Ticket #17936: new_opening_hours.js

File new_opening_hours.js, 513.3 KB (added by SlowMo24, 6 years ago)

formatted and fixed opening_hours.js

1require = function e(t, n, r) {
2 function s(o, u) {
3 if (!n[o]) {
4 if (!t[o]) {
5 var a = typeof require == "function" && require;
6 if (!u && a)
7 return a(o, !0);
8 if (i)
9 return i(o, !0);
10 var f = new Error("Cannot find module '" + o + "'");
11 throw f.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND", f
12 }
13 var l = n[o] = {
14 exports: {}
15 };
16 t[o][0].call(l.exports, function (e) {
17 var n = t[o][1][e];
18 return s(n ? n : e)
19 }, l, l.exports, e, t, n, r)
20 }
21 return n[o].exports
22 }
23 var i = typeof require == "function" && require;
24 for (var o = 0; o < r.length; o++)
25 s(r[o]);
26 return s
28 1: [function (require, module, exports) {
29 (function (root, factory) {
30 "use strict";
31 var opening_hours_resources = {
32 en: {
33 opening_hours: {
34 pretty: {
35 off: "closed",
36 SH: "school holidays",
37 PH: "public holidays"
38 }
39 }
40 },
41 de: {
42 opening_hours: {
43 texts: {
44 "unexpected token": 'Unerwartetes Zeichen: "__token__" Das bedeutet, dass die Syntax an dieser Stelle nicht erkannt werden konnte.',
45 "no string": "Der Wert (erster Parameter) ist kein String",
46 nothing: "Der Wert enthält nichts, was ausgewertet werden könnte.",
47 "nothing useful": "Diese Regel enthält nichts nützliches. Bitte entferne diese leere Regel.",
48 "programmers joke": "Kann es sein, dass du ein Programmierer bist und das Hinzufügen eines Semikolons nach jedem Statement ist zwanghaft ;) ?" + " Es ist so, dass das Semikolon in der opening_hours-Syntax als Trenner für Regeln definiert ist." + " Bitte verzichte an dieser Stelle auf ein Semikolon.",
49 "interpreted as year": "Die Zahl __number__ wird als Jahr interpretiert." + ' Vermutlich ist das nicht beabsichtigt. Uhrzeiten werden als "12:00" angegeben.',
50 "rule before fallback empty": "Die Regel vor der Fallback-Regel enthält nichts nützliches",
51 "hour min separator": 'Bitte benutze ":" als Stunden/Minuten-Trenner',
52 "warnings severity": 'Der Parameter optional_conf_parm["warnings_severity"] muss eine ganze Zahl zwischen (einschließlich) 0 und (einschließlich) 7 sein.' + " Gegeben: __severity__ " + ", erwartet: Eine der Zahlen: __allowed__.",
53 "optional conf parm type": "Der optional_conf_parm Parameter hat einen unbekannten Typ." + " Gegeben: __given__",
54 "conf param tag key missing": 'Der optional_conf_parm["tag_key"] fehlt, ist aber notwendig wegen optional_conf_parm["map_value"].',
55 "conf param mode invalid": 'Der optional_conf_parm["mode"]-Parameter ist eine ungültige Zahl.' + " Gegeben: __given__" + ", erwartet: Eine der Zahlen: __allowed__.",
56 "conf param unkown type": 'Der optional_conf_parm["__key__"] Parameter hat einen unbekannten Typ.' + " Gegeben: __given__, erwartet: __expected__.",
57 "library bug": 'Bei der Auswertung des Wertes "__value__" ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.' + " Bitte melde diesen Fehler oder korrigiere diesen mittels eines Pull Requests oder Patches: __url__.__message__",
58 "library bug PR only": 'Bei der Auswertung des Wertes "__value__" ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.' + " Du kannst dies korrigieren, indem du das Problem löst und in Form eines Pull Requests oder Patches zum Projekt beiträgst: __url__.__message__",
59 "use multi": 'Du hast __count__ __part2__ Einzelne Regeln können mit ";" getrennt werden.',
60 "selector multi 2a": "__what__ in einer Regel benutzt. Du kannst nur einen davon je Regel verwenden",
61 "selector multi 2b": "nicht verbundene __what__ in einer Regel benutzt. Das ist vermutlich ein Fehler." + " Gleiche Selektoren können (und sollten) immer zusammen und durch Kommas getrennt geschrieben werden." + ' Beispiel für Zeitspannen "12:00-13:00,15:00-18:00".' + ' Beispiel für Wochentage "Mo-We,Fr".',
62 "selector state": "Status-Schlüsselwörter (offen, geschlossen)",
63 comments: "Kommentare",
64 months: "Monate",
65 weekdays: "Wochentage",
66 ranges: "Zeitspannen",
67 "default state": "Diese Regel, welche den Standard-Status (d.h. geschlossen) für alle folgenden Regeln ändert, ist nicht die erste Regel." + " Diese Regel überschreibt alle vorherigen Regeln." + " Es kann legitim sein, den Standard-Status z.B. auf geöffnet festzulegen" + " und dann nur die Zeiten, zu denen geschlossen ist, anzugeben.",
68 vague: "Diese Regel ist nicht sehr aussagekräftig, da keine Zeit angegeben wurde." + " Bitte füge eine Zeitangabe oder einen Kommentar hinzu, um dies zu verbessern.",
69 "empty comment": "Du hast einen leeren Kommentar verwendet." + '" Bitte schreibe entweder einen Kommentar-Text oder benutze stattdessen das Schlüsselwort "unknown".',
70 separator_for_readability: "Du hast das optionale Symbol <separator_for_readability> an der falschen Stelle benutzt." + " Bitte lies die Syntax-Spezifikation um zu sehen, wo es verwendet werden kann, oder entferne es.",
71 "strange 24/7": 'Du hast 24/7 in einer Art verwendet, welche wahrscheinlich nicht als "24 Stunden, 7 Tage die Woche" interpretiert wird.' + ' Der Richtigkeit halber solltest du "open" oder "closed"' + " für diese Regel verwenden und dann die Ausnahmen angeben um das selbe Ziel zu erreichen. So ist es klarer –" + ' zum Beispiel "open; Mo 12:00-14:00 off".',
72 "public holiday": 'Es wurde keine Regel für "PH" (feiertags) angegeben. Dies ist nicht sehr aussagekräftig.__part2__' + ' Bitte füge die Regel "PH off" an, wenn die Einrichtung an allen Feiertagen geschlossen ist' + ' oder schreibe "Sa,Su,PH 12:00-16:00" um auszudrücken, dass Samstags, Sonntags und feiertags von 12:00-16:00 geöffnet ist.' + ' Falls die Einrichtung täglich und an Feiertagen geöffnet ist, kann dies explizit mittels "Mo-Su,PH" ausgedrückt werden.' + " Wenn du dir im Unklaren bist, versuche die Öffnungszeit zu klären. Falls das nicht möglich ist, lass die Angabe weg und ignoriere diese Warnung.",
73 "public holiday part2": ' Leider ist der "tag key" (beispielsweise "opening_hours", oder "lit") in opening_hours.js nicht bekannt.' + " Diese Warnung betrifft nur die Keys: __keys__. Falls deine Angabe nicht für einen dieser ist, ignoriere bitte folgenden Hinweis:",
74 switched: 'Der Selektor "__first__" wurde für eine bessere Lesbarkeit und der Vollständigkeit halber mit' + ' "__second__" getauscht.',
75 "no colon after": 'Bitte Benutze kein ":" nach dem Token __token__.',
76 "number -5 to 5": "Zahl zwischen -5 und 5 (außer 0) erwartet.",
77 "one weekday constraint": "Du kannst höchstens einen beschränkten Wochentag in einer Monats-Spanne verwenden",
78 "range constrained weekdays": "Du kannst keine Wochentags-Spanne als Beschränkung in einer Monats-Spanne verwenden",
79 expected: '"__symbol__" erwartet.',
80 "range zero": 'Du kannst keine __type__-Spanne mit Periode "0" verwenden.',
81 "period one year+": 'Bitte verwende keine __type__-Spannen mit Periode "1".' + ' Wenn du ausdrücken willst, das eine Einrichtung ab einem bestimmten Jahr immer offen ist, benutze bitte "<year>+".',
82 "period one": 'Bitte verwende keine __type__-Spannen mit Periode "1".',
83 "month 31": "Die Tagesangabe für __month__ muss zwischen 1 und 31 liegen.",
84 "month 30": "Der Monat __month__ hat keine 31 Tage. Der letzte Tag von __month__ ist Tag 30.",
85 "month feb": '"Der Monat __month__ hat entweder 28 oder 29 Tage (Schaltjahre)."',
86 "point in time": "Erwarte Bindestrich (-) oder offenes Ende (+) in der Zeitspanne __calc__." + " Um mit Zeitpunkten zu arbeiten, muss der Modus für __libraryname__ umgestellt werden." + " Vielleicht falsches OSM-tag verwendet?",
87 calculation: "Berechnung",
88 "time range continue": "Die Zeitspanne geht nicht wie erwartet weiter",
89 "period continue": 'Die Zeitspannen-Periode geht nicht wie erwartet weiter. Beispiel "/01:30".',
90 "time range mode": '__libraryname__ wurde im "Zeitspannen-Modus" aufgerufen. Zeitpunkt gefunden.',
91 "point in time mode": '__libraryname__ wurde im "Zeitpunkt-Modus" aufgerufen. Zeitspanne gefunden.',
92 "outside current day": "Zeitspanne beginnt außerhalb des aktuellen Tages",
93 "two midnights": "Zeitspanne welche mehrmals Mitternacht beinhaltet wird nicht unterstützt",
94 "without minutes": "Zeitspanne ohne Minutenangabe angegeben. Das ist nicht sehr eindeutig!" + ' Bitte verwende stattdessen folgende Syntax "__syntax__".',
95 "outside day": "Die Zeitspanne beginnt außerhalb des aktuellen Tages",
96 "zero calculation": "Das Hinzufügen von 0 in einer variablen Zeitberechnung ändert die variable Zeit nicht." + ' Bitte entferne die Zeitberechnung (Beispiel: "sunrise-(sunset-00:00)").',
97 "calculation syntax": "Berechnung mit variabler Zeit hat nicht die korrekte Syntax",
98 missing: 'Fehlendes "__symbol__"',
99 "(time)": "(Zeit)",
100 "bad range": "Ungültige Zeitspanne: __from__-__to__",
101 "] or more numbers": '"]" oder weitere Zahlen erwartet.',
102 "additional rule no sense": 'Eine weitere Regel an dieser Stelle ergibt keinen Sinn. Benutze einfach ";" als Trenner für Regeln.' + " Siehe https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:opening_hours/specification#explain:additional_rule_separator",
103 "unexpected token weekday range": "Unerwartes Token in Tages-Spanne: __token__",
104 "max differ": "Es sollte keinen Grund geben, mehr als __maxdiffer__ Tage von einem __name__ abzuweichen. Wenn nötig, teile uns dies bitte mit …",
105 "adding 0": "Addition von 0 verändert das Datum nicht. Bitte weglassen.",
106 "unexpected token holiday": "Unerwarteter Token (in Feiertags-Auswertung): __token__",
107 "no holiday definition": "__name__ ist für das Land __cc__ nicht definiert.",
108 "no holiday definition state": "__name__ ist für das Land __cc__ und Bundesland __state__ nicht definiert.",
109 "no country code": "Der Ländercode fehlt. Dieser wird benötigt um die korrekten Feiertage zu bestimmen (siehe in der README wie dieser anzugeben ist)",
110 "movable no formula": "Der bewegliche Feiertag __name__ kann nicht berechnet werden." + " Bitte füge eine entsprechende Formel hinzu.",
111 "movable not in year": "Der bewegliche Feiertag __name__ plus __days__" + " Tage befindet sich nicht mehr im selben Jahr. Aktuell nicht unterstützt.",
112 "year range one year": "Eine Jahres-Spanne mit gleichem Jahr als Beginn und Ende ergibt keinen Sinn." + ' Bitte entferne das Ende-Jahr. zum Beispiel: "__year__ May 23"',
113 "year range reverse": "Eine Jahres-Spanne mit Beginn größer als Ende ergibt keinen Sinn." + " Bitte umdrehen.",
114 "year past": "Das Jahr liegt in der Vergangenheit.",
115 "unexpected token year range": "Unerwartetes Token in der Jahres-Spanne: __token__",
116 "week range reverse": "Du hast eine Wochen-Spanne in umgekehrter Reihenfolge oder mehrere Jahre umfassende angegeben. Dies ist aktuell nicht unterstützt.",
117 "week negative": "Du hast eine Kalenderwoche kleiner 1 angegeben. Korrekte Angaben sind 1-53.",
118 "week exceed": "Du hast eine Kalenderwoche größer als 53 angegeben. Korrekte Angaben sind 1-53.",
119 "week period less than 2": "Du hast eine Wochenperiode kleiner 2 angegeben." + ' Wenn du die gesamte Spanne von __weekfrom__ bis __weekto__ angeben willst, lasse "/__period__" einfach weg.',
120 "week period greater than 26": "Du hast eine Wochen-Periode größer als 26 angegeben." + " 26.5 ist die Hälfte des Maximums von 53 Wochen pro Jahr. Damit würde eine Periode größer als 26 nur einmal pro Jahr auftreten." + ' Bitte gibt den Wochen-Selektor als "week __weekfrom__" an, wenn es das ist, was du ausdrücken möchtest.',
121 "unexpected token week range": "Unerwartetes Token in Wochen-Spanne: __token__",
122 "unexpected token month range": "Unerwartetes Token in Monats-Spanne: __token__",
123 "day range reverse": "Zeitspanne in falscher Reihenfolge. Beginn ist größer als Ende.",
124 "open end": 'Angegeben als "open end". Schließzeit wurde geraten.',
125 "date parameter needed": "Datumsparameter nötig."
126 },
127 pretty: {
128 off: "geschlossen",
129 SH: "Schulferien",
130 PH: "Feiertags"
131 }
132 }
133 }
134 };
135 if (typeof require === "function" && typeof module !== "undefined") {
136 var i18n = require("i18next-client");
137 factory(i18n, opening_hours_resources);
138 module.exports = i18n
139 } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
140 define(["i18next-client"], function (i18n) {
141 factory(i18n, opening_hours_resources);
142 return i18n
143 })
144 }
145 })(this, function (i18n, opening_hours_resources) {
146 if (!i18n.isInitialized()) {
147 i18n.init({
148 fallbackLng: "en",
149 resStore: opening_hours_resources,
150 getAsync: true,
151 useCookie: true
152 })
153 } else {
154 for (lang in opening_hours_resources) {
155 i18n.addResourceBundle(lang, "opening_hours", opening_hours_resources[lang]["opening_hours"], true)
156 }
157 }
158 })
159 }, {
160 "i18next-client": "i18next-client"
161 }],
162 2: [function (require, module, exports) {
163 /*
164 (c) 2011-2015, Vladimir Agafonkin
165 SunCalc is a JavaScript library for calculating sun/moon position and light phases.
166 https://github.com/mourner/suncalc
167 */
168 (function () {
169 "use strict";
170 var PI = Math.PI,
171 sin = Math.sin,
172 cos = Math.cos,
173 tan = Math.tan,
174 asin = Math.asin,
175 atan = Math.atan2,
176 acos = Math.acos,
177 rad = PI / 180;
178 var dayMs = 1e3 * 60 * 60 * 24,
179 J1970 = 2440588,
180 J2000 = 2451545;
182 function toJulian(date) {
183 return date.valueOf() / dayMs - .5 + J1970
184 }
186 function fromJulian(j) {
187 return new Date((j + .5 - J1970) * dayMs)
188 }
190 function toDays(date) {
191 return toJulian(date) - J2000
192 }
193 var e = rad * 23.4397;
195 function rightAscension(l, b) {
196 return atan(sin(l) * cos(e) - tan(b) * sin(e), cos(l))
197 }
199 function declination(l, b) {
200 return asin(sin(b) * cos(e) + cos(b) * sin(e) * sin(l))
201 }
203 function azimuth(H, phi, dec) {
204 return atan(sin(H), cos(H) * sin(phi) - tan(dec) * cos(phi))
205 }
207 function altitude(H, phi, dec) {
208 return asin(sin(phi) * sin(dec) + cos(phi) * cos(dec) * cos(H))
209 }
211 function siderealTime(d, lw) {
212 return rad * (280.16 + 360.9856235 * d) - lw
213 }
215 function astroRefraction(h) {
216 if (h < 0)
217 h = 0;
218 return 2967e-7 / Math.tan(h + .00312536 / (h + .08901179))
219 }
221 function solarMeanAnomaly(d) {
222 return rad * (357.5291 + .98560028 * d)
223 }
225 function eclipticLongitude(M) {
226 var C = rad * (1.9148 * sin(M) + .02 * sin(2 * M) + 3e-4 * sin(3 * M)),
227 P = rad * 102.9372;
228 return M + C + P + PI
229 }
231 function sunCoords(d) {
232 var M = solarMeanAnomaly(d),
233 L = eclipticLongitude(M);
234 return {
235 dec: declination(L, 0),
236 ra: rightAscension(L, 0)
237 }
238 }
239 var SunCalc = {};
240 SunCalc.getPosition = function (date, lat, lng) {
241 var lw = rad * -lng,
242 phi = rad * lat,
243 d = toDays(date),
244 c = sunCoords(d),
245 H = siderealTime(d, lw) - c.ra;
246 return {
247 azimuth: azimuth(H, phi, c.dec),
248 altitude: altitude(H, phi, c.dec)
249 }
250 };
251 var times = SunCalc.times = [
252 [-.833, "sunrise", "sunset"],
253 [-.3, "sunriseEnd", "sunsetStart"],
254 [-6, "dawn", "dusk"],
255 [-12, "nauticalDawn", "nauticalDusk"],
256 [-18, "nightEnd", "night"],
257 [6, "goldenHourEnd", "goldenHour"]
258 ];
259 SunCalc.addTime = function (angle, riseName, setName) {
260 times.push([angle, riseName, setName])
261 };
262 var J0 = 9e-4;
264 function julianCycle(d, lw) {
265 return Math.round(d - J0 - lw / (2 * PI))
266 }
268 function approxTransit(Ht, lw, n) {
269 return J0 + (Ht + lw) / (2 * PI) + n
270 }
272 function solarTransitJ(ds, M, L) {
273 return J2000 + ds + .0053 * sin(M) - .0069 * sin(2 * L)
274 }
276 function hourAngle(h, phi, d) {
277 return acos((sin(h) - sin(phi) * sin(d)) / (cos(phi) * cos(d)))
278 }
280 function getSetJ(h, lw, phi, dec, n, M, L) {
281 var w = hourAngle(h, phi, dec),
282 a = approxTransit(w, lw, n);
283 return solarTransitJ(a, M, L)
284 }
285 SunCalc.getTimes = function (date, lat, lng) {
286 var lw = rad * -lng,
287 phi = rad * lat,
288 d = toDays(date),
289 n = julianCycle(d, lw),
290 ds = approxTransit(0, lw, n),
291 M = solarMeanAnomaly(ds),
292 L = eclipticLongitude(M),
293 dec = declination(L, 0),
294 Jnoon = solarTransitJ(ds, M, L),
295 i, len, time, Jset, Jrise;
296 var result = {
297 solarNoon: fromJulian(Jnoon),
298 nadir: fromJulian(Jnoon - .5)
299 };
300 for (i = 0, len = times.length; i < len; i += 1) {
301 time = times[i];
302 Jset = getSetJ(time[0] * rad, lw, phi, dec, n, M, L);
303 Jrise = Jnoon - (Jset - Jnoon);
304 result[time[1]] = fromJulian(Jrise);
305 result[time[2]] = fromJulian(Jset)
306 }
307 return result
308 };
310 function moonCoords(d) {
311 var L = rad * (218.316 + 13.176396 * d),
312 M = rad * (134.963 + 13.064993 * d),
313 F = rad * (93.272 + 13.22935 * d),
314 l = L + rad * 6.289 * sin(M),
315 b = rad * 5.128 * sin(F),
316 dt = 385001 - 20905 * cos(M);
317 return {
318 ra: rightAscension(l, b),
319 dec: declination(l, b),
320 dist: dt
321 }
322 }
323 SunCalc.getMoonPosition = function (date, lat, lng) {
324 var lw = rad * -lng,
325 phi = rad * lat,
326 d = toDays(date),
327 c = moonCoords(d),
328 H = siderealTime(d, lw) - c.ra,
329 h = altitude(H, phi, c.dec),
330 pa = atan(sin(H), tan(phi) * cos(c.dec) - sin(c.dec) * cos(H));
331 h = h + astroRefraction(h);
332 return {
333 azimuth: azimuth(H, phi, c.dec),
334 altitude: h,
335 distance: c.dist,
336 parallacticAngle: pa
337 }
338 };
339 SunCalc.getMoonIllumination = function (date) {
340 var d = toDays(date || new Date),
341 s = sunCoords(d),
342 m = moonCoords(d),
343 sdist = 149598e3,
344 phi = acos(sin(s.dec) * sin(m.dec) + cos(s.dec) * cos(m.dec) * cos(s.ra - m.ra)),
345 inc = atan(sdist * sin(phi), m.dist - sdist * cos(phi)),
346 angle = atan(cos(s.dec) * sin(s.ra - m.ra), sin(s.dec) * cos(m.dec) - cos(s.dec) * sin(m.dec) * cos(s.ra - m.ra));
347 return {
348 fraction: (1 + cos(inc)) / 2,
349 phase: .5 + .5 * inc * (angle < 0 ? -1 : 1) / Math.PI,
350 angle: angle
351 }
352 };
354 function hoursLater(date, h) {
355 return new Date(date.valueOf() + h * dayMs / 24)
356 }
357 SunCalc.getMoonTimes = function (date, lat, lng, inUTC) {
358 var t = new Date(date);
359 if (inUTC)
360 t.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
361 else
362 t.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
363 var hc = .133 * rad,
364 h0 = SunCalc.getMoonPosition(t, lat, lng).altitude - hc,
365 h1, h2, rise, set, a, b, xe, ye, d, roots, x1, x2, dx;
366 for (var i = 1; i <= 24; i += 2) {
367 h1 = SunCalc.getMoonPosition(hoursLater(t, i), lat, lng).altitude - hc;
368 h2 = SunCalc.getMoonPosition(hoursLater(t, i + 1), lat, lng).altitude - hc;
369 a = (h0 + h2) / 2 - h1;
370 b = (h2 - h0) / 2;
371 xe = -b / (2 * a);
372 ye = (a * xe + b) * xe + h1;
373 d = b * b - 4 * a * h1;
374 roots = 0;
375 if (d >= 0) {
376 dx = Math.sqrt(d) / (Math.abs(a) * 2);
377 x1 = xe - dx;
378 x2 = xe + dx;
379 if (Math.abs(x1) <= 1)
380 roots++;
381 if (Math.abs(x2) <= 1)
382 roots++;
383 if (x1 < -1)
384 x1 = x2
385 }
386 if (roots === 1) {
387 if (h0 < 0)
388 rise = i + x1;
389 else
390 set = i + x1
391 } else if (roots === 2) {
392 rise = i + (ye < 0 ? x2 : x1);
393 set = i + (ye < 0 ? x1 : x2)
394 }
395 if (rise && set)
396 break;
397 h0 = h2
398 }
399 var result = {};
400 if (rise)
401 result.rise = hoursLater(t, rise);
402 if (set)
403 result.set = hoursLater(t, set);
404 if (!rise && !set)
405 result[ye > 0 ? "alwaysUp" : "alwaysDown"] = true;
406 return result
407 };
408 if (typeof exports === "object" && typeof module !== "undefined")
409 module.exports = SunCalc;
410 else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd)
411 define(SunCalc);
412 else
413 window.SunCalc = SunCalc
414 })()
415 }, {}],
416 "i18next-client": [function (require, module, exports) {
417 (function (root) {
418 if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) {
419 Array.prototype.indexOf = function (searchElement) {
420 "use strict";
421 if (this == null) {
422 throw new TypeError
423 }
424 var t = Object(this);
425 var len = t.length >>> 0;
426 if (len === 0) {
427 return -1
428 }
429 var n = 0;
430 if (arguments.length > 0) {
431 n = Number(arguments[1]);
432 if (n != n) {
433 n = 0
434 } else if (n != 0 && n != Infinity && n != -Infinity) {
435 n = (n > 0 || -1) * Math.floor(Math.abs(n))
436 }
437 }
438 if (n >= len) {
439 return -1
440 }
441 var k = n >= 0 ? n : Math.max(len - Math.abs(n), 0);
442 for (; k < len; k++) {
443 if (k in t && t[k] === searchElement) {
444 return k
445 }
446 }
447 return -1
448 }
449 }
450 if (!Array.prototype.lastIndexOf) {
451 Array.prototype.lastIndexOf = function (searchElement) {
452 "use strict";
453 if (this == null) {
454 throw new TypeError
455 }
456 var t = Object(this);
457 var len = t.length >>> 0;
458 if (len === 0) {
459 return -1
460 }
461 var n = len;
462 if (arguments.length > 1) {
463 n = Number(arguments[1]);
464 if (n != n) {
465 n = 0
466 } else if (n != 0 && n != 1 / 0 && n != -(1 / 0)) {
467 n = (n > 0 || -1) * Math.floor(Math.abs(n))
468 }
469 }
470 var k = n >= 0 ? Math.min(n, len - 1) : len - Math.abs(n);
471 for (; k >= 0; k--) {
472 if (k in t && t[k] === searchElement) {
473 return k
474 }
475 }
476 return -1
477 }
478 }
479 if (typeof String.prototype.trim !== "function") {
480 String.prototype.trim = function () {
481 return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "")
482 }
483 }
484 var $ = root.jQuery || root.Zepto,
485 i18n = {},
486 resStore = {},
487 currentLng, replacementCounter = 0,
488 languages = [],
489 initialized = false,
490 sync = {},
491 conflictReference = null;
492 if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports) {
493 module.exports = i18n
494 } else {
495 if ($) {
496 $.i18n = $.i18n || i18n
497 }
498 if (root.i18n) {
499 conflictReference = root.i18n
500 }
501 root.i18n = i18n
502 }
503 sync = {
504 load: function (lngs, options, cb) {
505 if (options.useLocalStorage) {
506 sync._loadLocal(lngs, options, function (err, store) {
507 var missingLngs = [];
508 for (var i = 0, len = lngs.length; i < len; i++) {
509 if (!store[lngs[i]])
510 missingLngs.push(lngs[i])
511 }
512 if (missingLngs.length > 0) {
513 sync._fetch(missingLngs, options, function (err, fetched) {
514 f.extend(store, fetched);
515 sync._storeLocal(fetched);
516 cb(err, store)
517 })
518 } else {
519 cb(err, store)
520 }
521 })
522 } else {
523 sync._fetch(lngs, options, function (err, store) {
524 cb(err, store)
525 })
526 }
527 },
528 _loadLocal: function (lngs, options, cb) {
529 var store = {},
530 nowMS = (new Date).getTime();
531 if (window.localStorage) {
532 var todo = lngs.length;
533 f.each(lngs, function (key, lng) {
534 var local = f.localStorage.getItem("res_" + lng);
535 if (local) {
536 local = JSON.parse(local);
537 if (local.i18nStamp && local.i18nStamp + options.localStorageExpirationTime > nowMS) {
538 store[lng] = local
539 }
540 }
541 todo--;
542 if (todo === 0)
543 cb(null, store)
544 })
545 }
546 },
547 _storeLocal: function (store) {
548 if (window.localStorage) {
549 for (var m in store) {
550 store[m].i18nStamp = (new Date).getTime();
551 f.localStorage.setItem("res_" + m, JSON.stringify(store[m]))
552 }
553 }
554 return
555 },
556 _fetch: function (lngs, options, cb) {
557 var ns = options.ns,
558 store = {};
559 if (!options.dynamicLoad) {
560 var todo = ns.namespaces.length * lngs.length,
561 errors;
562 f.each(ns.namespaces, function (nsIndex, nsValue) {
563 f.each(lngs, function (lngIndex, lngValue) {
564 var loadComplete = function (err, data) {
565 if (err) {
566 errors = errors || [];
567 errors.push(err)
568 }
569 store[lngValue] = store[lngValue] || {};
570 store[lngValue][nsValue] = data;
571 todo--;
572 if (todo === 0)
573 cb(errors, store)
574 };
575 if (typeof options.customLoad == "function") {
576 options.customLoad(lngValue, nsValue, options, loadComplete)
577 } else {
578 sync._fetchOne(lngValue, nsValue, options, loadComplete)
579 }
580 })
581 })
582 } else {
583 var loadComplete = function (err, data) {
584 cb(err, data)
585 };
586 if (typeof options.customLoad == "function") {
587 options.customLoad(lngs, ns.namespaces, options, loadComplete)
588 } else {
589 var url = applyReplacement(options.resGetPath, {
590 lng: lngs.join("+"),
591 ns: ns.namespaces.join("+")
592 });
593 f.ajax({
594 url: url,
595 cache: options.cache,
596 success: function (data, status, xhr) {
597 f.log("loaded: " + url);
598 loadComplete(null, data)
599 },
600 error: function (xhr, status, error) {
601 f.log("failed loading: " + url);
602 loadComplete("failed loading resource.json error: " + error)
603 },
604 dataType: "json",
605 async: options.getAsync,
606 timeout: options.ajaxTimeout
607 })
608 }
609 }
610 },
611 _fetchOne: function (lng, ns, options, done) {
612 var url = applyReplacement(options.resGetPath, {
613 lng: lng,
614 ns: ns
615 });
616 f.ajax({
617 url: url,
618 cache: options.cache,
619 success: function (data, status, xhr) {
620 f.log("loaded: " + url);
621 done(null, data)
622 },
623 error: function (xhr, status, error) {
624 if (status && status == 200 || xhr && xhr.status && xhr.status == 200) {
625 f.error("There is a typo in: " + url)
626 } else if (status && status == 404 || xhr && xhr.status && xhr.status == 404) {
627 f.log("Does not exist: " + url)
628 } else {
629 var theStatus = status ? status : xhr && xhr.status ? xhr.status : null;
630 f.log(theStatus + " when loading " + url)
631 }
632 done(error, {})
633 },
634 dataType: "json",
635 async: options.getAsync,
636 timeout: options.ajaxTimeout,
637 headers: options.headers
638 })
639 },
640 postMissing: function (lng, ns, key, defaultValue, lngs) {
641 var payload = {};
642 payload[key] = defaultValue;
643 var urls = [];
644 if (o.sendMissingTo === "fallback" && o.fallbackLng[0] !== false) {
645 for (var i = 0; i < o.fallbackLng.length; i++) {
646 urls.push({
647 lng: o.fallbackLng[i],
648 url: applyReplacement(o.resPostPath, {
649 lng: o.fallbackLng[i],
650 ns: ns
651 })
652 })
653 }
654 } else if (o.sendMissingTo === "current" || o.sendMissingTo === "fallback" && o.fallbackLng[0] === false) {
655 urls.push({
656 lng: lng,
657 url: applyReplacement(o.resPostPath, {
658 lng: lng,
659 ns: ns
660 })
661 })
662 } else if (o.sendMissingTo === "all") {
663 for (var i = 0, l = lngs.length; i < l; i++) {
664 urls.push({
665 lng: lngs[i],
666 url: applyReplacement(o.resPostPath, {
667 lng: lngs[i],
668 ns: ns
669 })
670 })
671 }
672 }
673 for (var y = 0, len = urls.length; y < len; y++) {
674 var item = urls[y];
675 f.ajax({
676 url: item.url,
677 type: o.sendType,
678 data: payload,
679 success: function (data, status, xhr) {
680 f.log("posted missing key '" + key + "' to: " + item.url);
681 var keys = key.split(".");
682 var x = 0;
683 var value = resStore[item.lng][ns];
684 while (keys[x]) {
685 if (x === keys.length - 1) {
686 value = value[keys[x]] = defaultValue
687 } else {
688 value = value[keys[x]] = value[keys[x]] || {}
689 }
690 x++
691 }
692 },
693 error: function (xhr, status, error) {
694 f.log("failed posting missing key '" + key + "' to: " + item.url)
695 },
696 dataType: "json",
697 async: o.postAsync,
698 timeout: o.ajaxTimeout
699 })
700 }
701 },
702 reload: reload
703 };
704 var o = {
705 lng: undefined,
706 load: "all",
707 preload: [],
708 lowerCaseLng: false,
709 returnObjectTrees: false,
710 fallbackLng: ["dev"],
711 fallbackNS: [],
712 detectLngQS: "setLng",
713 detectLngFromLocalStorage: false,
714 ns: {
715 namespaces: ["translation"],
716 defaultNs: "translation"
717 },
718 fallbackOnNull: true,
719 fallbackOnEmpty: false,
720 fallbackToDefaultNS: false,
721 showKeyIfEmpty: false,
722 nsseparator: ":",
723 keyseparator: ".",
724 selectorAttr: "data-i18n",
725 debug: false,
726 resGetPath: "locales/__lng__/__ns__.json",
727 resPostPath: "locales/add/__lng__/__ns__",
728 getAsync: true,
729 postAsync: true,
730 resStore: undefined,
731 useLocalStorage: false,
732 localStorageExpirationTime: 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1e3,
733 dynamicLoad: false,
734 sendMissing: false,
735 sendMissingTo: "fallback",
736 sendType: "POST",
737 interpolationPrefix: "__",
738 interpolationSuffix: "__",
739 defaultVariables: false,
740 reusePrefix: "$t(",
741 reuseSuffix: ")",
742 pluralSuffix: "_plural",
743 pluralNotFound: ["plural_not_found", Math.random()].join(""),
744 contextNotFound: ["context_not_found", Math.random()].join(""),
745 escapeInterpolation: false,
746 indefiniteSuffix: "_indefinite",
747 indefiniteNotFound: ["indefinite_not_found", Math.random()].join(""),
748 setJqueryExt: true,
749 defaultValueFromContent: true,
750 useDataAttrOptions: false,
751 cookieExpirationTime: undefined,
752 useCookie: true,
753 cookieName: "i18next",
754 cookieDomain: undefined,
755 objectTreeKeyHandler: undefined,
756 postProcess: undefined,
757 parseMissingKey: undefined,
758 missingKeyHandler: sync.postMissing,
759 ajaxTimeout: 0,
760 shortcutFunction: "sprintf"
761 };
763 function _extend(target, source) {
764 if (!source || typeof source === "function") {
765 return target
766 }
767 for (var attr in source) {
768 target[attr] = source[attr]
769 }
770 return target
771 }
773 function _deepExtend(target, source, overwrite) {
774 for (var prop in source)
775 if (prop in target) {
776 if (typeof target[prop] === "string" || target[prop] instanceof String || typeof source[prop] === "string" || source[prop] instanceof String) {
777 if (overwrite) {
778 target[prop] = source[prop]
779 }
780 } else {
781 _deepExtend(target[prop], source[prop], overwrite)
782 }
783 } else {
784 target[prop] = source[prop]
785 }
786 return target
787 }
789 function _each(object, callback, args) {
790 var name, i = 0,
791 length = object.length,
792 isObj = length === undefined || Object.prototype.toString.apply(object) !== "[object Array]" || typeof object === "function";
793 if (args) {
794 if (isObj) {
795 for (name in object) {
796 if (callback.apply(object[name], args) === false) {
797 break
798 }
799 }
800 } else {
801 for (; i < length; ) {
802 if (callback.apply(object[i++], args) === false) {
803 break
804 }
805 }
806 }
807 } else {
808 if (isObj) {
809 for (name in object) {
810 if (callback.call(object[name], name, object[name]) === false) {
811 break
812 }
813 }
814 } else {
815 for (; i < length; ) {
816 if (callback.call(object[i], i, object[i++]) === false) {
817 break
818 }
819 }
820 }
821 }
822 return object
823 }
824 var _entityMap = {
825 "&": "&amp;",
826 "<": "&lt;",
827 ">": "&gt;",
828 '"': "&quot;",
829 "'": "&#39;",
830 "/": "&#x2F;"
831 };
833 function _escape(data) {
834 if (typeof data === "string") {
835 return data.replace(/[&<>"'\/]/g, function (s) {
836 return _entityMap[s]
837 })
838 } else {
839 return data
840 }
841 }
843 function _ajax(options) { // v0.5.0 of https://github.com/goloroden/http.js
844 var getXhr = function (callback) {
845 if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
846 return callback(null, new XMLHttpRequest)
847 } else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
848 try {
849 return callback(null, new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"))
850 } catch (e) {
851 return callback(null, new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"))
852 }
853 }
854 return callback(new Error)
855 };
856 var encodeUsingUrlEncoding = function (data) {
857 if (typeof data === "string") {
858 return data
859 }
860 var result = [];
861 for (var dataItem in data) {
862 if (data.hasOwnProperty(dataItem)) {
863 result.push(encodeURIComponent(dataItem) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(data[dataItem]))
864 }
865 }
866 return result.join("&")
867 };
868 var utf8 = function (text) {
869 text = text.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n");
870 var result = "";
871 for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
872 var c = text.charCodeAt(i);
873 if (c < 128) {
874 result += String.fromCharCode(c)
875 } else if (c > 127 && c < 2048) {
876 result += String.fromCharCode(c >> 6 | 192);
877 result += String.fromCharCode(c & 63 | 128)
878 } else {
879 result += String.fromCharCode(c >> 12 | 224);
880 result += String.fromCharCode(c >> 6 & 63 | 128);
881 result += String.fromCharCode(c & 63 | 128)
882 }
883 }
884 return result
885 };
886 var base64 = function (text) {
887 var keyStr = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
888 text = utf8(text);
889 var result = "",
890 chr1, chr2, chr3, enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4, i = 0;
891 do {
892 chr1 = text.charCodeAt(i++);
893 chr2 = text.charCodeAt(i++);
894 chr3 = text.charCodeAt(i++);
895 enc1 = chr1 >> 2;
896 enc2 = (chr1 & 3) << 4 | chr2 >> 4;
897 enc3 = (chr2 & 15) << 2 | chr3 >> 6;
898 enc4 = chr3 & 63;
899 if (isNaN(chr2)) {
900 enc3 = enc4 = 64
901 } else if (isNaN(chr3)) {
902 enc4 = 64
903 }
904 result += keyStr.charAt(enc1) + keyStr.charAt(enc2) + keyStr.charAt(enc3) + keyStr.charAt(enc4);
905 chr1 = chr2 = chr3 = "";
906 enc1 = enc2 = enc3 = enc4 = ""
907 } while (i < text.length);
908 return result
909 };
910 var mergeHeaders = function () {
911 var result = arguments[0];
912 for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
913 var currentHeaders = arguments[i];
914 for (var header in currentHeaders) {
915 if (currentHeaders.hasOwnProperty(header)) {
916 result[header] = currentHeaders[header]
917 }
918 }
919 }
920 return result
921 };
922 var ajax = function (method, url, options, callback) {
923 if (typeof options === "function") {
924 callback = options;
925 options = {}
926 }
927 options.cache = options.cache || false;
928 options.data = options.data || {};
929 options.headers = options.headers || {};
930 options.jsonp = options.jsonp || false;
931 options.async = options.async === undefined ? true : options.async;
932 var headers = mergeHeaders({
933 accept: "*/*",
934 "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8"
935 }, ajax.headers, options.headers);
936 var payload;
937 if (headers["content-type"] === "application/json") {
938 payload = JSON.stringify(options.data)
939 } else {
940 payload = encodeUsingUrlEncoding(options.data)
941 }
942 if (method === "GET") {
943 var queryString = [];
944 if (payload) {
945 queryString.push(payload);
946 payload = null
947 }
948 if (!options.cache) {
949 queryString.push("_=" + (new Date).getTime())
950 }
951 if (options.jsonp) {
952 queryString.push("callback=" + options.jsonp);
953 queryString.push("jsonp=" + options.jsonp)
954 }
955 queryString = queryString.join("&");
956 if (queryString.length > 1) {
957 if (url.indexOf("?") > -1) {
958 url += "&" + queryString
959 } else {
960 url += "?" + queryString
961 }
962 }
963 if (options.jsonp) {
964 var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
965 var script = document.createElement("script");
966 script.type = "text/javascript";
967 script.src = url;
968 head.appendChild(script);
969 return
970 }
971 }
972 getXhr(function (err, xhr) {
973 if (err)
974 return callback(err);
975 xhr.open(method, url, options.async);
976 for (var header in headers) {
977 if (headers.hasOwnProperty(header)) {
978 xhr.setRequestHeader(header, headers[header])
979 }
980 }
981 xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
982 if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
983 var data = xhr.responseText || "";
984 if (!callback) {
985 return
986 }
987 callback(xhr.status, {
988 text: function () {
989 return data
990 },
991 json: function () {
992 try {
993 return JSON.parse(data)
994 } catch (e) {
995 f.error("Can not parse JSON. URL: " + url);
996 return {}
997 }
998 }
999 })
1000 }
1001 };
1002 xhr.send(payload)
1003 })
1004 };
1005 var http = {
1006 authBasic: function (username, password) {
1007 ajax.headers["Authorization"] = "Basic " + base64(username + ":" + password)
1008 },
1009 connect: function (url, options, callback) {
1010 return ajax("CONNECT", url, options, callback)
1011 },
1012 del: function (url, options, callback) {
1013 return ajax("DELETE", url, options, callback)
1014 },
1015 get: function (url, options, callback) {
1016 return ajax("GET", url, options, callback)
1017 },
1018 head: function (url, options, callback) {
1019 return ajax("HEAD", url, options, callback)
1020 },
1021 headers: function (headers) {
1022 ajax.headers = headers || {}
1023 },
1024 isAllowed: function (url, verb, callback) {
1025 this.options(url, function (status, data) {
1026 callback(data.text().indexOf(verb) !== -1)
1027 })
1028 },
1029 options: function (url, options, callback) {
1030 return ajax("OPTIONS", url, options, callback)
1031 },
1032 patch: function (url, options, callback) {
1033 return ajax("PATCH", url, options, callback)
1034 },
1035 post: function (url, options, callback) {
1036 return ajax("POST", url, options, callback)
1037 },
1038 put: function (url, options, callback) {
1039 return ajax("PUT", url, options, callback)
1040 },
1041 trace: function (url, options, callback) {
1042 return ajax("TRACE", url, options, callback)
1043 }
1044 };
1045 var methode = options.type ? options.type.toLowerCase() : "get";
1046 http[methode](options.url, options, function (status, data) {
1047 if (status === 200 || status === 0 && data.text()) {
1048 options.success(data.json(), status, null)
1049 } else {
1050 options.error(data.text(), status, null)
1051 }
1052 })
1053 }
1054 var _cookie = {
1055 create: function (name, value, minutes, domain) {
1056 var expires;
1057 if (minutes) {
1058 var date = new Date;
1059 date.setTime(date.getTime() + minutes * 60 * 1e3);
1060 expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString()
1061 } else
1062 expires = "";
1063 domain = domain ? "domain=" + domain + ";" : "";
1064 document.cookie = name + "=" + value + expires + ";" + domain + "path=/"
1065 },
1066 read: function (name) {
1067 var nameEQ = name + "=";
1068 var ca = document.cookie.split(";");
1069 for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) {
1070 var c = ca[i];
1071 while (c.charAt(0) == " ")
1072 c = c.substring(1, c.length);
1073 if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) === 0)
1074 return c.substring(nameEQ.length, c.length)
1075 }
1076 return null
1077 },
1078 remove: function (name) {
1079 this.create(name, "", -1)
1080 }
1081 };
1082 var cookie_noop = {
1083 create: function (name, value, minutes, domain) {},
1084 read: function (name) {
1085 return null
1086 },
1087 remove: function (name) {}
1088 };
1089 var f = {
1090 extend: $ ? $.extend : _extend,
1091 deepExtend: _deepExtend,
1092 each: $ ? $.each : _each,
1093 ajax: $ ? $.ajax : typeof document !== "undefined" ? _ajax : function () {},
1094 cookie: typeof document !== "undefined" ? _cookie : cookie_noop,
1095 detectLanguage: detectLanguage,
1096 escape: _escape,
1097 log: function (str) {
1098 if (o.debug && typeof console !== "undefined")
1099 console.log(str)
1100 },
1101 error: function (str) {
1102 if (typeof console !== "undefined")
1103 console.error(str)
1104 },
1105 getCountyIndexOfLng: function (lng) {
1106 var lng_index = 0;
1107 if (lng === "nb-NO" || lng === "nn-NO" || lng === "nb-no" || lng === "nn-no")
1108 lng_index = 1;
1109 return lng_index
1110 },
1111 toLanguages: function (lng, fallbackLng) {
1112 var log = this.log;
1113 fallbackLng = fallbackLng || o.fallbackLng;
1114 if (typeof fallbackLng === "string")
1115 fallbackLng = [fallbackLng];
1117 function applyCase(l) {
1118 var ret = l;
1119 if (typeof l === "string" && l.indexOf("-") > -1) {
1120 var parts = l.split("-");
1121 ret = o.lowerCaseLng ? parts[0].toLowerCase() + "-" + parts[1].toLowerCase() : parts[0].toLowerCase() + "-" + parts[1].toUpperCase()
1122 } else {
1123 ret = o.lowerCaseLng ? l.toLowerCase() : l
1124 }
1125 return ret
1126 }
1127 var languages = [];
1128 var whitelist = o.lngWhitelist || false;
1129 var addLanguage = function (language) {
1130 if (!whitelist || whitelist.indexOf(language) > -1) {
1131 languages.push(language)
1132 } else {
1133 log("rejecting non-whitelisted language: " + language)
1134 }
1135 };
1136 if (typeof lng === "string" && lng.indexOf("-") > -1) {
1137 var parts = lng.split("-");
1138 if (o.load !== "unspecific")
1139 addLanguage(applyCase(lng));
1140 if (o.load !== "current")
1141 addLanguage(applyCase(parts[this.getCountyIndexOfLng(lng)]))
1142 } else {
1143 addLanguage(applyCase(lng))
1144 }
1145 for (var i = 0; i < fallbackLng.length; i++) {
1146 if (languages.indexOf(fallbackLng[i]) === -1 && fallbackLng[i])
1147 languages.push(applyCase(fallbackLng[i]))
1148 }
1149 return languages
1150 },
1151 regexEscape: function (str) {
1152 return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&")
1153 },
1154 regexReplacementEscape: function (strOrFn) {
1155 if (typeof strOrFn === "string") {
1156 return strOrFn.replace(/\$/g, "$$$$")
1157 } else {
1158 return strOrFn
1159 }
1160 },
1161 localStorage: {
1162 setItem: function (key, value) {
1163 if (window.localStorage) {
1164 try {
1165 window.localStorage.setItem(key, value)
1166 } catch (e) {
1167 f.log('failed to set value for key "' + key + '" to localStorage.')
1168 }
1169 }
1170 },
1171 getItem: function (key, value) {
1172 if (window.localStorage) {
1173 try {
1174 return window.localStorage.getItem(key, value)
1175 } catch (e) {
1176 f.log('failed to get value for key "' + key + '" from localStorage.');
1177 return undefined
1178 }
1179 }
1180 }
1181 }
1182 };
1184 function init(options, cb) {
1185 if (typeof options === "function") {
1186 cb = options;
1187 options = {}
1188 }
1189 options = options || {};
1190 f.extend(o, options);
1191 delete o.fixLng;
1192 if (o.functions) {
1193 delete o.functions;
1194 f.extend(f, options.functions)
1195 }
1196 if (typeof o.ns == "string") {
1197 o.ns = {
1198 namespaces: [o.ns],
1199 defaultNs: o.ns
1200 }
1201 }
1202 if (typeof o.fallbackNS == "string") {
1203 o.fallbackNS = [o.fallbackNS]
1204 }
1205 if (typeof o.fallbackLng == "string" || typeof o.fallbackLng == "boolean") {
1206 o.fallbackLng = [o.fallbackLng]
1207 }
1208 o.interpolationPrefixEscaped = f.regexEscape(o.interpolationPrefix);
1209 o.interpolationSuffixEscaped = f.regexEscape(o.interpolationSuffix);
1210 if (!o.lng)
1211 o.lng = f.detectLanguage();
1212 languages = f.toLanguages(o.lng);
1213 currentLng = languages[0];
1214 f.log("currentLng set to: " + currentLng);
1215 if (o.useCookie && f.cookie.read(o.cookieName) !== currentLng) {
1216 f.cookie.create(o.cookieName, currentLng, o.cookieExpirationTime, o.cookieDomain)
1217 }
1218 if (o.detectLngFromLocalStorage && typeof document !== "undefined" && window.localStorage) {
1219 f.localStorage.setItem("i18next_lng", currentLng)
1220 }
1221 var lngTranslate = translate;
1222 if (options.fixLng) {
1223 lngTranslate = function (key, options) {
1224 options = options || {};
1225 options.lng = options.lng || lngTranslate.lng;
1226 return translate(key, options)
1227 };
1228 lngTranslate.lng = currentLng
1229 }
1230 pluralExtensions.setCurrentLng(currentLng);
1231 if ($ && o.setJqueryExt) {
1232 addJqueryFunct && addJqueryFunct()
1233 } else {
1234 addJqueryLikeFunctionality && addJqueryLikeFunctionality()
1235 }
1236 var deferred;
1237 if ($ && $.Deferred) {
1238 deferred = $.Deferred()
1239 }
1240 if (o.resStore) {
1241 resStore = o.resStore;
1242 initialized = true;
1243 if (cb)
1244 cb(null, lngTranslate);
1245 if (deferred)
1246 deferred.resolve(lngTranslate);
1247 if (deferred)
1248 return deferred.promise();
1249 return
1250 }
1251 var lngsToLoad = f.toLanguages(o.lng);
1252 if (typeof o.preload === "string")
1253 o.preload = [o.preload];
1254 for (var i = 0, l = o.preload.length; i < l; i++) {
1255 var pres = f.toLanguages(o.preload[i]);
1256 for (var y = 0, len = pres.length; y < len; y++) {
1257 if (lngsToLoad.indexOf(pres[y]) < 0) {
1258 lngsToLoad.push(pres[y])
1259 }
1260 }
1261 }
1262 i18n.sync.load(lngsToLoad, o, function (err, store) {
1263 resStore = store;
1264 initialized = true;
1265 if (cb)
1266 cb(err, lngTranslate);
1267 if (deferred)
1268 (!err ? deferred.resolve : deferred.reject)(err || lngTranslate)
1269 });
1270 if (deferred)
1271 return deferred.promise()
1272 }
1274 function isInitialized() {
1275 return initialized
1276 }
1278 function preload(lngs, cb) {
1279 if (typeof lngs === "string")
1280 lngs = [lngs];
1281 for (var i = 0, l = lngs.length; i < l; i++) {
1282 if (o.preload.indexOf(lngs[i]) < 0) {
1283 o.preload.push(lngs[i])
1284 }
1285 }
1286 return init(cb)
1287 }
1289 function addResourceBundle(lng, ns, resources, deep, overwrite) {
1290 if (typeof ns !== "string") {
1291 resources = ns;
1292 ns = o.ns.defaultNs
1293 } else if (o.ns.namespaces.indexOf(ns) < 0) {
1294 o.ns.namespaces.push(ns)
1295 }
1296 resStore[lng] = resStore[lng] || {};
1297 resStore[lng][ns] = resStore[lng][ns] || {};
1298 if (deep) {
1299 f.deepExtend(resStore[lng][ns], resources, overwrite)
1300 } else {
1301 f.extend(resStore[lng][ns], resources)
1302 }
1303 if (o.useLocalStorage) {
1304 sync._storeLocal(resStore)
1305 }
1306 }
1308 function hasResourceBundle(lng, ns) {
1309 if (typeof ns !== "string") {
1310 ns = o.ns.defaultNs
1311 }
1312 resStore[lng] = resStore[lng] || {};
1313 var res = resStore[lng][ns] || {};
1314 var hasValues = false;
1315 for (var prop in res) {
1316 if (res.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
1317 hasValues = true
1318 }
1319 }
1320 return hasValues
1321 }
1323 function getResourceBundle(lng, ns) {
1324 if (typeof ns !== "string") {
1325 ns = o.ns.defaultNs
1326 }
1327 resStore[lng] = resStore[lng] || {};
1328 return f.extend({}, resStore[lng][ns])
1329 }
1331 function removeResourceBundle(lng, ns) {
1332 if (typeof ns !== "string") {
1333 ns = o.ns.defaultNs
1334 }
1335 resStore[lng] = resStore[lng] || {};
1336 resStore[lng][ns] = {};
1337 if (o.useLocalStorage) {
1338 sync._storeLocal(resStore)
1339 }
1340 }
1342 function addResource(lng, ns, key, value) {
1343 if (typeof ns !== "string") {
1344 resource = ns;
1345 ns = o.ns.defaultNs
1346 } else if (o.ns.namespaces.indexOf(ns) < 0) {
1347 o.ns.namespaces.push(ns)
1348 }
1349 resStore[lng] = resStore[lng] || {};
1350 resStore[lng][ns] = resStore[lng][ns] || {};
1351 var keys = key.split(o.keyseparator);
1352 var x = 0;
1353 var node = resStore[lng][ns];
1354 var origRef = node;
1355 while (keys[x]) {
1356 if (x == keys.length - 1)
1357 node[keys[x]] = value;
1358 else {
1359 if (node[keys[x]] == null)
1360 node[keys[x]] = {};
1361 node = node[keys[x]]
1362 }
1363 x++
1364 }
1365 if (o.useLocalStorage) {
1366 sync._storeLocal(resStore)
1367 }
1368 }
1370 function addResources(lng, ns, resources) {
1371 if (typeof ns !== "string") {
1372 resources = ns;
1373 ns = o.ns.defaultNs
1374 } else if (o.ns.namespaces.indexOf(ns) < 0) {
1375 o.ns.namespaces.push(ns)
1376 }
1377 for (var m in resources) {
1378 if (typeof resources[m] === "string")
1379 addResource(lng, ns, m, resources[m])
1380 }
1381 }
1383 function setDefaultNamespace(ns) {
1384 o.ns.defaultNs = ns
1385 }
1387 function loadNamespace(namespace, cb) {
1388 loadNamespaces([namespace], cb)
1389 }
1391 function loadNamespaces(namespaces, cb) {
1392 var opts = {
1393 dynamicLoad: o.dynamicLoad,
1394 resGetPath: o.resGetPath,
1395 getAsync: o.getAsync,
1396 customLoad: o.customLoad,
1397 ns: {
1398 namespaces: namespaces,
1399 defaultNs: ""
1400 }
1401 };
1402 var lngsToLoad = f.toLanguages(o.lng);
1403 if (typeof o.preload === "string")
1404 o.preload = [o.preload];
1405 for (var i = 0, l = o.preload.length; i < l; i++) {
1406 var pres = f.toLanguages(o.preload[i]);
1407 for (var y = 0, len = pres.length; y < len; y++) {
1408 if (lngsToLoad.indexOf(pres[y]) < 0) {
1409 lngsToLoad.push(pres[y])
1410 }
1411 }
1412 }
1413 var lngNeedLoad = [];
1414 for (var a = 0, lenA = lngsToLoad.length; a < lenA; a++) {
1415 var needLoad = false;
1416 var resSet = resStore[lngsToLoad[a]];
1417 if (resSet) {
1418 for (var b = 0, lenB = namespaces.length; b < lenB; b++) {
1419 if (!resSet[namespaces[b]])
1420 needLoad = true
1421 }
1422 } else {
1423 needLoad = true
1424 }
1425 if (needLoad)
1426 lngNeedLoad.push(lngsToLoad[a])
1427 }
1428 if (lngNeedLoad.length) {
1429 i18n.sync._fetch(lngNeedLoad, opts, function (err, store) {
1430 var todo = namespaces.length * lngNeedLoad.length;
1431 f.each(namespaces, function (nsIndex, nsValue) {
1432 if (o.ns.namespaces.indexOf(nsValue) < 0) {
1433 o.ns.namespaces.push(nsValue)
1434 }
1435 f.each(lngNeedLoad, function (lngIndex, lngValue) {
1436 resStore[lngValue] = resStore[lngValue] || {};
1437 resStore[lngValue][nsValue] = store[lngValue][nsValue];
1438 todo--;
1439 if (todo === 0 && cb) {
1440 if (o.useLocalStorage)
1441 i18n.sync._storeLocal(resStore);
1442 cb()
1443 }
1444 })
1445 })
1446 })
1447 } else {
1448 if (cb)
1449 cb()
1450 }
1451 }
1453 function setLng(lng, options, cb) {
1454 if (typeof options === "function") {
1455 cb = options;
1456 options = {}
1457 } else if (!options) {
1458 options = {}
1459 }
1460 options.lng = lng;
1461 return init(options, cb)
1462 }
1464 function lng() {
1465 return currentLng
1466 }
1468 function dir() {
1469 var rtlLangs = ["ar", "shu", "sqr", "ssh", "xaa", "yhd", "yud", "aao", "abh", "abv", "acm", "acq", "acw", "acx", "acy", "adf", "ads", "aeb", "aec", "afb", "ajp", "apc", "apd", "arb", "arq", "ars", "ary", "arz", "auz", "avl", "ayh", "ayl", "ayn", "ayp", "bbz", "pga", "he", "iw", "ps", "pbt", "pbu", "pst", "prp", "prd", "ur", "ydd", "yds", "yih", "ji", "yi", "hbo", "men", "xmn", "fa", "jpr", "peo", "pes", "prs", "dv", "sam"];
1470 if (rtlLangs.some(function (lang) {
1471 return new RegExp("^" + lang).test(currentLng)
1472 })) {
1473 return "rtl"
1474 }
1475 return "ltr"
1476 }
1478 function reload(cb) {
1479 resStore = {};
1480 setLng(currentLng, cb)
1481 }
1483 function noConflict() {
1484 window.i18next = window.i18n;
1485 if (conflictReference) {
1486 window.i18n = conflictReference
1487 } else {
1488 delete window.i18n
1489 }
1490 }
1492 function addJqueryFunct() {
1493 $.t = $.t || translate;
1495 function parse(ele, key, options) {
1496 if (key.length === 0)
1497 return;
1498 var attr = "text";
1499 if (key.indexOf("[") === 0) {
1500 var parts = key.split("]");
1501 key = parts[1];
1502 attr = parts[0].substr(1, parts[0].length - 1)
1503 }
1504 if (key.indexOf(";") === key.length - 1) {
1505 key = key.substr(0, key.length - 2)
1506 }
1507 var optionsToUse;
1508 if (attr === "html") {
1509 optionsToUse = o.defaultValueFromContent ? $.extend({
1510 defaultValue: ele.html()
1511 }, options) : options;
1512 ele.html($.t(key, optionsToUse))
1513 } else if (attr === "text") {
1514 optionsToUse = o.defaultValueFromContent ? $.extend({
1515 defaultValue: ele.text()
1516 }, options) : options;
1517 ele.text($.t(key, optionsToUse))
1518 } else if (attr === "prepend") {
1519 optionsToUse = o.defaultValueFromContent ? $.extend({
1520 defaultValue: ele.html()
1521 }, options) : options;
1522 ele.prepend($.t(key, optionsToUse))
1523 } else if (attr === "append") {
1524 optionsToUse = o.defaultValueFromContent ? $.extend({
1525 defaultValue: ele.html()
1526 }, options) : options;
1527 ele.append($.t(key, optionsToUse))
1528 } else if (attr.indexOf("data-") === 0) {
1529 var dataAttr = attr.substr("data-".length);
1530 optionsToUse = o.defaultValueFromContent ? $.extend({
1531 defaultValue: ele.data(dataAttr)
1532 }, options) : options;
1533 var translated = $.t(key, optionsToUse);
1534 ele.data(dataAttr, translated);
1535 ele.attr(attr, translated)
1536 } else {
1537 optionsToUse = o.defaultValueFromContent ? $.extend({
1538 defaultValue: ele.attr(attr)
1539 }, options) : options;
1540 ele.attr(attr, $.t(key, optionsToUse))
1541 }
1542 }
1544 function localize(ele, options) {
1545 var key = ele.attr(o.selectorAttr);
1546 if (!key && typeof key !== "undefined" && key !== false)
1547 key = ele.text() || ele.val();
1548 if (!key)
1549 return;
1550 var target = ele,
1551 targetSelector = ele.data("i18n-target");
1552 if (targetSelector) {
1553 target = ele.find(targetSelector) || ele
1554 }
1555 if (!options && o.useDataAttrOptions === true) {
1556 options = ele.data("i18n-options")
1557 }
1558 options = options || {};
1559 if (key.indexOf(";") >= 0) {
1560 var keys = key.split(";");
1561 $.each(keys, function (m, k) {
1562 if (k !== "")
1563 parse(target, k, options)
1564 })
1565 } else {
1566 parse(target, key, options)
1567 }
1568 if (o.useDataAttrOptions === true) {
1569 var clone = $.extend({
1570 lng: "non",
1571 lngs: [],
1572 _origLng: "non"
1573 }, options);
1574 delete clone.lng;
1575 delete clone.lngs;
1576 delete clone._origLng;
1577 ele.data("i18n-options", clone)
1578 }
1579 }
1580 $.fn.i18n = function (options) {
1581 return this.each(function () {
1582 localize($(this), options);
1583 var elements = $(this).find("[" + o.selectorAttr + "]");
1584 elements.each(function () {
1585 localize($(this), options)
1586 })
1587 })
1588 }
1589 }
1591 function addJqueryLikeFunctionality() {
1592 function parse(ele, key, options) {
1593 if (key.length === 0)
1594 return;
1595 var attr = "text";
1596 if (key.indexOf("[") === 0) {
1597 var parts = key.split("]");
1598 key = parts[1];
1599 attr = parts[0].substr(1, parts[0].length - 1)
1600 }
1601 if (key.indexOf(";") === key.length - 1) {
1602 key = key.substr(0, key.length - 2)
1603 }
1604 if (attr === "html") {
1605 ele.innerHTML = translate(key, options)
1606 } else if (attr === "text") {
1607 ele.textContent = translate(key, options)
1608 } else if (attr === "prepend") {
1609 ele.insertAdjacentHTML(translate(key, options), "afterbegin")
1610 } else if (attr === "append") {
1611 ele.insertAdjacentHTML(translate(key, options), "beforeend")
1612 } else {
1613 ele.setAttribute(attr, translate(key, options))
1614 }
1615 }
1617 function localize(ele, options) {
1618 var key = ele.getAttribute(o.selectorAttr);
1619 if (!key && typeof key !== "undefined" && key !== false)
1620 key = ele.textContent || ele.value;
1621 if (!key)
1622 return;
1623 var target = ele,
1624 targetSelector = ele.getAttribute("i18n-target");
1625 if (targetSelector) {
1626 target = ele.querySelector(targetSelector) || ele
1627 }
1628 if (key.indexOf(";") >= 0) {
1629 var keys = key.split(";"),
1630 index = 0,
1631 length = keys.length;
1632 for (; index < length; index++) {
1633 if (keys[index] !== "")
1634 parse(target, keys[index], options)
1635 }
1636 } else {
1637 parse(target, key, options)
1638 }
1639 }
1640 i18n.translateObject = function (object, options) {
1641 var elements = object.querySelectorAll("[" + o.selectorAttr + "]");
1642 var index = 0,
1643 length = elements.length;
1644 for (; index < length; index++) {
1645 localize(elements[index], options)
1646 }
1647 }
1648 }
1650 function applyReplacement(str, replacementHash, nestedKey, options) {
1651 if (!str)
1652 return str;
1653 options = options || replacementHash;
1654 if (str.indexOf(options.interpolationPrefix || o.interpolationPrefix) < 0)
1655 return str;
1656 var prefix = options.interpolationPrefix ? f.regexEscape(options.interpolationPrefix) : o.interpolationPrefixEscaped,
1657 suffix = options.interpolationSuffix ? f.regexEscape(options.interpolationSuffix) : o.interpolationSuffixEscaped,
1658 keyseparator = options.keyseparator || o.keyseparator,
1659 unEscapingSuffix = "HTML" + suffix;
1660 var hash = replacementHash.replace && typeof replacementHash.replace === "object" ? replacementHash.replace : replacementHash;
1661 var replacementRegex = new RegExp([prefix, "(.+?)", "(HTML)?", suffix].join(""), "g");
1662 var escapeInterpolation = options.escapeInterpolation || o.escapeInterpolation;
1663 return str.replace(replacementRegex, function (wholeMatch, keyMatch, htmlMatched) {
1664 var objectMatching = hash;
1665 var keyLeaf = keyMatch;
1666 while (keyLeaf.indexOf(keyseparator) >= 0 && typeof objectMatching === "object" && objectMatching) {
1667 var propName = keyLeaf.slice(0, keyLeaf.indexOf(keyseparator));
1668 keyLeaf = keyLeaf.slice(keyLeaf.indexOf(keyseparator) + 1);
1669 objectMatching = objectMatching[propName]
1670 }
1671 if (objectMatching && typeof objectMatching === "object" && objectMatching.hasOwnProperty(keyLeaf)) {
1672 var value = objectMatching[keyLeaf];
1673 if (escapeInterpolation && !htmlMatched) {
1674 return f.escape(objectMatching[keyLeaf])
1675 } else {
1676 return objectMatching[keyLeaf]
1677 }
1678 } else {
1679 return wholeMatch
1680 }
1681 })
1682 }
1683 f.applyReplacement = applyReplacement;
1685 function applyReuse(translated, options) {
1686 var comma = ",";
1687 var options_open = "{";
1688 var options_close = "}";
1689 var opts = f.extend({}, options);
1690 delete opts.postProcess;
1691 delete opts.isFallbackLookup;
1692 while (translated.indexOf(o.reusePrefix) != -1) {
1693 replacementCounter++;
1694 if (replacementCounter > o.maxRecursion) {
1695 break
1696 }
1697 var index_of_opening = translated.lastIndexOf(o.reusePrefix);
1698 var index_of_end_of_closing = translated.indexOf(o.reuseSuffix, index_of_opening) + o.reuseSuffix.length;
1699 var token = translated.substring(index_of_opening, index_of_end_of_closing);
1700 var token_without_symbols = token.replace(o.reusePrefix, "").replace(o.reuseSuffix, "");
1701 if (index_of_end_of_closing <= index_of_opening) {
1702 f.error("there is an missing closing in following translation value", translated);
1703 return ""
1704 }
1705 if (token_without_symbols.indexOf(comma) != -1) {
1706 var index_of_token_end_of_closing = token_without_symbols.indexOf(comma);
1707 if (token_without_symbols.indexOf(options_open, index_of_token_end_of_closing) != -1 && token_without_symbols.indexOf(options_close, index_of_token_end_of_closing) != -1) {
1708 var index_of_opts_opening = token_without_symbols.indexOf(options_open, index_of_token_end_of_closing);
1709 var index_of_opts_end_of_closing = token_without_symbols.indexOf(options_close, index_of_opts_opening) + options_close.length;
1710 try {
1711 opts = f.extend(opts, JSON.parse(token_without_symbols.substring(index_of_opts_opening, index_of_opts_end_of_closing)));
1712 token_without_symbols = token_without_symbols.substring(0, index_of_token_end_of_closing)
1713 } catch (e) {
1714 }
1715 }
1716 }
1717 var translated_token = _translate(token_without_symbols, opts);
1718 translated = translated.replace(token, f.regexReplacementEscape(translated_token))
1719 }
1720 return translated
1721 }
1723 function hasContext(options) {
1724 return options.context && (typeof options.context == "string" || typeof options.context == "number")
1725 }
1727 function needsPlural(options, lng) {
1728 return options.count !== undefined && typeof options.count != "string"
1729 }
1731 function needsIndefiniteArticle(options) {
1732 return options.indefinite_article !== undefined && typeof options.indefinite_article != "string" && options.indefinite_article
1733 }
1735 function exists(key, options) {
1736 options = options || {};
1737 var notFound = _getDefaultValue(key, options),
1738 found = _find(key, options);
1739 return found !== undefined || found === notFound
1740 }
1742 function translate(key, options) {
1743 if (!initialized) {
1744 f.log("i18next not finished initialization. you might have called t function before loading resources finished.");
1745 if (options && options.defaultValue) {
1746 return options.detaultValue
1747 } else {
1748 return ""
1749 }
1750 }
1751 replacementCounter = 0;
1752 return _translate.apply(null, arguments)
1753 }
1755 function _getDefaultValue(key, options) {
1756 return options.defaultValue !== undefined ? options.defaultValue : key
1757 }
1759 function _injectSprintfProcessor() {
1760 var values = [];
1761 for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
1762 values.push(arguments[i])
1763 }
1764 return {
1765 postProcess: "sprintf",
1766 sprintf: values
1767 }
1768 }
1770 function _translate(potentialKeys, options) {
1771 if (typeof options !== "undefined" && typeof options !== "object") {
1772 if (o.shortcutFunction === "sprintf") {
1773 options = _injectSprintfProcessor.apply(null, arguments)
1774 } else if (o.shortcutFunction === "defaultValue") {
1775 options = {
1776 defaultValue: options
1777 }
1778 }
1779 } else {
1780 options = options || {}
1781 }
1782 if (typeof o.defaultVariables === "object") {
1783 options = f.extend({}, o.defaultVariables, options)
1784 }
1785 if (potentialKeys === undefined || potentialKeys === null || potentialKeys === "")
1786 return "";
1787 if (typeof potentialKeys === "number") {
1788 potentialKeys = String(potentialKeys)
1789 }
1790 if (typeof potentialKeys === "string") {
1791 potentialKeys = [potentialKeys]
1792 }
1793 var key = potentialKeys[0];
1794 if (potentialKeys.length > 1) {
1795 for (var i = 0; i < potentialKeys.length; i++) {
1796 key = potentialKeys[i];
1797 if (exists(key, options)) {
1798 break
1799 }
1800 }
1801 }
1802 var notFound = _getDefaultValue(key, options),
1803 found = _find(key, options),
1804 nsseparator = options.nsseparator || o.nsseparator,
1805 lngs = options.lng ? f.toLanguages(options.lng, options.fallbackLng) : languages,
1806 ns = options.ns || o.ns.defaultNs,
1807 parts;
1808 if (key.indexOf(nsseparator) > -1) {
1809 parts = key.split(nsseparator);
1810 ns = parts[0];
1811 key = parts[1]
1812 }
1813 if (found === undefined && o.sendMissing && typeof o.missingKeyHandler === "function") {
1814 if (options.lng) {
1815 o.missingKeyHandler(lngs[0], ns, key, notFound, lngs)
1816 } else {
1817 o.missingKeyHandler(o.lng, ns, key, notFound, lngs)
1818 }
1819 }
1820 var postProcessorsToApply, postProcessor, j;
1821 if (typeof o.postProcess === "string" && o.postProcess !== "") {
1822 postProcessorsToApply = [o.postProcess]
1823 } else if (typeof o.postProcess === "array" || typeof o.postProcess === "object") {
1824 postProcessorsToApply = o.postProcess
1825 } else {
1826 postProcessorsToApply = []
1827 }
1828 if (typeof options.postProcess === "string" && options.postProcess !== "") {
1829 postProcessorsToApply = postProcessorsToApply.concat([options.postProcess])
1830 } else if (typeof options.postProcess === "array" || typeof options.postProcess === "object") {
1831 postProcessorsToApply = postProcessorsToApply.concat(options.postProcess)
1832 }
1833 if (found !== undefined && postProcessorsToApply.length) {
1834 for (j = 0; j < postProcessorsToApply.length; j += 1) {
1835 postProcessor = postProcessorsToApply[j];
1836 if (postProcessors[postProcessor]) {
1837 found = postProcessors[postProcessor](found, key, options)
1838 }
1839 }
1840 }
1841 var splitNotFound = notFound;
1842 if (notFound.indexOf(nsseparator) > -1) {
1843 parts = notFound.split(nsseparator);
1844 splitNotFound = parts[1]
1845 }
1846 if (splitNotFound === key && o.parseMissingKey) {
1847 notFound = o.parseMissingKey(notFound)
1848 }
1849 if (found === undefined) {
1850 notFound = applyReplacement(notFound, options);
1851 notFound = applyReuse(notFound, options);
1852 if (postProcessorsToApply.length) {
1853 found = _getDefaultValue(key, options);
1854 for (j = 0; j < postProcessorsToApply.length; j += 1) {
1855 postProcessor = postProcessorsToApply[j];
1856 if (postProcessors[postProcessor]) {
1857 found = postProcessors[postProcessor](found, key, options)
1858 }
1859 }
1860 }
1861 }
1862 return found !== undefined ? found : notFound
1863 }
1865 function _find(key, options) {
1866 options = options || {};
1867 var optionWithoutCount, translated, notFound = _getDefaultValue(key, options),
1868 lngs = languages;
1869 if (!resStore) {
1870 return notFound
1871 }
1872 if (lngs[0].toLowerCase() === "cimode")
1873 return notFound;
1874 if (options.lngs)
1875 lngs = options.lngs;
1876 if (options.lng) {
1877 lngs = f.toLanguages(options.lng, options.fallbackLng);
1878 if (!resStore[lngs[0]]) {
1879 var oldAsync = o.getAsync;
1880 o.getAsync = false;
1881 i18n.sync.load(lngs, o, function (err, store) {
1882 f.extend(resStore, store);
1883 o.getAsync = oldAsync
1884 })
1885 }
1886 }
1887 var ns = options.ns || o.ns.defaultNs;
1888 var nsseparator = options.nsseparator || o.nsseparator;
1889 if (key.indexOf(nsseparator) > -1) {
1890 var parts = key.split(nsseparator);
1891 ns = parts[0];
1892 key = parts[1]
1893 }
1894 if (hasContext(options)) {
1895 optionWithoutCount = f.extend({}, options);
1896 delete optionWithoutCount.context;
1897 optionWithoutCount.defaultValue = o.contextNotFound;
1898 var contextKey = ns + nsseparator + key + "_" + options.context;
1899 translated = translate(contextKey, optionWithoutCount);
1900 if (translated != o.contextNotFound) {
1901 return applyReplacement(translated, {
1902 context: options.context
1903 })
1904 }
1905 }
1906 if (needsPlural(options, lngs[0])) {
1907 optionWithoutCount = f.extend({
1908 lngs: [lngs[0]]
1909 }, options);
1910 delete optionWithoutCount.count;
1911 optionWithoutCount._origLng = optionWithoutCount._origLng || optionWithoutCount.lng || lngs[0];
1912 delete optionWithoutCount.lng;
1913 optionWithoutCount.defaultValue = o.pluralNotFound;
1914 var pluralKey;
1915 if (!pluralExtensions.needsPlural(lngs[0], options.count)) {
1916 pluralKey = ns + nsseparator + key
1917 } else {
1918 pluralKey = ns + nsseparator + key + o.pluralSuffix;
1919 var pluralExtension = pluralExtensions.get(lngs[0], options.count);
1920 if (pluralExtension >= 0) {
1921 pluralKey = pluralKey + "_" + pluralExtension
1922 } else if (pluralExtension === 1) {
1923 pluralKey = ns + nsseparator + key
1924 }
1925 }
1926 translated = translate(pluralKey, optionWithoutCount);
1927 if (translated != o.pluralNotFound) {
1928 return applyReplacement(translated, {
1929 count: options.count,
1930 interpolationPrefix: options.interpolationPrefix,
1931 interpolationSuffix: options.interpolationSuffix
1932 })
1933 } else if (lngs.length > 1) {
1934 var clone = lngs.slice();
1935 clone.shift();
1936 options = f.extend(options, {
1937 lngs: clone
1938 });
1939 options._origLng = optionWithoutCount._origLng;
1940 delete options.lng;
1941 translated = translate(ns + nsseparator + key, options);
1942 if (translated != o.pluralNotFound)
1943 return translated
1944 } else {
1945 optionWithoutCount.lng = optionWithoutCount._origLng;
1946 delete optionWithoutCount._origLng;
1947 translated = translate(ns + nsseparator + key, optionWithoutCount);
1948 return applyReplacement(translated, {
1949 count: options.count,
1950 interpolationPrefix: options.interpolationPrefix,
1951 interpolationSuffix: options.interpolationSuffix
1952 })
1953 }
1954 }
1955 if (needsIndefiniteArticle(options)) {
1956 var optionsWithoutIndef = f.extend({}, options);
1957 delete optionsWithoutIndef.indefinite_article;
1958 optionsWithoutIndef.defaultValue = o.indefiniteNotFound;
1959 var indefiniteKey = ns + nsseparator + key + (options.count && !needsPlural(options, lngs[0]) || !options.count ? o.indefiniteSuffix : "");
1960 translated = translate(indefiniteKey, optionsWithoutIndef);
1961 if (translated != o.indefiniteNotFound) {
1962 return translated
1963 }
1964 }
1965 var found;
1966 var keyseparator = options.keyseparator || o.keyseparator;
1967 var keys = key.split(keyseparator);
1968 for (var i = 0, len = lngs.length; i < len; i++) {
1969 if (found !== undefined)
1970 break;
1971 var l = lngs[i];
1972 var x = 0;
1973 var value = resStore[l] && resStore[l][ns];
1974 while (keys[x]) {
1975 value = value && value[keys[x]];
1976 x++
1977 }
1978 if (value !== undefined && (!o.showKeyIfEmpty || value !== "")) {
1979 var valueType = Object.prototype.toString.apply(value);
1980 if (typeof value === "string") {
1981 value = applyReplacement(value, options);
1982 value = applyReuse(value, options)
1983 } else if (valueType === "[object Array]" && !o.returnObjectTrees && !options.returnObjectTrees) {
1984 value = value.join("\n");
1985 value = applyReplacement(value, options);
1986 value = applyReuse(value, options)
1987 } else if (value === null && o.fallbackOnNull === true) {
1988 value = undefined
1989 } else if (value !== null) {
1990 if (!o.returnObjectTrees && !options.returnObjectTrees) {
1991 if (o.objectTreeKeyHandler && typeof o.objectTreeKeyHandler == "function") {
1992 value = o.objectTreeKeyHandler(key, value, l, ns, options)
1993 } else {
1994 value = "key '" + ns + ":" + key + " (" + l + ")' " + "returned an object instead of string.";
1995 f.log(value)
1996 }
1997 } else if (valueType !== "[object Number]" && valueType !== "[object Function]" && valueType !== "[object RegExp]") {
1998 var copy = valueType === "[object Array]" ? [] : {};
1999 f.each(value, function (m) {
2000 copy[m] = _translate(ns + nsseparator + key + keyseparator + m, options)
2001 });
2002 value = copy
2003 }
2004 }
2005 if (typeof value === "string" && value.trim() === "" && o.fallbackOnEmpty === true)
2006 value = undefined;
2007 found = value
2008 }
2009 }
2010 if (found === undefined && !options.isFallbackLookup && (o.fallbackToDefaultNS === true || o.fallbackNS && o.fallbackNS.length > 0)) {
2011 options.isFallbackLookup = true;
2012 if (o.fallbackNS.length) {
2013 for (var y = 0, lenY = o.fallbackNS.length; y < lenY; y++) {
2014 found = _find(o.fallbackNS[y] + nsseparator + key, options);
2015 if (found || found === "" && o.fallbackOnEmpty === false) {
2016 var foundValue = found.indexOf(nsseparator) > -1 ? found.split(nsseparator)[1] : found,
2017 notFoundValue = notFound.indexOf(nsseparator) > -1 ? notFound.split(nsseparator)[1] : notFound;
2018 if (foundValue !== notFoundValue)
2019 break
2020 }
2021 }
2022 } else {
2023 options.ns = o.ns.defaultNs;
2024 found = _find(key, options)
2025 }
2026 options.isFallbackLookup = false
2027 }
2028 return found
2029 }
2031 function detectLanguage() {
2032 var detectedLng;
2033 var whitelist = o.lngWhitelist || [];
2034 var userLngChoices = [];
2035 var qsParm = [];
2036 if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
2037 (function () {
2038 var query = window.location.search.substring(1);
2039 var params = query.split("&");
2040 for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
2041 var pos = params[i].indexOf("=");
2042 if (pos > 0) {
2043 var key = params[i].substring(0, pos);
2044 if (key == o.detectLngQS) {
2045 userLngChoices.push(params[i].substring(pos + 1))
2046 }
2047 }
2048 }
2049 })()
2050 }
2051 if (o.useCookie && typeof document !== "undefined") {
2052 var c = f.cookie.read(o.cookieName);
2053 if (c)
2054 userLngChoices.push(c)
2055 }
2056 if (o.detectLngFromLocalStorage && typeof window !== "undefined" && window.localStorage) {
2057 var lang = f.localStorage.getItem("i18next_lng");
2058 if (lang) {
2059 userLngChoices.push(lang)
2060 }
2061 }
2062 if (typeof navigator !== "undefined") {
2063 if (navigator.languages) {
2064 for (var i = 0; i < navigator.languages.length; i++) {
2065 userLngChoices.push(navigator.languages[i])
2066 }
2067 }
2068 if (navigator.userLanguage) {
2069 userLngChoices.push(navigator.userLanguage)
2070 }
2071 if (navigator.language) {
2072 userLngChoices.push(navigator.language)
2073 }
2074 }
2075 (function () {
2076 for (var i = 0; i < userLngChoices.length; i++) {
2077 var lng = userLngChoices[i];
2078 if (lng.indexOf("-") > -1) {
2079 var parts = lng.split("-");
2080 lng = o.lowerCaseLng ? parts[0].toLowerCase() + "-" + parts[1].toLowerCase() : parts[0].toLowerCase() + "-" + parts[1].toUpperCase()
2081 }
2082 if (whitelist.length === 0 || whitelist.indexOf(lng) > -1) {
2083 detectedLng = lng;
2084 break
2085 }
2086 }
2087 })();
2088 if (!detectedLng) {
2089 detectedLng = o.fallbackLng[0]
2090 }
2091 return detectedLng
2092 }
2093 var _rules = [
2094 ["ach", "Acholi", [1, 2], 1],
2095 ["af", "Afrikaans", [1, 2], 2],
2096 ["ak", "Akan", [1, 2], 1],
2097 ["am", "Amharic", [1, 2], 1],
2098 ["an", "Aragonese", [1, 2], 2],
2099 ["ar", "Arabic", [0, 1, 2, 3, 11, 100], 5],
2100 ["arn", "Mapudungun", [1, 2], 1],
2101 ["ast", "Asturian", [1, 2], 2],
2102 ["ay", "Aymará", [1], 3],
2103 ["az", "Azerbaijani", [1, 2], 2],
2104 ["be", "Belarusian", [1, 2, 5], 4],
2105 ["bg", "Bulgarian", [1, 2], 2],
2106 ["bn", "Bengali", [1, 2], 2],
2107 ["bo", "Tibetan", [1], 3],
2108 ["br", "Breton", [1, 2], 1],
2109 ["bs", "Bosnian", [1, 2, 5], 4],
2110 ["ca", "Catalan", [1, 2], 2],
2111 ["cgg", "Chiga", [1], 3],
2112 ["cs", "Czech", [1, 2, 5], 6],
2113 ["csb", "Kashubian", [1, 2, 5], 7],
2114 ["cy", "Welsh", [1, 2, 3, 8], 8],
2115 ["da", "Danish", [1, 2], 2],
2116 ["de", "German", [1, 2], 2],
2117 ["dev", "Development Fallback", [1, 2], 2],
2118 ["dz", "Dzongkha", [1], 3],
2119 ["el", "Greek", [1, 2], 2],
2120 ["en", "English", [1, 2], 2],
2121 ["eo", "Esperanto", [1, 2], 2],
2122 ["es", "Spanish", [1, 2], 2],
2123 ["es_ar", "Argentinean Spanish", [1, 2], 2],
2124 ["et", "Estonian", [1, 2], 2],
2125 ["eu", "Basque", [1, 2], 2],
2126 ["fa", "Persian", [1], 3],
2127 ["fi", "Finnish", [1, 2], 2],
2128 ["fil", "Filipino", [1, 2], 1],
2129 ["fo", "Faroese", [1, 2], 2],
2130 ["fr", "French", [1, 2], 9],
2131 ["fur", "Friulian", [1, 2], 2],
2132 ["fy", "Frisian", [1, 2], 2],
2133 ["ga", "Irish", [1, 2, 3, 7, 11], 10],
2134 ["gd", "Scottish Gaelic", [1, 2, 3, 20], 11],
2135 ["gl", "Galician", [1, 2], 2],
2136 ["gu", "Gujarati", [1, 2], 2],
2137 ["gun", "Gun", [1, 2], 1],
2138 ["ha", "Hausa", [1, 2], 2],
2139 ["he", "Hebrew", [1, 2], 2],
2140 ["hi", "Hindi", [1, 2], 2],
2141 ["hr", "Croatian", [1, 2, 5], 4],
2142 ["hu", "Hungarian", [1, 2], 2],
2143 ["hy", "Armenian", [1, 2], 2],
2144 ["ia", "Interlingua", [1, 2], 2],
2145 ["id", "Indonesian", [1], 3],
2146 ["is", "Icelandic", [1, 2], 12],
2147 ["it", "Italian", [1, 2], 2],
2148 ["ja", "Japanese", [1], 3],
2149 ["jbo", "Lojban", [1], 3],
2150 ["jv", "Javanese", [0, 1], 13],
2151 ["ka", "Georgian", [1], 3],
2152 ["kk", "Kazakh", [1], 3],
2153 ["km", "Khmer", [1], 3],
2154 ["kn", "Kannada", [1, 2], 2],
2155 ["ko", "Korean", [1], 3],
2156 ["ku", "Kurdish", [1, 2], 2],
2157 ["kw", "Cornish", [1, 2, 3, 4], 14],
2158 ["ky", "Kyrgyz", [1], 3],
2159 ["lb", "Letzeburgesch", [1, 2], 2],
2160 ["ln", "Lingala", [1, 2], 1],
2161 ["lo", "Lao", [1], 3],
2162 ["lt", "Lithuanian", [1, 2, 10], 15],
2163 ["lv", "Latvian", [1, 2, 0], 16],
2164 ["mai", "Maithili", [1, 2], 2],
2165 ["mfe", "Mauritian Creole", [1, 2], 1],
2166 ["mg", "Malagasy", [1, 2], 1],
2167 ["mi", "Maori", [1, 2], 1],
2168 ["mk", "Macedonian", [1, 2], 17],
2169 ["ml", "Malayalam", [1, 2], 2],
2170 ["mn", "Mongolian", [1, 2], 2],
2171 ["mnk", "Mandinka", [0, 1, 2], 18],
2172 ["mr", "Marathi", [1, 2], 2],
2173 ["ms", "Malay", [1], 3],
2174 ["mt", "Maltese", [1, 2, 11, 20], 19],
2175 ["nah", "Nahuatl", [1, 2], 2],
2176 ["nap", "Neapolitan", [1, 2], 2],
2177 ["nb", "Norwegian Bokmal", [1, 2], 2],
2178 ["ne", "Nepali", [1, 2], 2],
2179 ["nl", "Dutch", [1, 2], 2],
2180 ["nn", "Norwegian Nynorsk", [1, 2], 2],
2181 ["no", "Norwegian", [1, 2], 2],
2182 ["nso", "Northern Sotho", [1, 2], 2],
2183 ["oc", "Occitan", [1, 2], 1],
2184 ["or", "Oriya", [2, 1], 2],
2185 ["pa", "Punjabi", [1, 2], 2],
2186 ["pap", "Papiamento", [1, 2], 2],
2187 ["pl", "Polish", [1, 2, 5], 7],
2188 ["pms", "Piemontese", [1, 2], 2],
2189 ["ps", "Pashto", [1, 2], 2],
2190 ["pt", "Portuguese", [1, 2], 2],
2191 ["pt_br", "Brazilian Portuguese", [1, 2], 2],
2192 ["rm", "Romansh", [1, 2], 2],
2193 ["ro", "Romanian", [1, 2, 20], 20],
2194 ["ru", "Russian", [1, 2, 5], 4],
2195 ["sah", "Yakut", [1], 3],
2196 ["sco", "Scots", [1, 2], 2],
2197 ["se", "Northern Sami", [1, 2], 2],
2198 ["si", "Sinhala", [1, 2], 2],
2199 ["sk", "Slovak", [1, 2, 5], 6],
2200 ["sl", "Slovenian", [5, 1, 2, 3], 21],
2201 ["so", "Somali", [1, 2], 2],
2202 ["son", "Songhay", [1, 2], 2],
2203 ["sq", "Albanian", [1, 2], 2],
2204 ["sr", "Serbian", [1, 2, 5], 4],
2205 ["su", "Sundanese", [1], 3],
2206 ["sv", "Swedish", [1, 2], 2],
2207 ["sw", "Swahili", [1, 2], 2],
2208 ["ta", "Tamil", [1, 2], 2],
2209 ["te", "Telugu", [1, 2], 2],
2210 ["tg", "Tajik", [1, 2], 1],
2211 ["th", "Thai", [1], 3],
2212 ["ti", "Tigrinya", [1, 2], 1],
2213 ["tk", "Turkmen", [1, 2], 2],
2214 ["tr", "Turkish", [1, 2], 1],
2215 ["tt", "Tatar", [1], 3],
2216 ["ug", "Uyghur", [1], 3],
2217 ["uk", "Ukrainian", [1, 2, 5], 4],
2218 ["ur", "Urdu", [1, 2], 2],
2219 ["uz", "Uzbek", [1, 2], 1],
2220 ["vi", "Vietnamese", [1], 3],
2221 ["wa", "Walloon", [1, 2], 1],
2222 ["wo", "Wolof", [1], 3],
2223 ["yo", "Yoruba", [1, 2], 2],
2224 ["zh", "Chinese", [1], 3]
2225 ];
2226 var _rulesPluralsTypes = {
2227 1: function (n) {
2228 return Number(n > 1)
2229 },
2230 2: function (n) {
2231 return Number(n != 1)
2232 },
2233 3: function (n) {
2234 return 0
2235 },
2236 4: function (n) {
2237 return Number(n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11 ? 0 : n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <= 4 && (n % 100 < 10 || n % 100 >= 20) ? 1 : 2)
2238 },
2239 5: function (n) {
2240 return Number(n === 0 ? 0 : n == 1 ? 1 : n == 2 ? 2 : n % 100 >= 3 && n % 100 <= 10 ? 3 : n % 100 >= 11 ? 4 : 5)
2241 },
2242 6: function (n) {
2243 return Number(n == 1 ? 0 : n >= 2 && n <= 4 ? 1 : 2)
2244 },
2245 7: function (n) {
2246 return Number(n == 1 ? 0 : n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <= 4 && (n % 100 < 10 || n % 100 >= 20) ? 1 : 2)
2247 },
2248 8: function (n) {
2249 return Number(n == 1 ? 0 : n == 2 ? 1 : n != 8 && n != 11 ? 2 : 3)
2250 },
2251 9: function (n) {
2252 return Number(n >= 2)
2253 },
2254 10: function (n) {
2255 return Number(n == 1 ? 0 : n == 2 ? 1 : n < 7 ? 2 : n < 11 ? 3 : 4)
2256 },
2257 11: function (n) {
2258 return Number(n == 1 || n == 11 ? 0 : n == 2 || n == 12 ? 1 : n > 2 && n < 20 ? 2 : 3)
2259 },
2260 12: function (n) {
2261 return Number(n % 10 != 1 || n % 100 == 11)
2262 },
2263 13: function (n) {
2264 return Number(n !== 0)
2265 },
2266 14: function (n) {
2267 return Number(n == 1 ? 0 : n == 2 ? 1 : n == 3 ? 2 : 3)
2268 },
2269 15: function (n) {
2270 return Number(n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11 ? 0 : n % 10 >= 2 && (n % 100 < 10 || n % 100 >= 20) ? 1 : 2)
2271 },
2272 16: function (n) {
2273 return Number(n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11 ? 0 : n !== 0 ? 1 : 2)
2274 },
2275 17: function (n) {
2276 return Number(n == 1 || n % 10 == 1 ? 0 : 1)
2277 },
2278 18: function (n) {
2279 return Number(n == 0 ? 0 : n == 1 ? 1 : 2)
2280 },
2281 19: function (n) {
2282 return Number(n == 1 ? 0 : n === 0 || n % 100 > 1 && n % 100 < 11 ? 1 : n % 100 > 10 && n % 100 < 20 ? 2 : 3)
2283 },
2284 20: function (n) {
2285 return Number(n == 1 ? 0 : n === 0 || n % 100 > 0 && n % 100 < 20 ? 1 : 2)
2286 },
2287 21: function (n) {
2288 return Number(n % 100 == 1 ? 1 : n % 100 == 2 ? 2 : n % 100 == 3 || n % 100 == 4 ? 3 : 0)
2289 }
2290 };
2291 var pluralExtensions = {
2292 rules: function () {
2293 var l, rules = {};
2294 for (l = _rules.length; l--; ) {
2295 rules[_rules[l][0]] = {
2296 name: _rules[l][1],
2297 numbers: _rules[l][2],
2298 plurals: _rulesPluralsTypes[_rules[l][3]]
2299 }
2300 }
2301 return rules
2302 }(),
2303 addRule: function (lng, obj) {
2304 pluralExtensions.rules[lng] = obj
2305 },
2306 setCurrentLng: function (lng) {
2307 if (!pluralExtensions.currentRule || pluralExtensions.currentRule.lng !== lng) {
2308 var parts = lng.split("-");
2309 pluralExtensions.currentRule = {
2310 lng: lng,
2311 rule: pluralExtensions.rules[parts[0]]
2312 }
2313 }
2314 },
2315 needsPlural: function (lng, count) {
2316 var parts = lng.split("-");
2317 var ext;
2318 if (pluralExtensions.currentRule && pluralExtensions.currentRule.lng === lng) {
2319 ext = pluralExtensions.currentRule.rule
2320 } else {
2321 ext = pluralExtensions.rules[parts[f.getCountyIndexOfLng(lng)]]
2322 }
2323 if (ext && ext.numbers.length <= 1) {
2324 return false
2325 } else {
2326 return this.get(lng, count) !== 1
2327 }
2328 },
2329 get: function (lng, count) {
2330 var parts = lng.split("-");
2332 function getResult(l, c) {
2333 var ext;
2334 if (pluralExtensions.currentRule && pluralExtensions.currentRule.lng === lng) {
2335 ext = pluralExtensions.currentRule.rule
2336 } else {
2337 ext = pluralExtensions.rules[l]
2338 }
2339 if (ext) {
2340 var i;
2341 if (ext.noAbs) {
2342 i = ext.plurals(c)
2343 } else {
2344 i = ext.plurals(Math.abs(c))
2345 }
2346 var number = ext.numbers[i];
2347 if (ext.numbers.length === 2 && ext.numbers[0] === 1) {
2348 if (number === 2) {
2349 number = -1
2350 } else if (number === 1) {
2351 number = 1
2352 }
2353 }
2354 return number
2355 } else {
2356 return c === 1 ? "1" : "-1"
2357 }
2358 }
2359 return getResult(parts[f.getCountyIndexOfLng(lng)], count)
2360 }
2361 };
2362 var postProcessors = {};
2363 var addPostProcessor = function (name, fc) {
2364 postProcessors[name] = fc
2365 };
2366 var sprintf = function () {
2367 function get_type(variable) {
2368 return Object.prototype.toString.call(variable).slice(8, -1).toLowerCase()
2369 }
2371 function str_repeat(input, multiplier) {
2372 for (var output = []; multiplier > 0; output[--multiplier] = input) {
2373 }
2374 return output.join("")
2375 }
2376 var str_format = function () {
2377 if (!str_format.cache.hasOwnProperty(arguments[0])) {
2378 str_format.cache[arguments[0]] = str_format.parse(arguments[0])
2379 }
2380 return str_format.format.call(null, str_format.cache[arguments[0]], arguments)
2381 };
2382 str_format.format = function (parse_tree, argv) {
2383 var cursor = 1,
2384 tree_length = parse_tree.length,
2385 node_type = "",
2386 arg, output = [],
2387 i, k, match, pad, pad_character, pad_length;
2388 for (i = 0; i < tree_length; i++) {
2389 node_type = get_type(parse_tree[i]);
2390 if (node_type === "string") {
2391 output.push(parse_tree[i])
2392 } else if (node_type === "array") {
2393 match = parse_tree[i];
2394 if (match[2]) {
2395 arg = argv[cursor];
2396 for (k = 0; k < match[2].length; k++) {
2397 if (!arg.hasOwnProperty(match[2][k])) {
2398 throw sprintf('[sprintf] property "%s" does not exist', match[2][k])
2399 }
2400 arg = arg[match[2][k]]
2401 }
2402 } else if (match[1]) {
2403 arg = argv[match[1]]
2404 } else {
2405 arg = argv[cursor++]
2406 }
2407 if (/[^s]/.test(match[8]) && get_type(arg) != "number") {
2408 throw sprintf("[sprintf] expecting number but found %s", get_type(arg))
2409 }
2410 switch (match[8]) {
2411 case "b":
2412 arg = arg.toString(2);
2413 break;
2414 case "c":
2415 arg = String.fromCharCode(arg);
2416 break;
2417 case "d":
2418 arg = parseInt(arg, 10);
2419 break;
2420 case "e":
2421 arg = match[7] ? arg.toExponential(match[7]) : arg.toExponential();
2422 break;
2423 case "f":
2424 arg = match[7] ? parseFloat(arg).toFixed(match[7]) : parseFloat(arg);
2425 break;
2426 case "o":
2427 arg = arg.toString(8);
2428 break;
2429 case "s":
2430 arg = (arg = String(arg)) && match[7] ? arg.substring(0, match[7]) : arg;
2431 break;
2432 case "u":
2433 arg = Math.abs(arg);
2434 break;
2435 case "x":
2436 arg = arg.toString(16);
2437 break;
2438 case "X":
2439 arg = arg.toString(16).toUpperCase();
2440 break
2441 }
2442 arg = /[def]/.test(match[8]) && match[3] && arg >= 0 ? "+" + arg : arg;
2443 pad_character = match[4] ? match[4] == "0" ? "0" : match[4].charAt(1) : " ";
2444 pad_length = match[6] - String(arg).length;
2445 pad = match[6] ? str_repeat(pad_character, pad_length) : "";
2446 output.push(match[5] ? arg + pad : pad + arg)
2447 }
2448 }
2449 return output.join("")
2450 };
2451 str_format.cache = {};
2452 str_format.parse = function (fmt) {
2453 var _fmt = fmt,
2454 match = [],
2455 parse_tree = [],
2456 arg_names = 0;
2457 while (_fmt) {
2458 if ((match = /^[^\x25]+/.exec(_fmt)) !== null) {
2459 parse_tree.push(match[0])
2460 } else if ((match = /^\x25{2}/.exec(_fmt)) !== null) {
2461 parse_tree.push("%")
2462 } else if ((match = /^\x25(?:([1-9]\d*)\$|\(([^\)]+)\))?(\+)?(0|'[^$])?(-)?(\d+)?(?:\.(\d+))?([b-fosuxX])/.exec(_fmt)) !== null) {
2463 if (match[2]) {
2464 arg_names |= 1;
2465 var field_list = [],
2466 replacement_field = match[2],
2467 field_match = [];
2468 if ((field_match = /^([a-z_][a-z_\d]*)/i.exec(replacement_field)) !== null) {
2469 field_list.push(field_match[1]);
2470 while ((replacement_field = replacement_field.substring(field_match[0].length)) !== "") {
2471 if ((field_match = /^\.([a-z_][a-z_\d]*)/i.exec(replacement_field)) !== null) {
2472 field_list.push(field_match[1])
2473 } else if ((field_match = /^\[(\d+)\]/.exec(replacement_field)) !== null) {
2474 field_list.push(field_match[1])
2475 } else {
2476 throw "[sprintf] huh?"
2477 }
2478 }
2479 } else {
2480 throw "[sprintf] huh?"
2481 }
2482 match[2] = field_list
2483 } else {
2484 arg_names |= 2
2485 }
2486 if (arg_names === 3) {
2487 throw "[sprintf] mixing positional and named placeholders is not (yet) supported"
2488 }
2489 parse_tree.push(match)
2490 } else {
2491 throw "[sprintf] huh?"
2492 }
2493 _fmt = _fmt.substring(match[0].length)
2494 }
2495 return parse_tree
2496 };
2497 return str_format
2498 }();
2499 var vsprintf = function (fmt, argv) {
2500 argv.unshift(fmt);
2501 return sprintf.apply(null, argv)
2502 };
2503 addPostProcessor("sprintf", function (val, key, opts) {
2504 if (!opts.sprintf)
2505 return val;
2506 if (Object.prototype.toString.apply(opts.sprintf) === "[object Array]") {
2507 return vsprintf(val, opts.sprintf)
2508 } else if (typeof opts.sprintf === "object") {
2509 return sprintf(val, opts.sprintf)
2510 }
2511 return val
2512 });
2513 i18n.init = init;
2514 i18n.isInitialized = isInitialized;
2515 i18n.setLng = setLng;
2516 i18n.preload = preload;
2517 i18n.addResourceBundle = addResourceBundle;
2518 i18n.hasResourceBundle = hasResourceBundle;
2519 i18n.getResourceBundle = getResourceBundle;
2520 i18n.addResource = addResource;
2521 i18n.addResources = addResources;
2522 i18n.removeResourceBundle = removeResourceBundle;
2523 i18n.loadNamespace = loadNamespace;
2524 i18n.loadNamespaces = loadNamespaces;
2525 i18n.setDefaultNamespace = setDefaultNamespace;
2526 i18n.t = translate;
2527 i18n.translate = translate;
2528 i18n.exists = exists;
2529 i18n.detectLanguage = f.detectLanguage;
2530 i18n.pluralExtensions = pluralExtensions;
2531 i18n.sync = sync;
2532 i18n.functions = f;
2533 i18n.lng = lng;
2534 i18n.dir = dir;
2535 i18n.addPostProcessor = addPostProcessor;
2536 i18n.applyReplacement = f.applyReplacement;
2537 i18n.options = o;
2538 i18n.noConflict = noConflict
2539 })(typeof exports === "undefined" ? window : exports)
2540 }, {}],
2541 moment: [function (require, module, exports) {
2542 (function (global, factory) {
2543 typeof exports === "object" && typeof module !== "undefined" ? module.exports = factory() : typeof define === "function" && define.amd ? define(factory) : global.moment = factory()
2544 })(this, function () {
2545 "use strict";
2546 var hookCallback;
2548 function hooks() {
2549 return hookCallback.apply(null, arguments)
2550 }
2552 function setHookCallback(callback) {
2553 hookCallback = callback
2554 }
2556 function isArray(input) {
2557 return input instanceof Array || Object.prototype.toString.call(input) === "[object Array]"
2558 }
2560 function isObject(input) {
2561 return input != null && Object.prototype.toString.call(input) === "[object Object]"
2562 }
2564 function isObjectEmpty(obj) {
2565 var k;
2566 for (k in obj) {
2567 return false
2568 }
2569 return true
2570 }
2572 function isNumber(input) {
2573 return typeof input === "number" || Object.prototype.toString.call(input) === "[object Number]"
2574 }
2576 function isDate(input) {
2577 return input instanceof Date || Object.prototype.toString.call(input) === "[object Date]"
2578 }
2580 function map(arr, fn) {
2581 var res = [],
2582 i;
2583 for (i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) {
2584 res.push(fn(arr[i], i))
2585 }
2586 return res
2587 }
2589 function hasOwnProp(a, b) {
2590 return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, b)
2591 }
2593 function extend(a, b) {
2594 for (var i in b) {
2595 if (hasOwnProp(b, i)) {
2596 a[i] = b[i]
2597 }
2598 }
2599 if (hasOwnProp(b, "toString")) {
2600 a.toString = b.toString
2601 }
2602 if (hasOwnProp(b, "valueOf")) {
2603 a.valueOf = b.valueOf
2604 }
2605 return a
2606 }
2608 function createUTC(input, format, locale, strict) {
2609 return createLocalOrUTC(input, format, locale, strict, true).utc()
2610 }
2612 function defaultParsingFlags() {
2613 return {
2614 empty: false,
2615 unusedTokens: [],
2616 unusedInput: [],
2617 overflow: -2,
2618 charsLeftOver: 0,
2619 nullInput: false,
2620 invalidMonth: null,
2621 invalidFormat: false,
2622 userInvalidated: false,
2623 iso: false,
2624 parsedDateParts: [],
2625 meridiem: null
2626 }
2627 }
2629 function getParsingFlags(m) {
2630 if (m._pf == null) {
2631 m._pf = defaultParsingFlags()
2632 }
2633 return m._pf
2634 }
2635 var some;
2636 if (Array.prototype.some) {
2637 some = Array.prototype.some
2638 } else {
2639 some = function (fun) {
2640 var t = Object(this);
2641 var len = t.length >>> 0;
2642 for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
2643 if (i in t && fun.call(this, t[i], i, t)) {
2644 return true
2645 }
2646 }
2647 return false
2648 }
2649 }
2650 var some$1 = some;
2652 function isValid(m) {
2653 if (m._isValid == null) {
2654 var flags = getParsingFlags(m);
2655 var parsedParts = some$1.call(flags.parsedDateParts, function (i) {
2656 return i != null
2657 });
2658 var isNowValid = !isNaN(m._d.getTime()) && flags.overflow < 0 && !flags.empty && !flags.invalidMonth && !flags.invalidWeekday && !flags.nullInput && !flags.invalidFormat && !flags.userInvalidated && (!flags.meridiem || flags.meridiem && parsedParts);
2659 if (m._strict) {
2660 isNowValid = isNowValid && flags.charsLeftOver === 0 && flags.unusedTokens.length === 0 && flags.bigHour === undefined
2661 }
2662 if (Object.isFrozen == null || !Object.isFrozen(m)) {
2663 m._isValid = isNowValid
2664 } else {
2665 return isNowValid
2666 }
2667 }
2668 return m._isValid
2669 }
2671 function createInvalid(flags) {
2672 var m = createUTC(NaN);
2673 if (flags != null) {
2674 extend(getParsingFlags(m), flags)
2675 } else {
2676 getParsingFlags(m).userInvalidated = true
2677 }
2678 return m
2679 }
2681 function isUndefined(input) {
2682 return input === void 0
2683 }
2684 var momentProperties = hooks.momentProperties = [];
2686 function copyConfig(to, from) {
2687 var i, prop, val;
2688 if (!isUndefined(from._isAMomentObject)) {
2689 to._isAMomentObject = from._isAMomentObject
2690 }
2691 if (!isUndefined(from._i)) {
2692 to._i = from._i
2693 }
2694 if (!isUndefined(from._f)) {
2695 to._f = from._f
2696 }
2697 if (!isUndefined(from._l)) {
2698 to._l = from._l
2699 }
2700 if (!isUndefined(from._strict)) {
2701 to._strict = from._strict
2702 }
2703 if (!isUndefined(from._tzm)) {
2704 to._tzm = from._tzm
2705 }
2706 if (!isUndefined(from._isUTC)) {
2707 to._isUTC = from._isUTC
2708 }
2709 if (!isUndefined(from._offset)) {
2710 to._offset = from._offset
2711 }
2712 if (!isUndefined(from._pf)) {
2713 to._pf = getParsingFlags(from)
2714 }
2715 if (!isUndefined(from._locale)) {
2716 to._locale = from._locale
2717 }
2718 if (momentProperties.length > 0) {
2719 for (i in momentProperties) {
2720 prop = momentProperties[i];
2721 val = from[prop];
2722 if (!isUndefined(val)) {
2723 to[prop] = val
2724 }
2725 }
2726 }
2727 return to
2728 }
2729 var updateInProgress = false;
2731 function Moment(config) {
2732 copyConfig(this, config);
2733 this._d = new Date(config._d != null ? config._d.getTime() : NaN);
2734 if (!this.isValid()) {
2735 this._d = new Date(NaN)
2736 }
2737 if (updateInProgress === false) {
2738 updateInProgress = true;
2739 hooks.updateOffset(this);
2740 updateInProgress = false
2741 }
2742 }
2744 function isMoment(obj) {
2745 return obj instanceof Moment || obj != null && obj._isAMomentObject != null
2746 }
2748 function absFloor(number) {
2749 if (number < 0) {
2750 return Math.ceil(number) || 0
2751 } else {
2752 return Math.floor(number)
2753 }
2754 }
2756 function toInt(argumentForCoercion) {
2757 var coercedNumber = +argumentForCoercion,
2758 value = 0;
2759 if (coercedNumber !== 0 && isFinite(coercedNumber)) {
2760 value = absFloor(coercedNumber)
2761 }
2762 return value
2763 }
2765 function compareArrays(array1, array2, dontConvert) {
2766 var len = Math.min(array1.length, array2.length),
2767 lengthDiff = Math.abs(array1.length - array2.length),
2768 diffs = 0,
2769 i;
2770 for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
2771 if (dontConvert && array1[i] !== array2[i] || !dontConvert && toInt(array1[i]) !== toInt(array2[i])) {
2772 diffs++
2773 }
2774 }
2775 return diffs + lengthDiff
2776 }
2778 function warn(msg) {
2779 if (hooks.suppressDeprecationWarnings === false && typeof console !== "undefined" && console.warn) {
2780 console.warn("Deprecation warning: " + msg)
2781 }
2782 }
2784 function deprecate(msg, fn) {
2785 var firstTime = true;
2786 return extend(function () {
2787 if (hooks.deprecationHandler != null) {
2788 hooks.deprecationHandler(null, msg)
2789 }
2790 if (firstTime) {
2791 var args = [];
2792 var arg;
2793 for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
2794 arg = "";
2795 if (typeof arguments[i] === "object") {
2796 arg += "\n[" + i + "] ";
2797 for (var key in arguments[0]) {
2798 arg += key + ": " + arguments[0][key] + ", "
2799 }
2800 arg = arg.slice(0, -2)
2801 } else {
2802 arg = arguments[i]
2803 }
2804 args.push(arg)
2805 }
2806 warn(msg + "\nArguments: " + Array.prototype.slice.call(args).join("") + "\n" + (new Error).stack);
2807 firstTime = false
2808 }
2809 return fn.apply(this, arguments)
2810 }, fn)
2811 }
2812 var deprecations = {};
2814 function deprecateSimple(name, msg) {
2815 if (hooks.deprecationHandler != null) {
2816 hooks.deprecationHandler(name, msg)
2817 }
2818 if (!deprecations[name]) {
2819 warn(msg);
2820 deprecations[name] = true
2821 }
2822 }
2823 hooks.suppressDeprecationWarnings = false;
2824 hooks.deprecationHandler = null;
2826 function isFunction(input) {
2827 return input instanceof Function || Object.prototype.toString.call(input) === "[object Function]"
2828 }
2830 function set(config) {
2831 var prop, i;
2832 for (i in config) {
2833 prop = config[i];
2834 if (isFunction(prop)) {
2835 this[i] = prop
2836 } else {
2837 this["_" + i] = prop
2838 }
2839 }
2840 this._config = config;
2841 this._ordinalParseLenient = new RegExp(this._ordinalParse.source + "|" + /\d{1,2}/.source)
2842 }
2844 function mergeConfigs(parentConfig, childConfig) {
2845 var res = extend({}, parentConfig),
2846 prop;
2847 for (prop in childConfig) {
2848 if (hasOwnProp(childConfig, prop)) {
2849 if (isObject(parentConfig[prop]) && isObject(childConfig[prop])) {
2850 res[prop] = {};
2851 extend(res[prop], parentConfig[prop]);
2852 extend(res[prop], childConfig[prop])
2853 } else if (childConfig[prop] != null) {
2854 res[prop] = childConfig[prop]
2855 } else {
2856 delete res[prop]
2857 }
2858 }
2859 }
2860 for (prop in parentConfig) {
2861 if (hasOwnProp(parentConfig, prop) && !hasOwnProp(childConfig, prop) && isObject(parentConfig[prop])) {
2862 res[prop] = extend({}, res[prop])
2863 }
2864 }
2865 return res
2866 }
2868 function Locale(config) {
2869 if (config != null) {
2870 this.set(config)
2871 }
2872 }
2873 var keys;
2874 if (Object.keys) {
2875 keys = Object.keys
2876 } else {
2877 keys = function (obj) {
2878 var i, res = [];
2879 for (i in obj) {
2880 if (hasOwnProp(obj, i)) {
2881 res.push(i)
2882 }
2883 }
2884 return res
2885 }
2886 }
2887 var keys$1 = keys;
2888 var defaultCalendar = {
2889 sameDay: "[Today at] LT",
2890 nextDay: "[Tomorrow at] LT",
2891 nextWeek: "dddd [at] LT",
2892 lastDay: "[Yesterday at] LT",
2893 lastWeek: "[Last] dddd [at] LT",
2894 sameElse: "L"
2895 };
2897 function calendar(key, mom, now) {
2898 var output = this._calendar[key] || this._calendar["sameElse"];
2899 return isFunction(output) ? output.call(mom, now) : output
2900 }
2901 var defaultLongDateFormat = {
2902 LTS: "h:mm:ss A",
2903 LT: "h:mm A",
2904 L: "MM/DD/YYYY",
2905 LL: "MMMM D, YYYY",
2906 LLL: "MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A",
2907 LLLL: "dddd, MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A"
2908 };
2910 function longDateFormat(key) {
2911 var format = this._longDateFormat[key],
2912 formatUpper = this._longDateFormat[key.toUpperCase()];
2913 if (format || !formatUpper) {
2914 return format
2915 }
2916 this._longDateFormat[key] = formatUpper.replace(/MMMM|MM|DD|dddd/g, function (val) {
2917 return val.slice(1)
2918 });
2919 return this._longDateFormat[key]
2920 }
2921 var defaultInvalidDate = "Invalid date";
2923 function invalidDate() {
2924 return this._invalidDate
2925 }
2926 var defaultOrdinal = "%d";
2927 var defaultOrdinalParse = /\d{1,2}/;
2929 function ordinal(number) {
2930 return this._ordinal.replace("%d", number)
2931 }
2932 var defaultRelativeTime = {
2933 future: "in %s",
2934 past: "%s ago",
2935 s: "a few seconds",
2936 m: "a minute",
2937 mm: "%d minutes",
2938 h: "an hour",
2939 hh: "%d hours",
2940 d: "a day",
2941 dd: "%d days",
2942 M: "a month",
2943 MM: "%d months",
2944 y: "a year",
2945 yy: "%d years"
2946 };
2948 function relativeTime(number, withoutSuffix, string, isFuture) {
2949 var output = this._relativeTime[string];
2950 return isFunction(output) ? output(number, withoutSuffix, string, isFuture) : output.replace(/%d/i, number)
2951 }
2953 function pastFuture(diff, output) {
2954 var format = this._relativeTime[diff > 0 ? "future" : "past"];
2955 return isFunction(format) ? format(output) : format.replace(/%s/i, output)
2956 }
2957 var aliases = {};
2959 function addUnitAlias(unit, shorthand) {
2960 var lowerCase = unit.toLowerCase();
2961 aliases[lowerCase] = aliases[lowerCase + "s"] = aliases[shorthand] = unit
2962 }
2964 function normalizeUnits(units) {
2965 return typeof units === "string" ? aliases[units] || aliases[units.toLowerCase()] : undefined
2966 }
2968 function normalizeObjectUnits(inputObject) {
2969 var normalizedInput = {},
2970 normalizedProp, prop;
2971 for (prop in inputObject) {
2972 if (hasOwnProp(inputObject, prop)) {
2973 normalizedProp = normalizeUnits(prop);
2974 if (normalizedProp) {
2975 normalizedInput[normalizedProp] = inputObject[prop]
2976 }
2977 }
2978 }
2979 return normalizedInput
2980 }
2981 var priorities = {};
2983 function addUnitPriority(unit, priority) {
2984 priorities[unit] = priority
2985 }
2987 function getPrioritizedUnits(unitsObj) {
2988 var units = [];
2989 for (var u in unitsObj) {
2990 units.push({
2991 unit: u,
2992 priority: priorities[u]
2993 })
2994 }
2995 units.sort(function (a, b) {
2996 return a.priority - b.priority
2997 });
2998 return units
2999 }
3001 function makeGetSet(unit, keepTime) {
3002 return function (value) {
3003 if (value != null) {
3004 set$1(this, unit, value);
3005 hooks.updateOffset(this, keepTime);
3006 return this
3007 } else {
3008 return get(this, unit)
3009 }
3010 }
3011 }
3013 function get(mom, unit) {
3014 return mom.isValid() ? mom._d["get" + (mom._isUTC ? "UTC" : "") + unit]() : NaN
3015 }
3017 function set$1(mom, unit, value) {
3018 if (mom.isValid()) {
3019 mom._d["set" + (mom._isUTC ? "UTC" : "") + unit](value)
3020 }
3021 }
3023 function stringGet(units) {
3024 units = normalizeUnits(units);
3025 if (isFunction(this[units])) {
3026 return this[units]()
3027 }
3028 return this
3029 }
3031 function stringSet(units, value) {
3032 if (typeof units === "object") {
3033 units = normalizeObjectUnits(units);
3034 var prioritized = getPrioritizedUnits(units);
3035 for (var i = 0; i < prioritized.length; i++) {
3036 this[prioritized[i].unit](units[prioritized[i].unit])
3037 }
3038 } else {
3039 units = normalizeUnits(units);
3040 if (isFunction(this[units])) {
3041 return this[units](value)
3042 }
3043 }
3044 return this
3045 }
3047 function zeroFill(number, targetLength, forceSign) {
3048 var absNumber = "" + Math.abs(number),
3049 zerosToFill = targetLength - absNumber.length,
3050 sign = number >= 0;
3051 return (sign ? forceSign ? "+" : "" : "-") + Math.pow(10, Math.max(0, zerosToFill)).toString().substr(1) + absNumber
3052 }
3053 var formattingTokens = /(\[[^\[]*\])|(\\)?([Hh]mm(ss)?|Mo|MM?M?M?|Do|DDDo|DD?D?D?|ddd?d?|do?|w[o|w]?|W[o|W]?|Qo?|YYYYYY|YYYYY|YYYY|YY|gg(ggg?)?|GG(GGG?)?|e|E|a|A|hh?|HH?|kk?|mm?|ss?|S{1,9}|x|X|zz?|ZZ?|.)/g;
3054 var localFormattingTokens = /(\[[^\[]*\])|(\\)?(LTS|LT|LL?L?L?|l{1,4})/g;
3055 var formatFunctions = {};
3056 var formatTokenFunctions = {};
3058 function addFormatToken(token, padded, ordinal, callback) {
3059 var func = callback;
3060 if (typeof callback === "string") {
3061 func = function () {
3062 return this[callback]()
3063 }
3064 }
3065 if (token) {
3066 formatTokenFunctions[token] = func
3067 }
3068 if (padded) {
3069 formatTokenFunctions[padded[0]] = function () {
3070 return zeroFill(func.apply(this, arguments), padded[1], padded[2])
3071 }
3072 }
3073 if (ordinal) {
3074 formatTokenFunctions[ordinal] = function () {
3075 return this.localeData().ordinal(func.apply(this, arguments), token)
3076 }
3077 }
3078 }
3080 function removeFormattingTokens(input) {
3081 if (input.match(/\[[\s\S]/)) {
3082 return input.replace(/^\[|\]$/g, "")
3083 }
3084 return input.replace(/\\/g, "")
3085 }
3087 function makeFormatFunction(format) {
3088 var array = format.match(formattingTokens),
3089 i, length;
3090 for (i = 0, length = array.length; i < length; i++) {
3091 if (formatTokenFunctions[array[i]]) {
3092 array[i] = formatTokenFunctions[array[i]]
3093 } else {
3094 array[i] = removeFormattingTokens(array[i])
3095 }
3096 }
3097 return function (mom) {
3098 var output = "",
3099 i;
3100 for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
3101 output += array[i] instanceof Function ? array[i].call(mom, format) : array[i]
3102 }
3103 return output
3104 }
3105 }
3107 function formatMoment(m, format) {
3108 if (!m.isValid()) {
3109 return m.localeData().invalidDate()
3110 }
3111 format = expandFormat(format, m.localeData());
3112 formatFunctions[format] = formatFunctions[format] || makeFormatFunction(format);
3113 return formatFunctions[format](m)
3114 }
3116 function expandFormat(format, locale) {
3117 var i = 5;
3119 function replaceLongDateFormatTokens(input) {
3120 return locale.longDateFormat(input) || input
3121 }
3122 localFormattingTokens.lastIndex = 0;
3123 while (i >= 0 && localFormattingTokens.test(format)) {
3124 format = format.replace(localFormattingTokens, replaceLongDateFormatTokens);
3125 localFormattingTokens.lastIndex = 0;
3126 i -= 1
3127 }
3128 return format
3129 }
3130 var match1 = /\d/;
3131 var match2 = /\d\d/;
3132 var match3 = /\d{3}/;
3133 var match4 = /\d{4}/;
3134 var match6 = /[+-]?\d{6}/;
3135 var match1to2 = /\d\d?/;
3136 var match3to4 = /\d\d\d\d?/;
3137 var match5to6 = /\d\d\d\d\d\d?/;
3138 var match1to3 = /\d{1,3}/;
3139 var match1to4 = /\d{1,4}/;
3140 var match1to6 = /[+-]?\d{1,6}/;
3141 var matchUnsigned = /\d+/;
3142 var matchSigned = /[+-]?\d+/;
3143 var matchOffset = /Z|[+-]\d\d:?\d\d/gi;
3144 var matchShortOffset = /Z|[+-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?/gi;
3145 var matchTimestamp = /[+-]?\d+(\.\d{1,3})?/;
3146 var matchWord = /[0-9]*['a-z\u00A0-\u05FF\u0700-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]+|[\u0600-\u06FF\/]+(\s*?[\u0600-\u06FF]+){1,2}/i;
3147 var regexes = {};
3149 function addRegexToken(token, regex, strictRegex) {
3150 regexes[token] = isFunction(regex) ? regex : function (isStrict, localeData) {
3151 return isStrict && strictRegex ? strictRegex : regex
3152 }
3153 }
3155 function getParseRegexForToken(token, config) {
3156 if (!hasOwnProp(regexes, token)) {
3157 return new RegExp(unescapeFormat(token))
3158 }
3159 return regexes[token](config._strict, config._locale)
3160 }
3162 function unescapeFormat(s) {
3163 return regexEscape(s.replace("\\", "").replace(/\\(\[)|\\(\])|\[([^\]\[]*)\]|\\(.)/g, function (matched, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
3164 return p1 || p2 || p3 || p4
3165 }))
3166 }
3168 function regexEscape(s) {
3169 return s.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, "\\$&")
3170 }
3171 var tokens = {};
3173 function addParseToken(token, callback) {
3174 var i, func = callback;
3175 if (typeof token === "string") {
3176 token = [token]
3177 }
3178 if (isNumber(callback)) {
3179 func = function (input, array) {
3180 array[callback] = toInt(input)
3181 }
3182 }
3183 for (i = 0; i < token.length; i++) {
3184 tokens[token[i]] = func
3185 }
3186 }
3188 function addWeekParseToken(token, callback) {
3189 addParseToken(token, function (input, array, config, token) {
3190 config._w = config._w || {};
3191 callback(input, config._w, config, token)
3192 })
3193 }
3195 function addTimeToArrayFromToken(token, input, config) {
3196 if (input != null && hasOwnProp(tokens, token)) {
3197 tokens[token](input, config._a, config, token)
3198 }
3199 }
3200 var YEAR = 0;
3201 var MONTH = 1;
3202 var DATE = 2;
3203 var HOUR = 3;
3204 var MINUTE = 4;
3205 var SECOND = 5;
3206 var MILLISECOND = 6;
3207 var WEEK = 7;
3208 var WEEKDAY = 8;
3209 var indexOf;
3210 if (Array.prototype.indexOf) {
3211 indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf
3212 } else {
3213 indexOf = function (o) {
3214 var i;
3215 for (i = 0; i < this.length; ++i) {
3216 if (this[i] === o) {
3217 return i
3218 }
3219 }
3220 return -1
3221 }
3222 }
3223 var indexOf$1 = indexOf;
3225 function daysInMonth(year, month) {
3226 return new Date(Date.UTC(year, month + 1, 0)).getUTCDate()
3227 }
3228 addFormatToken("M", ["MM", 2], "Mo", function () {
3229 return this.month() + 1
3230 });
3231 addFormatToken("MMM", 0, 0, function (format) {
3232 return this.localeData().monthsShort(this, format)
3233 });
3234 addFormatToken("MMMM", 0, 0, function (format) {
3235 return this.localeData().months(this, format)
3236 });
3237 addUnitAlias("month", "M");
3238 addUnitPriority("month", 8);
3239 addRegexToken("M", match1to2);
3240 addRegexToken("MM", match1to2, match2);
3241 addRegexToken("MMM", function (isStrict, locale) {
3242 return locale.monthsShortRegex(isStrict)
3243 });
3244 addRegexToken("MMMM", function (isStrict, locale) {
3245 return locale.monthsRegex(isStrict)
3246 });
3247 addParseToken(["M", "MM"], function (input, array) {
3248 array[MONTH] = toInt(input) - 1
3249 });
3250 addParseToken(["MMM", "MMMM"], function (input, array, config, token) {
3251 var month = config._locale.monthsParse(input, token, config._strict);
3252 if (month != null) {
3253 array[MONTH] = month
3254 } else {
3255 getParsingFlags(config).invalidMonth = input
3256 }
3257 });
3258 var MONTHS_IN_FORMAT = /D[oD]?(\[[^\[\]]*\]|\s)+MMMM?/;
3259 var defaultLocaleMonths = "January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December".split("_");
3261 function localeMonths(m, format) {
3262 if (!m) {
3263 return this._months
3264 }
3265 return isArray(this._months) ? this._months[m.month()] : this._months[(this._months.isFormat || MONTHS_IN_FORMAT).test(format) ? "format" : "standalone"][m.month()]
3266 }
3267 var defaultLocaleMonthsShort = "Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec".split("_");
3269 function localeMonthsShort(m, format) {
3270 if (!m) {
3271 return this._monthsShort
3272 }
3273 return isArray(this._monthsShort) ? this._monthsShort[m.month()] : this._monthsShort[MONTHS_IN_FORMAT.test(format) ? "format" : "standalone"][m.month()]
3274 }
3276 function handleStrictParse(monthName, format, strict) {
3277 var i, ii, mom, llc = monthName.toLocaleLowerCase();
3278 if (!this._monthsParse) {
3279 this._monthsParse = [];
3280 this._longMonthsParse = [];
3281 this._shortMonthsParse = [];
3282 for (i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {
3283 mom = createUTC([2e3, i]);
3284 this._shortMonthsParse[i] = this.monthsShort(mom, "").toLocaleLowerCase();
3285 this._longMonthsParse[i] = this.months(mom, "").toLocaleLowerCase()
3286 }
3287 }
3288 if (strict) {
3289 if (format === "MMM") {
3290 ii = indexOf$1.call(this._shortMonthsParse, llc);
3291 return ii !== -1 ? ii : null
3292 } else {
3293 ii = indexOf$1.call(this._longMonthsParse, llc);
3294 return ii !== -1 ? ii : null
3295 }
3296 } else {
3297 if (format === "MMM") {
3298 ii = indexOf$1.call(this._shortMonthsParse, llc);
3299 if (ii !== -1) {
3300 return ii
3301 }
3302 ii = indexOf$1.call(this._longMonthsParse, llc);
3303 return ii !== -1 ? ii : null
3304 } else {
3305 ii = indexOf$1.call(this._longMonthsParse, llc);
3306 if (ii !== -1) {
3307 return ii
3308 }
3309 ii = indexOf$1.call(this._shortMonthsParse, llc);
3310 return ii !== -1 ? ii : null
3311 }
3312 }
3313 }
3315 function localeMonthsParse(monthName, format, strict) {
3316 var i, mom, regex;
3317 if (this._monthsParseExact) {
3318 return handleStrictParse.call(this, monthName, format, strict)
3319 }
3320 if (!this._monthsParse) {
3321 this._monthsParse = [];
3322 this._longMonthsParse = [];
3323 this._shortMonthsParse = []
3324 }
3325 for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
3326 mom = createUTC([2e3, i]);
3327 if (strict && !this._longMonthsParse[i]) {
3328 this._longMonthsParse[i] = new RegExp("^" + this.months(mom, "").replace(".", "") + "$", "i");
3329 this._shortMonthsParse[i] = new RegExp("^" + this.monthsShort(mom, "").replace(".", "") + "$", "i")
3330 }
3331 if (!strict && !this._monthsParse[i]) {
3332 regex = "^" + this.months(mom, "") + "|^" + this.monthsShort(mom, "");
3333 this._monthsParse[i] = new RegExp(regex.replace(".", ""), "i")
3334 }
3335 if (strict && format === "MMMM" && this._longMonthsParse[i].test(monthName)) {
3336 return i
3337 } else if (strict && format === "MMM" && this._shortMonthsParse[i].test(monthName)) {
3338 return i
3339 } else if (!strict && this._monthsParse[i].test(monthName)) {
3340 return i
3341 }
3342 }
3343 }
3345 function setMonth(mom, value) {
3346 var dayOfMonth;
3347 if (!mom.isValid()) {
3348 return mom
3349 }
3350 if (typeof value === "string") {
3351 if (/^\d+$/.test(value)) {
3352 value = toInt(value)
3353 } else {
3354 value = mom.localeData().monthsParse(value);
3355 if (!isNumber(value)) {
3356 return mom
3357 }
3358 }
3359 }
3360 dayOfMonth = Math.min(mom.date(), daysInMonth(mom.year(), value));
3361 mom._d["set" + (mom._isUTC ? "UTC" : "") + "Month"](value, dayOfMonth);
3362 return mom
3363 }
3365 function getSetMonth(value) {
3366 if (value != null) {
3367 setMonth(this, value);
3368 hooks.updateOffset(this, true);
3369 return this
3370 } else {
3371 return get(this, "Month")
3372 }
3373 }
3375 function getDaysInMonth() {
3376 return daysInMonth(this.year(), this.month())
3377 }
3378 var defaultMonthsShortRegex = matchWord;
3380 function monthsShortRegex(isStrict) {
3381 if (this._monthsParseExact) {
3382 if (!hasOwnProp(this, "_monthsRegex")) {
3383 computeMonthsParse.call(this)
3384 }
3385 if (isStrict) {
3386 return this._monthsShortStrictRegex
3387 } else {
3388 return this._monthsShortRegex
3389 }
3390 } else {
3391 if (!hasOwnProp(this, "_monthsShortRegex")) {
3392 this._monthsShortRegex = defaultMonthsShortRegex
3393 }
3394 return this._monthsShortStrictRegex && isStrict ? this._monthsShortStrictRegex : this._monthsShortRegex
3395 }
3396 }
3397 var defaultMonthsRegex = matchWord;
3399 function monthsRegex(isStrict) {
3400 if (this._monthsParseExact) {
3401 if (!hasOwnProp(this, "_monthsRegex")) {
3402 computeMonthsParse.call(this)
3403 }
3404 if (isStrict) {
3405 return this._monthsStrictRegex
3406 } else {
3407 return this._monthsRegex
3408 }
3409 } else {
3410 if (!hasOwnProp(this, "_monthsRegex")) {
3411 this._monthsRegex = defaultMonthsRegex
3412 }
3413 return this._monthsStrictRegex && isStrict ? this._monthsStrictRegex : this._monthsRegex
3414 }
3415 }
3417 function computeMonthsParse() {
3418 function cmpLenRev(a, b) {
3419 return b.length - a.length
3420 }
3421 var shortPieces = [],
3422 longPieces = [],
3423 mixedPieces = [],
3424 i, mom;
3425 for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
3426 mom = createUTC([2e3, i]);
3427 shortPieces.push(this.monthsShort(mom, ""));
3428 longPieces.push(this.months(mom, ""));
3429 mixedPieces.push(this.months(mom, ""));
3430 mixedPieces.push(this.monthsShort(mom, ""))
3431 }
3432 shortPieces.sort(cmpLenRev);
3433 longPieces.sort(cmpLenRev);
3434 mixedPieces.sort(cmpLenRev);
3435 for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
3436 shortPieces[i] = regexEscape(shortPieces[i]);
3437 longPieces[i] = regexEscape(longPieces[i])
3438 }
3439 for (i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
3440 mixedPieces[i] = regexEscape(mixedPieces[i])
3441 }
3442 this._monthsRegex = new RegExp("^(" + mixedPieces.join("|") + ")", "i");
3443 this._monthsShortRegex = this._monthsRegex;
3444 this._monthsStrictRegex = new RegExp("^(" + longPieces.join("|") + ")", "i");
3445 this._monthsShortStrictRegex = new RegExp("^(" + shortPieces.join("|") + ")", "i")
3446 }
3447 addFormatToken("Y", 0, 0, function () {
3448 var y = this.year();
3449 return y <= 9999 ? "" + y : "+" + y
3450 });
3451 addFormatToken(0, ["YY", 2], 0, function () {
3452 return this.year() % 100
3453 });
3454 addFormatToken(0, ["YYYY", 4], 0, "year");
3455 addFormatToken(0, ["YYYYY", 5], 0, "year");
3456 addFormatToken(0, ["YYYYYY", 6, true], 0, "year");
3457 addUnitAlias("year", "y");
3458 addUnitPriority("year", 1);
3459 addRegexToken("Y", matchSigned);
3460 addRegexToken("YY", match1to2, match2);
3461 addRegexToken("YYYY", match1to4, match4);
3462 addRegexToken("YYYYY", match1to6, match6);
3463 addRegexToken("YYYYYY", match1to6, match6);
3464 addParseToken(["YYYYY", "YYYYYY"], YEAR);
3465 addParseToken("YYYY", function (input, array) {
3466 array[YEAR] = input.length === 2 ? hooks.parseTwoDigitYear(input) : toInt(input)
3467 });
3468 addParseToken("YY", function (input, array) {
3469 array[YEAR] = hooks.parseTwoDigitYear(input)
3470 });
3471 addParseToken("Y", function (input, array) {
3472 array[YEAR] = parseInt(input, 10)
3473 });
3475 function daysInYear(year) {
3476 return isLeapYear(year) ? 366 : 365
3477 }
3479 function isLeapYear(year) {
3480 return year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0 || year % 400 === 0
3481 }
3482 hooks.parseTwoDigitYear = function (input) {
3483 return toInt(input) + (toInt(input) > 68 ? 1900 : 2e3)
3484 };
3485 var getSetYear = makeGetSet("FullYear", true);
3487 function getIsLeapYear() {
3488 return isLeapYear(this.year())
3489 }
3491 function createDate(y, m, d, h, M, s, ms) {
3492 var date = new Date(y, m, d, h, M, s, ms);
3493 if (y < 100 && y >= 0 && isFinite(date.getFullYear())) {
3494 date.setFullYear(y)
3495 }
3496 return date
3497 }
3499 function createUTCDate(y) {
3500 var date = new Date(Date.UTC.apply(null, arguments));
3501 if (y < 100 && y >= 0 && isFinite(date.getUTCFullYear())) {
3502 date.setUTCFullYear(y)
3503 }
3504 return date
3505 }
3507 function firstWeekOffset(year, dow, doy) {
3508 var fwd = 7 + dow - doy,
3509 fwdlw = (7 + createUTCDate(year, 0, fwd).getUTCDay() - dow) % 7;
3510 return -fwdlw + fwd - 1
3511 }
3513 function dayOfYearFromWeeks(year, week, weekday, dow, doy) {
3514 var localWeekday = (7 + weekday - dow) % 7,
3515 weekOffset = firstWeekOffset(year, dow, doy),
3516 dayOfYear = 1 + 7 * (week - 1) + localWeekday + weekOffset,
3517 resYear, resDayOfYear;
3518 if (dayOfYear <= 0) {
3519 resYear = year - 1;
3520 resDayOfYear = daysInYear(resYear) + dayOfYear
3521 } else if (dayOfYear > daysInYear(year)) {
3522 resYear = year + 1;
3523 resDayOfYear = dayOfYear - daysInYear(year)
3524 } else {
3525 resYear = year;
3526 resDayOfYear = dayOfYear
3527 }
3528 return {
3529 year: resYear,
3530 dayOfYear: resDayOfYear
3531 }
3532 }
3534 function weekOfYear(mom, dow, doy) {
3535 var weekOffset = firstWeekOffset(mom.year(), dow, doy),
3536 week = Math.floor((mom.dayOfYear() - weekOffset - 1) / 7) + 1,
3537 resWeek, resYear;
3538 if (week < 1) {
3539 resYear = mom.year() - 1;
3540 resWeek = week + weeksInYear(resYear, dow, doy)
3541 } else if (week > weeksInYear(mom.year(), dow, doy)) {
3542 resWeek = week - weeksInYear(mom.year(), dow, doy);
3543 resYear = mom.year() + 1
3544 } else {
3545 resYear = mom.year();
3546 resWeek = week
3547 }
3548 return {
3549 week: resWeek,
3550 year: resYear
3551 }
3552 }
3554 function weeksInYear(year, dow, doy) {
3555 var weekOffset = firstWeekOffset(year, dow, doy),
3556 weekOffsetNext = firstWeekOffset(year + 1, dow, doy);
3557 return (daysInYear(year) - weekOffset + weekOffsetNext) / 7
3558 }
3559 addFormatToken("w", ["ww", 2], "wo", "week");
3560 addFormatToken("W", ["WW", 2], "Wo", "isoWeek");
3561 addUnitAlias("week", "w");
3562 addUnitAlias("isoWeek", "W");
3563 addUnitPriority("week", 5);
3564 addUnitPriority("isoWeek", 5);
3565 addRegexToken("w", match1to2);
3566 addRegexToken("ww", match1to2, match2);
3567 addRegexToken("W", match1to2);
3568 addRegexToken("WW", match1to2, match2);
3569 addWeekParseToken(["w", "ww", "W", "WW"], function (input, week, config, token) {
3570 week[token.substr(0, 1)] = toInt(input)
3571 });
3573 function localeWeek(mom) {
3574 return weekOfYear(mom, this._week.dow, this._week.doy).week
3575 }
3576 var defaultLocaleWeek = {
3577 dow: 0,
3578 doy: 6
3579 };
3581 function localeFirstDayOfWeek() {
3582 return this._week.dow
3583 }
3585 function localeFirstDayOfYear() {
3586 return this._week.doy
3587 }
3589 function getSetWeek(input) {
3590 var week = this.localeData().week(this);
3591 return input == null ? week : this.add((input - week) * 7, "d")
3592 }
3594 function getSetISOWeek(input) {
3595 var week = weekOfYear(this, 1, 4).week;
3596 return input == null ? week : this.add((input - week) * 7, "d")
3597 }
3598 addFormatToken("d", 0, "do", "day");
3599 addFormatToken("dd", 0, 0, function (format) {
3600 return this.localeData().weekdaysMin(this, format)
3601 });
3602 addFormatToken("ddd", 0, 0, function (format) {
3603 return this.localeData().weekdaysShort(this, format)
3604 });
3605 addFormatToken("dddd", 0, 0, function (format) {
3606 return this.localeData().weekdays(this, format)
3607 });
3608 addFormatToken("e", 0, 0, "weekday");
3609 addFormatToken("E", 0, 0, "isoWeekday");
3610 addUnitAlias("day", "d");
3611 addUnitAlias("weekday", "e");
3612 addUnitAlias("isoWeekday", "E");
3613 addUnitPriority("day", 11);
3614 addUnitPriority("weekday", 11);
3615 addUnitPriority("isoWeekday", 11);
3616 addRegexToken("d", match1to2);
3617 addRegexToken("e", match1to2);
3618 addRegexToken("E", match1to2);
3619 addRegexToken("dd", function (isStrict, locale) {
3620 return locale.weekdaysMinRegex(isStrict)
3621 });
3622 addRegexToken("ddd", function (isStrict, locale) {
3623 return locale.weekdaysShortRegex(isStrict)
3624 });
3625 addRegexToken("dddd", function (isStrict, locale) {
3626 return locale.weekdaysRegex(isStrict)
3627 });
3628 addWeekParseToken(["dd", "ddd", "dddd"], function (input, week, config, token) {
3629 var weekday = config._locale.weekdaysParse(input, token, config._strict);
3630 if (weekday != null) {
3631 week.d = weekday
3632 } else {
3633 getParsingFlags(config).invalidWeekday = input
3634 }
3635 });
3636 addWeekParseToken(["d", "e", "E"], function (input, week, config, token) {
3637 week[token] = toInt(input)
3638 });
3640 function parseWeekday(input, locale) {
3641 if (typeof input !== "string") {
3642 return input
3643 }
3644 if (!isNaN(input)) {
3645 return parseInt(input, 10)
3646 }
3647 input = locale.weekdaysParse(input);
3648 if (typeof input === "number") {
3649 return input
3650 }
3651 return null
3652 }
3654 function parseIsoWeekday(input, locale) {
3655 if (typeof input === "string") {
3656 return locale.weekdaysParse(input) % 7 || 7
3657 }
3658 return isNaN(input) ? null : input
3659 }
3660 var defaultLocaleWeekdays = "Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday".split("_");
3662 function localeWeekdays(m, format) {
3663 if (!m) {
3664 return this._weekdays
3665 }
3666 return isArray(this._weekdays) ? this._weekdays[m.day()] : this._weekdays[this._weekdays.isFormat.test(format) ? "format" : "standalone"][m.day()]
3667 }
3668 var defaultLocaleWeekdaysShort = "Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat".split("_");
3670 function localeWeekdaysShort(m) {
3671 return m ? this._weekdaysShort[m.day()] : this._weekdaysShort
3672 }
3673 var defaultLocaleWeekdaysMin = "Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa".split("_");
3675 function localeWeekdaysMin(m) {
3676 return m ? this._weekdaysMin[m.day()] : this._weekdaysMin
3677 }
3679 function handleStrictParse$1(weekdayName, format, strict) {
3680 var i, ii, mom, llc = weekdayName.toLocaleLowerCase();
3681 if (!this._weekdaysParse) {
3682 this._weekdaysParse = [];
3683 this._shortWeekdaysParse = [];
3684 this._minWeekdaysParse = [];
3685 for (i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
3686 mom = createUTC([2e3, 1]).day(i);
3687 this._minWeekdaysParse[i] = this.weekdaysMin(mom, "").toLocaleLowerCase();
3688 this._shortWeekdaysParse[i] = this.weekdaysShort(mom, "").toLocaleLowerCase();
3689 this._weekdaysParse[i] = this.weekdays(mom, "").toLocaleLowerCase()
3690 }
3691 }
3692 if (strict) {
3693 if (format === "dddd") {
3694 ii = indexOf$1.call(this._weekdaysParse, llc);
3695 return ii !== -1 ? ii : null
3696 } else if (format === "ddd") {
3697 ii = indexOf$1.call(this._shortWeekdaysParse, llc);
3698 return ii !== -1 ? ii : null
3699 } else {
3700 ii = indexOf$1.call(this._minWeekdaysParse, llc);
3701 return ii !== -1 ? ii : null
3702 }
3703 } else {
3704 if (format === "dddd") {
3705 ii = indexOf$1.call(this._weekdaysParse, llc);
3706 if (ii !== -1) {
3707 return ii
3708 }
3709 ii = indexOf$1.call(this._shortWeekdaysParse, llc);
3710 if (ii !== -1) {
3711 return ii
3712 }
3713 ii = indexOf$1.call(this._minWeekdaysParse, llc);
3714 return ii !== -1 ? ii : null
3715 } else if (format === "ddd") {
3716 ii = indexOf$1.call(this._shortWeekdaysParse, llc);
3717 if (ii !== -1) {
3718 return ii
3719 }
3720 ii = indexOf$1.call(this._weekdaysParse, llc);
3721 if (ii !== -1) {
3722 return ii
3723 }
3724 ii = indexOf$1.call(this._minWeekdaysParse, llc);
3725 return ii !== -1 ? ii : null
3726 } else {
3727 ii = indexOf$1.call(this._minWeekdaysParse, llc);
3728 if (ii !== -1) {
3729 return ii
3730 }
3731 ii = indexOf$1.call(this._weekdaysParse, llc);
3732 if (ii !== -1) {
3733 return ii
3734 }
3735 ii = indexOf$1.call(this._shortWeekdaysParse, llc);
3736 return ii !== -1 ? ii : null
3737 }
3738 }
3739 }
3741 function localeWeekdaysParse(weekdayName, format, strict) {
3742 var i, mom, regex;
3743 if (this._weekdaysParseExact) {
3744 return handleStrictParse$1.call(this, weekdayName, format, strict)
3745 }
3746 if (!this._weekdaysParse) {
3747 this._weekdaysParse = [];
3748 this._minWeekdaysParse = [];
3749 this._shortWeekdaysParse = [];
3750 this._fullWeekdaysParse = []
3751 }
3752 for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
3753 mom = createUTC([2e3, 1]).day(i);
3754 if (strict && !this._fullWeekdaysParse[i]) {
3755 this._fullWeekdaysParse[i] = new RegExp("^" + this.weekdays(mom, "").replace(".", ".?") + "$", "i");
3756 this._shortWeekdaysParse[i] = new RegExp("^" + this.weekdaysShort(mom, "").replace(".", ".?") + "$", "i");
3757 this._minWeekdaysParse[i] = new RegExp("^" + this.weekdaysMin(mom, "").replace(".", ".?") + "$", "i")
3758 }
3759 if (!this._weekdaysParse[i]) {
3760 regex = "^" + this.weekdays(mom, "") + "|^" + this.weekdaysShort(mom, "") + "|^" + this.weekdaysMin(mom, "");
3761 this._weekdaysParse[i] = new RegExp(regex.replace(".", ""), "i")
3762 }
3763 if (strict && format === "dddd" && this._fullWeekdaysParse[i].test(weekdayName)) {
3764 return i
3765 } else if (strict && format === "ddd" && this._shortWeekdaysParse[i].test(weekdayName)) {
3766 return i
3767 } else if (strict && format === "dd" && this._minWeekdaysParse[i].test(weekdayName)) {
3768 return i
3769 } else if (!strict && this._weekdaysParse[i].test(weekdayName)) {
3770 return i
3771 }
3772 }
3773 }
3775 function getSetDayOfWeek(input) {
3776 if (!this.isValid()) {
3777 return input != null ? this : NaN
3778 }
3779 var day = this._isUTC ? this._d.getUTCDay() : this._d.getDay();
3780 if (input != null) {
3781 input = parseWeekday(input, this.localeData());
3782 return this.add(input - day, "d")
3783 } else {
3784 return day
3785 }
3786 }
3788 function getSetLocaleDayOfWeek(input) {
3789 if (!this.isValid()) {
3790 return input != null ? this : NaN
3791 }
3792 var weekday = (this.day() + 7 - this.localeData()._week.dow) % 7;
3793 return input == null ? weekday : this.add(input - weekday, "d")
3794 }
3796 function getSetISODayOfWeek(input) {
3797 if (!this.isValid()) {
3798 return input != null ? this : NaN
3799 }
3800 if (input != null) {
3801 var weekday = parseIsoWeekday(input, this.localeData());
3802 return this.day(this.day() % 7 ? weekday : weekday - 7)
3803 } else {
3804 return this.day() || 7
3805 }
3806 }
3807 var defaultWeekdaysRegex = matchWord;
3809 function weekdaysRegex(isStrict) {
3810 if (this._weekdaysParseExact) {
3811 if (!hasOwnProp(this, "_weekdaysRegex")) {
3812 computeWeekdaysParse.call(this)
3813 }
3814 if (isStrict) {
3815 return this._weekdaysStrictRegex
3816 } else {
3817 return this._weekdaysRegex
3818 }
3819 } else {
3820 if (!hasOwnProp(this, "_weekdaysRegex")) {
3821 this._weekdaysRegex = defaultWeekdaysRegex
3822 }
3823 return this._weekdaysStrictRegex && isStrict ? this._weekdaysStrictRegex : this._weekdaysRegex
3824 }
3825 }
3826 var defaultWeekdaysShortRegex = matchWord;
3828 function weekdaysShortRegex(isStrict) {
3829 if (this._weekdaysParseExact) {
3830 if (!hasOwnProp(this, "_weekdaysRegex")) {
3831 computeWeekdaysParse.call(this)
3832 }
3833 if (isStrict) {
3834 return this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex
3835 } else {
3836 return this._weekdaysShortRegex
3837 }
3838 } else {
3839 if (!hasOwnProp(this, "_weekdaysShortRegex")) {
3840 this._weekdaysShortRegex = defaultWeekdaysShortRegex
3841 }
3842 return this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex && isStrict ? this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex : this._weekdaysShortRegex
3843 }
3844 }
3845 var defaultWeekdaysMinRegex = matchWord;
3847 function weekdaysMinRegex(isStrict) {
3848 if (this._weekdaysParseExact) {
3849 if (!hasOwnProp(this, "_weekdaysRegex")) {
3850 computeWeekdaysParse.call(this)
3851 }
3852 if (isStrict) {
3853 return this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex
3854 } else {
3855 return this._weekdaysMinRegex
3856 }
3857 } else {
3858 if (!hasOwnProp(this, "_weekdaysMinRegex")) {
3859 this._weekdaysMinRegex = defaultWeekdaysMinRegex
3860 }
3861 return this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex && isStrict ? this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex : this._weekdaysMinRegex
3862 }
3863 }
3865 function computeWeekdaysParse() {
3866 function cmpLenRev(a, b) {
3867 return b.length - a.length
3868 }
3869 var minPieces = [],
3870 shortPieces = [],
3871 longPieces = [],
3872 mixedPieces = [],
3873 i, mom, minp, shortp, longp;
3874 for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
3875 mom = createUTC([2e3, 1]).day(i);
3876 minp = this.weekdaysMin(mom, "");
3877 shortp = this.weekdaysShort(mom, "");
3878 longp = this.weekdays(mom, "");
3879 minPieces.push(minp);
3880 shortPieces.push(shortp);
3881 longPieces.push(longp);
3882 mixedPieces.push(minp);
3883 mixedPieces.push(shortp);
3884 mixedPieces.push(longp)
3885 }
3886 minPieces.sort(cmpLenRev);
3887 shortPieces.sort(cmpLenRev);
3888 longPieces.sort(cmpLenRev);
3889 mixedPieces.sort(cmpLenRev);
3890 for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
3891 shortPieces[i] = regexEscape(shortPieces[i]);
3892 longPieces[i] = regexEscape(longPieces[i]);
3893 mixedPieces[i] = regexEscape(mixedPieces[i])
3894 }
3895 this._weekdaysRegex = new RegExp("^(" + mixedPieces.join("|") + ")", "i");
3896 this._weekdaysShortRegex = this._weekdaysRegex;
3897 this._weekdaysMinRegex = this._weekdaysRegex;
3898 this._weekdaysStrictRegex = new RegExp("^(" + longPieces.join("|") + ")", "i");
3899 this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex = new RegExp("^(" + shortPieces.join("|") + ")", "i");
3900 this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex = new RegExp("^(" + minPieces.join("|") + ")", "i")
3901 }
3903 function hFormat() {
3904 return this.hours() % 12 || 12
3905 }
3907 function kFormat() {
3908 return this.hours() || 24
3909 }
3910 addFormatToken("H", ["HH", 2], 0, "hour");
3911 addFormatToken("h", ["hh", 2], 0, hFormat);
3912 addFormatToken("k", ["kk", 2], 0, kFormat);
3913 addFormatToken("hmm", 0, 0, function () {
3914 return "" + hFormat.apply(this) + zeroFill(this.minutes(), 2)
3915 });
3916 addFormatToken("hmmss", 0, 0, function () {
3917 return "" + hFormat.apply(this) + zeroFill(this.minutes(), 2) + zeroFill(this.seconds(), 2)
3918 });
3919 addFormatToken("Hmm", 0, 0, function () {
3920 return "" + this.hours() + zeroFill(this.minutes(), 2)
3921 });
3922 addFormatToken("Hmmss", 0, 0, function () {
3923 return "" + this.hours() + zeroFill(this.minutes(), 2) + zeroFill(this.seconds(), 2)
3924 });
3926 function meridiem(token, lowercase) {
3927 addFormatToken(token, 0, 0, function () {
3928 return this.localeData().meridiem(this.hours(), this.minutes(), lowercase)
3929 })
3930 }
3931 meridiem("a", true);
3932 meridiem("A", false);
3933 addUnitAlias("hour", "h");
3934 addUnitPriority("hour", 13);
3936 function matchMeridiem(isStrict, locale) {
3937 return locale._meridiemParse
3938 }
3939 addRegexToken("a", matchMeridiem);
3940 addRegexToken("A", matchMeridiem);
3941 addRegexToken("H", match1to2);
3942 addRegexToken("h", match1to2);
3943 addRegexToken("HH", match1to2, match2);
3944 addRegexToken("hh", match1to2, match2);
3945 addRegexToken("hmm", match3to4);
3946 addRegexToken("hmmss", match5to6);
3947 addRegexToken("Hmm", match3to4);
3948 addRegexToken("Hmmss", match5to6);
3949 addParseToken(["H", "HH"], HOUR);
3950 addParseToken(["a", "A"], function (input, array, config) {
3951 config._isPm = config._locale.isPM(input);
3952 config._meridiem = input
3953 });
3954 addParseToken(["h", "hh"], function (input, array, config) {
3955 array[HOUR] = toInt(input);
3956 getParsingFlags(config).bigHour = true
3957 });
3958 addParseToken("hmm", function (input, array, config) {
3959 var pos = input.length - 2;
3960 array[HOUR] = toInt(input.substr(0, pos));
3961 array[MINUTE] = toInt(input.substr(pos));
3962 getParsingFlags(config).bigHour = true
3963 });
3964 addParseToken("hmmss", function (input, array, config) {
3965 var pos1 = input.length - 4;
3966 var pos2 = input.length - 2;
3967 array[HOUR] = toInt(input.substr(0, pos1));
3968 array[MINUTE] = toInt(input.substr(pos1, 2));
3969 array[SECOND] = toInt(input.substr(pos2));
3970 getParsingFlags(config).bigHour = true
3971 });
3972 addParseToken("Hmm", function (input, array, config) {
3973 var pos = input.length - 2;
3974 array[HOUR] = toInt(input.substr(0, pos));
3975 array[MINUTE] = toInt(input.substr(pos))
3976 });
3977 addParseToken("Hmmss", function (input, array, config) {
3978 var pos1 = input.length - 4;
3979 var pos2 = input.length - 2;
3980 array[HOUR] = toInt(input.substr(0, pos1));
3981 array[MINUTE] = toInt(input.substr(pos1, 2));
3982 array[SECOND] = toInt(input.substr(pos2))
3983 });
3985 function localeIsPM(input) {
3986 return (input + "").toLowerCase().charAt(0) === "p"
3987 }
3988 var defaultLocaleMeridiemParse = /[ap]\.?m?\.?/i;
3990 function localeMeridiem(hours, minutes, isLower) {
3991 if (hours > 11) {
3992 return isLower ? "pm" : "PM"
3993 } else {
3994 return isLower ? "am" : "AM"
3995 }
3996 }
3997 var getSetHour = makeGetSet("Hours", true);
3998 var baseConfig = {
3999 calendar: defaultCalendar,
4000 longDateFormat: defaultLongDateFormat,
4001 invalidDate: defaultInvalidDate,
4002 ordinal: defaultOrdinal,
4003 ordinalParse: defaultOrdinalParse,
4004 relativeTime: defaultRelativeTime,
4005 months: defaultLocaleMonths,
4006 monthsShort: defaultLocaleMonthsShort,
4007 week: defaultLocaleWeek,
4008 weekdays: defaultLocaleWeekdays,
4009 weekdaysMin: defaultLocaleWeekdaysMin,
4010 weekdaysShort: defaultLocaleWeekdaysShort,
4011 meridiemParse: defaultLocaleMeridiemParse
4012 };
4013 var locales = {};
4014 var localeFamilies = {};
4015 var globalLocale;
4017 function normalizeLocale(key) {
4018 return key ? key.toLowerCase().replace("_", "-") : key
4019 }
4021 function chooseLocale(names) {
4022 var i = 0,
4023 j, next, locale, split;
4024 while (i < names.length) {
4025 split = normalizeLocale(names[i]).split("-");
4026 j = split.length;
4027 next = normalizeLocale(names[i + 1]);
4028 next = next ? next.split("-") : null;
4029 while (j > 0) {
4030 locale = loadLocale(split.slice(0, j).join("-"));
4031 if (locale) {
4032 return locale
4033 }
4034 if (next && next.length >= j && compareArrays(split, next, true) >= j - 1) {
4035 break
4036 }
4037 j--
4038 }
4039 i++
4040 }
4041 return null
4042 }
4044 function loadLocale(name) {
4045 var oldLocale = null;
4046 if (!locales[name] && typeof module !== "undefined" && module && module.exports) {
4047 try {
4048 oldLocale = globalLocale._abbr;
4049 require("./locale/" + name);
4050 getSetGlobalLocale(oldLocale)
4051 } catch (e) {
4052 }
4053 }
4054 return locales[name]
4055 }
4057 function getSetGlobalLocale(key, values) {
4058 var data;
4059 if (key) {
4060 if (isUndefined(values)) {
4061 data = getLocale(key)
4062 } else {
4063 data = defineLocale(key, values)
4064 }
4065 if (data) {
4066 globalLocale = data
4067 }
4068 }
4069 return globalLocale._abbr
4070 }
4072 function defineLocale(name, config) {
4073 if (config !== null) {
4074 var parentConfig = baseConfig;
4075 config.abbr = name;
4076 if (locales[name] != null) {
4077 deprecateSimple("defineLocaleOverride", "use moment.updateLocale(localeName, config) to change " + "an existing locale. moment.defineLocale(localeName, " + "config) should only be used for creating a new locale " + "See http://momentjs.com/guides/#/warnings/define-locale/ for more info.");
4078 parentConfig = locales[name]._config
4079 } else if (config.parentLocale != null) {
4080 if (locales[config.parentLocale] != null) {
4081 parentConfig = locales[config.parentLocale]._config
4082 } else {
4083 if (!localeFamilies[config.parentLocale]) {
4084 localeFamilies[config.parentLocale] = []
4085 }
4086 localeFamilies[config.parentLocale].push({
4087 name: name,
4088 config: config
4089 });
4090 return null
4091 }
4092 }
4093 locales[name] = new Locale(mergeConfigs(parentConfig, config));
4094 if (localeFamilies[name]) {
4095 localeFamilies[name].forEach(function (x) {
4096 defineLocale(x.name, x.config)
4097 })
4098 }
4099 getSetGlobalLocale(name);
4100 return locales[name]
4101 } else {
4102 delete locales[name];
4103 return null
4104 }
4105 }
4107 function updateLocale(name, config) {
4108 if (config != null) {
4109 var locale, parentConfig = baseConfig;
4110 if (locales[name] != null) {
4111 parentConfig = locales[name]._config
4112 }
4113 config = mergeConfigs(parentConfig, config);
4114 locale = new Locale(config);
4115 locale.parentLocale = locales[name];
4116 locales[name] = locale;
4117 getSetGlobalLocale(name)
4118 } else {
4119 if (locales[name] != null) {
4120 if (locales[name].parentLocale != null) {
4121 locales[name] = locales[name].parentLocale
4122 } else if (locales[name] != null) {
4123 delete locales[name]
4124 }
4125 }
4126 }
4127 return locales[name]
4128 }
4130 function getLocale(key) {
4131 var locale;
4132 if (key && key._locale && key._locale._abbr) {
4133 key = key._locale._abbr
4134 }
4135 if (!key) {
4136 return globalLocale
4137 }
4138 if (!isArray(key)) {
4139 locale = loadLocale(key);
4140 if (locale) {
4141 return locale
4142 }
4143 key = [key]
4144 }
4145 return chooseLocale(key)
4146 }
4148 function listLocales() {
4149 return keys$1(locales)
4150 }
4152 function checkOverflow(m) {
4153 var overflow;
4154 var a = m._a;
4155 if (a && getParsingFlags(m).overflow === -2) {
4156 overflow = a[MONTH] < 0 || a[MONTH] > 11 ? MONTH : a[DATE] < 1 || a[DATE] > daysInMonth(a[YEAR], a[MONTH]) ? DATE : a[HOUR] < 0 || a[HOUR] > 24 || a[HOUR] === 24 && (a[MINUTE] !== 0 || a[SECOND] !== 0 || a[MILLISECOND] !== 0) ? HOUR : a[MINUTE] < 0 || a[MINUTE] > 59 ? MINUTE : a[SECOND] < 0 || a[SECOND] > 59 ? SECOND : a[MILLISECOND] < 0 || a[MILLISECOND] > 999 ? MILLISECOND : -1;
4157 if (getParsingFlags(m)._overflowDayOfYear && (overflow < YEAR || overflow > DATE)) {
4158 overflow = DATE
4159 }
4160 if (getParsingFlags(m)._overflowWeeks && overflow === -1) {
4161 overflow = WEEK
4162 }
4163 if (getParsingFlags(m)._overflowWeekday && overflow === -1) {
4164 overflow = WEEKDAY
4165 }
4166 getParsingFlags(m).overflow = overflow
4167 }
4168 return m
4169 }
4170 var extendedIsoRegex = /^\s*((?:[+-]\d{6}|\d{4})-(?:\d\d-\d\d|W\d\d-\d|W\d\d|\d\d\d|\d\d))(?:(T| )(\d\d(?::\d\d(?::\d\d(?:[.,]\d+)?)?)?)([\+\-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?|\s*Z)?)?$/;
4171 var basicIsoRegex = /^\s*((?:[+-]\d{6}|\d{4})(?:\d\d\d\d|W\d\d\d|W\d\d|\d\d\d|\d\d))(?:(T| )(\d\d(?:\d\d(?:\d\d(?:[.,]\d+)?)?)?)([\+\-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?|\s*Z)?)?$/;
4172 var tzRegex = /Z|[+-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?/;
4173 var isoDates = [
4174 ["YYYYYY-MM-DD", /[+-]\d{6}-\d\d-\d\d/],
4175 ["YYYY-MM-DD", /\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d/],
4176 ["GGGG-[W]WW-E", /\d{4}-W\d\d-\d/],
4177 ["GGGG-[W]WW", /\d{4}-W\d\d/, false],
4178 ["YYYY-DDD", /\d{4}-\d{3}/],
4179 ["YYYY-MM", /\d{4}-\d\d/, false],
4180 ["YYYYYYMMDD", /[+-]\d{10}/],
4181 ["YYYYMMDD", /\d{8}/],
4182 ["GGGG[W]WWE", /\d{4}W\d{3}/],
4183 ["GGGG[W]WW", /\d{4}W\d{2}/, false],
4184 ["YYYYDDD", /\d{7}/]
4185 ];
4186 var isoTimes = [
4187 ["HH:mm:ss.SSSS", /\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d+/],
4188 ["HH:mm:ss,SSSS", /\d\d:\d\d:\d\d,\d+/],
4189 ["HH:mm:ss", /\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/],
4190 ["HH:mm", /\d\d:\d\d/],
4191 ["HHmmss.SSSS", /\d\d\d\d\d\d\.\d+/],
4192 ["HHmmss,SSSS", /\d\d\d\d\d\d,\d+/],
4193 ["HHmmss", /\d\d\d\d\d\d/],
4194 ["HHmm", /\d\d\d\d/],
4195 ["HH", /\d\d/]
4196 ];
4197 var aspNetJsonRegex = /^\/?Date\((\-?\d+)/i;
4199 function configFromISO(config) {
4200 var i, l, string = config._i,
4201 match = extendedIsoRegex.exec(string) || basicIsoRegex.exec(string),
4202 allowTime, dateFormat, timeFormat, tzFormat;
4203 if (match) {
4204 getParsingFlags(config).iso = true;
4205 for (i = 0, l = isoDates.length; i < l; i++) {
4206 if (isoDates[i][1].exec(match[1])) {
4207 dateFormat = isoDates[i][0];
4208 allowTime = isoDates[i][2] !== false;
4209 break
4210 }
4211 }
4212 if (dateFormat == null) {
4213 config._isValid = false;
4214 return
4215 }
4216 if (match[3]) {
4217 for (i = 0, l = isoTimes.length; i < l; i++) {
4218 if (isoTimes[i][1].exec(match[3])) {
4219 timeFormat = (match[2] || " ") + isoTimes[i][0];
4220 break
4221 }
4222 }
4223 if (timeFormat == null) {
4224 config._isValid = false;
4225 return
4226 }
4227 }
4228 if (!allowTime && timeFormat != null) {
4229 config._isValid = false;
4230 return
4231 }
4232 if (match[4]) {
4233 if (tzRegex.exec(match[4])) {
4234 tzFormat = "Z"
4235 } else {
4236 config._isValid = false;
4237 return
4238 }
4239 }
4240 config._f = dateFormat + (timeFormat || "") + (tzFormat || "");
4241 configFromStringAndFormat(config)
4242 } else {
4243 config._isValid = false
4244 }
4245 }
4247 function configFromString(config) {
4248 var matched = aspNetJsonRegex.exec(config._i);
4249 if (matched !== null) {
4250 config._d = new Date(+matched[1]);
4251 return
4252 }
4253 configFromISO(config);
4254 if (config._isValid === false) {
4255 delete config._isValid;
4256 hooks.createFromInputFallback(config)
4257 }
4258 }
4259 hooks.createFromInputFallback = deprecate("value provided is not in a recognized ISO format. moment construction falls back to js Date(), " + "which is not reliable across all browsers and versions. Non ISO date formats are " + "discouraged and will be removed in an upcoming major release. Please refer to " + "http://momentjs.com/guides/#/warnings/js-date/ for more info.", function (config) {
4260 config._d = new Date(config._i + (config._useUTC ? " UTC" : ""))
4261 });
4263 function defaults(a, b, c) {
4264 if (a != null) {
4265 return a
4266 }
4267 if (b != null) {
4268 return b
4269 }
4270 return c
4271 }
4273 function currentDateArray(config) {
4274 var nowValue = new Date(hooks.now());
4275 if (config._useUTC) {
4276 return [nowValue.getUTCFullYear(), nowValue.getUTCMonth(), nowValue.getUTCDate()]
4277 }
4278 return [nowValue.getFullYear(), nowValue.getMonth(), nowValue.getDate()]
4279 }
4281 function configFromArray(config) {
4282 var i, date, input = [],
4283 currentDate, yearToUse;
4284 if (config._d) {
4285 return
4286 }
4287 currentDate = currentDateArray(config);
4288 if (config._w && config._a[DATE] == null && config._a[MONTH] == null) {
4289 dayOfYearFromWeekInfo(config)
4290 }
4291 if (config._dayOfYear) {
4292 yearToUse = defaults(config._a[YEAR], currentDate[YEAR]);
4293 if (config._dayOfYear > daysInYear(yearToUse)) {
4294 getParsingFlags(config)._overflowDayOfYear = true
4295 }
4296 date = createUTCDate(yearToUse, 0, config._dayOfYear);
4297 config._a[MONTH] = date.getUTCMonth();
4298 config._a[DATE] = date.getUTCDate()
4299 }
4300 for (i = 0; i < 3 && config._a[i] == null; ++i) {
4301 config._a[i] = input[i] = currentDate[i]
4302 }
4303 for (; i < 7; i++) {
4304 config._a[i] = input[i] = config._a[i] == null ? i === 2 ? 1 : 0 : config._a[i]
4305 }
4306 if (config._a[HOUR] === 24 && config._a[MINUTE] === 0 && config._a[SECOND] === 0 && config._a[MILLISECOND] === 0) {
4307 config._nextDay = true;
4308 config._a[HOUR] = 0
4309 }
4310 config._d = (config._useUTC ? createUTCDate : createDate).apply(null, input);
4311 if (config._tzm != null) {
4312 config._d.setUTCMinutes(config._d.getUTCMinutes() - config._tzm)
4313 }
4314 if (config._nextDay) {
4315 config._a[HOUR] = 24
4316 }
4317 }
4319 function dayOfYearFromWeekInfo(config) {
4320 var w, weekYear, week, weekday, dow, doy, temp, weekdayOverflow;
4321 w = config._w;
4322 if (w.GG != null || w.W != null || w.E != null) {
4323 dow = 1;
4324 doy = 4;
4325 weekYear = defaults(w.GG, config._a[YEAR], weekOfYear(createLocal(), 1, 4).year);
4326 week = defaults(w.W, 1);
4327 weekday = defaults(w.E, 1);
4328 if (weekday < 1 || weekday > 7) {
4329 weekdayOverflow = true
4330 }
4331 } else {
4332 dow = config._locale._week.dow;
4333 doy = config._locale._week.doy;
4334 var curWeek = weekOfYear(createLocal(), dow, doy);
4335 weekYear = defaults(w.gg, config._a[YEAR], curWeek.year);
4336 week = defaults(w.w, curWeek.week);
4337 if (w.d != null) {
4338 weekday = w.d;
4339 if (weekday < 0 || weekday > 6) {
4340 weekdayOverflow = true
4341 }
4342 } else if (w.e != null) {
4343 weekday = w.e + dow;
4344 if (w.e < 0 || w.e > 6) {
4345 weekdayOverflow = true
4346 }
4347 } else {
4348 weekday = dow
4349 }
4350 }
4351 if (week < 1 || week > weeksInYear(weekYear, dow, doy)) {
4352 getParsingFlags(config)._overflowWeeks = true
4353 } else if (weekdayOverflow != null) {
4354 getParsingFlags(config)._overflowWeekday = true
4355 } else {
4356 temp = dayOfYearFromWeeks(weekYear, week, weekday, dow, doy);
4357 config._a[YEAR] = temp.year;
4358 config._dayOfYear = temp.dayOfYear
4359 }
4360 }
4361 hooks.ISO_8601 = function () {};
4363 function configFromStringAndFormat(config) {
4364 if (config._f === hooks.ISO_8601) {
4365 configFromISO(config);
4366 return
4367 }
4368 config._a = [];
4369 getParsingFlags(config).empty = true;
4370 var string = "" + config._i,
4371 i, parsedInput, tokens, token, skipped, stringLength = string.length,
4372 totalParsedInputLength = 0;
4373 tokens = expandFormat(config._f, config._locale).match(formattingTokens) || [];
4374 for (i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
4375 token = tokens[i];
4376 parsedInput = (string.match(getParseRegexForToken(token, config)) || [])[0];
4377 if (parsedInput) {
4378 skipped = string.substr(0, string.indexOf(parsedInput));
4379 if (skipped.length > 0) {
4380 getParsingFlags(config).unusedInput.push(skipped)
4381 }
4382 string = string.slice(string.indexOf(parsedInput) + parsedInput.length);
4383 totalParsedInputLength += parsedInput.length
4384 }
4385 if (formatTokenFunctions[token]) {
4386 if (parsedInput) {
4387 getParsingFlags(config).empty = false
4388 } else {
4389 getParsingFlags(config).unusedTokens.push(token)
4390 }
4391 addTimeToArrayFromToken(token, parsedInput, config)
4392 } else if (config._strict && !parsedInput) {
4393 getParsingFlags(config).unusedTokens.push(token)
4394 }
4395 }
4396 getParsingFlags(config).charsLeftOver = stringLength - totalParsedInputLength;
4397 if (string.length > 0) {
4398 getParsingFlags(config).unusedInput.push(string)
4399 }
4400 if (config._a[HOUR] <= 12 && getParsingFlags(config).bigHour === true && config._a[HOUR] > 0) {
4401 getParsingFlags(config).bigHour = undefined
4402 }
4403 getParsingFlags(config).parsedDateParts = config._a.slice(0);
4404 getParsingFlags(config).meridiem = config._meridiem;
4405 config._a[HOUR] = meridiemFixWrap(config._locale, config._a[HOUR], config._meridiem);
4406 configFromArray(config);
4407 checkOverflow(config)
4408 }
4410 function meridiemFixWrap(locale, hour, meridiem) {
4411 var isPm;
4412 if (meridiem == null) {
4413 return hour
4414 }
4415 if (locale.meridiemHour != null) {
4416 return locale.meridiemHour(hour, meridiem)
4417 } else if (locale.isPM != null) {
4418 isPm = locale.isPM(meridiem);
4419 if (isPm && hour < 12) {
4420 hour += 12
4421 }
4422 if (!isPm && hour === 12) {
4423 hour = 0
4424 }
4425 return hour
4426 } else {
4427 return hour
4428 }
4429 }
4431 function configFromStringAndArray(config) {
4432 var tempConfig, bestMoment, scoreToBeat, i, currentScore;
4433 if (config._f.length === 0) {
4434 getParsingFlags(config).invalidFormat = true;
4435 config._d = new Date(NaN);
4436 return
4437 }
4438 for (i = 0; i < config._f.length; i++) {
4439 currentScore = 0;
4440 tempConfig = copyConfig({}, config);
4441 if (config._useUTC != null) {
4442 tempConfig._useUTC = config._useUTC
4443 }
4444 tempConfig._f = config._f[i];
4445 configFromStringAndFormat(tempConfig);
4446 if (!isValid(tempConfig)) {
4447 continue
4448 }
4449 currentScore += getParsingFlags(tempConfig).charsLeftOver;
4450 currentScore += getParsingFlags(tempConfig).unusedTokens.length * 10;
4451 getParsingFlags(tempConfig).score = currentScore;
4452 if (scoreToBeat == null || currentScore < scoreToBeat) {
4453 scoreToBeat = currentScore;
4454 bestMoment = tempConfig
4455 }
4456 }
4457 extend(config, bestMoment || tempConfig)
4458 }
4460 function configFromObject(config) {
4461 if (config._d) {
4462 return
4463 }
4464 var i = normalizeObjectUnits(config._i);
4465 config._a = map([i.year, i.month, i.day || i.date, i.hour, i.minute, i.second, i.millisecond], function (obj) {
4466 return obj && parseInt(obj, 10)
4467 });
4468 configFromArray(config)
4469 }
4471 function createFromConfig(config) {
4472 var res = new Moment(checkOverflow(prepareConfig(config)));
4473 if (res._nextDay) {
4474 res.add(1, "d");
4475 res._nextDay = undefined
4476 }
4477 return res
4478 }
4480 function prepareConfig(config) {
4481 var input = config._i,
4482 format = config._f;
4483 config._locale = config._locale || getLocale(config._l);
4484 if (input === null || format === undefined && input === "") {
4485 return createInvalid({
4486 nullInput: true
4487 })
4488 }
4489 if (typeof input === "string") {
4490 config._i = input = config._locale.preparse(input)
4491 }
4492 if (isMoment(input)) {
4493 return new Moment(checkOverflow(input))
4494 } else if (isDate(input)) {
4495 config._d = input
4496 } else if (isArray(format)) {
4497 configFromStringAndArray(config)
4498 } else if (format) {
4499 configFromStringAndFormat(config)
4500 } else {
4501 configFromInput(config)
4502 }
4503 if (!isValid(config)) {
4504 config._d = null
4505 }
4506 return config
4507 }
4509 function configFromInput(config) {
4510 var input = config._i;
4511 if (input === undefined) {
4512 config._d = new Date(hooks.now())
4513 } else if (isDate(input)) {
4514 config._d = new Date(input.valueOf())
4515 } else if (typeof input === "string") {
4516 configFromString(config)
4517 } else if (isArray(input)) {
4518 config._a = map(input.slice(0), function (obj) {
4519 return parseInt(obj, 10)
4520 });
4521 configFromArray(config)
4522 } else if (typeof input === "object") {
4523 configFromObject(config)
4524 } else if (isNumber(input)) {
4525 config._d = new Date(input)
4526 } else {
4527 hooks.createFromInputFallback(config)
4528 }
4529 }
4531 function createLocalOrUTC(input, format, locale, strict, isUTC) {
4532 var c = {};
4533 if (locale === true || locale === false) {
4534 strict = locale;
4535 locale = undefined
4536 }
4537 if (isObject(input) && isObjectEmpty(input) || isArray(input) && input.length === 0) {
4538 input = undefined
4539 } // https://github.com/moment/moment/issues/1423
4540 c._isAMomentObject = true;
4541 c._useUTC = c._isUTC = isUTC;
4542 c._l = locale;
4543 c._i = input;
4544 c._f = format;
4545 c._strict = strict;
4546 return createFromConfig(c)
4547 }
4549 function createLocal(input, format, locale, strict) {
4550 return createLocalOrUTC(input, format, locale, strict, false)
4551 }
4552 var prototypeMin = deprecate("moment().min is deprecated, use moment.max instead. http://momentjs.com/guides/#/warnings/min-max/", function () {
4553 var other = createLocal.apply(null, arguments);
4554 if (this.isValid() && other.isValid()) {
4555 return other < this ? this : other
4556 } else {
4557 return createInvalid()
4558 }
4559 });
4560 var prototypeMax = deprecate("moment().max is deprecated, use moment.min instead. http://momentjs.com/guides/#/warnings/min-max/", function () {
4561 var other = createLocal.apply(null, arguments);
4562 if (this.isValid() && other.isValid()) {
4563 return other > this ? this : other
4564 } else {
4565 return createInvalid()
4566 }
4567 });
4569 function pickBy(fn, moments) {
4570 var res, i;
4571 if (moments.length === 1 && isArray(moments[0])) {
4572 moments = moments[0]
4573 }
4574 if (!moments.length) {
4575 return createLocal()
4576 }
4577 res = moments[0];
4578 for (i = 1; i < moments.length; ++i) {
4579 if (!moments[i].isValid() || moments[i][fn](res)) {
4580 res = moments[i]
4581 }
4582 }
4583 return res
4584 }
4586 function min() {
4587 var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 0);
4588 return pickBy("isBefore", args)
4589 }
4591 function max() {
4592 var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 0);
4593 return pickBy("isAfter", args)
4594 }
4595 var now = function () {
4596 return Date.now ? Date.now() : +new Date
4597 };
4599 function Duration(duration) {
4600 var normalizedInput = normalizeObjectUnits(duration),
4601 years = normalizedInput.year || 0,
4602 quarters = normalizedInput.quarter || 0,
4603 months = normalizedInput.month || 0,
4604 weeks = normalizedInput.week || 0,
4605 days = normalizedInput.day || 0,
4606 hours = normalizedInput.hour || 0,
4607 minutes = normalizedInput.minute || 0,
4608 seconds = normalizedInput.second || 0,
4609 milliseconds = normalizedInput.millisecond || 0;
4610 this._milliseconds = +milliseconds + seconds * 1e3 + minutes * 6e4 + hours * 1e3 * 60 * 60; //using 1000 * 60 * 60 instead of 36e5 to avoid floating point rounding errors https://github.com/moment/moment/issues/2978
4611 this._days = +days + weeks * 7;
4612 this._months = +months + quarters * 3 + years * 12;
4613 this._data = {};
4614 this._locale = getLocale();
4615 this._bubble()
4616 }
4618 function isDuration(obj) {
4619 return obj instanceof Duration
4620 }
4622 function absRound(number) {
4623 if (number < 0) {
4624 return Math.round(-1 * number) * -1
4625 } else {
4626 return Math.round(number)
4627 }
4628 }
4630 function offset(token, separator) {
4631 addFormatToken(token, 0, 0, function () {
4632 var offset = this.utcOffset();
4633 var sign = "+";
4634 if (offset < 0) {
4635 offset = -offset;
4636 sign = "-"
4637 }
4638 return sign + zeroFill(~~(offset / 60), 2) + separator + zeroFill(~~offset % 60, 2)
4639 })
4640 }
4641 offset("Z", ":");
4642 offset("ZZ", "");
4643 addRegexToken("Z", matchShortOffset);
4644 addRegexToken("ZZ", matchShortOffset);
4645 addParseToken(["Z", "ZZ"], function (input, array, config) {
4646 config._useUTC = true;
4647 config._tzm = offsetFromString(matchShortOffset, input)
4648 });
4649 var chunkOffset = /([\+\-]|\d\d)/gi;
4651 function offsetFromString(matcher, string) {
4652 var matches = (string || "").match(matcher);
4653 if (matches === null) {
4654 return null
4655 }
4656 var chunk = matches[matches.length - 1] || [];
4657 var parts = (chunk + "").match(chunkOffset) || ["-", 0, 0];
4658 var minutes = +(parts[1] * 60) + toInt(parts[2]);
4659 return minutes === 0 ? 0 : parts[0] === "+" ? minutes : -minutes
4660 }
4662 function cloneWithOffset(input, model) {
4663 var res, diff;
4664 if (model._isUTC) {
4665 res = model.clone();
4666 diff = (isMoment(input) || isDate(input) ? input.valueOf() : createLocal(input).valueOf()) - res.valueOf();
4667 res._d.setTime(res._d.valueOf() + diff);
4668 hooks.updateOffset(res, false);
4669 return res
4670 } else {
4671 return createLocal(input).local()
4672 }
4673 }
4675 function getDateOffset(m) { // https://github.com/moment/moment/pull/1871
4676 return -Math.round(m._d.getTimezoneOffset() / 15) * 15
4677 }
4678 hooks.updateOffset = function () {};
4680 function getSetOffset(input, keepLocalTime) {
4681 var offset = this._offset || 0,
4682 localAdjust;
4683 if (!this.isValid()) {
4684 return input != null ? this : NaN
4685 }
4686 if (input != null) {
4687 if (typeof input === "string") {
4688 input = offsetFromString(matchShortOffset, input);
4689 if (input === null) {
4690 return this
4691 }
4692 } else if (Math.abs(input) < 16) {
4693 input = input * 60
4694 }
4695 if (!this._isUTC && keepLocalTime) {
4696 localAdjust = getDateOffset(this)
4697 }
4698 this._offset = input;
4699 this._isUTC = true;
4700 if (localAdjust != null) {
4701 this.add(localAdjust, "m")
4702 }
4703 if (offset !== input) {
4704 if (!keepLocalTime || this._changeInProgress) {
4705 addSubtract(this, createDuration(input - offset, "m"), 1, false)
4706 } else if (!this._changeInProgress) {
4707 this._changeInProgress = true;
4708 hooks.updateOffset(this, true);
4709 this._changeInProgress = null
4710 }
4711 }
4712 return this
4713 } else {
4714 return this._isUTC ? offset : getDateOffset(this)
4715 }
4716 }
4718 function getSetZone(input, keepLocalTime) {
4719 if (input != null) {
4720 if (typeof input !== "string") {
4721 input = -input
4722 }
4723 this.utcOffset(input, keepLocalTime);
4724 return this
4725 } else {
4726 return -this.utcOffset()
4727 }
4728 }
4730 function setOffsetToUTC(keepLocalTime) {
4731 return this.utcOffset(0, keepLocalTime)
4732 }
4734 function setOffsetToLocal(keepLocalTime) {
4735 if (this._isUTC) {
4736 this.utcOffset(0, keepLocalTime);
4737 this._isUTC = false;
4738 if (keepLocalTime) {
4739 this.subtract(getDateOffset(this), "m")
4740 }
4741 }
4742 return this
4743 }
4745 function setOffsetToParsedOffset() {
4746 if (this._tzm != null) {
4747 this.utcOffset(this._tzm)
4748 } else if (typeof this._i === "string") {
4749 var tZone = offsetFromString(matchOffset, this._i);
4750 if (tZone != null) {
4751 this.utcOffset(tZone)
4752 } else {
4753 this.utcOffset(0, true)
4754 }
4755 }
4756 return this
4757 }
4759 function hasAlignedHourOffset(input) {
4760 if (!this.isValid()) {
4761 return false
4762 }
4763 input = input ? createLocal(input).utcOffset() : 0;
4764 return (this.utcOffset() - input) % 60 === 0
4765 }
4767 function isDaylightSavingTime() {
4768 return this.utcOffset() > this.clone().month(0).utcOffset() || this.utcOffset() > this.clone().month(5).utcOffset()
4769 }
4771 function isDaylightSavingTimeShifted() {
4772 if (!isUndefined(this._isDSTShifted)) {
4773 return this._isDSTShifted
4774 }
4775 var c = {};
4776 copyConfig(c, this);
4777 c = prepareConfig(c);
4778 if (c._a) {
4779 var other = c._isUTC ? createUTC(c._a) : createLocal(c._a);
4780 this._isDSTShifted = this.isValid() && compareArrays(c._a, other.toArray()) > 0
4781 } else {
4782 this._isDSTShifted = false
4783 }
4784 return this._isDSTShifted
4785 }
4787 function isLocal() {
4788 return this.isValid() ? !this._isUTC : false
4789 }
4791 function isUtcOffset() {
4792 return this.isValid() ? this._isUTC : false
4793 }
4795 function isUtc() {
4796 return this.isValid() ? this._isUTC && this._offset === 0 : false
4797 }
4798 var aspNetRegex = /^(\-)?(?:(\d*)[. ])?(\d+)\:(\d+)(?:\:(\d+)(\.\d*)?)?$/;
4799 var isoRegex = /^(-)?P(?:(-?[0-9,.]*)Y)?(?:(-?[0-9,.]*)M)?(?:(-?[0-9,.]*)W)?(?:(-?[0-9,.]*)D)?(?:T(?:(-?[0-9,.]*)H)?(?:(-?[0-9,.]*)M)?(?:(-?[0-9,.]*)S)?)?$/;
4801 function createDuration(input, key) {
4802 var duration = input,
4803 match = null,
4804 sign, ret, diffRes;
4805 if (isDuration(input)) {
4806 duration = {
4807 ms: input._milliseconds,
4808 d: input._days,
4809 M: input._months
4810 }
4811 } else if (isNumber(input)) {
4812 duration = {};
4813 if (key) {
4814 duration[key] = input
4815 } else {
4816 duration.milliseconds = input
4817 }
4818 } else if (!!(match = aspNetRegex.exec(input))) {
4819 sign = match[1] === "-" ? -1 : 1;
4820 duration = {
4821 y: 0,
4822 d: toInt(match[DATE]) * sign,
4823 h: toInt(match[HOUR]) * sign,
4824 m: toInt(match[MINUTE]) * sign,
4825 s: toInt(match[SECOND]) * sign,
4826 ms: toInt(absRound(match[MILLISECOND] * 1e3)) * sign
4827 }
4828 } else if (!!(match = isoRegex.exec(input))) {
4829 sign = match[1] === "-" ? -1 : 1;
4830 duration = {
4831 y: parseIso(match[2], sign),
4832 M: parseIso(match[3], sign),
4833 w: parseIso(match[4], sign),
4834 d: parseIso(match[5], sign),
4835 h: parseIso(match[6], sign),
4836 m: parseIso(match[7], sign),
4837 s: parseIso(match[8], sign)
4838 }
4839 } else if (duration == null) {
4840 duration = {}
4841 } else if (typeof duration === "object" && ("from" in duration || "to" in duration)) {
4842 diffRes = momentsDifference(createLocal(duration.from), createLocal(duration.to));
4843 duration = {};
4844 duration.ms = diffRes.milliseconds;
4845 duration.M = diffRes.months
4846 }
4847 ret = new Duration(duration);
4848 if (isDuration(input) && hasOwnProp(input, "_locale")) {
4849 ret._locale = input._locale
4850 }
4851 return ret
4852 }
4853 createDuration.fn = Duration.prototype;
4855 function parseIso(inp, sign) {
4856 var res = inp && parseFloat(inp.replace(",", "."));
4857 return (isNaN(res) ? 0 : res) * sign
4858 }
4860 function positiveMomentsDifference(base, other) {
4861 var res = {
4862 milliseconds: 0,
4863 months: 0
4864 };
4865 res.months = other.month() - base.month() + (other.year() - base.year()) * 12;
4866 if (base.clone().add(res.months, "M").isAfter(other)) {
4867 --res.months
4868 }
4869 res.milliseconds = +other - +base.clone().add(res.months, "M");
4870 return res
4871 }
4873 function momentsDifference(base, other) {
4874 var res;
4875 if (!(base.isValid() && other.isValid())) {
4876 return {
4877 milliseconds: 0,
4878 months: 0
4879 }
4880 }
4881 other = cloneWithOffset(other, base);
4882 if (base.isBefore(other)) {
4883 res = positiveMomentsDifference(base, other)
4884 } else {
4885 res = positiveMomentsDifference(other, base);
4886 res.milliseconds = -res.milliseconds;
4887 res.months = -res.months
4888 }
4889 return res
4890 }
4892 function createAdder(direction, name) {
4893 return function (val, period) {
4894 var dur, tmp;
4895 if (period !== null && !isNaN(+period)) {
4896 deprecateSimple(name, "moment()." + name + "(period, number) is deprecated. Please use moment()." + name + "(number, period). " + "See http://momentjs.com/guides/#/warnings/add-inverted-param/ for more info.");
4897 tmp = val;
4898 val = period;
4899 period = tmp
4900 }
4901 val = typeof val === "string" ? +val : val;
4902 dur = createDuration(val, period);
4903 addSubtract(this, dur, direction);
4904 return this
4905 }
4906 }
4908 function addSubtract(mom, duration, isAdding, updateOffset) {
4909 var milliseconds = duration._milliseconds,
4910 days = absRound(duration._days),
4911 months = absRound(duration._months);
4912 if (!mom.isValid()) {
4913 return
4914 }
4915 updateOffset = updateOffset == null ? true : updateOffset;
4916 if (milliseconds) {
4917 mom._d.setTime(mom._d.valueOf() + milliseconds * isAdding)
4918 }
4919 if (days) {
4920 set$1(mom, "Date", get(mom, "Date") + days * isAdding)
4921 }
4922 if (months) {
4923 setMonth(mom, get(mom, "Month") + months * isAdding)
4924 }
4925 if (updateOffset) {
4926 hooks.updateOffset(mom, days || months)
4927 }
4928 }
4929 var add = createAdder(1, "add");
4930 var subtract = createAdder(-1, "subtract");
4932 function getCalendarFormat(myMoment, now) {
4933 var diff = myMoment.diff(now, "days", true);
4934 return diff < -6 ? "sameElse" : diff < -1 ? "lastWeek" : diff < 0 ? "lastDay" : diff < 1 ? "sameDay" : diff < 2 ? "nextDay" : diff < 7 ? "nextWeek" : "sameElse"
4935 }
4937 function calendar$1(time, formats) {
4938 var now = time || createLocal(),
4939 sod = cloneWithOffset(now, this).startOf("day"),
4940 format = hooks.calendarFormat(this, sod) || "sameElse";
4941 var output = formats && (isFunction(formats[format]) ? formats[format].call(this, now) : formats[format]);
4942 return this.format(output || this.localeData().calendar(format, this, createLocal(now)))
4943 }
4945 function clone() {
4946 return new Moment(this)
4947 }
4949 function isAfter(input, units) {
4950 var localInput = isMoment(input) ? input : createLocal(input);
4951 if (!(this.isValid() && localInput.isValid())) {
4952 return false
4953 }
4954 units = normalizeUnits(!isUndefined(units) ? units : "millisecond");
4955 if (units === "millisecond") {
4956 return this.valueOf() > localInput.valueOf()
4957 } else {
4958 return localInput.valueOf() < this.clone().startOf(units).valueOf()
4959 }
4960 }
4962 function isBefore(input, units) {
4963 var localInput = isMoment(input) ? input : createLocal(input);
4964 if (!(this.isValid() && localInput.isValid())) {
4965 return false
4966 }
4967 units = normalizeUnits(!isUndefined(units) ? units : "millisecond");
4968 if (units === "millisecond") {
4969 return this.valueOf() < localInput.valueOf()
4970 } else {
4971 return this.clone().endOf(units).valueOf() < localInput.valueOf()
4972 }
4973 }
4975 function isBetween(from, to, units, inclusivity) {
4976 inclusivity = inclusivity || "()";
4977 return (inclusivity[0] === "(" ? this.isAfter(from, units) : !this.isBefore(from, units)) && (inclusivity[1] === ")" ? this.isBefore(to, units) : !this.isAfter(to, units))
4978 }
4980 function isSame(input, units) {
4981 var localInput = isMoment(input) ? input : createLocal(input),
4982 inputMs;
4983 if (!(this.isValid() && localInput.isValid())) {
4984 return false
4985 }
4986 units = normalizeUnits(units || "millisecond");
4987 if (units === "millisecond") {
4988 return this.valueOf() === localInput.valueOf()
4989 } else {
4990 inputMs = localInput.valueOf();
4991 return this.clone().startOf(units).valueOf() <= inputMs && inputMs <= this.clone().endOf(units).valueOf()
4992 }
4993 }
4995 function isSameOrAfter(input, units) {
4996 return this.isSame(input, units) || this.isAfter(input, units)
4997 }
4999 function isSameOrBefore(input, units) {
5000 return this.isSame(input, units) || this.isBefore(input, units)
5001 }
5003 function diff(input, units, asFloat) {
5004 var that, zoneDelta, delta, output;
5005 if (!this.isValid()) {
5006 return NaN
5007 }
5008 that = cloneWithOffset(input, this);
5009 if (!that.isValid()) {
5010 return NaN
5011 }
5012 zoneDelta = (that.utcOffset() - this.utcOffset()) * 6e4;
5013 units = normalizeUnits(units);
5014 if (units === "year" || units === "month" || units === "quarter") {
5015 output = monthDiff(this, that);
5016 if (units === "quarter") {
5017 output = output / 3
5018 } else if (units === "year") {
5019 output = output / 12
5020 }
5021 } else {
5022 delta = this - that;
5023 output = units === "second" ? delta / 1e3 : units === "minute" ? delta / 6e4 : units === "hour" ? delta / 36e5 : units === "day" ? (delta - zoneDelta) / 864e5 : units === "week" ? (delta - zoneDelta) / 6048e5 : delta
5024 }
5025 return asFloat ? output : absFloor(output)
5026 }
5028 function monthDiff(a, b) {
5029 var wholeMonthDiff = (b.year() - a.year()) * 12 + (b.month() - a.month()),
5030 anchor = a.clone().add(wholeMonthDiff, "months"),
5031 anchor2, adjust;
5032 if (b - anchor < 0) {
5033 anchor2 = a.clone().add(wholeMonthDiff - 1, "months");
5034 adjust = (b - anchor) / (anchor - anchor2)
5035 } else {
5036 anchor2 = a.clone().add(wholeMonthDiff + 1, "months");
5037 adjust = (b - anchor) / (anchor2 - anchor)
5038 }
5039 return -(wholeMonthDiff + adjust) || 0
5040 }
5041 hooks.defaultFormat = "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ";
5042 hooks.defaultFormatUtc = "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss[Z]";
5044 function toString() {
5045 return this.clone().locale("en").format("ddd MMM DD YYYY HH:mm:ss [GMT]ZZ")
5046 }
5048 function toISOString() {
5049 var m = this.clone().utc();
5050 if (0 < m.year() && m.year() <= 9999) {
5051 if (isFunction(Date.prototype.toISOString)) {
5052 return this.toDate().toISOString()
5053 } else {
5054 return formatMoment(m, "YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]")
5055 }
5056 } else {
5057 return formatMoment(m, "YYYYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]")
5058 }
5059 }
5061 function inspect() {
5062 if (!this.isValid()) {
5063 return "moment.invalid(/* " + this._i + " */)"
5064 }
5065 var func = "moment";
5066 var zone = "";
5067 if (!this.isLocal()) {
5068 func = this.utcOffset() === 0 ? "moment.utc" : "moment.parseZone";
5069 zone = "Z"
5070 }
5071 var prefix = "[" + func + '("]';
5072 var year = 0 < this.year() && this.year() <= 9999 ? "YYYY" : "YYYYYY";
5073 var datetime = "-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS";
5074 var suffix = zone + '[")]';
5075 return this.format(prefix + year + datetime + suffix)
5076 }
5078 function format(inputString) {
5079 if (!inputString) {
5080 inputString = this.isUtc() ? hooks.defaultFormatUtc : hooks.defaultFormat
5081 }
5082 var output = formatMoment(this, inputString);
5083 return this.localeData().postformat(output)
5084 }
5086 function from(time, withoutSuffix) {
5087 if (this.isValid() && (isMoment(time) && time.isValid() || createLocal(time).isValid())) {
5088 return createDuration({
5089 to: this,
5090 from: time
5091 }).locale(this.locale()).humanize(!withoutSuffix)
5092 } else {
5093 return this.localeData().invalidDate()
5094 }
5095 }
5097 function fromNow(withoutSuffix) {
5098 return this.from(createLocal(), withoutSuffix)
5099 }
5101 function to(time, withoutSuffix) {
5102 if (this.isValid() && (isMoment(time) && time.isValid() || createLocal(time).isValid())) {
5103 return createDuration({
5104 from: this,
5105 to: time
5106 }).locale(this.locale()).humanize(!withoutSuffix)
5107 } else {
5108 return this.localeData().invalidDate()
5109 }
5110 }
5112 function toNow(withoutSuffix) {
5113 return this.to(createLocal(), withoutSuffix)
5114 }
5116 function locale(key) {
5117 var newLocaleData;
5118 if (key === undefined) {
5119 return this._locale._abbr
5120 } else {
5121 newLocaleData = getLocale(key);
5122 if (newLocaleData != null) {
5123 this._locale = newLocaleData
5124 }
5125 return this
5126 }
5127 }
5128 var lang = deprecate("moment().lang() is deprecated. Instead, use moment().localeData() to get the language configuration. Use moment().locale() to change languages.", function (key) {
5129 if (key === undefined) {
5130 return this.localeData()
5131 } else {
5132 return this.locale(key)
5133 }
5134 });
5136 function localeData() {
5137 return this._locale
5138 }
5140 function startOf(units) {
5141 units = normalizeUnits(units);
5142 switch (units) {
5143 case "year":
5144 this.month(0);
5145 case "quarter":
5146 case "month":
5147 this.date(1);
5148 case "week":
5149 case "isoWeek":
5150 case "day":
5151 case "date":
5152 this.hours(0);
5153 case "hour":
5154 this.minutes(0);
5155 case "minute":
5156 this.seconds(0);
5157 case "second":
5158 this.milliseconds(0)
5159 }
5160 if (units === "week") {
5161 this.weekday(0)
5162 }
5163 if (units === "isoWeek") {
5164 this.isoWeekday(1)
5165 }
5166 if (units === "quarter") {
5167 this.month(Math.floor(this.month() / 3) * 3)
5168 }
5169 return this
5170 }
5172 function endOf(units) {
5173 units = normalizeUnits(units);
5174 if (units === undefined || units === "millisecond") {
5175 return this
5176 }
5177 if (units === "date") {
5178 units = "day"
5179 }
5180 return this.startOf(units).add(1, units === "isoWeek" ? "week" : units).subtract(1, "ms")
5181 }
5183 function valueOf() {
5184 return this._d.valueOf() - (this._offset || 0) * 6e4
5185 }
5187 function unix() {
5188 return Math.floor(this.valueOf() / 1e3)
5189 }
5191 function toDate() {
5192 return new Date(this.valueOf())
5193 }
5195 function toArray() {
5196 var m = this;
5197 return [m.year(), m.month(), m.date(), m.hour(), m.minute(), m.second(), m.millisecond()]
5198 }
5200 function toObject() {
5201 var m = this;
5202 return {
5203 years: m.year(),
5204 months: m.month(),
5205 date: m.date(),
5206 hours: m.hours(),
5207 minutes: m.minutes(),
5208 seconds: m.seconds(),
5209 milliseconds: m.milliseconds()
5210 }
5211 }
5213 function toJSON() {
5214 return this.isValid() ? this.toISOString() : null
5215 }
5217 function isValid$1() {
5218 return isValid(this)
5219 }
5221 function parsingFlags() {
5222 return extend({}, getParsingFlags(this))
5223 }
5225 function invalidAt() {
5226 return getParsingFlags(this).overflow
5227 }
5229 function creationData() {
5230 return {
5231 input: this._i,
5232 format: this._f,
5233 locale: this._locale,
5234 isUTC: this._isUTC,
5235 strict: this._strict
5236 }
5237 }
5238 addFormatToken(0, ["gg", 2], 0, function () {
5239 return this.weekYear() % 100
5240 });
5241 addFormatToken(0, ["GG", 2], 0, function () {
5242 return this.isoWeekYear() % 100
5243 });
5245 function addWeekYearFormatToken(token, getter) {
5246 addFormatToken(0, [token, token.length], 0, getter)
5247 }
5248 addWeekYearFormatToken("gggg", "weekYear");
5249 addWeekYearFormatToken("ggggg", "weekYear");
5250 addWeekYearFormatToken("GGGG", "isoWeekYear");
5251 addWeekYearFormatToken("GGGGG", "isoWeekYear");
5252 addUnitAlias("weekYear", "gg");
5253 addUnitAlias("isoWeekYear", "GG");
5254 addUnitPriority("weekYear", 1);
5255 addUnitPriority("isoWeekYear", 1);
5256 addRegexToken("G", matchSigned);
5257 addRegexToken("g", matchSigned);
5258 addRegexToken("GG", match1to2, match2);
5259 addRegexToken("gg", match1to2, match2);
5260 addRegexToken("GGGG", match1to4, match4);
5261 addRegexToken("gggg", match1to4, match4);
5262 addRegexToken("GGGGG", match1to6, match6);
5263 addRegexToken("ggggg", match1to6, match6);
5264 addWeekParseToken(["gggg", "ggggg", "GGGG", "GGGGG"], function (input, week, config, token) {
5265 week[token.substr(0, 2)] = toInt(input)
5266 });
5267 addWeekParseToken(["gg", "GG"], function (input, week, config, token) {
5268 week[token] = hooks.parseTwoDigitYear(input)
5269 });
5271 function getSetWeekYear(input) {
5272 return getSetWeekYearHelper.call(this, input, this.week(), this.weekday(), this.localeData()._week.dow, this.localeData()._week.doy)
5273 }
5275 function getSetISOWeekYear(input) {
5276 return getSetWeekYearHelper.call(this, input, this.isoWeek(), this.isoWeekday(), 1, 4)
5277 }
5279 function getISOWeeksInYear() {
5280 return weeksInYear(this.year(), 1, 4)
5281 }
5283 function getWeeksInYear() {
5284 var weekInfo = this.localeData()._week;
5285 return weeksInYear(this.year(), weekInfo.dow, weekInfo.doy)
5286 }
5288 function getSetWeekYearHelper(input, week, weekday, dow, doy) {
5289 var weeksTarget;
5290 if (input == null) {
5291 return weekOfYear(this, dow, doy).year
5292 } else {
5293 weeksTarget = weeksInYear(input, dow, doy);
5294 if (week > weeksTarget) {
5295 week = weeksTarget
5296 }
5297 return setWeekAll.call(this, input, week, weekday, dow, doy)
5298 }
5299 }
5301 function setWeekAll(weekYear, week, weekday, dow, doy) {
5302 var dayOfYearData = dayOfYearFromWeeks(weekYear, week, weekday, dow, doy),
5303 date = createUTCDate(dayOfYearData.year, 0, dayOfYearData.dayOfYear);
5304 this.year(date.getUTCFullYear());
5305 this.month(date.getUTCMonth());
5306 this.date(date.getUTCDate());
5307 return this
5308 }
5309 addFormatToken("Q", 0, "Qo", "quarter");
5310 addUnitAlias("quarter", "Q");
5311 addUnitPriority("quarter", 7);
5312 addRegexToken("Q", match1);
5313 addParseToken("Q", function (input, array) {
5314 array[MONTH] = (toInt(input) - 1) * 3
5315 });
5317 function getSetQuarter(input) {
5318 return input == null ? Math.ceil((this.month() + 1) / 3) : this.month((input - 1) * 3 + this.month() % 3)
5319 }
5320 addFormatToken("D", ["DD", 2], "Do", "date");
5321 addUnitAlias("date", "D");
5322 addUnitPriority("date", 9);
5323 addRegexToken("D", match1to2);
5324 addRegexToken("DD", match1to2, match2);
5325 addRegexToken("Do", function (isStrict, locale) {
5326 return isStrict ? locale._ordinalParse : locale._ordinalParseLenient
5327 });
5328 addParseToken(["D", "DD"], DATE);
5329 addParseToken("Do", function (input, array) {
5330 array[DATE] = toInt(input.match(match1to2)[0], 10)
5331 });
5332 var getSetDayOfMonth = makeGetSet("Date", true);
5333 addFormatToken("DDD", ["DDDD", 3], "DDDo", "dayOfYear");
5334 addUnitAlias("dayOfYear", "DDD");
5335 addUnitPriority("dayOfYear", 4);
5336 addRegexToken("DDD", match1to3);
5337 addRegexToken("DDDD", match3);
5338 addParseToken(["DDD", "DDDD"], function (input, array, config) {
5339 config._dayOfYear = toInt(input)
5340 });
5342 function getSetDayOfYear(input) {
5343 var dayOfYear = Math.round((this.clone().startOf("day") - this.clone().startOf("year")) / 864e5) + 1;
5344 return input == null ? dayOfYear : this.add(input - dayOfYear, "d")
5345 }
5346 addFormatToken("m", ["mm", 2], 0, "minute");
5347 addUnitAlias("minute", "m");
5348 addUnitPriority("minute", 14);
5349 addRegexToken("m", match1to2);
5350 addRegexToken("mm", match1to2, match2);
5351 addParseToken(["m", "mm"], MINUTE);
5352 var getSetMinute = makeGetSet("Minutes", false);
5353 addFormatToken("s", ["ss", 2], 0, "second");
5354 addUnitAlias("second", "s");
5355 addUnitPriority("second", 15);
5356 addRegexToken("s", match1to2);
5357 addRegexToken("ss", match1to2, match2);
5358 addParseToken(["s", "ss"], SECOND);
5359 var getSetSecond = makeGetSet("Seconds", false);
5360 addFormatToken("S", 0, 0, function () {
5361 return ~~(this.millisecond() / 100)
5362 });
5363 addFormatToken(0, ["SS", 2], 0, function () {
5364 return ~~(this.millisecond() / 10)
5365 });
5366 addFormatToken(0, ["SSS", 3], 0, "millisecond");
5367 addFormatToken(0, ["SSSS", 4], 0, function () {
5368 return this.millisecond() * 10
5369 });
5370 addFormatToken(0, ["SSSSS", 5], 0, function () {
5371 return this.millisecond() * 100
5372 });
5373 addFormatToken(0, ["SSSSSS", 6], 0, function () {
5374 return this.millisecond() * 1e3
5375 });
5376 addFormatToken(0, ["SSSSSSS", 7], 0, function () {
5377 return this.millisecond() * 1e4
5378 });
5379 addFormatToken(0, ["SSSSSSSS", 8], 0, function () {
5380 return this.millisecond() * 1e5
5381 });
5382 addFormatToken(0, ["SSSSSSSSS", 9], 0, function () {
5383 return this.millisecond() * 1e6
5384 });
5385 addUnitAlias("millisecond", "ms");
5386 addUnitPriority("millisecond", 16);
5387 addRegexToken("S", match1to3, match1);
5388 addRegexToken("SS", match1to3, match2);
5389 addRegexToken("SSS", match1to3, match3);
5390 var token;
5391 for (token = "SSSS"; token.length <= 9; token += "S") {
5392 addRegexToken(token, matchUnsigned)
5393 }
5395 function parseMs(input, array) {
5396 array[MILLISECOND] = toInt(("0." + input) * 1e3)
5397 }
5398 for (token = "S"; token.length <= 9; token += "S") {
5399 addParseToken(token, parseMs)
5400 }
5401 var getSetMillisecond = makeGetSet("Milliseconds", false);
5402 addFormatToken("z", 0, 0, "zoneAbbr");
5403 addFormatToken("zz", 0, 0, "zoneName");
5405 function getZoneAbbr() {
5406 return this._isUTC ? "UTC" : ""
5407 }
5409 function getZoneName() {
5410 return this._isUTC ? "Coordinated Universal Time" : ""
5411 }
5412 var proto = Moment.prototype;
5413 proto.add = add;
5414 proto.calendar = calendar$1;
5415 proto.clone = clone;
5416 proto.diff = diff;
5417 proto.endOf = endOf;
5418 proto.format = format;
5419 proto.from = from;
5420 proto.fromNow = fromNow;
5421 proto.to = to;
5422 proto.toNow = toNow;
5423 proto.get = stringGet;
5424 proto.invalidAt = invalidAt;
5425 proto.isAfter = isAfter;
5426 proto.isBefore = isBefore;
5427 proto.isBetween = isBetween;
5428 proto.isSame = isSame;
5429 proto.isSameOrAfter = isSameOrAfter;
5430 proto.isSameOrBefore = isSameOrBefore;
5431 proto.isValid = isValid$1;
5432 proto.lang = lang;
5433 proto.locale = locale;
5434 proto.localeData = localeData;
5435 proto.max = prototypeMax;
5436 proto.min = prototypeMin;
5437 proto.parsingFlags = parsingFlags;
5438 proto.set = stringSet;
5439 proto.startOf = startOf;
5440 proto.subtract = subtract;
5441 proto.toArray = toArray;
5442 proto.toObject = toObject;
5443 proto.toDate = toDate;
5444 proto.toISOString = toISOString;
5445 proto.inspect = inspect;
5446 proto.toJSON = toJSON;
5447 proto.toString = toString;
5448 proto.unix = unix;
5449 proto.valueOf = valueOf;
5450 proto.creationData = creationData;
5451 proto.year = getSetYear;
5452 proto.isLeapYear = getIsLeapYear;
5453 proto.weekYear = getSetWeekYear;
5454 proto.isoWeekYear = getSetISOWeekYear;
5455 proto.quarter = proto.quarters = getSetQuarter;
5456 proto.month = getSetMonth;
5457 proto.daysInMonth = getDaysInMonth;
5458 proto.week = proto.weeks = getSetWeek;
5459 proto.isoWeek = proto.isoWeeks = getSetISOWeek;
5460 proto.weeksInYear = getWeeksInYear;
5461 proto.isoWeeksInYear = getISOWeeksInYear;
5462 proto.date = getSetDayOfMonth;
5463 proto.day = proto.days = getSetDayOfWeek;
5464 proto.weekday = getSetLocaleDayOfWeek;
5465 proto.isoWeekday = getSetISODayOfWeek;
5466 proto.dayOfYear = getSetDayOfYear;
5467 proto.hour = proto.hours = getSetHour;
5468 proto.minute = proto.minutes = getSetMinute;
5469 proto.second = proto.seconds = getSetSecond;
5470 proto.millisecond = proto.milliseconds = getSetMillisecond;
5471 proto.utcOffset = getSetOffset;
5472 proto.utc = setOffsetToUTC;
5473 proto.local = setOffsetToLocal;
5474 proto.parseZone = setOffsetToParsedOffset;
5475 proto.hasAlignedHourOffset = hasAlignedHourOffset;
5476 proto.isDST = isDaylightSavingTime;
5477 proto.isLocal = isLocal;
5478 proto.isUtcOffset = isUtcOffset;
5479 proto.isUtc = isUtc;
5480 proto.isUTC = isUtc;
5481 proto.zoneAbbr = getZoneAbbr;
5482 proto.zoneName = getZoneName;
5483 proto.dates = deprecate("dates accessor is deprecated. Use date instead.", getSetDayOfMonth);
5484 proto.months = deprecate("months accessor is deprecated. Use month instead", getSetMonth);
5485 proto.years = deprecate("years accessor is deprecated. Use year instead", getSetYear);
5486 proto.zone = deprecate("moment().zone is deprecated, use moment().utcOffset instead. http://momentjs.com/guides/#/warnings/zone/", getSetZone);
5487 proto.isDSTShifted = deprecate("isDSTShifted is deprecated. See http://momentjs.com/guides/#/warnings/dst-shifted/ for more information", isDaylightSavingTimeShifted);
5489 function createUnix(input) {
5490 return createLocal(input * 1e3)
5491 }
5493 function createInZone() {
5494 return createLocal.apply(null, arguments).parseZone()
5495 }
5497 function preParsePostFormat(string) {
5498 return string
5499 }
5500 var proto$1 = Locale.prototype;
5501 proto$1.calendar = calendar;
5502 proto$1.longDateFormat = longDateFormat;
5503 proto$1.invalidDate = invalidDate;
5504 proto$1.ordinal = ordinal;
5505 proto$1.preparse = preParsePostFormat;
5506 proto$1.postformat = preParsePostFormat;
5507 proto$1.relativeTime = relativeTime;
5508 proto$1.pastFuture = pastFuture;
5509 proto$1.set = set;
5510 proto$1.months = localeMonths;
5511 proto$1.monthsShort = localeMonthsShort;
5512 proto$1.monthsParse = localeMonthsParse;
5513 proto$1.monthsRegex = monthsRegex;
5514 proto$1.monthsShortRegex = monthsShortRegex;
5515 proto$1.week = localeWeek;
5516 proto$1.firstDayOfYear = localeFirstDayOfYear;
5517 proto$1.firstDayOfWeek = localeFirstDayOfWeek;
5518 proto$1.weekdays = localeWeekdays;
5519 proto$1.weekdaysMin = localeWeekdaysMin;
5520 proto$1.weekdaysShort = localeWeekdaysShort;
5521 proto$1.weekdaysParse = localeWeekdaysParse;
5522 proto$1.weekdaysRegex = weekdaysRegex;
5523 proto$1.weekdaysShortRegex = weekdaysShortRegex;
5524 proto$1.weekdaysMinRegex = weekdaysMinRegex;
5525 proto$1.isPM = localeIsPM;
5526 proto$1.meridiem = localeMeridiem;
5528 function get$1(format, index, field, setter) {
5529 var locale = getLocale();
5530 var utc = createUTC().set(setter, index);
5531 return locale[field](utc, format)
5532 }
5534 function listMonthsImpl(format, index, field) {
5535 if (isNumber(format)) {
5536 index = format;
5537 format = undefined
5538 }
5539 format = format || "";
5540 if (index != null) {
5541 return get$1(format, index, field, "month")
5542 }
5543 var i;
5544 var out = [];
5545 for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
5546 out[i] = get$1(format, i, field, "month")
5547 }
5548 return out
5549 }
5551 function listWeekdaysImpl(localeSorted, format, index, field) {
5552 if (typeof localeSorted === "boolean") {
5553 if (isNumber(format)) {
5554 index = format;
5555 format = undefined
5556 }
5557 format = format || ""
5558 } else {
5559 format = localeSorted;
5560 index = format;
5561 localeSorted = false;
5562 if (isNumber(format)) {
5563 index = format;
5564 format = undefined
5565 }
5566 format = format || ""
5567 }
5568 var locale = getLocale(),
5569 shift = localeSorted ? locale._week.dow : 0;
5570 if (index != null) {
5571 return get$1(format, (index + shift) % 7, field, "day")
5572 }
5573 var i;
5574 var out = [];
5575 for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
5576 out[i] = get$1(format, (i + shift) % 7, field, "day")
5577 }
5578 return out
5579 }
5581 function listMonths(format, index) {
5582 return listMonthsImpl(format, index, "months")
5583 }
5585 function listMonthsShort(format, index) {
5586 return listMonthsImpl(format, index, "monthsShort")
5587 }
5589 function listWeekdays(localeSorted, format, index) {
5590 return listWeekdaysImpl(localeSorted, format, index, "weekdays")
5591 }
5593 function listWeekdaysShort(localeSorted, format, index) {
5594 return listWeekdaysImpl(localeSorted, format, index, "weekdaysShort")
5595 }
5597 function listWeekdaysMin(localeSorted, format, index) {
5598 return listWeekdaysImpl(localeSorted, format, index, "weekdaysMin")
5599 }
5600 getSetGlobalLocale("en", {
5601 ordinalParse: /\d{1,2}(th|st|nd|rd)/,
5602 ordinal: function (number) {
5603 var b = number % 10,
5604 output = toInt(number % 100 / 10) === 1 ? "th" : b === 1 ? "st" : b === 2 ? "nd" : b === 3 ? "rd" : "th";
5605 return number + output
5606 }
5607 });
5608 hooks.lang = deprecate("moment.lang is deprecated. Use moment.locale instead.", getSetGlobalLocale);
5609 hooks.langData = deprecate("moment.langData is deprecated. Use moment.localeData instead.", getLocale);
5610 var mathAbs = Math.abs;
5612 function abs() {
5613 var data = this._data;
5614 this._milliseconds = mathAbs(this._milliseconds);
5615 this._days = mathAbs(this._days);
5616 this._months = mathAbs(this._months);
5617 data.milliseconds = mathAbs(data.milliseconds);
5618 data.seconds = mathAbs(data.seconds);
5619 data.minutes = mathAbs(data.minutes);
5620 data.hours = mathAbs(data.hours);
5621 data.months = mathAbs(data.months);
5622 data.years = mathAbs(data.years);
5623 return this
5624 }
5626 function addSubtract$1(duration, input, value, direction) {
5627 var other = createDuration(input, value);
5628 duration._milliseconds += direction * other._milliseconds;
5629 duration._days += direction * other._days;
5630 duration._months += direction * other._months;
5631 return duration._bubble()
5632 }
5634 function add$1(input, value) {
5635 return addSubtract$1(this, input, value, 1)
5636 }
5638 function subtract$1(input, value) {
5639 return addSubtract$1(this, input, value, -1)
5640 }
5642 function absCeil(number) {
5643 if (number < 0) {
5644 return Math.floor(number)
5645 } else {
5646 return Math.ceil(number)
5647 }
5648 }
5650 function bubble() {
5651 var milliseconds = this._milliseconds;
5652 var days = this._days;
5653 var months = this._months;
5654 var data = this._data;
5655 var seconds, minutes, hours, years, monthsFromDays; // check: https://github.com/moment/moment/issues/2166
5656 if (!(milliseconds >= 0 && days >= 0 && months >= 0 || milliseconds <= 0 && days <= 0 && months <= 0)) {
5657 milliseconds += absCeil(monthsToDays(months) + days) * 864e5;
5658 days = 0;
5659 months = 0
5660 }
5661 data.milliseconds = milliseconds % 1e3;
5662 seconds = absFloor(milliseconds / 1e3);
5663 data.seconds = seconds % 60;
5664 minutes = absFloor(seconds / 60);
5665 data.minutes = minutes % 60;
5666 hours = absFloor(minutes / 60);
5667 data.hours = hours % 24;
5668 days += absFloor(hours / 24);
5669 monthsFromDays = absFloor(daysToMonths(days));
5670 months += monthsFromDays;
5671 days -= absCeil(monthsToDays(monthsFromDays));
5672 years = absFloor(months / 12);
5673 months %= 12;
5674 data.days = days;
5675 data.months = months;
5676 data.years = years;
5677 return this
5678 }
5680 function daysToMonths(days) {
5681 return days * 4800 / 146097
5682 }
5684 function monthsToDays(months) {
5685 return months * 146097 / 4800
5686 }
5688 function as(units) {
5689 var days;
5690 var months;
5691 var milliseconds = this._milliseconds;
5692 units = normalizeUnits(units);
5693 if (units === "month" || units === "year") {
5694 days = this._days + milliseconds / 864e5;
5695 months = this._months + daysToMonths(days);
5696 return units === "month" ? months : months / 12
5697 } else {
5698 days = this._days + Math.round(monthsToDays(this._months));
5699 switch (units) {
5700 case "week":
5701 return days / 7 + milliseconds / 6048e5;
5702 case "day":
5703 return days + milliseconds / 864e5;
5704 case "hour":
5705 return days * 24 + milliseconds / 36e5;
5706 case "minute":
5707 return days * 1440 + milliseconds / 6e4;
5708 case "second":
5709 return days * 86400 + milliseconds / 1e3;
5710 case "millisecond":
5711 return Math.floor(days * 864e5) + milliseconds;
5712 default:
5713 throw new Error("Unknown unit " + units)
5714 }
5715 }
5716 }
5718 function valueOf$1() {
5719 return this._milliseconds + this._days * 864e5 + this._months % 12 * 2592e6 + toInt(this._months / 12) * 31536e6
5720 }
5722 function makeAs(alias) {
5723 return function () {
5724 return this.as(alias)
5725 }
5726 }
5727 var asMilliseconds = makeAs("ms");
5728 var asSeconds = makeAs("s");
5729 var asMinutes = makeAs("m");
5730 var asHours = makeAs("h");
5731 var asDays = makeAs("d");
5732 var asWeeks = makeAs("w");
5733 var asMonths = makeAs("M");
5734 var asYears = makeAs("y");
5736 function get$2(units) {
5737 units = normalizeUnits(units);
5738 return this[units + "s"]()
5739 }
5741 function makeGetter(name) {
5742 return function () {
5743 return this._data[name]
5744 }
5745 }
5746 var milliseconds = makeGetter("milliseconds");
5747 var seconds = makeGetter("seconds");
5748 var minutes = makeGetter("minutes");
5749 var hours = makeGetter("hours");
5750 var days = makeGetter("days");
5751 var months = makeGetter("months");
5752 var years = makeGetter("years");
5754 function weeks() {
5755 return absFloor(this.days() / 7)
5756 }
5757 var round = Math.round;
5758 var thresholds = {
5759 s: 45,
5760 m: 45,
5761 h: 22,
5762 d: 26,
5763 M: 11
5764 };
5766 function substituteTimeAgo(string, number, withoutSuffix, isFuture, locale) {
5767 return locale.relativeTime(number || 1, !!withoutSuffix, string, isFuture)
5768 }
5770 function relativeTime$1(posNegDuration, withoutSuffix, locale) {
5771 var duration = createDuration(posNegDuration).abs();
5772 var seconds = round(duration.as("s"));
5773 var minutes = round(duration.as("m"));
5774 var hours = round(duration.as("h"));
5775 var days = round(duration.as("d"));
5776 var months = round(duration.as("M"));
5777 var years = round(duration.as("y"));
5778 var a = seconds < thresholds.s && ["s", seconds] || minutes <= 1 && ["m"] || minutes < thresholds.m && ["mm", minutes] || hours <= 1 && ["h"] || hours < thresholds.h && ["hh", hours] || days <= 1 && ["d"] || days < thresholds.d && ["dd", days] || months <= 1 && ["M"] || months < thresholds.M && ["MM", months] || years <= 1 && ["y"] || ["yy", years];
5779 a[2] = withoutSuffix;
5780 a[3] = +posNegDuration > 0;
5781 a[4] = locale;
5782 return substituteTimeAgo.apply(null, a)
5783 }
5785 function getSetRelativeTimeRounding(roundingFunction) {
5786 if (roundingFunction === undefined) {
5787 return round
5788 }
5789 if (typeof roundingFunction === "function") {
5790 round = roundingFunction;
5791 return true
5792 }
5793 return false
5794 }
5796 function getSetRelativeTimeThreshold(threshold, limit) {
5797 if (thresholds[threshold] === undefined) {
5798 return false
5799 }
5800 if (limit === undefined) {
5801 return thresholds[threshold]
5802 }
5803 thresholds[threshold] = limit;
5804 return true
5805 }
5807 function humanize(withSuffix) {
5808 var locale = this.localeData();
5809 var output = relativeTime$1(this, !withSuffix, locale);
5810 if (withSuffix) {
5811 output = locale.pastFuture(+this, output)
5812 }
5813 return locale.postformat(output)
5814 }
5815 var abs$1 = Math.abs;
5817 function toISOString$1() {
5818 var seconds = abs$1(this._milliseconds) / 1e3;
5819 var days = abs$1(this._days);
5820 var months = abs$1(this._months);
5821 var minutes, hours, years;
5822 minutes = absFloor(seconds / 60);
5823 hours = absFloor(minutes / 60);
5824 seconds %= 60;
5825 minutes %= 60;
5826 years = absFloor(months / 12);
5827 months %= 12; // inspired by https://github.com/dordille/moment-isoduration/blob/master/moment.isoduration.js
5828 var Y = years;
5829 var M = months;
5830 var D = days;
5831 var h = hours;
5832 var m = minutes;
5833 var s = seconds;
5834 var total = this.asSeconds();
5835 if (!total) {
5836 return "P0D"
5837 }
5838 return (total < 0 ? "-" : "") + "P" + (Y ? Y + "Y" : "") + (M ? M + "M" : "") + (D ? D + "D" : "") + (h || m || s ? "T" : "") + (h ? h + "H" : "") + (m ? m + "M" : "") + (s ? s + "S" : "")
5839 }
5840 var proto$2 = Duration.prototype;
5841 proto$2.abs = abs;
5842 proto$2.add = add$1;
5843 proto$2.subtract = subtract$1;
5844 proto$2.as = as;
5845 proto$2.asMilliseconds = asMilliseconds;
5846 proto$2.asSeconds = asSeconds;
5847 proto$2.asMinutes = asMinutes;
5848 proto$2.asHours = asHours;
5849 proto$2.asDays = asDays;
5850 proto$2.asWeeks = asWeeks;
5851 proto$2.asMonths = asMonths;
5852 proto$2.asYears = asYears;
5853 proto$2.valueOf = valueOf$1;
5854 proto$2._bubble = bubble;
5855 proto$2.get = get$2;
5856 proto$2.milliseconds = milliseconds;
5857 proto$2.seconds = seconds;
5858 proto$2.minutes = minutes;
5859 proto$2.hours = hours;
5860 proto$2.days = days;
5861 proto$2.weeks = weeks;
5862 proto$2.months = months;
5863 proto$2.years = years;
5864 proto$2.humanize = humanize;
5865 proto$2.toISOString = toISOString$1;
5866 proto$2.toString = toISOString$1;
5867 proto$2.toJSON = toISOString$1;
5868 proto$2.locale = locale;
5869 proto$2.localeData = localeData;
5870 proto$2.toIsoString = deprecate("toIsoString() is deprecated. Please use toISOString() instead (notice the capitals)", toISOString$1);
5871 proto$2.lang = lang;
5872 addFormatToken("X", 0, 0, "unix");
5873 addFormatToken("x", 0, 0, "valueOf");
5874 addRegexToken("x", matchSigned);
5875 addRegexToken("X", matchTimestamp);
5876 addParseToken("X", function (input, array, config) {
5877 config._d = new Date(parseFloat(input, 10) * 1e3)
5878 });
5879 addParseToken("x", function (input, array, config) {
5880 config._d = new Date(toInt(input))
5881 });
5882 hooks.version = "2.17.1";
5883 setHookCallback(createLocal);
5884 hooks.fn = proto;
5885 hooks.min = min;
5886 hooks.max = max;
5887 hooks.now = now;
5888 hooks.utc = createUTC;
5889 hooks.unix = createUnix;
5890 hooks.months = listMonths;
5891 hooks.isDate = isDate;
5892 hooks.locale = getSetGlobalLocale;
5893 hooks.invalid = createInvalid;
5894 hooks.duration = createDuration;
5895 hooks.isMoment = isMoment;
5896 hooks.weekdays = listWeekdays;
5897 hooks.parseZone = createInZone;
5898 hooks.localeData = getLocale;
5899 hooks.isDuration = isDuration;
5900 hooks.monthsShort = listMonthsShort;
5901 hooks.weekdaysMin = listWeekdaysMin;
5902 hooks.defineLocale = defineLocale;
5903 hooks.updateLocale = updateLocale;
5904 hooks.locales = listLocales;
5905 hooks.weekdaysShort = listWeekdaysShort;
5906 hooks.normalizeUnits = normalizeUnits;
5907 hooks.relativeTimeRounding = getSetRelativeTimeRounding;
5908 hooks.relativeTimeThreshold = getSetRelativeTimeThreshold;
5909 hooks.calendarFormat = getCalendarFormat;
5910 hooks.prototype = proto;
5911 return hooks
5912 })
5913 }, {}],
5914 opening_hours: [function (require, module, exports) {
5915 /*
5916 * @source: https://github.com/opening-hours/opening_hours.js/blob/master/opening_hours.js
5917 * @source: ./opening_hours.js
5918 * @license: LGPL-3.0
5919 *
5920 * Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Dmitry Marakasov
5921 * Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Robin `ypid` Schneider
5922 *
5923 * opening_hours.js is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
5924 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
5925 * Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
5926 *
5927 * opening_hours.js is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
5928 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
5930 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
5931 *
5932 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
5933 * License along with opening_hours.js; if not, see
5934 * <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
5935 * For information see https://github.com/opening-hours/opening_hours.js
5936 * and the docs directory which contains internal documentation and design.
5937 *
5938 * ---------------
5939 * Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Dmitry Marakasov
5940 *
5941 * All work done by Dmitry Marakasov is additionally published under the New (2-clause) BSD license.
5942 * Refer to the README.md and the reversion control history for more details.
5943 */
5944 (function (root, factory) {
5945 "use strict";
5946 var holiday_definitions = {
5947 nl: {
5948 PH: {
5949 Nieuwjaarsdag: [1, 1],
5950 "Goede vrijdag": ["easter", -2],
5951 "Tweede Paasdag": ["easter", 1],
5952 Koningsdag: [4, 27],
5953 Bevreidingsdag: [5, 5],
5954 Hemelvaartsdag: ["easter", 39],
5955 "Tweede Pinksterdag": ["easter", 50],
5956 "Eerste Kerstdag": [12, 25],
5957 "Tweede Kerstdag": [12, 26]
5958 }
5959 },
5960 be: {
5961 PH: {
5962 "Nieuwjaar - Jour de l'an": [1, 1],
5963 "Paasmaandag - Lundi de Pâques": ["easter", 1],
5964 "Dag van de Arbeid - Fête du Travail": [5, 1],
5965 "Onze-Lieve-Heer-Hemelvaart - Jeudi de l'Ascensionn": ["easter", 39],
5966 "Pinkstermaandag - Lundi de Pentecôte": ["easter", 50],
5967 "Nationale feestdag van België - Fête nationale": [7, 21],
5968 "Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Hemelvaart - Assomption": [8, 15],
5969 "Allerheiligen - Toussaint": [11, 1],
5970 "Wapenstilstand - Armistice": [11, 11],
5971 "Kerstmis - Noël": [12, 25]
5972 }
5973 },
5974 pl: {
5975 _nominatim_url: "https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse?format=json&lat=53.4825&lon=18.75823&zoom=18&addressdetails=1&accept-language=pl,en",
5976 PH: {
5977 "Nowy Rok": [1, 1],
5978 "Święto Trzech Króli": [1, 6],
5979 Wielkanoc: ["easter", 0],
5980 "Lany Poniedziałek - drugi dzień Wielkiej Nocy": ["easter", 1],
5981 "Pierwszy Maja": [5, 1],
5982 "Trzeci Maja": [5, 3],
5983 "Zielone Świątki": ["easter", 49],
5984 "Boże Ciało": ["easter", 60],
5985 "Wniebowzięcie Najświętszej Maryi Panny": [8, 15],
5986 "Wszystkich Świętych": [11, 1],
5987 "Święto Niepodległości": [11, 11],
5988 "pierwszy dzień Bożego Narodzenia": [12, 25],
5989 "drugi dzień Bożego Narodzenia": [12, 26]
5990 }
5991 },
5992 fr: {
5993 PH: {
5994 "Jour de l'an": [1, 1],
5995 "Vendredi saint": ["easter", -2, ["Moselle", "Bas-Rhin", "Haut-Rhin", "Guadeloupe", "Martinique", "Polynésie française"]],
5996 "Lundi de Pâques": ["easter", 1],
5997 "Saint-Pierre-Chanel": [4, 28, ["Wallis-et-Futuna"]],
5998 "Fête du Travail": [5, 1],
5999 "Fête de la Victoire": [5, 8],
6000 "Abolition de l'esclavage (Martinique)": [5, 22, ["Martinique"]],
6001 "Abolition de l'esclavage (Guadeloupe)": [5, 27, ["Guadeloupe"]],
6002 "Jeudi de l'Ascension": ["easter", 39],
6003 "Lundi de Pentecôte": ["easter", 50],
6004 "Abolition de l'esclavage (Guyane)": [6, 10, ["Guyane"]],
6005 "Fête de l'autonomie": [6, 29, ["Polynésie française"]],
6006 "Fête nationale": [7, 14],
6007 "Fête Victor Schoelcher": [7, 21, ["Guadeloupe", "Martinique"]],
6008 "Fête du Territoire": [7, 29, ["Wallis-et-Futuna"]],
6009 Assomption: [8, 15],
6010 "Fête de la citoyenneté": [9, 24, ["Nouvelle-Calédonie"]],
6011 Toussaint: [11, 1],
6012 Armistice: [11, 11],
6013 "Abolition de l'esclavage (Réunion)": [12, 20, ["Réunion"]],
6014 "Noël": [12, 25],
6015 "Saint-Étienne ": [12, 26, ["Moselle", "Bas-Rhin", "Haut-Rhin"]]
6016 }
6017 },
6018 de: {
6019 _nominatim_url: "https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse?format=json&lat=49.5487429714954&lon=9.81602098644987&zoom=18&addressdetails=1&accept-language=de,en",
6020 PH: {
6021 Neujahrstag: [1, 1],
6022 "Heilige Drei Könige": [1, 6, ["Baden-Württemberg", "Bayern", "Sachsen-Anhalt"]],
6023 "Tag der Arbeit": [5, 1],
6024 Karfreitag: ["easter", -2],
6025 Ostersonntag: ["easter", 0, ["Brandenburg"]],
6026 Ostermontag: ["easter", 1],
6027 "Christi Himmelfahrt": ["easter", 39],
6028 Pfingstsonntag: ["easter", 49, ["Brandenburg"]],
6029 Pfingstmontag: ["easter", 50],
6030 Fronleichnam: ["easter", 60, ["Baden-Württemberg", "Bayern", "Hessen", "Nordrhein-Westfalen", "Rheinland-Pfalz", "Saarland"]],
6031 "Mariä Himmelfahrt": [8, 15, ["Saarland"]],
6032 "Tag der Deutschen Einheit": [10, 3],
6033 Reformationstag: [10, 31, ["Brandenburg", "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern", "Sachsen", "Sachsen-Anhalt", "Thüringen"]],
6034 Allerheiligen: [11, 1, ["Baden-Württemberg", "Bayern", "Nordrhein-Westfalen", "Rheinland-Pfalz", "Saarland"]],
6035 "Buß- und Bettag": ["nextWednesday16Nov", 0, ["Sachsen"]],
6036 "1. Weihnachtstag": [12, 25],
6037 "2. Weihnachtstag": [12, 26]
6038 },
6039 "Baden-Württemberg": {
6040 _nominatim_url: "https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse?format=json&lat=49.5487429714954&lon=9.81602098644987&zoom=18&addressdetails=1&accept-language=de,en",
6041 SH: [{
6042 name: "Osterferien",
6043 2005: [3, 24, 3, 24, 3, 29, 4, 2],
6044 2006: [4, 18, 4, 22],
6045 2007: [4, 2, 4, 14],
6046 2008: [3, 17, 3, 28],
6047 2009: [4, 9, 4, 9, 4, 14, 4, 17],
6048 2010: [4, 1, 4, 1, 4, 6, 4, 10],
6049 2011: [4, 21, 4, 21, 4, 26, 4, 30],
6050 2012: [4, 2, 4, 13],
6051 2013: [3, 25, 4, 5],
6052 2014: [4, 14, 4, 25],
6053 2018: [3, 30, 4, 10],
6054 2019: [3, 29, 4, 2],
6055 2020: [4, 10, 4, 21]
6056 }, {
6057 name: "Pfingstferien",
6058 2005: [5, 17, 5, 28],
6059 2006: [5, 29, 6, 10],
6060 2007: [5, 29, 6, 9],
6061 2008: [5, 13, 5, 23],
6062 2009: [5, 25, 6, 6],
6063 2010: [5, 25, 6, 5],
6064 2011: [6, 14, 6, 25],
6065 2012: [5, 29, 6, 9],
6066 2013: [5, 21, 6, 1],
6067 2014: [6, 10, 6, 21],
6068 2018: [5, 26, 6, 6],
6069 2019: [5, 17, 5, 28],
6070 2020: [6, 6, 6, 16]
6071 }, {
6072 name: "Sommerferien",
6073 2005: [7, 28, 9, 10],
6074 2006: [8, 3, 9, 16],
6075 2007: [7, 26, 9, 8],
6076 2008: [7, 24, 9, 6],
6077 2009: [7, 30, 9, 12],
6078 2010: [7, 29, 9, 11],
6079 2011: [7, 28, 9, 10],
6080 2012: [7, 26, 9, 8],
6081 2013: [7, 25, 9, 7],
6082 2014: [7, 31, 9, 13],
6083 2018: [7, 30, 9, 12],
6084 2019: [7, 28, 9, 10],
6085 2020: [7, 27, 9, 9]
6086 }, {
6087 name: "Herbstferien",
6088 2005: [11, 2, 11, 4],
6089 2006: [10, 30, 11, 3],
6090 2007: [10, 29, 11, 3],
6091 2008: [10, 27, 10, 31],
6092 2009: [10, 26, 10, 31],
6093 2010: [11, 2, 11, 6],
6094 2011: [10, 31, 10, 31, 11, 2, 11, 4],
6095 2012: [10, 29, 11, 2],
6096 2013: [10, 28, 10, 30],
6097 2014: [10, 27, 10, 30],
6098 2018: [11, 2, 11, 6],
6099 2019: [11, 2, 11, 4]
6100 }, {
6101 name: "Weihnachtsferien",
6102 2005: [12, 22, 1, 5],
6103 2006: [12, 27, 1, 5],
6104 2007: [12, 24, 1, 5],
6105 2008: [12, 22, 1, 10],
6106 2009: [12, 23, 1, 9],
6107 2010: [12, 23, 1, 8],
6108 2011: [12, 23, 1, 5],
6109 2012: [12, 24, 1, 5],
6110 2013: [12, 23, 1, 4],
6111 2014: [12, 22, 1, 5],
6112 2018: [12, 23, 1, 9],
6113 2019: [12, 23, 1, 7]
6114 }]
6115 },
6116 "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern": {
6117 SH: [{
6118 name: "Winterferien",
6119 2010: [2, 6, 2, 20],
6120 2011: [2, 7, 2, 19],
6121 2012: [2, 6, 2, 17],
6122 2013: [2, 4, 2, 15],
6123 2014: [2, 3, 2, 15],
6124 2018: [2, 2, 2, 14],
6125 2019: [2, 1, 2, 13],
6126 2020: [2, 6, 2, 18]
6127 }, {
6128 name: "Osterferien",
6129 2010: [3, 29, 4, 7],
6130 2011: [4, 16, 4, 27],
6131 2012: [4, 2, 4, 11],
6132 2013: [3, 25, 4, 3],
6133 2014: [4, 14, 4, 23],
6134 2018: [3, 30, 4, 8],
6135 2019: [3, 21, 3, 30],
6136 2020: [4, 10, 4, 19]
6137 }, {
6138 name: "Pfingstferien",
6139 2010: [5, 21, 5, 22],
6140 2011: [6, 10, 6, 14],
6141 2012: [5, 25, 5, 29],
6142 2013: [5, 17, 5, 21],
6143 2014: [6, 6, 6, 10],
6144 2018: [5, 22, 5, 26],
6145 2019: [5, 14, 5, 17],
6146 2020: [6, 2, 6, 6]
6147 }, {
6148 name: "Sommerferien",
6149 2010: [7, 12, 8, 21],
6150 2011: [7, 4, 8, 13],
6151 2012: [6, 23, 8, 4],
6152 2013: [6, 22, 8, 3],
6153 2014: [7, 14, 8, 23],
6154 2018: [7, 20, 8, 29],
6155 2019: [7, 25, 9, 3],
6156 2020: [7, 24, 9, 2]
6157 }, {
6158 name: "Herbstferien",
6159 2010: [10, 18, 10, 23],
6160 2011: [10, 17, 10, 21],
6161 2012: [10, 1, 10, 5],
6162 2013: [10, 14, 10, 19],
6163 2014: [10, 20, 10, 25],
6164 2018: [10, 24, 10, 30],
6165 2019: [10, 24, 10, 28]
6166 }, {
6167 name: "Weihnachtsferien",
6168 2010: [12, 23, 12, 31],
6169 2011: [12, 23, 1, 3],
6170 2012: [12, 21, 1, 4],
6171 2013: [12, 23, 1, 3],
6172 2014: [12, 22, 1, 2],
6173 2018: [12, 21, 1, 2],
6174 2019: [12, 22, 1, 2]
6175 }]
6176 },
6177 Hessen: {
6178 SH: [{
6179 name: "Osterferien",
6180 2010: [3, 29, 4, 10],
6181 2011: [4, 18, 4, 30],
6182 2012: [4, 2, 4, 14],
6183 2013: [3, 25, 4, 6],
6184 2014: [4, 14, 4, 26],
6185 2018: [3, 30, 4, 11],
6186 2019: [3, 29, 4, 9],
6187 2020: [4, 3, 4, 15],
6188 2021: [3, 26, 4, 7]
6189 }, {
6190 name: "Sommerferien",
6191 2010: [7, 5, 8, 14],
6192 2011: [6, 27, 8, 5],
6193 2012: [7, 2, 8, 10],
6194 2013: [7, 8, 8, 16],
6195 2014: [7, 28, 9, 5],
6196 2018: [7, 27, 9, 5],
6197 2019: [7, 18, 8, 26],
6198 2020: [7, 3, 8, 11]
6199 }, {
6200 name: "Herbstferien",
6201 2010: [10, 11, 10, 22],
6202 2011: [10, 10, 10, 22],
6203 2012: [10, 15, 10, 27],
6204 2013: [10, 14, 10, 26],
6205 2014: [10, 20, 11, 1],
6206 2018: [10, 19, 10, 31],
6207 2019: [10, 17, 10, 29],
6208 2020: [10, 9, 10, 21]
6209 }, {
6210 name: "Weihnachtsferien",
6211 2010: [12, 20, 1, 7],
6212 2011: [12, 21, 1, 6],
6213 2012: [12, 24, 1, 12],
6214 2013: [12, 23, 1, 11],
6215 2014: [12, 22, 1, 10],
6216 2018: [12, 23, 1, 9],
6217 2019: [12, 22, 1, 7],
6218 2020: [12, 24, 1, 13]
6219 }]
6220 },
6221 "Schleswig-Holstein": {
6222 SH: [{
6223 name: "Osterferien",
6224 2010: [4, 3, 4, 17],
6225 2011: [4, 15, 4, 30],
6226 2012: [3, 30, 4, 13],
6227 2013: [3, 25, 4, 9],
6228 2014: [4, 16, 5, 2],
6229 2018: [4, 1, 4, 17],
6230 2019: [3, 24, 4, 9],
6231 2020: [4, 7, 4, 21]
6232 }, {
6233 name: "Sommerferien",
6234 2010: [7, 12, 8, 21],
6235 2011: [7, 4, 8, 13],
6236 2012: [6, 25, 8, 4],
6237 2013: [6, 24, 8, 3],
6238 2014: [7, 14, 8, 23],
6239 2018: [7, 20, 8, 29],
6240 2019: [7, 25, 9, 3],
6241 2020: [7, 24, 9, 2]
6242 }, {
6243 name: "Pfingstferien",
6244 2011: [6, 3, 6, 4],
6245 2012: [5, 18, 5, 18],
6246 2013: [5, 10, 5, 10],
6247 2014: [5, 30, 5, 30],
6248 2018: [5, 15, 5, 15],
6249 2019: [5, 6, 5, 6],
6250 2020: [5, 26, 5, 26]
6251 }, {
6252 name: "Herbstferien",
6253 2010: [10, 11, 10, 23],
6254 2011: [10, 10, 10, 22],
6255 2012: [10, 4, 10, 19],
6256 2013: [10, 4, 10, 18],
6257 2014: [10, 13, 10, 25],
6258 2018: [10, 19, 10, 31],
6259 2019: [10, 17, 10, 29]
6260 }, {
6261 name: "Weihnachtsferien",
6262 2010: [12, 23, 1, 7],
6263 2011: [12, 23, 1, 6],
6264 2012: [12, 24, 1, 5],
6265 2013: [12, 23, 1, 6],
6266 2014: [12, 22, 1, 6],
6267 2018: [12, 21, 1, 6],
6268 2019: [12, 23, 1, 6]
6269 }]
6270 },
6271 Berlin: {
6272 SH: [{
6273 name: "Winterferien",
6274 2010: [2, 1, 2, 6],
6275 2011: [1, 31, 2, 5],
6276 2012: [1, 30, 2, 4],
6277 2013: [2, 4, 2, 9],
6278 2014: [2, 3, 2, 8],
6279 2018: [2, 2, 2, 7],
6280 2019: [2, 1, 2, 6],
6281 2020: [1, 30, 2, 4]
6282 }, {
6283 name: "Osterferien",
6284 2010: [3, 31, 4, 10],
6285 2011: [4, 18, 4, 30],
6286 2012: [4, 2, 4, 14, 4, 30, 4, 30],
6287 2013: [3, 25, 4, 6],
6288 2014: [4, 14, 4, 26, 5, 2, 5, 2],
6289 2018: [3, 30, 4, 11],
6290 2019: [3, 21, 4, 2],
6291 2020: [4, 10, 4, 22]
6292 }, {
6293 name: "Pfingstferien",
6294 2010: [5, 14, 5, 14, 5, 25, 5, 25],
6295 2011: [6, 3, 6, 3],
6296 2012: [5, 18, 5, 18],
6297 2013: [5, 10, 5, 10, 5, 21, 5, 21],
6298 2014: [5, 30, 5, 30],
6299 2018: [5, 15, 5, 15],
6300 2019: [5, 6, 5, 6, 5, 17, 5, 17],
6301 2020: [5, 26, 5, 26]
6302 }, {
6303 name: "Sommerferien",
6304 2010: [7, 7, 8, 21],
6305 2011: [6, 29, 8, 12],
6306 2012: [6, 20, 8, 3],
6307 2013: [6, 19, 8, 2],
6308 2014: [7, 9, 8, 22],
6309 2018: [7, 15, 8, 28],
6310 2019: [7, 20, 9, 2],
6311 2020: [7, 19, 9, 1]
6312 }, {
6313 name: "Herbstferien",
6314 2010: [10, 11, 10, 23],
6315 2011: [10, 4, 10, 14],
6316 2012: [10, 1, 10, 13],
6317 2013: [9, 30, 10, 12],
6318 2014: [10, 20, 11, 1],
6319 2018: [10, 19, 10, 31],
6320 2019: [10, 17, 10, 28]
6321 }, {
6322 name: "Weihnachtsferien",
6323 2010: [12, 23, 1, 1],
6324 2011: [12, 23, 1, 3],
6325 2012: [12, 24, 1, 4],
6326 2013: [12, 23, 1, 3],
6327 2014: [12, 22, 1, 2],
6328 2018: [12, 23, 1, 2],
6329 2019: [12, 23, 1, 3]
6330 }]
6331 },
6332 Saarland: {
6333 SH: [{
6334 name: "Winterferien",
6335 2010: [2, 15, 2, 20],
6336 2011: [3, 7, 3, 12],
6337 2012: [2, 20, 2, 25],
6338 2013: [2, 11, 2, 16],
6339 2014: [3, 3, 3, 8],
6340 2018: [2, 16, 2, 21]
6341 }, {
6342 name: "Osterferien",
6343 2010: [3, 29, 4, 10],
6344 2011: [4, 18, 4, 30],
6345 2012: [4, 2, 4, 14],
6346 2013: [3, 25, 4, 6],
6347 2014: [4, 14, 4, 26],
6348 2018: [3, 30, 4, 11]
6349 }, {
6350 name: "Sommerferien",
6351 2010: [7, 5, 8, 14],
6352 2011: [6, 24, 8, 6],
6353 2012: [7, 2, 8, 14],
6354 2013: [7, 8, 8, 17],
6355 2014: [7, 28, 9, 6],
6356 2018: [7, 27, 9, 4],
6357 2019: [7, 18, 8, 26],
6358 2020: [7, 3, 8, 14]
6359 }, {
6360 name: "Herbstferien",
6361 2010: [10, 11, 10, 23],
6362 2011: [10, 4, 10, 15],
6363 2012: [10, 22, 11, 3],
6364 2013: [10, 21, 11, 2],
6365 2014: [10, 20, 10, 31]
6366 }, {
6367 name: "Weihnachtsferien",
6368 2010: [12, 20, 1, 1],
6369 2011: [12, 23, 1, 4],
6370 2012: [12, 24, 1, 5],
6371 2013: [12, 20, 1, 4],
6372 2014: [12, 22, 1, 7]
6373 }]
6374 },
6375 Bremen: {
6376 SH: [{
6377 name: "Winterferien",
6378 2010: [2, 1, 2, 2],
6379 2011: [1, 31, 2, 1],
6380 2012: [1, 30, 1, 31],
6381 2013: [1, 31, 2, 1],
6382 2014: [1, 30, 1, 31],
6383 2018: [2, 2, 2, 3],
6384 2019: [1, 28, 1, 29],
6385 2020: [1, 30, 1, 31]
6386 }, {
6387 name: "Osterferien",
6388 2010: [3, 19, 4, 6],
6389 2011: [4, 16, 4, 30],
6390 2012: [3, 26, 4, 11, 4, 30, 4, 30],
6391 2013: [3, 16, 4, 2],
6392 2014: [4, 3, 4, 22, 5, 2, 5, 2],
6393 2018: [3, 25, 4, 10],
6394 2019: [3, 18, 4, 2],
6395 2020: [4, 10, 4, 22]
6396 }, {
6397 name: "Pfingstferien",
6398 2010: [5, 14, 5, 14, 5, 25, 5, 25],
6399 2011: [6, 3, 6, 3, 6, 14, 6, 14],
6400 2012: [5, 18, 5, 18, 5, 29, 5, 29],
6401 2013: [5, 10, 5, 10, 5, 21, 5, 21],
6402 2014: [5, 30, 5, 30, 6, 10, 6, 10],
6403 2018: [5, 15, 5, 15, 5, 26, 5, 26],
6404 2019: [5, 6, 5, 6, 5, 17, 5, 17],
6405 2020: [5, 26, 5, 26, 6, 6, 6, 6]
6406 }, {
6407 name: "Sommerferien",
6408 2010: [6, 24, 8, 4],
6409 2011: [7, 7, 8, 17],
6410 2012: [7, 23, 8, 31],
6411 2013: [6, 27, 8, 7],
6412 2014: [7, 31, 9, 10],
6413 2018: [7, 23, 9, 2],
6414 2019: [6, 23, 8, 3],
6415 2020: [6, 22, 8, 2]
6416 }, {
6417 name: "Herbstferien",
6418 2010: [10, 9, 10, 23],
6419 2011: [10, 17, 10, 29],
6420 2012: [10, 22, 11, 3],
6421 2013: [10, 4, 10, 18],
6422 2014: [10, 27, 11, 8],
6423 2018: [10, 19, 10, 31],
6424 2019: [10, 4, 10, 15]
6425 }, {
6426 name: "Weihnachtsferien",
6427 2010: [12, 22, 1, 5],
6428 2011: [12, 23, 1, 4],
6429 2012: [12, 24, 1, 5],
6430 2013: [12, 23, 1, 3],
6431 2014: [12, 22, 1, 5],
6432 2018: [12, 23, 1, 6],
6433 2019: [12, 21, 1, 6]
6434 }]
6435 },
6436 Bayern: {
6437 SH: [{
6438 name: "Winterferien",
6439 2010: [2, 15, 2, 20],
6440 2011: [3, 7, 3, 11],
6441 2012: [2, 20, 2, 24],
6442 2013: [2, 11, 2, 15],
6443 2014: [3, 3, 3, 7],
6444 2018: [2, 16, 2, 20],
6445 2019: [2, 8, 2, 12],
6446 2020: [2, 27, 3, 3]
6447 }, {
6448 name: "Osterferien",
6449 2010: [3, 29, 4, 10],
6450 2011: [4, 18, 4, 30],
6451 2012: [4, 2, 4, 14],
6452 2013: [3, 25, 4, 6],
6453 2014: [4, 14, 4, 26],
6454 2018: [3, 30, 4, 11],
6455 2019: [3, 21, 4, 1],
6456 2020: [4, 10, 4, 22]
6457 }, {
6458 name: "Pfingstferien",
6459 2010: [5, 25, 6, 5],
6460 2011: [6, 14, 6, 25],
6461 2012: [5, 29, 6, 9],
6462 2013: [5, 21, 5, 31],
6463 2014: [6, 10, 6, 21],
6464 2018: [5, 26, 6, 5],
6465 2019: [5, 17, 5, 28],
6466 2020: [6, 6, 6, 16]
6467 }, {
6468 name: "Sommerferien",
6469 2010: [8, 2, 9, 13],
6470 2011: [7, 30, 9, 12],
6471 2012: [8, 1, 9, 12],
6472 2013: [7, 31, 9, 11],
6473 2014: [7, 30, 9, 15],
6474 2018: [8, 1, 9, 14],
6475 2019: [7, 30, 9, 12],
6476 2020: [7, 29, 9, 11]
6477 }, {
6478 name: "Herbstferien",
6479 2010: [11, 2, 11, 5],
6480 2011: [10, 31, 11, 5],
6481 2012: [10, 29, 11, 3],
6482 2013: [10, 28, 10, 31],
6483 2014: [10, 27, 10, 31],
6484 2018: [11, 2, 11, 7],
6485 2019: [10, 31, 11, 4]
6486 }, {
6487 name: "Weihnachtsferien",
6488 2010: [12, 24, 1, 7],
6489 2011: [12, 27, 1, 5],
6490 2012: [12, 24, 1, 5],
6491 2013: [12, 23, 1, 4],
6492 2014: [12, 24, 1, 5],
6493 2018: [12, 24, 1, 5],
6494 2019: [12, 24, 1, 5]
6495 }]
6496 },
6497 Niedersachsen: {
6498 SH: [{
6499 name: "Winterferien",
6500 2010: [2, 1, 2, 2],
6501 2011: [1, 31, 2, 1],
6502 2012: [1, 30, 1, 31],
6503 2013: [1, 31, 2, 1],
6504 2014: [1, 30, 1, 31],
6505 2018: [2, 2, 2, 3],
6506 2019: [1, 28, 1, 29],
6507 2020: [1, 30, 1, 31]
6508 }, {
6509 name: "Osterferien",
6510 2010: [3, 19, 4, 6],
6511 2011: [4, 16, 4, 30],
6512 2012: [3, 26, 4, 11, 4, 30, 4, 30],
6513 2013: [3, 16, 4, 2],
6514 2014: [4, 3, 4, 22, 5, 2, 5, 2],
6515 2018: [3, 25, 4, 10],
6516 2019: [3, 18, 4, 2],
6517 2020: [4, 10, 4, 22]
6518 }, {
6519 name: "Pfingstferien",
6520 2010: [5, 14, 5, 14, 5, 25, 5, 25],
6521 2011: [6, 3, 6, 3, 6, 14, 6, 14],
6522 2012: [5, 18, 5, 18, 5, 29, 5, 29],
6523 2013: [5, 10, 5, 10, 5, 21, 5, 21],
6524 2014: [5, 30, 5, 30, 6, 10, 6, 10],
6525 2018: [5, 15, 5, 15, 5, 26, 5, 26],
6526 2019: [5, 6, 5, 6, 5, 17, 5, 17],
6527 2020: [5, 26, 5, 26, 6, 6, 6, 6]
6528 }, {
6529 name: "Sommerferien",
6530 2010: [6, 24, 8, 4],
6531 2011: [7, 7, 8, 17],
6532 2012: [7, 23, 8, 31],
6533 2013: [6, 27, 8, 7],
6534 2014: [7, 31, 9, 10],
6535 2018: [7, 23, 9, 2],
6536 2019: [6, 23, 8, 3],
6537 2020: [6, 22, 8, 2]
6538 }, {
6539 name: "Herbstferien",
6540 2010: [10, 9, 10, 23],
6541 2011: [10, 17, 10, 29],
6542 2012: [10, 22, 11, 3],
6543 2013: [10, 4, 10, 18],
6544 2014: [10, 27, 11, 8],
6545 2018: [10, 19, 10, 31],
6546 2019: [10, 4, 10, 15]
6547 }, {
6548 name: "Weihnachtsferien",
6549 2010: [12, 22, 1, 5],
6550 2011: [12, 23, 1, 4],
6551 2012: [12, 24, 1, 5],
6552 2013: [12, 23, 1, 3],
6553 2014: [12, 22, 1, 5],
6554 2018: [12, 23, 1, 6],
6555 2019: [12, 21, 1, 6]
6556 }]
6557 },
6558 "Nordrhein-Westfalen": {
6559 SH: [{
6560 name: "Osterferien",
6561 2010: [3, 27, 4, 10],
6562 2011: [4, 18, 4, 30],
6563 2012: [4, 2, 4, 14],
6564 2013: [3, 25, 4, 6],
6565 2014: [4, 14, 4, 26],
6566 2018: [3, 30, 4, 11],
6567 2019: [3, 21, 4, 2],
6568 2020: [4, 10, 4, 22]
6569 }, {
6570 name: "Pfingstferien",
6571 2010: [5, 25, 5, 25],
6572 2012: [5, 29, 5, 29],
6573 2013: [5, 21, 5, 21],
6574 2014: [6, 10, 6, 10],
6575 2018: [5, 26, 5, 26],
6576 2019: [5, 17, 5, 17],
6577 2020: [6, 6, 6, 6]
6578 }, {
6579 name: "Sommerferien",
6580 2010: [7, 15, 8, 27],
6581 2011: [7, 25, 9, 6],
6582 2012: [7, 9, 8, 21],
6583 2013: [7, 22, 9, 3],
6584 2014: [7, 7, 8, 19],
6585 2018: [6, 29, 8, 11],
6586 2019: [7, 11, 8, 23],
6587 2020: [7, 17, 8, 29]
6588 }, {
6589 name: "Herbstferien",
6590 2010: [10, 11, 10, 23],
6591 2011: [10, 24, 11, 5],
6592 2012: [10, 8, 10, 20],
6593 2013: [10, 21, 11, 2],
6594 2014: [10, 6, 10, 18],
6595 2018: [10, 5, 10, 17],
6596 2019: [10, 10, 10, 21]
6597 }, {
6598 name: "Weihnachtsferien",
6599 2010: [12, 24, 1, 8],
6600 2011: [12, 23, 1, 6],
6601 2012: [12, 21, 1, 4],
6602 2013: [12, 23, 1, 7],
6603 2014: [12, 22, 1, 6],
6604 2018: [12, 23, 1, 6],
6605 2019: [12, 23, 1, 6]
6606 }]
6607 },
6608 Sachsen: {
6609 SH: [{
6610 name: "Winterferien",
6611 2010: [2, 8, 2, 20],
6612 2011: [2, 12, 2, 26],
6613 2012: [2, 13, 2, 25],
6614 2013: [2, 4, 2, 15],
6615 2014: [2, 17, 3, 1],
6616 2018: [2, 9, 2, 21],
6617 2019: [2, 8, 2, 20],
6618 2020: [2, 13, 2, 24]
6619 }, {
6620 name: "Osterferien",
6621 2010: [4, 1, 4, 10],
6622 2011: [4, 22, 4, 30],
6623 2012: [4, 6, 4, 14],
6624 2013: [3, 29, 4, 6],
6625 2014: [4, 18, 4, 26],
6626 2018: [4, 2, 4, 11],
6627 2019: [3, 25, 4, 2],
6628 2020: [4, 13, 4, 22]
6629 }, {
6630 name: "Pfingstferien",
6631 2010: [5, 14, 5, 14],
6632 2011: [6, 3, 6, 3],
6633 2012: [5, 18, 5, 18],
6634 2013: [5, 10, 5, 10, 5, 18, 5, 22],
6635 2014: [5, 30, 5, 30],
6636 2018: [5, 15, 5, 15],
6637 2019: [5, 6, 5, 6],
6638 2020: [5, 26, 5, 26]
6639 }, {
6640 name: "Sommerferien",
6641 2010: [6, 28, 8, 6],
6642 2011: [7, 11, 8, 19],
6643 2012: [7, 23, 8, 31],
6644 2013: [7, 15, 8, 23],
6645 2014: [7, 21, 8, 29],
6646 2018: [7, 13, 8, 21],
6647 2019: [6, 27, 8, 5],
6648 2020: [6, 26, 8, 4]
6649 }, {
6650 name: "Herbstferien",
6651 2010: [10, 4, 10, 16],
6652 2011: [10, 17, 10, 28],
6653 2012: [10, 22, 11, 2],
6654 2013: [10, 21, 11, 1],
6655 2014: [10, 20, 10, 31],
6656 2018: [10, 12, 10, 24],
6657 2019: [10, 3, 10, 15]
6658 }, {
6659 name: "Weihnachtsferien",
6660 2010: [12, 23, 1, 1],
6661 2011: [12, 23, 1, 2],
6662 2012: [12, 22, 1, 2],
6663 2013: [12, 21, 1, 3],
6664 2014: [12, 22, 1, 3],
6665 2018: [12, 21, 1, 2],
6666 2019: [12, 23, 1, 2]
6667 }]
6668 },
6669 "Thüringen": {
6670 SH: [{
6671 name: "Winterferien",
6672 2010: [2, 1, 2, 6],
6673 2011: [1, 31, 2, 5],
6674 2012: [2, 6, 2, 11],
6675 2013: [2, 18, 2, 23],
6676 2014: [2, 17, 2, 22],
6677 2018: [2, 2, 2, 7],
6678 2019: [2, 1, 2, 6],
6679 2020: [2, 6, 2, 11]
6680 }, {
6681 name: "Osterferien",
6682 2010: [3, 29, 4, 9],
6683 2011: [4, 18, 4, 30],
6684 2012: [4, 2, 4, 13],
6685 2013: [3, 25, 4, 6],
6686 2014: [4, 19, 5, 2],
6687 2018: [3, 30, 4, 11],
6688 2019: [3, 24, 4, 2],
6689 2020: [4, 10, 4, 21]
6690 }, {
6691 name: "Sommerferien",
6692 2010: [6, 24, 8, 4],
6693 2011: [7, 11, 8, 19],
6694 2012: [7, 23, 8, 31],
6695 2013: [7, 15, 8, 23],
6696 2014: [7, 21, 8, 29],
6697 2018: [7, 13, 8, 21],
6698 2019: [6, 27, 8, 10],
6699 2020: [6, 26, 8, 9]
6700 }, {
6701 name: "Pfingstferien",
6702 2011: [6, 11, 6, 14],
6703 2012: [5, 25, 5, 29],
6704 2013: [5, 10, 5, 10],
6705 2014: [5, 30, 5, 30],
6706 2018: [5, 15, 5, 15],
6707 2019: [5, 6, 5, 6],
6708 2020: [5, 26, 5, 26]
6709 }, {
6710 name: "Herbstferien",
6711 2010: [10, 9, 10, 23],
6712 2011: [10, 17, 10, 28],
6713 2012: [10, 22, 11, 3],
6714 2013: [10, 21, 11, 2],
6715 2014: [10, 6, 10, 18],
6716 2018: [10, 5, 10, 17],
6717 2019: [10, 10, 10, 22]
6718 }, {
6719 name: "Weihnachtsferien",
6720 2010: [12, 23, 1, 1],
6721 2011: [12, 23, 1, 1],
6722 2012: [12, 24, 1, 5],
6723 2013: [12, 23, 1, 4],
6724 2014: [12, 22, 1, 3],
6725 2018: [12, 23, 1, 2],
6726 2019: [12, 23, 12, 31]
6727 }]
6728 },
6729 Hamburg: {
6730 SH: [{
6731 name: "Winterferien",
6732 2010: [1, 29, 1, 29],
6733 2011: [1, 31, 1, 31],
6734 2012: [1, 30, 1, 30],
6735 2013: [2, 1, 2, 1],
6736 2014: [1, 31, 1, 31],
6737 2018: [1, 30, 1, 30],
6738 2019: [1, 29, 1, 29],
6739 2020: [1, 30, 1, 30]
6740 }, {
6741 name: "Osterferien",
6742 2010: [3, 8, 3, 20],
6743 2011: [3, 7, 3, 18],
6744 2012: [3, 5, 3, 16],
6745 2013: [3, 4, 3, 15],
6746 2014: [3, 3, 3, 14],
6747 2018: [3, 2, 3, 13],
6748 2019: [3, 7, 3, 18],
6749 2020: [3, 6, 3, 17]
6750 }, {
6751 name: "Pfingstferien",
6752 2010: [5, 14, 5, 22],
6753 2011: [4, 26, 4, 29, 6, 3, 6, 3],
6754 2012: [4, 30, 5, 4, 5, 18, 5, 18],
6755 2013: [5, 2, 5, 10],
6756 2014: [4, 28, 5, 2, 5, 30, 5, 30],
6757 2018: [5, 11, 5, 15],
6758 2019: [5, 6, 5, 6, 5, 17, 5, 20],
6759 2020: [5, 22, 5, 26]
6760 }, {
6761 name: "Sommerferien",
6762 2010: [7, 8, 8, 18],
6763 2011: [6, 30, 8, 10],
6764 2012: [6, 21, 8, 1],
6765 2013: [6, 20, 7, 31],
6766 2014: [7, 10, 8, 20],
6767 2018: [7, 16, 8, 26],
6768 2019: [7, 21, 8, 31],
6769 2020: [7, 20, 8, 30]
6770 }, {
6771 name: "Herbstferien",
6772 2010: [10, 4, 10, 15],
6773 2011: [10, 4, 10, 14],
6774 2012: [10, 1, 10, 12],
6775 2013: [9, 30, 10, 11],
6776 2014: [10, 13, 10, 24],
6777 2018: [10, 19, 10, 30],
6778 2019: [10, 17, 10, 28]
6779 }, {
6780 name: "Weihnachtsferien",
6781 2010: [12, 23, 1, 3],
6782 2011: [12, 27, 1, 6],
6783 2012: [12, 21, 1, 4],
6784 2013: [12, 19, 1, 3],
6785 2014: [12, 22, 1, 6],
6786 2018: [12, 21, 1, 1],
6787 2019: [12, 27, 1, 6]
6788 }]
6789 },
6790 "Sachsen-Anhalt": {
6791 SH: [{
6792 name: "Winterferien",
6793 2010: [2, 8, 2, 13],
6794 2011: [2, 5, 2, 12],
6795 2012: [2, 4, 2, 11],
6796 2013: [2, 1, 2, 8],
6797 2014: [2, 1, 2, 12],
6798 2018: [2, 2, 2, 14],
6799 2019: [2, 1, 2, 10],
6800 2020: [2, 4, 2, 11]
6801 }, {
6802 name: "Osterferien",
6803 2010: [3, 29, 4, 9],
6804 2011: [4, 18, 4, 27],
6805 2012: [4, 2, 4, 7],
6806 2013: [3, 25, 3, 30],
6807 2014: [4, 14, 4, 17],
6808 2018: [4, 2, 4, 2],
6809 2019: [3, 24, 3, 24],
6810 2020: [4, 10, 4, 13]
6811 }, {
6812 name: "Pfingstferien",
6813 2010: [5, 14, 5, 22],
6814 2011: [6, 14, 6, 18],
6815 2012: [5, 18, 5, 25],
6816 2013: [5, 10, 5, 18],
6817 2014: [5, 30, 6, 7],
6818 2018: [5, 15, 5, 23],
6819 2019: [5, 6, 5, 14],
6820 2020: [5, 26, 5, 26]
6821 }, {
6822 name: "Sommerferien",
6823 2010: [6, 24, 8, 4],
6824 2011: [7, 11, 8, 24],
6825 2012: [7, 23, 9, 5],
6826 2013: [7, 15, 8, 28],
6827 2014: [7, 21, 9, 3],
6828 2018: [7, 13, 8, 26],
6829 2019: [6, 27, 8, 10],
6830 2020: [6, 26, 8, 9]
6831 }, {
6832 name: "Herbstferien",
6833 2010: [10, 18, 10, 23],
6834 2011: [10, 17, 10, 22],
6835 2012: [10, 29, 11, 2],
6836 2013: [10, 21, 10, 25],
6837 2014: [10, 27, 10, 30],
6838 2018: [10, 17, 10, 24],
6839 2019: [10, 4, 10, 15]
6840 }, {
6841 name: "Weihnachtsferien",
6842 2010: [12, 22, 1, 5],
6843 2011: [12, 22, 1, 7],
6844 2012: [12, 19, 1, 4],
6845 2013: [12, 21, 1, 3],
6846 2014: [12, 22, 1, 5],
6847 2018: [12, 21, 1, 5],
6848 2019: [12, 19, 1, 2]
6849 }]
6850 },
6851 "Rheinland-Pfalz": {
6852 SH: [{
6853 name: "Osterferien",
6854 2010: [3, 26, 4, 9],
6855 2011: [4, 18, 4, 29],
6856 2012: [3, 29, 4, 13],
6857 2013: [3, 20, 4, 5],
6858 2014: [4, 11, 4, 25],
6859 2018: [3, 26, 4, 10],
6860 2019: [3, 18, 4, 1],
6861 2020: [4, 10, 4, 21]
6862 }, {
6863 name: "Sommerferien",
6864 2010: [7, 5, 8, 13],
6865 2011: [6, 27, 8, 5],
6866 2012: [7, 2, 8, 10],
6867 2013: [7, 8, 8, 16],
6868 2014: [7, 28, 9, 5],
6869 2018: [7, 27, 9, 4],
6870 2019: [7, 18, 8, 26],
6871 2020: [7, 3, 8, 11]
6872 }, {
6873 name: "Herbstferien",
6874 2010: [10, 11, 10, 22],
6875 2011: [10, 4, 10, 14],
6876 2012: [10, 1, 10, 12],
6877 2013: [10, 4, 10, 18],
6878 2014: [10, 20, 10, 31],
6879 2018: [10, 19, 10, 30],
6880 2019: [10, 10, 10, 21]
6881 }, {
6882 name: "Weihnachtsferien",
6883 2010: [12, 23, 1, 7],
6884 2011: [12, 22, 1, 6],
6885 2012: [12, 20, 1, 4],
6886 2013: [12, 23, 1, 7],
6887 2014: [12, 22, 1, 7],
6888 2018: [12, 23, 1, 8],
6889 2019: [12, 22, 1, 6]
6890 }]
6891 },
6892 Brandenburg: {
6893 SH: [{
6894 name: "Winterferien",
6895 2010: [2, 1, 2, 6],
6896 2011: [1, 31, 2, 5],
6897 2012: [1, 30, 2, 4],
6898 2013: [2, 4, 2, 9],
6899 2014: [2, 3, 2, 8],
6900 2018: [2, 2, 2, 7],
6901 2019: [2, 1, 2, 6],
6902 2020: [1, 30, 2, 4]
6903 }, {
6904 name: "Osterferien",
6905 2010: [3, 31, 4, 10],
6906 2011: [4, 20, 4, 30],
6907 2012: [4, 4, 4, 14, 4, 30, 4, 30],
6908 2013: [3, 27, 4, 6],
6909 2014: [4, 16, 4, 26, 5, 2, 5, 2],
6910 2018: [4, 1, 4, 11],
6911 2019: [3, 23, 4, 2],
6912 2020: [4, 12, 4, 22]
6913 }, {
6914 name: "Pfingstferien",
6915 2010: [5, 14, 5, 14],
6916 2011: [6, 3, 6, 3],
6917 2012: [5, 18, 5, 18],
6918 2013: [5, 10, 5, 10],
6919 2014: [5, 30, 5, 30],
6920 2018: [5, 15, 5, 15],
6921 2019: [5, 6, 5, 6, 5, 17, 5, 17],
6922 2020: [5, 26, 5, 26]
6923 }, {
6924 name: "Sommerferien",
6925 2010: [7, 8, 8, 21],
6926 2011: [6, 30, 8, 13],
6927 2012: [6, 21, 8, 3],
6928 2013: [6, 20, 8, 2],
6929 2014: [7, 10, 8, 22],
6930 2018: [7, 16, 8, 28],
6931 2019: [7, 21, 9, 3],
6932 2020: [7, 20, 9, 1]
6933 }, {
6934 name: "Herbstferien",
6935 2010: [10, 11, 10, 23],
6936 2011: [10, 4, 10, 14],
6937 2012: [10, 1, 10, 13],
6938 2013: [9, 30, 10, 12, 11, 1, 11, 1],
6939 2014: [10, 20, 11, 1],
6940 2018: [10, 19, 10, 30],
6941 2019: [10, 17, 10, 28]
6942 }, {
6943 name: "Weihnachtsferien",
6944 2010: [12, 23, 1, 1],
6945 2011: [12, 23, 1, 3],
6946 2012: [12, 24, 1, 4],
6947 2013: [12, 23, 1, 3],
6948 2014: [12, 22, 1, 2],
6949 2018: [12, 23, 1, 2],
6950 2019: [12, 23, 1, 3]
6951 }]
6952 }
6953 },
6954 at: {
6955 PH: {
6956 Neujahrstag: [1, 1],
6957 "Heilige Drei Könige": [1, 6],
6958 Ostermontag: ["easter", 1],
6959 Staatsfeiertag: [5, 1],
6960 "Christi Himmelfahrt": ["easter", 39],
6961 Pfingstmontag: ["easter", 50],
6962 Fronleichnam: ["easter", 60],
6963 "Mariä Himmelfahrt": [8, 15],
6964 Nationalfeiertag: [10, 26],
6965 Allerheiligen: [11, 1],
6966 "Mariä Empfängnis": [12, 8],
6967 Christtag: [12, 25],
6968 Stefanitag: [12, 26]
6969 }
6970 },
6971 dk: {
6972 PH: {
6973 "Nytårsdag": [1, 1],
6974 "Skærtorsdag": ["easter", -3],
6975 Langfredag: ["easter", -2],
6976 "Påskedag": ["easter", 0],
6977 "2. Påskedag": ["easter", 1],
6978 "Store Bededag": ["easter", 26],
6979 "Kristi Himmelfartsdag": ["easter", 39],
6980 Pinsedag: ["easter", 49],
6981 "2. Pinsedag": ["easter", 50],
6982 Grundlovsdag: [6, 5],
6983 Juleaftensdag: [12, 24],
6984 Juledag: [12, 25],
6985 "2. Juledag": [12, 26]
6986 }
6987 },
6988 ca: {
6989 PH: {
6990 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
6991 "Good Friday": ["easter", -2],
6992 "Canada Day": ["canadaDay", 0],
6993 "Labour Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
6994 "Christmas Day": [12, 25]
6995 },
6996 Alberta: {
6997 PH: {
6998 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
6999 "Alberta Family Day": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
7000 "Good Friday": ["easter", -2],
7001 "Easter Monday": ["easter", 1],
7002 "Victoria Day": ["victoriaDay", 0],
7003 "Canada Day": ["canadaDay", 0],
7004 "Heritage Day": ["firstAugustMonday", 0],
7005 "Labour Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
7006 Thanksgiving: ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
7007 "Remembrance Day": [11, 11],
7008 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
7009 "Boxing Day": [12, 26]
7010 }
7011 },
7012 "British Columbia": {
7013 PH: {
7014 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
7015 "Family Day": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 7],
7016 "Good Friday": ["easter", -2],
7017 "Victoria Day": ["victoriaDay", 0],
7018 "Canada Day": ["canadaDay", 0],
7019 "British Columbia Day": ["firstAugustMonday", 0],
7020 "Labour Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
7021 Thanksgiving: ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
7022 "Remembrance Day": [11, 11],
7023 "Christmas Day": [12, 25]
7024 }
7025 },
7026 Manitoba: {
7027 PH: {
7028 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
7029 "Louis Riel Day": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
7030 "Good Friday": ["easter", -2],
7031 "Victoria Day": ["victoriaDay", 0],
7032 "Canada Day": ["canadaDay", 0],
7033 "Civic Holiday": ["firstAugustMonday", 0],
7034 "Labour Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
7035 Thanksgiving: ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
7036 "Remembrance Day": [11, 11],
7037 "Christmas Day": [12, 25]
7038 }
7039 },
7040 "New Brunswick": {
7041 PH: {
7042 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
7043 "Good Friday": ["easter", -2],
7044 "Victoria Day": ["victoriaDay", 0],
7045 "Canada Day": ["canadaDay", 0],
7046 "New Brunswick Day": ["firstAugustMonday", 0],
7047 "Labour Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
7048 Thanksgiving: ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
7049 "Remembrance Day": [11, 11],
7050 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
7051 "Boxing Day": [12, 26]
7052 }
7053 },
7054 "Newfoundland and Labrador": {
7055 PH: {
7056 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
7057 "Saint Patrick's Day": [3, 17],
7058 "Good Friday": ["easter", -2],
7059 "Saint George's Day": [4, 23],
7060 "Discovery Day": [6, 24],
7061 "Memorial Day": [7, 1],
7062 "Orangemen's Day": [7, 12],
7063 "Labour Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
7064 "Armistice Day": [11, 11],
7065 "Christmas Day": [12, 25]
7066 }
7067 },
7068 "Northwest Territories": {
7069 PH: {
7070 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
7071 "Good Friday": ["easter", -2],
7072 "Victoria Day": ["victoriaDay", 0],
7073 "National Aboriginal Day": [6, 21],
7074 "Canada Day": ["canadaDay", 0],
7075 "Civic Holiday": ["firstAugustMonday", 0],
7076 "Labour Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
7077 Thanksgiving: ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
7078 "Remembrance Day": [11, 11],
7079 "Christmas Day": [12, 25]
7080 }
7081 },
7082 "Nova Scotia": {
7083 PH: {
7084 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
7085 "Good Friday": ["easter", -2],
7086 "Victoria Day": ["victoriaDay", 0],
7087 "Canada Day": ["canadaDay", 0],
7088 "Natal Day": ["firstAugustMonday", 0],
7089 "Labour Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
7090 Thanksgiving: ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
7091 "Remembrance Day": [11, 11],
7092 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
7093 "Boxing Day": [12, 26]
7094 }
7095 },
7096 Nunavut: {
7097 PH: {
7098 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
7099 "Good Friday": ["easter", -2],
7100 "Victoria Day": ["victoriaDay", 0],
7101 "Canada Day": ["canadaDay", 0],
7102 "Nunavut Day": [7, 9],
7103 "Civic Holiday": ["firstAugustMonday", 0],
7104 "Labour Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
7105 Thanksgiving: ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
7106 "Remembrance Day": [11, 11],
7107 "Christmas Day": [12, 25]
7108 }
7109 },
7110 Ontario: {
7111 PH: {
7112 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
7113 "Family Day": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
7114 "Good Friday": ["easter", -2],
7115 "Victoria Day": ["victoriaDay", 0],
7116 "Canada Day": ["canadaDay", 0],
7117 "August Civic Public Holiday": ["firstAugustMonday", 0],
7118 "Labour Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
7119 Thanksgiving: ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
7120 "Remembrance Day": [11, 11],
7121 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
7122 "Boxing Day": [12, 26]
7123 }
7124 },
7125 "Prince Edward Island": {
7126 PH: {
7127 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
7128 "Islander Day": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
7129 "Good Friday": ["easter", -2],
7130 "Easter Monday": ["easter", 1],
7131 "Victoria Day": ["victoriaDay", 0],
7132 "Canada Day": ["canadaDay", 0],
7133 "Civic Holiday": ["firstAugustMonday", 0],
7134 "Gold Cup Parade Day": ["firstAugustMonday", 18],
7135 "Labour Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
7136 Thanksgiving: ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
7137 "Remembrance Day": [11, 11],
7138 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
7139 "Boxing Day": [12, 26]
7140 }
7141 },
7142 Quebec: {
7143 PH: {
7144 "Jour de l'an": [1, 1],
7145 "Vendredi saint": ["easter", -2],
7146 "Lundi de Pâques": ["easter", 1],
7147 "Journée nationale des patriotes": ["victoriaDay", 0],
7148 "Fête nationale du Québec": [6, 24],
7149 "Fête du Canada": ["canadaDay", 0],
7150 "Fête du Travail": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
7151 "Jour de l'Action de grâce": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
7152 "Noël": [12, 25]
7153 }
7154 },
7155 Saskatchewan: {
7156 PH: {
7157 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
7158 "Family Day": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
7159 "Good Friday": ["easter", -2],
7160 "Victoria Day": ["victoriaDay", 0],
7161 "Canada Day": ["canadaDay", 0],
7162 "Saskatchewan Day": ["firstAugustMonday", 0],
7163 "Labour Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
7164 Thanksgiving: ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
7165 "Remembrance Day": [11, 11],
7166 "Christmas Day": [12, 25]
7167 }
7168 },
7169 Yukon: {
7170 PH: {
7171 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
7172 "Heritage Day": ["lastFebruarySunday", -2],
7173 "Good Friday": ["easter", -2],
7174 "Easter Monday": ["easter", 1],
7175 "Victoria Day": ["victoriaDay", 0],
7176 "Canada Day": ["canadaDay", 0],
7177 "Discovery Day": ["firstAugustMonday", 14],
7178 "Labour Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
7179 Thanksgiving: ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
7180 "Remembrance Day": [11, 11],
7181 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
7182 "Boxing Day": [12, 26]
7183 }
7184 }
7185 },
7186 ru: {
7187 PH: {
7188 "1. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 1],
7189 "2. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 2],
7190 "3. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 3],
7191 "4. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 4],
7192 "5. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 5],
7193 "6. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 6],
7194 "Рождество Христово": [1, 7],
7195 "8. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 8],
7196 "День защитника Отечества": [2, 23],
7197 "Международный женский день": [3, 8],
7198 "День Победы": [5, 9],
7199 "Праздник Весны и Труда": [5, 1],
7200 "День народного единства": [11, 4],
7201 "День России": [6, 12]
7202 },
7203 Tatarstan: {
7204 PH: {
7205 "1. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 1],
7206 "2. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 2],
7207 "3. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 3],
7208 "4. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 4],
7209 "5. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 5],
7210 "6. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 6],
7211 "Рождество Христово": [1, 7],
7212 "8. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 8],
7213 "День защитника Отечества": [2, 23],
7214 "Международный женский день": [3, 8],
7215 "День Победы": [5, 9],
7216 "Праздник Весны и Труда": [5, 1],
7217 "День народного единства": [11, 4],
7218 "День России": [6, 12],
7219 "Ураза-байрам": [7, 28],
7220 "День Республики Татарстан": [8, 30],
7221 "Курбан-байрам": [10, 4],
7222 "День Конституции Республики Татарстан": [11, 6]
7223 }
7224 },
7225 Bashkortostan: {
7226 PH: {
7227 "1. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 1],
7228 "2. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 2],
7229 "3. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 3],
7230 "4. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 4],
7231 "5. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 5],
7232 "6. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 6],
7233 "Рождество Христово": [1, 7],
7234 "8. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 8],
7235 "День защитника Отечества": [2, 23],
7236 "Международный женский день": [3, 8],
7237 "День Победы": [5, 9],
7238 "Праздник Весны и Труда": [5, 1],
7239 "День народного единства": [11, 4],
7240 "День России": [6, 12],
7241 "Ураза-байрам": [7, 28],
7242 "Курбан-байрам": [10, 4],
7243 "День Республики Башкирии": [10, 11],
7244 "День Конституции Башкортостана": [12, 24]
7245 }
7246 },
7247 Chuvashia: {
7248 PH: {
7249 "1. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 1],
7250 "2. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 2],
7251 "3. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 3],
7252 "4. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 4],
7253 "5. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 5],
7254 "6. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 6],
7255 "Рождество Христово": [1, 7],
7256 "8. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 8],
7257 "День защитника Отечества": [2, 23],
7258 "Международный женский день": [3, 8],
7259 "День Победы": [5, 9],
7260 "Праздник Весны и Труда": [5, 1],
7261 "День народного единства": [11, 4],
7262 "День России": [6, 12],
7263 "День Чувашской республики": [6, 24]
7264 }
7265 },
7266 "Sakha Republic": {
7267 PH: {
7268 "1. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 1],
7269 "2. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 2],
7270 "3. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 3],
7271 "4. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 4],
7272 "5. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 5],
7273 "6. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 6],
7274 "Рождество Христово": [1, 7],
7275 "8. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 8],
7276 "День защитника Отечества": [2, 23],
7277 "Международный женский день": [3, 8],
7278 "День Победы": [5, 9],
7279 "Праздник Весны и Труда": [5, 1],
7280 "День народного единства": [11, 4],
7281 "День России": [6, 12],
7282 "День Республики Саха": [4, 27],
7283 "Ысыах": [6, 23],
7284 "День государственности Республики Саха": [9, 27]
7285 }
7286 },
7287 "Republic of Kalmykia": {
7288 PH: {
7289 "1. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 1],
7290 "2. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 2],
7291 "3. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 3],
7292 "4. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 4],
7293 "5. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 5],
7294 "6. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 6],
7295 "Рождество Христово": [1, 7],
7296 "8. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 8],
7297 "День защитника Отечества": [2, 23],
7298 "Международный женский день": [3, 8],
7299 "День Победы": [5, 9],
7300 "Праздник Весны и Труда": [5, 1],
7301 "День народного единства": [11, 4],
7302 "День России": [6, 12],
7303 "Цаган Сар": [1, 14],
7304 "День принятия Степного Уложения (Конституции) Республики Калмыкия": [4, 5],
7305 "День рождения Будды Шакьямун": [6, 6],
7306 "Зул": [12, 15],
7307 "День памяти жертв депортации калмыцкого народа": [12, 28]
7308 }
7309 },
7310 Buryatia: {
7311 PH: {
7312 "1. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 1],
7313 "2. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 2],
7314 "3. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 3],
7315 "4. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 4],
7316 "5. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 5],
7317 "6. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 6],
7318 "Рождество Христово": [1, 7],
7319 "8. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 8],
7320 "День защитника Отечества": [2, 23],
7321 "Международный женский день": [3, 8],
7322 "День Победы": [5, 9],
7323 "Праздник Весны и Труда": [5, 1],
7324 "День народного единства": [11, 4],
7325 "День России": [6, 12],
7326 "Сагаалган": [1, 14]
7327 }
7328 },
7329 "Republic of Karelia": {
7330 PH: {
7331 "1. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 1],
7332 "2. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 2],
7333 "3. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 3],
7334 "4. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 4],
7335 "5. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 5],
7336 "6. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 6],
7337 "Рождество Христово": [1, 7],
7338 "8. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 8],
7339 "День защитника Отечества": [2, 23],
7340 "Международный женский день": [3, 8],
7341 "День Победы": [5, 9],
7342 "Праздник Весны и Труда": [5, 1],
7343 "День народного единства": [11, 4],
7344 "День России": [6, 12],
7345 "День Республики Карелия": [6, 8],
7346 "День освобождения Карелии от фашистских захватчиков": [9, 30]
7347 }
7348 },
7349 "Удмуртская республика": {
7350 PH: {
7351 "1. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 1],
7352 "2. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 2],
7353 "3. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 3],
7354 "4. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 4],
7355 "5. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 5],
7356 "6. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 6],
7357 "Рождество Христово": [1, 7],
7358 "8. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 8],
7359 "День защитника Отечества": [2, 23],
7360 "Международный женский день": [3, 8],
7361 "День Победы": [5, 9],
7362 "Праздник Весны и Труда": [5, 1],
7363 "День народного единства": [11, 4],
7364 "День России": [6, 12],
7365 "День Государственности Удмуртской Республики": [5, 31]
7366 }
7367 },
7368 Adygea: {
7369 PH: {
7370 "1. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 1],
7371 "2. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 2],
7372 "3. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 3],
7373 "4. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 4],
7374 "5. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 5],
7375 "6. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 6],
7376 "Рождество Христово": [1, 7],
7377 "8. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 8],
7378 "День защитника Отечества": [2, 23],
7379 "Международный женский день": [3, 8],
7380 "День Победы": [5, 9],
7381 "Праздник Весны и Труда": [5, 1],
7382 "День народного единства": [11, 4],
7383 "День России": [6, 12],
7384 "Ураза-байрам": [7, 28],
7385 "Курбан-байрам": [10, 4],
7386 "День образования Республики Адыгея": [10, 5]
7387 }
7388 },
7389 "Republic of Dagestan": {
7390 PH: {
7391 "1. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 1],
7392 "2. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 2],
7393 "3. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 3],
7394 "4. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 4],
7395 "5. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 5],
7396 "6. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 6],
7397 "Рождество Христово": [1, 7],
7398 "8. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 8],
7399 "День защитника Отечества": [2, 23],
7400 "Международный женский день": [3, 8],
7401 "День Победы": [5, 9],
7402 "Праздник Весны и Труда": [5, 1],
7403 "День народного единства": [11, 4],
7404 "День России": [6, 12],
7405 "День Конституции Республики Дагестан": [7, 26],
7406 "Ураза-байрам": [7, 28],
7407 "День единства народов Дагестана": [9, 15],
7408 "Курбан-байрам": [10, 4]
7409 }
7410 },
7411 Ingushetia: {
7412 PH: {
7413 "1. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 1],
7414 "2. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 2],
7415 "3. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 3],
7416 "4. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 4],
7417 "5. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 5],
7418 "6. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 6],
7419 "Рождество Христово": [1, 7],
7420 "8. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 8],
7421 "День защитника Отечества": [2, 23],
7422 "Международный женский день": [3, 8],
7423 "День Победы": [5, 9],
7424 "Праздник Весны и Труда": [5, 1],
7425 "День народного единства": [11, 4],
7426 "День России": [6, 12],
7427 "День образования Республики Ингушетия": [6, 4],
7428 "Ураза-байрам": [7, 28],
7429 "Курбан-байрам": [10, 4]
7430 }
7431 },
7432 "Карачаево-Черкесская республика": {
7433 PH: {
7434 "1. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 1],
7435 "2. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 2],
7436 "3. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 3],
7437 "4. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 4],
7438 "5. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 5],
7439 "6. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 6],
7440 "Рождество Христово": [1, 7],
7441 "8. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 8],
7442 "День защитника Отечества": [2, 23],
7443 "Международный женский день": [3, 8],
7444 "День Победы": [5, 9],
7445 "Праздник Весны и Труда": [5, 1],
7446 "День народного единства": [11, 4],
7447 "День России": [6, 12],
7448 "День возрождения карачаевского народа": [5, 3],
7449 "Ураза-байрам": [7, 28],
7450 "Курбан-байрам": [10, 4]
7451 }
7452 },
7453 "Chechen Republic": {
7454 PH: {
7455 "1. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 1],
7456 "2. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 2],
7457 "3. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 3],
7458 "4. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 4],
7459 "5. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 5],
7460 "6. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 6],
7461 "Рождество Христово": [1, 7],
7462 "8. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 8],
7463 "День защитника Отечества": [2, 23],
7464 "Международный женский день": [3, 8],
7465 "День Победы": [5, 9],
7466 "Праздник Весны и Труда": [5, 1],
7467 "День народного единства": [11, 4],
7468 "День России": [6, 12],
7469 "День мира в Чеченской Республике": [4, 16],
7470 "Ураза-байрам": [7, 28],
7471 "Курбан-байрам": [10, 4]
7472 }
7473 },
7474 "Кабардино-Балкарская республика": {
7475 PH: {
7476 "1. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 1],
7477 "2. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 2],
7478 "3. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 3],
7479 "4. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 4],
7480 "5. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 5],
7481 "6. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 6],
7482 "Рождество Христово": [1, 7],
7483 "8. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 8],
7484 "День защитника Отечества": [2, 23],
7485 "Международный женский день": [3, 8],
7486 "День Победы": [5, 9],
7487 "Праздник Весны и Труда": [5, 1],
7488 "День народного единства": [11, 4],
7489 "День России": [6, 12],
7490 "День возрождения балкарского народа": [3, 28],
7491 "Черкесский день траура": [5, 21],
7492 "Ураза-байрам": [7, 28],
7493 "День государственности Кабардино-Балкарской Республики": [9, 1],
7494 "Курбан-байрам": [10, 4]
7495 }
7496 },
7497 "Altai Republic": {
7498 PH: {
7499 "1. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 1],
7500 "2. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 2],
7501 "3. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 3],
7502 "4. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 4],
7503 "5. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 5],
7504 "6. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 6],
7505 "Рождество Христово": [1, 7],
7506 "8. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 8],
7507 "День защитника Отечества": [2, 23],
7508 "Международный женский день": [3, 8],
7509 "День Победы": [5, 9],
7510 "Праздник Весны и Труда": [5, 1],
7511 "День народного единства": [11, 4],
7512 "День России": [6, 12],
7513 "Чага-Байрам": [1, 14]
7514 }
7515 },
7516 Tuva: {
7517 PH: {
7518 "1. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 1],
7519 "2. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 2],
7520 "3. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 3],
7521 "4. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 4],
7522 "5. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 5],
7523 "6. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 6],
7524 "Рождество Христово": [1, 7],
7525 "8. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 8],
7526 "День защитника Отечества": [2, 23],
7527 "Международный женский день": [3, 8],
7528 "День Победы": [5, 9],
7529 "Праздник Весны и Труда": [5, 1],
7530 "День народного единства": [11, 4],
7531 "День России": [6, 12],
7532 "Народный праздник Шагаа": [1, 14],
7533 "День Республики Тыва": [8, 15]
7534 }
7535 },
7536 "Saratov Oblast": {
7537 PH: {
7538 "1. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 1],
7539 "2. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 2],
7540 "3. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 3],
7541 "4. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 4],
7542 "5. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 5],
7543 "6. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 6],
7544 "Рождество Христово": [1, 7],
7545 "8. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 8],
7546 "День защитника Отечества": [2, 23],
7547 "Международный женский день": [3, 8],
7548 "День Победы": [5, 9],
7549 "Праздник Весны и Труда": [5, 1],
7550 "День народного единства": [11, 4],
7551 "День России": [6, 12],
7552 "Радоница": [4, 29]
7553 }
7554 },
7555 "Bryansk Oblast": {
7556 PH: {
7557 "1. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 1],
7558 "2. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 2],
7559 "3. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 3],
7560 "4. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 4],
7561 "5. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 5],
7562 "6. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 6],
7563 "Рождество Христово": [1, 7],
7564 "8. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 8],
7565 "День защитника Отечества": [2, 23],
7566 "Международный женский день": [3, 8],
7567 "День Победы": [5, 9],
7568 "Праздник Весны и Труда": [5, 1],
7569 "День народного единства": [11, 4],
7570 "День России": [6, 12],
7571 "Радоница": [4, 29],
7572 "День освобождения города Брянска": [9, 17]
7573 }
7574 },
7575 "Komi Republic": {
7576 PH: {
7577 "1. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 1],
7578 "2. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 2],
7579 "3. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 3],
7580 "4. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 4],
7581 "5. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 5],
7582 "6. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 6],
7583 "Рождество Христово": [1, 7],
7584 "8. Новогодние каникулы": [1, 8],
7585 "День защитника Отечества": [2, 23],
7586 "Международный женский день": [3, 8],
7587 "День Победы": [5, 9],
7588 "Праздник Весны и Труда": [5, 1],
7589 "День народного единства": [11, 4],
7590 "День России": [6, 12],
7591 "День Республики Коми": [8, 22]
7592 }
7593 }
7594 },
7595 ua: {
7596 PH: {
7597 "Новий рік": [1, 1],
7598 "Різдво": [1, 7],
7599 "Міжнародний жіночий день": [3, 8],
7600 "Великдень": ["orthodox easter", 1],
7601 "День Праці 1": [5, 1],
7602 "День Праці 2": [5, 2],
7603 "День Перемоги": [5, 9],
7604 "День Конституції України": [6, 28],
7605 "День Незалежності України": [8, 24]
7606 }
7607 },
7608 us: {
7609 PH: {
7610 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
7611 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
7612 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
7613 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
7614 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
7615 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
7616 "Christmas Day": [12, 25]
7617 },
7618 Alabama: {
7619 PH: {
7620 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
7621 "Robert E. Lee/Martin Luther King Birthday": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
7622 "George Washington/Thomas Jefferson Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
7623 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
7624 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
7625 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
7626 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
7627 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
7628 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
7629 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
7630 "Confederate Memorial Day": ["firstAprilMonday", 21],
7631 "Jefferson Davis' Birthday": ["firstJuneMonday", 0]
7632 }
7633 },
7634 Alaska: {
7635 PH: {
7636 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
7637 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
7638 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
7639 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
7640 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
7641 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
7642 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
7643 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
7644 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
7645 "Seward's Day": ["lastMarchMonday", 0],
7646 "Alaska Day": [10, 18]
7647 }
7648 },
7649 Arizona: {
7650 PH: {
7651 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
7652 "Dr. Martin Luther King Jr./Civil Rights Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
7653 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
7654 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
7655 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
7656 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
7657 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
7658 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
7659 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
7660 "Christmas Day": [12, 25]
7661 }
7662 },
7663 Arkansas: {
7664 PH: {
7665 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
7666 "Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert E. Lee's Birthdays": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
7667 "George Washington's Birthday and Daisy Gatson Bates Day": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
7668 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
7669 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
7670 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
7671 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
7672 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
7673 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
7674 "Christmas Eve": [12, 24],
7675 "Christmas Day": [12, 25]
7676 }
7677 },
7678 California: {
7679 PH: {
7680 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
7681 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
7682 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
7683 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
7684 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
7685 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
7686 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
7687 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
7688 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
7689 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
7690 "César Chávez Day": [3, 31]
7691 }
7692 },
7693 Colorado: {
7694 PH: {
7695 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
7696 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
7697 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
7698 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
7699 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
7700 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
7701 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
7702 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
7703 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
7704 "Christmas Day": [12, 25]
7705 }
7706 },
7707 Connecticut: {
7708 PH: {
7709 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
7710 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
7711 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
7712 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
7713 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
7714 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
7715 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
7716 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
7717 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
7718 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
7719 "Lincoln's Birthday": [2, 12],
7720 "Good Friday": ["easter", -2]
7721 }
7722 },
7723 Delaware: {
7724 PH: {
7725 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
7726 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
7727 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
7728 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
7729 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
7730 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
7731 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
7732 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
7733 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
7734 "Day After Thanksgiving": ["firstNovemberThursday", 22],
7735 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
7736 "Good Friday": ["easter", -2]
7737 }
7738 },
7739 "District of Columbia": {
7740 PH: {
7741 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
7742 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
7743 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
7744 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
7745 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
7746 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
7747 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
7748 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
7749 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
7750 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
7751 "Emancipation Day": [4, 16]
7752 }
7753 },
7754 Florida: {
7755 PH: {
7756 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
7757 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
7758 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
7759 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
7760 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
7761 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
7762 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
7763 "Friday after Thanksgiving": ["firstNovemberThursday", 22],
7764 "Christmas Day": [12, 25]
7765 }
7766 },
7767 Georgia: {
7768 PH: {
7769 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
7770 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
7771 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
7772 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
7773 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
7774 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
7775 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
7776 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
7777 "Robert E. Lee's Birthday": ["firstNovemberThursday", 22],
7778 "Washington's Birthday": [12, 24],
7779 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
7780 "Confederate Memorial Day": ["lastAprilMonday", 0]
7781 }
7782 },
7783 Guam: {
7784 PH: {
7785 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
7786 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
7787 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
7788 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
7789 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
7790 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
7791 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
7792 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
7793 "Guam Discovery Day": [3, 5],
7794 "Good Friday": ["easter", -2],
7795 "Liberation Day": [7, 21],
7796 "All Souls' Day": [11, 2],
7797 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
7798 "Lady of Camarin Day": [12, 8],
7799 "Christmas Day": [12, 25]
7800 }
7801 },
7802 Hawaii: {
7803 PH: {
7804 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
7805 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
7806 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
7807 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
7808 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
7809 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
7810 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
7811 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
7812 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
7813 "Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole Day": [3, 26],
7814 "Kamehameha Day": [6, 11],
7815 "Statehood Day": ["firstAugustFriday", 14],
7816 "Election Day": ["firstNovemberMonday", 1]
7817 }
7818 },
7819 Idaho: {
7820 PH: {
7821 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
7822 "Martin Luther King, Jr.-Idaho Human Rights Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
7823 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
7824 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
7825 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
7826 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
7827 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
7828 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
7829 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
7830 "Christmas Day": [12, 25]
7831 }
7832 },
7833 Illinois: {
7834 PH: {
7835 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
7836 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
7837 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
7838 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
7839 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
7840 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
7841 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
7842 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
7843 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
7844 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
7845 "Lincoln's Birthday": [2, 12],
7846 "Casimir Pulaski Day": ["firstMarchMonday", 0],
7847 "Election Day": ["firstNovemberMonday", 1]
7848 }
7849 },
7850 Indiana: {
7851 PH: {
7852 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
7853 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
7854 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
7855 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
7856 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
7857 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
7858 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
7859 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
7860 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
7861 "Lincoln's Birthday": ["firstNovemberThursday", 22],
7862 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
7863 "Good Friday": ["easter", -2],
7864 "Primary Election Day": ["firstMayMonday", 1],
7865 "Election Day": ["firstNovemberMonday", 1]
7866 }
7867 },
7868 Iowa: {
7869 PH: {
7870 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
7871 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
7872 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
7873 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
7874 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
7875 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
7876 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
7877 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
7878 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
7879 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
7880 "Lincoln's Birthday": [2, 12]
7881 }
7882 },
7883 Kansas: {
7884 PH: {
7885 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
7886 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
7887 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
7888 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
7889 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
7890 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
7891 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
7892 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
7893 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
7894 "Christmas Day": [12, 25]
7895 }
7896 },
7897 Kentucky: {
7898 PH: {
7899 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
7900 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
7901 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
7902 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
7903 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
7904 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
7905 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
7906 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
7907 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
7908 "Christmas Eve": [12, 24],
7909 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
7910 "New Year's Eve": [12, 31],
7911 "Good Friday": ["easter", -2]
7912 }
7913 },
7914 Louisiana: {
7915 PH: {
7916 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
7917 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
7918 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
7919 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
7920 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
7921 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
7922 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
7923 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
7924 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
7925 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
7926 "Mardi Gras": ["easter", -47],
7927 "Good Friday": ["easter", -2],
7928 "Election Day": ["firstNovemberMonday", 1]
7929 }
7930 },
7931 Maine: {
7932 PH: {
7933 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
7934 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
7935 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
7936 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
7937 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
7938 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
7939 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
7940 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
7941 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
7942 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
7943 "Patriots' Day": ["firstAprilMonday", 14]
7944 }
7945 },
7946 Maryland: {
7947 PH: {
7948 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
7949 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
7950 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
7951 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
7952 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
7953 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
7954 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
7955 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
7956 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
7957 "Native American Heritage Day": ["firstNovemberThursday", 22],
7958 "Christmas Day": [12, 25]
7959 }
7960 },
7961 Massachusetts: {
7962 PH: {
7963 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
7964 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
7965 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
7966 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
7967 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
7968 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
7969 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
7970 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
7971 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
7972 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
7973 "Patriots' Day": ["firstAprilMonday", 14]
7974 }
7975 },
7976 Michigan: {
7977 PH: {
7978 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
7979 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
7980 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
7981 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
7982 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
7983 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
7984 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
7985 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
7986 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
7987 "Christmas Eve": [12, 24],
7988 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
7989 "New Year's Eve": [12, 31]
7990 }
7991 },
7992 Minnesota: {
7993 PH: {
7994 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
7995 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
7996 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
7997 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
7998 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
7999 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
8000 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
8001 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
8002 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
8003 "Christmas Day": [12, 25]
8004 }
8005 },
8006 Mississippi: {
8007 PH: {
8008 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
8009 "Martin Luther King's and Robert E. Lee's Birthdays": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
8010 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
8011 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
8012 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
8013 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
8014 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
8015 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
8016 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
8017 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
8018 "Confederate Memorial Day": ["lastAprilMonday", 0]
8019 }
8020 },
8021 Missouri: {
8022 PH: {
8023 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
8024 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
8025 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
8026 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
8027 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
8028 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
8029 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
8030 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
8031 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
8032 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
8033 "Truman Day": [5, 8]
8034 }
8035 },
8036 Montana: {
8037 PH: {
8038 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
8039 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
8040 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
8041 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
8042 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
8043 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
8044 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
8045 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
8046 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
8047 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
8048 "Election Day": ["firstNovemberMonday", 1],
8049 "Christmas Eve": [12, 24],
8050 "New Year's Eve": [12, 31]
8051 }
8052 },
8053 Nebraska: {
8054 PH: {
8055 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
8056 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
8057 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
8058 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
8059 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
8060 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
8061 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
8062 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
8063 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
8064 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
8065 "Arbor Day": ["lastAprilFriday", 0]
8066 }
8067 },
8068 Nevada: {
8069 PH: {
8070 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
8071 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
8072 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
8073 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
8074 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
8075 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
8076 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
8077 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
8078 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
8079 "Nevada Day": ["lastOctoberFriday", 0],
8080 "Family Day": ["firstNovemberThursday", 22]
8081 }
8082 },
8083 "New Hampshire": {
8084 PH: {
8085 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
8086 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Civil Rights Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
8087 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
8088 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
8089 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
8090 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
8091 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
8092 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
8093 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
8094 "Day after Thanksgiving": ["firstNovemberThursday", 22],
8095 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
8096 "Election Day": ["firstNovemberMonday", 1]
8097 }
8098 },
8099 "New Jersey": {
8100 PH: {
8101 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
8102 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
8103 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
8104 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
8105 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
8106 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
8107 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
8108 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
8109 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
8110 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
8111 "Lincoln's Birthday": [2, 12],
8112 "Good Friday": ["easter", -2],
8113 "Election Day": ["firstNovemberMonday", 1]
8114 }
8115 },
8116 "New Mexico": {
8117 PH: {
8118 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
8119 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
8120 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
8121 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
8122 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
8123 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
8124 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
8125 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
8126 "Day after Thanksgiving": ["firstNovemberThursday", 22],
8127 "Christmas Day": [12, 25]
8128 }
8129 },
8130 "New York": {
8131 PH: {
8132 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
8133 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
8134 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
8135 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
8136 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
8137 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
8138 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
8139 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
8140 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
8141 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
8142 "Lincoln's Birthday": [2, 12],
8143 "Election Day": ["firstNovemberMonday", 1]
8144 }
8145 },
8146 "North Carolina": {
8147 PH: {
8148 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
8149 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
8150 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
8151 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
8152 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
8153 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
8154 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
8155 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
8156 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
8157 "Day after Thanksgiving": ["firstNovemberThursday", 22],
8158 "Christmas Eve": [12, 24],
8159 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
8160 "Day after Christmas": [12, 26],
8161 "Good Friday": ["easter", -2]
8162 }
8163 },
8164 "North Dakota": {
8165 PH: {
8166 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
8167 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
8168 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
8169 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
8170 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
8171 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
8172 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
8173 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
8174 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
8175 "Christmas Day": [12, 25]
8176 }
8177 },
8178 Ohio: {
8179 PH: {
8180 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
8181 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
8182 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
8183 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
8184 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
8185 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
8186 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
8187 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
8188 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
8189 "Christmas Day": [12, 25]
8190 }
8191 },
8192 Oklahoma: {
8193 PH: {
8194 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
8195 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
8196 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
8197 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
8198 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
8199 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
8200 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
8201 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
8202 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
8203 "Day after Thanksgiving": ["firstNovemberThursday", 22],
8204 "Christmas Day": [12, 25]
8205 }
8206 },
8207 Oregon: {
8208 PH: {
8209 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
8210 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
8211 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
8212 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
8213 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
8214 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
8215 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
8216 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
8217 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
8218 "Christmas Day": [12, 25]
8219 }
8220 },
8221 Pennsylvania: {
8222 PH: {
8223 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
8224 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
8225 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
8226 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
8227 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
8228 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
8229 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
8230 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
8231 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
8232 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
8233 "Flag Day": [6, 14]
8234 }
8235 },
8236 "Puerto Rico": {
8237 PH: {
8238 "Día de Año Nuevo": [1, 1],
8239 "Día de Reyes": [1, 6],
8240 "Natalicio de Eugenio María de Hostos": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 7],
8241 "Natalicio de Martin Luther King, Jr.": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
8242 "Día de los Presidentes": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
8243 "Día de la Abolición de Esclavitud": [3, 22],
8244 "Viernes Santo": ["easter", -2],
8245 "Natalicio de José de Diego": ["firstAprilMonday", 14],
8246 "Recordación de los Muertos de la Guerra": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
8247 "Día de la Independencia": [7, 4],
8248 "Constitución de Puerto Rico": [7, 25],
8249 "Natalicio de Dr. José Celso Barbosa": [7, 27],
8250 "Día del Trabajo": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
8251 "Día de la Raza Descubrimiento de América": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
8252 "Día del Veterano": [11, 11],
8253 "Día del Descubrimiento de Puerto Rico": [11, 19],
8254 "Día de Acción de Gracias": ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
8255 "Noche Buena": [12, 24],
8256 "Día de Navidad": [12, 25]
8257 }
8258 },
8259 "Rhode Island": {
8260 PH: {
8261 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
8262 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
8263 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
8264 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
8265 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
8266 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
8267 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
8268 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
8269 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
8270 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
8271 "Victory Day": ["firstAugustMonday", 7]
8272 }
8273 },
8274 "South Carolina": {
8275 PH: {
8276 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
8277 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
8278 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
8279 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
8280 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
8281 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
8282 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
8283 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
8284 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
8285 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
8286 "Confederate Memorial Day": [5, 10]
8287 }
8288 },
8289 "South Dakota": {
8290 PH: {
8291 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
8292 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
8293 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
8294 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
8295 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
8296 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
8297 "Native American Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
8298 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
8299 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
8300 "Christmas Day": [12, 25]
8301 }
8302 },
8303 Tennessee: {
8304 PH: {
8305 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
8306 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
8307 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
8308 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
8309 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
8310 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
8311 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
8312 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
8313 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
8314 "Christmas Eve": [12, 24],
8315 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
8316 "Good Friday": ["easter", -2]
8317 }
8318 },
8319 Texas: {
8320 PH: {
8321 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
8322 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
8323 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
8324 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
8325 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
8326 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
8327 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
8328 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
8329 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
8330 "Friday after Thanksgiving": ["firstNovemberThursday", 22],
8331 "Christmas Eve": [12, 24],
8332 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
8333 "Day after Christmas": [12, 26]
8334 }
8335 },
8336 "United States Virgin Islands": {
8337 PH: {
8338 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
8339 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
8340 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
8341 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
8342 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
8343 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
8344 "Virgin Islands-Puerto Rico Friendship Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
8345 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
8346 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
8347 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
8348 "Three Kings Day": [1, 6],
8349 "Transfer Day": [3, 31],
8350 "Holy Thursday": ["easter", -3],
8351 "Good Friday": ["easter", -2],
8352 "Easter Monday": ["easter", 1],
8353 "Emancipation Day": [7, 3],
8354 "Hurricane Supplication Day": ["firstJulyMonday", 21],
8355 "Hurricane Thanksgiving": [10, 25],
8356 "Liberty Day": [11, 1],
8357 "Christmas Second Day": [12, 26],
8358 "New Year's Eve": [12, 31]
8359 }
8360 },
8361 Utah: {
8362 PH: {
8363 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
8364 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
8365 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
8366 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
8367 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
8368 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
8369 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
8370 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
8371 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
8372 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
8373 "Pioneer Day": [7, 24]
8374 }
8375 },
8376 Vermont: {
8377 PH: {
8378 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
8379 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
8380 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
8381 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
8382 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
8383 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
8384 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
8385 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
8386 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
8387 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
8388 "Town Meeting Day": ["firstMarchTuesday", 0],
8389 "Battle of Bennington": ["firstAugustMonday", 14]
8390 }
8391 },
8392 Virginia: {
8393 PH: {
8394 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
8395 "Lee-Jackson Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 11],
8396 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
8397 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
8398 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
8399 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
8400 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
8401 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
8402 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
8403 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
8404 "Christmas Day": [12, 25]
8405 }
8406 },
8407 Washington: {
8408 PH: {
8409 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
8410 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
8411 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
8412 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
8413 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
8414 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
8415 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
8416 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
8417 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
8418 "Christmas Day": [12, 25]
8419 }
8420 },
8421 "West Virginia": {
8422 PH: {
8423 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
8424 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
8425 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
8426 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
8427 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
8428 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
8429 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
8430 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
8431 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
8432 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
8433 "West Virginia Day": [6, 20],
8434 "Lincoln's Day": ["firstNovemberThursday", 22]
8435 }
8436 },
8437 Wisconsin: {
8438 PH: {
8439 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
8440 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
8441 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
8442 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
8443 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
8444 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
8445 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
8446 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
8447 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
8448 "Christmas Day": [12, 25],
8449 "Primary Election Day": ["firstAugustTuesday", 7],
8450 "Election Day": ["firstNovemberMonday", 1]
8451 }
8452 },
8453 Wyoming: {
8454 PH: {
8455 "New Year's Day": [1, 1],
8456 "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day": ["firstJanuaryMonday", 14],
8457 "Washington's Birthday": ["firstFebruaryMonday", 14],
8458 "Memorial Day": ["lastMayMonday", 0],
8459 "Independence Day": [7, 4],
8460 "Labor Day": ["firstSeptemberMonday", 0],
8461 "Columbus Day": ["firstOctoberMonday", 7],
8462 "Veterans Day": [11, 11],
8463 Thanksgiving: ["firstNovemberThursday", 21],
8464 "Christmas Day": [12, 25]
8465 }
8466 }
8467 },
8468 si: {
8469 PH: {
8470 "novo leto": [1, 1],
8471 "Prešernov dan, slovenski kulturni praznik": [2, 8],
8472 "velikonočna nedelja": ["easter", 0],
8473 "velikonočni ponedeljek": ["easter", 1],
8474 "dan upora proti okupatorju": [4, 27],
8475 "praznik dela 1": [5, 1],
8476 "praznik dela 2": [5, 2],
8477 "binkoštna nedelja - binkošti": ["easter", 49],
8478 "dan državnosti": [6, 25],
8479 "Marijino vnebovzetje": [8, 15],
8480 "dan reformacije": [10, 31],
8481 "dan spomina na mrtve": [11, 1],
8482 "božič": [12, 25],
8483 "dan samostojnosti in enotnosti": [12, 26]
8484 }
8485 },
8486 it: {
8487 PH: {
8488 Capodanno: [1, 1],
8489 Epifania: [1, 6],
8490 "Liberazione dal nazifascismo (1945)": [4, 25],
8491 Pasqua: ["easter", 0],
8492 "Lunedì di Pasqua": ["easter", 1],
8493 "Festa del lavoro": [5, 1],
8494 "Festa della Repubblica": [6, 2],
8495 "Assunzione di Maria": [8, 15],
8496 Ognissanti: [11, 1],
8497 "Festa dell’unità nazionale": ["firstSeptemberSunday", 0],
8498 "Immacolata Concezione": [12, 8],
8499 "Natale di Gesù": [12, 25],
8500 "Santo Stefano": [12, 26]
8501 }
8502 },
8503 cz: {
8504 PH: {
8505 "Den obnovy samostatného českého státu": [1, 1],
8506 "Velký pátek": ["easter", -2],
8507 "Velikonoční pondělí": ["easter", 1],
8508 "Svátek práce": [5, 1],
8509 "Den vítězství": [5, 8],
8510 "Den slovanských věrozvěstů Cyrila a Metoděje": [7, 5],
8511 "Den upálení mistra Jana Husa": [7, 6],
8512 "Den české státnosti": [9, 28],
8513 "Den vzniku samostatného československého státu": [10, 28],
8514 "Den boje za svobodu a demokracii": [11, 17],
8515 "Štědrý den": [12, 24],
8516 "1. svátek vánoční": [12, 25],
8517 "2. svátek vánoční": [12, 26]
8518 }
8519 },
8520 ro: {
8521 PH: {
8522 "Anul Nou": [1, 1],
8523 "A doua zi de Anul Nou": [1, 2],
8524 "Ziua Unirii Principatelor Române (Ziua Unirii)": [1, 24],
8525 "Paștele ortodox": ["orthodox easter", 0],
8526 "A doua zi de Paște ortodox": ["orthodox easter", 1],
8527 "Ziua Muncii": [5, 1],
8528 Rusaliile: ["orthodox easter", 50],
8529 "A doua zi de Rusalii": ["orthodox easter", 51],
8530 "Adormirea Maicii Domnului": [8, 15],
8531 "Sfântul Apostol Andrei": [11, 30],
8532 "Ziua Națională (Ziua Marii Uniri)": [12, 1],
8533 "Crăciunul": [12, 25],
8534 "A doua zi de Crăciun": [12, 26]
8535 },
8536 SH: [{
8537 name: "Vacanţa intersemestrială",
8538 2018: [1, 31, 2, 8],
8539 2019: [1, 30, 2, 7]
8540 }, {
8541 name: "Vacanța de primăvară",
8542 2018: [4, 11, 4, 19],
8543 2019: [4, 23, 5, 3]
8544 }, {
8545 name: "Vacanța de vară",
8546 2018: [6, 20, 9, 13],
8547 2019: [6, 18, 9, 4]
8548 }, {
8549 name: "Vacanța de iarnă",
8550 2014: [12, 20, 1, 4],
8551 2018: [12, 19, 1, 3]
8552 }]
8553 },
8554 se: {
8555 PH: {
8556 "nyårsdagen": [1, 1],
8557 "trettondedag jul": [1, 6],
8558 "långfredagen": ["easter", -2],
8559 "påskdagen": ["easter", 0],
8560 "annandag påsk": ["easter", 1],
8561 "första maj": [5, 1],
8562 pingstdagen: ["easter", 49],
8563 nationaldagen: [6, 6],
8564 midsommardagen: ["nextSaturday20Jun", 0],
8565 "alla helgons dag": ["nextSaturday31Oct", 0],
8566 juldagen: [12, 25],
8567 "annandag jul": [12, 26]
8568 }
8569 },
8570 br: {
8571 PH: {
8572 "Ano Novo": [1, 1],
8573 Carnaval: ["easter", -47],
8574 "Sexta-feira santa": ["easter", -2],
8575 Tiradentes: [4, 21],
8576 "Dia do Trabalhador": [5, 1],
8577 "Corpus Christi": ["easter", 60],
8578 "Independência": [9, 7],
8579 "Nossa Senhora Aparecida": [10, 12],
8580 Finados: [11, 2],
8581 "Proclamação da República": [11, 15],
8582 Natal: [12, 25]
8583 },
8584 Acre: {
8585 PH: {
8586 "Ano Novo": [1, 1],
8587 "Dia do evangélico": [1, 23],
8588 Carnaval: ["easter", -47],
8589 "Alusivo ao Dia Internacional da Mulher": [3, 8],
8590 "Sexta-feira santa": ["easter", -2],
8591 Tiradentes: [4, 21],
8592 "Dia do Trabalhador": [5, 1],
8593 "Corpus Christi": ["easter", 60],
8594 "Aniversário do estado": [6, 15],
8595 "Dia da Amazônia": [9, 5],
8596 "Independência": [9, 7],
8597 "Nossa Senhora Aparecida": [10, 12],
8598 Finados: [11, 2],
8599 "Proclamação da República": [11, 15],
8600 "Assinatura do Tratado de Petrópolis": [11, 17],
8601 Natal: [12, 25]
8602 }
8603 },
8604 Alagoas: {
8605 PH: {
8606 "Ano Novo": [1, 1],
8607 Carnaval: ["easter", -47],
8608 "Sexta-feira santa": ["easter", -2],
8609 Tiradentes: [4, 21],
8610 "Dia do Trabalhador": [5, 1],
8611 "Corpus Christi": ["easter", 60],
8612 "São João": [6, 24],
8613 "São Pedro": [6, 29],
8614 "Independência": [9, 7],
8615 "Emancipação política": [9, 16],
8616 "Nossa Senhora Aparecida": [10, 12],
8617 Finados: [11, 2],
8618 "Proclamação da República": [11, 15],
8619 "Morte de Zumbi dos Palmares": [11, 20],
8620 Natal: [12, 25]
8621 }
8622 },
8623 "Amapá": {
8624 PH: {
8625 "Ano Novo": [1, 1],
8626 Carnaval: ["easter", -47],
8627 "Dia de São José": [3, 19],
8628 "Sexta-feira santa": ["easter", -2],
8629 Tiradentes: [4, 21],
8630 "Dia do Trabalhador": [5, 1],
8631 "Corpus Christi": ["easter", 60],
8632 "Independência": [9, 7],
8633 "Data Magna do estado": [9, 13],
8634 "Nossa Senhora Aparecida": [10, 12],
8635 Finados: [11, 2],
8636 "Proclamação da República": [11, 15],
8637 Natal: [12, 25]
8638 }
8639 },
8640 Amazonas: {
8641 PH: {
8642 "Ano Novo": [1, 1],
8643 Carnaval: ["easter", -47],
8644 "Sexta-feira santa": ["easter", -2],
8645 Tiradentes: [4, 21],
8646 "Dia do Trabalhador": [5, 1],
8647 "Corpus Christi": ["easter", 60],
8648 "Data Magna do estado": [9, 5],
8649 "Independência": [9, 7],
8650 "Nossa Senhora Aparecida": [10, 12],
8651 Finados: [11, 2],
8652 "Proclamação da República": [11, 15],
8653 "Dia da Consciência Negra": [11, 20],
8654 Natal: [12, 25]
8655 }
8656 },
8657 Bahia: {
8658 PH: {
8659 "Ano Novo": [1, 1],
8660 Carnaval: ["easter", -47],
8661 "Sexta-feira santa": ["easter", -2],
8662 Tiradentes: [4, 21],
8663 "Dia do Trabalhador": [5, 1],
8664 "Corpus Christi": ["easter", 60],
8665 "Data magna do estado": [2, 7],
8666 "Independência": [9, 7],
8667 "Nossa Senhora Aparecida": [10, 12],
8668 Finados: [11, 2],
8669 "Proclamação da República": [11, 15],
8670 Natal: [12, 25]
8671 }
8672 },
8673 "Ceará": {
8674 PH: {
8675 "Ano Novo": [1, 1],
8676 Carnaval: ["easter", -47],
8677 "Data magna do estado": [3, 25],
8678 "Sexta-feira santa": ["easter", -2],
8679 Tiradentes: [4, 21],
8680 "Dia do Trabalhador": [5, 1],
8681 "Corpus Christi": ["easter", 60],
8682 "Independência": [9, 7],
8683 "Nossa Senhora Aparecida": [10, 12],
8684 Finados: [11, 2],
8685 "Proclamação da República": [11, 15],
8686 Natal: [12, 25]
8687 }
8688 },
8689 "Distrito Federal": {
8690 PH: {
8691 "Ano Novo": [1, 1],
8692 Carnaval: ["easter", -47],
8693 "Sexta-feira santa": ["easter", -2],
8694 Tiradentes: [4, 21],
8695 "Dia do Trabalhador": [5, 1],
8696 "Corpus Christi": ["easter", 60],
8697 "Independência": [9, 7],
8698 "Nossa Senhora Aparecida": [10, 12],
8699 Finados: [11, 2],
8700 "Proclamação da República": [11, 15],
8701 "Dia do evangélico": [11, 30],
8702 Natal: [12, 25]
8703 }
8704 },
8705 "Espírito Santo": {
8706 PH: {
8707 "Ano Novo": [1, 1],
8708 Carnaval: ["easter", -47],
8709 "Sexta-feira santa": ["easter", -2],
8710 Tiradentes: [4, 21],
8711 "Data magna do estado": [4, 21],
8712 "Dia do Trabalhador": [5, 1],
8713 "Corpus Christi": ["easter", 60],
8714 "Independência": [9, 7],
8715 "Nossa Senhora Aparecida": [10, 12],
8716 Finados: [11, 2],
8717 "Proclamação da República": [11, 15],
8718 Natal: [12, 25]
8719 }
8720 },
8721 "Goiás": {
8722 PH: {
8723 "Ano Novo": [1, 1],
8724 Carnaval: ["easter", -47],
8725 "Sexta-feira santa": ["easter", -2],
8726 Tiradentes: [4, 21],
8727 "Dia do Trabalhador": [5, 1],
8728 "Corpus Christi": ["easter", 60],
8729 "Independência": [9, 7],
8730 "Nossa Senhora Aparecida": [10, 12],
8731 Finados: [11, 2],
8732 "Proclamação da República": [11, 15],
8733 Natal: [12, 25]
8734 }
8735 },
8736 "Maranhão": {
8737 PH: {
8738 "Ano Novo": [1, 1],
8739 Carnaval: ["easter", -47],
8740 "Sexta-feira santa": ["easter", -2],
8741 Tiradentes: [4, 21],
8742 "Dia do Trabalhador": [5, 1],
8743 "Corpus Christi": ["easter", 60],
8744 "Data magna do estado": [7, 28],
8745 "Independência": [9, 7],
8746 "Nossa Senhora Aparecida": [10, 12],
8747 Finados: [11, 2],
8748 "Proclamação da República": [11, 15],
8749 Natal: [12, 25]
8750 }
8751 },
8752 "Mato Grosso": {
8753 _nominatim_url: "https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse?format=json&lat=-10.4276788&lon=-52.0892082&zoom=18&addressdetails=1&accept-language=pt,en",
8754 PH: {
8755 "Ano Novo": [1, 1],
8756 Carnaval: ["easter", -47],
8757 "Sexta-feira santa": ["easter", -2],
8758 Tiradentes: [4, 21],
8759 "Dia do Trabalhador": [5, 1],
8760 "Corpus Christi": ["easter", 60],
8761 "Independência": [9, 7],
8762 "Nossa Senhora Aparecida": [10, 12],
8763 Finados: [11, 2],
8764 "Proclamação da República": [11, 15],
8765 "Dia da Consciência Negra": [11, 20],
8766 Natal: [12, 25]
8767 }
8768 },
8769 "Mato Grosso do Sul": {
8770 PH: {
8771 "Ano Novo": [1, 1],
8772 Carnaval: ["easter", -47],
8773 "Sexta-feira santa": ["easter", -2],
8774 Tiradentes: [4, 21],
8775 "Dia do Trabalhador": [5, 1],
8776 "Corpus Christi": ["easter", 60],
8777 "Independência": [9, 7],
8778 "Criação do estado": [10, 11],
8779 "Nossa Senhora Aparecida": [10, 12],
8780 Finados: [11, 2],
8781 "Proclamação da República": [11, 15],
8782 Natal: [12, 25]
8783 }
8784 },
8785 "Minas Gerais": {
8786 PH: {
8787 "Ano Novo": [1, 1],
8788 Carnaval: ["easter", -47],
8789 "Sexta-feira santa": ["easter", -2],
8790 Tiradentes: [4, 21],
8791 "Data magna do estado": [4, 21],
8792 "Dia do Trabalhador": [5, 1],
8793 "Corpus Christi": ["easter", 60],
8794 "Independência": [9, 7],
8795 "Nossa Senhora Aparecida": [10, 12],
8796 Finados: [11, 2],
8797 "Proclamação da República": [11, 15],
8798 Natal: [12, 25]
8799 }
8800 },
8801 "Pará": {
8802 PH: {
8803 "Ano Novo": [1, 1],
8804 Carnaval: ["easter", -47],
8805 "Sexta-feira santa": ["easter", -2],
8806 Tiradentes: [4, 21],
8807 "Dia do Trabalhador": [5, 1],
8808 "Corpus Christi": ["easter", 60],
8809 "Data magna do estado": [8, 15],
8810 "Independência": [9, 7],
8811 "Nossa Senhora Aparecida": [10, 12],
8812 Finados: [11, 2],
8813 "Proclamação da República": [11, 15],
8814 Natal: [12, 25]
8815 }
8816 },
8817 "Paraíba": {
8818 PH: {
8819 "Ano Novo": [1, 1],
8820 Carnaval: ["easter", -47],
8821 "Sexta-feira santa": ["easter", -2],
8822 Tiradentes: [4, 21],
8823 "Dia do Trabalhador": [5, 1],
8824 "Corpus Christi": ["easter", 60],
8825 "Homenagem a João Pessoa": [7, 26],
8826 "Data magna do estado": [8, 5],
8827 "Independência": [9, 7],
8828 "Nossa Senhora Aparecida": [10, 12],
8829 Finados: [11, 2],
8830 "Proclamação da República": [11, 15],
8831 Natal: [12, 25]
8832 }
8833 },
8834 "Paraná": {
8835 PH: {
8836 "Ano Novo": [1, 1],
8837 Carnaval: ["easter", -47],
8838 "Sexta-feira santa": ["easter", -2],
8839 Tiradentes: [4, 21],
8840 "Dia do Trabalhador": [5, 1],
8841 "Corpus Christi": ["easter", 60],
8842 "Independência": [9, 7],
8843 "Nossa Senhora Aparecida": [10, 12],
8844 Finados: [11, 2],
8845 "Proclamação da República": [11, 15],
8846 "Data magna do estado": [12, 19],
8847 Natal: [12, 25]
8848 }
8849 },
8850 Pernambuco: {
8851 PH: {
8852 "Ano Novo": [1, 1],
8853 Carnaval: ["easter", -47],
8854 "Data magna do estado": ["firstMarchSunday"],
8855 "Sexta-feira santa": ["easter", -2],
8856 Tiradentes: [4, 21],
8857 "Dia do Trabalhador": [5, 1],
8858 "Corpus Christi": ["easter", 60],
8859 "Independência": [9, 7],
8860 "Nossa Senhora Aparecida": [10, 12],
8861 Finados: [11, 2],
8862 "Proclamação da República": [11, 15],
8863 Natal: [12, 25]
8864 }
8865 },
8866 "Piauí": {
8867 PH: {
8868 "Ano Novo": [1, 1],
8869 Carnaval: ["easter", -47],
8870 "Sexta-feira santa": ["easter", -2],
8871 Tiradentes: [4, 21],
8872 "Dia do Trabalhador": [5, 1],
8873 "Corpus Christi": ["easter", 60],
8874 "Independência": [9, 7],
8875 "Nossa Senhora Aparecida": [10, 12],
8876 "Data magna do estado": [10, 19],
8877 Finados: [11, 2],
8878 "Proclamação da República": [11, 15],
8879 Natal: [12, 25]
8880 }
8881 },
8882 "Rio de Janeiro": {
8883 PH: {
8884 "Ano Novo": [1, 1],
8885 Carnaval: ["easter", -47],
8886 "Sexta-feira santa": ["easter", -2],
8887 Tiradentes: [4, 21],
8888 "Dia do Trabalhador": [5, 1],
8889 "Corpus Christi": ["easter", 60],
8890 "Independência": [9, 7],
8891 "Nossa Senhora Aparecida": [10, 12],
8892 Finados: [11, 2],
8893 "Proclamação da República": [11, 15],
8894 "Dia da Consciência Negra": [11, 20],
8895 Natal: [12, 25]
8896 }
8897 },
8898 "Rio Grande do Norte": {
8899 PH: {
8900 "Ano Novo": [1, 1],
8901 Carnaval: ["easter", -47],
8902 "Sexta-feira santa": ["easter", -2],
8903 Tiradentes: [4, 21],
8904 "São Jorge": [4, 23],
8905 "Dia do Trabalhador": [5, 1],
8906 "Corpus Christi": ["easter", 60],
8907 "Independência": [9, 7],
8908 "Mártires de Cunhaú e Uruaçu": [10, 3],
8909 "Nossa Senhora Aparecida": [10, 12],
8910 Finados: [11, 2],
8911 "Proclamação da República": [11, 15],
8912 Natal: [12, 25]
8913 }
8914 },
8915 "Rio Grande do Sul": {
8916 PH: {
8917 "Ano Novo": [1, 1],
8918 Carnaval: ["easter", -47],
8919 "Sexta-feira santa": ["easter", -2],
8920 Tiradentes: [4, 21],
8921 "Dia do Trabalhador": [5, 1],
8922 "Corpus Christi": ["easter", 60],
8923 "Independência": [9, 7],
8924 "Proclamação da República Rio-Grandense": [9, 20],
8925 "Nossa Senhora Aparecida": [10, 12],
8926 Finados: [11, 2],
8927 "Proclamação da República": [11, 15],
8928 Natal: [12, 25]
8929 }
8930 },
8931 "Rondônia": {
8932 PH: {
8933 "Ano Novo": [1, 1],
8934 "Data magna do estado": [1, 4],
8935 Carnaval: ["easter", -47],
8936 "Sexta-feira santa": ["easter", -2],
8937 Tiradentes: [4, 21],
8938 "Dia do Trabalhador": [5, 1],
8939 "Corpus Christi": ["easter", 60],
8940 "Dia do evangélico": [6, 18],
8941 "Independência": [9, 7],
8942 "Nossa Senhora Aparecida": [10, 12],
8943 Finados: [11, 2],
8944 "Proclamação da República": [11, 15],
8945 Natal: [12, 25]
8946 }
8947 },
8948 Roraima: {
8949 PH: {
8950 "Ano Novo": [1, 1],
8951 Carnaval: ["easter", -47],
8952 "Sexta-feira santa": ["easter", -2],
8953 Tiradentes: [4, 21],
8954 "Dia do Trabalhador": [5, 1],
8955 "Corpus Christi": ["easter", 60],
8956 "Independência": [9, 7],
8957 "Data magna do estado": [10, 5],
8958 "Nossa Senhora Aparecida": [10, 12],
8959 Finados: [11, 2],
8960 "Proclamação da República": [11, 15],
8961 Natal: [12, 25]
8962 }
8963 },
8964 "Santa Catarina": {
8965 PH: {
8966 "Ano Novo": [1, 1],
8967 Carnaval: ["easter", -47],
8968 "Sexta-feira santa": ["easter", -2],
8969 Tiradentes: [4, 21],
8970 "Dia do Trabalhador": [5, 1],
8971 "Corpus Christi": ["easter", 60],
8972 "Data magna do estado": [8, 11],
8973 "Independência": [9, 7],
8974 "Nossa Senhora Aparecida": [10, 12],
8975 Finados: [11, 2],
8976 "Proclamação da República": [11, 15],
8977 "Santa Catarina de Alexandria": [11, 25],
8978 Natal: [12, 25]
8979 }
8980 },
8981 "São Paulo": {
8982 PH: {
8983 "Ano Novo": [1, 1],
8984 Carnaval: ["easter", -47],
8985 "Sexta-feira santa": ["easter", -2],
8986 Tiradentes: [4, 21],
8987 "Dia do Trabalhador": [5, 1],
8988 "Corpus Christi": ["easter", 60],
8989 "Data magna do estado": [7, 9],
8990 "Independência": [9, 7],
8991 "Nossa Senhora Aparecida": [10, 12],
8992 Finados: [11, 2],
8993 "Proclamação da República": [11, 15],
8994 Natal: [12, 25]
8995 }
8996 },
8997 Sergipe: {
8998 PH: {
8999 "Ano Novo": [1, 1],
9000 Carnaval: ["easter", -47],
9001 "Aniversário de Aracaju": [3, 17],
9002 "Sexta-feira santa": ["easter", -2],
9003 Tiradentes: [4, 21],
9004 "Dia do Trabalhador": [5, 1],
9005 "Corpus Christi": ["easter", 60],
9006 "São João": [6, 24],
9007 "Data magna do estado": [7, 8],
9008 "Independência": [9, 7],
9009 "Nossa Senhora Aparecida": [10, 12],
9010 Finados: [11, 2],
9011 "Proclamação da República": [11, 15],
9012 "Nossa Senhora da Conceição": [12, 8],
9013 Natal: [12, 25]
9014 }
9015 },
9016 Tocantins: {
9017 PH: {
9018 "Ano Novo": [1, 1],
9019 Carnaval: ["easter", -47],
9020 "Autonomia do estado": [3, 18],
9021 "Sexta-feira santa": ["easter", -2],
9022 Tiradentes: [4, 21],
9023 "Dia do Trabalhador": [5, 1],
9024 "Corpus Christi": ["easter", 60],
9025 "Independência": [9, 7],
9026 "Nossa Senhora da Natividade": [9, 8],
9027 "Criação do estado": [10, 5],
9028 "Nossa Senhora Aparecida": [10, 12],
9029 Finados: [11, 2],
9030 "Proclamação da República": [11, 15],
9031 Natal: [12, 25]
9032 }
9033 }
9034 },
9035 hu: {
9036 PH: {
9037 "újév": [1, 1],
9038 "az 1848-as forradalom ünnepe": [3, 15],
9039 "nagypéntek": ["easter", -2],
9040 "húsvétvasárnap": ["easter", 0],
9041 "húsvéthétfő": ["easter", 1],
9042 "pünkösdvasárnap": ["easter", 49],
9043 "pünkösdhétfő": ["easter", 50],
9044 "a munka ünnepe": [5, 1],
9045 "az államalapítás ünnepe": [8, 20],
9046 "az 1956-os forradalom ünnepe": [10, 23],
9047 mindenszentek: [11, 1],
9048 "karácsony": [12, 25],
9049 "karácsony másnap": [12, 26]
9050 },
9051 SH: [{
9052 name: "tavaszi szünet",
9053 2018: [4, 2, 4, 7],
9054 2019: [3, 24, 3, 29],
9055 2020: [4, 13, 4, 18]
9056 }, {
9057 name: "nyári szünet",
9058 2018: [6, 16, 8, 31],
9059 2019: [6, 16, 8, 31],
9060 2020: [6, 16, 8, 31]
9061 }, {
9062 name: "őszi szünet",
9063 2014: [10, 27, 10, 31],
9064 2018: [10, 26, 10, 30],
9065 2019: [11, 2, 11, 4]
9066 }, {
9067 name: "téli szünet",
9068 2014: [12, 22, 1, 2],
9069 2018: [12, 21, 12, 31],
9070 2019: [12, 22, 1, 2]
9071 }]
9072 },
9073 sk: {
9074 PH: {
9075 "Deň vzniku Slovenskej republiky": [1, 1],
9076 "Zjavenie Pána": [1, 6],
9077 "Veľký piatok": ["easter", -2],
9078 "Veľkonočný pondelok": ["easter", 1],
9079 "Sviatok práce": [5, 1],
9080 "Deň víťazstva nad fašizmom": [5, 8],
9081 "Sviatok svätého Cyrila a Metoda": [7, 5],
9082 "Výročie Slovenského národného povstania": [8, 29],
9083 "Deň Ústavy Slovenskej republiky": [9, 1],
9084 "Sviatok Panny Márie Sedembolestnej": [9, 15],
9085 "Sviatok všetkých svätých": [11, 1],
9086 "Deň boja za slobodu a demokraciu": [11, 17],
9087 "Štedrý deň": [12, 24],
9088 "Prvý sviatok vianočný": [12, 25],
9089 "Druhý sviatok vianočný": [12, 26]
9090 }
9091 }
9092 };
9093 var word_error_correction = {
9094 wrong_words: {
9095 'Assuming "<ok>" for "<ko>".': {
9096 daytime: "sunrise-sunset",
9097 spring: "Mar-May",
9098 summer: "Jun-Aug",
9099 autumn: "Sep-Nov",
9100 winter: "Dec-Feb",
9101 _: "-",
9102 "=": "-"
9103 },
9104 '"<ko>" wird als "<ok>" interpertiert.': {
9105 "frühling": "Mar-May",
9106 "frühjahr": "Mar-May",
9107 sommer: "Jun-Aug",
9108 herbst: "Sep-Nov"
9109 },
9110 'Bitte benutze die englische Schreibweise "<ok>" für "<ko>".': {
9111 "werktags?": "Mo-Fr"
9112 },
9113 'Bitte benutze "<ok>" für "<ko>". Beispiel: "Mo-Fr 08:00-12:00; Tu off".': {
9114 "ruhetage?": "off",
9115 geschlossen: "off",
9116 geschl: "off"
9117 },
9118 'Neem de engelse afkorting "<ok>" voor "<ko>" alstublieft.': {
9119 gesloten: "off",
9120 feestdag: "PH",
9121 feestdagen: "PH"
9122 },
9123 'Assuming "<ok>" for "<ko>". Please avoid using "workday": https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Talk:Key:opening_hours#need_syntax_for_holidays_and_workingdays': {
9124 wd: "Mo-Fr",
9125 "on work days?": "Mo-Fr",
9126 "weekdays?": "Mo-Fr",
9127 vardagar: "Mo-Fr"
9128 },
9129 'Please use something like "Mo off" instead "<ko>".': {
9130 except: "off"
9131 },
9132 'Please omit "<ko>" or use a colon instead: "12:00-14:00".': {
9133 h: ""
9134 },
9135 'Please omit "<ko>".': {
9136 season: "",
9137 hs: "",
9138 hrs: "",
9139 hours: ""
9140 },
9141 'Please omit "<ko>". The key must not be in the value.': {
9142 "opening_hours\\s*=": ""
9143 },
9144 'Please omit "<ko>". You might want to express open end which can be specified as "12:00+" for example.': {
9145 from: ""
9146 },
9147 'You can use notation "<ok>" for "<ko>" in the case that you want to express open end times. Example: "12:00+".': {
9148 "(:?bis|till?|-|–)? ?(?:open ?end|late)": "+"
9149 },
9150 'Please use notation "<ok>" for "<ko>". If the times are unsure or vary consider a comment e.g. 12:00-14:00 "only on sunshine".': {
9151 "~": "-",
9152 "~": "-"
9153 },
9154 'Please use notation "<ok>" for "<ko>". Fallback rule: 12:00-14:00 || "call us"': {
9155 otherwise: "||"
9156 },
9157 'You can use notation "<ok>" for "?" temporally if the syntax will still be valid.': {
9158 "\\?": 'unknown "please add this if known"'
9159 },
9160 'Please use notation "<ok>" for "<ko>". Although using "–" is typographical correct, the opening_hours syntax is defined with the normal hyphen. Correct typography should be done on application level …': {
9161 "–": "-"
9162 },
9163 'Please use notation "<ok>" for "<ko>".': {
9164 "→": "-",
9165 "−": "-",
9166 "—": "-",
9167 "ー": "-",
9168 to: "-",
9169 "до": "-",
9170 a: "-",
9171 as: "-",
9172 "á": "-",
9173 "ás": "-",
9174 "às": "-",
9175 ate: "-",
9176 "till?": "-",
9177 until: "-",
9178 through: "-",
9179 and: ",",
9180 "&": ",",
9181 ":": ":",
9182 "°°": ":00",
9183 always: "24/7",
9184 "always open": "24/7",
9185 "always closed": "closed",
9186 nonstop: "24/7",
9187 "24x7": "24/7",
9188 anytime: "24/7",
9189 "all day": "24/7",
9190 daily: "Mo-Su",
9191 everyday: "Mo-Su",
9192 "every day": "Mo-Su",
9193 "all days": "Mo-Su",
9194 "7j/7": "Mo-Su",
9195 "7/7": "Mo-Su",
9196 "7days": "Mo-Su",
9197 "7 days": "Mo-Su",
9198 "7 days a week": "Mo-Su",
9199 "7 days/week": "Mo-Su",
9200 "24 hours 7 days a week": "24/7",
9201 "24 hours": "00:00-24:00",
9202 midday: "12:00",
9203 midnight: "00:00",
9204 "(?:public )?holidays?": "PH",
9205 "(?:one )?day after public holiday": "PH +1 day",
9206 "(?:one )?day before public holiday": "PH -1 day",
9207 "school ?holidays?": "SH",
9208 "weekends?": "Sa,Su",
9209 daylight: "sunrise-sunset",
9210 "(?:on|by)?(?:_| )?appointments?": '"on appointment"'
9211 },
9212 'Please use notation "<ok>" for "<ko>". Those characters look very similar but are not the same!': {
9213 "оff": "off"
9214 },
9215 'Please use time format in 24 hours notation ("<ko>"). If PM is used you might have to convert the hours to the 24 hours notation.': {
9216 pm: "",
9217 "p.m.": "",
9218 "рм": "",
9219 am: "",
9220 "a.m.": "",
9221 "ам": ""
9222 },
9223 'Bitte verzichte auf "<ko>".': {
9224 uhr: "",
9225 "geöffnet": "",
9226 zwischen: "",
9227 ist: "",
9228 durchgehend: "",
9229 "öffnungszeit(?:en)?:?": ""
9230 },
9231 'Bitte verzichte auf "<ko>". Sie möchten eventuell eine Öffnungszeit ohne vorgegebenes Ende (Open End) angeben. Beispiel: "12:00+"': {
9232 ab: "",
9233 von: ""
9234 },
9235 'Es sieht so aus also möchten Sie zusätzliche Einschränkungen für eine Öffnungszeit geben. Falls sich dies nicht mit der Syntax ausdrücken lässt können Kommentare verwendet werden. Zusätzlich sollte eventuell das Schlüsselwort `open` benutzt werden. Bitte probiere "<ok>" für "<ko>".': {
9236 damen: 'open "Damen"',
9237 herren: 'open "Herren"'
9238 },
9239 'Bitte benutze die Schreibweise "<ok>" für "<ko>".': {
9240 bis: "-",
9241 "täglich": "Mo-Su",
9242 "(?:schul)?ferien": "SH",
9243 "(?:an|nur)? ?sonn-?(?: und |/)feiertag(?:s|en?)?": "PH,Su",
9244 "nach(?: |_)vereinbarung": '"Nach Vereinbarung"',
9245 "nach(?: |_)absprache": '"Nach Absprache"'
9246 },
9247 'Bitte benutze die Schreibweise "<ok>" für "<ko>". Es ist war typografisch korrekt aber laut der Spezifikation für opening_hours nicht erlaubt. Siehe auch: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:Key:opening_hours/specification.': {
9248 "„": '"',
9249 "“": '"',
9250 "”": '"'
9251 },
9252 'Please use notation "<ok>" for "<ko>". The used quote signs might be typographically correct but are not defined in the specification. See https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:opening_hours/specification.': {
9253 "«": '"',
9254 "»": '"',
9255 "‚": '"',
9256 "‘": '"',
9257 "’": '"',
9258 "「": '"',
9259 "」": '"',
9260 "『": '"',
9261 "』": '"'
9262 },
9263 'Please use notation "<ok>" for "<ko>". The used quote signs are not defined in the specification. See https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:opening_hours/specification.': {
9264 "'": '"'
9265 },
9266 'You might want to use comments instead of brackets (which are not valid in this context). If you do, replace "<ok>" with "<ko>".': {},
9267 'Bitte benutze die Schreibweise "<ok>" als Ersatz für "<ko>".': {
9268 und: ",",
9269 u: ",",
9270 auch: ","
9271 },
9272 'Bitte benutze die englische Abkürzung "<ok>" für "<ko>".': {
9273 "(?:an )?feiertag(?:s|en?)?": "PH"
9274 },
9275 'S\'il vous plaît utiliser "<ok>" pour "<ko>".': {
9276 "fermé": "off",
9277 et: ",",
9278 "à": "-",
9279 "jours fériés": "PH"
9280 }
9281 },
9282 month: {
9283 "default": {
9284 jan: 0,
9285 feb: 1,
9286 mar: 2,
9287 apr: 3,
9288 may: 4,
9289 jun: 5,
9290 jul: 6,
9291 aug: 7,
9292 sep: 8,
9293 oct: 9,
9294 nov: 10,
9295 dec: 11
9296 },
9297 'Please use the English abbreviation "<ok>" for "<ko>".': {
9298 "jänner": 0,
9299 january: 0,
9300 february: 1,
9301 march: 2,
9302 april: 3,
9303 "june?": 5,
9304 "july?": 6,
9305 august: 7,
9306 september: 8,
9307 sept: 8,
9308 october: 9,
9309 november: 10,
9310 december: 11
9311 },
9312 'Bitte benutze die englische Abkürzung "<ok>" für "<ko>".': {
9313 januar: 0,
9314 februar: 1,
9315 "märz?": 2,
9316 maerz: 2,
9317 mai: 4,
9318 juni: 5,
9319 juli: 6,
9320 okt: 9,
9321 oktober: 9,
9322 dez: 11,
9323 dezember: 11
9324 },
9325 'S\'il vous plaît utiliser l\'abréviation "<ok>" pour "<ko>".': {
9326 janvier: 0,
9327 "février": 1,
9328 "fév": 1,
9329 mars: 2,
9330 avril: 3,
9331 avr: 3,
9332 mai: 4,
9333 juin: 5,
9334 juillet: 6,
9335 "août": 7,
9336 "aoû": 7,
9337 septembre: 8,
9338 octobre: 9,
9339 novembre: 10,
9340 "décembre": 11
9341 },
9342 'Neem de engelse afkorting "<ok>" voor "<ko>" alstublieft.': {
9343 januari: 0,
9344 februari: 1,
9345 maart: 2,
9346 mei: 4,
9347 augustus: 7
9348 }
9349 },
9350 calcday: {
9351 "default": {
9352 day: "day",
9353 days: "days"
9354 }
9355 },
9356 weekday: {
9357 "default": {
9358 su: 0,
9359 mo: 1,
9360 tu: 2,
9361 we: 3,
9362 th: 4,
9363 fr: 5,
9364 sa: 6
9365 },
9366 'Assuming "<ok>" for "<ko>"': {
9367 m: 1,
9368 w: 3,
9369 f: 5
9370 },
9371 'Please use the abbreviation "<ok>" for "<ko>".': {
9372 sun: 0,
9373 "sundays?": 0,
9374 mon: 1,
9375 "mondays?": 1,
9376 "tues?": 2,
9377 "tuesdays?": 2,
9378 "weds?": 3,
9379 "wednesdays?": 3,
9380 thu: 4,
9381 "thurs?": 4,
9382 "thursdays?": 4,
9383 fri: 5,
9384 "fridays?": 5,
9385 sat: 6,
9386 "saturdays?": 6
9387 },
9388 'Bitte benutze die englische Abkürzung "<ok>" für "<ko>". Could also mean Saturday in Polish …': {
9389 so: 0
9390 },
9391 'Bitte benutze die englische Abkürzung "<ok>" für "<ko>".': {
9392 son: 0,
9393 "sonn-": 0,
9394 "sonntags?": 0,
9395 "montags?": 1,
9396 di: 2,
9397 "die?": 2,
9398 "dienstags?": 2,
9399 mi: 3,
9400 "mit?": 3,
9401 "mittwochs?": 3,
9402 "don?": 4,
9403 "donnerstags?": 4,
9404 fre: 5,
9405 "freitags?": 5,
9406 sam: 6,
9407 "samstags?": 6
9408 },
9409 'S\'il vous plaît utiliser l\'abréviation "<ok>" pour "<ko>".': {
9410 dim: 0,
9411 dimanche: 0,
9412 "lun?": 1,
9413 lundi: 1,
9414 mardi: 2,
9415 mer: 3,
9416 mercredi: 3,
9417 "jeu?": 4,
9418 jeudi: 4,
9419 "ven?": 5,
9420 vendredi: 5,
9421 samedi: 6
9422 },
9423 'Neem de engelse afkorting "<ok>" voor "<ko>" alstublieft.': {
9424 "zon?": 0,
9425 zontag: 0,
9426 zondag: 0,
9427 maandag: 1,
9428 din: 2,
9429 dinsdag: 2,
9430 "woe?": 3,
9431 woensdag: 3,
9432 donderdag: 4,
9433 "vri?": 5,
9434 vrijdag: 5,
9435 "zat?": 6,
9436 zaterdag: 6
9437 },
9438 'Please use the English abbreviation "<ok>" for "<ko>".': {
9439 "neděle": 0,
9440 ne: 0,
9441 "pondělí": 1,
9442 po: 1,
9443 "úterý": 2,
9444 "út": 2,
9445 "středa": 3,
9446 st: 3,
9447 "čtvrtek": 4,
9448 "čt": 4,
9449 "pátek": 5,
9450 "pá": 5,
9451 sobota: 6
9452 },
9453 'Please use the English abbreviation "<ok>" (Spanish) for "<ko>".': {
9454 martes: 0,
9455 "miércoles": 1,
9456 jueves: 2,
9457 viernes: 3,
9458 "sábado": 4,
9459 domingo: 5,
9460 lunes: 6
9461 },
9462 'Please use the English abbreviation "<ok>" (Indonesian) for "<ko>".': {
9463 selasa: 0,
9464 rabu: 1,
9465 kami: 2,
9466 jumat: 3,
9467 sabtu: 4,
9468 minggu: 5,
9469 senin: 6
9470 },
9471 'Please use the English abbreviation "<ok>" (Swedish) for "<ko>".': {
9472 "söndag": 0,
9473 "söndagar": 0,
9474 "måndag": 1,
9475 ma: 1,
9476 tisdag: 2,
9477 onsdag: 3,
9478 torsdag: 4,
9479 fredag: 5,
9480 "lördag": 6,
9481 "lördagar": 6
9482 },
9483 'Please use the English abbreviation "<ok>" (Polish) for "<ko>".': {
9484 niedziela: 0,
9485 niedz: 0,
9486 n: 0,
9487 ndz: 0,
9488 "poniedziałek": 1,
9489 poniedzialek: 1,
9490 pon: 1,
9491 pn: 1,
9492 wtorek: 2,
9493 wt: 2,
9494 "środa": 3,
9495 sroda: 3,
9496 "śr": 3,
9497 sr: 3,
9498 czwartek: 4,
9499 czw: 4,
9500 cz: 4,
9501 "piątek": 5,
9502 piatek: 5,
9503 pt: 5,
9504 sobota: 6,
9505 sob: 6
9506 },
9507 'Please use the English abbreviation "<ok>" (Russian) for "<ko>".': {
9508 "воскресенье": 0,
9509 "Вс": 0,
9510 "voskresen'ye": 0,
9511 "понедельник": 1,
9512 "Пн": 1,
9513 "ponedel'nik": 1,
9514 "вторник": 2,
9515 vtornik: 2,
9516 "среда": 3,
9517 sreda: 3,
9518 "четверг": 4,
9519 chetverk: 4,
9520 "пятница": 5,
9521 pyatnitsa: 5,
9522 "суббота": 6,
9523 subbota: 6
9524 },
9525 'Please use the English abbreviation "<ok>" (Danish) for "<ko>".': {
9526 "søndag": 0,
9527 mandag: 1,
9528 tirsdag: 2,
9529 onsdag: 3,
9530 torsdag: 4,
9531 fredag: 5,
9532 "lørdag": 6
9533 }
9534 },
9535 timevar: {
9536 "default": {
9537 sunrise: "sunrise",
9538 sunset: "sunset",
9539 dawn: "dawn",
9540 dusk: "dusk"
9541 },
9542 'Please use notation "<ok>" for "<ko>".': {
9543 sundown: "sunset"
9544 },
9545 'Bitte benutze die Schreibweise "<ok>" für "<ko>".': {
9546 "morgendämmerung": "dawn",
9547 "abenddämmerung": "dusk",
9548 sonnenaufgang: "sunrise",
9549 sonnenuntergang: "sunset"
9550 }
9551 },
9552 event: {
9553 "default": {
9554 easter: "easter"
9555 },
9556 'Bitte benutze die Schreibweise "<ok>" für "<ko>".': {
9557 ostern: "easter"
9558 }
9559 }
9560 };
9561 var lang = {
9562 "unexpected token": 'Unexpected token: "__token__" This means that the syntax is not valid at that point or it is currently not supported.',
9563 "no string": "The value (first parameter) is not a string.",
9564 nothing: "The value contains nothing meaningful which can be parsed.",
9565 "nothing useful": "This rule does not contain anything useful. Please remove this empty rule.",
9566 "programmers joke": "Might it be possible that you are a programmer and adding a semicolon after each statement is hardwired in your muscle memory ;) ?" + " The thing is that the semicolon in the opening_hours syntax is defined as rule separator." + " So for compatibility reasons you should omit this last semicolon.",
9567 "interpreted as year": "The number __number__ will be interpreted as year." + ' This is probably not intended. Times can be specified as "12:00".',
9568 "rule before fallback empty": "Rule before fallback rule does not contain anything useful",
9569 "hour min separator": 'Please use ":" as hour/minute-separator',
9570 "warnings severity": 'The parameter optional_conf_parm["warnings_severity"] must be an integer number between 0 and 7 (inclusive).' + " Given __severity__" + ", expected one of the following numbers: __allowed__.",
9571 "optional conf parm type": "The optional_conf_parm parameter is of unknown type." + " Given __given__",
9572 "conf param tag key missing": 'The optional_conf_parm["tag_key"] is missing, required by optional_conf_parm["map_value"].',
9573 "conf param mode invalid": 'The optional_conf_parm["mode"] parameter is a invalid number.' + " Gave __given__" + ", expected one of the following numbers: __allowed__.",
9574 "conf param unkown type": 'The optional_conf_parm["__key__"] parameter is of unknown type.' + " Given __given__" + ", expected __expected__.",
9575 "library bug": 'An error occurred during evaluation of the value "__value__".' + " Please file a bug report or pull request: __url__.__message__",
9576 "library bug PR only": 'An error occurred during evaluation of the value "__value__".' + " Please submit a pull request: __url__.__message__",
9577 "use multi": 'You have used __count__ __part2__ Rules can be separated by ";".',
9578 "selector multi 2a": "__what__ in one rule. You may only use one in one rule.",
9579 "selector multi 2b": "not connected __what__ in one rule. This is probably an error." + " Equal selector types can (and should) always be written in conjunction separated by comma." + ' Example for time ranges "12:00-13:00,15:00-18:00".' + ' Example for weekdays "Mo-We,Fr".',
9580 "selector state": "state keywords",
9581 comments: "comments",
9582 "holiday ranges": "holiday ranges",
9583 months: "months",
9584 weekdays: "weekdays",
9585 ranges: "ranges",
9586 "default state": "This rule which changes the default state (which is closed) for all following rules is not the first rule." + " The rule will overwrite all previous rules." + " It can be legitimate to change the default state to open for example" + " and then only specify for which times the facility is closed.",
9587 vague: "This rule is not very explicit because there is no time selector being used." + " Please add a time selector to this rule or use a comment to make it more explicit.",
9588 "empty comment": "You have used an empty comment." + " Please either write something in the comment or use the keyword unknown instead.",
9589 separator_for_readability: "You have used the optional symbol <separator_for_readability> in the wrong place." + " Please check the syntax specification to see where it could be used or remove it.",
9590 "strange 24/7": 'You used 24/7 in a way that is probably not interpreted as "24 hours 7 days a week".' + ' For correctness you might want to use "open" or "closed"' + " for this rule and then write your exceptions which should achieve the same goal and is more clear" + ' e.g. "open; Mo 12:00-14:00 off".',
9591 "public holiday": "There was no PH (public holiday) specified. This is not very explicit.__part2__" + ' Please either append a "PH off" rule if the amenity is closed on all public holidays' + ' or use something like "Sa,Su,PH 12:00-16:00" to say that on Saturdays, Sundays and on public holidays the amenity is open 12:00-16:00.' + ' If the amenity is open everyday including public holidays then you can make this explicit by writing "Mo-Su,PH".' + " If you are not certain try to find it out. If you can’t then do not add PH to the value and ignore this warning.",
9592 "public holiday part2": ' Unfortunately the tag key (e.g. "opening_hours", or "lit") is unknown to opening_hours.js. ' + "This warning only applies to the key __keys__. If your value is for that key than read on. If not you can ignore the following.",
9593 switched: 'The selector "__first__" was switched with' + ' the selector "__second__"' + " for readablitity and compatibiltity reasons.",
9594 "no colon after": 'Please don’t use ":" after __token__.',
9595 "number -5 to 5": "Number between -5 and 5 (except 0) expected.",
9596 "one weekday constraint": "You can not use more than one constrained weekday in a month range",
9597 "range constrained weekdays": "You can not use a range of constrained weekdays in a month range",
9598 expected: '"__symbol__" expected.',
9599 "range zero": "You can not use __type__ ranges with period equals zero.",
9600 "period one year+": "Please don’t use __type__ ranges with period equals one." + ' If you want to express that a facility is open starting from a year without limit use "<year>+".',
9601 "period one": "Please don’t use __type__ ranges with period equals one.",
9602 "month 31": "The day for __month__ must be between 1 and 31.",
9603 "month 30": "Month __month__ doesn't have 31 days. The last day of __month__ is day 30.",
9604 "month feb": "Month __month__ either has 28 or 29 days (leap years).",
9605 "point in time": "hyphen (-) or open end (+) in time range __calc__expected." + " For working with points in time, the mode for __libraryname__ has to be altered." + " Maybe wrong tag?",
9606 calculation: "calculation",
9607 "time range continue": "Time range does not continue as expected",
9608 "period continue": 'Time period does not continue as expected. Example "/01:30".',
9609 "time range mode": '__libraryname__ is running in "time range mode". Found point in time.',
9610 "point in time mode": '__libraryname__ is running in "points in time mode". Found time range.',
9611 "outside current day": "Time range starts outside of the current day",
9612 "two midnights": "Time spanning more than two midnights not supported",
9613 "without minutes": "Time range without minutes specified. Not very explicit!" + ' Please use this syntax instead "__syntax__".',
9614 "outside day": "Time range starts outside of the current day",
9615 "zero calculation": "Adding zero in a variable time calculation does not change the variable time." + ' Please omit the calculation (example: "sunrise-(sunset-00:00)").',
9616 "calculation syntax": "Calculation with variable time is not in the right syntax",
9617 missing: 'Missing "__symbol__"',
9618 "(time)": "(time)",
9619 "bad range": "Bad range: __from__-__to__",
9620 "] or more numbers": '"]" or more numbers expected.',
9621 "additional rule no sense": 'An additional rule does not make sense here. Just use a ";" as rule separator.' + " See https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:opening_hours/specification#explain:additional_rule_separator",
9622 "unexpected token weekday range": "Unexpected token in weekday range: __token__",
9623 "max differ": "There should be no reason to differ more than __maxdiffer__ days from a __name__. If so tell us …",
9624 "adding 0": "Adding 0 does not change the date. Please omit this.",
9625 "unexpected token holiday": "Unexpected token (holiday parser): __token__",
9626 "no holiday definition": "There are no holidays (__name__) defined for country __cc__.",
9627 "no holiday definition state": "There are no holidays (__name__) defined for country __cc__ and state __state__.",
9628 "no country code": "Country code missing which is needed to select the correct holidays (see README how to provide it)",
9629 "movable no formula": "Movable day __name__ can not not be calculated." + " Please add the formula how to calculate it.",
9630 "movable not in year": "The movable day __name__ plus __days__" + " days is not in the year of the movable day anymore. Currently not supported.",
9631 "year range one year": "A year range in which the start year is equal to the end year does not make sense." + ' Please remove the end year. E.g. "__year__ May 23"',
9632 "year range reverse": "A year range in which the start year is greater than the end year does not make sense." + " Please turn it over.",
9633 "year past": "The year is in the past.",
9634 "unexpected token year range": "Unexpected token in year range: __token__",
9635 "week range reverse": "You have specified a week range in reverse order or leaping over a year. This is (currently) not supported.",
9636 "week negative": "You have specified a week date less then one. A valid week date range is 1-53.",
9637 "week exceed": "You have specified a week date greater then 53. A valid week date range is 1-53.",
9638 "week period less than 2": "You have specified a week period which is less than two." + ' If you want to select the whole range from week __weekfrom__ to week __weekto__ then just omit the "/__period__".',
9639 "week period greater than 26": "You have specified a week period which is greater than 26." + " 26.5 is the half of the maximum 53 week dates per year so a week date period greater than 26 would only apply once per year." + ' Please specify the week selector as "week __weekfrom__" if that is what you want to express.',
9640 "unexpected token week range": "Unexpected token in week range: __token__",
9641 "unexpected token month range": "Unexpected token in month range: __token__",
9642 "day range reverse": "Range in wrong order. From day is greater than to day.",
9643 "open end": "Specified as open end. Closing time was guessed.",
9644 "date parameter needed": "Date parameter needed."
9645 };
9646 if (typeof exports === "object") {
9647 var moment, SunCalc, i18n;
9648 SunCalc = root.SunCalc || require("suncalc");
9649 try {
9650 moment = root.moment || require("moment")
9651 } catch (error_pass) {
9652 error_pass
9653 }
9654 try {
9655 i18n = require("./locales/core")
9656 } catch (error_pass) {
9657 error_pass
9658 }
9659 module.exports = factory(SunCalc, moment, i18n, holiday_definitions, word_error_correction, lang)
9660 } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
9661 define(["suncalc", "moment", "./locales/core"], function (SunCalc, moment, i18n) {
9662 root.opening_hours = factory(SunCalc, moment, i18n, holiday_definitions, word_error_correction, lang);
9663 return root.opening_hours
9664 })
9665 } else {
9666 root.opening_hours = factory(root.SunCalc, root.moment, root.i18n, holiday_definitions, word_error_correction, lang)
9667 }
9668 })(this, function (SunCalc, moment, i18n, holiday_definitions, word_error_correction, lang) {
9669 return function (value, nominatim_object, optional_conf_parm) {
9670 var word_value_replacement = {
9671 dawn: 60 * 5 + 30,
9672 sunrise: 60 * 6,
9673 sunset: 60 * 18,
9674 dusk: 60 * 18 + 30
9675 };
9676 var months = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"];
9677 var weekdays = ["Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa"];
9678 var default_prettify_conf = {
9679 zero_pad_hour: true,
9680 one_zero_if_hour_zero: false,
9681 leave_off_closed: true,
9682 keyword_for_off_closed: "off",
9683 rule_sep_string: " ",
9684 print_semicolon: true,
9685 leave_weekday_sep_one_day_betw: true,
9686 sep_one_day_between: ",",
9687 zero_pad_month_and_week_numbers: true,
9688 locale: "en"
9689 };
9690 var osm_tag_defaults = {
9691 opening_hours: {
9692 mode: 0,
9693 warn_for_PH_missing: true
9694 },
9695 collection_times: {
9696 mode: 2
9697 },
9698 "opening_hours:.+": {
9699 mode: 0
9700 },
9701 ".+:opening_hours": {
9702 mode: 0
9703 },
9704 ".+:opening_hours:.+": {
9705 mode: 0
9706 },
9707 smoking_hours: {
9708 mode: 0
9709 },
9710 service_times: {
9711 mode: 2
9712 },
9713 happy_hours: {
9714 mode: 0
9715 },
9716 lit: {
9717 mode: 0,
9718 map: {
9719 yes: 'sunset-sunrise open "specified as yes: At night (unknown time schedule or daylight detection)"',
9720 automatic: 'unknown "specified as automatic: When someone enters the way the lights are turned on."',
9721 no: 'off "specified as no: There are no lights installed."',
9722 interval: 'unknown "specified as interval"',
9723 limited: 'unknown "specified as limited"'
9724 }
9725 }
9726 };
9727 var minutes_in_day = 60 * 24;
9728 var msec_in_day = 1e3 * 60 * minutes_in_day;
9729 var library_name = "opening_hours.js";
9730 var repository_url = "https://github.com/ypid/" + library_name;
9731 var locale = "en";
9732 if (typeof i18n === "object") {
9733 locale = i18n.lng()
9734 }
9735 var t = function (str, variables) {
9736 if (typeof i18n === "object" && typeof i18n.t === "function" && typeof locale === "string" && ["de"].indexOf(locale) !== -1) {
9737 var global_locale = i18n.lng();
9738 if (global_locale !== locale) {
9739 i18n.setLng(locale)
9740 }
9741 var text = i18n.t("opening_hours:texts." + str, variables);
9742 if (global_locale !== locale) {
9743 i18n.setLng(global_locale)
9744 }
9745 return text
9746 }
9747 var text = lang[str];
9748 if (typeof text === "undefined") {
9749 text = str
9750 }
9751 return text.replace(/__([^_]*)__/g, function (match, c) {
9752 return typeof variables[c] !== "undefined" ? variables[c] : match
9753 })
9754 };
9755 var location_cc, location_state, lat, lon;
9756 if (typeof nominatim_object === "object" && nominatim_object !== null) {
9757 if (typeof nominatim_object.address === "object") {
9758 if (typeof nominatim_object.address.country_code === "string") {
9759 location_cc = nominatim_object.address.country_code
9760 }
9761 if (typeof nominatim_object.address.state === "string") {
9762 location_state = nominatim_object.address.state
9763 } else if (typeof nominatim_object.address.county === "string") {
9764 location_state = nominatim_object.address.county
9765 }
9766 }
9767 if (typeof nominatim_object.lon === "string" && typeof nominatim_object.lat === "string") {
9768 lat = nominatim_object.lat;
9769 lon = nominatim_object.lon
9770 }
9771 } else if (nominatim_object === null) {
9772 location_cc = "de";
9773 location_state = "Baden-Württemberg";
9774 lat = "49.5400039";
9775 lon = "9.7937133"
9776 } else if (typeof nominatim_object !== "undefined") {
9777 throw "The nominatim_object parameter is of unknown type." + " Given " + typeof nominatim_object + ", expected object."
9778 }
9779 var warnings_severity = 4;
9780 var oh_mode;
9781 var oh_map_value = false;
9782 var oh_key, oh_regex_key;
9783 if (typeof optional_conf_parm === "number") {
9784 oh_mode = optional_conf_parm
9785 } else if (typeof optional_conf_parm === "object") {
9786 locale = optional_conf_parm["locale"];
9787 if (checkOptionalConfParm("mode", "number")) {
9788 oh_mode = optional_conf_parm["mode"]
9789 }
9790 if (checkOptionalConfParm("warnings_severity", "number")) {
9791 warnings_severity = optional_conf_parm["warnings_severity"];
9792 if ([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7].indexOf(warnings_severity) === -1) {
9793 throw t("warnings severity", {
9794 severity: warnings_severity,
9795 allowed: "[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ]"
9796 })
9797 }
9798 }
9799 if (checkOptionalConfParm("tag_key", "string")) {
9800 oh_key = optional_conf_parm["tag_key"]
9801 }
9802 if (checkOptionalConfParm("map_value", "boolean")) {
9803 oh_map_value = optional_conf_parm.map_value
9804 }
9805 } else if (typeof optional_conf_parm !== "undefined") {
9806 throw t("optional conf parm type", {
9807 given: typeof optional_conf_parm
9808 })
9809 }
9810 if (typeof oh_key === "string") {
9811 oh_regex_key = getRegexKeyForKeyFromOsmDefaults(oh_key);
9812 if (oh_map_value && typeof osm_tag_defaults[oh_regex_key] === "object" && typeof osm_tag_defaults[oh_regex_key]["map"] === "object" && typeof osm_tag_defaults[oh_regex_key]["map"][value] === "string") {
9813 value = osm_tag_defaults[oh_regex_key]["map"][value]
9814 }
9815 } else if (oh_map_value) {
9816 throw t("conf param tag key missing")
9817 }
9818 if (typeof oh_mode === "undefined") {
9819 if (typeof oh_key === "string") {
9820 if (typeof osm_tag_defaults[oh_regex_key]["mode"] === "number") {
9821 oh_mode = osm_tag_defaults[oh_regex_key]["mode"]
9822 } else {
9823 oh_mode = 0
9824 }
9825 } else {
9826 oh_mode = 0
9827 }
9828 } else if ([0, 1, 2].indexOf(oh_mode) === -1) {
9829 throw t("conf param mode invalid", {
9830 given: oh_mode,
9831 allowed: "[ 0, 1, 2 ]"
9832 })
9833 }
9834 if (typeof value !== "string") {
9835 throw t("no string")
9836 }
9837 if (value.match(/^(?:\s*;?\s*)+$/)) {
9838 throw t("nothing")
9839 }
9840 var parsing_warnings = [];
9841 var done_with_warnings = false;
9842 var done_with_selector_reordering = false;
9843 var done_with_selector_reordering_warnings = false;
9844 var tokens = tokenize(value);
9845 var prettified_value = "";
9846 var week_stable = true;
9847 var rules = [];
9848 var new_tokens = [];
9849 for (var nrule = 0; nrule < tokens.length; nrule++) {
9850 if (tokens[nrule][0].length === 0) {
9851 parsing_warnings.push([nrule, -1, t("nothing useful") + (nrule === tokens.length - 1 && nrule > 0 && !tokens[nrule][1] ? " " + t("programmers joke") : "")]);
9852 continue
9853 }
9854 var continue_at = 0;
9855 var next_rule_is_additional = false;
9856 do {
9857 if (continue_at === tokens[nrule][0].length)
9858 break;
9859 var selectors = {
9860 time: [],
9861 wraptime: [],
9862 weekday: [],
9863 holiday: [],
9864 week: [],
9865 month: [],
9866 monthday: [],
9867 year: [],
9868 date: [],
9869 fallback: tokens[nrule][1],
9870 additional: continue_at ? true : false,
9871 meaning: true,
9872 unknown: false,
9873 comment: undefined,
9874 build_from_token_rule: undefined
9875 };
9876 selectors.build_from_token_rule = [nrule, continue_at, new_tokens.length];
9877 continue_at = parseGroup(tokens[nrule][0], continue_at, selectors, nrule);
9878 if (typeof continue_at === "object") {
9879 continue_at = continue_at[0]
9880 } else {
9881 continue_at = 0
9882 }
9883 new_tokens.push([tokens[nrule][0].slice(selectors.build_from_token_rule[1], continue_at === 0 ? tokens[nrule][0].length : continue_at), tokens[nrule][1], tokens[nrule][2]]);
9884 if (next_rule_is_additional && new_tokens.length > 1) {
9885 new_tokens[new_tokens.length - 1][0].unshift(new_tokens[new_tokens.length - 2][0].pop())
9886 }
9887 next_rule_is_additional = continue_at === 0 ? false : true;
9888 var selector_elements = ["year", "holiday", "month", "monthday", "week", "weekday"];
9889 for (var selector_ind in selector_elements) {
9890 if (selectors[selector_elements[selector_ind]].length > 0) {
9891 selectors.date.push(selectors[selector_elements[selector_ind]]);
9892 selectors[selector_elements[selector_ind]] = []
9893 }
9894 }
9895 rules.push(selectors);
9896 if (selectors.wraptime.length > 0) {
9897 var wrapselectors = {
9898 time: selectors.wraptime,
9899 date: [],
9900 meaning: selectors.meaning,
9901 unknown: selectors.unknown,
9902 comment: selectors.comment,
9903 wrapped: true,
9904 build_from_token_rule: selectors.build_from_token_rule
9905 };
9906 for (var dselg = 0; dselg < selectors.date.length; dselg++) {
9907 wrapselectors.date.push([]);
9908 for (var dsel = 0; dsel < selectors.date[dselg].length; dsel++) {
9909 wrapselectors.date[wrapselectors.date.length - 1].push(generateDateShifter(selectors.date[dselg][dsel], -msec_in_day))
9910 }
9911 }
9912 rules.push(wrapselectors)
9913 }
9914 } while (continue_at)
9915 }
9917 function getRegexKeyForKeyFromOsmDefaults(key) {
9918 var regex_key;
9919 for (var osm_key in osm_tag_defaults) {
9920 if (key === osm_key) {
9921 regex_key = osm_key;
9922 break
9923 } else if (key.match(osm_key)) {
9924 regex_key = osm_key
9925 }
9926 }
9927 return regex_key
9928 }
9930 function checkOptionalConfParm(key, expected_type) {
9931 if (typeof optional_conf_parm[key] === expected_type) {
9932 return true
9933 } else if (typeof optional_conf_parm[key] !== "undefined") {
9934 throw t("conf param unkown type", {
9935 key: key,
9936 given: typeof optional_conf_parm[key],
9937 expected: expected_type
9938 })
9939 }
9940 return false
9941 }
9943 function formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at, message) {
9944 if (typeof nrule === "number") {
9945 var pos = 0;
9946 if (nrule === -1) {
9947 pos = value.length - at
9948 } else {
9949 if (typeof tokens[nrule][0][at] === "undefined") {
9950 if (typeof tokens[nrule][0] && at === -1) {
9951 pos = value.length;
9952 if (typeof tokens[nrule + 1] === "object" && typeof tokens[nrule + 1][2] === "number") {
9953 pos -= tokens[nrule + 1][2]
9954 } else if (typeof tokens[nrule][2] === "number") {
9955 pos -= tokens[nrule][2]
9956 }
9957 } else {
9958 formatLibraryBugMessage("Bug in warning generation code which could not determine the exact position of the warning or error in value.");
9959 pos = value.length;
9960 if (typeof tokens[nrule][2] === "number") {
9961 pos -= tokens[nrule][2];
9962 console.warn("Last token for rule: " + tokens[nrule]);
9963 console.log(value.substring(0, pos) + " <--- (" + message + ")");
9964 console.log("\n")
9965 }
9966 {
9967 console.warn("tokens[nrule][2] is undefined. This is ok if nrule is the last rule.")
9968 }
9969 }
9970 } else {
9971 pos = value.length;
9972 if (typeof tokens[nrule][0][at + 1] === "object") {
9973 pos -= tokens[nrule][0][at + 1][2]
9974 } else if (typeof tokens[nrule][2] === "number") {
9975 pos -= tokens[nrule][2]
9976 }
9977 }
9978 }
9979 return value.substring(0, pos) + " <--- (" + message + ")"
9980 } else if (typeof nrule === "string") {
9981 return nrule.substring(0, at) + " <--- (" + message + ")"
9982 }
9983 }
9985 function formatLibraryBugMessage(message, text_template) {
9986 if (typeof message === "undefined") {
9987 message = ""
9988 } else {
9989 message = " " + message
9990 }
9991 if (typeof text_template !== "string") {
9992 text_template = "library bug"
9993 }
9994 message = t(text_template, {
9995 value: value,
9996 url: repository_url,
9997 message: message
9998 });
9999 console.error(message);
10000 return message
10001 }
10003 function tokenize(value) {
10004 var all_tokens = [];
10005 var curr_rule_tokens = [];
10006 var last_rule_fallback_terminated = false;
10007 while (value !== "") {
10008 var tmp;
10009 if (tmp = value.match(/^week\b/i)) {
10010 curr_rule_tokens.push([tmp[0].toLowerCase(), tmp[0].toLowerCase(), value.length]);
10011 value = value.substr(tmp[0].length)
10012 } else if (tmp = value.match(/^(?:off|closed|open|unknown)\b/i)) {
10013 curr_rule_tokens.push([tmp[0].toLowerCase(), "state", value.length]);
10014 value = value.substr(tmp[0].length)
10015 } else if (tmp = value.match(/^24\/7/i)) {
10016 curr_rule_tokens.push([tmp[0], tmp[0], value.length]);
10017 value = value.substr(tmp[0].length)
10018 } else if (tmp = value.match(/^(?:PH|SH)/i)) {
10019 curr_rule_tokens.push([tmp[0].toUpperCase(), "holiday", value.length]);
10020 value = value.substr(2)
10021 } else if (tmp = value.match(/^(&|_|→|–|−|—|ー|=|·|öffnungszeit(?:en)?:?|opening_hours\s*=|\?|~|~|:|°°|always (?:open|closed)|24x7|24 hours 7 days a week|24 hours|7 ?days(?:(?: a |\/)week)?|7j?\/7|all days?|every day|(:?bis|till?|-|–)? ?(?:open ?end|late)|(?:(?:one )?day (?:before|after) )?(?:school|public) holidays?|days?\b|до|рм|ам|jours fériés|on work days?|sonntags?|(?:nur |an )?sonn-?(?:(?: und |\/)feiertag(?:s|en?)?)?|(?:an )?feiertag(?:s|en?)?|(?:nach|on|by) (?:appointments?|vereinbarung|absprache)|p\.m\.|a\.m\.|[_a-zäößàáéøčěíúýřПнВсо]+\b|à|á|mo|tu|we|th|fr|sa|su|jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec)\.?/i)) {
10022 var correct_val = returnCorrectWordOrToken(tmp[1].toLowerCase(), value.length);
10023 if (typeof correct_val === "object") {
10024 curr_rule_tokens.push([correct_val[0], correct_val[1], value.length]);
10025 value = value.substr(tmp[0].length)
10026 } else if (typeof correct_val === "string") {
10027 if (tmp[1].toLowerCase() === "a.m.") {
10028 tmp[1] = "am"
10029 }
10030 if (tmp[1].toLowerCase() === "p.m.") {
10031 tmp[1] = "pm"
10032 }
10033 if (tmp[1].toLowerCase() === "am" || tmp[1].toLowerCase() === "pm") {
10034 var hours_token_at = curr_rule_tokens.length - 1;
10035 var hours_token;
10036 if (hours_token_at >= 0) {
10037 if (hours_token_at - 2 >= 0 && matchTokens(curr_rule_tokens, hours_token_at - 2, "number", "timesep", "number")) {
10038 hours_token_at -= 2;
10039 hours_token = curr_rule_tokens[hours_token_at]
10040 } else if (matchTokens(curr_rule_tokens, hours_token_at, "number")) {
10041 hours_token = curr_rule_tokens[hours_token_at]
10042 }
10043 if (typeof hours_token === "object") {
10044 if (tmp[1].toLowerCase() === "pm" && hours_token[0] < 12) {
10045 hours_token[0] += 12
10046 }
10047 if (tmp[1].toLowerCase() === "am" && hours_token[0] === 12) {
10048 hours_token[0] = 0
10049 }
10050 curr_rule_tokens[hours_token_at] = hours_token
10051 }
10052 }
10053 }
10054 var correct_tokens = tokenize(correct_val)[0];
10055 if (correct_tokens[1] === true) {
10056 throw formatLibraryBugMessage()
10057 }
10058 for (var i = 0; i < correct_tokens[0].length; i++) {
10059 curr_rule_tokens.push([correct_tokens[0][i][0], correct_tokens[0][i][1], value.length])
10060 }
10061 value = value.substr(tmp[0].length)
10062 } else {
10063 curr_rule_tokens.push([value[0].toLowerCase(), value[0].toLowerCase(), value.length - 1]);
10064 value = value.substr(1)
10065 }
10066 } else if (tmp = value.match(/^\d+/)) {
10067 if (Number(tmp[0]) > 1900) {
10068 curr_rule_tokens.push([Number(tmp[0]), "year", value.length]);
10069 if (Number(tmp[0]) >= 2100)
10070 parsing_warnings.push([-1, value.length - 1, t("interpreted as year", {
10071 number: Number(tmp[0])
10072 })])
10073 } else {
10074 curr_rule_tokens.push([Number(tmp[0]), "number", value.length])
10075 }
10076 value = value.substr(tmp[0].length)
10077 } else if (tmp = value.match(/^"([^"]+)"/)) {
10078 curr_rule_tokens.push([tmp[1], "comment", value.length]);
10079 value = value.substr(tmp[0].length)
10080 } else if (tmp = value.match(/^(["'„“‚‘’«「『])([^"'“”‘’»」』;|]*)(["'”“‘’»」』])/)) {
10081 for (var pos = 1; pos <= 3; pos += 2) {
10082 var correct_val = returnCorrectWordOrToken(tmp[pos], value.length - (pos === 3 ? tmp[1].length + tmp[2].length : 0));
10083 if (typeof correct_val !== "string" && tmp[pos] !== '"') {
10084 throw formatLibraryBugMessage("A character for error tolerance was allowed in the regular expression" + " but is not covered by word_error_correction" + " which is needed to format a proper message for the user.")
10085 }
10086 }
10087 curr_rule_tokens.push([tmp[2], "comment", value.length]);
10088 value = value.substr(tmp[0].length)
10089 } else if (value.match(/^;/)) {
10090 all_tokens.push([curr_rule_tokens, last_rule_fallback_terminated, value.length]);
10091 value = value.substr(1);
10092 curr_rule_tokens = [];
10093 last_rule_fallback_terminated = false
10094 } else if (value.match(/^\|\|/)) {
10095 if (curr_rule_tokens.length === 0) {
10096 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(-1, value.length - 2, t("rule before fallback empty"))
10097 }
10098 all_tokens.push([curr_rule_tokens, last_rule_fallback_terminated, value.length]);
10099 curr_rule_tokens = [];
10100 value = value.substr(2);
10101 last_rule_fallback_terminated = true
10102 } else if (value.match(/^(?:␣|\s)/)) {
10103 value = value.substr(1)
10104 } else if (tmp = value.match(/^\s+/)) {
10105 value = value.substr(tmp[0].length)
10106 } else if (value.match(/^[:.]/)) {
10107 if (value[0] === "." && !done_with_warnings) {
10108 parsing_warnings.push([-1, value.length - 1, t("hour min separator")])
10109 }
10110 curr_rule_tokens.push([":", "timesep", value.length]);
10111 value = value.substr(1)
10112 } else {
10113 curr_rule_tokens.push([value[0].toLowerCase(), value[0].toLowerCase(), value.length]);
10114 value = value.substr(1)
10115 }
10116 }
10117 all_tokens.push([curr_rule_tokens, last_rule_fallback_terminated]);
10118 return all_tokens
10119 }
10121 function returnCorrectWordOrToken(word, value_length) {
10122 for (var token_name in word_error_correction) {
10123 for (var comment in word_error_correction[token_name]) {
10124 for (var old_val in word_error_correction[token_name][comment]) {
10125 if (word.match(new RegExp("^" + old_val + "$"))) {
10126 var val = word_error_correction[token_name][comment][old_val];
10127 if (comment === "default") {
10128 return [val, token_name]
10129 } else if (token_name === "wrong_words" && !done_with_warnings) {
10130 parsing_warnings.push([-1, value_length - word.length, comment.replace(/<ko>/, word).replace(/<ok>/, val)]);
10131 return val
10132 } else {
10133 var correct_abbr;
10134 for (correct_abbr in word_error_correction[token_name]["default"]) {
10135 if (word_error_correction[token_name]["default"][correct_abbr] === val)
10136 break
10137 }
10138 if (typeof correct_abbr === "undefined") {
10139 throw formatLibraryBugMessage("Please also include the stacktrace.")
10140 }
10141 if (token_name !== "timevar") {
10142 correct_abbr = correct_abbr.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + correct_abbr.slice(1)
10143 }
10144 if (!done_with_warnings)
10145 parsing_warnings.push([-1, value_length - word.length, comment.replace(/<ko>/, word).replace(/<ok>/, correct_abbr)]);
10146 return [val, token_name]
10147 }
10148 }
10149 }
10150 }
10151 }
10152 return undefined
10153 }
10155 function getWarnings(it) {
10156 if (warnings_severity < 4) {
10157 return []
10158 }
10159 if (!done_with_warnings && typeof it === "object") {
10160 var wide_range_selector_order = ["year", "month", "week", "holiday"];
10161 var small_range_selector_order = ["weekday", "time", "24/7", "state", "comment"];
10162 var used_selectors = [];
10163 var used_selectors_types_array = [];
10164 var has_token = {};
10165 for (var nrule = 0; nrule < new_tokens.length; nrule++) {
10166 if (new_tokens[nrule][0].length === 0)
10167 continue;
10168 var selector_start_end_type = [0, 0, undefined];
10169 used_selectors[nrule] = {};
10170 used_selectors_types_array[nrule] = [];
10171 do {
10172 selector_start_end_type = getSelectorRange(new_tokens[nrule][0], selector_start_end_type[1]);
10173 for (var token_pos = 0; token_pos <= selector_start_end_type[1]; token_pos++) {
10174 if (typeof new_tokens[nrule][0][token_pos] === "object" && new_tokens[nrule][0][token_pos][0] === "PH") {
10175 has_token["PH"] = true
10176 }
10177 }
10178 if (selector_start_end_type[0] === selector_start_end_type[1] && new_tokens[nrule][0][selector_start_end_type[0]][0] === "24/7") {
10179 has_token["24/7"] = true
10180 }
10181 if (typeof used_selectors[nrule][selector_start_end_type[2]] !== "object") {
10182 used_selectors[nrule][selector_start_end_type[2]] = [selector_start_end_type[1]]
10183 } else {
10184 used_selectors[nrule][selector_start_end_type[2]].push(selector_start_end_type[1])
10185 }
10186 used_selectors_types_array[nrule].push(selector_start_end_type[2]);
10187 selector_start_end_type[1]++
10188 } while (selector_start_end_type[1] < new_tokens[nrule][0].length)
10189 }
10190 for (var nrule = 0; nrule < used_selectors.length; nrule++) {
10191 for (var selector_type in used_selectors[nrule]) {
10192 if (used_selectors[nrule][selector_type].length > 1) {
10193 parsing_warnings.push([nrule, used_selectors[nrule][selector_type][used_selectors[nrule][selector_type].length - 1], t("use multi", {
10194 count: used_selectors[nrule][selector_type].length,
10195 part2: selector_type.match(/^(?:comment|state)/) ? t("selector multi 2a", {
10196 what: selector_type === "state" ? t("selector state") : t("comments")
10197 }) : t("selector multi 2b", {
10198 what: t(selector_type + (selector_type.match(/^(?:month|weekday)$/) ? "s" : " ranges"))
10199 })
10200 })]);
10201 done_with_selector_reordering = true
10202 }
10203 }
10204 if (typeof used_selectors[nrule].state === "object" && Object.keys(used_selectors[nrule]).length === 1) {
10205 if (nrule !== 0) {
10206 parsing_warnings.push([nrule, new_tokens[nrule][0].length - 1, t("default state")])
10207 }
10208 } else if (typeof used_selectors[nrule].time === "undefined") {
10209 if (typeof used_selectors[nrule].state === "object" && new_tokens[nrule][0][used_selectors[nrule].state[0]][0] === "open" && typeof used_selectors[nrule].comment === "undefined" || typeof used_selectors[nrule].comment === "undefined" && typeof used_selectors[nrule].state === "undefined" && typeof used_selectors[nrule]["24/7"] === "undefined") {
10210 parsing_warnings.push([nrule, new_tokens[nrule][0].length - 1, t("vague")])
10211 }
10212 }
10213 if (typeof used_selectors[nrule].comment === "object" && new_tokens[nrule][0][used_selectors[nrule].comment[0]][0].length === 0) {
10214 parsing_warnings.push([nrule, used_selectors[nrule].comment[0], t("empty comment")])
10215 }
10216 for (var i = 0; i < used_selectors_types_array[nrule].length - 1; i++) {
10217 var selector_type = used_selectors_types_array[nrule][i];
10218 var next_selector_type = used_selectors_types_array[nrule][i + 1];
10219 if (wide_range_selector_order.indexOf(selector_type) !== -1 && wide_range_selector_order.indexOf(next_selector_type) !== -1 || small_range_selector_order.indexOf(selector_type) !== -1 && small_range_selector_order.indexOf(next_selector_type) !== -1) {
10220 if (new_tokens[nrule][0][used_selectors[nrule][selector_type][0]][0] === ":") {
10221 parsing_warnings.push([nrule, used_selectors[nrule][selector_type][0], t("separator_for_readability")])
10222 }
10223 }
10224 }
10225 if (typeof new_tokens[nrule][0][0] === "object" && new_tokens[nrule][0][0][0] === "," && new_tokens[nrule][0][0][1] === "rule separator" && typeof used_selectors[nrule].state === "object" && (new_tokens[nrule][0][used_selectors[nrule].state[0]][0] === "closed" || new_tokens[nrule][0][used_selectors[nrule].state[0]][0] === "off")) {
10226 }
10227 }
10228 var has_advanced = it.advance();
10229 if (has_advanced === true && has_token["24/7"] && !done_with_warnings) {
10230 parsing_warnings.push([-1, 0, t("strange 24/7")])
10231 }
10232 if (warnings_severity >= 5 && !has_token["PH"] && !has_token["24/7"] && !done_with_warnings && (typeof oh_key === "string" && osm_tag_defaults[oh_regex_key]["warn_for_PH_missing"] || typeof oh_key !== "string")) {
10233 var keys_with_warn_for_PH_missing = [];
10234 for (var key in osm_tag_defaults) {
10235 if (osm_tag_defaults[key]["warn_for_PH_missing"]) {
10236 keys_with_warn_for_PH_missing.push(key)
10237 }
10238 }
10239 parsing_warnings.push([-1, 0, t("public holiday", {
10240 part2: typeof oh_key !== "string" ? t("public holiday part2", {
10241 keys: keys_with_warn_for_PH_missing.join(", ")
10242 }) : ""
10243 })])
10244 }
10245 prettifyValue()
10246 }
10247 done_with_warnings = true;
10248 var warnings = [];
10249 for (var i = 0; i < parsing_warnings.length; i++) {
10250 warnings.push(formatWarnErrorMessage(parsing_warnings[i][0], parsing_warnings[i][1], parsing_warnings[i][2]))
10251 }
10252 return warnings
10253 }
10255 function tokenIsTheBeginOfSelector(tokens, at) {
10256 if (typeof tokens[at][3] === "string") {
10257 return 3
10258 } else if (tokens[at][1] === "comment" || tokens[at][1] === "state" || tokens[at][1] === "24/7" || tokens[at][1] === "rule separator") {
10259 return 1
10260 } else {
10261 return false
10262 }
10263 }
10265 function getSelectorRange(tokens, at) {
10266 var selector_start = at,
10267 selector_end, pos_in_token_array;
10268 for (; selector_start >= 0; selector_start--) {
10269 pos_in_token_array = tokenIsTheBeginOfSelector(tokens, selector_start);
10270 if (pos_in_token_array)
10271 break
10272 }
10273 selector_end = selector_start;
10274 if (pos_in_token_array === 1) {
10275 if (selector_end + 1 < tokens.length && tokens[selector_end + 1][0] === ":")
10276 selector_end++;
10277 return [selector_start, selector_end, tokens[selector_start][pos_in_token_array]]
10278 }
10279 for (selector_end++; selector_end < tokens.length; selector_end++) {
10280 if (tokenIsTheBeginOfSelector(tokens, selector_end))
10281 return [selector_start, selector_end - 1, tokens[selector_start][pos_in_token_array]]
10282 }
10283 return [selector_start, selector_end - 1, tokens[selector_start][pos_in_token_array]]
10284 }
10286 function prettifyValue(argument_hash) {
10287 var user_conf = {};
10288 var get_internals = false;
10289 var rule_index;
10290 prettified_value = "";
10291 var prettified_value_array = [];
10292 if (typeof argument_hash === "object") {
10293 if (typeof argument_hash.conf === "object") {
10294 user_conf = argument_hash.conf
10295 }
10296 if (typeof argument_hash.rule_index === "number") {
10297 rule_index = argument_hash.rule_index
10298 }
10299 if (argument_hash.get_internals === true) {
10300 get_internals = true
10301 }
10302 }
10303 for (var key in default_prettify_conf) {
10304 if (typeof user_conf[key] === "undefined") {
10305 user_conf[key] = default_prettify_conf[key]
10306 }
10307 }
10308 if (typeof moment !== "undefined" && typeof user_conf["locale"] === "string" && user_conf["locale"] !== "en") {
10309 var global_locale = moment.locale();
10310 moment.locale("en");
10311 var weekdays_en = moment.weekdaysMin();
10312 var months_en = moment.months().map(function (month) {
10313 return month.substr(0, 3)
10314 });
10315 moment.locale(user_conf["locale"]);
10316 var weekdays_local = moment.weekdaysMin();
10317 var months_local = moment.months().map(function (month) {
10318 return month.substr(0, 3)
10319 });
10320 moment.locale(global_locale)
10321 }
10322 for (var nrule = 0; nrule < new_tokens.length; nrule++) {
10323 if (new_tokens[nrule][0].length === 0)
10324 continue;
10325 if (typeof rule_index === "number") {
10326 if (rule_index !== nrule)
10327 continue
10328 } else {
10329 if (nrule !== 0)
10330 prettified_value += new_tokens[nrule][1] ? user_conf.rule_sep_string + "|| " : (new_tokens[nrule][0][0][1] === "rule separator" ? "," : user_conf.print_semicolon ? ";" : "") + user_conf.rule_sep_string
10331 }
10332 var selector_start_end_type = [0, 0, undefined];
10333 var prettified_group_value = [];
10334 var count = 0;
10335 do {
10336 selector_start_end_type = getSelectorRange(new_tokens[nrule][0], selector_start_end_type[1]);
10337 if (count > 50) {
10338 throw formatLibraryBugMessage("Infinite loop.")
10339 }
10340 if (selector_start_end_type[2] !== "rule separator") {
10341 prettified_group_value.push([selector_start_end_type, prettifySelector(new_tokens[nrule][0], selector_start_end_type[0], selector_start_end_type[1], selector_start_end_type[2], user_conf)])
10342 }
10343 selector_start_end_type[1]++;
10344 count++
10345 } while (selector_start_end_type[1] < new_tokens[nrule][0].length);
10346 var not_sorted_prettified_group_value = prettified_group_value.slice();
10347 if (!done_with_selector_reordering) {
10348 prettified_group_value.sort(function (a, b) {
10349 var selector_order = ["year", "month", "week", "holiday", "weekday", "time", "24/7", "state", "comment"];
10350 return selector_order.indexOf(a[0][2]) - selector_order.indexOf(b[0][2])
10351 })
10352 }
10353 var old_prettified_value_length = prettified_value.length;
10354 if (typeof user_conf["locale"] === "string" && user_conf["locale"] !== "en") {
10355 var global_locale = i18n.lng();
10356 if (global_locale !== user_conf["locale"]) {
10357 i18n.setLng(user_conf["locale"])
10358 }
10359 for (var i = 0; i < prettified_group_value.length; i++) {
10360 var type = prettified_group_value[i][0][2];
10361 if (type === "weekday") {
10362 for (var key in weekdays_en) {
10363 prettified_group_value[i][1] = prettified_group_value[i][1].replace(new RegExp(weekdays_en[key], "g"), weekdays_local[key])
10364 }
10365 } else if (type === "month") {
10366 for (var key in months_en) {
10367 prettified_group_value[i][1] = prettified_group_value[i][1].replace(new RegExp(months_en[key], "g"), months_local[key])
10368 }
10369 } else {
10370 prettified_group_value[i][1] = i18n.t(["opening_hours:pretty." + prettified_group_value[i][1], prettified_group_value[i][1]])
10371 }
10372 }
10373 if (global_locale !== locale) {
10374 i18n.setLng(global_locale)
10375 }
10376 }
10377 prettified_value += prettified_group_value.map(function (array) {
10378 return array[1]
10379 }).join(" ");
10380 prettified_value_array.push(prettified_group_value);
10381 if (!done_with_selector_reordering_warnings) {
10382 for (var i = 0, l = not_sorted_prettified_group_value.length; i < l; i++) {
10383 if (not_sorted_prettified_group_value[i] !== prettified_group_value[i]) {
10384 var length = i + old_prettified_value_length;
10385 for (var x = 0; x <= i; x++) {
10386 length += prettified_group_value[x][1].length
10387 }
10388 parsing_warnings.push([prettified_value, length, t("switched", {
10389 first: prettified_group_value[i][0][2],
10390 second: not_sorted_prettified_group_value[i][0][2]
10391 })])
10392 }
10393 }
10394 }
10395 }
10396 done_with_selector_reordering_warnings = true;
10397 if (get_internals) {
10398 return [prettified_value_array, new_tokens]
10399 } else {
10400 return prettified_value
10401 }
10402 }
10404 function matchTokens(tokens, at) {
10405 if (at + arguments.length - 2 > tokens.length)
10406 return false;
10407 for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length - 2; i++) {
10408 if (tokens[at + i][1] !== arguments[i + 2])
10409 return false
10410 }
10411 return true
10412 }
10414 function generateDateShifter(func, shift) {
10415 return function (date) {
10416 var res = func(new Date(date.getTime() + shift));
10417 if (typeof res[1] === "undefined")
10418 return res;
10419 return [res[0], new Date(res[1].getTime() - shift)]
10420 }
10421 }
10423 function parseGroup(tokens, at, selectors, nrule) {
10424 var rule_modifier_specified = false;
10425 var last_selector = [];
10426 while (at < tokens.length) {
10427 if (matchTokens(tokens, at, "weekday")) {
10428 at = parseWeekdayRange(tokens, at, selectors)
10429 } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, "24/7")) {
10430 selectors.time.push(function () {
10431 return [true]
10432 });
10433 at++
10434 } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, "holiday")) {
10435 if (matchTokens(tokens, at + 1, ",")) {
10436 at = parseHoliday(tokens, at, selectors, true)
10437 } else {
10438 at = parseHoliday(tokens, at, selectors, false)
10439 }
10440 week_stable = false
10441 } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, "month", "number") || matchTokens(tokens, at, "month", "weekday") || matchTokens(tokens, at, "year", "month", "number") || matchTokens(tokens, at, "year", "event") || matchTokens(tokens, at, "event")) {
10442 at = parseMonthdayRange(tokens, at, nrule);
10443 week_stable = false
10444 } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, "year")) {
10445 at = parseYearRange(tokens, at);
10446 week_stable = false
10447 } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, "month")) {
10448 at = parseMonthRange(tokens, at)
10449 } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, "week")) {
10450 tokens[at][3] = "week";
10451 at = parseWeekRange(tokens, at)
10452 } else if (at !== 0 && at !== tokens.length - 1 && tokens[at][0] === ":" && !(typeof last_selector[1] === "string" && last_selector[1] === "time")) {
10453 if (!done_with_warnings && matchTokens(tokens, at - 1, "holiday")) {
10454 parsing_warnings.push([nrule, at, t("no colon after", {
10455 token: tokens[at - 1][1]
10456 })])
10457 }
10458 at++
10459 } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, "number", "timesep") || matchTokens(tokens, at, "timevar") || matchTokens(tokens, at, "(", "timevar") || matchTokens(tokens, at, "number", "-")) {
10460 at = parseTimeRange(tokens, at, selectors, false);
10461 last_selector = [at, "time"]
10462 } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, "state")) {
10463 if (tokens[at][0] === "open") {
10464 selectors.meaning = true
10465 } else if (tokens[at][0] === "closed" || tokens[at][0] === "off") {
10466 selectors.meaning = false
10467 } else {
10468 selectors.meaning = false;
10469 selectors.unknown = true
10470 }
10471 rule_modifier_specified = true;
10472 at++;
10473 if (typeof tokens[at] === "object" && tokens[at][0] === ",")
10474 at = [at + 1]
10475 } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, "comment")) {
10476 selectors.comment = tokens[at][0];
10477 if (!rule_modifier_specified) {
10478 selectors.meaning = false;
10479 selectors.unknown = true
10480 }
10481 rule_modifier_specified = true;
10482 at++;
10483 if (typeof tokens[at] === "object" && tokens[at][0] === ",") {
10484 at = [at + 1]
10485 }
10486 } else if ((at === 0 || at === tokens.length - 1) && matchTokens(tokens, at, "rule separator")) {
10487 at++
10488 } else {
10489 var warnings = getWarnings();
10490 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at, t("unexpected token", {
10491 token: tokens[at][1]
10492 })) + (warnings ? " " + warnings.join("; ") : "")
10493 }
10494 if (typeof at === "object") {
10495 tokens[at[0] - 1][1] = "rule separator";
10496 break
10497 }
10498 if (typeof last_selector[0] === "number" && last_selector[0] !== at) {
10499 last_selector = []
10500 }
10501 }
10502 return at
10503 }
10505 function dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes) {
10506 return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), 0, minutes)
10507 }
10509 function dateAtNextWeekday(date, weekday) {
10510 var delta = weekday - date.getDay();
10511 return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate() + delta + (delta < 0 ? 7 : 0))
10512 }
10514 function indexOf(needle) {
10515 if (typeof Array.prototype.indexOf === "function") {
10516 indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf
10517 } else {
10518 indexOf = function (needle) {
10519 var i = -1,
10520 index = -1;
10521 for (i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
10522 if (this[i] === needle) {
10523 index = i;
10524 break
10525 }
10526 }
10527 return index
10528 }
10529 }
10530 return indexOf.call(this, needle)
10531 }
10533 function parseNumRange(tokens, at, func) {
10534 for (; at < tokens.length; at++) {
10535 if (matchTokens(tokens, at, "number", "-", "number")) {
10536 func(tokens[at][0], tokens[at + 2][0], at);
10537 at += 3
10538 } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, "-", "number")) {
10539 func(-tokens[at + 1][0], -tokens[at + 1][0], at);
10540 at += 2
10541 } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, "number")) {
10542 func(tokens[at][0], tokens[at][0], at);
10543 at++
10544 } else {
10545 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at + matchTokens(tokens, at, "-"), "Unexpected token in number range: " + tokens[at][1])
10546 }
10547 if (!matchTokens(tokens, at, ","))
10548 break
10549 }
10550 return at
10551 }
10553 function getConstrainedWeekday(tokens, at) {
10554 var number = 0;
10555 var endat = parseNumRange(tokens, at, function (from, to, at) {
10556 if (from === 0 || from < -5 || from > 5)
10557 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at, t("number -5 to 5"));
10558 if (from === to) {
10559 if (number !== 0)
10560 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at, t("one weekday constraint"));
10561 number = from
10562 } else {
10563 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at + 2, t("range constrained weekdays"))
10564 }
10565 });
10566 if (!matchTokens(tokens, endat, "]"))
10567 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, endat, t("expected", {
10568 symbol: "]"
10569 }));
10570 return [number, endat + 1]
10571 }
10573 function checkPeriod(at, period, period_type, parm_string) {
10574 if (done_with_warnings)
10575 return;
10576 if (period === 0) {
10577 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at, t("range zero", {
10578 type: period_type
10579 }))
10580 } else if (period === 1) {
10581 if (typeof parm_string === "string" && parm_string === "no_end_year")
10582 parsing_warnings.push([nrule, at, t("period one year+", {
10583 type: period_type
10584 })]);
10585 else
10586 parsing_warnings.push([nrule, at, t("period one", {
10587 type: period_type
10588 })])
10589 }
10590 }
10592 function getDateForConstrainedWeekday(year, month, weekday, constrained_weekday, add_days) {
10593 var tmp_date = dateAtNextWeekday(new Date(year, month + (constrained_weekday[0] > 0 ? 0 : 1), 1), weekday);
10594 tmp_date.setDate(tmp_date.getDate() + (constrained_weekday[0] + (constrained_weekday[0] > 0 ? -1 : 0)) * 7);
10595 if (typeof add_days === "object" && add_days[1])
10596 tmp_date.setDate(tmp_date.getDate() + add_days[0]);
10597 return tmp_date
10598 }
10600 function checkIfDateIsValid(month, day, nrule, at) {
10601 if (day < 1 || day > 31) {
10602 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at, t("month 31", {
10603 month: months[month]
10604 }))
10605 } else if ((month === 3 || month === 5 || month === 8 || month === 10) && day === 31) {
10606 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at, t("month 30", {
10607 month: months[month]
10608 }))
10609 } else if (month === 1 && day === 30) {
10610 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at, t("month feb", {
10611 month: months[month]
10612 }))
10613 }
10614 }
10616 function parseTimeRange(tokens, at, selectors, extended_open_end) {
10617 if (!extended_open_end)
10618 tokens[at][3] = "time";
10619 for (; at < tokens.length; at++) {
10620 var has_time_var_calc = [],
10621 has_normal_time = [];
10622 has_normal_time[0] = matchTokens(tokens, at, "number", "timesep", "number");
10623 has_time_var_calc[0] = matchTokens(tokens, at, "(", "timevar");
10624 var minutes_from, minutes_to;
10625 if (has_normal_time[0] || matchTokens(tokens, at, "timevar") || has_time_var_calc[0]) {
10626 var is_point_in_time = false;
10627 var has_open_end = false;
10628 var timevar_add = [0, 0];
10629 var timevar_string = [];
10630 var point_in_time_period;
10631 if (has_normal_time[0]) {
10632 minutes_from = getMinutesByHoursMinutes(tokens, nrule, at + has_time_var_calc[0])
10633 } else {
10634 timevar_string[0] = tokens[at + has_time_var_calc[0]][0];
10635 minutes_from = word_value_replacement[timevar_string[0]];
10636 if (has_time_var_calc[0]) {
10637 timevar_add[0] = parseTimevarCalc(tokens, at);
10638 minutes_from += timevar_add[0]
10639 }
10640 }
10641 var at_end_time = at + (has_normal_time[0] ? 3 : has_time_var_calc[0] ? 7 : 1) + 1;
10642 if (!matchTokens(tokens, at_end_time - 1, "-")) {
10643 if (matchTokens(tokens, at_end_time - 1, "+")) {
10644 has_open_end = true
10645 } else {
10646 if (oh_mode === 0) {
10647 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at + (has_normal_time[0] ? typeof tokens[at + 3] === "object" ? 3 : 2 : has_time_var_calc[0] ? 2 : typeof tokens[at + 1] === "object" ? 1 : 0), t("point in time", {
10648 calc: has_time_var_calc[0] ? t("calculation") + " " : "",
10649 libraryname: library_name
10650 }))
10651 } else {
10652 minutes_to = minutes_from + 1;
10653 is_point_in_time = true
10654 }
10655 }
10656 }
10657 if (has_open_end) {
10658 if (extended_open_end === 1) {
10659 minutes_from += minutes_in_day
10660 }
10661 if (minutes_from >= 22 * 60) {
10662 minutes_to = minutes_from + 8 * 60
10663 } else if (minutes_from >= 17 * 60) {
10664 minutes_to = minutes_from + 10 * 60
10665 } else {
10666 minutes_to = minutes_in_day
10667 }
10668 } else if (!is_point_in_time) {
10669 has_normal_time[1] = matchTokens(tokens, at_end_time, "number", "timesep", "number");
10670 has_time_var_calc[1] = matchTokens(tokens, at_end_time, "(", "timevar");
10671 if (!has_normal_time[1] && !matchTokens(tokens, at_end_time, "timevar") && !has_time_var_calc[1]) {
10672 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at_end_time - (typeof tokens[at_end_time] === "object" ? 0 : 1), t("time range continue"))
10673 } else {
10674 if (has_normal_time[1]) {
10675 minutes_to = getMinutesByHoursMinutes(tokens, nrule, at_end_time)
10676 } else {
10677 timevar_string[1] = tokens[at_end_time + has_time_var_calc[1]][0];
10678 minutes_to = word_value_replacement[timevar_string[1]]
10679 }
10680 if (has_time_var_calc[1]) {
10681 timevar_add[1] = parseTimevarCalc(tokens, at_end_time);
10682 minutes_to += timevar_add[1]
10683 }
10684 }
10685 }
10686 at = at_end_time + (is_point_in_time ? -1 : has_normal_time[1] ? 3 : has_time_var_calc[1] ? 7 : !has_open_end);
10687 if (matchTokens(tokens, at, "/", "number")) {
10688 if (matchTokens(tokens, at + 2, "timesep", "number")) {
10689 point_in_time_period = getMinutesByHoursMinutes(tokens, nrule, at + 1);
10690 at += 4
10691 } else {
10692 point_in_time_period = tokens[at + 1][0];
10693 at += 2;
10694 if (matchTokens(tokens, at, "timesep"))
10695 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at, t("period continue"))
10696 }
10697 if (oh_mode === 0) {
10698 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at - 1, t("time range mode", {
10699 libraryname: library_name
10700 }))
10701 }
10702 is_point_in_time = true
10703 } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, "+")) {
10704 parseTimeRange(tokens, at_end_time, selectors, minutes_to < minutes_from ? 1 : true);
10705 at++
10706 } else if (oh_mode === 1 && !is_point_in_time) {
10707 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at_end_time, t("point in time mode", {
10708 libraryname: library_name
10709 }))
10710 }
10711 if (typeof lat === "string") {
10712 if (!has_normal_time[0] || !(has_normal_time[1] || has_open_end || is_point_in_time)) {
10713 week_stable = false
10714 }
10715 } else {
10716 timevar_string = []
10717 }
10718 if (!extended_open_end && minutes_from >= minutes_in_day) {
10719 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at_end_time - 2, t("outside current day"))
10720 }
10721 if (minutes_to < minutes_from || has_normal_time[0] && has_normal_time[1] && minutes_from === minutes_to) {
10722 minutes_to += minutes_in_day
10723 }
10724 if (minutes_to > minutes_in_day * 2) {
10725 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at_end_time + (has_normal_time[1] ? 4 : has_time_var_calc[1] ? 7 : 1) - 2, t("two midnights"))
10726 }
10727 if (minutes_from === 0 && minutes_to === minutes_in_day) {
10728 selectors.time.push(function () {
10729 return [true]
10730 })
10731 } else {
10732 if (minutes_to > minutes_in_day) {
10733 selectors.time.push(function (minutes_from, minutes_to, timevar_string, timevar_add, has_open_end, is_point_in_time, point_in_time_period, extended_open_end) {
10734 return function (date) {
10735 var ourminutes = date.getHours() * 60 + date.getMinutes();
10736 if (timevar_string[0]) {
10737 var date_from = SunCalc.getTimes(date, lat, lon)[timevar_string[0]];
10738 minutes_from = date_from.getHours() * 60 + date_from.getMinutes() + timevar_add[0]
10739 }
10740 if (timevar_string[1]) {
10741 var date_to = SunCalc.getTimes(date, lat, lon)[timevar_string[1]];
10742 minutes_to = date_to.getHours() * 60 + date_to.getMinutes() + timevar_add[1];
10743 minutes_to += minutes_in_day
10744 } else if (is_point_in_time && typeof point_in_time_period !== "number") {
10745 minutes_to = minutes_from + 1
10746 }
10747 if (typeof point_in_time_period === "number") {
10748 if (ourminutes < minutes_from) {
10749 return [false, dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes_from)]
10750 } else if (ourminutes <= minutes_to) {
10751 for (var cur_min = minutes_from; ourminutes + point_in_time_period >= cur_min; cur_min += point_in_time_period) {
10752 if (cur_min === ourminutes) {
10753 return [true, dateAtDayMinutes(date, ourminutes + 1)]
10754 } else if (ourminutes < cur_min) {
10755 return [false, dateAtDayMinutes(date, cur_min)]
10756 }
10757 }
10758 }
10759 return [false, dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes_in_day)]
10760 } else {
10761 if (ourminutes < minutes_from)
10762 return [false, dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes_from)];
10763 else
10764 return [true, dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes_to), has_open_end, extended_open_end]
10765 }
10766 }
10767 }(minutes_from, minutes_to, timevar_string, timevar_add, has_open_end, is_point_in_time, point_in_time_period, extended_open_end));
10768 selectors.wraptime.push(function (minutes_from, minutes_to, timevar_string, timevar_add, has_open_end, point_in_time_period, extended_open_end) {
10769 return function (date) {
10770 var ourminutes = date.getHours() * 60 + date.getMinutes();
10771 if (timevar_string[0]) {
10772 var date_from = SunCalc.getTimes(date, lat, lon)[timevar_string[0]];
10773 minutes_from = date_from.getHours() * 60 + date_from.getMinutes() + timevar_add[0]
10774 }
10775 if (timevar_string[1]) {
10776 var date_to = SunCalc.getTimes(date, lat, lon)[timevar_string[1]];
10777 minutes_to = date_to.getHours() * 60 + date_to.getMinutes() + timevar_add[1]
10778 }
10779 if (typeof point_in_time_period === "number") {
10780 if (ourminutes <= minutes_to) {
10781 for (var cur_min = 0; ourminutes + point_in_time_period >= cur_min; cur_min += point_in_time_period) {
10782 if (cur_min === ourminutes) {
10783 return [true, dateAtDayMinutes(date, ourminutes + 1)]
10784 } else if (ourminutes < cur_min) {
10785 return [false, dateAtDayMinutes(date, cur_min)]
10786 }
10787 }
10788 }
10789 } else {
10790 if (ourminutes < minutes_to)
10791 return [true, dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes_to), has_open_end, extended_open_end]
10792 }
10793 return [false, undefined]
10794 }
10795 }(minutes_from, minutes_to - minutes_in_day, timevar_string, timevar_add, has_open_end, point_in_time_period, extended_open_end))
10796 } else {
10797 selectors.time.push(function (minutes_from, minutes_to, timevar_string, timevar_add, has_open_end, is_point_in_time, point_in_time_period) {
10798 return function (date) {
10799 var ourminutes = date.getHours() * 60 + date.getMinutes();
10800 if (timevar_string[0]) {
10801 var date_from = SunCalc.getTimes(date, lat, lon)[timevar_string[0]];
10802 minutes_from = date_from.getHours() * 60 + date_from.getMinutes() + timevar_add[0]
10803 }
10804 if (timevar_string[1]) {
10805 var date_to = SunCalc.getTimes(date, lat, lon)[timevar_string[1]];
10806 minutes_to = date_to.getHours() * 60 + date_to.getMinutes() + timevar_add[1]
10807 } else if (is_point_in_time && typeof point_in_time_period !== "number") {
10808 minutes_to = minutes_from + 1
10809 }
10810 if (typeof point_in_time_period === "number") {
10811 if (ourminutes < minutes_from) {
10812 return [false, dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes_from)]
10813 } else if (ourminutes <= minutes_to) {
10814 for (var cur_min = minutes_from; ourminutes + point_in_time_period >= cur_min; cur_min += point_in_time_period) {
10815 if (cur_min === ourminutes) {
10816 return [true, dateAtDayMinutes(date, ourminutes + 1)]
10817 } else if (ourminutes < cur_min) {
10818 return [false, dateAtDayMinutes(date, cur_min)]
10819 }
10820 }
10821 }
10822 return [false, dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes_in_day)]
10823 } else {
10824 if (ourminutes < minutes_from)
10825 return [false, dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes_from)];
10826 else if (ourminutes < minutes_to)
10827 return [true, dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes_to), has_open_end];
10828 else
10829 return [false, dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes_from + minutes_in_day)]
10830 }
10831 }
10832 }(minutes_from, minutes_to, timevar_string, timevar_add, has_open_end, is_point_in_time, point_in_time_period))
10833 }
10834 }
10835 } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, "number", "-", "number")) {
10836 minutes_from = tokens[at][0] * 60;
10837 minutes_to = tokens[at + 2][0] * 60;
10838 if (!done_with_warnings)
10839 parsing_warnings.push([nrule, at + 2, t("without minutes", {
10840 syntax: (tokens[at][0] < 10 ? "0" : "") + tokens[at][0] + ":00-" + (tokens[at + 2][0] < 10 ? "0" : "") + tokens[at + 2][0] + ":00"
10841 })]);
10842 if (minutes_from >= minutes_in_day)
10843 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at, t("outside day"));
10844 if (minutes_to < minutes_from)
10845 minutes_to += minutes_in_day;
10846 if (minutes_to > minutes_in_day * 2)
10847 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at + 2, t("two midnights"));
10848 if (minutes_to > minutes_in_day) {
10849 selectors.time.push(function (minutes_from, minutes_to) {
10850 return function (date) {
10851 var ourminutes = date.getHours() * 60 + date.getMinutes();
10852 if (ourminutes < minutes_from)
10853 return [false, dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes_from)];
10854 else
10855 return [true, dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes_to)]
10856 }
10857 }(minutes_from, minutes_to));
10858 selectors.wraptime.push(function (minutes_to) {
10859 return function (date) {
10860 var ourminutes = date.getHours() * 60 + date.getMinutes();
10861 if (ourminutes < minutes_to) {
10862 return [true, dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes_to)]
10863 } else {
10864 return [false, undefined]
10865 }
10866 }
10867 }(minutes_to - minutes_in_day))
10868 } else {
10869 selectors.time.push(function (minutes_from, minutes_to) {
10870 return function (date) {
10871 var ourminutes = date.getHours() * 60 + date.getMinutes();
10872 if (ourminutes < minutes_from)
10873 return [false, dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes_from)];
10874 else if (ourminutes < minutes_to)
10875 return [true, dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes_to), has_open_end];
10876 else
10877 return [false, dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes_from + minutes_in_day)]
10878 }
10879 }(minutes_from, minutes_to))
10880 }
10881 at += 3
10882 } else {
10883 if (matchTokens(tokens, at, "("))
10884 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at, 'Missing variable time (e.g. sunrise) after: "' + tokens[at][1] + '"');
10885 if (matchTokens(tokens, at, "number", "timesep"))
10886 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at + 1, 'Missing minutes in time range after: "' + tokens[at + 1][1] + '"');
10887 if (matchTokens(tokens, at, "number"))
10888 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at + (typeof tokens[at + 1] === "object" ? 1 : 0), 'Missing time separator in time range after: "' + tokens[at][1] + '"');
10889 return [at]
10890 }
10891 if (!matchTokens(tokens, at, ","))
10892 break
10893 }
10894 return at
10895 }
10897 function getMinutesByHoursMinutes(tokens, nrule, at) {
10898 if (tokens[at + 2][0] > 59)
10899 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at + 2, "Minutes are greater than 59.");
10900 return tokens[at][0] * 60 + tokens[at + 2][0]
10901 }
10903 function parseTimevarCalc(tokens, at) {
10904 var error;
10905 if (matchTokens(tokens, at + 2, "+") || matchTokens(tokens, at + 2, "-")) {
10906 if (matchTokens(tokens, at + 3, "number", "timesep", "number")) {
10907 if (matchTokens(tokens, at + 6, ")")) {
10908 var add_or_subtract = tokens[at + 2][0] === "+" ? "1" : "-1";
10909 var minutes = getMinutesByHoursMinutes(tokens, nrule, at + 3) * add_or_subtract;
10910 if (minutes === 0)
10911 parsing_warnings.push([nrule, at + 5, t("zero calculation")]);
10912 return minutes
10913 } else {
10914 error = [at + 6, ". " + t("missing", {
10915 symbol: ")"
10916 }) + "."]
10917 }
10918 } else {
10919 error = [at + 5, " " + t("(time)") + "."]
10920 }
10921 } else {
10922 error = [at + 2, ". " + t("expected", {
10923 symbol: '+" or "-'
10924 })]
10925 }
10926 if (error)
10927 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, error[0], t("calculation syntax") + error[1])
10928 }
10930 function parseWeekdayRange(tokens, at, selectors, in_holiday_selector) {
10931 if (!in_holiday_selector) {
10932 in_holiday_selector = true;
10933 tokens[at][3] = "weekday"
10934 }
10935 for (; at < tokens.length; at++) {
10936 if (matchTokens(tokens, at, "weekday", "[")) {
10937 var numbers = [];
10938 var endat = parseNumRange(tokens, at + 2, function (from, to, at) {
10939 if (from === 0 || from < -5 || from > 5)
10940 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at, t("number -5 to 5"));
10941 if (from === to) {
10942 numbers.push(from)
10943 } else if (from < to) {
10944 for (var i = from; i <= to; i++) {
10945 if (i === 0 || i < -5 || i > 5)
10946 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at + 2, t("number -5 to 5"));
10947 numbers.push(i)
10948 }
10949 } else {
10950 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at + 2, t("bad range", {
10951 from: from,
10952 to: to
10953 }))
10954 }
10955 });
10956 if (!matchTokens(tokens, endat, "]"))
10957 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, endat, t("] or more numbers"));
10958 var add_days = getMoveDays(tokens, endat + 1, 6, "constrained weekdays");
10959 week_stable = false;
10960 for (var nnumber = 0; nnumber < numbers.length; nnumber++) {
10961 selectors.weekday.push(function (weekday, number, add_days) {
10962 return function (date) {
10963 var date_num = getValueForDate(date, false);
10964 var start_of_this_month = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), 1);
10965 var start_of_next_month = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, 1);
10966 var target_day_this_month;
10967 target_day_this_month = getDateForConstrainedWeekday(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), weekday, [number]);
10968 var target_day_with_added_days_this_month = new Date(target_day_this_month.getFullYear(), target_day_this_month.getMonth(), target_day_this_month.getDate() + add_days);
10969 if (target_day_with_added_days_this_month.getTime() < start_of_this_month.getTime()) {
10970 if (target_day_this_month.getTime() >= start_of_this_month.getTime()) {
10971 target_day_with_added_days_this_month = dateAtNextWeekday(new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + (number > 0 ? 0 : 1) + 1, 1), weekday);
10972 target_day_this_month.setDate(target_day_with_added_days_this_month.getDate() + (number + (number > 0 ? -1 : 0)) * 7 + add_days)
10973 } else {
10974 return [false, start_of_next_month]
10975 }
10976 } else if (target_day_with_added_days_this_month.getTime() >= start_of_next_month.getTime()) {
10977 if (target_day_this_month.getTime() >= start_of_next_month.getTime())
10978 return [false, start_of_next_month]
10979 }
10980 var target_day_with_added_moved_days_this_month;
10981 if (add_days > 0) {
10982 target_day_with_added_moved_days_this_month = dateAtNextWeekday(new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + (number > 0 ? 0 : 1) - 1, 1), weekday);
10983 target_day_with_added_moved_days_this_month.setDate(target_day_with_added_moved_days_this_month.getDate() + (number + (number > 0 ? -1 : 0)) * 7 + add_days);
10984 if (date_num === getValueForDate(target_day_with_added_moved_days_this_month, false))
10985 return [true, dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes_in_day)]
10986 } else if (add_days < 0) {
10987 target_day_with_added_moved_days_this_month = dateAtNextWeekday(new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + (number > 0 ? 0 : 1) + 1, 1), weekday);
10988 target_day_with_added_moved_days_this_month.setDate(target_day_with_added_moved_days_this_month.getDate() + (number + (number > 0 ? -1 : 0)) * 7 + add_days);
10989 if (target_day_with_added_moved_days_this_month.getTime() >= start_of_next_month.getTime()) {
10990 if (target_day_with_added_days_this_month.getTime() >= start_of_next_month.getTime())
10991 return [false, target_day_with_added_moved_days_this_month]
10992 } else {
10993 if (target_day_with_added_days_this_month.getTime() < start_of_next_month.getTime() && getValueForDate(target_day_with_added_days_this_month, false) === date_num)
10994 return [true, dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes_in_day)];
10995 target_day_with_added_days_this_month = target_day_with_added_moved_days_this_month
10996 }
10997 }
10998 if (date.getDate() === target_day_with_added_days_this_month.getDate()) {
10999 return [true, dateAtDayMinutes(date, minutes_in_day)]
11000 }
11001 if (date.getDate() < target_day_with_added_days_this_month.getDate()) {
11002 return [false, target_day_with_added_days_this_month]
11003 }
11004 return [false, start_of_next_month]
11005 }
11006 }(tokens[at][0], numbers[nnumber], add_days[0]))
11007 }
11008 at = endat + 1 + add_days[1]
11009 } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, "weekday")) {
11010 var is_range = matchTokens(tokens, at + 1, "-", "weekday");
11011 var weekday_from = tokens[at][0];
11012 var weekday_to = is_range ? tokens[at + 2][0] : weekday_from;
11013 var inside = true;
11014 if (weekday_to < weekday_from) {
11015 var tmp = weekday_to;
11016 weekday_to = weekday_from - 1;
11017 weekday_from = tmp + 1;
11018 inside = false
11019 }
11020 if (weekday_to < weekday_from) {
11021 selectors.weekday.push(function () {
11022 return [true]
11023 })
11024 } else {
11025 selectors.weekday.push(function (weekday_from, weekday_to, inside) {
11026 return function (date) {
11027 var ourweekday = date.getDay();
11028 if (ourweekday < weekday_from || ourweekday > weekday_to) {
11029 return [!inside, dateAtNextWeekday(date, weekday_from)]
11030 } else {
11031 return [inside, dateAtNextWeekday(date, weekday_to + 1)]
11032 }
11033 }
11034 }(weekday_from, weekday_to, inside))
11035 }
11036 at += is_range ? 3 : 1
11037 } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, "holiday")) {
11038 week_stable = false;
11039 return parseHoliday(tokens, at, selectors, true, in_holiday_selector)
11040 } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at - 1, ",")) {
11041 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at - 1, t("additional rule no sense"))
11042 } else {
11043 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at, t("unexpected token weekday range", {
11044 token: tokens[at][1]
11045 }))
11046 }
11047 if (!matchTokens(tokens, at, ","))
11048 break
11049 }
11050 return at
11051 }
11053 function getMoveDays(tokens, at, max_differ, name) {
11054 var add_days = [0, 0];
11055 add_days[0] = matchTokens(tokens, at, "+") || (matchTokens(tokens, at, "-") ? -1 : 0);
11056 if (add_days[0] !== 0 && matchTokens(tokens, at + 1, "number", "calcday")) {
11057 if (tokens[at + 1][0] > max_differ)
11058 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at + 2, t("max differ", {
11059 maxdiffer: max_differ,
11060 name: name
11061 }));
11062 add_days[0] *= tokens[at + 1][0];
11063 if (add_days[0] === 0 && !done_with_warnings)
11064 parsing_warnings.push([nrule, at + 2, t("adding 0")]);
11065 add_days[1] = 3
11066 } else {
11067 add_days[0] = 0
11068 }
11069 return add_days
11070 }
11072 function parseHoliday(tokens, at, selectors, push_to_weekday, in_holiday_selector) {
11073 if (!in_holiday_selector) {
11074 if (push_to_weekday)
11075 tokens[at][3] = "weekday";
11076 else
11077 tokens[at][3] = "holiday"
11078 }
11079 for (; at < tokens.length; at++) {
11080 if (matchTokens(tokens, at, "holiday")) {
11081 if (tokens[at][0] === "PH") {
11082 var applying_holidays = getMatchingHoliday(tokens[at][0]);
11083 var add_days = getMoveDays(tokens, at + 1, 1, "public holiday");
11084 var selector = function (applying_holidays, add_days) {
11085 return function (date) {
11086 var holidays = getApplyingHolidaysForYear(applying_holidays, date.getFullYear(), add_days);
11087 var date_num = getValueForDate(date, true);
11088 for (var i = 0; i < holidays.length; i++) {
11089 var next_holiday_date_num = getValueForDate(holidays[i][0], true);
11090 if (date_num < next_holiday_date_num) {
11091 if (add_days[0] > 0) {
11092 var holidays_last_year = getApplyingHolidaysForYear(applying_holidays, date.getFullYear() - 1, add_days);
11093 var last_holiday_last_year = holidays_last_year[holidays_last_year.length - 1];
11094 var last_holiday_last_year_num = getValueForDate(last_holiday_last_year[0], true);
11095 if (date_num < last_holiday_last_year_num) {
11096 return [false, last_holiday_last_year[0]]
11097 } else if (date_num === last_holiday_last_year_num) {
11098 return [true, dateAtDayMinutes(last_holiday_last_year[0], minutes_in_day), "Day after " + last_holiday_last_year[1]]
11099 }
11100 }
11101 return [false, holidays[i][0]]
11102 } else if (date_num === next_holiday_date_num) {
11103 return [true, new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate() + 1), (add_days[0] > 0 ? "Day after " : add_days[0] < 0 ? "Day before " : "") + holidays[i][1]]
11104 }
11105 }
11106 if (add_days[0] < 0) {
11107 var holidays_next_year = getApplyingHolidaysForYear(applying_holidays, date.getFullYear() + 1, add_days);
11108 var first_holidays_next_year = holidays_next_year[0];
11109 var first_holidays_next_year_num = getValueForDate(first_holidays_next_year[0], true);
11110 if (date_num === first_holidays_next_year_num) {
11111 return [true, dateAtDayMinutes(first_holidays_next_year[0], minutes_in_day), "Day before " + first_holidays_next_year[1]]
11112 }
11113 }
11114 return [false, new Date(holidays[0][0].getFullYear() + 1, holidays[0][0].getMonth(), holidays[0][0].getDate())]
11115 }
11116 }(applying_holidays, add_days);
11117 if (push_to_weekday)
11118 selectors.weekday.push(selector);
11119 else
11120 selectors.holiday.push(selector);
11121 at += 1 + add_days[1]
11122 } else if (tokens[at][0] === "SH") {
11123 var applying_holidays = getMatchingHoliday(tokens[at][0]);
11124 var selector = function (applying_holidays) {
11125 return function (date) {
11126 var date_num = getValueForDate(date);
11127 for (var i = 0; i < applying_holidays.length; i++) {
11128 var holiday = getSHForYear(applying_holidays[i], date.getFullYear());
11129 for (var h = 0; h < holiday.length; h += 4) {
11130 var holiday_to_plus = new Date(date.getFullYear(), holiday[2 + h] - 1, holiday[3 + h] + 1);
11131 var holiday_from = (holiday[0 + h] - 1) * 100 + holiday[1 + h];
11132 var holiday_to = (holiday[2 + h] - 1) * 100 + holiday[3 + h];
11133 holiday_to_plus = getValueForDate(holiday_to_plus);
11134 var holiday_ends_next_year = holiday_to < holiday_from;
11135 if (date_num < holiday_from) {
11136 var last_year_holiday = getSHForYear(applying_holidays[applying_holidays.length - 1], date.getFullYear() - 1, false);
11137 if (typeof last_year_holiday === "object") {
11138 var last_year_holiday_from = (last_year_holiday[last_year_holiday.length - 4] - 1) * 100 + last_year_holiday[last_year_holiday.length - 3];
11139 var last_year_holiday_to = (last_year_holiday[last_year_holiday.length - 2] - 1) * 100 + last_year_holiday[last_year_holiday.length - 1];
11140 if (last_year_holiday_from > last_year_holiday_to && date_num <= last_year_holiday_to)
11141 return [true, new Date(date.getFullYear(), last_year_holiday[last_year_holiday.length - 2] - 1, last_year_holiday[last_year_holiday.length - 1] + 1), applying_holidays[applying_holidays.length - 1].name];
11142 else
11143 return [false, new Date(date.getFullYear(), holiday[0 + h] - 1, holiday[1 + h])]
11144 } else {
11145 return [false, new Date(date.getFullYear(), holiday[0 + h] - 1, holiday[1 + h])]
11146 }
11147 } else if (holiday_from <= date_num && (date_num < holiday_to_plus || holiday_ends_next_year)) {
11148 return [true, new Date(date.getFullYear() + holiday_ends_next_year, holiday[2 + h] - 1, holiday[3 + h] + 1), applying_holidays[i].name]
11149 } else if (holiday_to_plus === date_num) {
11150 if (h + 4 < holiday.length) {
11151 h += 4;
11152 return [false, new Date(date.getFullYear(), holiday[0 + h] - 1, holiday[1 + h])]
11153 } else {
11154 if (i + 1 === applying_holidays.length) {
11155 var holiday = getSHForYear(applying_holidays[0], date.getFullYear() + 1);
11156 return [false, new Date(date.getFullYear() + !holiday_ends_next_year, holiday[0 + h] - 1, holiday[1 + h])]
11157 } else {
11158 var holiday = getSHForYear(applying_holidays[i + 1], date.getFullYear());
11159 return [false, new Date(date.getFullYear(), holiday[0] - 1, holiday[1])]
11160 }
11161 }
11162 }
11163 }
11164 }
11165 return [false]
11166 }
11167 }(applying_holidays);
11168 if (push_to_weekday)
11169 selectors.weekday.push(selector);
11170 else
11171 selectors.holiday.push(selector);
11172 at += 1
11173 }
11174 } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, "weekday")) {
11175 return parseWeekdayRange(tokens, at, selectors, true)
11176 } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at - 1, ",")) {
11177 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at - 1, t("additional rule no sense"))
11178 } else {
11179 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at, t("unexpected token holiday", {
11180 token: tokens[at][1]
11181 }))
11182 }
11183 if (!matchTokens(tokens, at, ","))
11184 break
11185 }
11186 return at
11187 }
11189 function getValueForDate(date, include_year) {
11190 return (include_year ? date.getFullYear() * 1e4 : 0) + date.getMonth() * 100 + date.getDate()
11191 }
11193 function getSHForYear(SH_hash, year, fatal) {
11194 if (typeof fatal !== "boolean") {
11195 fatal = true
11196 }
11197 var holiday = SH_hash[year];
11198 if (typeof holiday === "undefined") {
11199 holiday = SH_hash["default"];
11200 if (typeof holiday === "undefined") {
11201 if (fatal) {
11202 throw formatLibraryBugMessage(t("no SH definition", {
11203 name: SH_hash.name,
11204 year: year,
11205 repository_url: repository_url
11206 }), "library bug PR only")
11207 } else {
11208 return undefined
11209 }
11210 }
11211 }
11212 return holiday
11213 }
11215 function getMatchingHoliday(type_of_holidays) {
11216 if (typeof location_cc === "string") {
11217 if (holiday_definitions.hasOwnProperty(location_cc)) {
11218 if (typeof location_state === "string" && typeof holiday_definitions[location_cc][location_state] === "object" && typeof holiday_definitions[location_cc][location_state][type_of_holidays] === "object") {
11219 return holiday_definitions[location_cc][location_state][type_of_holidays]
11220 } else if (holiday_definitions[location_cc][type_of_holidays]) {
11221 var applying_holidays_for_country = holiday_definitions[location_cc][type_of_holidays];
11222 var matching_holiday = {};
11223 switch (type_of_holidays) {
11224 case "PH":
11225 for (var holiday_name in applying_holidays_for_country) {
11226 if (typeof applying_holidays_for_country[holiday_name][2] === "object") {
11227 if (-1 !== applying_holidays_for_country[holiday_name][2].indexOf(location_state)) {
11228 matching_holiday[holiday_name] = applying_holidays_for_country[holiday_name]
11229 }
11230 } else {
11231 matching_holiday[holiday_name] = applying_holidays_for_country[holiday_name]
11232 }
11233 }
11234 break;
11235 case "SH":
11236 matching_holiday = applying_holidays_for_country;
11237 break
11238 }
11239 if (Object.keys(matching_holiday).length === 0) {
11240 throw formatLibraryBugMessage(t("no holiday definition", {
11241 name: type_of_holidays,
11242 cc: location_cc
11243 }), "library bug PR only")
11244 }
11245 return matching_holiday
11246 } else {
11247 throw formatLibraryBugMessage(t("no holiday definition state", {
11248 name: type_of_holidays,
11249 cc: location_cc,
11250 state: location_state
11251 }), "library bug PR only")
11252 }
11253 } else {
11254 throw formatLibraryBugMessage(t("no holiday definition", {
11255 name: type_of_holidays,
11256 cc: location_cc
11257 }), "library bug PR only")
11258 }
11259 } else {
11260 throw t("no country code")
11261 }
11262 }
11264 function getMovableEventsForYear(year) {
11265 var C = Math.floor(year / 100);
11266 var N = year - 19 * Math.floor(year / 19);
11267 var K = Math.floor((C - 17) / 25);
11268 var I = C - Math.floor(C / 4) - Math.floor((C - K) / 3) + 19 * N + 15;
11269 I = I - 30 * Math.floor(I / 30);
11270 I = I - Math.floor(I / 28) * (1 - Math.floor(I / 28) * Math.floor(29 / (I + 1)) * Math.floor((21 - N) / 11));
11271 var J = year + Math.floor(year / 4) + I + 2 - C + Math.floor(C / 4);
11272 J = J - 7 * Math.floor(J / 7);
11273 var L = I - J;
11274 var M = 3 + Math.floor((L + 40) / 44);
11275 var D = L + 28 - 31 * Math.floor(M / 4);
11276 var oA = year % 4;
11277 var oB = year % 7;
11278 var oC = year % 19;
11279 var oD = (19 * oC + 15) % 30;
11280 var oE = (2 * oA + 4 * oB - oD + 34) % 7;
11281 var oF = oD + oE;
11282 var oDate;
11283 if (oF < 9) {
11284 oDate = new Date(year, 4 - 1, oF + 4)
11285 } else {
11286 if (oF + 4 < 31) {
11287 oDate = new Date(year, 4 - 1, oF + 4)
11288 } else {
11289 oDate = new Date(year, 5 - 1, oF - 26)
11290 }
11291 }
11292 var lastFebruaryDay = new Date(year, 2, 0);
11293 var lastFebruarySunday = lastFebruaryDay.getDate() - lastFebruaryDay.getDay();
11294 var may_24 = new Date(year, 4, 24);
11295 var victoriaDay = 24 - (6 + may_24.getDay()) % 7;
11296 var july_1 = new Date(year, 6, 1);
11297 var canadaDay = july_1.getDay() === 0 ? 2 : 1;
11299 function firstWeekdayOfMonth(month, weekday) {
11300 var first = new Date(year, month, 1);
11301 return 1 + (7 + weekday - first.getDay()) % 7
11302 }
11304 function lastWeekdayOfMonth(month, weekday) {
11305 var last = new Date(year, month + 1, 0);
11306 var offset = (7 + last.getDay() - weekday) % 7;
11307 return last.getDate() - offset
11308 }
11310 function getDateOfWeekdayInDateRange(weekday, start_date) {
11311 var days_to_dest_date = weekday - start_date.getDay();
11312 if (days_to_dest_date < 0) {
11313 days_to_dest_date += 7
11314 }
11315 start_date.setDate(start_date.getDate() + days_to_dest_date);
11316 return start_date
11317 }
11318 return {
11319 easter: new Date(year, M - 1, D),
11320 "orthodox easter": oDate,
11321 victoriaDay: new Date(year, 4, victoriaDay),
11322 canadaDay: new Date(year, 6, canadaDay),
11323 firstJanuaryMonday: new Date(year, 0, firstWeekdayOfMonth(0, 1)),
11324 firstFebruaryMonday: new Date(year, 1, firstWeekdayOfMonth(1, 1)),
11325 lastFebruarySunday: new Date(year, 1, lastFebruarySunday),
11326 firstMarchMonday: new Date(year, 2, firstWeekdayOfMonth(2, 1)),
11327 firstAprilMonday: new Date(year, 3, firstWeekdayOfMonth(3, 1)),
11328 firstMayMonday: new Date(year, 4, firstWeekdayOfMonth(4, 1)),
11329 firstJuneMonday: new Date(year, 5, firstWeekdayOfMonth(5, 1)),
11330 firstJulyMonday: new Date(year, 6, firstWeekdayOfMonth(6, 1)),
11331 firstAugustMonday: new Date(year, 7, firstWeekdayOfMonth(7, 1)),
11332 firstSeptemberMonday: new Date(year, 8, firstWeekdayOfMonth(8, 1)),
11333 firstSeptemberSunday: new Date(year, 8, firstWeekdayOfMonth(8, 0)),
11334 firstOctoberMonday: new Date(year, 9, firstWeekdayOfMonth(9, 1)),
11335 firstNovemberMonday: new Date(year, 10, firstWeekdayOfMonth(10, 1)),
11336 firstMarchTuesday: new Date(year, 2, firstWeekdayOfMonth(2, 2)),
11337 firstAugustTuesday: new Date(year, 7, firstWeekdayOfMonth(7, 2)),
11338 firstAugustFriday: new Date(year, 7, firstWeekdayOfMonth(7, 5)),
11339 firstNovemberThursday: new Date(year, 10, firstWeekdayOfMonth(10, 4)),
11340 lastMayMonday: new Date(year, 4, lastWeekdayOfMonth(4, 1)),
11341 lastMarchMonday: new Date(year, 2, lastWeekdayOfMonth(2, 1)),
11342 lastAprilMonday: new Date(year, 3, lastWeekdayOfMonth(3, 1)),
11343 lastAprilFriday: new Date(year, 3, lastWeekdayOfMonth(3, 5)),
11344 lastOctoberFriday: new Date(year, 9, lastWeekdayOfMonth(9, 5)),
11345 nextSaturday20Jun: getDateOfWeekdayInDateRange(6, new Date(year, 5, 20)),
11346 nextSaturday31Oct: getDateOfWeekdayInDateRange(6, new Date(year, 9, 31)),
11347 nextWednesday16Nov: getDateOfWeekdayInDateRange(3, new Date(year, 10, 16))
11348 }
11349 }
11351 function getApplyingHolidaysForYear(applying_holidays, year, add_days) {
11352 var movableDays = getMovableEventsForYear(year);
11353 var sorted_holidays = [];
11354 var next_holiday;
11355 for (var holiday_name in applying_holidays) {
11356 if (typeof applying_holidays[holiday_name][0] === "string") {
11357 var selected_movableDay = movableDays[applying_holidays[holiday_name][0]];
11358 if (!selected_movableDay)
11359 throw t("movable no formula", {
11360 name: applying_holidays[holiday_name][0]
11361 });
11362 next_holiday = new Date(selected_movableDay.getFullYear(), selected_movableDay.getMonth(), selected_movableDay.getDate() + applying_holidays[holiday_name][1]);
11363 if (year !== next_holiday.getFullYear())
11364 throw t("movable not in year", {
11365 name: applying_holidays[holiday_name][0],
11366 days: applying_holidays[holiday_name][1]
11367 })
11368 } else {
11369 next_holiday = new Date(year, applying_holidays[holiday_name][0] - 1, applying_holidays[holiday_name][1])
11370 }
11371 if (add_days[0])
11372 next_holiday.setDate(next_holiday.getDate() + add_days[0]);
11373 sorted_holidays.push([next_holiday, holiday_name])
11374 }
11375 sorted_holidays = sorted_holidays.sort(function (a, b) {
11376 if (a[0].getTime() < b[0].getTime())
11377 return -1;
11378 if (a[0].getTime() > b[0].getTime())
11379 return 1;
11380 return 0
11381 });
11382 return sorted_holidays
11383 }
11385 function parseYearRange(tokens, at) {
11386 tokens[at][3] = "year";
11387 for (; at < tokens.length; at++) {
11388 if (matchTokens(tokens, at, "year")) {
11389 var is_range = false,
11390 has_period, period;
11391 if (matchTokens(tokens, at + 1, "-", "year", "/", "number")) {
11392 is_range = true;
11393 has_period = true;
11394 period = parseInt(tokens[at + 4][0]);
11395 checkPeriod(at + 4, period, "year")
11396 } else {
11397 is_range = matchTokens(tokens, at + 1, "-", "year");
11398 has_period = matchTokens(tokens, at + 1, "/", "number");
11399 if (has_period) {
11400 period = parseInt(tokens[at + 2][0]);
11401 checkPeriod(at + 2, period, "year", "no_end_year")
11402 } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at + 1, "+")) {
11403 period = 1;
11404 has_period = 2
11405 }
11406 }
11407 var year_from = parseInt(tokens[at][0]);
11408 if (is_range && tokens[at + 2][0] <= year_from) {
11409 if (tokens[at + 2][0] === year_from) {
11410 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at, t("year range one year", {
11411 year: year_from
11412 }))
11413 } else {
11414 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at, t("year range reverse"))
11415 }
11416 }
11417 if (!is_range && year_from < (new Date).getFullYear()) {
11418 parsing_warnings.push([nrule, at, t("year past")])
11419 }
11420 if (is_range && tokens[at + 2][0] < (new Date).getFullYear()) {
11421 parsing_warnings.push([nrule, at + 2, t("year past")])
11422 }
11423 selectors.year.push(function (tokens, at, year_from, is_range, has_period, period) {
11424 return function (date) {
11425 var ouryear = date.getFullYear();
11426 var year_to = is_range ? parseInt(tokens[at + 2][0]) : year_from;
11427 if (ouryear < year_from) {
11428 return [false, new Date(year_from, 0, 1)]
11429 } else if (has_period) {
11430 if (year_from <= ouryear) {
11431 if (is_range && ouryear > year_to)
11432 return [false];
11433 if (period > 0) {
11434 if ((ouryear - year_from) % period === 0) {
11435 return [true, new Date(ouryear + 1, 0, 1)]
11436 } else {
11437 return [false, new Date(ouryear + period - 1, 0, 1)]
11438 }
11439 }
11440 }
11441 } else if (is_range) {
11442 if (ouryear <= year_to)
11443 return [true, new Date(year_to + 1, 0, 1)]
11444 } else if (ouryear === year_from) {
11445 return [true]
11446 }
11447 return [false]
11448 }
11449 }(tokens, at, year_from, is_range, has_period, period));
11450 at += 1 + (is_range ? 2 : 0) + (has_period ? has_period === 2 ? 1 : 2 : 0)
11451 } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at - 1, ",")) {
11452 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at - 1, t("additional rule no sense"))
11453 } else {
11454 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at, t("unexpected token year range", {
11455 token: tokens[at][1]
11456 }))
11457 }
11458 if (!matchTokens(tokens, at, ","))
11459 break
11460 }
11461 return at
11462 }
11464 function parseWeekRange(tokens, at) {
11465 for (; at < tokens.length; at++) {
11466 if (matchTokens(tokens, at, "week")) {
11467 at++
11468 }
11469 if (matchTokens(tokens, at, "number")) {
11470 var is_range = matchTokens(tokens, at + 1, "-", "number"),
11471 period = 0;
11472 var week_from = tokens[at][0];
11473 var week_to = is_range ? tokens[at + 2][0] : week_from;
11474 if (week_from > week_to) {
11475 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at + 2, t("week range reverse"))
11476 }
11477 if (week_from < 1) {
11478 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at, t("week negative"))
11479 }
11480 if (week_to > 53) {
11481 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, is_range ? at + 2 : at, t("week exceed"))
11482 }
11483 if (is_range) {
11484 period = matchTokens(tokens, at + 3, "/", "number");
11485 if (period) {
11486 period = tokens[at + 4][0];
11487 if (period < 2) {
11488 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at + 4, t("week period less than 2", {
11489 weekfrom: week_from,
11490 weekto: week_to,
11491 period: period
11492 }))
11493 } else if (period > 26) {
11494 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at + 4, t("week period greater than 26", {
11495 weekfrom: week_from
11496 }))
11497 }
11498 }
11499 }
11500 if (week_stable && (!(week_from <= 1 && week_to >= 53) || period)) {
11501 week_stable = false
11502 }
11503 if (!period && week_from === 1 && week_to === 53) {
11504 selectors.week.push(function () {
11505 return [true]
11506 })
11507 } else {
11508 selectors.week.push(function (week_from, week_to, period) {
11509 return function (date) {
11510 var ourweek = getWeekNumber(date);
11511 if (ourweek < week_from) {
11512 return [false, getNextDateOfISOWeek(week_from, date)]
11513 }
11514 if (ourweek > week_to) {
11515 return [false, getNextDateOfISOWeek(week_from, date)]
11516 }
11517 if (period) {
11518 var in_period = (ourweek - week_from) % period === 0;
11519 if (in_period) {
11520 return [true, getNextDateOfISOWeek(ourweek + 1, date)]
11521 } else {
11522 return [false, getNextDateOfISOWeek(ourweek + period - 1, date)]
11523 }
11524 }
11525 return [true, getNextDateOfISOWeek(week_to === 53 ? 1 : week_to + 1, date)]
11526 }
11527 }(week_from, week_to, period))
11528 }
11529 at += 1 + (is_range ? 2 : 0) + (period ? 2 : 0)
11530 } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at - 1, ",")) {
11531 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at - 1, t("additional rule no sense"))
11532 } else {
11533 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at, t("unexpected token week range", {
11534 token: tokens[at][1]
11535 }))
11536 }
11537 if (!matchTokens(tokens, at, ","))
11538 break
11539 }
11540 return at
11541 }
11543 function getWeekNumber(d) {
11544 d = new Date(+d);
11545 d.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
11546 d.setDate(d.getDate() + 4 - (d.getDay() || 7));
11547 var yearStart = new Date(d.getFullYear(), 0, 1);
11548 return Math.ceil(((d - yearStart) / 864e5 + 1) / 7)
11549 }
11551 function getDateOfISOWeek(w, year) {
11552 var simple = new Date(year, 0, 1 + (w - 1) * 7);
11553 var dow = simple.getDay();
11554 var ISOweekStart = simple;
11555 if (dow <= 4)
11556 ISOweekStart.setDate(simple.getDate() - simple.getDay() + 1);
11557 else
11558 ISOweekStart.setDate(simple.getDate() + 8 - simple.getDay());
11559 return ISOweekStart
11560 }
11562 function getNextDateOfISOWeek(week, date) {
11563 var next_date;
11564 for (var i = -1; i <= 1; i++) {
11565 next_date = getDateOfISOWeek(week, date.getFullYear() + i);
11566 if (next_date.getTime() > date.getTime()) {
11567 return next_date
11568 }
11569 }
11570 throw formatLibraryBugMessage()
11571 }
11573 function parseMonthRange(tokens, at, push_to_monthday, in_selector) {
11574 if (!in_selector)
11575 tokens[at][3] = "month";
11576 for (; at < tokens.length; at++) {
11577 if (matchTokens(tokens, at, "month", "number") && !matchTokens(tokens, at + 2, "timesep", "number")) {
11578 return parseMonthdayRange(tokens, at, nrule, true)
11579 } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, "month")) {
11580 var is_range = matchTokens(tokens, at + 1, "-", "month");
11581 var month_from = tokens[at][0];
11582 var month_to = is_range ? tokens[at + 2][0] : month_from;
11583 if (is_range && week_stable) {
11584 if (month_from !== (month_to + 1) % 12)
11585 week_stable = false
11586 } else {
11587 week_stable = false
11588 }
11589 var inside = true;
11590 if (month_to < month_from) {
11591 var tmp = month_to;
11592 month_to = month_from - 1;
11593 month_from = tmp + 1;
11594 inside = false
11595 }
11596 var selector = function (month_from, month_to, inside) {
11597 return function (date) {
11598 var ourmonth = date.getMonth();
11599 if (month_to < month_from) {
11600 return [!inside]
11601 }
11602 if (ourmonth < month_from || ourmonth > month_to) {
11603 return [!inside, dateAtNextMonth(date, month_from)]
11604 } else {
11605 return [inside, dateAtNextMonth(date, month_to + 1)]
11606 }
11607 }
11608 }(month_from, month_to, inside);
11609 if (push_to_monthday === true)
11610 selectors.monthday.push(selector);
11611 else
11612 selectors.month.push(selector);
11613 at += is_range ? 3 : 1
11614 } else {
11615 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at, t("unexpected token month range", {
11616 token: tokens[at][1]
11617 }))
11618 }
11619 if (!matchTokens(tokens, at, ","))
11620 break
11621 }
11622 return at
11623 }
11625 function dateAtNextMonth(date, month) {
11626 return new Date(date.getFullYear(), month < date.getMonth() ? month + 12 : month)
11627 }
11629 function parseMonthdayRange(tokens, at, nrule, push_to_month) {
11630 if (!push_to_month)
11631 tokens[at][3] = "month";
11632 for (; at < tokens.length; at++) {
11633 var has_year = [],
11634 has_month = [],
11635 has_event = [],
11636 has_calc = [],
11637 has_constrained_weekday = [];
11638 has_year[0] = matchTokens(tokens, at, "year");
11639 has_month[0] = matchTokens(tokens, at + has_year[0], "month", "number");
11640 has_event[0] = matchTokens(tokens, at + has_year[0], "event");
11641 if (has_event[0])
11642 has_calc[0] = getMoveDays(tokens, at + has_year[0] + 1, 200, "event like easter");
11643 var at_range_sep;
11644 if (matchTokens(tokens, at + has_year[0], "month", "weekday", "[")) {
11645 has_constrained_weekday[0] = getConstrainedWeekday(tokens, at + has_year[0] + 3);
11646 has_calc[0] = getMoveDays(tokens, has_constrained_weekday[0][1], 6, "constrained weekdays");
11647 at_range_sep = has_constrained_weekday[0][1] + (typeof has_calc[0] === "object" && has_calc[0][1] ? 3 : 0)
11648 } else {
11649 at_range_sep = at + has_year[0] + (has_event[0] ? typeof has_calc[0] === "object" && has_calc[0][1] ? 4 : 1 : 2)
11650 }
11651 var at_sec_event_or_month;
11652 if ((has_month[0] || has_event[0] || has_constrained_weekday[0]) && matchTokens(tokens, at_range_sep, "-")) {
11653 has_year[1] = matchTokens(tokens, at_range_sep + 1, "year");
11654 at_sec_event_or_month = at_range_sep + 1 + has_year[1];
11655 has_month[1] = matchTokens(tokens, at_sec_event_or_month, "month", "number");
11656 if (!has_month[1]) {
11657 has_event[1] = matchTokens(tokens, at_sec_event_or_month, "event");
11658 if (has_event[1]) {
11659 has_calc[1] = getMoveDays(tokens, at_sec_event_or_month + 1, 366, "event like easter")
11660 } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at_sec_event_or_month, "month", "weekday", "[")) {
11661 has_constrained_weekday[1] = getConstrainedWeekday(tokens, at_sec_event_or_month + 3);
11662 has_calc[1] = getMoveDays(tokens, has_constrained_weekday[1][1], 6, "constrained weekdays")
11663 }
11664 }
11665 }
11666 if (has_year[0] === has_year[1] && (has_month[1] || has_event[1] || has_constrained_weekday[1])) {
11667 if (has_month[0])
11668 checkIfDateIsValid(tokens[at + has_year[0]][0], tokens[at + has_year[0] + 1][0], nrule, at + has_year[0] + 1);
11669 if (has_month[1])
11670 checkIfDateIsValid(tokens[at_sec_event_or_month][0], tokens[at_sec_event_or_month + 1][0], nrule, at_sec_event_or_month + 1);
11671 var selector = function (tokens, at, nrule, has_year, has_event, has_calc, at_sec_event_or_month, has_constrained_weekday) {
11672 return function (date) {
11673 var start_of_next_year = new Date(date.getFullYear() + 1, 0, 1);
11674 var movableDays, from_date;
11675 if (has_event[0]) {
11676 movableDays = getMovableEventsForYear(has_year[0] ? parseInt(tokens[at][0]) : date.getFullYear());
11677 from_date = movableDays[tokens[at + has_year[0]][0]];
11678 if (typeof has_calc[0] === "object" && has_calc[0][1]) {
11679 var from_year_before_calc = from_date.getFullYear();
11680 from_date.setDate(from_date.getDate() + has_calc[0][0]);
11681 if (from_year_before_calc !== from_date.getFullYear())
11682 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at + has_year[0] + has_calc[0][1] * 3, t("movable not in year", {
11683 name: tokens[at + has_year[0]][0],
11684 days: has_calc[0][0]
11685 }))
11686 }
11687 } else if (has_constrained_weekday[0]) {
11688 from_date = getDateForConstrainedWeekday(has_year[0] ? tokens[at][0] : date.getFullYear(), tokens[at + has_year[0]][0], tokens[at + has_year[0] + 1][0], has_constrained_weekday[0], has_calc[0])
11689 } else {
11690 from_date = new Date(has_year[0] ? tokens[at][0] : date.getFullYear(), tokens[at + has_year[0]][0], tokens[at + has_year[0] + 1][0])
11691 }
11692 var to_date;
11693 if (has_event[1]) {
11694 movableDays = getMovableEventsForYear(has_year[1] ? parseInt(tokens[at_sec_event_or_month - 1][0]) : date.getFullYear());
11695 to_date = movableDays[tokens[at_sec_event_or_month][0]];
11696 if (typeof has_calc[1] === "object" && has_calc[1][1]) {
11697 var to_year_before_calc = to_date.getFullYear();
11698 to_date.setDate(to_date.getDate() + has_calc[1][0]);
11699 if (to_year_before_calc !== to_date.getFullYear()) {
11700 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at_sec_event_or_month + has_calc[1][1], t("movable not in year", {
11701 name: tokens[at_sec_event_or_month][0],
11702 days: has_calc[1][0]
11703 }))
11704 }
11705 }
11706 } else if (has_constrained_weekday[1]) {
11707 to_date = getDateForConstrainedWeekday(has_year[1] ? tokens[at_sec_event_or_month - 1][0] : date.getFullYear(), tokens[at_sec_event_or_month][0], tokens[at_sec_event_or_month + 1][0], has_constrained_weekday[1], has_calc[1])
11708 } else {
11709 to_date = new Date(has_year[1] ? tokens[at_sec_event_or_month - 1][0] : date.getFullYear(), tokens[at_sec_event_or_month][0], tokens[at_sec_event_or_month + 1][0] + 1)
11710 }
11711 var inside = true;
11712 if (to_date < from_date) {
11713 var tmp = to_date;
11714 to_date = from_date;
11715 from_date = tmp;
11716 inside = false
11717 }
11718 if (date.getTime() < from_date.getTime()) {
11719 return [!inside, from_date]
11720 } else if (date.getTime() < to_date.getTime()) {
11721 return [inside, to_date]
11722 } else {
11723 if (has_year[0]) {
11724 return [!inside]
11725 } else {
11726 return [!inside, start_of_next_year]
11727 }
11728 }
11729 }
11730 }(tokens, at, nrule, has_year, has_event, has_calc, at_sec_event_or_month, has_constrained_weekday);
11731 if (push_to_month === true)
11732 selectors.month.push(selector);
11733 else
11734 selectors.monthday.push(selector);
11735 at = (has_constrained_weekday[1] ? has_constrained_weekday[1][1] : at_sec_event_or_month + (has_event[1] ? 1 : 2)) + (typeof has_calc[1] === "object" ? has_calc[1][1] : 0)
11736 } else if (has_month[0]) {
11737 has_year = has_year[0];
11738 var year = tokens[at][0];
11739 var month = tokens[at + has_year][0];
11740 var first_round = true;
11741 do {
11742 var range_from = tokens[at + 1 + has_year][0];
11743 var is_range = matchTokens(tokens, at + 2 + has_year, "-", "number");
11744 var period = undefined;
11745 var range_to = tokens[at + has_year + (is_range ? 3 : 1)][0] + 1;
11746 if (is_range && matchTokens(tokens, at + has_year + 4, "/", "number")) {
11747 period = tokens[at + has_year + 5][0];
11748 checkPeriod(at + has_year + 5, period, "day")
11749 }
11750 if (first_round) {
11751 var at_timesep_if_monthRange = at + has_year + 1 + (is_range ? 2 : 0) + (period ? 2 : 0) + !(is_range || period);
11752 if (matchTokens(tokens, at_timesep_if_monthRange, "timesep", "number") && (matchTokens(tokens, at_timesep_if_monthRange + 2, "+") || matchTokens(tokens, at_timesep_if_monthRange + 2, "-") || oh_mode !== 0)) {
11753 return parseMonthRange(tokens, at, true, true)
11754 }
11755 }
11756 if (range_to < range_from)
11757 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at + has_year + 3, t("day range reverse"));
11758 checkIfDateIsValid(month, range_from, nrule, at + 1 + has_year);
11759 checkIfDateIsValid(month, range_to - 1, nrule, at + has_year + (is_range ? 3 : 1));
11760 var selector = function (year, has_year, month, range_from, range_to, period) {
11761 return function (date) {
11762 var start_of_next_year = new Date(date.getFullYear() + 1, 0, 1);
11763 var from_date = new Date(has_year ? year : date.getFullYear(), month, range_from);
11764 if (month === 1 && range_from !== from_date.getDate())
11765 return [false];
11766 var to_date = new Date(from_date.getFullYear(), month, range_to);
11767 if (month === 1 && is_range && range_to !== to_date.getDate())
11768 return [false];
11769 if (date.getTime() < from_date.getTime())
11770 return [false, from_date];
11771 else if (date.getTime() >= to_date.getTime())
11772 return [false, start_of_next_year];
11773 else if (!period)
11774 return [true, to_date];
11775 var nday = Math.floor((date.getTime() - from_date.getTime()) / msec_in_day);
11776 var in_period = nday % period;
11777 if (in_period === 0)
11778 return [true, new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate() + 1)];
11779 else
11780 return [false, new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate() + period - in_period)]
11781 }
11782 }(year, has_year, month, range_from, range_to, period);
11783 if (push_to_month === true)
11784 selectors.month.push(selector);
11785 else
11786 selectors.monthday.push(selector);
11787 at += 2 + has_year + (is_range ? 2 : 0) + (period ? 2 : 0);
11788 first_round = false
11789 } while (matchTokens(tokens, at, ",", "number"))
11790 } else if (has_event[0]) {
11791 var selector = function (tokens, at, nrule, has_year, add_days) {
11792 return function (date) {
11793 var movableDays = getMovableEventsForYear(has_year ? tokens[at][0] : date.getFullYear());
11794 var event_date = movableDays[tokens[at + has_year][0]];
11795 if (!event_date)
11796 throw t("movable no formula", {
11797 name: tokens[at + has_year][0]
11798 });
11799 if (add_days[0]) {
11800 event_date.setDate(event_date.getDate() + add_days[0]);
11801 if (date.getFullYear() !== event_date.getFullYear())
11802 throw formatWarnErrorMessage(nrule, at + has_year + add_days[1], t("movable not in year", {
11803 name: tokens[at + has_year][0],
11804 days: add_days[0]
11805 }))
11806 }
11807 if (date.getTime() < event_date.getTime())
11808 return [false, event_date];
11809 else if (event_date.getMonth() * 100 + event_date.getDate() === date.getMonth() * 100 + date.getDate())
11810 return [true, new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate() + 1)];
11811 else
11812 return [false, new Date(date.getFullYear() + 1, 0, 1)]
11813 }
11814 }(tokens, at, nrule, has_year[0], has_calc[0]);
11815 if (push_to_month === true)
11816 selectors.month.push(selector);
11817 else
11818 selectors.monthday.push(selector);
11819 at += has_year[0] + has_event[0] + (typeof has_calc[0][1] === "number" && has_calc[0][1] ? 3 : 0)
11820 } else if (has_constrained_weekday[0]) {
11821 at = parseMonthRange(tokens, at)
11822 } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, "month")) {
11823 return parseMonthRange(tokens, at, true, true)
11824 } else {
11825 return at
11826 }
11827 if (!matchTokens(tokens, at, ","))
11828 break
11829 }
11830 return at
11831 }
11832 this.getStatePair = function (date) {
11833 var resultstate = false;
11834 var changedate;
11835 var unknown = false;
11836 var comment;
11837 var match_rule;
11838 var date_matching_rules = [];
11839 for (var nrule = 0; nrule < rules.length; nrule++) {
11840 var matching_date_rule = true;
11841 for (var ndateselector = 0; ndateselector < rules[nrule].date.length; ndateselector++) {
11842 var dateselectors = rules[nrule].date[ndateselector];
11843 var has_matching_selector = false;
11844 for (var datesel = 0; datesel < dateselectors.length; datesel++) {
11845 var res = dateselectors[datesel](date);
11846 if (res[0]) {
11847 has_matching_selector = true;
11848 if (typeof res[2] === "string") {
11849 comment = [res[2], nrule]
11850 }
11851 }
11852 if (typeof changedate === "undefined" || typeof res[1] === "object" && res[1].getTime() < changedate.getTime())
11853 changedate = res[1]
11854 }
11855 if (!has_matching_selector) {
11856 matching_date_rule = false;
11857 break
11858 }
11859 }
11860 if (matching_date_rule) {
11861 if ((rules[nrule].date.length > 0 || nrule > 0 && rules[nrule].meaning && rules[nrule - 1].date.length === 0) && (rules[nrule].meaning || rules[nrule].unknown) && !rules[nrule].wrapped && !rules[nrule].additional && !rules[nrule].fallback) {
11862 date_matching_rules = []
11863 }
11864 date_matching_rules.push(nrule)
11865 }
11866 }
11867 for (var nrule = 0; nrule < date_matching_rules.length; nrule++) {
11868 var rule = date_matching_rules[nrule];
11869 if (rules[rule].time.length === 0) {
11870 if (!rules[rule].fallback || rules[rule].fallback && !(resultstate || unknown)) {
11871 resultstate = rules[rule].meaning;
11872 unknown = rules[rule].unknown;
11873 match_rule = rule
11874 }
11875 }
11876 for (var timesel = 0; timesel < rules[rule].time.length; timesel++) {
11877 var res = rules[rule].time[timesel](date);
11878 if (res[0]) {
11879 if (!rules[rule].fallback || rules[rule].fallback && !(resultstate || unknown)) {
11880 resultstate = rules[rule].meaning;
11881 unknown = rules[rule].unknown;
11882 match_rule = rule;
11883 if (typeof comment === "object" && comment[0] === t("open end"))
11884 comment = undefined;
11885 if (res[2] === true && (resultstate || unknown)) {
11886 comment = [t("open end"), match_rule];
11887 resultstate = false;
11888 unknown = true;
11889 if (typeof rules[rule].time[timesel + 1] === "function") {
11890 var next_res = rules[rule].time[timesel + 1](date);
11891 if (!next_res[0] && typeof next_res[1] === "object" && rules[rule].time[timesel](new Date(date.getTime() - 1))[0]) {
11892 resultstate = false;
11893 unknown = false
11894 }
11895 }
11896 if (false && typeof rules[rule - 1] === "object" && rules[rule].build_from_token_rule.toString() === rules[rule - 1].build_from_token_rule.toString() && typeof rules[rule] === "object" && rules[rule].build_from_token_rule.toString() === rules[rule].build_from_token_rule.toString()) {
11897 var last_wrapping_time_selector = rules[rule].time[rules[rule].time.length - 1];
11898 var last_w_res = last_wrapping_time_selector(new Date(date.getTime() - 1));
11899 if (last_w_res[0] && typeof last_w_res[2] === "undefined" && (typeof last_w_res[2] === "undefined" || last_w_res[2] === false) && typeof last_w_res[1] === "object" && date.getTime() === last_w_res[1].getTime()) {
11900 resultstate = false;
11901 unknown = false
11902 }
11903 }
11904 }
11905 if (rules[rule].fallback) {
11906 if (typeof changedate === "undefined" || typeof res[1] !== "undefined" && res[1] < changedate) {
11907 changedate = res[1]
11908 }
11909 }
11910 }
11911 }
11912 if (typeof changedate === "undefined" || typeof res[1] === "object" && res[1] < changedate)
11913 changedate = res[1]
11914 }
11915 }
11916 if (typeof rules[match_rule] === "object" && typeof rules[match_rule].comment === "string") {
11917 comment = rules[match_rule].comment
11918 } else if (typeof comment === "object") {
11919 if (comment[1] === match_rule) {
11920 comment = comment[0]
11921 } else {
11922 comment = undefined
11923 }
11924 }
11925 return [resultstate, changedate, unknown, comment, match_rule]
11926 };
11928 function prettifySelector(tokens, selector_start, selector_end, selector_type, conf) {
11929 var prettified_value = "";
11930 var at = selector_start;
11931 while (at <= selector_end) {
11932 if (matchTokens(tokens, at, "weekday")) {
11933 if (!conf.leave_weekday_sep_one_day_betw && at - selector_start > 1 && (matchTokens(tokens, at - 1, ",") || matchTokens(tokens, at - 1, "-")) && matchTokens(tokens, at - 2, "weekday") && tokens[at][0] === (tokens[at - 2][0] + 1) % 7) {
11934 prettified_value = prettified_value.substring(0, prettified_value.length - 1) + conf.sep_one_day_between
11935 }
11936 prettified_value += weekdays[tokens[at][0]]
11937 } else if (at - selector_start > 0 && selector_type === "time" && matchTokens(tokens, at - 1, "timesep") && matchTokens(tokens, at, "number")) {
11938 prettified_value += (tokens[at][0] < 10 ? "0" : "") + tokens[at][0].toString()
11939 } else if (selector_type === "time" && conf.zero_pad_hour && at !== tokens.length && matchTokens(tokens, at, "number") && matchTokens(tokens, at + 1, "timesep")) {
11940 prettified_value += (tokens[at][0] < 10 ? tokens[at][0] === 0 && conf.one_zero_if_hour_zero ? "" : "0" : "") + tokens[at][0].toString()
11941 } else if (selector_type === "time" && at + 2 <= selector_end && matchTokens(tokens, at, "number") && matchTokens(tokens, at + 1, "-") && matchTokens(tokens, at + 2, "number")) {
11942 prettified_value += (tokens[at][0] < 10 ? tokens[at][0] === 0 && conf.one_zero_if_hour_zero ? "" : "0" : "") + tokens[at][0].toString();
11943 prettified_value += ":00-" + (tokens[at + 2][0] < 10 ? "0" : "") + tokens[at + 2][0].toString() + ":00";
11944 at += 2
11945 } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, "comment")) {
11946 prettified_value += '"' + tokens[at][0].toString() + '"'
11947 } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, "closed")) {
11948 prettified_value += conf.leave_off_closed ? tokens[at][0] : conf.keyword_for_off_closed
11949 } else if (at - selector_start > 0 && matchTokens(tokens, at, "number") && (matchTokens(tokens, at - 1, "month") && selector_type === "month" || matchTokens(tokens, at - 1, "week") && selector_type === "week")) {
11950 prettified_value += " " + (conf.zero_pad_month_and_week_numbers && tokens[at][0] < 10 ? "0" : "") + tokens[at][0]
11951 } else if (at - selector_start > 0 && matchTokens(tokens, at, "month") && matchTokens(tokens, at - 1, "year")) {
11952 prettified_value += " " + months[[tokens[at][0]]]
11953 } else if (at - selector_start > 0 && matchTokens(tokens, at, "event") && matchTokens(tokens, at - 1, "year")) {
11954 prettified_value += " " + tokens[at][0]
11955 } else if (matchTokens(tokens, at, "month")) {
11956 prettified_value += months[[tokens[at][0]]];
11957 if (at + 1 <= selector_end && matchTokens(tokens, at + 1, "weekday"))
11958 prettified_value += " "
11959 } else if (at + 2 <= selector_end && (matchTokens(tokens, at, "-") || matchTokens(tokens, at, "+")) && matchTokens(tokens, at + 1, "number", "calcday")) {
11960 prettified_value += " " + tokens[at][0] + tokens[at + 1][0] + " day" + (Math.abs(tokens[at + 1][0]) === 1 ? "" : "s");
11961 at += 2
11962 } else if (at === selector_end && selector_type === "weekday" && tokens[at][0] === ":") {
11963 } else {
11964 prettified_value += tokens[at][0].toString()
11965 }
11966 at++
11967 }
11968 return prettified_value
11969 }
11970 this.getState = function (date) {
11971 var it = this.getIterator(date);
11972 return it.getState()
11973 };
11974 this.getUnknown = function (date) {
11975 var it = this.getIterator(date);
11976 return it.getUnknown()
11977 };
11978 this.getStateString = function (date, past) {
11979 var it = this.getIterator(date);
11980 return it.getStateString(past)
11981 };
11982 this.getComment = function (date) {
11983 var it = this.getIterator(date);
11984 return it.getComment()
11985 };
11986 this.getMatchingRule = function (date) {
11987 var it = this.getIterator(date);
11988 return it.getMatchingRule()
11989 };
11990 this.getWarnings = function () {
11991 var it = this.getIterator();
11992 return getWarnings(it)
11993 };
11994 this.prettifyValue = function (argument_hash) {
11995 this.getWarnings();
11996 return prettifyValue(argument_hash)
11997 };
11998 this.getNextChange = function (date, maxdate) {
11999 var it = this.getIterator(date);
12000 if (!it.advance(maxdate))
12001 return undefined;
12002 return it.getDate()
12003 };
12004 this.isWeekStable = function () {
12005 return week_stable
12006 };
12007 this.isEqualTo = function (second_oh_object, start_date) {
12008 if (typeof start_date === "undefined") {
12009 var start_date = new Date
12010 }
12011 var datelimit;
12012 if (this.isWeekStable() && second_oh_object.isWeekStable()) {
12013 datelimit = new Date(start_date.getTime() + msec_in_day * 10)
12014 } else {
12015 datelimit = new Date(start_date.getTime() + msec_in_day * 366 * 5)
12016 }
12017 var first_it = this.getIterator(start_date);
12018 var second_it = second_oh_object.getIterator(start_date);
12019 while (first_it.advance(datelimit)) {
12020 second_it.advance(datelimit);
12021 var not_equal = [];
12022 if (first_it.getDate().getTime() !== second_it.getDate().getTime()) {
12023 not_equal.push("getDate")
12024 }
12025 if (first_it.getState() !== second_it.getState()) {
12026 not_equal.push("getState")
12027 }
12028 if (first_it.getUnknown() !== second_it.getUnknown()) {
12029 not_equal.push("getUnknown")
12030 }
12031 if (first_it.getComment() !== second_it.getComment()) {
12032 not_equal.push("getComment")
12033 }
12034 if (not_equal.length) {
12035 var deviation_for_time = {};
12036 deviation_for_time[first_it.getDate().getTime()] = not_equal;
12037 return [false, {
12038 matching_rule: first_it.getMatchingRule(),
12039 matching_rule_other: second_it.getMatchingRule(),
12040 deviation_for_time: deviation_for_time
12041 }]
12042 }
12043 }
12044 return [true]
12045 };
12046 this.getOpenIntervals = function (from, to) {
12047 var res = [];
12048 var it = this.getIterator(from);
12049 if (it.getState() || it.getUnknown()) {
12050 res.push([from, undefined, it.getUnknown(), it.getComment()])
12051 }
12052 while (it.advance(to)) {
12053 if (it.getState() || it.getUnknown()) {
12054 if (res.length !== 0 && typeof res[res.length - 1][1] === "undefined") {
12055 res[res.length - 1][1] = it.getDate()
12056 }
12057 res.push([it.getDate(), undefined, it.getUnknown(), it.getComment()])
12058 } else {
12059 if (res.length !== 0 && typeof res[res.length - 1][1] === "undefined") {
12060 res[res.length - 1][1] = it.getDate()
12061 }
12062 }
12063 }
12064 if (res.length > 0 && typeof res[res.length - 1][1] === "undefined") {
12065 res[res.length - 1][1] = to
12066 }
12067 return res
12068 };
12069 this.getOpenDuration = function (from, to) {
12070 var open = 0;
12071 var unknown = 0;
12072 var it = this.getIterator(from);
12073 var prevdate = it.getState() || it.getUnknown() ? from : undefined;
12074 var prevstate = it.getState();
12075 var prevunknown = it.getUnknown();
12076 while (it.advance(to)) {
12077 if (it.getState() || it.getUnknown()) {
12078 if (typeof prevdate === "object") {
12079 if (prevunknown)
12080 unknown += it.getDate().getTime() - prevdate.getTime();
12081 else if (prevstate)
12082 open += it.getDate().getTime() - prevdate.getTime()
12083 }
12084 prevdate = it.getDate();
12085 prevstate = it.getState();
12086 prevunknown = it.getUnknown()
12087 } else {
12088 if (typeof prevdate === "object") {
12089 if (prevunknown)
12090 unknown += it.getDate().getTime() - prevdate.getTime();
12091 else
12092 open += it.getDate().getTime() - prevdate.getTime();
12093 prevdate = undefined
12094 }
12095 }
12096 }
12097 if (typeof prevdate === "object") {
12098 if (prevunknown)
12099 unknown += to.getTime() - prevdate.getTime();
12100 else
12101 open += to.getTime() - prevdate.getTime()
12102 }
12103 return [open, unknown]
12104 };
12105 this.getIterator = function (date) {
12106 return new function (oh) {
12107 if (typeof date === "undefined")
12108 date = new Date;
12109 var prevstate = [undefined, date, undefined, undefined, undefined];
12110 var state = oh.getStatePair(date);
12111 this.getDate = function () {
12112 return prevstate[1]
12113 };
12114 this.setDate = function (date) {
12115 if (typeof date !== "object")
12116 throw t("date parameter needed");
12117 prevstate = [undefined, date, undefined, undefined, undefined];
12118 state = oh.getStatePair(date)
12119 };
12120 this.getState = function () {
12121 return state[0]
12122 };
12123 this.getUnknown = function () {
12124 return state[2]
12125 };
12126 this.getStateString = function (past) {
12127 return state[0] ? "open" : state[2] ? "unknown" : past ? "closed" : "close"
12128 };
12129 this.getComment = function () {
12130 return state[3]
12131 };
12132 this.getMatchingRule = function () {
12133 if (typeof state[4] === "undefined")
12134 return undefined;
12135 return rules[state[4]].build_from_token_rule[2]
12136 };
12137 this.advance = function (datelimit) {
12138 if (typeof datelimit === "undefined") {
12139 datelimit = new Date(prevstate[1].getTime() + msec_in_day * 366 * 5)
12140 } else if (datelimit.getTime() <= prevstate[1].getTime()) {
12141 return false
12142 }
12143 do {
12144 if (typeof state[1] === "undefined") {
12145 return false
12146 }
12147 if (state[1].getTime() <= prevstate[1].getTime()) {
12148 throw "Fatal: infinite loop in nextChange"
12149 }
12150 if (state[1].getTime() >= datelimit.getTime()) {
12151 return false
12152 }
12153 prevstate = state;
12154 state = oh.getStatePair(prevstate[1])
12155 } while (state[0] === prevstate[0] && state[2] === prevstate[2] && state[3] === prevstate[3]);
12156 return true
12157 }
12158 }(this)
12159 }
12160 }
12161 })
12162 }, {
12163 "./locales/core": 1,
12164 moment: "moment",
12165 suncalc: 2
12166 }]
12167}, {}, []);