
Opened 6 weeks ago

Closed 6 weeks ago

Last modified 5 weeks ago

#23627 closed enhancement (fixed)

Show map features with localized names also for chinese language

Reported by: Lepus Owned by: Lepus
Priority: normal Milestone: 24.04
Component: Core Version: latest
Keywords: map render language Cc:


Displaying localized names on the map will make localization checking much easier and make it easier to edit areas in non-native languages.

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comment:1 by stoecker, 6 weeks ago

Owner: changed from team to Lepus
Status: newneedinfo

Thanks for your report, however your ticket is incomplete and therefore not helpful in its current form.

Please add all needed information according to this list:

  • The required parts of the Status Report from your JOSM.
  • Describe what behaviour you expected.
  • Describe what did happen instead.
  • Describe if and how the issue is reproducible.
  • Add any relevant information like error messages or screenshots.

To ensure that all technical relevant information is contained, create new tickets by clicking in JOSMs Main Menu on Helpsource:trunk/resources/images/bug.svg Report Bug.

Describe an exact use case and your settings. JOSM display localized names for many many years now.

comment:2 by Lepus, 6 weeks ago

This means displaying localized names on the map, not just in the window box. Also, it would be better if you could choose a localized language code, because some languages ​​have more than one language code, such as zh, zh-Hant, zh-Hant-HK are all available language codes.

comment:3 by stoecker, 6 weeks ago

As said: The map DOES show your local language first and afterwards default names. Simply change your interface language and you will get other texts when available.

If you don't provide exact use case and the information I requested I'll close this ticket as wontfix.

Version 0, edited 6 weeks ago by stoecker (next)

comment:4 by Lepus, 6 weeks ago

I know why. There are only two Chinese interface languages: zh_CN and zh_TW. However, name:zh_TW and name:zh_CN are not legal tags. What is actually used is name:zh-Hans or name:zh-Hans-CN for zh_CN, name:zh-Hant or name:zh-Hant-TW for zh_TW. This results in Chinese names not being displayed as expected.

comment:5 by stoecker, 6 weeks ago

Please explain the different values to me. What's zh-Hans and zh-Hans-CN. Should they both be displayed? In which order when both exist? I also assume that all 4 should be displayed?

Like (first is highest, last lowest priority)
zh_CN: name:zh-Hans, name:zh-Hans-CN, name:zh-Hant, name:zh-Hant-TW
zh_TW: name:zh-Hant, name:zh-Hant-TW, name:zh-Hans, name:zh-Hans-CN

comment:6 by Lepus, 6 weeks ago

zh-Hans and zh-Hant are simplified and traditional variants of no specific region. Language codes with region include zh-Hans-CN and zh-Hans-SG for simplified Chinese, zh-Hant-TW, zh-Hant-HK and zh-Hant-CN for traditional Chinese.
Since there are no regional differences in most cases, language codes without regions are more often used, and codes with regions are only used when there are regional differences.
So the priority (first is highest, last lowest) can be
zh_CN: name:zh-Hans-CN,name:zh-Hans,name:zh
zh_TW: name:zh-Hant-TW,name:zh-Hant,name:zh

comment:7 by stoecker, 6 weeks ago

I started implementing this. Note that the order is "name:zh-Hans-CN,name:zh-Hans,name:zh,name". I thought it would be better to add the other one before name "name:zh-Hans-CN,name:zh-Hans,name:zh,name:zh-Hant-TW,name:zh-Hant,name". You don't think so?

comment:8 by stoecker, 6 weeks ago

In 19045/josm:

support language keys not following the naming of languages in JOSM, allow more than one language specific code, see #23627

comment:9 by stoecker, 6 weeks ago

Milestone: 24.04

comment:10 by stoecker, 6 weeks ago

In 19046/josm:

typo in javadoc, see #23627

comment:11 by stoecker, 6 weeks ago

Summary: Add option to show map features with localized namesShow map features with localized names also for chinese language

in reply to:  7 comment:12 by Lepus, 6 weeks ago

Replying to stoecker:

I started implementing this. Note that the order is "name:zh-Hans-CN,name:zh-Hans,name:zh,name". I thought it would be better to add the other one before name "name:zh-Hans-CN,name:zh-Hans,name:zh,name:zh-Hant-TW,name:zh-Hant,name". You don't think so?

Since there are several region codes but they are rarely used, it is unlikely that name:zh-Hans-CN and zh-Hant-TW appear alone.
It may be useful to add the following three language codes in Korea and Vietnam.
zh_CN: "name:zh-Hans-CN,name:zh-Hans,name:zh,name:zh-Hant,name:lzh,name:ko-Hani,name:vi-Hani,name"
zh_TW: "name:zh-Hant-TW,name:zh-Hant,name:zh,name:lzh,name:ko-Hani,name:zh-Hans,name:vi-Hani,name"
If regional variants are also added, it will be
zh_CN: "name:zh-Hans-CN,name:zh-Hans,name:zh,name:zh-Hant,name:zh-Hant-HK,name:zh-Hant-TW,name:lzh,name:ko-Hani,name:vi-Hani,name"
zh_TW: "name:zh-Hant-TW,name:zh-Hant,name:zh-Hant-HK,name:zh,name:lzh,name:ko-Hani,name:zh-Hans,name:zh-Hans-CN,name:vi-Hani,name"

comment:13 by stoecker, 6 weeks ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: needinfoclosed

I think that's too much. I'll leave it as is for now. Please open a new ticket after some testing when you still think it needs adapting.

P.S. For personal changes you can manually adapt mappaint.nameOrder variable in expert settings.

comment:14 by Lepus, 6 weeks ago

I forgot to mention one thing, does this not affect the name in the window? Currently only name:zh is displayed, which may also require adaptation.

comment:15 by stoecker, 5 weeks ago

Please when referring to anything provide an example, how it looks and what you would expect. I'm not active in Chinese area and typically can't distinguish the writing, because for me these are only fancy lines and not more (like all the other scripts around the world except for Latin and Cyrillic :-). Best give a small area and exactly describe expectations and current state.

comment:16 by Lepus, 5 weeks ago

I have set the above name code in mappaint.nameOrder and it works on the map. But in the tag window, selection window, relation window, and relation edit window, all the feature names shown have nothing to do with the values ​​I set. As long as I set the JOSM language to one of the two Chinese, only name:zh is displayed in these windows, and I expect they can also use name fields mentioned above such as name:zh-Hant. Will the changes you've made affect this?

comment:17 by stoecker, 5 weeks ago

In 19070/josm:

see #23627 - use getOSMLocaleCodes also for naming primitives

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