Custom Query (1207 matches)


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Results (101 - 200 of 1207)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#5381 mouse cursor not always what it should be reopened dieterdreist defect normal
#5404 OSM-API-close and HTTP-Request-Pipelining don't work over some proxies - JOSM must be restarted for further edits reopened Fabi2 defect normal
#5421 Please make SimplifyArea plugin to be part of the JOSM core new team enhancement normal
#5439 Implement ability to hide selected object new team enhancement normal
#5446 Ineffective upload when uploading by parts new team defect normal
#5466 purge doesn't delete the info about downloaded areas new team defect normal
#5493 Visualize implicit turn restrictions new team enhancement normal
#5619 "update data" does not find conflicts new team defect normal
#5662 display timestamp of individual GPX trackpoints reopened team enhancement normal
#5686 Combining ways while having relation editor open causes invalid link new team defect normal
#5694 (patch needs rework) two more select modes new team enhancement normal
#5700 synchronise individual entities until upload succeeds new team enhancement normal
#5706 [Patch needs rework] Role Verification Warnings reopened team defect normal
#5710 Confirmation question undo to wrong place (more than 20 object) new team defect normal
#5746 Implement "if-unused" osmChange API feature for outside BBOX nodes new team enhancement normal
#5846 AssertionError when undoing PurgeCommand new team defect normal
#5855 Simplifying way sometimes leaves a stray node new team defect normal
#5879 Force purge nodes with tags along way reopened team enhancement normal
#5900 Presets: combo box styled element to setting the key to a fixed predefined value new ce enhancement normal
#6095 Rescan conflicts when tags change new team enhancement normal
#6146 Hatch entire data layers without download bounds new team enhancement normal
#6160 filter doesn't work as expected on multipolygon relations new team defect normal
#6164 Warning about failed data update after upload new team enhancement normal
#6182 add an option not to show all existing values in the 'change value dialog' new team enhancement normal
#6184 "Save/Upload" question is sometimes asked when not necessary and sometimes not asked when necessary new team defect normal
#6283 Namespaces should be collapsible in the tag list new team enhancement normal
#6286 custom names for filters new team enhancement normal
#6319 More information and options on error 410 pop up (deleted object) new team enhancement normal
#6337 Add option to download incomplete multipolygons new team enhancement normal
#6338 Better display of incomplete multipolygons new team enhancement normal
#6378 Improve sorting order for tag edit dialogs new team enhancement normal
#6384 Uncaught OsmTransferCancelledException new team defect normal
#6390 Streetname completion from external list new team enhancement normal
#6396 (Experimental PATCH) Allow plugins to be reloaded without restart reopened olejorgenb enhancement normal
#6401 offer option to orthogonalize a building based on selected nodes, not just the way new team enhancement normal
#6494 Hitting "Abort"-button within API request takes no effect. new team defect normal
#6754 Allow automatic panning new team enhancement normal
#6756 When relation downloading is incomplete, none is saved new team defect normal
#6766 selection highlighting does not honor the ALT key (cycle nearby) new xeen defect normal
#6864 Can't "download along" a pure waypoints gpx file / marker layer / geotagged images layer new enhancement normal
#6870 Increase Readability of Available Presets new team enhancement normal
#6920 sorting error relations of participants new team defect normal
#6973 New function: Break apart intersecting areas new enhancement normal
#6980 no horizonzal scrollbars in conflict resolution new team defect normal
#6990 Preset: option to allow to enter user-defined value with multiselection (WAS: cuisine tag entry form should allow to enter any value, not only pick from list) new ce enhancement normal
#7000 multiple ways uploaded on time out new team defect normal
#7012 Handle relation membership in "create multipolygon" new team enhancement normal
#7037 [WIP PATCH] Median of gps tracks new Bjoeni enhancement normal
#7063 Early selection makes it hard to duplicate the last (tagged) node of a way at a specified distance new team defect normal
#7096 resizing objects consecutively behaves unexpectedly new team defect normal
#7140 Improvements for /capabilities at startup new team enhancement normal
#7148 Nodes that are not selectable are posible select via selection history new team defect normal
#7190 allow disabling of highlighting/cursor changes new team defect normal
#7308 Syntax highlighting in search dialog new team enhancement normal
#7317 Cycle list is different for middle-click and Alt+click reopened team defect normal
#7328 building_tools -> core? reopened team enhancement normal
#7330 Place in relation list is lost when switching layers new team defect normal
#7336 Snapping and unglueing in Improve Way Accuracy mode new team enhancement normal
#7364 Search snippets for frequently used sub-queries new team enhancement normal
#7443 JOSM claims that there are incomplete nodes in a way when there isn't when updating new team defect normal
#7451 download incomplete members in background new team enhancement normal
#7487 option to auto-save the current osm file after upload new team enhancement normal
#7489 [patch needs rework] Undo merge and download actions new team enhancement normal
#7492 Add tabular history view new team enhancement normal
#7503 make target highlighting not feel sluggish new team defect normal
#7513 [Patch] Warn non-experts when combining ways with conflicting tags or ways being part of relations reopened team enhancement normal
#7537 Load history-data in background new team enhancement normal
#7571 Lasso needs no-snap mode new team enhancement normal
#7614 preferences.xml: invalid XML character / reference to entity reopened team defect normal
#7621 DataIntegrityProblemException: 'Deleted member referenced' after adding ways to relation new team defect normal
#7628 confirmation on way combine for relation turn_restriction new team defect normal
#7651 Alignment granularity for 30 and 45 degree angles new team enhancement normal
#7669 consecutive rotates behave unexpectedly new team defect normal
#7681 not all relation gaps are detected new team defect normal
#7772 Statusbar could show number of new/modified/deleted nodes/ways/relations new team enhancement normal
#7806 reorganize tools menus new team enhancement normal
#7815 Trouble with the size of windows when displaying an alert new team defect normal
#7826 conflict dialogue bottom buttons half hidden new team defect normal
#7831 Suggestion: Login button new team enhancement normal
#7869 delete while edit tag dialog opens results in unhandled exception new team defect normal
#7887 unobtrusive node squares and black on white servers issue new team enhancement normal
#8057 Improved filter new team enhancement normal
#8152 Automatically split too large bounding boxes on "Update data" new team enhancement normal
#8177 Preset <check> and <combo> to set several keys in one check new team enhancement normal
#8207 Detect captive portals new team enhancement normal
#8244 autocomplete nearby roads also in relation window new team enhancement normal
#8253 JOSM stalls changing projection with open piclayer + importimage layer new team defect normal
#8265 unwanted move action new team defect normal
#8269 [Patch WIP] Maven support new team enhancement normal
#8308 JOSM should display a setup assistant / "getting started" wizard on first run new team enhancement normal
#8367 Searching markers in gpx files new team enhancement normal
#8390 [Patch draft] save conflicts to file new team enhancement normal
#8407 Add checkbox to 'merge selected' dialog box to remove merged objects from source layer new team enhancement normal
#8440 Edit width of the Ruler and/or add Photoshop-like Rulers possible? new team enhancement normal
#8443 Improve reverse way user interface new team enhancement normal
#8456 can't run validator while downloading traces in background new team defect normal
#8464 Grid Layer for JOSM new team enhancement normal
#8489 IllegalStateException deleting some nodes new team defect normal
#8559 unhide toggle dialog buttons should not hide contents of focused dialog reopened team enhancement normal
#8591 consecutive identical nodes in ways new team defect normal
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.