javac] Compiling 17 source files to C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia\test\build\unit
362 | [javac] warning: [path] bad path element "C:\josm\plugins\00_core_test_lib\xmpcore-6.0.6.jar": no such file or directory
363 | [javac] 1 warning
364 |
365 | test:
366 | [ivy:retrieve] :: resolving dependencies :: org.openstreetmap#josm;working@Gerd-PC
367 | [ivy:retrieve] confs: [jacocoant]
368 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.jacoco#org.jacoco.ant;0.8.6-SNAPSHOT in default
369 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.jacoco#org.jacoco.core;0.8.6-SNAPSHOT in default
370 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.ow2.asm#asm;8.0.1 in default
371 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.ow2.asm#asm-commons;8.0.1 in default
372 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.ow2.asm#asm-tree;8.0.1 in default
373 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.ow2.asm#asm-analysis;8.0.1 in default
374 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.jacoco#org.jacoco.report;0.8.6-SNAPSHOT in default
375 | [ivy:retrieve] found org.jacoco#org.jacoco.agent;0.8.6-SNAPSHOT in default
376 | [ivy:retrieve] :: resolution report :: resolve 114ms :: artifacts dl 10ms
377 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------
378 | | | modules || artifacts |
379 | | conf | number| search|dwnlded|evicted|| number|dwnlded|
380 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------
381 | | jacocoant | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 || 8 | 0 |
382 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------
383 | [ivy:retrieve]
384 | [ivy:retrieve] :: problems summary ::
385 | [ivy:retrieve] :::: ERRORS
386 | [ivy:retrieve] unknown resolver chain
387 | [ivy:retrieve] unknown resolver chain
388 | [ivy:retrieve] unknown resolver chain
389 | [ivy:retrieve] unknown resolver chain
390 | [ivy:retrieve] unknown resolver chain
391 | [ivy:retrieve] unknown resolver chain
392 | [ivy:retrieve] unknown resolver chain
393 | [ivy:retrieve] unknown resolver chain
394 | [ivy:retrieve] unknown resolver chain
395 | [ivy:retrieve] unknown resolver chain
396 | [ivy:retrieve] unknown resolver chain
397 | [ivy:retrieve] unknown resolver chain
398 | [ivy:retrieve] unknown resolver chain
399 | [ivy:retrieve] unknown resolver chain
400 | [ivy:retrieve] unknown resolver chain
401 | [ivy:retrieve] unknown resolver chain
402 | [ivy:retrieve] unknown resolver chain
403 | [ivy:retrieve] unknown resolver chain
404 | [ivy:retrieve] unknown resolver chain
405 | [ivy:retrieve] unknown resolver chain
406 | [ivy:retrieve] unknown resolver chain
407 | [ivy:retrieve] unknown resolver chain
408 | [ivy:retrieve] unknown resolver chain
409 | [ivy:retrieve] unknown resolver chain
410 | [ivy:retrieve]
412 | [ivy:retrieve] :: retrieving :: org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins#wikipedia
413 | [ivy:retrieve] confs: [jacocoant]
414 |
416 | C:\josm\plugins\build-common.xml:599: impossible to ivy retrieve: java.lang.RuntimeException: problem during retrieve of org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins#wikipedia: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Report file 'C:\Users\Gerd\.ant\cache\org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins-wikipedia-jacocoant.xml' does not exist.
417 | at org.apache.ivy.core.retrieve.RetrieveEngine.retrieve(RetrieveEngine.java:238)
418 | at org.apache.ivy.Ivy.retrieve(Ivy.java:561)
419 | at org.apache.ivy.ant.IvyRetrieve.doExecute(IvyRetrieve.java:113)
420 | at org.apache.ivy.ant.IvyTask.execute(IvyTask.java:259)
421 | at org.apache.tools.ant.UnknownElement.execute(UnknownElement.java:292)
422 | at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor4.invoke(Unknown Source)
423 | at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
424 | at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
425 | at org.apache.tools.ant.dispatch.DispatchUtils.execute(DispatchUtils.java:99)
426 | at org.apache.tools.ant.Task.perform(Task.java:350)
427 | at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.execute(Target.java:449)
428 | at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.performTasks(Target.java:470)
429 | at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeSortedTargets(Project.java:1391)
430 | at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTarget(Project.java:1364)
431 | at org.apache.tools.ant.helper.DefaultExecutor.executeTargets(DefaultExecutor.java:41)
432 | at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTargets(Project.java:1254)
433 | at org.apache.tools.ant.Main.runBuild(Main.java:830)
434 | at org.apache.tools.ant.Main.startAnt(Main.java:223)
435 | at org.apache.tools.ant.launch.Launcher.run(Launcher.java:284)
436 | at org.apache.tools.ant.launch.Launcher.main(Launcher.java:101)
437 | Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Report file 'C:\Users\Gerd\.ant\cache\org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins-wikipedia-jacocoant.xml' does not exist.
438 | at org.apache.ivy.plugins.report.XmlReportParser.parse(XmlReportParser.java:282)
439 | at org.apache.ivy.core.retrieve.RetrieveEngine.determineArtifactsToCopy(RetrieveEngine.java:308)
440 | at org.apache.ivy.core.retrieve.RetrieveEngine.retrieve(RetrieveEngine.java:122)
441 | ... 19 more
442 |
443 | Total time: 2 minutes 41 seconds
444 |
445 | C:\josm\plugins\wikipedia>